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WARNING: Untagged spoilers ahead. Read at your own risk.

    My True Identity 
  • This, from Roman:
    Logan: Hi.
  • Once it hits you, Patton's first Dad joke of the series is truly impressive.
  • The boys start talking fears. It's enough to get Thomas just a bit worked up.
    Logan: Biggest fear?
    Patton: Spiders?!
    Roman: Rejection?!
    Logan: What exactly is at the bottom of the ocean?
    Thomas: Nope! Nope, we are not talking about fears, I am well aware of those!
  • This moment of Attention Deficit... Ooh, Shiny!:
    Patton: What positive impacts do you inevitably hope to bring to this world?
    Thomas: Wow, that was a... surprisingly deep and poignant ques-
    Patton: (to Logan) HEY! We have the same glasses!
    Logan: ...Yup.
  • Patton doesn't know where babies come from... despite being a father.

    Way Too Adult 
  • When Patton points out that Thomas says he doesn't know how to cook more often than he actually cooks or tries to, he claims that isn't true, there was that time four months ago... and realizes he's made Patton's point.
  • Thomas has a dramatic music cue set up to play whenever the word 'adult' is uttered.
  • This is where Patton begins his very fine tradition of referring to the process of becoming an adult as "adultery".
  • The whole awkward conversation between Thomas and his neglected stove.
  • This exchange:
    Patton: And when dealing with other people you know when to stand up for what's right and when to turn the other cheek.
    Thomas: I show them my butt!
    Patton: Not what I meant. And you really should stop showing people your... well, one problem at a time.
  • What does Thomas hope his parents learn from him?
    Thomas: How to turn on the computer so my mom can play solitaire.
    Patton: RIGHT!
  • Thomas tries to rekindle his friendship with the stove:
    Stove: That's a, a plastic plate.
    Thomas: Um...
    Stove: You know you can't put that on me, right?
    Thomas: Oh yeah, sure, uh huh, I knew.
    Stove: ...I'm scared.
    Thomas: Me too.

    Taking on Anxiety 
  • This moment, right out of the gate:
    Thomas: So I don't know what it is right now, maybe it's because it's this time of year, or maybe because I'm back home with friends, but strangely, at this moment, I am actually feeling quite relaxe-
    Virgil: Hey.
    Thomas: WHAT THE HECK?!
    Virgil: Oh, I'm sorry, was I not wanted at this exact second?
    Thomas: Oh, for crying out loud. Okay, everyone please welcome... my Anxiety.
    Virgil: 'Sup.
  • Thomas on the unpredictability of Anxiety:
    Thomas: But sometimes it just shows up—
    Virgil: (playing on his phone) Yo.
    Thomas: —out of nowhere and ruins whatever peace I have!
  • Thomas solicits help from his Creativity:
    Thomas: Hey, you represent my fanciful side, right?
    Roman: Right!
    Thomas: My hopes, my dreams, my creativity?
    Roman: All that good stuff!
    Thomas: Great, well right now, I hope and dream to get rid of my Anxiety.
    Roman: Your what now?
    Virgil: Hey there, Princey!
    Roman: Ooookay, can't stand that guy.
  • When Thomas and Lilly Singh bond over their experiences:
    Lilly: You know all those times where they ask "Does anyone have any questions"? And no one says anything? I actually had a question!
  • Virgil tries his best to make Lilly... well, anxious. She shuts him down. Every time. Effortlessly. Cue an evermore progressively frustrated Side.
  • Why does Lilly need her and Thomas's session to end?
    Lilly: Dan, Phil! Talk to mama.
  • Anxiety slinks out of view and Thomas breathes a sigh of relief. Too bad he forgot something.
    Thomas: I did it!
    Roman: Indeed!
    Thomas: WHAT THE?!
    Roman: Whoa, whoa, whoa.
    Thomas: I'm sorry, I forgot you were still here.

    A New Year of Lying to Myself... In Song!! 
  • The return of some Sanders Shorts.
  • Patton and Logan have different ideas about what Thomas should prioritize in the new year.
    Logan: He's cooked in the kitchen plenty of times since you've talked to him.
    Patton: Has he now? Well, I might need to see some proof of that. Should we dust the stove for prints?
    Roman: (popping up) Did someone say Prince?
    Logan: NO.
    Patton: (waving happily) Heeey!
  • Upon taking Logan's and Patton's concerns into account:
    Roman: I get what you two are saying, and I do care about that. But here's the thing: I don't really care about that.
  • Thomas's rebuttal of Anxiety's speech about why New Year's resolutions are meaningless: "Nuh uh!" The rebuttal to his rebuttal: "Yuh huh!"
  • Turns out the other Sides are almost as skeptical:
    Thomas: I'll cut out carbs to lose some weight.
    Logan: (eating chips) Lie.
    Thomas: I won't go to bed so late.
    Patton: (playing on a laptop) Lie.
    Thomas: I won't be so shy to date.
    Logan: (throwing his phone away) Lie.
    Thomas: I won't do so much riffing.
    Roman: (riffing) LIIII-iiiii-IIII-iiii-III-iiii-IIII-iie.
    Thomas: I'll go to the gym and get real strong.
    Patton: (tossing away gym shoes) Lie.
    Thomas: All my work I won't prolong.
    Logan: (holding up a sign that says "You wrote this song last night!") Heh, lie.
    Thomas: Stick to goals the whole year long.
    Patton: (holding up a white board that shows Thomas gave up on his previous New Year's goals last January) Another lie.
    Thomas: I won't sing so many Disney songs.
    Roman: You're kidding, right?
  • Logan pulls a Get Out! on the other Sides when Thomas is about to thank them for their help.

    The Dark Side of Disney! 
  • Some things you might not know about Thomas are:
  • Thomas wants to talk about Disney, and Princey thinks that is super... califragilisticexpialidocious. Even though the sound of it is something quite atrocious.
    Virgil: Did someone say 'atrocious'?
    Roman: Are you kidding me?! We have expelled you from the last two videos. Do you know how rude it is to interrupt a vlog?
    Thomas: Wh-Okay.
  • The boys decide to get into it about the different kinds of messages Disney movies have.
    Roman: Practically perfect in every way.
  • Roman suggests the moral of Snow White is to not accept fruit from strangers. Thomas asks if it can be to just not eat fruit. Both Anxiety and Princey shut him down.
  • After Anxiety points out Cinderella's prince couldn't just recognize her face and Snow White's prince kissed a sleeping girl without consent:
    Roman: He thought she was dead, it was a farewell kiss! What's with all the prince hate?!
    Virgil: I wonder.
    • In the same vein, the moral of Frozen?
    Roman: A sister's love triumphs over all!
    Virgil: And don't trust random princes. I can get behind that.
    Roman: I swear...
  • In the middle of Princey and Anxiety's back and forth about Aladdin, Thomas is munching some popcorn.
  • Anxiety lists off the darker messages of a few Disney movies:
    Roman: Bambi.
    Virgil: Man is dangerous.
    Roman: Pocahontas.
    Virgil: White man is dangerous.
    Roman: Sleeping Beauty.
    Virgil: Well, now we're back to the lack of consent with sleeping women.
    Roman: It was to lift a curse!
    Thomas: The Little Mermaid?
    Virgil: Don't just sign a contract without having your mer-lawyer look over all the fine print and stipulations. That one's just common sense.
    Roman: Or learn to write, or use sign language. There's more than one way to tell the prince you're the girl that saved him.
    Thomas: Oh now wait, did I just detect a hint of sarcasm towards a Disney movie?
    Virgil: Whoa!
  • As the two sides start sinking out:
    Virgil: Great.
    Roman: Excellent.
    Virgil: Cool.
    Roman: Still don't like you.
    Virgil: (pops back up) What was that?
    Roman: Uhhh... Chim-chim-cheroo!
    Virgil: Ah, Mary Poppins. Okay.
    Thomas: Well, my personality is very weird, I'm sorry about that.
  • It should be noted that this is the video where 'Prinxiety' really took off.

    I'm in a Disney Show! 
  • Thomas wants to know why everyone's shown up this time. Patton says in his case it's because he just wants to support Thomas in everything he does... and also because there's leftover pizza in the fridge.
  • The boys try to give Thomas some advice on how to name the vid:
    Logan: Clickbait works, Thomas! You put 'Storytime' and then something like...
    Roman: I kept Disney Channel stars from starving?!
    Thomas: ...I gave someone on the set a sandwich.
    Logan: I almost died on a Disney Channel set?!
    Thomas: Completely untrue.
    Virgil: The Dark Side of Disney!
    Thomas: That was the title of a video from a couple weeks ago!
    Patton: *Dramatic muffled sounds*
    Thomas: Would everyone just STOP?!
    Patton: (enjoying leftover pizza) I'm sorry, I was saying this is really good pizza.
  • Princey's very enthusiastic squeeing.
  • After Thomas talks about being stressed out of his mind with so many things going on, Anxiety interjects: "I was working overtime."
  • Talking about experimenting with line delivery:
    Thomas: When I could make somebody off set laugh, that was the best feeling.
    Patton: Dad jokes, they work every time.
    Thomas: I didn't- I did not use any Dad jokes.
    Patton: Well, DAD ain't right.
    Logan: ...Can you like, stop, for once, in your life?
    Patton: Nah.
  • The Sides list the next "goals" on the bucket list as they sink down, with Anxiety being accidentally accurate:
    Roman: Next step: becoming a Disney prince!
    Thomas: Well...
    Patton: Making your kids Disney stars!
    Thomas: No, and I don't have kids.
    Logan: Majoring in Disney theory!
    Thomas: I don't think that exists.
    Virgil: Using your platform to positively affect your audience the same way Disney did with you?
    Thomas is about to say no, but stops when he realizes what Anxiety just said.
    Virgil: ...What? I know your limits, that's all I was saying. (sinks down awkwardly) Stop looking at me like that.

    The Mind vs. The Heart 
  • Thomas summons Patton, who appears drinking something and wearing a cat onesie. He then goes on to summon Logan... who is reading a book and wearing a unicorn onesie.
    Logan: I can explain.
    Thomas: No need, just change.
    Logan: Done.
  • While Patton and Logan bicker over whether or not Thomas has the time to help a friend move, Thomas is still on the phone with said friend going "Uhhhhhhh…" as said bickering continues.
    • Patton suggests adopting some dogs. Logan questions whether Thomas is home often enough to give an animal the love and attention it needs.
    Patton: What do you know about love!?
    • Thomas wants to clear out some clutter. Logan suggests throwing out some papers. Patton counters that those are his writings from when he was thirteen. Logan accuses Patton of wanting Thomas to be a hoarder. Cue argument overlap and extremely frustrated Thomas face.
  • Logan and Patton are back in their onesies, extolling their virtues.
    Patton: Always good for taking a little nap.
    Logan: Heh, don't you mean a little cat nap?
    Patton: (gasps) Did you just make a Dad joke?
    Logan: No, I did not mean to-
    Patton: (happy squealing)

