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Funny / Internet Historian

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    Main Channel Videos 
The Downfall of Tony the Tiger
  • The ending:
    IH: You can visit his Twitter still today. See him teach kids the value of sports and eating Frosted Flakes [clicks on the responses button to one of the tweets], and then scroll down the comments to read a lot of fucked up shit. [tweets out the response "@realtonytiger Pour some milk on my Frosted Flakes, Tony."]

The Failure of Dashcon

  • IH's complete deadpan delivery of this line:
    IH: By the evening, the unthinkable happens. The ball pit starts to deflate. And someone pisses in it.
  • IH includes a clip of an attendee interviewing people:
    Interviewer: [To a man with long hair, dark clothes and a leather collar] OK, so you're dressed as the Batman movie shooter. What made you choose this costume?
    Man: [confused] ...costume?
    Interviewer: [To a man dressed as the Devil] Why did you dress up as the Prime Minister of Israel?
    Devil: I say dress for the job you want.

The Great iPhone Massacre

  • As he talks about how the LAPD had to issue a tweet telling people to not microwave their iPhones, IH is posing like he's in some cologne ad, wearing a policeman's uniform, and wondering aloud how the people calling the police were able to after having exploded their cell phones.
  • Not all the inconveniences are pranks that brick phones of those gullible enough to actually fall for it:
    IH!Steve Jobs: [takes some parting shots with a machine gun] But there's one last thing! We put a tiny seam at the side of your iPhone 6 so that it pulled out your hair every time you put your phone up your face. [background music stops] I made that design decision. I thought it was funny.

The Bikelock Fugitive

Seize the Day

  • IH's re-enactment of the hentai manga linked on a tab that was left on by mistake in one of Kurt Eichenwald's tweets, giving the male character Kurt's face and a bad Japanese accent, while Tucker Carlson's face covers the woman's naked boobs. This went on for a while before cutting to a video of a seagull scarfing down a hot dog.
    IH: And then they have sex, and it's... pretty graphic.
  • When going over Kurt's bizarre excuse of him and his sons trying to prove to his wife that tentacle porn exists:
    IH: The problem is, B-Chiku doesn't have any tentacle porn. [cuts to a screenshot of him being blocked on Twitter by Kurt for pointing this out] He claims it is difficult to find, so let's test that. [jingle plays, splash screens of a tutorial before cutting to Google] Okay, and we type it into Google... and there are about 8 links. What about the images? [several blurred images based on the search appear] Yep, every one of THOSE is an affront to God.

He Will Not Divide Us saga

  • The sheer effort people from 4chan went to in forcing the movement back further and further, outsmarting Shia's efforts to keep the flag's location a secret is not only fascinating but downright hilarious.

The Failure of Rainfurrest

  • There's a part where IH explains that injuries at the con led to people actually having to go to the hospital. The accompanying footage of an ambulance shows that it's a veterinarian ambulance.
  • IH's Incredibly Lame Pun about the behavior of the con's guests.
IH: They were behaving like... animals?
(GET IT?!??)
  • A few weeks after the con, the Hilton hotel terminated RainFurrest's contract with a letter listing all of the reasons why they wouldn't be allowed back next year, or ever again. IH's interpretation of what that letter said:
    Dear Rainfurrest,

    We are terminating your contract for the following reasons:

    1. Degeneracy.
    2. See above.
    3. See above.
    4. See above.
    5. See above.
    6. See above.
    7. See above.
    8. See above.
    9. See above.
    10. See above.
  • The con was announced as being canceled permanently shortly after IH finished the video. Rather than go back and edit the ending where he says they'll have to wait and see what happens next year, he just tacks on a hilariously blunt coda noting that no, it's actually just gone forever.

The Failure of Fyre Festival

  • "Over the years, Billy managed to network with some powerful people. One of them was Ja Rule. Translated from German, I believe it means 'Yes Rule'."
  • "Expecting a party, this guy took all of his drugs on the flight over. He's the only one having any fun."
  • IH's sarcastic description of the cheese sandwiches that were served at the festival ("When the food does arrive, it's just as delectable as promised") is accompanied by an odd, slo-mo video of a man chewing, smiling and staring unblinkingly at the camera.
  • "Meanwhile, Billy is on full damage control. He claims that a storm came in the night before and changed all of the marketing into lies!"

