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Characters / Fifteen Strangers Mock Week Two

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     The 15 Strangers 

Jonathan Morris

The Double

Vita Clotilde

The Bad Luck

Zelos Wilder

The Ursa

'Satania' McDowell Kurumizawa

The Shining


The Obtuse

Hiyori Tono

The Approach

Beatrice the Golden

The Outcast

Atsushi Nakajima

The Techno


The Dawn and the Duck


The Cuckoo

Ren Amamiya

The Future

  • Alternate Self: He looks and sounds just like Akira, from Round 3, but he's definitely not him.


The Taskmaster

Kokoro Belmont

The Glow

Kei Tsukishima

The Destroyer


The Component

  • Team Mom: To the point of making sure everyone had food and ate it, even.


Eddie Kim

The Mastermind

  • Revenge Before Reason: He could have just skedaddled to a completely different reality and rebuilt his gangster empire after it went pear-shaped in his world, with new superpowers to boot. But no, he just had to try and kill Sean and Neville. Again. Even though his plan to kill them with snakes had already failed the first time.
