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Introduced in Lobotomy Corporation

The third loop of Day 41 will not be counted in terms of Department Transfers because the composition there is for one hyper-specific mission and nothing more.



Contributor: The game itself, TeeQueue

Gender: Male
As an Agent

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"Knowledge is just pain plus observation! Have a great day!"

The free Agent the game provides to TeeQueue, who is assigned to the Control Team. After going mad and attempting to break out One Sin, which never breaches, TeeQueue decided to never use him again. However, he does make a return appearance as a plucky employee in the outside-canon "Better Call Paul" mini-series several loops ago when Abel was the manager, where theoretical scenarios are posited for What If? you mess up work on certain Abnormalities, as well as covering Abnormalities that don't show up in the main playthrough.

He is the 26th Assistant Librarian to be awakened, and assigned to Hod, just in time for the third Realization Battle in the Floor of Literature.


  • Book Ends: Episode 1 of "Better Call Paul" covered Laetitia. Her Suppression in the Library is when he finally comes back.
  • Butt-Monkey: In his own mini-series. And it turns out they're all canon, just way before X's tenure. During Abel's, in fact. And that's not going to change even as a Librarian.
  • Epic Fail: He screws up his first work on One Sin, as well as his second. On the third time, he panics and tries to free One Sin, who is immobile. And without any other Agents available at the time to bring him back to his senses, Angela tells X to return to the Day 1 Memory Repository and try again.
  • Living Legend: Medea recognizes Paul as a legend, having seen all the training videos he and Hod made, outside of the redacted classified parts. Switch even calls him by this trope, though would've appreciated being told it was for dying all the time before they engaged Angela in battle.
  • Mask of Sanity: Thanks to Roland's words and Black Swan's aid, Paul returns to his senses enough to fight under the pretense of being in a shoot for "Better Call Paul ".
  • Not So Similar: At the start of Hod's Floor Realization, Angela as Black Swan tries to break Paul mentally by pointing out their similarities. Thanks to Roland, he recovers and rebuffs her.
    Elle Tee: Finally able to focus on the battle?
    Paul: If I think of it as another shoot, this isn't so bad at all!
    Black Swan!Angela: But you and I… we're alike. Trapped. Too weak to avoid our fates… It was always out of our hands. How can you hope?!
    Paul: True! Thankfully, I balled all that trauma up and put it away where noooobody can see it! And heavens to betsy, I'm gonna' use it!
    Switch: Not sure if that counts as 'hope,' exactly…
  • Sanity Slippage: At the last episode of BCP, after a triple-maximized dose of Enkephalin upon discovering that plenty versions of him are used for the show, and gets worse as the episode reaches its end. No wonder he snapped so easily on X's Day 1. And he's still not any better during Hod's Floor Realization.
  • Skintone Sclerae: As revealed without the Perception Filter when he comes back as a Library Assistant.
  • Throw the Dog a Bone: After spending the first Day in the first game as a failure, and as a complete loser in his mini-series, he joins the main cast in the second game, and Medea even calls him a legend.
  • We Hardly Knew Ye: After the above, He's benched for the rest of the first game, though he makes a return in the "Better Call Paul" mini-series. In-story, he's apparently iced just like that employee heard in Malkuth's debut. He does make a proper return in Ruina, though, much to the thread's joy.
  • Doesn't really want to think for himself and is thankful that the manager X is so smart and cool to do it for him.



Contributor: mizure

Gender: Female
Mizu on her first days
Mizu's more famous look, with Today's Shy Look's E.G.O. Gift
Click here for her appearance as an Assistant Librarian 

"Hellooooo, cutie~!"

An Agent recruited on Day 1 after Paul's failure, and is assigned to the Control Team. She transferred to the Information Team on Day 6, the Training Team on Day 11, the Safety Team on Day 16, back to the Training Team on Day 19, the Central Command Team on Day 21, the Welfare Team on Day 27, the Disciplinary Team on Day 31, and finally to the Extraction Team on Day 36 on Binah's orders, where she becomes its Department Captain (until she's moved to Safety on Day 49 to "babysit" WhiteNight and to Training on Day 50 for the same reason). Has a fascination for all the Abnormalities and calls them "cuties". Used to live in the Backstreets.

She's the 28th Assistant Librarian to be awakened alongside her Patron Librarian Binah. She's also the 29th and the 30th Assistant Librarian as a result of being stored in the same book as Punishing Bird, Judgment Bird, and Big Bird, and when their book split apart into three, so did she.


  • Berserk Button: Never do work on an Abnormality before Mizu. On Day 26, Twee managed to get away with a warning, but on the second Day 43, Boksi wasn't so fortunate (either with the warning or the beating-up) (OH GOD MY EVERYTHING) and got pummeled so bad at Central that there was a big hole in the Record Department's ceiling afterward.
    • Being a Sweeper in general, Given they took her loved ones away prior to her joining the company. In fact, during the L Corp Civil War, she would still go after Sweepers even as an Apostle of WhiteNight, which is not possible in-game.
  • Beware the Silly Ones: Despite her eagerness, she's also a menace in Suppression works.
  • Big "NO!": On the start of Day 26, when she realizes Twee went to work on the new Abnormality (The Little Prince) before her.
  • Cloudcuckoolander: Due to having beholden the Bucket, Mizu isn't exactly the most sane of people. She even eagerly complies with Talow's request to shoot him in the head at the end of the first run of Day 17. And when she says she's having words with someone's face like she promised, she beat up Boksi for it, when it was Twee she gave the warning to (and Boksi was not within earshot of that).
  • Everyone Has Standards: Sweepers are the only abnormalities that Mizu doesn't consider "cute" by any measure. In fact, Zeta21 once told Fat Sam a story about what Mizu'll do to these things: bad enough to make [CENSORED] look like Laetitia.
    • She also doesn't care for Tool Abnormalities, and finds the Shelter from the 27th of March boring. And her short attention span and desire to work other "cuties" proves beneficial after X and Chesed discover the Shelter's… side effect.
  • Humanoid Abomination: Might be this, to an extent greater than that of other Agents. Enough that Gebura really has a hard time tolerating her presence as if she was an Abnormality herself. Binah essentially confirms this to X. Several Managers before the current X, there was once an employee who survived long enough to transfer to Extraction because she wished to know everything about them, and was utterly fascinated by them. Such attitudes usually spell doom before long, and she eventually gazed into the Well. Her mind shattered, but she was somehow functional despite that, her mental corruption level stuck at 79%. But even after dying, each time she's restored, her mind started degrading to the point where she's become a creature indistinguishable from one of the Abnormalities themselves, an expression of some primal need of the Well in a way distinct from the Abnormalities.
  • Iconic Item: Ever since getting an E.G.O. Gift from Today's Shy Look (O-01-92), she's kept it on ever since (and it smells like jerky) and it's since become associated with her to the point her actual face is mostly forgotten. And it carried over as an Assistant Librarian, at least for her Just Mizu self.
  • Laser-Guided Karma: Punished Mizu thinks their situation is what they deserved for turning on their comrades (not that they actually had a choice since they were in Binah's department).
  • Literal Split Personality: Upon being awakened as an Assistant Librarian, she was split into Just Mizu, Huge Mizu. and Punished Mizu as a result of the Abnormalit(y/ies) that took her in, and when it split into three, so did she. From their behaviors, Just Mizu is the one from the start, Huge Mizu is amnesiac/Mizu As First Recruited, and Punished Mizu is one with all the memories of all the loops (kinda like Talow) and actually feels guilty for what she's done.
  • Meaningful Name: Mizu means "water" in Japanese. And she has looked into the Well, making her what she is now And like water, she now exists in three states as Assistant Librarians.
  • Never My Fault: Just Mizu feels no guilt for her actions and doesn't consider herself responsible for them, pinning the blame on her boss Binah. This is inverted for Punished Mizu.
  • Nightmare Fetishist: Calls all the Abnormalities "cuties" and is always fascinated with them.
  • Ripple-Effect-Proof Memory: Probably has a case of this, though not to Talow's extent, and most likely not as a result of Hokma.
  • Saying Sound Effects Out Loud: On occasion, which adds to her eccentricities.
  • Always wants to be the first Agent to greet a new Abnormality, to the point of getting really angry if she finds out she wasn't the first.
  • Mizu almost ends up getting herself "resigned" early by Malkuth when she talks about being cursed and the darkness torturing her soul at the end of Day 4. She manages to save herself by excusing her words as an example for the other employees of things to look out for.
  • Due to the nature of E.G.O. Weapons, Mizu's a natural Supressor because she's always going with the flow .
  • Mizu decides to start a betting pool on which Clerks will or will not make it through the day (Talow's wager's on Alpha10's survival, he loses that bet during an Amber Dawn Ordeal).
  • Mizu has been raiding Netzach's stash of Enkephalin, going through half of it in one night, then asking for more next morning. X is amazed she's still breathing.
  • Parental Abandonment: Mizu's loved ones were swept away in the Night of the Backstreets, taken/slain as she hid. This probably explains her hatred for Sweepers.
  • Red Baron: After annoying Netzach on Day 18 with all sorts of suggestions for titles, he settles with "Just Mizu". She loves it.
  • Tranquil Fury: In contrast to her Big "NO!" just moments ago, she's perfectly calm when confronting Twee afterward about working on the Abnormality first as she threatens to basically punch her in the face if she ever, ever steals Mizu's spot again. She also expresses this just before pummeling Boksi for working on the Queen of Hatred before her.
  • Worth It: In contrast to Punished Mizu's thoughts on being split apart, Just Mizu thinks being able to hug Big Bird for as long as they were able to was worth it all.
  • Her reason for always looking at the "cuties" is because they might be the only thing tougher than her.
  • During the L Corp Civil War, Mizu split her time between fighting the other employees (given she's under Binah's control) and purging Sweepers, usually the latter to the point of ignoring other battles. She apparently died at the same time as Tenebrais, Elle Tee, Switch, "and the others".
  • The wonderful thing about Mizus



Contributor: Talow

Gender: Male
As an Agent
As an Assistant Librarian

"I hope this timeline finally takes."

