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Film / Hata Göteborg

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Hata Göteborg (english translation: Hate Gothemburg) is a Swedish low-budget film from 2007 written and directed by Robert Lillhonga. The film is about the revently high-school graduate Johan and his life with his friend during the summer. As a hobby, he is used to "drink and fight" but tells us that he has become bored of it. His stepbrother Jonas, however, is quite the opposite - he loves violence, especially when it comes to hooliganism. Johan wants to find a new, wiser path but Jonas pushes both him and their friends to the other destructive direction.
  • Abusive Parents: After Jonas and Johan's dads died, Jonas's mom married Mickey who is abusive towards Jonas.
  • Ax-Crazy:
    • Jonas just loves violence, and will many times deliberately provoke people into a bloody fight just for the sake of it.
    • Lucas becomes this at the end of the movie after his girlfriend broke up with him, and takes his anger out by nearly beating a rival-hooligan to death.
  • Big Bad: Jonas Mitander. He is the childhood friend of Johan, but his vision of a life is to just do violence and other bad stuff and pushes his friends to go with him, but Johan just finds it self-destructive and pointless, but Jonas continues to drag his friends into it which is the main conflict of the movie.
  • Big Bad Friend: Jonas. Particularly to Johan.
  • Big Good: Perhaps Isaac, Svante's hippie cousin who prefers friendliness and hedonism instead of violence.
  • The Bully: Jonas, who is the oldest and strongest out of the gang.
  • Butt-Monkey: Rogge, who Jonas constantly bullies and none of his friends stand up for him.
  • Disappeared Dad: Both Johan and Jonas' dads died when they were just small kids.
  • The Dog Bites Back: Subverted. After having had enough of Jonas' bullying, Rogge pulls out a knife and threatens Jonas, but he cannot bring himself to jab Jonas so he just tosses it away and leaves for good.
  • Even Evil Has Loved Ones: Jonas seems to genuinely care for Johan and, in Johan's words has always been like a brother to him.
  • Evil Is Hammy: Almost everyone in the film act on a Large Ham, but the one who takes the cake as the one with the Largest Ham arguably goes to Jonas, the Big Bad.
  • Evil Is Petty: At the harbour, after Jonas had just lost a car-race, he randomly takes his anger out on Rogge by calling him worthless. When Rogge talks back, Jonas pushes him into the water.
  • Expy: It's not entirely wrong to assume that Jonas was based on Francis Begbie from Trainspotting
  • Face–Heel Turn: Lucas after being heart-broken, and decides to join Jonas in a hooligan-fight, which he was rather sceptical about before.
  • Football Hooligans: A major theme about the movie. The fight during the climax is entirely between two rival hooligans (Helsingborg vs. Gothenburg).
  • Freudian Excuse: Jonas is given one, since his father died when Jonas was still just a kid and his mom married an unpleasant man who abused him.
  • The Friend Nobody Likes:
    • Rogge, due to being the youngest and weakest in the gang, as well as being incredibly shy and a Butt-Monkey to boot.
    • Downplayed with Jonas. It doesn't stop him from being in charge, but many characters start to see him as nothing more than a walking violence-instigator.
  • Greater-Scope Villain: Yman, who is a hooligan leader who Jonas looks up to and idolizes, and recruits participants in hooligan-fights.
  • Hair-Trigger Temper: Svante. So much so that it was rumored in school that he had DAMP.
  • Hate Sink: Jonas is clearly intended to be this. He is an incredibly violent, hateful, petty bully who abuses random people and even his friends from the slightest provocation.
  • Heartbroken Badass: Deconstructed with Lucas. He is pretty cool and a skilled fighter, but after his girlfriend Nora broke up with him (after he made a fool of himself), he joins Jonas at a hooligan-event and takes out his anger on a rival-man by nearly beating him to death. The police comes and takes him to custody and we find out that he will be in prison for at least a year for assault.
  • Ironic Echo: Quite a few.
  • Jerkass: Oh so many. But Jonas in particular.
  • Kick the Dog: Jonas does this regularly throughout the film, namely such as bullying Rogge.
  • Large Ham: This film might as well be renamed to Large Ham: The Movie. Almost every character act on a loud and over-the-top performance. Fitting for a film about hooligans.
  • Lovable Coward: Johan calls himself a "coward" and often doesn't dare to stand up for himself and what he wants. But he eventually grows out of it.
  • Never My Fault: Jonas puts the blame entirely on Isaac that Lucas got sent to jail for assault, claiming it was because Isaac made Lucas participate at the event where Lucas made a fool of himself. This is ignoring the fact that it was Jonas who forced Lucas to participate in the hooligan street fight in the first place.
  • No Holds Barrel Beatdown: Lucas brutally assaults a man at a hooligan fight which nearly kills him and gets Lucas arrested.
  • Plucky Comic Relief: Svante.
  • Politically Incorrect Villain: Jonas has a very bad attitude towards danes, often calling them things like "danish fucks". He also seems to hate people from Gothemburg out of football-reasons. And like most jerkasses he also uses homophobic slurs as insults.
  • Real Men Wear Pink: Johan wears a fancy shirt one day that makes Jonas say he looks "like a fag". It doesn't really help him impress Yngve either…
  • "The Reason You Suck" Speech: Jonas gives a pretty harsh one to Rogge because he made the team loose at football.
    Jonas: You know what, Rogge? We're in Korpan, which is the worst team ever! We play in the worst division. We're the last in lead. And YOU are the worst player in the team! Do you know how bad you are, Rogge?!
  • Screw This, I'm Outta Here: Having had enough of Jonas's bullying, Rogge eventually runs away and leaves the gang for good, saying he want's nothing to do with them anymore.
  • The Sociopath: Jonas. He is a violent bully and often controls his friends to join him in doing what ever he wants.
  • Took a Level in Badass: Johan grows more brave and eventually dares to stand up for himself against Jonas.
  • Toxic Friend Influence: Jonas drags in his friends into things like thievery and fighting.