The Harry Potter Skirmishes

  • When going over the kinds of people that the series fostered:
    IH: Second, the gamblers. Thousands of individuals, betting hundreds of thousands of dollars on the outcome of the story. Who would die next? [shows a video of one guy trying to run through Platform 9 3/4 and smacking against the wall, showing the You died screen] Who would Harry hook up with? [shows an infamous Daniel Radcliffe picture of an Equus production]
  • The clips of people spoiling the books in public (nicknamed the "Spoibois") all cross the line twice hilariously. Special mention goes to the person who managed to get a giant banner spoiling The Half-Blood Prince in front of an England highway.

Any Poll's a Goal
A hilarious compilation of internet polls that end up spiraling out of control by trolls. Highlights include:

  • A contest is held in 2010 to select where Justin Bieber should perform next. Trolls successfully manage to bring North Korea to the number one spot... but even though it won, the planned performance is called off, for obvious reasons.
  • A similar contest is held by Walmart to send Pitbull anywhere the internet pleased, but only within the United States. Trolls, after much thorough planning, settle on a Walmart located in the desolate area of Kodiak, Alaska. Boosted by the pool having no limits on votes, Kodiak wins. Surprisingly, Walmart and Pitbull actually went through with it! Even the Internet Historian has to concede that the marketing team won out on this one.
  • And another similar contest was held, this time with Taylor Swift being given the chance to be sent to any school within the States ("The safest place in the whole world!"). The school that ended up winning was a school for deaf people. While Swift did not go through with the planned performance, she did donate a good amount of money to the school.
  • The Historian narrates that through these events, marketing teams learned that internet polls aren't a good idea and shouldn't be done again... while flashing various images of even more similar incidents.

The Y2K Apocalypse

  • The start of the video, IH lights a match in his Y2K survival bunker. As the video goes on, the fire from the match continues to spread, first setting his hair on fire, then lighting up the bunker, then causing stuff in the bunker to explode. And throughout it all, IH remains completely calm, seemingly not even noticing the fire.
    IH: Boy, there was potential here for real disaster. (cue something in the bunker exploding right in front of him from off-screen)
  • Before preparing to leave the bunker he "sets the mood" by changing his Pip-Boy radio, which is picking up channels like "100 hours of background rain noise," "one long loud scream," and "touching strangers at Tacobell ASMR." Then he leaves the bunker, and... it's the cabin with the felled tree from one of the HWNDU videos.
    IH: Get it? He steps out and then it's the cabin from Season F- it's all connected! It's such a deep and encompassing lore- remember when I used to make good content? Me neither!