    Alone on VALENTINE'S DAY! 
  • Thomas relays that he does not have a date for Valentine's Day and doesn't know where he's going to get one.
    Thomas: Meeting people is hard.
    Virgil: That's an understatement.
    Thomas: Oh, Anxiety... Perfect, that settles it; I'm not going to approach anyone this year.
  • Logan insists that pragmatism and optimism are not at odds in this instance. Patton insists he knows big words too. Like saxophone.
  • Patton says they need someone to practice on. Logan asks who. Patton suggests... each other. Thomas shuts that down right away.
  • Thomas summons his friend Valerie and asks how the Sides would go about procuring a date with her.
    Virgil: I've got an idea: don't. Don't even try.
    Patton: Now Anxiety, if you don't want to participate, you can just sit this one out.
    Virgil: (somewhat confused) That's... not exactly... how I work...
  • Logan employs his method for getting a date:
    Logan: Hello! Do you like food?
    Valerie: Yes.
    Logan: Do you like romantic outings?
    Valerie: Yes.
    Logan: I can provide both of those things. Therefor, you will be my date.
    Valerie: Yes.
    • And Anxiety points out just how that would go in real life:
    Logan: Hello! Do you like food?
    Valerie: Yeah...?
    Logan: Do you like romantic outings?
    Valerie: I mean... sometimes.
    Logan: I can provide both of those things. Therefor, you will be my date.
    Valerie: I'm gonna... I'm... go. (walks away)
  • Princey thinks he knows what Logan did wrong.
    Roman: Your problem is you didn't woo her with any gusto! You know what people like?
    Patton: Bagels!
    Roman: (caught off guard) What? No. Maybe.
  • After Princey and Logan offer examples of poetry to use, Patton claims it would be better to say what's in your heart than to use somebody else's words. When Anxiety points out Thomas could get confused or tongue-tied doing that, Patton suggests writing down what you want to say in a letter. This is what his letter says:
    Patton: (reading) Dear Valerie: Happy Valerie-netine's Day. Wow, that didn't come off quite as well as I would've liked it to. Maybe not one of my best jokes. Um, well, er...
    Roman: He... wrote this down.
    Patton: But I would like to ask... hm, how do I put this? I would like to speak from the heart, but hearts don't have mouths. Well, that was a little weird to say.
    Logan: This was... the whole problem he was trying to circumnavigate.
    Patton: Hum. Wow, is it hot in here? It's a little hot in here to me. I'm getting a little bit sweaty—
    Thomas: Okay, I think that was... That was a bit of a failed experiment.
  • The point Patton was trying to get at was to not talk about yourself so much and make the other person feel heard and special. Princey is confused by this concept.
  • When Princey suggests you find what is making the other person's life difficult and kill it, Anxiety gives out a worried "What?"
    Roman: You there, young maiden! What is burdening your life? Perhaps an evil step-mother, or a dragon witch?
    Logan: A dragon witch?
    Valerie: Yes, this dragon witch has been ruining my life!
    Dragon Witch: F*ck you, Valerie!
    Roman: (pulls out a sword) I shall save you!
    Thomas: Is that a samurai sword?
    Roman: AAAAHH! (sounds of a battle off-screen)
    Dragon Witch: Ow, my spleen!
    Roman: All saved.
    Valerie: You made me feel special... and you're awesome!!
    Roman: What can I say, I'm a mean, spleen stabbing machine.
    Logan: (to Thomas) In no reality would this be your situation.
    Thomas: *nods*
  • Princey suggests, after this, making a grand gesture.
    Patton: That wasn't a grand gesture?
    • He then proposes to Valerie and they exchange declarations of love... in Spanish. Thomas doesn't know Spanish.
    • This prompts Anxiety to declare weddings outdated, expensive pageantry, and to also comment on the lack of ethics in the diamond industry. Logan starts to explain blood diamonds, but Thomas asks him to stop because he's upsetting Patton, Thomas' Morality.
  • In order to practice self-love for Valentine's day, Thomas tells his Sides to say "I love you" to each other. The results are hilarious and adorable.
  • As Princey sinks out he informs Thomas of something he's got to go do: bury that Dragon Witch body.

    Losing My Motivation 
  • Logan wants to find out why Thomas has no motivation to make a Sanders Sides video.
    Logan: Then we must get to the bottom of it. What is the culprit? The game is on.
    Thomas: What are you Sherlock?
    Logan: (turns around and is wearing a Sherlock outfit.)
    Thomas: Yeees, apparently you are. Didn't take you for the dress-up type.
    Logan: This is strictly to get me in the mindset for deductive reasoning. All business.
    Patton: (pops up) I'll be Watson!
    Patton: (now in a similar Sherlock outfit) Look, I've got a scarf too!
    Logan: Is that...are you wearing the cardigan that is usually wrapped around your shoulders?
    Patton:...I've been waiting for this day to wear it.
    Thomas: Okay yeah, you're gonna let him play.
    Logan: (sigh) Fine.
    Patton: (clapping) Yay!
  • When Logan asks, Thomas says that what he usually feels before starting a video is nervousness. Logan and Patton both go "AHA"! Logan because he's got an idea, Patton because he found a dollar in the pocket of his cardigan.
  • Logan summons Anxiety. When he asks if he can help them, Patton asks if he has any quarters.
  • This episode has some easy to miss jokes in the annotations. When Anxiety shows up, they say [a wild Anxiety appears]. When Logan accuses Anxiety of being the reason Thomas hasn't made a video, said Side blinks at him while the annotations say [Anxiety is not impressed]. When Logan starts sinking out, thinking the case has been solved, he says "Elementary my dear daddy—no." and the annotations say [ship].
  • Thomas still doesn't have any motivation, so Logan tries to think of what could be going on. As he does, there's a shot of Thomas (presumably from Logan's point of view) with various descriptions. These include:
    • Blank stare.
    • Bad posture.
    • Vacant expression.
    • Hasn't done laundry.
    • Probably thinking about the ice cream in the freezer.
    • Doesn't know what a haircut is.
  • Anxiety wants to know if he can take a stab.
    • Thomas needs an idea. Anxiety says they're looking for his fanciful side.
    Roman: You called?
    Virgil: I did not.
    • Princey wants to know what's going on.
    Patton: Logic and I are playing dress-up, Anxiety's making us question our existence, and I found a dollar.
    Roman: That dollar you borrowed from me eight years ago?
    Patton: Oh yeah. (hands over the dollar)
    Roman: Thanks, you news-y hipster theater geek Mark from Rent.
  • Thomas still can't seem to muster up any motivation. It's like his heart isn't in it. Cue the light bulb going on over Logan's head:
    Logan: Oh no.
    Patton: What?
    Logan: How could you do it? I trusted you!
    Patton: Way?
    Thomas: What's going on?
    Virgil: Something good.
    • While Patton is trying to figure out why he's as unmotivated as Thomas:
    Logan: Feelings. The bane of my existence.
    Roman: Is it because I have a dollar, and you don't?
  • The boys figure out they could've made a plan to avoid procrastination. And who should've done that? Logan.
    • Princey thinks it's a bigger ending twist than the Oscars, and Thomas asks that he not do that, as he'll be dating the video.
  • Logan has just a little bit of a Freak Out.
    Logan: I'm the cause of this. But I'm also the solution to a problem I have caused and will inevitably resolve. Am I in a paradoxical loop where I endlessly generate a problem and try to solve it like a snake devouring its own tail to satiate its HUNGER?!?!
    Thomas: Ok! Calm down time! It's a lot simpler than...whatever you're trying to say.
    Virgil: (horrified expression) That was dark, even for me...
  • As Thomas wraps up the moral of the episode:
    Thomas: And a proper plan to address a big project would definitely cut down a lot of the nervousness I feel when starting it.
    Virgil: But not completely.
    Thomas: Shush and make a face of agreement like everyone else.
    Virgil: (pulls a sarcastic grimace and gives a very insincere thumbs up)
  • The case is solved, and we get to learn something new about Logic:
    Logan: Another case closed! And it's all thanks to a brilliant deduction... from Watson.
    Patton: (back in his regular clothes) Who?
    Logan: Never mind.
    Patton: Alright, Logan. That's funny, I could've sworn I had a dollar on me...
  • And we get one more funny moment in the end card:
    Roman: Wow, I felt like a side character in today's video. That will not stand. (takes out phone)
    Virgil: Who are you calling?
    Roman: My agent, but I've forgotten my password, so it's barred.
    Virgil: You mean locked?
    Roman: Sure, locked.
    Logan: (pops up) SHERLOOOOOOOOCK!
    Patton: (also pops up) AND WATSOOOOOOOON!
    Virgil: Oh for crying out louuuuuud!
    Roman: Make it STOOOOOOP!

    My Personality Q&A 
  • Logan offers to make up for the last video. Thomas declines:
    Thomas: You're good, you made an honest mistake last week. And I'm feeling pretty good this week.
    Logan: Dang.
    Thomas: (looks at him)
  • Patton's excited because he's never been asked questions by Thomas's followers before. All of the other Sides say "Don't screw it up" at the same time.
  • When asked what his favorite book is, Logan almost spoils the ending before Thomas stops him.
  • Anxiety's very confused by the fact that someone has a question for him. Also that Thomas wants him to stick around for the rest of the Q&A.
  • Princey very much wants to be asked a question, so when the next question goes to Patton...
    Roman: MOTHER-
    Patton: Father! (to Logan) Now you!
    Logan: Brother! I love word association games.
  • Logan's ever increasing aggravation with Patton's favorite Dad jokes.
  • When asked for fashion tips, Princey has this to say:
    Roman: All of my fashion advice comes from the best designer I know, Fairy Godmother. Ah, from rags to riches she's the baddest of- *airhorn sound* Sorry, that was my phone. And she sings the whole time, it's a magical experience.
  • The viewers want to know how the Sides are feeling... but they have to answer in the form of a song title:
    Logan: What?
    Roman: (confused) It was how do you feel.
    Patton: I am the walrus.
  • So, if the Sides had their own individual Youtube channels, what would they be?
    Logan: Videos analyzing the themes and pointing out inconsistencies in TV shows, movies and comic books.
    Roman: Epic fail compilations! Of all the horrible deaths my enemies incur after I impale them.
    Virgil: I would make a bunch of videos about conspiracies and cryptids.
    Thomas: Oh good! You'll be keeping me up even later.
    Virgil: It's the one thing I'm good at.
    Patton: My channel would have videos of me playing with goo and mixing paint!
    Logan: Oh! Autonomous sensory meridian response videos?
    Patton: Eh, I'm pretty sure it's just me playing with goo and paint.
    Thomas: That definitely would entertain some people.
    Logan: Yep.
  • The boys are asked which element they would have:
    Roman: Fire!
    Patton: Because of your fiery passion.
    Logan: Earth.
    Patton: Because you're so grounded.
    Virgil: Hmm... water.
    Patton: Because you're so deep and mysterious!
    Roman: And you're a wet blanket.
    Patton: And I would bend air!
    Logan: Because you're an air-head.
    Patton: Now, I know you intended to hurt my feelings... but I am just so darn proud of you that you made a DAD JOKE!!
    Logan: Oh shhhhh-
  • Anxiety still maintains his Myspace page because, he says, it'll bounce back.
  • A viewer uses "Adulthood"! It's not very effective:
    Questioner: Morality, repeat after me: adulthood.
    Patton: Adulthood.
    Questioner: A. Dult. Hood.
    Patton: A. Dult. Hood.
    Thomas: Awesome!
    Logan: Name the process of becoming an adult.
    Patton: Adultery.
    Thomas: N-no...
    Logan: "Adult"? More like "a dolt".
    Patton: That stings a little bit, but you're on fire today!!
  • What do the Sides do to relax after a rough day?
    Roman: Dramatically serenade myself in the mirror.
    Logan: Puzzles.
    Patton: Eat a cookie, and if I'm feeling dangerous... (whispers) eat a second cookie.
    Virgil: (proving that he is a cat in human form) I usually go and sit on a surface that isn't meant to be sat on, because when tomorrow comes I will be faced with even more challenges, and I am too overwhelmed to be worrying about what "is" and "is not" a chair.
    Thomas: Anxiety, I was feeling good today, man.
  • Three of the Sides refuse to reveal Thomas's most embarrassing moment... only for Patton to blurt it out.
  • The boys are asked to name their favorite bands. Patton says he just listens to the Campfire Song Song from Spongebob on repeat.
  • Anxiety is asked to name one nice thing about Princey, Logan, Patton and Thomas. It goes about as well as you'd expect:
    Virgil: Oh brother... ok. Dad, you make Logic furious, and that is fun to watch. Even though you're a clueless moron the rest of the time.
    Patton: Aw, okay.
    Virgil: Logic, you understand reality better than the other two, and that is very comforting. But, you are still a clueless moron most of the time.
    Logan: How dare you.
    Virgil: Princey, I gotta say, you do impress me. By being a clueless moron all of the time.
    Roman: Well, that wasn't remotely nice.
    Virgil: And Thomas-
    Thomas: Spare me the compliment.
    Virgil: Cool.
  • A viewer wants to know what are all the Sides' real names, like how Logic also has the given name Logan. It's pretty anti-climactic.
    Patton: Aw, well shucks! you could've asked me sooner! My real name is--[truck sound]
    Logan: I'm sorry, that is my text tone.
    Patton: But everyone just calls me Dad!
    Roman: And my name is--[truck sound]
    Logan: I am gonna just put this on silent.
    Thomas: Well, that was thoroughly and utterly disappointing.
    • A bit of fridge logic to go with the funny: the boys are anthropomorphic representations of aspects of Thomas's personality. So who is calling them? We've only recently gotten a hint as to who it could be, and that only makes this bit funnier in retrospect.
  • Everyone's asked to name their favorite Disney movie and to sing something from it:
    Roman: I can't choose amongst any of my darling babies! So I'm just going to go ahead and say that they are all my favorites, and I am going to start sing the entire anthology, starting with "Someday My Prince Will Come". "Some..."
    Thomas: (joining in) The world was gonna roll me
    • From that point as well, Logan trying to sing but sounding like a robot instead.
  • Princey and Logan sink out, but Anxiety is still willing to answer questions:
    Thomas: Well, we are starting to lose our interviewees.
    Virgil: I dunno, I'm actually kind of getting into this. Bring it on.
    Thomas: Alright! (reading) "If you had to kiss one of the others, who would you choose?"
  • The last question for Patton:
    Thomas: (reading) "Do you know how cute you are?"
    Patton: (sinking out) Don't patronize me.
    Patton: (pops back up) Just kidding! AHHHH! That's so sweet!
    Thomas: Oh! Well you... really got me there.
  • Patton, to the fandom's horror, knows what ships are.