An Agent recruited on Day 1 after Paul's failure, and is assigned to the Control Team. He transferred to the Information Team on Day 6, the Training Team on Day 11, the Information Team on Day 20, the Central Command Team on Day 21, the Safety Team on Day 25 during Malkuth's Core Suppression, the Welfare Team on Day 26, the Training Team on Day 28 during Netzach's Core Suppression, to the Welfare Team on Day 31, back to Control on Day 36, and becomes the Department Captain on the Records Team on Day 37, staying there throughout (barring one temporary move to Central Command again on Day 44 during the second attempt of Binah's Core Suppression) until his death on Day 49 using the Backwards Clock. Seems to know more about the Corporation than most due to being able to snap back across timelines courtesy of serving under Hokma.

He's the 33rd Assistant Librarian to be awakened, alongside Morgan and his Patron Librarian Hokma. Morgan's certainly surprised to see him here after he used the Backwards Clock. And without the 10,000 years worth of loops, he's now as clueless as to the current goings-on as everyone else.


  • Blessed with Suck: Finds his temporal privilege as this, as much as Hokma insists it's a gift.
  • Death Seeker: Downplayed, but he is tired enough of all the loops he's been forced to live through to welcome it. Unfortunately, Angela's plot ruined that and he's back again, though Hokma remarks that he isn't angrier about it. Talow chalks it up to having spent thirty years in the Outskirts making one nostalgic for even just a shit job with some decent food.
    Talow: Hey! Manager!
    X: What's up?
    Talow: I'm getting really tired of waking up every time I die. No matter what it takes, finish this. If I wake up again in this crapsack facility, I'm going to punch you!
    X: …Got it.
  • The Dog Bites Back: Delivers these in spades during Hokma's Core Suppression.
  • Driven to Suicide: Seemingly the case on the first Day 17, when he has Mizu shoot him. Turns out this is just to return him to the new timeline the Management is in now.
  • Get A Hold Of Yourself Man: He knocks Tenebrais out of her KoD-induced Boksi-murderboner this way and by explaining that the Knight's preference for Boksi is because she's about protecting the weak. Tenebrais realizes that this means she's stronger than him and is knocked out of her funk.
  • Heroic Sacrifice: Uses the Backwards Clock on Day 49 to counter the effects of An Arbiter's Phase 2 effect.
  • Higher Understanding Through Drugs: When Medea asks how Talow knew what the Scarecrow was going to do, he excuses that he saw it on an Enkephalin high. Medea doesn't believe him, but Mizu does. This is probably false.
  • Hypercompetent Sidekick: Not that Hokma is incompetent at anything, but his obsession with X/A and care for nothing else means that Talow is actually the one giving orders to his Department and doing all of both of their work. And he makes his resentment shown during his Core Suppression.
  • Noodle Incident: Apparently, assuming it's not actually from a previous time loop, Talow received horns before Rudolta's E.G.O. Gift back at the Outskirts.
  • Resurrection Sickness: Well, it's more as a result of snapping back across timelines after dying or killing himself, but he claims it hurts. Just because he snaps back doesn't mean he just forgets all the stuff that happens.
  • Ripple-Effect-Proof Memory: Is revealed to have this on the first Day 17 after X resets the day, leaving the first timeline behind. It's then later revealed that this is courtesy of being a monitor to observe the Manager under Hokma's orders. After so many loops and resets, Talow is tired of this, and he wants out of the facility.
  • Should it come down to it, Talow will take command.
  • Talow's secret meeting with Hokma
  • After the whole Q&A sessions foisted upon him like (and thankfully mitigated by Morgan), he realizes just what it;s like to be Bishop.
  • After he used the Backwards Clock, Talow ended up with nobody on the comms, and the machine dark again. Since he figured he was dead anyways, he decided to go out with a bang, went for the Manager's room, and try to bury the entire site. Unfortunately, he ran into An Arbiter on the way down, and it got to him. As he was losing consciousness, he felt something go up. Next thing he knew, he was in the outskirts, with a monster gnawing on his arm. Still, thanks to the EGO gear he still had, he was able to get by. Talow wandered around, raiding any ruins he found for equipment he needed to keep them maintained, wandering for three decades trying to get back to the City trusting no one since that was basically suicide, giving anyone following him one warning before disposing of them. He never actually made it back, but he got close.
  • After living on scraps and monsters for so long that he figured he must have become one himself, Talow managed to eventually catch sight of the outer walls of the place. Naturally, he dropped everything to see if he could get back in. But then he heard a voice telling him that he wasn't doing any good sticking around there, then stabbed him through the back and out of his chest, and he was dead shortly after that. That wasn't dramatic, it just sucked.


Bishop Moriarty, Grade 7 Fixer

Contributor: the Orb of Zot

Gender: Male
As an Agent
As an Assistant Librarian

"Orders from the top, everyone!"

An Agent recruited on Day 2, assigned to the Control Team before eventually becoming its Department Captain and staying there throughout. He was a Grade 7 Fixer before he came to Lobotomy Corporation to find traces of his father, who was well known for his skills at investigation work, and disappeared while looking into the company. May be the closest thing to a protagonist in TeeQueue's LPs.

He is the 2nd Assistant Librarian to be awakened, and assigned to Malkuth.


  • The first thing Bishop says on is first day is verifying the location of all the cameras. He may have hacked them on Day 3, and confirms that on Day 15 when he hush-hush talks with the Manager.
  • Portrays himself as wanting to be a showoff and pulling off Big Damn Heroes moments.
  • Bishop's dad has always taught him to trust his instincts. His mother was also made into a pie.
  • Real Men Wear Pink: Is given the "In The Name of Love and Hate" E.G.O. Suit (and Weapon).
  • Interspecies Romance: Bishop, a (slightly abnormal by now) human has a crush on AI/"boxbot" Malkuth. Averted in Ruina once both are humans made of Light now.
  • Meaningful Name: According to Talow.
    "You know… I always thought it was funny that your name was Bishop. See, Bishops move on diagonals, dashing through positions at an angle when charging straight through's impossible. They're sharp. Reliable. But if they don't pay attention, they can get their escape routes cut off by the movements of the other pieces around them. Then… just like that, they're helpless."
  • Number Two: For Malkuth, starting at Day 13, and made official after Malkuth's Core Suppression. He's also this secretly to X.
  • At the beginning of Day 14, Bishop tells X that he's hacked into the computer servers and installed custom programs into it to monitor network activity (without Manager permission). He caught an unauthorized program running in the system that circumvents the company's usual checks, and apparently X or perhaps A prior to amnesia installed it.
  • On Day 14, upon finding himself alone (Tenebrais and Credentia off in other departments), he thinks X is about to have him executed, but he doesn't. Bishop wonders how the death rate has been so much lower than under every other manager, and X say he just lets the agents do their own thing for the most part, only handling Abnormality pocks and training regimens.
  • Not Quite Dead: On Day 35, upon outing Bishop as a Fixer who has gotten a Clerk killed in the midst of his investigation, X executes him. Turns out Bishop used a robotic Body Double left behind from one of Chesed's projects to make substitutes to work on Abnormalities in place of humans before Angela shut that down, having acquired it from storage with Malkuth's position, set it up at the start of the day with some pre-programmed lines and with enough cosmetics so that the Manager's Cognition Filter would register the double as Bishop himself. As for Bishop himself, he was in hiding for the rest of the day before deciding to confront X at the end of it.
  • "Shaggy Dog" Story: At least in this game, Bishop's search for his father ends in failure, but he's not giving up, even if the trail would've gotten cold how many milennia ago.
  • She Is Not My Girlfriend: Despite his admiration for Malkuth, Bishop denies it being romantic when inquired on, even when it did involve giving her flowers a couple of times.
  • Spotting the Thread: At the start of Day 21, Bishop corners Talow and manages to out him as being far more knowledgeable than he should be.
  • At the start of Day 33, Bishop asks Malkuth's permission to check storage for stuff to throw out or put to use. She allows it, as long as he signs the requisition forms and stays away from the Sephirot replacement parts.
  • X discovers records of one Engineering specialist Gamma34 on the day Delta3 died. "Every other day, our clerks number from 1 to whatever the highest number there are is. We didn't see 34 again until we were over halfway through the upper layer. So, this is a fake, right? It's got to be." X suggests Bishop may have faked a log after the fact.
  • At the start of Day 35, Bishop offers his gear to Malkuth while he goes off on a personal mission: Ambush X for trying to kill him and wanting him to come back to his senses.
  • Bishop's Deduction To Who Was Going To Kill Him
  • Ayin makes it a point not to tell Bishop that neither he nor X will be able to leave by the end of it all, since he would've gotten obsessed with trying to find a way to fix it.
  • From Roland's perspective, Bishop is just in his 20s, and finds it impressive that he was a Grade 7 Fixer by that point. Dimi implies that Bishop could not have become a Grade 7 Fixer at his age without money.
  • Is a gun nerd (E.G.O. Weapons don't count as they're conceptual imprints of a gun that worked because the maker thought of it as a gun.)
  • Wants to settle a score with Philip, either because he's envious, or because he wants Dimi to stop making fun of him. In the Reception against Wedge Office, he scored three kills (all of higher Grades, according to the artbook), but none of them Philip; (Dimi "took" that one, except he fled again).



Gender: Indeterminate (not addressed as either gender)
As an Agent
As an Assistant Librarian

An Agent recruited on Day 2, assigned to the Control Team. He transferred to the Information Team on Day 6, and eventually became its Department Captain and stayed there throughout. Always chill, acts like a cool dad, and likes to make jokes.

They are the 3rd Assistant Librarian to be awakened, and assigned to Yesod.


  • Fun with Acronyms: According to them, D.A.D. stands for D.A.D.. Always D.A.D.. X then tells him to Get Out! as a result.
  • Pungeon Master: And they get worse as an Assistant Librarian.
  • Has a tendency to call others "kiddo".
  • Likes making puns and cracking jokes.
  • Never takes breaks and is always cool-headed in the face of everything.
  • Troll: After hearing from Zeta21 that Kaori thinks they're an alien, D.A.D. decides to start messing with her, even saying they're actually just a Cyborg.
  • D.A.D.'s affable nature is part of why they're Yesod's second.