The Fall of 76

  • After going over the pre-launch hype for Fallout 76, IH proceeds to showcase the vast amount of issues and less-than-enthused player reactions it had at launch. But surely the professional reviewers will show that the game isn't as bad as everyone claims, right? Cut to the (very) low scores from major publications falling onto the game and nuking it.
  • His depiction of how Bethesda reacted to reports of cheaters: Todd Howard in a Teletubby costume, with a shotgun... and a blindfold, wildly blasting any player who happens to be nearby, only hitting an actual cheater ("Bigolcheatertho") after accidentally hitting two honest players ("PlayzByDaRules" and "Literally12YO") and missing two other cheaters ("Luvs2Cheat_420" and "cheetohs"). And then, when players start getting into the dev room to get all the best items, they at first prepare the "usual approach" - cue Todd in the outfit, complete with the blindfold, cocking the shotgun again, as it's revealed they just banned anyone they saw who happened to have high-level gear.
  • The sketch during the ad break:
    (starts with Will Smith looking through the binoculars, badly acted) Look, there's a meteor headed straight to Earth! (a cursor plays the video of the asteroid doing just that) Oh my god! We must do something! Was anyone curious enough to read about it online?
    "Not me!"
    "Not me either!"
    Oh nooo! Now people think I'm dumb and I have died a virgin! (tries to imitate an explosion sound)note 
  • His reason for plugging Curiosity Stream:
    Pl-please. Look, I need- I need sponsors. I- I bought a lifetime supply of toilet paper, thinking I was saving money, but then I left it out in the rain and the crows got it, and now I'm back to square one. Please.
  • The Power Armor edition gets universally savaged over sending nylon bags to customers instead of the advertised canvas bags. Given the understandably bad press on top of existing bad press, Bethesda had to come up with a cunning and foolproof plan to calm everyone down. Their brilliant solution was to post a message offering 500 Atoms (5 dollars' worth of in-game currency, costing Bethesda nothing to give away and the absolute lowest amount a player can buy) for compensation... for a pre-order edition that cost anywhere between $200 to $300 worth of real money for their customers to order. The following is IH's theory on Bethesda's fantasy regarding customer reactions, prior to announcing the offer:
    Fan 1: 500 Atoms?! Fuck yeah!
    Fan 2: What are you going to do with your Atoms?
    Fan 3: I'm going to buy five-eighteenths of the white paint version of the Power Armor!note 
    Fan 1: WHOOOOOOA! What about you?
    Fan 4: Light wood laminate! Light wood laminate! Light wood laminate!note 
    Fan 1: (gasps) Fuck the bag!
    Fan 3: He's right! Fuck the bag!
    All fans: Light wood laminate! Light wood laminate! Light wood laminate! Light wood laminate!...
  • One of the promotions for the game was selling bottles of "Nuka Dark Rum", which Bethesda promised would be premium-quality rum in rocket-shaped glass bottles, for $80 a pop. Those who bought it ended up having to wait several months past the expected delivery date, only to instead get low-quality rum in ordinary glass bottles that were encased in flimsy rocket-shaped plastic shells, and several outright nonsensical explanations for why (such as that "it cost us twice as much to make the plastic version over the glass one", which just prompts the IH to respond with "Then what the fu-"). Then Bethesda went ahead and made a $30 Nuka-Cola Quantum glass lamp, shaped like the rocket bottle.
    IH: Wh—they made the bottle properly! Yeah, one of those, please! But bigger! And brown! Is that SO HARD!?
  • The first delay on the bottle is announced via email saying that it's "not up to the usual Fallout standard." IH simply repeats that line and Todd's memetic "it just works" over several more clips of bugs and glitches in the game itself, giving the impression by this point that "not up to the usual Fallout standard" meant "we haven't found a way to catastrophically mess this up yet."

Very Serious Business
A spiritual sequel to "Any Poll's a Goal", where various attempts at marketing brands with help from the Internet go horribly wrong.

  • In 2013, the Agile Alliance convention introduced a live Twitter feed, where tweets sent with a specific hashtag would appear on various screen boards at the meeting place. An attendee snaps a picture of one of the boards, shares it on "a certain message board", and suggests they go nuts. Hilarity ensues.
    • Initially, the /b/ members merely just posted offensive messages all over the hashtag, but once the Alliance noticed them and attempted to stop it, they doubled the hell downnote  - to the point where the Historian admits they went too far.
  • McDonald's created a farmer-centered hashtag that worked surprisingly well, so they made another one called #McDStories for those interested in sharing nice experiences they had at their restaurants. Apparently, it didn't occur to their marketing guys that plenty of bad stuff happens at their locations, and Twitter did not waste time in telling horror stories like a woman soliciting sex in the drive-thru in exchange for McNuggets ("I looked this one up, by the way, it's true."), finding a fingernail in customer's foods, and rats crawling into the burger buns ("Oh yikes, this one is real too.") And once the real stories ran out, people just made stuff up for laughs.
    IH: Bet that'll make anyone grimace.
  • Durex started a condom delivery service that promised to send their products wherever they're needed, with full discretion guaranteed thanks to their deliverymen's disguises (such as a pizza guy, and a cop - despite the dubious legality of that). After their launch in Dubai was seized by the government, they then started a poll for the internet to decide where they should launch next. People banded together to vote for it to launch in small, conversative Muslim city of Batman, Turkey. The Historian barely holds it in describing the ridiculous choice, and after it failed to launch in the city, the entire service was shut down altogether.
  • #WhyIStayed was a very serious hashtag on Twitter encouraging abuse victims to come clean about why they stayed with their abusive partners. Somebody at DiGiorno Pizza saw this, didn't bother to spend a few seconds finding out its actual context, and posted: "#WhyIStayed You had pizza." Much, much apologies from the company ensued.
    • The inevitable backlash towards this is represented by a lady at the company going "Hehe, that was a great tweet! I bet everybody is loving it!" She then stares into the camera smiling for quite a while, as we hear the Twitter notification sound play in the background, slowly increasing in frequency.
    • "Domestic violence... is bad. Bold statements only on this channel."