    Am I Original? 
  • Thomas is going to tell us his life story. But, he's going to do it through illustrations, and he's calling it... "Sketch My Autobiography". Anxiety's quick to point out that's already a thing.
    Thomas: Okay, well, I'll just call it a Draw My Life.
    Virgil: Boring.
    Thomas: What do you mean boring? It's my life!
    Virgil: I know what I said.
    Thomas: [noise of strong disapproval]
    Thomas: Why are you being like this? You were so chill the last couple of videos.
    Virgil: Sometimes I just gotta be me... nuh. (mean)
    Thomas: Uggghhhh, I wanna be mad but... you're right, the idea is not original.
    Virgil: No.
    Thomas: [makes noise of frustration] What am I gonna do now?
    Virgil: One option, and I'm just throwing this out there, is to hide under the covers until the sun goes away.
    Roman: Not so fast, my chemically imbalanced romance!
    Thomas: Princey!
    Virgil: Oh good, Prince underarm stink.
    Thomas: That is an uncharacteristically schoolyard insult, Anxiety.
    Roman: Yeah, that was hardly inventive.
    Virgil: Creativity is not my department.
  • At this point in the video there's already gold to be found in the annotations. When Princey declares he and Anxiety are "dun-zo" we get this: [Thomas looks at Princey oddly].
  • Unsurprisingly, while Princey is making his case, we get a Disney reference:
    Roman: Do you trust me?
    Thomas: What?
    Roman: Do you trust me?
    Thomas: ...I don't know.
  • Princey summons Logan and Patton to help with Daydream Mode. Patton could've used a little more warning.
    Patton: Well, I'm just glad that when you called me I had my pants on. (looks down) Wait, no I don't.
    Thomas: Uh oh.
    Roman: Oh, I'm so sorry.
    Patton: I'll be right back. (sinks out)
    Roman: Alright, LET US-
    Patton: (popping back up) Got my pants!
    Roman: BEGIN!
  • Princey asks what's hot with the kids these days. Patton's response?
    Patton: Knives!
    (Roman looks at him concerned)
    Thomas: (confused) ...What?
  • When Princey posits that maybe they don't need to know what's popular with the kids these days, the annotations chime in with a [yes you do].
  • The subject of 'yogurting' is brought up. Princey says he's actually tried that. Anxiety wants to know if that's why Princey spat yogurt at him the day before.
  • Logan is asked if he's serious. He begins his own tradition of proclaiming that he is always serious because, clearly, he wears a necktie. And as Patton reminds us, serious people wear neckties.
  • Anxiety begs Thomas not to encourage Princey. Princey exclaims that yes, Thomas should encourage him, that he's in charge, and that right now he wears the pants in this household.
    Patton: Oh, I didn't know that. (starts to take his pants off again)
    Thomas: It's an expression.
  • Princey suggests doing cutaways. It's pointed out that this is like what's done on The Office, Parks and Rec, the British version of the Office and Modern Family and thus not completely original. Princey does a cutaway ragging on the other Sides anyway.
  • Next up: rap battles. Logan proves surprisingly proficient at this, to the shock of everyone. After which he says he was going to point out that the idea was just like Epic Rap Battles of History… but he didn't want to pass up the opportunity to make one himself.
  • After many attempts at coming up with an original concept fail, Anxiety makes a suggestion:
    Virgil: You tried, you failed, let's go to sleep.
    Thomas: It's like 2pm.
  • Princey almost suggests doing a Vine. Everybody else's response? Too soon.
  • The best Princey can come up with for a nickname while he's so busy brainstorming is Jerky McJerkface… which come to think of it may or may not be a reference to Boaty McBoatface.
  • The boys voice their encouragment:
    Logan: (as he sinks out) You got this buddy.
    Patton: (enthusiastically as he sinks out) Yeah!
    Logan: (as he's still sinking out) Or you don't, it could go one of two ways.
    Patton: (as he's still sinking out) Yeah!
  • The end card, where Roman says to Logan and Patton, “You can’t get any more unique than all of us.” And while it seems Patton cheerfully agrees with him, we then get another cutaway.
    Patton: I didn’t want to admit I was a bit confused by that. He’s such a big Disney fan, I would’ve thought he’d see how similar we are to the concept of Inside Out
    Roman: (offscreen) WHAT?! OH. MY...
    Patton: You think he heard me?
    Roman: MY LIFE IS A LIE!

    My Negative Thinking 
  • Thomas summons Logan, who appears to be learning a Spanish phrase from his phone. When Thomas asks if he's trying to learn the language, Logan replies that he's trying to learn a particular phrase in a multitude of languages. The phrase? El principe es estupido.
  • Anxiety pops up to explain that Thomas did a bad job at a recent audition.
    Logan: Where, specifically did he do a 'bad job'?
    Virgil: Try the beginning. He choked.
    Logan: Ugh, Thomas how many times do I have to tell you, chew your food.
    Thomas and Virgil: No, that's too literal.
    Virgil: He forgot the lyrics.
    Thomas: I forgot the song, Logan. I tripped right out of the gates!
    Logan: Well you should watch where you're stepping.
    Virgil: (sigh)
    Thomas: Just focus on the 'forgetting the song' part.
    Virgil: Way more work than it should be.
  • When Logan brings up an example of an instant where not knowing a line was actually kept for a scene in a film, Anxiety has this to say:
    Virgil: That... is an extremely specific and random fact to call upon for the sake of feeling secure.
    Thomas: Whatever works!
    Virgil: And that's a movie, where you have the benefit of picking and choosing the best out of several takes. This is theater, where you only have one shot. And he threw it away.
    Thomas: Ooh you're using Lin Manuel Miranda's words against me! Logan, say something!
  • Logan suggests that Thomas summon Princey. He tries. It doesn't take. When Logan expresses confusion, Thomas explains that after the performance he gave, his ego is a bit... bruised.
    Roman: Everything hurts!!
    • Patton is similarly unavailable because he's taking care of Thomas's creativity.
    Patton: Alright, Roman. Soup time!
    Roman: Cream of broccoli!? I told you I hate—Mm, never mind, this is delicious.
  • Logan realizes Anxiety might be having too big of an influence over Thomas's thinking.
    Logan: If you allow your thinking to be influenced too much by negative emotions, then it will lead to cognitive distortions.
    Thomas: Cong-nitis dis-portion.
    Logan: No, cognitive distortions.
    Thomas: Häagen-Dazs dispersions.
    Logan: Getting further away. Cognitive distortions.
    Thomas: (whispering) I don't know what you're saying.
    Logan: It's when you think things are different than how they actually are.
    Thomas: (doing the Spongebob 'Imagination' gesture) Oh, like imaginary!
    Logan: Kind of, but bad imaginary.
    Thomas: (whimpering) Noo!
  • Anxiety accuses Logan of taking Princey's side.
    Logan: I'm not taking his side. Did I say I was taking his side?
    Thomas: No.
    Logan: Frankly I find both you and Princey to be a little too... extra.
    Thomas: Vocab word!
    Logan: (holds up flashcards) Yes, I've been studying.
    Logan: I cannot make you feel better with positive or comforting words, but I can work to bring a clearer vision of the entire situation that this corner of the room is obscuring.
    Virgil: I would write an angsty sonnet illustrating my contempt for you, if I actually cared enough about what you were saying right now.
  • Logan sets the stage for a debate where Thomas plays moderator:
    Thomas: Good afternoon from the Sanders Mind Palace Center. I am Thomas Sanders; your supplier of semi-humorous Tumblr posts at three in the morning. And I welcome you to the first and hopefully only 2017 Emotionally Compromised Debate between Secretary of Logical Defense Logan, and Supreme Dark Overlord of Negative Commerce... I'm afraid I'm gonna need your name.
    Virgil: (sighs and leans forward) No.
    Thomas: Ah, worth a shot... Anxiety! This debate is sponsored by the National Essential Reasoning Department, or NERD
    Logan: Uh, or-or we do not have to abbreviate it.
    Thomas: And the Public Humiliation Foundation.
    Virgil: I'm a monthly donor.
    Thomas: The format has been determined by Logan-
    Virgil: Rigged.
    Thomas: Four one-minute segments centering around recent personal events that trouble me greatly, please help me. [Thomas's scream of agony]
    Logan: Keep calm, carry on.
    Thomas: You're right, I'm an adult. Me me big boy, nope— (puts head in hands)
  • And so Thomas gets the boys started:
    Thomas: Are we all clear on the rules?
    Logan: Yes.
    Virgil: This is stupid.
    Thomas: Let the debate begin! Anxiety, the first question goes to you.
    Virgil: Too much pressure, no.
    Thomas: Yesterday I was texting someone I liked very much. They made me feel itty-bitty butterflies in my tummy, and sunshine in my heart.
    Thomas: At one point in the conversation they suddenly stopped replying to me. My question to you is this: do they hate me?
    Virgil: Definitely.
    • Logan disagrees:
    Logan: There could be a multitude of reasons why they didn't reply, especially when you're unaware of how they were feeling, what was going on while they were texting, their battery life—
    Virgil: —How much they hate you.
    Logan: I waited for my turn to speak, please do not disrespect the sanctity of the rules that we just made up just now.
    Logan: Does this person dislike you? That's TBD.
    Virgil: Totally Believable Dude.
    Logan: To Be Determined.
  • The boys start talking over each other, and then Thomas tries to get things back on track. In describing this the annotations say: [Thomas joins the conversation, making it even more impossible to understand what they're saying.]
  • Anxiety has some objections.
    Virgil: This is unfair, you're rooting against me and you're the moderator.
    Logan: What's the matter, Anxiety? Are you worried that your silver tongue will land you in second place?
    Virgil: *hisssss*
    Logan: (non-plussed) I'm sorry, did he just hiss at me?
    Virgil: I do that when I start reaching my limit with stupid questions.
  • In the set up for the next debate question, Thomas recounts how he went to go get a coffee and the barista was very charming.
    Virgil: Ugh. Charming.
    Thomas: Things were going really well, there was some witty banter, and then at the inevitable "Enjoy your coffee" I replied with "You too". Did I-?
    Virgil: You blew it, and you're a moron.
    Thomas: Yeah, that's what I thought. Moving on—
    Logan: Wait, do I not get a turn?
    Thomas: I don't think it's really necessary, his argument was pretty airtight.
    Virgil: Boom.
  • As Logan argues for his counterpoint, Anxiety has this to say:
    Virgil: He just wants us to ignore the important facts, the ones that matter.
    Logan: Falsehood! That is what you are doing.
    Virgil: Oh so you admit they're important.
    Logan: Alright you know what?
    Virgil: What are you doing?
    Logan: (writing on a flash card) I'm writing you a prescription for a figurative 'chill pill'.
    Thomas: Oh, ohhhhh! Okay let's move on.
    Virgil: (unimpressed and mocking) Ohhhh.
  • Thomas wants to know if his latest video not doing as well as others he'd previously posted signals the beginning of the end for him.
    Virgil: Well now you can't argue with numbers, it could very well be. Time to panic and/or cry.
    Logan: Preposterous.
    Virgil: Your mom is preposterous.
    Logan: I'm ignoring you. What you are doing there Thomas is overgeneralizing. You're letting one less than ideal event speak for any and all future events, and that is a pointless venture.
    Virgil: Your mom is pointless.
    Thomas: Let's leave the mothers out of this, especially since neither of you have a mother.
    Virgil: If she did exist she'd be preposterous and pointless.
    Logan: FALSEHOOD!
  • Anxiety is still dismissing the whole exercise as stupid.
    Logan: Savage.
    Thomas: Wait, why are you complimenting him?
    Logan: I'm saying that he's acting like an aggressive, brainless savage... oh no, is that another contemporary slang term I have to learn?
    Thomas: (whispering) It is.
    Logan: (starts writing another flashcard) Okay, I cannot keep up with these.
  • While Logan and Anxiety are having a surprisingly nice moment, Thomas remarks that "This is so pure".
  • Logan says that with himself and Anxiety at a bit of a standstill he feels a real sense of peace in the household. Then Princey returns.
    Roman: I'm back, did you miss me?
    Logan: Your mom misses you.
    Roman: (beat)
    Logan: I'm sorry, while that was savage, it was a little extra.
    Roman: (looks over at Anxiety) What did you do to him?
    Virgil: (smirks and chuckles)
    Patton: (popping up) Logic! Now where did you learn such childish humor? (tuts)