    Mr. Black 

Mr. Black

Gender: Male
As an Agent
As an Assistant Librarian

"Hey buddy, are you smiling like a good boy?"

An Agent recruited on Day 6, assigned to the Control Team. He transferred to the Information Team on Day 11, then to the Safety Team on Day 14 before becoming its Department Captain and staying there throughout. Has a fascination for smiles and wants to make sure everyone can make them, even if he has to beat them in the face for it to happen (though that's thankfully reserved for enemies). Given his life in the Backstreets at District 23 and his 5-year history in… food services, it's helped him through before be signed in on Lobotomy Corporation.

He is the 6th Assistant Librarian to be awakened, and assigned to Netzach.


  • The Anti-Nihilist: As a contrast to Netzach's nihilism. And his talk with Netzach during his Core Suppression is what helps the Sephirah move forward once more.
  • Eerie Pale-Skinned Brunette: And not just due to the Perception Filter. He's this too outside that filter.
  • Hidden Depths: As X discovers during Netzach's Core Suppression, there is more to Mr. Black than just a cackling madman.
  • Laughing Mad: On occasion, and once when Tylana asked him why he's caught up on smiling. And as an Assistant Librarian, he starts doing this more often in battle.
  • Noodle Incident: Apparently, in a time loop prior to X's run, Mr. Black had some… things grow out of his face, and Netzach was uncomfortable with it. It's not known if he was talking about the [CENSORED] E.G.O. Gift or something else.
  • Not So Similar: Mr. Black denies being anything like Oswald of the 8 o'Clock Circus when Mr. Blond bemoans this (also, Black's an only child, so they're not Separated at Birth or anything). Oswald bases his worth on making others smile, while Mr. Black is only concerned with smiling for himself.
    Mr. Blond: That doesn't make any sense.
    Mr. Black: It makes perfect sense! If you base your self-worth on making someone else smile through your tomfoolery, then eventually you're going to wind up disappointed! Instead, I smile first and always, and allow the mood to infect my fellow man! HAHAHAHAHAHA!
    Carlos Safety: So it's like… Lead people, don't force them?
    Mr. Black: Precisely! See? He gets it!
    Mr. Blond: Well, I don't.
    Mr. Black: To put it another way… You never smile! The mere presence of a person like you would render a clown like that unable to function! He'd have a honking terrible time! HAHAHAHAHA!
  • Perpetual Smiler: He's dedicated to this lifestyle and making sure everyone around him can do the same.
  • The Rival: Becomes one to Mizu on Day 36 as they work on the Mountain of Smiling Bodies.
  • Believes there's no problem you can't make better by laughing!
  • A masochist, finding despair and traumas appealing.
  • Prefers melee weapons to best carve smiles into the enemy's flesh.
  • During Netzach's Core Suppression, Mr. Black says he had once been on Enkephalin but had stopped weeks ago.
  • In his time at the Backstreets, he's no stranger to the deaths of people he knows, and apparently practiced (stopped feeling anything the third/fourth time he's gutted someone) before going out of that business.
  • Despite his obsession with smiling, he cares enough for L Corp to blossom, because he wouldn't get paid if everyone died.
  • Strength is not what matters to keep smiling; perseverance is what counts, and he has it in spades.
  • Apparently, getting buried in a bag of rice for 12 hours helps for Mr. Black and suggests that for Netzach. And that's exactly what happens.
  • Working with [CENSORED] brought back memories of his old days outside, back when he did harvesting work on the side, seeing things most people would shy away from.
  • Mr. Black has had run-ins with the Zwei Association prior to L Corp, seeing them get in the way of his search for ingredients several times.
  • While Suppressing Porccubus in the Library, he's unaffected by its effects since he's already smiling all the time.
  • Mr. Black calls the Smiling Faces fakers, as their smiles are only mask-deep, and he doesn't believe using narcotics to smile can hold up to a true sincere one. But for Wang, Jin, and MI, he can feel true smiles behind their masks.
  • How he regards E.G.O. and Distortions: "The difference is basically academic! One's a smile you wear on your self, and the other's a smile that becomes your whole being! Either way, it's smiles all the way down!"



Contributor: Tylana

Gender: Female

"Headache after headache… the job never really changes."
As an Agent
As an Assistant Librarian

An Agent recruited on Day 6, assigned to the Control Team. She transferred to the Information Team on Day 11, the Central Command Team on Day 21 and eventually becomes its Department Captain, staying there throughout. Is level-headed and flexible enough to deal with most situations, and this is in spite of being apparently spliced with a Psyduck before she joined the company, giving her constant headaches.

She's the 15th Assistant Librarian to be awakened, alongside Omni and her Patron Librarian Tiphereth.


  • First few days as Mr. Black's minder.
  • Is Gifted a Today's Shy Look mask just like Mizu's on Day 19.
  • Amazing Technicolor Population: During Day 38, X notices Tylana is actually yellow (not seen through the Cognition Filter), which she explains is a result of being bilked into a phony body modification scheme where she would be spliced with some kind of waterfowl with a higher-than-normal amount of brain activity. Instead of huge psychic powers, she just got a bunch of really tiny feathers and a constant headache.
    • During said Core Suppression, in the middle of it, X temporarily gives her command of his controls while he talks to Tiphereth. She eventually backs out after seeing blood on the monitor, a smiley face on it (drawn by Mr. Black during Netzach's Core Suppression), she can't really see anyone, and she's been Executing Clerks because they keep getting into trouble.
  • Comfort Food: At the end of Day 38, Tylana treats herself with a bento box with salad, made specifically for the aftermath of Tiphereth's Core Suppression in mind and seeing how X handles her. And during her chat with Evil Kit about his Curse, he eats it all, inconveniencing her greatly.
  • Ship Tease: With Evil Kit.



Gender: Female
As an Agent
As an Assistant Librarian

An Agent recruited on Day 10, assigned to the Control Team before transferring to the Training Team on Day 11 and eventually becoming its Department Captain, staying there throughout. Is dedicated to understanding every Anbormality so she can properly care for them.

She is the 4th Assistant Librarian to be awakened, and assigned to Hod.


  • Brutal Honesty: Has taken a level of this after becoming an Assistant Librarian.
  • Beware the Nice Ones: In contrast to the likes of Mizu and Tenebrais, Medea is a sociable lady. That said, she's still capable in Suppressions and is the Training Team's Captain for a good reason, manning the Department on her own while the newbies get the hang of things. And Talow still thinks she's the most terrifying thing in this facility, even more than Mizu.
  • Medea plans to buy W corp's travel package if she gets her vacation time to check out a really good sandwich shop. It's not on District 23, by the way; she can't stomach that.
  • "Get out of my way, Crimson Noon! I'm here to work with the cyootie-yootie patootiepie! (Ppodae)"
  • Medea still doesn't trust X, not after what she had to witness him do during Hod's Core Suppression.
  • Rage Breaking Point: Upon being awakened as an Assistant Librarian, she immediately starts ranting against Angela for ruining A's Seed of Light plan, just as it was so close to completion. As usual, Angela, brushes it off before leaving.
  • Is dedicated to being Hod's protector.
  • Ever since becoming an Assistant Librarian, Medea has come to see the Abnormalities as friends, seeing them as just a lost child seeking understanding.
  • Sometime after Kaori's breakdown, during the first Reception of the Blue Reverbation, T. Hinman brings Kaori's book over to Medea for therapy. But it will have to wait as Hod's floor is on call for Reception. She reminds T. Hinman to not pour Enkephalin on Kaori's book.

    Mr. Blond 

Mr. Juliet(?) Blond

Contributor: Scalding Coffee

Gender: Male
As an Agent
As an Assistant Librarian

"Alright ladies, gentlemen and dumbasses. We've got a job to do, and the sooner it's done the better."

An Agent recruited on Day 10, assigned to the Control Team. He transferred to the Control Team on Day 11, then to the Safety Team on Day 14, the Training Team on Day 21, the Information Team on Day 27 during Hod's Core Suppression, back to Training on Day 29 during Yesod's Core Suppression, back to Information on Day 30, to Welfare on Day 31, and back to Safety on Day 32, staying there throughout. He takes his job very seriously, and is always irritated with all his crazy colleagues.

He's the 10th Assistant Librarian to be awakened, and assigned to Netzach.


  • Only Sane Man and Surrounded by Idiots: Feels like this with all of his quirky colleagues, especially with the likes of Mr. Black, D.A.D., and Mizu.
  • After seeing a Green Dawn mutilate a Clerk, he decides to use its technique against it.
  • Mr. Blond was caught off guard by the fact that Mr. Black outranks him and Twee (and Twee eventually joins Black in rank).
  • Was apparently impaled during the L Corp Civil War.
  • Mr. Blond is now aware that he is an Apostle of WhiteNight.



Contributor: Chinely

Gender: Male
Yes, this is a mis-spell that's corrected by TeeQueue later on.
Chinely the Assistant Librarian

"Descending from on high! Chinely, on the scene!"

An Agent recruited on Day 10, assigned to the Control Team. After some time on break, he returned to the Control Team on Day 19. He transferred to the Training Team on Day 25 during Malkuth's Core Suppression, then returned to the Control Team on Day 26, staying there until Day 50.

He's the 17th Assistant Librarian to be awakened, and assigned to Tiphereth, reuniting him with Omni, though he's separated from Bishop now.


  • Girlish Pigtails: Despite being actually male when Bishop pointed out that neither of them or Omni were magical or girls when the captain was given the Queen of Hatred's E.G.O. Suit to match with Chinely's and Omni's E.G.O. Suits from the Knight of Despair and King of Greed.
  • I Need a Freaking Drink: After Malkuth reports Bishop's apparent death by Execution Bullet on Day 35, Chinely wants Omni to get a dose of Enkephalin and some beer pronto.
  • Otaku: Became one during time off work before returning on Day 19, having read works by Junji Ito and watching all sorts of TV shows, such as horror, magical girls, horror involving magical girls, one series about a talking bird, a lot of office life shows, shows about swordfighting and guns.
  • Taught by Television: Says he watched a bunch of shows about swordfighting and guns and stuff, and once he heard about the bees on Day 17, he grabbed a zombie movie, too.
  • Those Two Guys: With Omni.



