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Drinking Game / Sanders Sides

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Well, kids, remember to drink responsibly!
- Signed, Patton
  • Take a sip every time a pun is made.
    • Take a sip every time Logan takes something literally.
    • Take a shot every time a Double Entendre flies past Patton's head.
    • Take a shot at every spontaneous rhyme.
  • Take a sip every time a Disney movie is referenced.
    • Drink a whole bottle, open another and drink that, then repeat this with a third bottle whenever Roman has a... moment.. concerning the aforementioned Disney. Then go to hospital. You'll need it.
  • Take a sip every time theater is referenced.
  • Take two shots every time someone breaks out into song.
  • Take a shot every time there's a father-son type interaction between Patton and Virgil.
  • Take a shot every time Roman and Virgil bicker.
  • Take a shot every time Logan's elaborate scientific explanation is interrupted by Patton making a joke.
  • Take a shot every time Joan is mentioned.
    • Take two shots every time Joan shows up.
  • Finish the bottle every time an episode ends with a very meticulously explained Aesop. We apologize for this one.
  • Drink a whole bottle whenever Remus makes a butt/naked joke. We apologize for this one.
  • Finish your drink every time Logan screams "FALSEHOOD!"
    • If he simply says it, change this to a sip.
    • If you reflexively drink when Janus-as-Logan says "LIES!", you must finish the bottle.