Going Camping at the End of the World

  • The Insane Troll Logic of Camping's "mathematical" predictions.
  • The hilarious Irony of Camping's teachings is that they actually go against the religious scriptures of the Bible. Even the major churches of the world denounced Camping, but he ignored them because he believed they were corrupt anyway.
    Matthew 24:36: But of that day and hour no one knows, not even the angels of heaven, nor the Son, but the Father alone.
  • When Internet Historian is trying to make the point that other denominations of Christianity consider predicting the end of the world sin, he shows various quotes and accompanying images. When he gets to the Quakers, he shows a screenshot of Quake II, with a quote from that game's protagonist copied from the Quake wiki.
  • As Camping's predictions began to receive media coverage, the Internet inevitably caught wind of it and decided to do what they do best... meme the hell out of it.
    • One particular instance involved people scattering clothes around their neighborhoods and workplaces to make it appear that they were ascended to heaven by God.
    • The second was more successful, where people attached sex dolls to balloons, and sent them into the sky, so they could be with God. Oh, and God yoinks one of them for his own pleasure.
      Memer: I should have been a better person!
    • One Facebook user also attempted to organize a nation-wide orgy. Sadly, no one came, which IH attributes to the vague location (namely, "The Streets of America, Baby").
  • How IH transitions to the ad break:
    IH: But first: (cuts to the infamous Rappin' for Jesus)
    Pastor: My rhymes are fly, my beats are sick!
    My crew is big, and it keeps gettin' bigga.
    That's 'cuz Jesus Christ is my–
    IH: Ad time!
  • Historian talks a bit about infamous doomsday predictor Mary Bateman who foretold the rapture by writing "Christ is Coming" onto eggs that she shoved into the rear end of her hen and forcing it to lay it back out:
    • He then reads further about how she was claimed as a witch, poisoned a couple with pudding, was later hanged, then...
      Historian: Strips of skin from her corpse were tanned and sold as magic charms to ward off evil spirits, what the fuck am I reading?
  • The Historian's, frankly, blank but palpable reaction to the world not ending when 6:00 PM came as if perfectly summing up what must have been going through Camping and his followers' minds.
    Historian: Uh oh. Nothing happened.
  • Although it can be considered a bit of a Tear Jerker since Fitzpatrick thought the world was going to end and blew almost all his life savings on promoting the event when nothing inevitably happened, he reveals he didn't water his plants or even do his dishes... which are still waiting for him at home.
  • Thanos boogeying down in celebration of the Rapture not happening. No, you did not read that wrong.
  • God taking credit for giving Harold Camping a stroke not long after his second prediction that the end of the world would happen in October of 2011, hoping that it would teach him a lesson. Harold died 2 years later in a stairway-related accident in his home. God tries to pass the blame.

