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Funny / Crash Bandicoot 4: It's About Time

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Zoinks, Crash!

Main Game

  • One of Crash's new idle animations is to take a selfie. Seems like Coco's fondness of them grew on him.
  • When you clear a stage and are shown the result screen, you're given the option to continue or retry the level. If you're playing as Crash and pointing to the former, he's all set to go. Point to the latter and he's… less than enthused, his expression just screaming, "Seriously? You wanna make me do that again?!" while chuckling nervously. If the player selects it anyway, he'll flash a resigned smile towards the player as if to say, "Alright then, it's our funeral..." as he bounds off. Especially appropriate for the harder levels.
    • Coco's is a bit more subtle. When pointing toward the next level, she's using both arms to present it like "Eh, eh?". Point at the latter, and it's just one arm and her expression reads "Uh, sure I guess we can do that again."
    • Tawna's reaction to retrying the level is just as good, having an expression that says "...Really?".
      • Her reaction to continuing on after completing Rush Hour has her give a "Rock on!" hand sign (complete with sticking out her tongue) before she runs off.
    • Ironically, Dingodile's has him more than excited to go back. As in, "Hey, I'm down with some more destruction if you are!" levels of excitement.
    • Cortex makes his feelings very clear to the player on his screen: he'll grin and do a goofy flourish with his mustache if the player continues; but if the player points towards Retry, he'll clutch his blaster towards the left with a scowl towards the fourth wall that reads "Don't you do it!" Selecting it anyway will have the doctor throw up his hands in exasperation with the player before running off.
  • The game begins with Cortex seemingly having Crash at his mercy and gloating before going in for the final strike. And then it's revealed that it's just a doll of Crash he made to beat up on.
  • How many times have Uka-Uka & N. Tropy tried and failed to break out of the prison dimension? TWENTY-TWO. note 
  • "I won't sit idly by and listen to your inane ramblings for another decade! And the way you chew..."
  • After escaping the rift, we see N. Tropy and Cortex back in one of his labs. N. Tropy monologuing how their new plan can't fail while Cortex is just bored. As if he knows this song and dance at this point and can't care less, making a "Blah, blah, blah" motion while N. Tropy is talking and quickly stops when Tropy looks at him. Even when N. Brio and N. Gin come in stating their plans to help them, Cortex is barely listening as he works on a machine and waves them off, telling them to "have fun with your laser guns or whatever".
  • Crash's reaction when the monster of the first "chase level" looms over him and Lani-Loli before attacking: first he's frozen in shock, then his jaw drops and he starts hyper-ventilating as Lani-Loli flees screaming.
  • The Running Gag of some sort of misfortune befalling Crash upon entering a new dimension. This goes on until the duo reach the final level, Cortex Island, where Crash doesn't get hurt at all there, much to his delight.
  • After finding Lani-Loli and coming across one of the Quantum Rifts, Lani urges the siblings and Aku-Aku that they have to close them before "some putz with big evil plan and an even bigger ego" tries to take advantage of it to do "something monumentally stupid". After arriving in the first world, they're instantly greeted by N. Gin.
    Lani-Loli: (Wearily) Behold, the aforementioned putz.
    • Crash, Coco, and Aku's reaction when Lani-Loli first mentions the possibility of one such "putz". They just know what's bound to happen. Que Gilligan Cut to Cortex scratching his ass.
    • Becomes even funnier when you realize that Lani-Loli is basically describing the characters his voice actor normally plays.
  • When the siblings find Kupuna-Wa, she immediately showers them with affection like a kindly grandmother, and even kisses Crash on his forehead, making him faint.
  • Upon arriving in "The 11th Dimension" and "Snow Way Out". The group are greeted by a hologram of Cortex challenging them to get to the top of the mountain. Lani-Loli questions how many times the Bandicoots have fought Cortex. Coco simply answers "Three" and Crash nods. The mask then notes "Funny. Seemed like more."
  • In Cortex's version of Snow Way Out ("Ship Happens"), the mad scientist sings this to himself:
    Cortex: On a cold winter's night, have yourself a bite...of bandicoot stew!
    • From the same level, the reason that Cortex sets off his trap too early? He sneezed from the cold and accidentally hit the button.
  • To be frank, the very premise of Dingodile's subplot is enough for a laugh: while the Bandicoots are trying to restore the multiverse and Cortex's forces are trying to conquer it, all Dingodile really wants is his diner back.
  • N. Brio, in the final round of his first phase, introduces the players to the N. Verted stage mechanic by shifting reality with one of his potions. What does he say to christen this new avenue to explore even more dimensions?
  • When Crash and Coco meet alternate-Tawna for the first time, Crash gives her a once over from multiple angles (even from above), with the bandicoot woman casually bopping him on the head in response.
  • A new death animation for the futuristic levels involves your character being grabbed by a robotic recycling bin and then promptly being tossed into it. On the bright side, their corpse will at least be recycled into something useful.
    • If Coco is killed by one of these, it bounces her around like a ball a few times before throwing her into the bin.