Gender: Male
Yes, that blue thing behind him is a ponytail. Yes, it's floating. Now shut up.
As an Assistant Librarian

An Agent recruited on Day 10, assigned to the Control Team. He transferred to the Control Team on Day 16, the Central Command Team on Day 21, the Safety Team on Day 26, the Welfare Team on Day 28 during Netzach's Core Suppression, back to Central on Day 39 during Chesed's Core Suppression, back to Welfare on Day 41, staying there throughout. Appears to be bald at first, but he actually has a floating ponytail, courtesy of work done in the Nest.

He is the 39th Assistant Librarian to be awakened, and assigned to Chesed.


  • My Significance Sense Is Tingling: Seyser's floating ponytail serves as this. But given this is Lobotomy Corporation, where danger is around every corner, it's not as reliable as he hopes it to be as it goes off non-stop as soon as he returns to duty. Medea assures that's natural since everybody is terrified that each day could be their last, so the most they can do is try and get through it without incident.
    • However, after being awakened as an Assistant Librarian, it no longer seems to work. Chesed realizes and explains that Seyser's hair actually senses possibility of dying, and because all Librarians are revived after Receptions... That said, Twee says if it actually ever does shake again, it will mean everyone's in actual danger.
  • Shout-Out: His name is one to Keyser Söze.
  • What Measure Is a Non-Human?: Doesn't believe Abnormalities have emotions since they aren't people. Medea disagrees and puts that into question, since they do come from the human consciousness.
  • Your Brain Won't Be Much of a Meal: During Chesed's Floor Realization, Roland as Harvest eventually turrned his attention away from taking Syezer's wisdom despite deeming him vulnerable with his bald head earlier in the fight.
    SeyserKoze: Hey, what happened to stealing it from me?!
    Harvest: I have tasted your mind… it's empty, like mine.
    SeyserKoze: (:what: emoticon)
    Chesed: Don't let it get to you, Seyser. He's not himself right now, anyways~
    SeyserKoze: …I won't.



Gender: Female
As an Agent
As an Assistant Librarian

"Let's not go too crazy out there…"

An Agent recruited on Day 10, assigned to the Control Team. She transferred to the Control Team on Day 12, the Training Team on Day 16, the Information Team on Day 19, to the Safety Team on Day 20, the Central Command Team on Day 24, and to the Disciplinary Team on Day 31 until her death at Day 49 in the hands of An Arbiter. Usually serves as a Foil to her sister Tenebrais, and always seems serene (though she's not above raising her voice) even when helping Supress Abnormalities.

She's the 20th Assistant Librarian to be awakened, alongside her sister Tenebrais and her Patron Librarian Gebura.


  • Back from the Dead: The first Agent to have died in Lobotomy Corporation before the L Corp Civil War who was resurrected as an Assistant Librarian.
  • Eyes Always Shut: She apparently explains why during the party on Day 21, but we only hear the tail end of it, and that she can navigate just fine with her E.G.O. Suit, though it doesn't seem to be something anyone can do as proven when Tenebrais failed to. That said, she does open her eyes while under Big Bird's hypnosis.
  • On the second Day 17 when Punishing Bird breaches during an Amber Dawn, she takes over for Talow, and even asks the bird for a "massage" on her shoulder from the Worker Bee breakout earlier. And when it breaches again, she asks if it considered becoming a masseuse.
  • Pointy Ears: Gets a pair as a Gift from the Parasite Tree. Twee says it suits her.
  • Sibling Yin-Yang: With Tenebrais.



Contributor: Boksi

Gender: Male
As an Agent
As an Assistant Librarian

"Feels good to stretch after so long."

An Agent recruited on Day 10, assigned to the Information Team. He transferred to the Training Team on Day 16, to the Safety Team on Day 19, the Central Command Team on Day 21, and eventually becomes its Department co-Captain with Tylana, staying there throughout until his demise at Day 49 by Hokma's pause penalty. Comes from a Nest and holds himself superior to all the other Agents.

He is the 37th Assistant Librarian to be awakened, and assigned to Tiphereth, just in time for her Floor Realization. And his time dead/as a book gave him plenty of time to think. He still holds himself high, but is less of a jerk than usual.


  • Added Alliterative Appeal: During Day 26, he says "Now that that (Fire)bird's been basically beaten back, Boksi's breaktime's bound to be a blast." Credentia applauds him, while Tenebrais wonders how long he spent on that sentence instead of literally anything useful.
  • Once worked in an Organization before joining L Corp.
  • Heroic BSoD: Suffers major breakdown on Day 38 during Tiphereth's Core Suppression when he hears from X that Tiphereth comes from the Outskirts. Being someone who prides himself from being from a Nest, discovering that his superior is from a much lower social standing than he has that sort of effect.
  • Humble Pie: Gets a full tin of it thrown into his face upon being told offhand by X that Tiphereth comes from the Outskirts. After that, Zeta21 tells Tenebrais that he's been going around apologizing. The two think it's a result of Abnormality possession, and when he comes over to apologize to Tenebrais, she smacks him down on the floor so hard to form a crater before then taking him to Safety to be patched up. And then she proceeded to beat up the other captains just in case before Tiphereth A told her to cut it out and Netzach confirmed that there was no Abnormality affecting Boksi.
  • In-Series Nickname: Is called "mosshead" by Tenebrais, given his light green hair.
  • "Not So Different" Remark: Reaches out to Roland during Tiphereth's Floor Realization as he tries to reach out to him that there's still hope while they're still alive. Both have lost people important to them (his wife for Roland, his father for Boksi), but there's no way Boksi's loss was pointless, so surely the one Roland failed to protect must live on through him as well.

  • Vitriolic Best Buds: With Tenebrais, as time goes on.
  • After once saying Tenebrais reeks of being from the Backstreets, after finding rampant worker bees going after him specifically and Tenebrais implying that's Backstreets stench, he asks if it's bottled.
  • Boksi's father died in the Smoke War, and he used to quote "where there's life, there's hope".
  • Boksi's father was a member of a Syndicate who managed to work his way into the Nest, where he met his mother. He said that as long as he had life, there was always hope for more-a good education for Boksi, the money to never have to worry about living in the Backstreets again. But… then the war. And the Wing they were living in fell. He drew his blade again, fought to protect his family…
    • He was born and educated in the Nest, to be the best of the best-the cream of the crop. They're not supposed to be able to fail. But… it all crumbled so suddenly, and the best he could do to support himself and his mother was to find a job in Lobotomy Corporation, an off-brand Wing that employed anyone from the Outskirts to the Nest and anywhere in between. Boksi had thought his father's words was just from him being hopelessly optimistic, but perhaps what he meant is that anyone can become something, so long as they're still breathing.



Gender: Male

An Agent recruited on Day 10, assigned to the Information Team. He transferred to the Training Team on Day 12, then died after provoking Punishing Bird into biting him to bits, being TeeQueue's first Agent casualty. He signed up to L Corp due to having no money and no interest in anything else in the City. Has a tendency to quote Moby-Dick.




Contributor: Tenebrais

Gender: Female
As an Agent
As an Assistant Librarian

"Just try and give me a challenge, eh?"

An Agent recruited on Day 10, assigned to the Information Team. She transferred to the Control Team on Day 12, the Training Team on Day 16, to the Safety Team on Day 20, the Central Command Team on Day 24, back to Safety on Day 27 during Hod's Core Suppression, back to Central again on Day 28 during Netzach's Core Suppression, and became the Captain of the Disciplinary Team on Day 31 when it opened and stays there throughout, though gets transferred to Welfare then Extraction temporarily during Gebura's Core Suppression on the two attempts of Day 40 since a Department in that state cannot hold any Agents. Born from the 12th District of the Backsreets with her sister Credentia, often melancolic, and not really social, but she itches for a fight when she can. She also loathes Boksi's elitist attitude.

She's the 19th Assistant Librarian to be awakened, alongside her sister Credentia and her Patron Librarian Gebura.


  • Accidental Hero: Saved one Clerk from death by following X's orders to swing a hammer on her way out from Forsaken Murderer's cell, killing a The Perfect Food worm while doing so. She genuinely brushes off the thanks, but the Clerk interprets it as playing it off as no big deal, and a fan club in her name was made.
  • Blood Knight: Loves to do Suppression work, and is bored whenever there isn't any of that to do. It all began back in the Backstreets when Rats attempted to tear her apart for scraps. She retaliated hard, and she felt alive. Since then, she's been after that feeling since then; where she's risking everything in a fight against someone else.
  • Cuteness Proximity: Had a soft spot for wolves, especially the Big And Will Be Bad Wolf—despite holding exception to the similarly cute but deadly Punishing Bird—and she finds it cry when its belly was full kind of great. That goes straight out the window during his Suppression once he swallows up her sister, though it probably "helps" that she's borrowing power from the Red Riding Hooded Mercenary, who HAS a grudge with the Wolf.
  • Die or Fly: Gebura judges her as the type who learns best by being shoved off a cliff and being told to fly.
  • Driven to Madness: Tenebrais goes nuts after failing a Work with the Knight of Despair and she tries to go after Boksi as a result, killing a fan Clerk along the way even when she wants to join in. Allegedly, this is because the Knight preferred Boksi over her.
  • Get A Hold Of Yourself Man: Talow knocks her out of her KoD-induced Boksi-murderboner this way and by explaining that the Knight's preference for Boksi is because the Knight's about protecting the weak. Tenebrais realizes that this means she's stronger than the Nest-born and is knocked out of her funk. Still, this has subjected her to being assigned as Punishing Bird's pecking post for a while when he breaches.
  • Hidden Depths: Actually likes wolves and considers them badass. The only reasons she said otherwise during the Suppression of the Red Hooded Mercenary because in her words, "When a mentally unstable freak is standing behind you with a shotgun, you say what'll keep you on her good side."
  • Hidden Heart of Gold: What the Clerks interpret her actions in battle as. Whether or not that's actually true is yet to be seen.
  • "Not So Different" Remark: During Gebura's Floor Realization, Tenebrais ends up resonating with Roland in his Cobalt Scar form, but BICEPS interrupts and snaps her out of the conversation.
  • The Rival: Becomes one to Gebura, proving her worth not only through swiftly suppressing Punishing Bird (enough for it to return to its cell) by her lonesome, but engaging her head-on during Gebura's Core Suppression.
    • She also gets one with the Red Riding Hooded Mercenary in the sequel during her "Suppression"
  • Sibling Yin-Yang: With Credentia.
  • When She Smiles: Like any Agent who receives the Plague Doctor's blessing.
  • Managed to get herself the Knight of Despair's gift by grabbing a bottle of tears while she was doing Attachment work before, and using "an old Backstreets trick" to tattoo the tear on her face with it. As always, a Clerk finds this amazing (Medea finds it dangerous).
  • Back when she was in the Backstreets, Tenebrais was like everyone else, thinking in terms of pluses and minuses and trying to keep their bank accounts afloat. That all changed when some Rats decided they wanted to tear her apart. She snapped, started fighting, and she felt great doing that.
  • Apparently, Birds hate Tenebrais because she shook one in its cage when she was nine.
  • Last night before Day 30, Tenebrais aopproached X's office with a demand to become the Disciplinary Department's Captain, and backhanded a wall to prove her point.
  • During Day 50, Tenebrais is troubled with her feeling of clarity even when she's hearing clerks dying outside, not to mention her presumed grief over Credentia's death. Bishop suggests picking up a hobby, and she decides to play Moonlight Sonata on La Luna's piano to mourn Sorcrane, Boksi, Credentia, and the others who've died on Day 49.
  • During the Library Reception for the Mountain of Smiling Bodies, she considers the LobCorp hallway they're fighting in as home.