The Engoodening of No Man's Sky

  • "If the universe is so big, then why won't it fight me?"
  • Historian claims that Sean Murray was inspired by a hallucination of Neil DeGrasse Tyson talking to him from a mirror to make No Man's Sky. The footage of Tyson is basically a Youtube Poop sentence mix of him telling Sean that nobody's made a first-person space exploration game before, that that's not a knife, asks Sean who he's going to have sex with and asks him how much microwaves are coursing through his body.
  • When going over the planet exploration part of the pre-release hype:
    IH: It's so vast, that by the time you finish exploring it all, I would have two new videos published.
  • With the episode sponsored by Raid: Shadow Legends, Shadowman makes a reappearance with his wife still dead from the "Redoing the Game of Thrones Finale" ad break. At the end, with him giving his kids promotional codes for the game for Christmas:
    Kids: Wow, you're the best dad ever!
    Daughter: Wait, mum's dead?
  • While showing Sean's physical transformation during the three years it took to develop the game (read: how the stress clearly took a toll on him), a familiar voice suddenly rings out:
  • The montage of Sean denying the inclusion of various promised features to the increasingly distressed "auditor of games" (who also used to work at an astronomy lab).
    Auditor: Have you got any large scale joinable space battles?
    Sean: (flying by in a space ship) Nobody would want that.
    Auditor: Uh, ringed planets?
    Sean: (transforming into the rings of a planet) Ehh, no.
    Auditor: Fine. Well, at least let me play as a trader.
    Skyrim merchant: Some may call this junk. Me, I call them (transforms into Sean) Ehh, no.
    Auditor: The sand planets from Dune look nice. I think I'll—
    Sean: (riding on a Sandworm) Hahahohoho—
    Auditor: Please Sean, there must be rivers.
    Sean: (floating down one such river) No, haha, no it's not.
    Auditor: Animals interact with each other in the environment?
    Sean: (head imposed over the spasming, glitching animal) eHh, nO. No.
    Auditor: Perhaps a walking sentinel, Sean!?
    Sean: (crushes the auditor in one such sentinel) Nope.
    Auditor: I'm literally crying right now. Do I even ask whether I can play as a space pirate?
    Sean: (appearing in an escape pod jettisoned from a pirate spaceship) No.
    Auditor: Fly between star systems manually??
    Sean: (flying by in a spaceship) But nobody's actually done it yet.
    Sean: (popping out of a mountain the maneuvering spaceship is passing by) No.
    Auditor: Day/night cycles determined by the orbit of the sun?
    Sean: Yeah.
    Auditor: Really?
    Sean: (face appears on said sun) Ehh, no note .
    Auditor: Land on an asteroid, radio chat, name your ship, hacking, portals, all that stuff about the elements, Sean
    Multiple Seans flying past in spaceships: Ehh, no.
    Auditor: ...This is not good, Sean. This is very not good.
  • When Sean drives up with a boombox to try to win back the auditor, he pulls the game updates out of a West-Tek canvas bag.
  • Then there's the caption at the end of the epilogue:
    IH: So what is the future for Hello Games? In 2017, they announced Hello Labs: a support program focusing on original titles and games using procedural generation. Two of the team also branched off to work on a small title called The Last Campfire. But, for the foreseeable future, they're just working, on No Man's Sky.
  • And then you get to the note the video ends on at the 49-minute mark, IH decides that to keep the video from ending on a sappy note, he should switch gears in order to fill the remaining few minutes left in the video. As such, IH pulls up a (pre-release) erotic fanfiction of an interview with Sean Murray circa 2015, and made a mini-Sundance Rejects out of it. Understandably, huge chunks of the fic were censored, with sexual parts replaced with [REDACTED] or the in-game robotic speech.
    IH: (explosion sound; the title card "Lock the door or this will be difficult to explain" pops up) Alright, I didn't want to finish the video on, like, a big, sappy note. So. This is the end of the story... but there's still another few minutes. Don't leave. It's not an ad.

Tales from The Varus

  • One of the fights breaking out in stores over toilet paper is presented as a fighting game, complete with health bars.
  • Among the many, many, many things that were supposedly effective in fighting the Coronavirus, Historian noticeably does an audible Double Take when some of the things are just healthy living and water.
    • "Vegetarianism" is represented by a man threatening you at knifepoint.
  • The footage of Internet prankster twomad crashing Zoom meetings and causing havoc. All of it.
    Teacher: You guys are gonna start the next revolution in America... we hope! I mean we could definitely use one.
    twomad: Revalootion? I like-a da sound of dat!
  • His description of how animals began walking through abandoned streets as people locked themselves inside.
    Sheep in Wales took back the town and ruled over it with an iron hoof. Hungry monkeys in Thailand took to the city square as tourists who usually fed them disappeared. (footage of a giant rubber ducky being pulled down the Thames) Giant ducks were seen in London. Alligators in Florida were once again using the roads. Rats in New Orleans were... no, that's normal.
  • At the end of the video, he's thanking his patrons, his editing team, President Obama, and you for watching. He also slips in "Thank you, Neil Druckmann, for the worst sequel since World War II."