    • If you go out of your way, you can find one of those robots as Dingodile. If they grab him, they toss him in, only for him to get his fat ass stuck at the opening, leaving his tail comically sticking out and the robot damaged and distraught.
    • If the robot grabs Tawna, it will dangle her upside down by her leg while she just gives a sulky resigned look before getting thrown in. One of few times Tawna has a more comedic response than the other goofier characters.
  • Dingodile's introduction sees him in a commercial for his diner. Fairly standard until the narrator starts going down the "Disclaimer" list in a rapid-fire manner. Even when Dingodile sees bats about to blow up his diner and sets off to stop them, the narrator is still going as he heads out the door.
    Disclaimer Narrator: Food served at Dingo's Diner may not meet the legal definition of 'food'. Consume at your own risk. Side effects of dining at Dingo's diner may include fatigue, increased body odor, risk-seeking behavior, thinking too much about your uncle, increased hunger, decreased hunger, alienation from friends and family, skin irritation, ennui, leaky orifices, oozing orifices, glowing orifices, additional orifices, gas, wumpa cheeks, remembering that girl from high school — what's she up to? Do you think she's happy? And profuse vomiting. No shirts, no shoes, no bats!
  • This lovely Looney Tunes reference sung by Cortex in his first boss battle: "Kill the bandicoot, crush the bandicoot, smash in its head!"
  • After Crash beats Cortex in the middle of the game, he has a Villainous Breakdown.
    Cortex: Blasted bandicoots. (Groans) Must we keep going around and around like this? (Crawls to Crash and shakes him) Tell me, Crash, is this all there is, forever?
    (Crash shrugs and gives him a "I don't know, you tell me?" expression)
    • Afterward N. Tropy reveals that he was scheming behind Cortex's back and plots to remake all of creation, prompting an Enemy Mine between Cortex and the Bandicoots. Coco's naturally wary of it, but Crash... just gives the doctor a hug. Both silly and yet heartwarming.
  • This:
    Cortex: Wiped from existence by that pompous peacock?! I'd like to see him try after I shove that tuning fork up his—
    Coco: But, not if we get to him first.
  • After joining up with Crash, Cortex joins him on the rail to the Eggipus dimension, only to fall off and land in another part of the dimension.
  • At the start of "Out For Launch", Crash, Coco, and Cortex meet up with Dingodille and Tawna (who explain why they're there). The group see on a monitor N. Tropy and his female alternate counterpart bossing around Nitros Oxide to get them to the Rift Maker, all the while gloating about how their plan is coming together and naturally complimenting the other until they're suddenly flirting with each other. Yes, you read that well, they are so narcissistic that they don't love anyone but themselves... literally! Poor Oxide, who's in between them, just cringes uncomfortably. Coco reacts with a childish disgusted expression, Cortex is stunned by this scene, Tawna simply says "barf", Crash doesn't know what to make of any of it, and Dingodile... is just laughing it up at the sight and elbows Crash.
  • Your reward for collecting all the Bumpa Berries during the N. Tropy boss fight: Multiple Woah Crashes appear from nowhere and cover the screen while doing their trademark noise. There's even a Coco variant if you're playing as her. It's funny in how abruptly it happens, as well the surprise from such a thing being referenced at all.
  • After beating the N. Tropys, the next level's objective... is just to get something for the heroes to eat as a celebration for beating them, in future timeline of all places.
  • Many of Cortex's quarrels with his past self are pretty hilarious, as he constantly tries convincing himself that he's from the future, only to be accused of being an "imposter".
    • At the start of the level, past Cortex describes the "imposter" to his minions over the PA system.
      Past Cortex: Listen up, lackeys! There's an imposter me on the loose! Identical in appearance: beady eyes, lips like two overripe bananas, skin like a jaundiced mole rat, a bona fide ten!
    • At one point, past Cortex starts mocking his future self.
      Present Cortex: Please listen to me!
      Past Cortex: "Please listen to me!"
      Present Cortex: Agh, rude!
      Past Cortex: "Ooh, ruuude!"
      Present Cortex: Uh... I'm a stubborn moron who's gonna destroy his own future!
      Past Cortex: "Ugh, I'm a stubborn mor-" hey, wait a minute!
    • When Cortex attempts to convince past N. Brio of his predicament, all the latter can do is retreat in confusion.
      Past Cortex: N. Brio, quickly! Remote this fraud's hologram access!
      N. Brio: Uh, um...
      Present Cortex: No N. Brio, I'm no fraud, I'm from the future!
      Past Cortex: N. Brio, do you not recognize your own master? I'm the real Cortex!
      Present Cortex: No N. Brio, I am!
      N. Brio (panicking): Uh, uh... DING DONG, DING DONG! Oh my, sounds like the doorbell! I'd better go see who it is!
    • And then it comes to a head when the heroes catch up to see that he locked his past self in a cage.
      Cortex: Do you have any idea how stubborn I used to be?
      Aku Aku and Coco: Yes.