Gender: Female
As an Agent
As an Assistant Librarian

"I can't believe we get to use real magic here!"

An Agent recruited on Day 10, assigned to the Information Team. She transferred to the Control Team on Day 11, to the Safety Team on Day 14, to the Information Team on Day 17, back to Safety on Day 18, back to Information on Day 21, back to Safety again on Day 24, and the Welfare Team on Day 26 as its Department Captain, staying there throughout. She's from a Nest, plays tabletop games from time to time to forget about bad days at school, and always looks on the bright side even when beating-ups are imminent. She comes from a Nest, her hobby is occult research, and wants to prove that magic is real.

She's the 21st Assistant Librarian to be awakened, alongside Sweet Pea and her Patron Librarian Chesed.


  • Twee thinks its cool to have an escort meant to beat her to her senses if she goes crazy.
  • Born Lucky: Thinks herself as this when she got a job at L Corp.
  • Twee likes paperwork, finding it not that much different from the tabletop games she plays.
  • Tenebrais offers her paperwork to Twee in exchange for doing Twee's portion of E.G.O. maintenance. Given she's worried about cutting herself one of these days, Twee accepts the deal.
  • During Chesed's Core Suppression, Twee discovers the gimmick for this one, and talks to him over metaphors of coffee and mugs.
  • Driven to Suicide: In the Day 47 where You're Bald… removes everyone's hair, Twee decides to do Attachment Work with The Little Prince since her E.G.O. Suit makes her invincible to conventional methods. X decides to restart the Day after that.
  • Man on Fire: Thanks to the Crumbling Armor's E.G.O. Gift on Day 46. It's not actually hot though, to Evil Kit's ire when he tries roasting marshmallows over it.
  • No-Sell: On Day 46, she deals with the Red Fixer by herself. With the Paradise Lost E.G.O. Suit, it being an ALEPH Suit against a WAW Weapon, and the Knight of Despair's blessing on top of it, she's basically invincible against her foe.
    • And in the non-canon Horrible Death Showcase, she can actually handle the entire Rabbit Team all on her own. She became a Memetic Badass in TeeQueue's threads thanks to this.
  • The Rival: To Sweet Pea given they were both Welfare Department Captains during separate runs. They currently can't agree over which of them should lead the other and Chesed decides to take command for now.
  • Memorized over 1000 pages of rulebooks.



Contributor: OddHaberdasher

Gender: Male
As an Agent
As an Assistant Librarian

An Agent recruited on Day 10, assigned to the Information Team. He transferred to the Control Team on Day 16, to the Information Team on Day 19, to the Training Team on Day 20, back to Information on Day 24, and the Safety Team on Day 28 during Yesod's Core Suppression until his death on Day 49 from an improperly-aimed Execution Bullet. Spouts all sorts of quotes themed after Sephiroth from Final Fantasy VII.

He is the 40th and final Assistant Librarian to be awakened, and assigned to Hokma.


  • Chuunibyou: Makes all sorts of references to the Promised Land, SOLDIER, Mother, his theme song One Winged Angel, etc.
  • Heroic Sacrifice: During WhiteNight's debut, though this is reset by a Memory Repository.
  • Hidden Depths: It's not known if this was something FF7!Sephiroth has said at any point in his life, but when Mr. Blond admits to misjudging him as level-headed at all times, he had this to say.
    "It is best to view nothing by its surface appearance. Look within, beyond, and only then can you proceed."
  • Incredibly Lame Pun: Not above doing these, making it evident that he isn't under the belief that he's actually the character he portrays himself to be.
    "I see now. In this department, I have transformed. I am more. I am greater. I am now… a Safer Sephiroth."


Zeta21/Zaida Toniwan

Contributor: The game itself, hey girl you up

Gender: Indeterminate/Female
Zeta21 the Clerk
Zeta21 the Agent
Zaida Toniwan the Assistant Librarian

"You have to ration out your vacation to survive here. This just isn't worth using paid time for."

A Clerk in the Training Department who shows up on Day 11 before being promoted to Agent on Day 13 courtesy of Yesod and put in the Information Team in an attempt to make X see value in the lives of Clerks. They transferred to the Safety Team on Day 28 during Yesod's Core Suppression, to the Central Command Team on Day 31, to the Welfare Team on Day 38 during Tiphereth's Core Suppression, back to Safety on Day 39 during Chesed's Core Suppression, back to Training on Day 41, the Extraction Team on the second Day 43, the Disciplinary Team on the second Day 44 during Binah's Core Suppression, the Information Team during the second attempt of that Core Suppression, and finally the Architecture Team on Day 46 as its Captain until the final Day. Prefers to do things at their own pace, take breaks when they can, and will exert just the minimum meaningful effort of what's necessary to do so, but given days in Lobotomy Corporation tend to get hectic, Zeta's mostly reliable still.

She is the 1st Assistant Librarian to be awakened, and assigned to Roland. Still as lazy as ever, but always willing to give out just as much effort as is necessary.


  • Brilliant, but Lazy: Very competent at work, but always looking for time to take breaks. It is precisely for this reason that Yesod recommends their first Blue Star's E.G.O. Weapon to Zeta; to bother to abuse the power would be too much like work.
  • Mauve Shirt: Used to be a Clerk being getting promoted to Agent, and eventually Department Captain for Architecture. They're looked up to by the other Clerks for this.
  • Laborious Laziness: Sometimes gets motivated by getting back at whatever gets between them and breaktime.
  • Punny Name: Her real name sounds like her Clerk designation.



Contributor: omniphile

Gender: Male
As an Agent
As an Assistant Librarian

"This isn't much. Just gotta' remember my training."

An Agent recruited on Day 19, assigned to the Control Team. He transferred to the Training Team on Day 25 during Malkuth's Core Suppression, back to the Control Team on Day 26, staying there throughout. Chinely took him under her wing and now they are greatly invested in looking cool and emulating the shows they watch.

He's the 16th Assistant Librarian to be awakened, alongside Tylana and his Patron Librarian Tiphereth.


  • Omni's letter home.
  • Omni fiddles with the alarms and cognition filter sometimes. Chinely is his senpai.
  • Drowning My Sorrows: During the Violet Midnight Ordeal, Omni is seen drunk over Bishop's apparent death. Tenebrais is both worried that he's working despite his state and impressed that he's still a straight shot with his E.G.O. crossbow in spite of his drunkenness.
  • Genre Savvy: For the Suppression of the Queen of Hatred in the Library, Omni plays himself up as the Big Bad for her to focus on, knowing the kind of heroine she thinks she is. Tiphereth actually sees it being useful for this battle.
  • Otaku: After getting Chinely as his senpai, Omni starts heading this way too as they snoop in on Bishop's confrontation with Talow and assume it's a rivalry.
  • Those Two Guys: With Chinely.
  • During the L Corp Civil War, Omni apparently tried to unleash his E.G.O.'s true power, and apparently had parts of him all over the Central Command floor after that, but he did take "that Magical Girl" (the goons think it was King of Greed) with him.
  • Upon first seeing a Reception (with Wedge Office and Philip), after the first Scene, Omni is left squeeing. And he can't get enough of them.
  • Always gives it his all during Receptions, fearless of death since he thinks Never Found the Body is in play.
  • Thinks there's no difference between Train arcs (a jab on the entire storyline's length) and training arcs, and that they're the worst.
  • What Measure Is a Mook?: Whenever Omni books a guest, he says they're just mooks in their (the Library's) story.

    Fat Sam 

Fat Sam

Gender: Male
As an Agent
As an Assistant Librarian

"Your aspirations have exceeded your reach."

An Agent recruited on Day 19, assigned to the Control Team. He transferred to the Training Team on Day 20, the Central Command Team on Day 27 during Hod's Core Suppression, the Information Team on Day 30, back to Central Command on Day 31, back to Training on Day 38 during Tiphereth's Core Suppression, and back to Central on Day 41, staying there throughout. Is a careful Agent, and values the importance of relaxing when you can.

He is the 31st Assistant Librarian to be awakened, and assigned to Nertzach, just in time for the fourth Realization Battle in the Floor of Art. Which means Sephiroth will be awakened in a different Floor.


  • Non-Indicative Name: Is called Fat Sam, but is no stouter than any other Agent. And this doesn't change as an Assistant Librarian.



Contributor: TeeQueue

Gender: Female
As an Agent
As an Assistant Librarian

"An opponent..? Innteresting.."