The Varus Strakes Buck

The Cost of Concordia

  • IH crams in every food-related Italian stereotype into the video, such as the onscreen nickname Captain Schettino gets when he is first introduced: "Captain Besto Ravioli Ravioli Mama's Pizza Sauce." Items of wine, olive oil, spaghetti, and pasta are depicted randomly flying around the bridge and engine room during the collision, and Schettino is depicted as slipping on a plate of ravioli when he tells De Falco how he ended up in a lifeboat.
  • When IH goes into the alleged curse on the Concordia:
    IH: But that ship... aye, she was cursed!
    (Lightning flashes)
    Random Fearful Voice: Aw mah gawd.
    • This is followed by the revelation that the traditional bottle of champagne used to christen a ship didn't break when it was thrown into the hull of the Concordia, which is a sign of bad luck among sailors. The IH notes he's not the superstitious type, accompanied by a visual gag of Concordia sailing under a ladder (another superstitious cause of bad luck), along with the note that her final voyage was on Friday the 13th, on the hundredth year anniversary of the Titanic sinking.
  • IH notes that the bar played "My Heart Will Go On" as the ship was sinking, noting that it did nothing to help the tense mood.
  • During the opportunity for the salvagers to loot actual valuables such as casino money, high-end liquor, jewelry, famous Ukiyo-e Japanese woodblock prints, etc, someone made off with the Concordia's bell that hung from the bridge of the ship and it has never been seen again.
    IH: [breaking script and laughing] Who steals a big fuck-off bell?
    • The ending reveals that he stole it, and drops it back into the ocean a la the Heart of the Ocean in Titanic (1997). This proves to be much less romantic than Titanic since he has to drag the heavy bell across the deck and it hits the water with a loud clang and a huge splash.
  • Historian's horror upon looking up Domnica Cemortan'snote  Instagram and finding a selfie of her at the controls of a jetliner.
  • The animation of Schettino, with Goth makeup, going down with the ship while a metal cover of Dido's "White Flag" plays in the background.
  • When De Falco is elected to the Italian Senate, we catch a glimpse of a few Italian senators. These senators include Tony Soprano and Paulie Walnuts, an Italian hand gesture with a body, a Roman senator made of marble and a car.
  • While summarizing the trial for Schettino, the IH paraphrases Helmsman Jacob Rusli Bin's witness testimony in the most succinct way possible:
    Helmsman Jacob: "LMAO XD"
    IH: - because he didn't actually bother with his testimony or his reduced sentence. He just fled the country!
  • When it turns out that Schettino apparently had a second mistress while under house arrest, IH adds in a fitting cameo to mock the absurdity of the situation.
  • The NordVPN ad, where NordVPN Man is a tortured suicidal private eye who Wangsts for apparently no reason other than the fact that Film Noir detectives are miserable.
    NordVPN Man: I took the brakes off my car. Man like me, (starts audibly corpsing) never really learned how to stop.
    Sumito: [laughing from somewhere off-screen] Shut the fuck up!
    NordVPN Man: I took the steering wheel out too! I let the road take me where I'm supposed to be.

That Zone Between Area 50 and 52

  • The edit of the Joe Rogan Experience episode with Bob Lezar, who claimed to have worked for Area 51.
  • The day of the raid has IH do an animated reenactment of the event itself, playing it out as an anime scene where the participants Naruto-run their way past all security and managing to get past everything the military could throw at them. When they were seemingly defeated by a secret alien nuke within the base, a well-placed shipment of Monster had triggered their Sharingan and they continued on to the base where they see the alien. All this before IH anticlimactically stated that it's a small, peaceful gathering where the worst that happened involved a woman walking under the gate:
    IH: And this random woman, who decides to just- start walking. Police right there, no one's stopping her. Oh my god, she's going to make it. [alternates between footage of that moment with that of a sniper taking aim] She's going home. [cuts to black as a rifle shot gets heard, the "Wasted" tone plays] She gets charged for trespassing and receives a thousand-dollar fine.

    Sundance Rejects 
The Gentleman Pirate has its own page here.

My Immortal

Jeff the Killer

  • For the Dramatic Reading of Jeff the Killer, he enlisted some other YouTubers to voice the characters. The person who voiced Jeff? Chills. AKA the "Number 15" guy. And yes, he delivers the lines just like he delivers the lists in his video.
    Chills!Jeff: (deadpan) Listen here, you little punk.
  • Jeff is depicted by various photos of Mark Zuckerberg, even though Jeff is 13. Then, after his face is bleached and burned, Jeff is depicted by... Mark Zuckerberg with a whiter face and red eyes.
  • For whatever reason, Jeff is depicted here with having a Pickle Rick obsession, having posters litter his bedroom, and having a Pickle Rick shirt as well.
  • The ad for Honey opens with IH bemoaning how he doesn't have enough money to buy whooping cough medicine for his daughter, who was going to be the first female President of the United States. IH can barely compose himself to do the ad properly.
  • When Jeff wakes up in the hospital, a stock photo of an ordinary nurse rushes in, but then the IH changes it to a "sexy nurse," and the photo becomes a Hospital Hottie.
  • "Jeff's mother hugs Jeff." almost derails the video entirely due to IH losing his shit.
  • The IH also goes on fully-animated tangents over the Fridge Logic in the story, like Liu being seemingly sentenced by police officers rather than seeing a lawyer or judge, and the hospital staff repairing Jeff's outfit.
    IH: (laughing) They took the clothes that had been in a fuckin' fire, and cleaned them of all the blood and vodka and bleach, and cut out all the burnt bits, and stitched them... (laughing) For fuck's sake.