    Growing Up 
It's Thomas's birthday! And... apparently every side except Patton is a little apprehensive about it.
Virgil: Another year older, and yeah, you're here, but is here where you need to be?
Logan: Well, I don't think that's the dilemma, this is indeed his apartment.
Virgil: I mean— (sound of frustration) Like, is he satisfied with where he is at this point in his life?
  • Princey and Anxiety are in a rare agreement.
Roman: I don't like it, but I too have to agree with Surly Temple here.
Virgil: How many of those you got?
Roman: Thomas, there is so much you have dreamed of doing. Are we there yet? Nay.
Patton: Moo! (to Logan) Animal noises, go!
Logan: Baa—wait! This is not the time for word association games!
  • Continuing from where we left off in earlier videos...
    Patton: Aw, well, look who needs another lesson in adultery.
    Thomas: Okay, for the last time, that is not right.
    Patton: I'm sorry, look whom needs another lesson in adultery.
    Thomas: Somehow worse.
  • Princey's restless for adventures yet to come.
    Roman: When comparing yourself to your friends and what they've accomplished, how do you stack up?
    Patton: Like pancakes, a grand slam!
    Virgil: Like pancakes, you fall flat.
    Thomas: Don't you dare turn breakfast food into a negative metaphor.
  • Patton extols the great things about getting older and being an adult.
    Patton: You no longer have any school teachers to tell you what to do...
    Logan: (is standing in a classroom in front of white board while holding a ruler) Was this really a necessary visual?
    Patton: Which means you get to choose what you want to read and what to learn.
    Patton: (Thomas yelling in the background) You and your friends can be as loud as you want without getting in trouble.
    Thomas: (talking with a friend) So yeah, that's probably what I would sound like if I was giving birth.
    Patton: You always have the perfect group for group projects.
    Thomas: We've finally done it... (is apparently hooked to a bunch of other people via his and their shirts) Voltron shirt, away! (waves hand and accidentally smacks Joan in the back of the head) Oh I'm sorry! I'm so sorry.
    Joan: Drop it, it's fine.
    Thomas: Okay, let's go! (tries to walk forward, incurs ripping sounds)
    Patton: You're lucky enough to be able to work whenever you wanna work. And when you don't feel like working, you can stay up until 3 am re-watching Parks and Recreation.
    Thomas: (Watching Parks and Recreation very late into the night.)
  • The other Sides are getting a bit concerned now.
    Roman: What were those scenarios?
    Thomas: Those were all real events in my life. Except for the 3 am one. I usually stay up much later.
    Patton: Well, yeah...
    Logan: He cannot stay up until 3 am or however late-
    Thomas: Like 5 am.
    Logan Oh my.
    Roman: (gasps) Great Odin's eye patch!
    Virgil: 5 am. The witching hour.
    Logan: I could be wrong, but I believe that's midnight.
    Virgil: 5 am. The devil's hour.
    Logan: Now I'm pretty sure that's 3 am.
    Virgil: Well, then it's just 5 am and you need to go to bed.
  • Logan says Thomas can't keep living like this. When Patton asks why, Logan responds that it's because Thomas will never get anything done.
    Virgil: Unless you want me to keep coming around and reminding you of all the things you fail to do. In which case, keep it up.
    Thomas: [whimpers]
  • Patton ushers us into another Imagine Spot. First it shows Thomas making an unholy concoction of what appears to be Raman noodles, mini-marshmallows, chocolate sauce, sprinkles, m&ms and two pop tarts to eat for what is presumably breakfast. Then Thomas wearing a Batman costume. Then Thomas soliciting Joan to hit him with a car for a video, which Joan has apparently been dreaming of. Then Thomas not washing his shirt.
    Roman: Did you ever wash that shirt, you're wearing it now.
    Thomas: I did not.
    Roman: Ewwwwwww!
    Virgil: Dude.
  • When Logan dubs Morality the problem, Patton thinks he's teasing. Logan says he's serious right now. And always has been. And forever will be. Necktie!
    Roman: You are holding Thomas back!
    Virgil: His heart's just not in the right place.
    Logan: Again, that is not the issue. Anatomically, Thomas is fine.
    Virgil: Why do you only take whatever I say literally?
  • The Sides try to help Thomas figure out how he needs to act to be a proper adult.
    Roman: You need to eat healthy in order to maintain beauty! And to, you know, be healthy. That's important too. No sweets or guilty pleasures. Only broccoli, brussel sprouts, carrots-
    Roman: Yes, carrots. And beef, pork, chicken, mmm!
    Virgil: No Mulan lyrics right now, man. Come on.
    Virgil: Into the Woods is not better.
  • Logan tries to give an example of a reckless action that should be avoided via another moment with Thomas and Joan:
    Logan: While a decision can be fun, it can also be... stupid, and should thus be avoided.
    Imaginary!Joan: Hey, Darude Sanderstorm! There's a bouncy castle out back! You wanna come, it's pretty lit!
    Imaginary!Thomas: No, I would not like to bounce in a bouncy castle. I could trip or injure myself.
    Imaginary!Joan: Hm, a fair point. Your logical decision-making truly is a positive influence on your companions.
    Imaginary!Thomas: Let us instead start a book club.
    Imaginary!Joan: Yes!
    Virgil: Wow. Who's the fanciful one here?
    Virgil: Okay, Pocket Protector.
  • After Logan says Thomas doesn't need to ever call his parents:
    Virgil: They never understood you anyway.
  • And as for Thomas' clothing...
    Logan: Of course, can't just wear anything you want.
    Thomas: This smelly shirt's not cutting it?
    Roman: No.
    Virgil: You need all dark clothing-
    Logan: No... You're a serious adult, and you need to dress like one. You'll wear a belt, tuck your shirt in, and you'll wear... a necktie.
    Patton: *gasps* Not the necktie!
  • Thomas wants to know what the Sides think of his new style of dress.
    Virgil: You look like the man.
    Thomas: Oh, well, that's kind of you Anxiety-
    Virgil: No you look like the man. I fight the man. I wanna fight you now.
    Thomas: Whoa, whoa...
    Logan: This... this is just my look. You stole my look.
    Thomas: What are you-!? You told me to dress this way!
    Logan: Well, I didn't think we would look so similar. Plus, I wear it so much better than you, objectively.
    Thomas: What are you talking about? We have the same face!
    Logan: Ah, but you aren't peering through a styling (dabs for some reason) pair of Warby Parkers.
    Virgil: (looks weirded out)
    Patton: Thomas, you... don't look like yourself.
    Thomas: It's "Mr. Sanders", and this is who I am now.
    Virgil: (jerking his thumb in Logan's direction) Is no one going to acknowledge that he just dabbed?
  • The guys have decided they've made a mistake and maybe Patton knows what they should do. He offers this advice:
    Patton: Goals are great but life is short. Might as well make it short and fantastic! Like Danny Devito.
    Thomas: I really do need a more consistent schedule in order to stay healthy and productive. But I will always make time for the things that I enjoy. And any time I'm feeling overwhelmed, or I need a break...I know who to turn to.
    Patton: Danny Devito.
    Thomas: Well, you're not wrong about that but I meant you.
    Patton: (gasps) AWWWWW!
  • While Thomas does away with his necktie, Logan urges him to be careful with it.
  • Princey and Patton work together to create a new space for Thomas and the other Sides. It starts off as an empty white room that Logan dubs a tad... basic.
    Virgil: (with his hands over his face) My eyes!
  • Roman tries again and actually manages to construct a neat little space. Each of the boys has their own little nook. Anxiety describes his as "small, dark and empty, like the cavity where my heart would be... if I had one".
  • Before everyone sinks out, Thomas wants to make sure Patton knows how much he's appreciated.
    Patton: Awwww, you're going to make me all emotional! I'm glad we could come to a adults! How about a good old game of Patton-cake to celebrate?
    Thomas: You mean patty cake?
    Patton: Well it's like patty-cake, but this version is named after me.
    Thomas: Oh my gosh! Your name is Patton-cake!
    Patton: Y-No, it's just Patton.
    Thomas: Yeah, that makes more sense. Wow!
    Patton: Tell you what, you let that sink in and I will sink out... to get the tuna fish. It's required for Patton-cake.
    Patton: Okay, I've got the tuna fish. Logan, you have the two tennis rackets?
    Logan: Yes, for some reason...?
    Patton: And Roman, you've dipped all your fingers in candle wax?
    Roman: (holding up his hands) Yes, it was very hot.
    Patton: And Anxiety, you—
    Virgil: No, I didn't. Whatever you asked me to do, I didn't do it.
    Patton: Are standing there sulking in a corner, yes! Look at what a good job he's doing, everyone! Alright, we're all set. Now, get ready, because on this ride, (puts on goggles) you will get wet.
    Logan: What!?
    Roman: WHAT ARE WE DOING!?