An Agent recruited on Day 19, assigned to the Training Team. She transferred to the Information Team on Day 20, to the Safety Team on Day 24, the Training Team on Day 28 during Netzach's Core Suppression, and back to Information on Day 31, staying there throughout. A bit single-minded, finds a lot of things nice to look at, from Today's Shy Look to Amber Dawns, and has a tendency to extend her vowels (and other letters sometimes) a bit when she speaks. Also thinks D.A.D. is an alien.

She is the 8th Assistant Librarian to be awakened, and assigned to Yesod.


  • Bespectacled Cutie: Eventually acquires a pair as a Battle Symbol starting with the Suppression of the Singing Machine. They're acquired by clearing out the entire Streetlight Office 1 reception solo, which was obviously done off-screen.
  • Girlish Pigtails: Long braided twintails as an Agent, though they become shorter as an Assistant Librarian.
  • Irony: Kaori tries to find proof that D.A.D. is an alien, and eventually enlists the help of T. Hinman, an actual alien in disguise.
  • Kaori holds interest in the Thumb (does she think they're aliens?)
  • Comes from the Backstreets, just like most of L Corp's employees.
  • The Gambling Addict: She used to go to plenty of casinos to gamble, to earn money to keep up with the latest alien sightings, and because she really liked the games. This stopped after she was kicked out of J Distict's ones by the Stray Dogs, though.
  • Kaori is acquainted with someone in the Thumb, specifically the "underboss" Kalo (probably before he rose up to that rank). She saw his face during the time she was kicked out of J District's casinos. She didn't think Kalo would still be alive after ten years. And a week after that, she received her L Corp acceptance letter. And she didn't even apply, unlike Nu11 and Mu14.
  • She's not good at the people part of card games such as reading bluffs or figuring out a person's playstyle. Or at people in general. But she needed the money, so she gambled at the casinos to win money for research. Back then, she and her old partner made a deal. Before "that day", she had a partner. She was the strategist, they were the charismatic one. Together they were invincible. But she lost that friend to the Thumb, specifically Kalo, when they broke their knee as a warning to Kaori, and then the partner was left holding their jawless face. she resented them and him for that ever since. She wants revenge, but Yesod won't let her since it risks his team. But Chesed offers to make an opportunity, since he doesn't think only the Sephirot are the only ones allowed to face their pasts.
  • She apparently used to cower in a corner against the Thumb.
  • Chesed's team folds after leaving Kalo alone in order for him to face Kaori (Yesod's floor) one-on-one.
  • Vengeance Feels Empty: Even after booking Kalo, Kaori still doesn't feel satisfied because he kept a smug face upon death even as she spoke her heart and frustrations out to him. The emotions in her then made her explode as a result, Binah theorizing that, wrapped up in the betrayal of her own expectations, the Abnormalities which were supporting her could do so no longer, and when she exceeded their grasp, she simply collapsed under her own weight (in-game, it's a penalty for using The Funeral of the Dead Butterflies Page). As a result, even after the end of the Reception, she's still a book and hasn't revived yet when she should've.
    • This situation is a result of becoming unstable, since Assistant Librarians are not as physically stable as Angela or the Patron Librarians. When their emotions overflow beyond a certain point, their current forms are not capable of handling the strain. This is why there is a limit during Receptions… though Kaori's situation was certainly a loophole in this, and Angela is benching Yesod's floor from Receptions until Kaori eventually recovers.



Contributor: Infinity Gaia

Gender: Male
As an Agent
As an Assistant Librarian

"Being a good listener is the cornerstone of being a good friend, sir."

An Agent recruited on Day 23, assigned to the Central Command Team specifically to work with the Warm-Hearted Woodsman. He transferred to the Welfare Team on Day 38 during Tiphereth's Core Suppression, back to Central on Day 39 during Chesed's Core Suppression, and stayed there until the final day. He's eager to contribute to the company any way he can, and addresses everyone as "sir" regardless of gender.

He's the 23rd Assistant Librarian to be awakened, and assigned to Roland, another deviation from the pattern.


  • Epic Fail: Was meant to be low on Prudence so as to be able to safely work with the Warm-Hearted Woodsman, but his first work with him was so bad that the next one would trigger him killing an agent. He does a better job the Days after, though.
  • Gets close to dying twiceon his first day from All-Around Helper.

    Evil Kit 

Evil Kit

Contributor: Evil Kit

Gender: Male
As An Agent
As an Assistant Librarian

"I'll poke you all 'til you're BEGGING for death!"
"Now… from hell's heart, I inconvenience thee!"

An Agent recruited on Day 28, assigned to the Central Command Team specifically to work with the Warm-Hearted Woodsman alongside Gaia, just in time for Netzach's Core Suppression. He transferred to the Welfare Team on Day 36, back to Central on Day 39 during Chesed's Core Suppression, and back to Welfare on Day 41, staying there throughout. Sees himself as a villain who revels in doing very minor evil things.

He's the 25th Assistant Librarian to be awakened, and assigned to Chesed, being brought over to him personally by Angela after she found him rearranging books while she was in the middle of reading them.


  • Curse: Got afflicted by what he calls a Curse of inconvenience, which made him an Unusually Uninteresting Sight (inconvenient for him) unless he inconveniences them.
  • Incredibly Lame Pun: While Suppressing a breaching Queen of Hatred on the second Day 43
    Tylana: Remember to use that technique I told you about, guys! My suit'd hold up against this thing all day, but who can say for the rest of you?
    SeyserKoze: Evil Kit's would hold up fine, too. I'm pretty sure I'm the only one here in any actual danger.
    Evil Kit: You're just jelly of my jam! (Context: He has the E.G.O. Gear from Melting Love.)
    Tylana: That… that wasn't even evil, it was just bad.
    Evil Kit: I'm trying to think fast here, give me a break!
  • Jerkass: Given his desire to do mean things, yeah. His Temperance is even at 2, and it will stay that way in order to be able to keep on working with the Warm-Hearted Woodsman. However, acquiring Apocalypse Bird's E.G.O. Gift (which is granted to all survivors of its attack before being Suppressed) brought it up to 3, disqualifying him for the role.
    "And now, I shall tilt all the woodland pictures in your room so that they're a little bit off kilter! Muahahahaha!!"
    • That said, despite his actions, he allegedly has goals to bring the agents closer together with all of his schemes.
  • Long-Haired Pretty Boy: While his hair was already long back in L Corp, his hairstyle changed come Ruina, and it's noticeably more visually appealing. Subverted since his face hasn't changed and he's as troll-y as ever. And then come the "Social Sciences—735.35—Ozma", the mod TeeQueue was using to accomplish that look was deleted, leading to another changed long-haired look.
  • Look Behind You: After confessing his "evil plan" to bring Tenebrais and Boksi closer together, he slips away by telling the former that there's a three-headed monkey. Given all the Abnormalities in the company, this actually works.
  • Mundane Utility: Evil Kit uses Twee's E.G.O. Gift from the Crumbling Armor (being on fire) to roast marshmallows, until he's told that it's not actually hot.
  • Noodle Implements: During one of Twee's tabletop sessions, Evil Kit somehow (in-character) murdered a dragon (that resembled the one Xiao assumes in her rematch Reception) with a trout (and it had to be this fish specifically, any other fish wouldn't have worked), a rubber band, and a ball of twine.
Evil Kit once spilled jam on the E.G.O. Gear during maintenance, and SeyserKoze wants to make sure this isn't repeated as he assigns Robin to distract him.
  • Poke the Poodle: His modus operandi. Case in point:
    "My infiltration yesterday was a resounding success! Now I should be able to accomplish the next phase of my plan: stealing the good stuff from the communal fridge! Muahahaha!!"
  • Ship Tease: With Tylana.
  • Skintone Sclerae: Is revealed to have these now that there's no Perception Filter.
  • Unusually Uninteresting Sight: Is cursed to be this to people unless he inconveniences them, and even then only until the grievance had is settled. This is why Evil Kit is such a bother on purpose. That said, there seem to be two exceptions that his Curse cannot affect: direct superiors (being their subordinate is an inconvenience in and of itself), and AI (immune to the curse's effects, and for the same reason the Sephirot and Angela don't work the Abnormalities themselves).
  • While drunk on beer, Evil Kit confesses to Tenebrais that his "evil acts" were to bring her and Boksi closer together.
  • At the end of Day 31, he's been sighted swapping the contents of employees' lockers, and carving the soap into the shape of… something Not Safe for Work.
  • Dislikes grape flavor after getting an E.G.O. Gift from the Shark.
  • Due to having come from the Outskirts, Evil Kit isn't picky with food.



Gender: Female
As an Agent
As an Assistant Librarian

"These clocks are kind of much no matter how often I see them."

An Agent recruited on Day 31, assigned to the Training Team. She transferred to the Welfare Team on Day 35, the Central Command Team on Day 36, the Information Team on Day 37, the Record Team on the first Day 41, back to Training on the first Day 45, the Central Team on the second Day 41, back to Records on the fourth Day 41, to Training again on the second Day 42 during Hokma's Core Suppression, and back to Records again on the second Day 43, staying there throughout.

She's the 32nd Assistant Librarian to be awakened, alongside Talow and her Patron Librarian Hokma.


  • Girlish Pigtails
  • Seadog Peg Leg: During the Suppression of The Price of Silence, she picks Allen'snote  page for her body just so she can have one of these. Well, she wanted one for stabbing.
  • Overhears Talow's correspondence with X and his time loops. He directs her to Bishop for answers.



Contributor: CHiRAL

Gender: Female
As an Agent
As an Assistant Librarian

An Agent recruited on Day 31, assigned to the Training Team. She transferred to the Welfare Team on Day 35, the Extraction Team on Day 36 on Binah's orders, to the Record Team on the second Day 44 during Binah's Core Suppression, and back to Extraction on Day 45, staying there throughout.

She is the 38th Assistant Librarian to be awakened, and assigned to Binah.