      (Crash nods)
  • After being banished to the end of the universe, Cortex surprisingly takes it very well, happily relaxing as if he's at the beach as tropical music plays.
  • The 100% ending for the game is a "Where Are They Now?" Epilogue in the same vein as the 100% ending in the original game, showing us what the characters have done after the game:
    • N. Gin gave up heavy metal for a career in smooth jazz. His first album "My Heart is a Doomsday Device" is number one in elevators and hotel bars.
    • N. Brio, still stuck in his pterodactyl form, was caught and caged in Ripper Roo's "Curious Cabinet of Curiosity", under the Taxidermy exhibit after being mistaken for a flying squirrel.
    • Nitros Oxide, who has now become addicted to caffeine, became the spokesperson of a brand of energy drinks; but is currently in rehab, and "the throes of a messy divorce".
    • Cortex's lab assistants turned his blimp into a pop-up shop selling healing crystals.
    • Dingodile's Diner became the most popular in casual chain dining, before closing overnight due to a record case in health code violations. The original location is still open, however.
    • Tawna went globetrotting and scrapbooking; not that she's good at the latter, "but she's getting there". The still also shows her relaxing in front of an active volcano. The narrator also reveals she had a brief fling with "some dweeb named Smathan Trake."
    • Coco took up e-sports racing as "Kickass Coco" after failing to invent the first self-flying flying car.
    • Oh, and the smooth-talking narrator of the ending? It's Crash.
    • Unfortunately, it takes a dark turn when Cortex's peace is interrupted by the arrival of Uka-Uka.
  • Most of the dialogue from the Flashback Tapes is either this or surprisingly heartwarming.
    • In "Wumpa Affinity Test":
      Cortex: N. Brio! Bring me a wumpa fruit. The bandicoot's obsession with them has given me a hankering.
      N. Brio: But, uh, master... your allergy!
      Cortex: Oh, it's fine. You can clean it!
      N. Brio: Augh...
    • The tests that Coco takes supervised under N. Gin are particularly hilarious since the doctor thinks she's a cat, even after Cortex insists she's a bandicoot.
      N. Gin: Yes, nice bowl of milk waiting for when Subject completes the test.
      Cortex: Ughhh.
    • How Coco escapes from Cortex Castle in "The Gauntlet". It turns out Cortex accidentally set up her latest test in a room with a secret escape hatch, and then was stupid enough to inform her of this over the intercom. Adding to the amusement, he seems to take Coco's escape a lot better than he did Crash's.
      Cortex: Well, there goes another one. We should really get that escape hatch sealed.
  • The Floaty skin that can be unlocked straight-up turns Crash and Coco into balloon animals. Better yet, they deflate when pricked by an enemy or obstacle, similarly to one of Warped's death animations.
  • The credits, where some guy provides a hilariously rapid-fire legal disclaimer and that goes on and on until he eventually has to catch a breath (or twice).
    This game has been a work of fiction. Any similarity to any marsupials, talking masks, dingo-alligator hybrids, or even science guys with weirdly-shaped heads, living or dead, is purely coincidental. You should not have played this game if you suffer from: wumpa allergy, crash rash, fear of alternate dimensions, fear of moving platforms, fear of still platforms, fear of sequels, fear of squishy noises, fear of bouncy noises, fear of superscience, fear of collecting things, fear of 90's nostalgia, inability to comprehend time paradoxes, inability to forgive those who have wronged you, inability to pick a restaurant when someone ask you what you're hungry for, inability to remember where you parked, or a delicate tummy. For more information on bandicoots and their diet, habitat, mating habits, birthday wishlist, and shoe sizes, visit the local library or ask your grandma. I don't know if she has any prior experiences with bandicoots but she's very wise and I'm sure she'd love to hear from you. The makers of this game do not in any way endorse eating a Dingodile's Diner, which has been known to cause transdimensional discharge, intestinal rifts, wumpa whooping cough, parasitic slime boil, random teleportation to darker timelines, and uncontrollable mewing like a kitty-cat during important business meetings. (long pant) Any unauthorized exhibition, distribution, or duplication of this game will result in very hurt feelings and why would you want to hurt our feelings? We've always said really nice things about you. We even said your new haircut looked great, even though it was kind of a weird length for you. Guests to Crash Bandicoot stay at N. Sane Beach Suites, which is just a log with some moss on it. The moss is really soft, though, so you should be able to get a good night sleep. What, are you too good to sleep on a log? Sorry, your majesty, I suppose you want a continental breakfast instead of a handful of ants that make their nest under the tree. Geez, Louise, there's no pleasing some people! Can you give me a minute? (long pant) Okay, I'm ready to go again. The events of this game are absolutely 100% canonical, unless you didn't like them. In that case, it was all just a dream.
  • There's something funny about the fact that Lani-Loli tells everyone to get Crash off him when he ends up stuck to his face after escaping the monster at the beginning.
  • During the game, you can switch into another level from the options' "Level Stats" menu. However, if you select a level that you are already in, you only get a pop up that informs you about the fact, with the option to close it being an "Oh...".