    Making Some Changes 
  • Thomas is hanging out in the Mind Palace, which has a loud and conspicuous echo. When Thomas complains about this, someone off screen (the annotations say Possibly Creativity) tells him not to blame the Sides because his mind is so empty.
  • Princey wants it known who is primarily responsible for the Mind Palace's creation.
    Roman: I was just making sure that it was known that I was the Side that did the most work and deserve the most credit.
    Patton: Boy! What an to your personality, am I right?
    Roman: I didn't know you told jokes like that.
    Patton: What joke did I make?
  • Thomas seems a little off but insists that he's cool. But when he asks what's cooler than being cool...
    Patton and Roman: ICE COLD!!
    Thomas: Alright alright alright, I should've rephrased that.
  • Thomas takes the Sides back down to his apartment where he can listen to that "Sweet sweet non-echo".
    Patton: Well, this place sure looks familiar.
    Thomas: Sorry, guys. The sudden change kind of freaked me out.
    Roman: Why!?
    Patton: I mean it, why does this place look so familiar?
  • Logan posits that with sudden change, the heart (Patton) tends to be... confused.
    Patton: Well, I'm always confused.
    Thomas: Ain't that the truth.
    Logan: Maybe I should clarify: more confused than on average.
    Patton: That sounds about right! (getting progressively more emotional) You are so smart, you could solve any thing. Why don't we talk more!?
    Logan: Uh oh. Feelings.
    Thomas: Yup. I've become... sentimental.
    Roman: You're always sentimental.
    Thomas: More sentimental-
    Thomas, Princey and Logan: Than on average.
    Patton: On avalanche.
  • As Thomas details his sentimentality and reminiscence, Logan has this to say:
    Logan: Well Thomas, everyone gets homesick from time to time.
    Patton: (still emotional) Do you, Logan?
    Logan: Patton, we are all fractions of Thomas' personality—that is impossible.
    Patton: (reaching out to him) With you I'm always home!
    Logan: You need to chill out.
    Thomas: I do need to chill out.
  • Thomas rallies his Sides to help him meet his life changes head-on.
    Thomas: I don't know why these changes are causing this sudden surge of emotion, but we can deal with them, and we can keep moving forward. You with me?
    Patton: Yeah!
    Thomas: Awesome!
    Roman: Epic!
    Logan: Additional affirmation.
    Virgil: Wait.
    Thomas: Awwwww.
    Logan: Disappointment.
    Roman: So close.
    Patton: (waving) Waddup, Anxiety!
  • Initially Anxiety is... not very helpful.
    Virgil: When you're in these new settings and situations, you know something's off.
    Logan: What is?
    Virgil: Something.
    Logan: You can't even give an example?
    Virgil: Something is off.
    Thomas: I hate it when you're just vague!
    Patton: (worried noises) Ahhhh! Anxiety, what do we do!?
    Logan: Um, no. You were listening to me before. (through gritted teeth) Remember how smart I was?
  • Anxiety is, if nothing else, self aware.
    Virgil: We all know that I'm a bit—
    Roman: Dismal.
    Logan: Monochromatic.
    Patton: Spicy!
    Virgil: Whatever!
  • The conclusion Thomas draws from what Anxiety has to say has a bit of an adverse affect on Logic and Princey.
    Thomas: Awww, okay fine. You and Morality have a point.
    Logan: No.
    Roman: No!
  • The boys concoct a scheme in which the Sides will shape shift into Thomas' friends.
    Logan: If this will help, I am more than willing to participate. Which friend shall I be?
    Thomas: Uhhh... easy! You're inquisitive, rational, and clever. You're gonna be Joan.
    Logan as Joan: Huh, interesting.
    Roman: Nice.
    Logan as Joan: My face is immediately scratchier.
    Patton: (excited) Oh my goodness, that's so cute!!
    Thomas: Patton, you're a goofball with a heart of gold, so you're gonna be Terrence.
    Patton as Terrence: Oof! Terrific!
    Logan as Joan: Different face, same terrible humor.
    Patton as Terrence: Wish that was less mean, but happy to have you aboard the pun train!
    Logan as Joan: That wasn't on purpose.
    Thomas: And Roman-
    Roman: If you don't mind, Thomas, I am way ahead of you.
    Thomas: Oh! Okay...
    Roman as Valerie: (spins around to reveal the new look)
    Thomas: Valerie!
    Logan as Joan: A valorous choice.
    Patton as Terrence: Hello! Did I do that like Terrance?
    Thomas: Pretty accurate. Why Valerie?
    Roman as Valerie: She's a dreamer, a fellow lover of Disney... but mostly I just finally get to sing some princess songs!! I wonder... I wonder...
    Patton as Terrence: Awww.
  • Anxiety is, predictably, not on board.
    Thomas: Anxiety.
    Virgil: No, I am not playing this game.
    Patton as Terrence: Awww, c'mon Anxiety, it's fun. I'm a fun guy who's fun sized. Like Danny Devito!!
    Logan as Joan: It would behoove this exercise if all aspects took part.
    Virgil: I'm comfortable just the way I am. And besides—Thomas, this isn't gonna do any-
    Thomas: Talyn!
    Virgil as Talyn: W-wh-why!?
    Thomas: I dunno, just similar style-
    Virgil as Talyn: Change me back. Now!
    Logan as Joan: I think we can all agree that you're undeniably adorable.
    Virgil as Talyn: Noooooo.
    Roman as Valerie: I'm trying hard not to like you right now. But you are just too darn cute.
    Virgil as Talyn: *hissss*
    Patton as Terrence: Awwww! He's like a little kitten now.
    Roman as Valerie: Oh!
    Logan as Joan: That is a pleasant comparison.
  • Patton takes the opportunity to wander into Thomas' spot since Thomas isn't playing them both. Anxiety tells him to stop Breaking the Fourth Wall, and Logan says it's less a wall and more a column in the middle of all of them. The Sides then give the theoretical column described weird and distrustful looks. Then Thomas tells Patton to go back to his spot after stating that he doesn't want to think about that.
  • Logan wants to know if Thomas' problems are solved.
    Logan as Joan: Are you content now, Thomas? Can we close the book on your back-to-back dilemmas?
    Roman as Valerie: I don't know how the series would continue if we stopped having dilemmas.
    Virgil as Talyn: Easy, Meta Knight. We're recording the episode, not the DVD commentary.
    Logan as Joan: Ah. See you called him out for it, but then immediately took it more meta. Let's get back on track.
    Thomas: (looks at the camera) Yeahhh....
  • Anxiety has his doubts, but Patton seems cool with the whole exercise.
    Patton as Terrence: I think this could work. Might take some getting used to, but you both deserve a "Patton" the back for this one!
    Logan as Joan: (sigh) Did you just use a self-referential pun?
    Patton as Terrence: Oh yeah! I've been waiting to do it ever since I revealed my name. Up until that point I was... "Patton" pending.
    Logan as Joan: Time out! You don't see me or anyone else making puns about our names.
    Patton as Terrence: You're right, high-five.
    Logan as Joan: W-we're across-
    Patton as Terrence: Down low-
    Logan as Joan: (stuttering)
    Patton as Terrence: (popping up briefly on Logan's side of the room) -gan!
    Logan as Joan: -gan. Lo...gan. I might scream.
    Patton as Terrence: But you can't! Because your volume's too low-
    Logan as Joan: Don't you dare.
    Patton as Terrence: -gan!
    Logan as Joan: You're dead to me.
    Thomas: This is incredibly amusing... But.
    Roman as Valerie: But?
    Virgil as Talyn: Yes, but?
    Patton as Terrence: Heh heh, butt.
  • Thomas thinks something is off. Logan suggests they're not in the right alignment. Thomas wants to know what he means.
    Logan as Joan: It means maybe this combination of friends isn't quite, uh... (checks flashcards) Liiit. Is that the correct usage?
    Thomas: Aw, almost.
    Virgil as Talyn: You've gotta be joking.
    Logan as Joan: You know I'm not. (points to necktie).
  • The Sides begin switching around. So we wind up with two Valeries.
    Patton as Valerie: Roman, look at me.
    Roman as Valerie: No! Now one of us has to change.
    Patton as Valerie: Wow, I'm seeing double here. Shouldn't have drunk that "Roman" coke.
    Roman as Terrence: You are incorrigible!
    Patton as Valerie: Don't know what that means.
    Logan as Talyn: Guess I'm not the only one that needs vocabulary cards.
  • Anxiety insists that the reason Thomas is feeling weird is that the Sides looking like his friends doesn't actually make them his friends.
    Logan as Talyn: We look just like them. Would it help if we attempted to behave like them? Hello. My name is Talyn. I'm short and unthreatening.
    Thomas: Real cute. I wanna pinch your cheeks, but not quite Talyn.
    Logan as Talyn: Uh- Cats. Viking Metal. Vomit.
    Thomas: Well, now you're just naming things Talyn enjoys.
    Roman as Terrence: That raises so many more questions!
  • Thomas is in the middle of an impassioned speech to Anxiety about his friends and change when he's interrupted by Princey.
    Roman as Terrence: (singing) I will find my way! I can go the distance! Sorry, I just realized Terrance has a higher range than you, Thomas!!
    Thomas: ...Yup.
    Logan as Valerie: El principe es estupido.
    Roman as Terrence: What?
    Logan as Valerie: It is my understanding that you speak Spanish, so I really wanted to help you get it through your thick, self-aggrandizing skull in both languages. You are vapid and slow-witted.
    Roman as Terrence: Wow, that was a wounding remark. I thought we agreed to work as a team on this one. Besides, I learned Spanish first, so who's the stupid one now?
    Logan as Valerie: Still you.
    Patton as Talyn: Biblioteca! See, I know Spanish, too!
    Thomas: Nah, that's like Spanish One.
    Patton as Talyn: Did I make you proud, Logan? Are you proud of me?
    Logan as Valerie: You really need to chill.
  • Joan's turn as Princey is more than a little confused.
  • When Thomas laments that some change is unavoidable, Patton, as Joan, stops by his side of the room with... change.
    Patton as Joan: You just need to keep the change. (drops a bunch of pennies in Thomas' hands) Uh-oh! I just littered those pennies. Hope the coppers don't come after me.
  • Thomas decides to change everyone back. Princey needs a moment first.
    Roman as Valerie: Halt! One more princess song! I'm wishing...! Okay, I'm good.
    Thomas: Okay. There you go.
    Virgil: Oh, my precious bangs.
    Thomas: Well, it was a valiant effort.
    Patton: Well, at least it was fun.
    Roman: Some change can be fun. And entertaining.
  • Thomas apologizes to Anxiety, who says he'll let it go because he does legitimately feel better. Thomas asks if he feels good enough to tell them... his name.
    Virgil: Well... okay. My name...
    Virgil as Talyn: Talyn!
    Thomas: Okay.
    Logan: That is upsetting.
    Roman: Well.
    Patton: Wait, is it Talyn?
    Virgil: No! You take turns changing me into different friends today and expect me to open up to all of you? Fat chance!
  • In the end card, with a single pun from Patton, ALL of them turn into Talyn.
    Morality: I guess you could say Thomas is a man of many—
    Logan: Don't—
    Morality as Talyn: Talyns!
    Virgil as Talyn: NOT AGAIN!!
    Becoming a CARTOON! 
  • Patton is just a touch...early.
    Patton: (popping up) I love cartoo- (looks around and sees nobody else is there yet) Oh! Am I early? I'm early aren't I? Whoopsie doodles, alright I'm just gonna sink back down, see you all in a bit, role title screen.
  • Thomas doesn't realize how obvious he's been.
    Thomas: I don't know if I've ever quite clearly conveyed this to you guys but I really enjoy cartoo-
    (a whole bunch of screens pop up with a whole bunch of people the annotations label 'Fanders'.)
    Fanders: We know.
    Thomas:...Okay, good to know.
  • As Thomas lists off the animated media that has influenced his own content, Roman bursts onto the scene.
    Roman: I can't believe you listed all of those and didn't mention a single Disney movie!
    Thomas: Well I'm pretty sure by now people know I like Disney, Roman.
    Roman: How would we kno-
    Fanders: We know.
    Roman:....Fair enough.
  • As Princey points out all the ways in which Thomas' videos mirror their influences, Logan has this to add:
    Logan: And you've populated your content with zany and goofy characters.
    Thomas: (looking skeptical) Like who?
    Patton: I love cartoons!
    Thomas: Wow, you are late to the vlog today, Morality.
    Patton: Well, I just didn't want to be too early again.
    Thomas: What?
    Patton: Nothing.
    Virgil: Even the faces you make. It's like you're trying to be a cartoon.
    Thomas: (making an insane amount of goofy faces) What? When have I ever done something like that?
    Virgil: See? Why would anyone need to move their face as much as you just did in that one sentence?
  • While Logan points out Thomas cannot become a cartoon, Thomas and Roman are less skeptical of the idea:
    Logan: I don't know if that is a question. Because you cannot be a cartoon.
    Thomas: Or can I? (looks dramatically upwards)
    Roman and Patton: (look dramatically upwards with Thomas)
    Logan: ...No.
    Virgil: You can't. And wha-what are you looking at?
    Patton: I don't know what they're looking at but I am eyeballing that fridge, because there is some leftover pasta-
  • Patton is nothing if not supportive...
    Patton: I have no idea where you're going with this, but I blindly support you. (takes off glasses) Where'd you go?
  • But Logan still has doubts.
    Logan: I would like a say in this.
  • Despite Logan's and Virgil's misgivings, Thomas has a plan that's already in motion.
    Thomas: (checking his phone) Okay, booked.
    Virgil: What?
    Logan: BOOK!?
    Virgil: What the fu-
  • Butch Hartman is not at all surprised by either Thomas' bursting into his office or his request.
    Thomas: I'm here because I kind of need your help.
    Butch Hartman: You need me to make you into a cartoon?
    Thomas: YES!
    Thomas: Wha-why?
    Butch Hartman: Do you know how many people bust in here every week asking me to make them a cartoon?
    Thomas: Uh...
    Butch Hartman: Thirty seven.
    Thomas: Really. Wow.
    Butch Hartman: Yeah, security around here kind of stinks.
    Thomas: But I....have a really good reason.
    Butch Hartman: And what would that be?
    Thomas: Because I wanna be a cartoon real bad!
    Butch Hartman: That's....not a good reason-
    Thomas: Plus I have Tara Strong on the phone.
    Tara Strong: (in Timmy Turner's voice) Butch, I wish you'd make Thomas a cartoon.
    Butch Hartman: Tara....why?
    Tara Strong:(in her normal voice) I mean the dude seems alright. Plus he paid me eighty bucks to say this.
  • After being turned into a cartoon, Thomas decides to figure out what a day in the life would be like for Cartoon!Thomas.
    Birds Circling His Bed: *tweet tweet*
    Cartoon!Thomas: SHUT UP!!!
    • Cartoon!Thomas, doing a Sonic impression, inadvertently plows right threw Cartoon!Patton, knocking him and his order of donuts to the ground.
    Cartoon!Patton: Well, I ''donut'' want to have that happen again, heh heh.....ow my leg.
    • Even if he is a cartoon, he's still got to make videos.
    Cartoon!Logan: Puppies?
    Cartoon!Thomas: Maybe.
    Cartoon!Logan: Singing?
    Cartoon!Thomas: Maybe.
    Cartoon!Logan: Singing puppies?
    Cartoon!Thomas: Yes!
    Cartoon!Thomas: Then I usually fight crime!
  • Back in Butch Hartman's office...
    Thomas:I wish for more time to be a cartoon.
    Thomas: (as he leaves) Okay, I did not think that would work. Alright! Thank you! Bye!
    Butch Hartman: Sophia?
    Sophia: (pokes her head in the office doorway) Yeah?
    Butch Hartman: Can we change the locks in the building again? Kind of tired of these weirdos getting in.
  • The boys are back home and Logan is urging Thomas to not overlook the wonders of the real world.
    Thomas: Yeah, you're right, I shouldn't take this world for granted, it can be just as fun.
    Logan: Eh. Fun, fascinating. Tomato, solanum lycopersicum.
    Roman: Well, I suppose it wouldn't be best to exclude logic completely. After all, the best kind of comedy in cartoons follows some kind of logic. Otherwise it would just be random, and that's-
    Patton: (holding a potato) Potato!
  • Logan's done for the day, but Patton tells Thomas to pay him no mind.
    Patton: Ha! He's still learning, Thomas. Sometimes you just gotta TOON him out! You know? Toon?
    Roman: Ugh.
    Thomas: Heh.
    Roman: Like a cartoo-
    Fanders: We know!!
    Patton: Alright, I don't know what that was about but it was nice meeting y'all.