  • Only Sane Woman: Between Mizu and Mr. Black in Day 36 while they work on the Mountain of Smiling Bodies.
    • And to the point of being all but acting manager given how off the deep end Binah (Extraction Sephirah) and Mizu (her Department Captain) are.
  • Chiral asks for extra pay in exchange for Hod's orders to do "something scary", and is denied a chance to back out.
  • Chiral finds Queen Bee cute and doesn't like that she feels that way.
  • Refusal of the Call: The first time she was awakened by Angela (after Binah's Assistant Librarians were done with Punishing Bird), she took a single look at her outfit, and complained about being too fatigued for this before finding an alternate book to sleep within. This displeased the Mizus as they hoped for a reward for this. Binah decides to allow herself in the Receptions from now on, which placates them. Of course, she was found in the next book Judgment Bird, and was unable to run after that.



Gender: Female
As an Agent
As an Assistant Librarian

An Agent recruited on Day 31, assigned to the Training Team. She transferred to the Information Team on Day 35, to the Records Team on Day 37, back to Information on the first Day 45, back to Records on the fourth Day 41, to Extraction on the second Day 42 during Hokma's Core Suppression, and back to Records again on the second Day 43, staying there throughout.

She is the 35th Assistant Librarian to be awakened, and assigned to Hokma.


  • Robin seems pretty chill with ending up half-dead and half-crazy after a work with Big Bird.
  • What Measure Is a Non-Human?: Upon the entire facility engaging the White Fixer on Day 46, when Mizu says they smell like a "cutie" (read: Abnormality) and it's realized that they're essentially an Ordeal, she expresses relief that she's not going to kill a real person. Tenebrais calls her a baby for it.
  • According to Hokma, she's a specialist in what the Library is doing now.
  • Prefers to be an advisor over being in the fray Receiving guests.



Gender: Male
As an Agent
As an Assistant Librarian

"It's really simple when you think about it."

An Agent recruited on Day 35, assigned to the Training Team. He transferred to the Records Team on Day 37, to the Central Command Team on the first Day 41, and the Records Team on the second Day 41, staying there throughout. Is a skeptic of the highest degree despite clear evidence to all the miraculous and eldritch happenings in the company.

He's the 14th Assistant Librarian to be awakened, and assigned to Hod.


  • Flat-Earth Atheist: Despite all the supernatural stuff around him, he insists everything is normal, that the supernatural stuff are all just smoke and mirrors, and that there's a completely rational explanation for everything.
  • Irony: Despite disbelieving everything about the Abnormalities, he takes what the Sweepers are (liquid held in suits that dissolve humans with that liquid to make more of it so they can continue existing) at face value. And he can make sense of the Puppets as well.



Contributor: sorcrane

Gender: Indeterminate (addressed as both male and female)
As an Agent
As an Assistant Librarian

"It's a bit hot here… careful not to slip on your own sweat."

An Agent recruited on Day 35, assigned to the Training Team. They transferred to the Disciplinary Team on Day 37, to the Extraction Team on the second Day 42 during Hokma's Core Suppression, and the Disciplinary Team on the second Day 43, staying there until their death on Day 49 by Hokma's pause penalty.

They're the 27th Assistant Librarian to be awakened, and assigned to Gebura.


  • Pointy Ears: Gets a pair as a Gift from the Parasite Tree. Unlike Credentia, they start panicking over them and try to break out Blue Star in order to get their old ones back before Morgan says they look fine, after which they quickly get over it. They later found a way to "pocket" them and still get their benefits (written-in from a game bug).
  • Used to do metalworking before getting hired at a Wing.



Gender: Male
As an Agent
As an Assistant Librarian

"I wish everyone would stop talking about birds."

An Agent recruited on Day 35, assigned to the Disciplinary Team. He transferred to the Architecture Team on Day 46, staying there throughout. Prior to being hired by L Corp, he used to be part of Myo's Rabbit Team.

He is the 36th Assistant Librarian to be awakened, and assigned to Gebura.


  • Bald Head of Toughness
  • Butt-Monkey: Has a tendency to go down in every fight he's participated in.
  • Caps Lock: What Mizu insists his name should be pronounced as.
  • Pointy Ears: Gets a pair as a Gift from the Parasite Tree. Unlike Socrane, there was no angst of any sort over it.
  • Real Men Wear Pink: Is given the "In The Name of Love and Hate" E.G.O. Suit (and Weapon). Gebura was skeptical for a moment before conceding to the Manager's choices.
  • Situational Sword: Due to his Temperance being 130 at the time, once given the Justitia Suit and [CENSORED] Weapon, he's paradoxically the ideal Agent to work WhiteNight for information. This was even foreshadowed in the thread.
  • The Quiet One: Rarely speaks, but only because there usually isn't anything worth saying. And when he does say something, it's usually metaphors used by the Rabbit Team.

    T. Hinman 

T. Hinman

Contributor: PlasticAutomaton

Gender: Female
As an Agent
As an Assistant Librarian

"This would be easier if I could still spit acid… Er, like a human!"

An Agent recruited on Day 37, assigned to the Training Team. She transferred to the Information Team on Day 41, staying there throughout. Is actually a Thin Man/Viper, but is able to keep cover due to everything crazy in Lobotomy Corporation.

She's the 11th Assistant Librarian to be awakened, and assigned to Yesod.


  • Going Native: Due to the whole being underground for 10(000) years thing, T. Hinman can no longer return to her ship, who have most likely left her behind by then, and sticks with the rest of X's Agents from then on.
  • Hugh Mann: T. Hinman, being a (female) Thin Man/Viper from XCOM. Due to the strangeness of everything else in the Corporation and the Library, she's managed to escape detection. Only the Plague Doctor knows exactly what she is. Eventually, on Day 45, after X's speech, she confesses the truth to Kaori. And turns out D.A.D. knew as well, but doesn't care.
  • Humanity Ensues: May have been reconstituted into a full human now thanks to the Library.
  • Irony: Kaori tries to find proof that D.A.D. is an alien, and eventually enlists the help of T. Hinman, an actual alien in disguise.
  • Suspiciously Specific Denial: Is prone to saying these things. Nobody ever calls her out on them.
  • Despite the haircut, T. Hinman is female.
  • May or may not have been rendered a full human now thanks to the Library.
  • As seen in the Reception for the Puppets, T. Hinman is pretty fatalistic, and prefers to just life in the moment. "The feeling of a job well done or a fine meal are reward enough… striving to go above your station is simply wishing on a star for things that can't be."
  • Back when she was in the service of the Ethereals, T. Hinman was taught that whether it takes one, ten, or a hundred casualties, it's all worth it so long as they can gain ground, and that none of their lives matter before the gears of progress.

    Elle Tee 

Elle Tee

Contributor: Last Transmission

Gender: Female
As an Agent
As an Assistant Librarian

"First, I swing like this… And the next was this, right? Alright, let's do it the way I practiced!"

An Agent recruited on Day 37, assigned to the Training Team, and stayed there throughout.

She is the 9th Assistant Librarian to be awakened, and assigned to Hod.


  • Has an activity log and during the Suppression of an Amber Midnight Ordeal on Day 38, she asks and gets permission from Medea to put down the experience as a as a teambuilding exercise on the log.
  • 13 Is Unlucky: Is the thirteenth Librarian (counting the four Patron Librarians awakened thus far) to be awakened. Elle hopes to make the best of it anyway.
  • Cannot understand gamblers after a Reception against Hanafuda and the Jeong’s Office Fixers.
  • Why Did It Have To Be Spiders?



Contributor: DimiZPC

Gender: Female
As an Agent
As an Assistant Librarian

"These fools are nothing before the great Dimi!"

An Agent recruited on Day 37, assigned to the Central Command Team. She transferred to the Information on Day 38 during Tiphereth's Core Suppression, and then returned to Central on Day 39, staying there until the end. Thinks too highly of her abilities due to going straight to Central Command instead of Training like T. Hinman and Elle Tee, but this is actually because someone needs to tend to the Warm-Hearted Woodsman after Evil Kit's parameters became too high in the aftermath of Apocalypse Bird's first Suppression. She's also a gamer through and through.

She is the 7th Assistant Librarian to be awakened, and assigned to Malkuth, going against the preconceived pattern the goons had that all the Agents will go to the Sephirah they answered to back at Lobotomy Corporation. Though given Tiphereth's department had over four Agents in it before the end, it was likely ineivtable that some of hers would go to other Patron Librarians. She's also started a rivalry with Bishop.


  • According to Tylana, Dimi tries to shove all the work off onto Gaia sometimes.
  • Her overconfident appearance is a front, and is actually insecure when not in public company. Kaori may or may not be now aware of this. And now Dimi wants to know about the aliens Kaori found. Eventually, she "deduces" it's D.A.D.
  • Excuse Me While I Multitask: During the Reception against the Crying Children, Dimi reveals that she's also gaming with its footage running parallel to her eyes, and that it's why she uses a robotic body. Malkuth comments they'll need to talk about her priorities later.
  • "Not So Different" Remark: Dimi says this regarding Bishop and Philip: both are Fixers, run away when they're about to die, painfully obvious crushes on girls who are way too good for them (Malkuth and Yuna respectively), and have died at least once. Both vehemently deny this, but she sees this as further proof.
  • Pyrrhic Victory: The Reception against Wedge Office and Distorted Philip feels like this to her. Sure, the Library won even though Philip was teleported away against his will, but she ended up the last one standing in the end (with Malkuth as the last to fall). Sure, all Librarians are revived, but that bit of knowledge is temporarily excised from those undertaking a Reception in order to boost Emotion Levels.
  • Stating the Simple Solution: In Ruina, When Bishop and Malkuth wonder how to deal with Queen Bee and her Worker drones without driving the former into a rampage, she just says they just don't. Since they're not working for Lobotomy Corporation anymore, there's no need to keep her well.
  • Worth It: Related to the Suppression above, Dimi says it's almost worth almost exploding into a Worker Bee to see the Queen Bee being turned on by her drones.

    Tenebrais' Fan Club 

Tenebrais' Fan Club

Gender: Assorted
Just this once, we count.

Eight "Agents" recruited on Day 40 during Gebura's Core Suppression. Their sole purpose is to be stand-in Department Captains because X is not allowed to leave any departments bereft of any agents for any day.