Redoing the Game Of Thrones Finale

  • It started as a conversation between IH and SumitoMedia regarding the Game of Thrones finale, then while screen sharing and showing an image of Jon Snow on Photoshop, the two started on acting out what they believe is a better resolution to the show. Ranton, PSA Sitch and Fredrik Knudsen also get to join in the fun.
  • The plot involves Daenerys giving birth to Jon Snow's son, resulting in the following hilarity:
    Sumit!Daenerys: "Here I am, with a beautiful baby boy. What do you think of him?"
    Sumit!Jon: "...I don't want it."
    [IH begins audibly corpsing over the chat]
  • With the episode being sponsored by Raid: Shadow Legends, Shadowman makes a reappearance with his wife Shadowwoman. Then she suddenly gets killed off:
    Shadowwoman: I like to play it on the toilet instead of flying the plane. [the plane explodes right after she said it]

The Swedish Job

  • When police raid a cellar the thieves frequented, they find a datebook detailing the heist plan. The contents of the datebook are a Freeze-Frame Bonus. Entries read as followed:
    Super secret plan:

    1. lay nails on road
    2. blow up cars to distract police
    3. Stefan goes into museum with gun

    Quick lunch break

    4. We all pull out our guns.
    5. steal paintings
    6. rush down to boat.
    7. speed off to Malar
    8. return to Stefan's apartment.
    9. return some dvds
    • The next page reads:
      Dear Diary,
      Today the guys were kinda mean to me. I hope it's just because they're nervous about the big art heist job that we're going to do.

      They want us to wear masks and use guns, but my mask is pretty itchy and the guns are really loud and hurt my ears. I'm really really really excited to be rich though.

      Anyway, gotta go, Diary!
      Love, Petrov/Lembart
  • One of the accomplices that the detective landed a successful sting on was voiced by TheRightOpinion speaking in a Cockney accent, which a subtitle in the video insists is his real voice.
  • The pinned comment is worth a chuckle too.
    Justin Whang: Don't talk to me or my son ever again. note 

In The Field
  • The NordVPN ad in architecture.. IH describes it as "NordVPN speedrun to lose sponsorship any% glitchless", with specific milestones to hit during the "run" including "Insult Audience" (which NordVPN Man does by claiming he just slept with your wife), "Wrong Name" (referring to the service as "Sword Vee-Peen" and then "Gourd VIP"), "Shill Main Channel" ("Use it to look at international content, God knows there's nothing new on the main channel"), and "Fredrik Knudsen" (who pops up for one second right at the end, only to get blown up with a rocket launcher).
    NordVPN email: Thanks we hate it.
    • Even funnier; he still got sponsorships from Nord down the line.
  • food.
    • When discussing Australia's Mother energy drink, and upon seeing that they have such a small social media presence, IH decides he can take over. Cue a fake "ad time" where he introduces Mother Man, who is an actual mother who feeds her kids and even her car Mother. And while picking them up from soccer practice (having waterboarded a ref for fouling one of them), she arrives at the scene of a fire and rescues kids by spraying Mother and having them drink it. When one kid protested he's a diabetic, her smile vanished and she really pushed it on him (before it's established that she has the Sugar Free version, which makes it all good).
    • In the actual ad, Nord Man runs a prank channel that takes an absurdly extreme escalation, from having a man access the Icelandic Netflix, then offering a woman to play rock paper scissors for a kiss (which she instantly rebuffs, but considered the offer when Nord Man states that he could've given her one of the six devices on the account), then ransoming a puppy (which goes horribly awry since he didn't turn NordVPN on), then planting C4s on a building's foundation, and then finally emulating No Russian.
  • The ad in weapons. ends in Shadow Man shooting Nordman multiple times for possessing knowledge that he prefers playing a different mobile game. And as the shootings occur, the Cliffhanger narration appears asking if Nordman could survive this, when Nordman's head gets shredded by the numerous bullets.