    Crofters - The MUSICAL! 

    Selfishness vs. Selflessness 
  • The video starts with a sponsored ad... That is then prolongued by Virgil walking in and asking the audience several unnerving questions, before being scolded by Thomas like a dog.
    Thomas: Sorry, he's still bummed that I went back to brown hair. (To Virgil, walking off) I said I might dye it again soon!
  • Logan's uncharacteristic use of an idiom:
    Logan: If Thomas would rather go to the wedding, then I, the brilliant Logan, think we should hear it straight from the horse's mouth. Thomas, the floor is yours.
  • Thomas' attempt to test if Deceit is trustworthy.
    Thomas: Let's give him the old "Liar Liar", what color is my shirt?
    Deceit: ... Red- I mean blue!
    Thomas: ... Well, I guess there are different shades of... blue and yellow and red, so...
  • "Bad deceit. Oh, sorry, Deceit!"
  • Upon realizing they're back in the mind palace, Patton happily conjures a bowl of butterfingers that he then accidentally knocks over. Deceit gets it back for him.
    Deceit: Hopefully he is better at defending (reaching behind Patton's ear and retrieving a new bowl of butterfingers) than he is at... existing.
    Patton: I hope so too! (hits himself in the head, a leftover candy bar falls out from his ear.)
  • When Deceit wants to start the trial:
    Deceit: Does everyone understand their parts?
    Roman: Uhm, I broke my gavel.
  • Thomas is being accused of planning to betray his friends to whom he'd originally promised support, of pretending to be a better person than he really is, of prioritising his own wants, and of leaving his dirty underwear all over the floor "like a gosh darn animal".
    • The last accusation is the one that immediately sparks a heated argument between Patton, Thomas' lawyer and Roman, the judge.
  • When Thomas very hesitantly pleads not guilty:
    Deceit:: Oh, said with the confidence of a man with his hands stuck in a cookie jar... In a cookie factory. And his pants are down. And on fire.
  • Deceit's various snarky giggles and campy hand gestures.
  • Patton's opening statement:
    Patton: I would just like to say that (towards Deceit) I am rubber, you are glue, whatever you say bounces off of me and sticks to you. That is all.
    Deceit: (grumbling) Curses!
  • When Deceit starts his questioning of the first witness, Logan:
    Deceit: So, you are Thomas'... stinky poopoo side, correct?
    Logan: (yelling) What?! No!
  • Roman allows various deceitful tactics in the court, such as tampering with evidence or misleading witnesses, simply for the sake of drama.
  • Deceit shamelessly sucks up to Roman throughout the whole process, but gets angry at Patton when he does the same thing.
  • Logan explains that, amongst other things, he's the director of activities for Thomas' right arm - the other one is controlled by Roman, who immediately puts his abilities to use by making Thomas flail around and flip the bird.
    • He also maintains a passion project: the development of a life system in order to form a more productive, punctual Thomas. It's not working out well.
  • "Wow, Thomas, it seems these days your moral compass is pointed South - towards Hell!"
  • During Virgil's questioning:
    Patton: Objection! He's weaseling the witness!
    Logan: (from the benches in the very back of the room) Uh, the correct term is badgering-
    Roman: (agressively hammering down his gavel and yelling) ORDER! ORDER IN THE COURT!!! (beat) Go ahead, Patton.
  • When Roman is being asked to explain why the wedding is more important than the callback:
    Roman: We get to watch Mary Lee marry Lee merrily and their life becomes a dream!note 
  • Further into Roman's questioning:
    Deceit: Let's say, you've got a stereotypical relationship between a man and a woman.
    Roman, extremely gay: You lost me.
  • After Deceit delivers his big nihilistic "We Live In A Society"-monologue:
    Virgil: Okay, I can't believe I'm saying this, but... that was so edgy and over the top. We're talking about a wedding here!
  • Deceit turns out to be a big philosophical fan of Max Stirner. If you're into anarchist politics and philosophy, you know how nonsensical that guy, his ideas and his intellectual followers are.
  • Patton questioning himself and hurriedly running from one side of the court to the other.
  • Deceit points out that this isn't even a real court case, and Thomas is just sitting on his couch with his eyes closed. Cut to exactly that.
    Thomas: (sighs) That's fair, but why say it?
  • When Deceit pulls back his suit jacket to reveal the two-headed snake on his chest, all Patton can focus on is how cute it's little tongues are.

    Dealing With Intrusive Thoughts 
  • The Duke is darkly hilarious at times.
    Remus: Thank you for the alliterative regards, Logan! I love being given *voice drops into a growl* two D's at once!
  • The Duke's entire character is this, whenever he's not being Nightmare Fuel. As a split version of Creativity, his style reflects Roman's while also being even more extra. Meanwhile, his personality is a sliding scale of "three-year-old Reality Warper" and "teenager trying to be edgy". The result is a mess of randomness and potty humor wearing a fake mustache.
  • Everyone is acting moody, much to Roman's chagrin, leading him to summon Logan. Logan is dismissive of the "overreaction" of the others. Virgil points out Logan is not exactly the best judge of emotional states.
    Virgil: You're not a great judge of what is or is not an overreaction. Your most extreme reaction is an eyebrow raise.
    Logan: FALSEHOOD!
    Virgil: (snaps by his ear to test his hearing) I stand corrected.
  • 🎵 "JEFFERY DAHMEEEEEEEER!" 🎵 Complete with jazz hands.
  • When Remus transforms into Thomas' friend Joan holding a severed hand, Thomas reacts appropriately horrified. But when Remus makes said hand flip the bird, Thomas admits that it's totally something the real Joan would do.
  • Meta example: watch ANY reaction video to this episode, and I guarantee that when The Duke first appears, just about every reaction is the same; “WHAT THE F*** IS THAT?!”
  • The Stinger features Remus trying to pester a nonchalant Thomas and eating more deodorant. The very last second of the video features a sepia-toned Remus dressed as Sheriff Woody moseying onscreen to say "There's a snake in my butt!"