  • Cannon Fodder: Their sole purpose is to be Executed for X's plan to suppress Gebura on Day 40. Both runs of Day 40. They're well aware of their expendability, and one of them only regrets having only one life to give to help Tenebrais.
  • Fangirl: For Tenebrais, even when she doesn't actually give much care for them.



Gender: Male
As an Agent
As an Assistant Librarian

"There's no need to worry about the small stuff~!"

An Agent recruited on the second Day 43, assigned to the Training Team, and stays there throughout. Is a bit dull in the head, as can be demonstrated by how he looks.

He's the 13th Assistant Librarian to be awakened, and assigned to Malkuth, another deviation from the pattern. By this point, Bishop suspects these deviations are deliberate by Angela.


  • Beady-Eyed Loser
  • Black Dot Pupils: His most identifying feature, and carried over as an Assistant Librarian.
  • Dumb Is Good
  • Hard Head: During the L Corp Civil War, ImIdiot went right through a wall headfirst, and was fine, though the employees were all in a panic. Some of his colleagues even said he only made it because he crashed headfirst.
  • Has a hard time remembering things and just tries to read up seconds before entering an Abnormality's cell to work them.



Gender: Male
As an Agent
As an Assistant Librarian

An Agent recruited on the second Day 43, assigned to the Training Team. He transferred to the Safety Team on Day 44 during the second attempt of Binah's Core Suppression, back to Training on Day 45, and Architecture on Day 46, staying there throughout. Considers himself plain despite his looks, even though he isn't since he's in this company.

He is the 5th Assistant Librarian to be awakened, and assigned to Roland.


  • Musical Assassin: Takes up a combat oboe after a few Receptions and has chosen to stick with it (appearance-wise, at least).
  • Steve only pays attention to the Abnormalities in his Department, thinking remembering others on top of that is too much work.
  • One of his teammates was cornered by one of "those things" (probably an Apostle). Then, suddenly, it raised its mask up like something'd caught its attention. It didn't even notice as it was being attacked… and it just wandered off like it had something better to do.
  • Steve got so busy wanting to perfect the combat oboe that he's approached both Omni and Chinely and Tenebrais (whose training ideas contrast between watching shows and Gebura's dailies) for training.

    Carlos Safety 

Carlos Safety

Gender: Male
As an Agent
As an Assistant Librarian

"If we follow suppression rules, things should go well… right?"

An Agent recruited on the second Day 43, assigned to the Training Team. He transferred to the Extraction Team on Day 46, staying there throughout. Is extremely dedicated to ensureing safety, and has an excellent memory to ensure this.

He's the 12th Assistant Librarian to be awakened, and assigned to Netzach, another deviation from the pattern.


  • Meaningful Name: True to his name, Carlos is dedicated to safety.
  • A reference to Carlos Danger
  • Turns out after awakening, Carlos had went off on his own to read up on the new protocols and rules. He went back hours later to find his colleagues waiting for him.
  • May have been killed by WhiteNight Apostle Juliet a.k.a. Mr. Blond during the L Corp Civil War.

    Day 49 Rabbit Team Stand-Ins 

Day 49 Rabbit Team Stand-Ins

Contributors: Chaosbrain (Kay-Hoss), The Great Evil King (The Great Evil King), Solitair (Solitair), the Orb of Zot (Alexandr)

Gender: Assorted

Twenty-two "Agents" recruited on Day 49 via a special contract with the Rabbit Team to help survive Day 49 against Adam. Their sole purpose is so that when the effects of Hokma's Core Suppression inevitably lead to panic/death, they may fall victim to this instead of X's Agents, since casualties will be inevitable (unless one is Crazy-Prepared, super-skilled, and has excellent foresight, which TeeQueue doesn't). He does one such playthrough later on after the end, though.


  • Cannon Fodder: Their sole purpose is to be buffer against being screwed by the RNG on day 49, since if someone like Mizu gets instantly panicked/killed, there would be no good options to handle WhiteNight. Among these Rabbits, Kay-Hoss, the Great Evil King, Cranberry, and Tully bit it.
  • I Need a Freaking Drink: Solitair goes looking for one.
  • Mercy Kill: The Great Evil King Underwent Panic due to Hokma's pause effect, and was given an Execution Bullet since X couldn't afford to bring him to his senses with everything else happening on Day 49.

Introduced in Library of Ruina



Gender: Male/Genderless
As an Agent walking alongside Paul
As an Assistant Librarian

"Just relax and work. Everything will work out."

The 18th Assistant Librarian to be awakened, and assigned to Malkuth, just in time for the first Realization Battle in the Floor of History. Acts like he's still working in Lobotomy Corporation, and he calls everyone newbies despite that only applying to Joshua himself.

Back in Lobotomy Corporation, he was what was considered an Information Pollution Abnormality, and caused problems with the employee record templates that if not ridden of, its effects would spread into the other templates. Joshua is the result of that. With all templates destroyed, this Joshua is just a leftover.


    Sweet Pea 

Sweet Pea

Gender: Female
As an Agent
As an Assistant Librarian

"Don't think you can win with that weaksauce strategy."

Sweet Pea first debuted in the "Better Call Paul" mini-series as the Team Captain of the Welfare Department during Abel's run of the company. She was killed and replaced by Nothing There, but has also appeared in other episodes trying to Suppress Snow White's Apple, getting run over and surviving the Express Train to Hell.

She's the 22nd Assistant Librarian to be awakened, alongside Twee and her Patron Librarian Chesed. She debuts butting heads with Twee, the later Captain of the Welfare Department during X's time.


  • Fragile Speedster: Prefers this type of combat, in contrast to Twee's The Berserker style.
  • Laser-Guided Amnesia: While this is par for the course for all L Corp employees, Sweet Pea suffers one of these during the Suppression against Ozma during her time as an Assistant Librarian. It doesn't hamper her combat ability that much, and she also still remembers contesting Twee's claim for Captainship.
  • The Nicknamer: Used to call Medea "Meds" back in a previous Pre-X timeloop. She's also calling Elle Tee "Eltie".
  • The Rival: To Twee given they were both Welfare Department Captains during separate runs, and she thinks Twee doesn't have what it takes. Chesed decides to just take command for now.
  • Recurring Character: In the "Better Call Paul" mini-series, which is saying something since most Agents there end up dying by the end of it (most of them Paul himself).
  • Apparently infamous for analyzing things quickly.
  • Back in her latest timeline, Sweet Pea and Medea cleaved a lot in Suppressions together. She even called her "Meds".

    Null Mia 


Contributors: Metameme and NullBlack

Gender: Female and Female(?), now Indeterminate

"Let us show you… the art of combat."

The 24th Assistant Librarian to be "awakened", and assigned to Yesod, just in time for the second Realization Battle in the Floor of Technological Sciences. Their weird situation is because prior to Roland's intrusion, Angela ran into trouble with receiving guests. Plan A was to have the Sephirot do it, but they were asleep at the time. Plan B involved Null_Mia, who was actually two Clerks from the Information Team, Nu11 and Mu14. However, they were both left mentally incompete and suffered immediate breakdowns as a result of having been taken in by The Funeral of the Dead Butterflies—an Abnormality whose task it is to give rest to employees—when their energy ran out. The result is upon revival they were merged into Null_Mia. They're also technically the source of the Rumor of the Library Ghosts.




Contributors: Nea

Gender: Female
As an Agent
As an Assistant Librarian

"It's not social anxiety, it's a survival strategy."

Nea first debuted in the "Better Call Paul" mini-series as a member of the Safety Team Department during Abel's run of the company. She was subjected to White damage from the Nameless Fetus, was seen working on the Scorched Girl, whacking Paul while driven insane after he touched the Don't Touch Me, granted protection by Army in Black, Suppressing the Silent Orchestra while the Big and Will Be Bad Wolf and Red Riding Hooded Mercenary are both loose, doing work on Void Dream and trying to Suppress it when it went loose, saved Paul from the Snow Queen by dueling it and winning, and knocking Paul back to his senses after he was driven to panic by the Dream of a Black Swan.

She's the 34th Assistant Librarian to be awakened, and assigned to Roland after Suppressing the Snow Queen, though has made it a point to not be noticed by any of them, joining Receptions as necessary, and slipping away when the job's done. She eventually gets noticed during the Reception against the Red Mist after the enemy's Mass Attack booked Roland and staggered Steve and Zaida, leaving Nea and Gaia.


  • was awakened already, but just didn't show up until later.
  • Nea make a diary out of one of the books after turning its pages all blank, and getting herself a pen. "It's important to have a good way to get thoughts out of your head, before they overflow and make you do something stupid." The boss (Roland) was voluntold for a training mission, to expand Angela's practice at holding multiple receptions at once.
  • Beneath Notice: In her diary entry, she goes on a metaphor about the spotlight, about prople wanting to be in control, and thus being under the spotlight. Those under the spotlight bear the brunt of all the pain and drama, and so to avoid that fate, stay out of it, and set up those who want to do big in the spotlight. Nea is good at being unnoticeable as a result, because she believes those people had a better chance of getting by in the City than a big personality with big dreams. However, Evil Kit proves able to penetrate this effect thanks to his own curse that makes him unnoticeable.
  • Heroic Sacrifice: During the final Reception against Xiao, Nea uses a setup that specficially ensures she gets booked on the first Scene, instantly powering up everyone else thanks to their Remembrance passive, and forcing everyone to gain Emotion Levels with heavy Negative coins, letting TeeQueue quickly get Curiosity or Lies right away. And this gives her fellow Librarians the edge needed to win. Evil Kit asks her about this later on, given her entire thing was to survive. She confesses that it's because unlike everyone else, she never forget sthe truth of the Library during Receptions. Remembering would only affect her emotional state, which wouldn't matter given that she'd be gone before the fight really started. So, she got a waiver from the boss, did her job, and went back behind the curtain.
  • There Are Two Kinds of People in the World: As quoted in her diary.
    "See, ultimately, the world can be broken up into two main types of people: the ones who do things, and the ones who have things done to them. A positive and negative, basically. Most people want to be the ones in control, doing things under the world's spotlight. But that… that's a trap. There's only so much room under the spotlight."