    Putting Others First - Selfishness v. Selflessness Redux 
  • The episode begins with Thomas loudly exclaiming, "What the f**k, everybody?"
  • Roman notes that he prefers to call Dame Judi Dench "Queen Groovy Binch".
  • Roman interrupting Patton:
    Patton: "I haven't been making you feel very nice. I don't wanna make you think you're some -"
    Roman: [blurts] "stupid... dirty... rotten, filthy... silly, billy, no-good-for-no-nothin', uh... white, uh, rat scoundrel b*tch!"
    Patton: "... Yes, thank you, Roman!"
    Roman: "You're welcome."
  • What do you get for being a good fella? (A Call-Back to Alone on Valentine’s Day).
    Patton: "Sometimes, just this..." (holds up his hand, making an O shape)
    Roman:A bagel?!"
    Patton: "What, no! ... Maybe, no, nothing, it's nothing!"
    Roman: "Oh..."
  • While explaining a metaphorical dilemma, Patton uses Frogger as an example of an extended video game franchise with in-depth characters and thriving plotlines that Thomas would get up early in the morning to queue up at the local video game store. It costs, "I don't know, as much as a hotdog costs." It's clear he has no idea what he's talking about.
  • This iconic line from Deceit:
    "You're not stuck with an evil snake boy. (grins) You're just stuck with a snake boy."

    Working Through Intrusive Thoughts 
  • The fact that the title of this episode is abbreviated to WTIT. Remus would approve.
  • After Logan reminds Thomas that he agreed to be productive that day, Thomas comments that he hates his past self.
  • Remus attempts to trick Logan by showing him a list full of the word “updog”. Logan, in typical Logan fashion, proceeds to ruin the joke.
    Logan: Who is updog?
  • Remus then shows Logan his “real” list, which is full of…something that prompts Logan to chuck his coffee down the sink, uncork a bottle of wine with his teeth, and slowly pour the wine into his coffee cup.
  • In response to Logan’s typical unimpressed attitude with his antics, Remus dons an old-fashioned Dunce Cap and drags himself off into the corner, pouting.
    Remus, bending over and holding a paddle: Logan, are we gonna do this, or what? It's not as fun if it's just me!
  • Logan, the ever-stoic, telling Thomas to shake what his mother gave him.
  • When one of Remus’s Rube Goldberg machines fails, he ends up getting stabbed in the eye with a soapy knife. His one complaint?
    Remus: Aaah! I’m allergic to soap, you b*tch!
    • He then conveniently forgets that he can regenerate his own injuries and instead opts for an eyepatch.
  • Remus resolves to ignore Logan…by reading a book titled “Ignoring Dummies for Dummies”, complete with Logan’s picture edited onto the cover and a subtitle reading, “Are Nerds In Blue Ties Bothering You?” For bonus points, the cartoon man on the cover is edited to look like Remus.

    Have I Grown? - Five Years Later: A Sanders Sides Special 
  • Throughout the video, Logan has a glass of wine that gets bigger every time the camera cuts back to him. Eventually, he holds an entire bottle.
  • Thomas asks if his Sides have any regrets.
    • Virgil rolls out a Long List of regrets, with the last one being "achieving consciousness".
    • Logan regrets throwing paper at Roman, and Roman regrets that he didn't throw paper at Logan first.
    • Roman also regrets going to the wedding instead of the callback, while looking longingly at the framed photo. A framed stock photo, because Thomas didn't take any pictures at the actual wedding.
    • Patton says that he regrets not paying enough attention... to detail in very un-Patton-like voice.
    • And Remus is... Remus.
      Remus: (while drinking soap-based Anti-Spoiler Spray that he's allergic to straight from the bottle) Regrets?
  • Patton claims that all Sides are one happy family, where he's the dad and Logan is the mom. Logan peevishly wonders what kind of gender roles Patton is even talking about, Virgil adamantly refuses to be shoehorned into the role of their son (he's the gay emo cousin), Roman happily agrees to be the son instead, Remus claims to be a fresh out of jail uncle, and Janus says he's the sassy aunt who talks shit about everyone.
  • Remus appears to be having a heartwarming moment before we remember that he is Remus.
    Remus: And I shall be learning to better receive acceptance and praise.
    Thomas, genuinely touched: Wow, Remus! That actually sounds really healthy and productive.
    Remus: Thank you.
    Remus: "Acceptance" and "praise" are the names of my vibrators.
  • The video's send-off from everyone.
    5 out of the 6 sides: Happy fifth anniversary!
    Remus: I'm watching cystic surgeries!

     The Sides Need a Nice Day 
  • Patton knows exactly what Logan likes to do, which should be good for a nice day. Unfortunately, he forgets how TikTok editing works and practically drags Logan through all the activities.
  • Logan describes Ncuti Gatwa as a "snack and a half." In the most matter-of-fact, robotic tone of voice.
  • Virgil proposes a lot of activities that seem to be what Roman likes, but the titles are a bit misleading...
    • Instead of William Joel's "We Didn't Start the Fire," the Fall Out Boy cover comes over the headphones.
    • Disney. Creepypastas.
    • Roman is thrilled to get an animal companion... until it turns out that it's a spider. Enough said.
    • Virgil reads Roman The Little Mermaid as a bedtime story. The original Little Mermaid by Hans Christian Andersen.
    • Virgil adjusts the ending of The Little Mermaid to a happy one when Roman starts getting insecure about his role as a prince. When Roman is happy and asleep after "and they all lived happily ever after..." Virgil covers his mouth and rushes out of the room to blurt "FOR NOW!"
  • Janus knows that Remus likes to lurk in closets and still gets startled when he sees him. Remus is just goofily staring at the camera with a litte "hiiii :D"
  • "Next one, here boy" sounds like Janus is calling him like a dog.
  • Remus's disappointment when that mysterious brown chocolate stain turns out to be chocolate.

     Virgil Reacts to Anxiety from Inside Out 2 
  • "They keep posting new rules on Twitter. Or X. Or WHATEVER THE HELL IT'S CALLED!"
  • A summary of Remus's relationships:
    Remus: That just gave me an idea...
    Roman: NO!
    Patton: Oh, no...
    Logan: No.
    Janus: Absolutely not.
  • "It is very gross!" (voice drops to a growl) "And terrifying." (returns to normal) "So, that? Are we gonna do that?"
  • Janus is... himself.
    Logan: Anxiety, none of us are entirely pleased to be putting on this charade, it's not just you.
    Janus: (adjusting ascot and checking himself out) Mm, speak for yourself, sweetie, some of us are feeling right at home in character.
  • Virgil looks like a wet Jojo McDodd in a dollar store pumpkin outfit.
    Remus: (cackles) Sorry, you look stupid!
    Janus: What, is that not how he always looks?
  • How Patton got Janus & Remus to come.
    Janus: I was told there would be wine.
    Remus: And I was told that I could kill Bing-Bong. Is that still on the table, or has the vibe shifted?
  • "Whenever we played Inside Out in the past, I was always Fear!" This is a regular thing for them.

    Logan: That's why you all had me portray Anger, simply because we both wear neckties. And for no other reason.
    Roman: (testing the waters) Doctor Who is stupid.
    Logan: FALSEHOOD!!!

  • When Virgil says that despite the differences between him and Inside Out's Anxiety, he would absolutely win in a fight, there is a bunch of agreeing from the other sides, except for Patton who cheerfully goes "nope!"

     What Makes the Perfect Gift? 
  • Although Logan was questioning why he was labeled as the mom in the 5 Year Special, he clearly shows several Mom traits at the beginning.
    "Morning everyone! Get up, get up." (clapping) "Rise and shine!" (ringing bell)
    "As you are all aware, we are in the throngs of the holiday season..."
    "When they get here, you will put on a happy face. They came all this way to spend Christmas with us and we are going to be good hosts."
    "I was going to go to my room and play video games." "No, you are going to stay here and exchange gifts with everyone."
  • "Ah, Roman. Master of all things rhythm. Except circadian."
  • Logan has his thoughts on the Grinch.
    Patton: (sweetly) Did your heart grow three sizes this day?
    Logan: ... no, Patton. And once again, I must stress that the Grinch was clearly suffering from cardiomegaly, most likely due to heart damage or disease, it was not brought on by Christmas spirit.
    Patton: And I must stress that I don't like it when you tell me things like that.
    Virgil: And I must stress.
  • Why was Thomas absent from most of the video? "I'm just chillin'"
  • Remus frequently leaves his shoes in a vat of human excrement and still forgets he left them there.
  • "Mulled wine? I'm not sharing it with anyone, I'm just showing it off."
  • Janus's gift to Patton:
    • The mood starter for the gift exchange.
    Logan: Let's start with Patton.
    Patton: (excited yell)
    Janus: No, no. I'll go first, it's worth it.
    Patton: (slumps over) Awww...
    Janus: I had Patton.
    Patton: (jumps up) AAAAAH! (beat) ... whoa, okay sorry, getting lightheaded. That was a roller coaster for me.
    • "I thought it was the corpse of a sea lion, but Janus wouldn't let me shake it." "No, I don't think so, it's too light!"
    • Patton's excitement over the many, many, MANY boxes Janus wrapped a simple card in.
  • Patton's gift to Remus:
    Patton: Well, I had Remus...
    Remus: Ooh! Daddy...
    (Roman gags)
    Virgil: Don't... say that...
    • The gift is an air fryer, a popular gift as described by Janus as "a quaint gift-giving strategy people often resort to for those they (whispers) really know nothing about..."
    Remus: So this thing... fries stuff?
    Patton: Yeah! Potatoes, pickles, you name it!
    Remus: Chicken fingers?
    Patton: Yeah!
    Remus: H u m a n f i n g e r s ?
    • Remus sniffs the air fryer.
  • Remus's Gift to Virgil:
    Remus: I wonder what else it fries... as I've said before, I've got an entire vat of human excrement.
    Remus: I had Virgil!
    Virgil: Ah, fuck.
    • What did Remus make A̵̼͓͔̠̭̒̌̉̎͝A̶͓͔͋̅̍́͘Á̷̧͍̔Ä̶̰̞́͜͝G̸̛̤͓̑́̕͜ͅH̷̭̀͌̑̚͠ / "Mr Fuzzy" out of? Some stuff from Joanne's Fabric. Which is the name he gave to his shower drain.
    • Remus is a bit protective of his gift.
    Remus: Virgil, you dropped Mr Fuzzy!
    Virgil: (holding it with his sweater sleeves) Oh yeah. Thanks.
    Remus: Ṃ̵̈́ṟ̵͋ ̷̗͊F̴̳͆ũ̶̪z̸̮̈́z̷̛͍y̵̛͕ ̴̜̽ḏ̷̛o̵̼̿e̸̮̓s̶͙̚ṅ̵̺'̴̬̈t̷͖͝ ̶̦̒l̴͍͂i̸̻̐k̷͙̇ḛ̵̕ ̸̝͂b̸̩̋ė̶̼ḯ̵̜n̶͙͆ḡ̵̙ ̶͍̐d̵͙̏r̵͚̀o̵̮͝p̴͉͑p̵̬̎e̴̞͋d̴̟̓.̸̮̚
  • Virgil's gift to Logan:
    • At first, it seems like a jerk move from Virgil to get just a newspaper for Logan, but the revelation makes Virgil's facial expressions a lot funnier in hindsight. He clearly did not want to give away the surprise, so instead, it looks like he's trying to send psychic waves to Logan to just look at it.
    • Virgil's coy "hm... I'm not sure..." when Logan finally looks at it.
    • Virgil is incredibly dramatic and over-the-top with his reveal.
    • Logan hugs the newspaper and shakily mumbles "oh, Virgil..."
  • Logan's gift to Roman:
    • It's a $20 bill. He makes some logical conclusions that most Americans enjoy receiving money and that Roman is more creative in finding a use for the money.
    • In addition, Logan replaced Andrew Jackson's face with Roman's to appeal to his ego, and additionally, I quote, "Fuck that asshole."
    Remus: (gasp) Can we? For Christmas!
  • Roman's gift to Janus:
    Virgil: (smiling) It really is Christmas...
    • Logan does admit that Janus has been a bitch the entire evening because he wouldn't share the wine.
    • Janus isn't even mad at the slap.
    Janus: I would be more upset... if I wasn't genuinely impressed with your dupery.
    Roman: (offended) Don't you comment on my dupery! That's gross!
    • Roman's actual gift was a pair of socks, shading that Janus is "cold-blooded."
  • The send-offs:
    Remus: This is boring, bye! (holding air fryer) We've got plans tonight...
    Janus: I suppose the night could have been worse.
    Virgil: (holding Mr Fuzzy away from his face with his sweater sleeves) Sometimes giving a gift can be more fun than receiving one.

     Blooper Reels 
    • Logan attempting to flirt with Valerie:
    Logan: One possible objective is to copulate.
    Valerie: Yes!
    Thomas, mumbling: Copulate...
    Valerie, cracking up: Like, I know my line is "yes!"
    • The Sims flirting:
    Logan: That's ridiculous. This is what it would look like if your life were a Sims game.
    Logan, turning to Valerie: HALLO!
    Thomas while Valerie dies in the background: Why did I say "hello" like that?
    • Joan!Logan's reaction to Patton's pun is a whiny "oh, oh I hate it..."
    • Talyn!Virgil is as intimidating as a muffin.
    Virgil: Change me back, now!
    Talyn: I can't do a low voice, it's like (death metal scream) CHANGE ME BACK NOW!!!
    • Valerie!Virgil is a muffin too.
    Thomas, directing: Try to add a little meanness to it.
    Virgil, in a normal voice: I'm getting real sick of this.
    Thomas: I love that that's "mean" for you.
    • "Guess I'm not the only one who need vocabulary wooooAAAAARRRRDDSS"
    • Terrance!Patton cartoonishly slides offscreen with a breathy "okay..."
    Joan!Roman: (ripping open shirt) I don't know who I am anymore!
  • "The Bloop Strikes Back!":
    • Roman sounds like Goofy when he says "never lying at ALLLL?"
    • The mistake of Patton actually catching the binder, followed by a half-hearted attempt to fumble it.
    • Since Talyn did the scream for Roman in Accepting Anxiety Part 2, all Thomas had to do was pretend to scream while it's dubbed over in post... right? Roman ends up looking like a panting mime watching his cell phone going over a cliff.
    • Virgil becomes British for some reason when he says "Band-aid."
    • Joan as Roman as Joan as random characters.
    "She gave it to me before she doied. She was only... nineteen."
    (boss running in) "Goddammit, you little bitch!"
    "No fuckin' way, dude! My fuckin'–" (cracks up)
    "My only fwend in the world who also happens to be my pet... fuckin' hampster."
  • "Return of the Bloop!":
    Janus: I'd like to call my next witness to the stand... (sing-songy) VIRGILLLLLLL...
    • Thomas, still in-character as Deceit, sauntering away from the judge's bench saying, "Eat sh*t, losers."
    Virgil: Please never take off my clothes... and then put me in new clothes ever again.
    • Patton protesting "I know nothing!" and falling out of the witness's seat.
    • The wad of paper Logan throws at puppet!Roman goes nowhere near his eye.
    Nate, the puppeteer: Wouldn't it be amazing if it went (puts hand to mouth) and stuck in there?
    Nate as Roman: Look at it. Look at my eyes as I eat it.
    • "The only thing opening should be Thomas's mouth, because he's about to be served... a giant dick."
    • The Puzzle Song
    Virgil: (singing) There!
    Chorus on laptop, one second later: There!
    Patton: (singing) There!
    Chorus on laptop, one second later: There!
    • Thomas describing the Frankenstein's Monster chin as a "pair of testicles hanging from [his] chin."
    Patton: We could start by having an open and honest (text tone) son of a bitch.
    • Thomas sneezes while wearing the Spider-man mask, causing Joan to compare it to a bastardized version of the famous Spider-man kiss.
    • Patton fucking MOANS when Janus pulls the butterfingers out of his ear.
    Joan, controlling Puppet!Patton: Logan!
    Logan: What?
    Patton: Suck my D!
    • "... scare them right out of my pants."
    Virgil: Deceit's such a bitch.
    Janus: Come again, bitch?
    • "That's like slapping me in the face with my own beautifully manicured COCK!"
    • (Logan goes on a very long rant) Okay, we did a script rewrite. My new line is "... what?"
    Logan: But Roman said, and I quote, "you... are a bitch."
    • Some of Patton's "circle of life" moments:
    Rain goes to plants, plants feed animals, plant-eating animals feed animal-human animals...
    ... plant-eating animals feed animal-eating animals and humans inject corn into animals...
    ... humans feed animals animals corn and inject them with... corn, and inject them with human...
    ... humans feed animals corn and inject them with hormones until they can't barely walk anymore!
  • "The Bloop Awakens!":
    Remus: Where are your kids, Patton? WHERE ARE YOUR KIDS!?
    Joan: (offscreen) How are you a DAD if you don’t have any kids?!
    Patton: Sh**!
    • Thomas complains that he can often hear his neighbors because they play movies really loud. Cut to Thomas screaming loudly with the caption "And now here's 40 seconds of Thomas being a hypocrite".
    • When Virgil admits to being a former dark side, Thomas nonchalantly says that everyone on Tumblr has guessed it months ago.
    • Thomas asks if Remus is the side of him that's obsessed with butts.
    Thomas: Are you my butt side? Because I always thought I had one of those.
    • After taking off his glove in "Putting Others First", Deceit flips off the other Sides.
    Deceit: I wasn't going to tell you my name. Roman is being a D-bag over there.
    • When filming Remus' Villain Song, Thomas starts slapping the butt prop in time with the music. (Which is, admittedly, very in-character for Remus.)
    • Thomas says that Remus is just a figment of his imagination and starts to leave, calling all his other figments of imagination with him.
    • Remus nearly gets stuck trying to get behind the TV.
    Logan: The next five minutes of this video is the Duke trying to get out from behind the TV.
    • Patton's substitutions for "butthole" include: "b-hole", "poop chute", "pooper", and "brown maker"
    • Joan and Gavin were having an out-of-context conversation about babies' junk?
    • Guess who enjoyed co-writing Remus.
    Virgil: Walked right into that one.
    Joan in a Remus Impression: Just like I walk around my house with my boner out!
    Virgil: Should've seen that coming.
    Joan in a Remus Impression: You can if you want!
    • Thomas. In Virgil's makeup. Wearing Janus's outfit. With a huge goofy grin. Hitting the 'whoa.'
    Patton, looking at Remus covered in trash: You are not going to church looking like that, mister.
    • Patton having a breakdown over the 'unicorn porn' line.
    Logan: And that is precisely why the Duke... is a bitch.
    • Joan directing Thomas:
    Joan reading Remus's lines: Speaking of suggestions, when are you actually gonna jump out of a moving car? I've been bringing it up for years, and still nothing!
    Joan: And then you react.
    Thomas: (sigh) I'm all out of reactions for you.
    • "Some psychologists may be more inclined to call a distraction in this case ree-duh-re-re. And it's a weird phrase, I think it's German."
  • "A New Bloop (PART 1!)"
    Thomas as Remus: (disturbingly licking the tongue lollipop)
    Quil: James, can you test the focus on this one?
    James: ... I'm not sure what to focus on.
    • Virgil twisting his cap around into his eye.
    Joan: On the "but," don't be afraid to take a lot of time on the "but."
    Thomas: That's what I always tell 'em.
    • Logan's marketing shenannigans.
      • Logan making up a little chant with the allergens he's listing.
    Logan: The jams avoid contact with common allergens, such as pi– piss.
    Logan: (high pitched voice) "What's their environmental footprint?" (normal) So glad you asked, citizen.
    • Lee and Mary Lee inviting Thomas to a threesome.
    Remus, watching Thomas dance: This is MY intrusive thought!
    Remus: A dagger to my head, sure. Disco? Not so.
    • Thomas attempting to get into Virgil's cynical character. Later, he does the same thing with Logan.
    Thomas: Hang on, I got this. Dead puppies.
    (crew laughs)
    Thomas: Stop, you're laughing before I can do it!
    Quil: "Dead puppies" was funny!
    Davi: Sorry, we started laughing because you said "dead puppies!"
    • "Do I want to hit my boss with a blunt object?"
    (pan to Nico staring scarily at Thomas)
    Nico, cheerfully: Hi, Thomas! :D
    • Rube Goldberg devices are hard to control.
    Remus: I'm a bad little Catholic.
    • When Thomas was pretending to text, he just wrote "chungus."
    Roman: A Disney fan? Okay. (sings in falsetto) I can see–
    • Logan kissing the jam jar a little too... intimately.
    • The interesting Scooby-Doo reveal of the sides.
    Joan, reading Janus's line: "Patton, I love the new direction..."
    Thomas: The "nude erection?"
    Janus: Patton, I love the nude erection– (cracks up)
    Thomas: I did that by mistake.
    Joan: Patton, I love the nude erection...
    Thomas: Wait a minute. Were you Remus disguised as Deceit that was disguised as Logan?
    Joan, imitating Remus: Yes!
    Remus: YES!
    Thomas: And then another mask pulls over and it's Deceit again.
    Janus: No, it's me, numbnuts.
  • "A New Bloop (PART 2!)"
    Logan: You are well on your way to cleaning up this fucking–
    • More of Logan's marketing shenanigans:
    Logan: It's jam-packed with BDE. Big Delicious Energy.
    Logan: They recycle 99% of their raw materials packaging. Mm. That shit's good.

    Davi, cracking knuckles: Heard you don't like dairy in your jam...
    Thomas: No! Why are you getting mad at me?
    • Roman's bagel yearning.
    Janus, gently: I'll take care of him...
    Janus, miming slitting throat: You know what I mean?
    • Joan's aggressive delivery of "karma's a BITCH!"
    • Janus practically having an orgasm when Thomas says he's right.
    Janus: I love lies~
    Janus: I mean, I don't love lies~
    • Virgil saying "uwu."
    • "Let me head out." A bunch of adults having the humor of middle schoolers.
    • Janus lying a là Pinocchio.
    Janus: You won't not, not have a good time. Have fun with that one.
    Joan: I think it's "not not not..."
    Janus: You won't not, you– (cracks up)
    Thomas: Is it? "You won't not" is "you will," so "you won't not not" is "you won't have a good time..."
    Joan: But you're telling lies. So if "you won't not have a good time," that's "you will have a good time," but it's also a lie, so you won't have a good time.
    Thomas: So "you won't not not have a good time" is "I won't have a good time" and it's a lie, so it will have a good time.
    Joan: So you won't...
    Thomas: We're having fun with it now, aren't we?
    Joan: So, is it "won't not not?" (confused giggling) "You won't not... have a good time."
    Thomas: That's amazing.
    Joan: You will not not have a good time, you will not not NOT– (cracks up) but it's also a lie.
    • EVERYONE is unnerved by the tongue lollipop.
    Virgil: Patton, you don't have a job, and... I don't like you.
