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Characters / Onyx Equinox

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Main Characters

Voiced by: Olivia J. Brown (English), Cecilia Guerrero (Latin American Spanish)
The chosen hero of Quetzalcoatl, tasked with closing the five gates of the underworld.
  • Ambiguously Gay: He seems very infatuated with Yun, shows no romantic interest in either of the two pretty girls on his team, and Sofia Alexander said the show has gay main characters.
  • Beware the Nice Ones: Izel is a kind person at heart, even with his cynical outlook on life. He may be physically and mentally weak compared to his other allies, but even he is not one to be trifled with once he gets angry.
  • Cluster F-Bomb: Especially when he gets angry he'll begin to curse much more often.
  • Creepy Blue Eyes: After falling into the gate to the Underworld, his eyes permanently turn teal, marking him as unnatural.
  • Cynicism Catalyst: The death of his kind older sister Nelli ultimately makes Izel lose faith in humanity.
  • Driven to Suicide: At the end of episode one, after seeing his sister sacrificed in front of him. He fails, but throughout the series is shown lapsing back into suicidal ideation.
  • Eye Color Change: His eyes turn teal when his suicide attempt fails, tainting him with the energy of the Underworld.
  • Grew a Spine: Izel's character arc, gradually becoming less dependent on others and stronger both physically and emotionally. By the season finale, he's come to the point where he's able to stand up to both Quetzalcoatl and Tezcatlipoca.
  • Hates Their Parent: Izel resents his guardian Maak for selling him and Nelli and adopting Yun and K'in, treating them better than he had them, blaming him for Nelli's death and his reluctant mantle as the champion of humanity.
  • Kid Hero: A rather bleak, reluctant version of this trope, as he was chosen despite being the least qualified person for the job, and struggles with the expectations placed on him and the pain of his trials. It's only due to the support of his team and Yaotl that he doesn't just off himself and doom the world.
  • Knightly Sword and Shield: Downplayed, as warriors in Mesoamerican culture were not considered knights, but during the final battle Izel uses one of Yaotl's metallic ornaments as a shield while wielding the advanced form of K'i'ik.
  • Loser Protagonist: Izel, being a lowly servant who is considerably lacking in both mental and physical strength and appears wholly dependent on his older sister, is considered this In-Universe. Both the city folk and Yaotl don't think too highly of him, and even Quetzalcoatl outright calls him 'the lowest of the low.' This is even the god's reason for choosing him as a champion, because if 'the lowest of the low' can rise to the challenge and save humanity, that would prove that the species as a whole is worth saving.
  • Magic Is a Monster Magnet: His teal eyes attract monsters.
  • Misanthrope Supreme: He's perfectly fine letting the gods wipe out Humanity, and only starts caring about his 'destiny' when he believes the gods will revive his sister. His main character arc in the first season is clawing his way back from this.
  • My God, What Have I Done?: His reaction upon realizing that he broke Yun's leg, which in a pre-Industrial Revolution world would be a death sentence.
  • Nice Guy: Despite his apparent apathy towards the rest of humanity, Izel is not a bad person and can be quite compassionate and kind at times, such as when he gives an old woman some of his and Nelli's produce in the pilot despite her and family being foreigners and seemed concerned for both the twins' and Zyanya's wellbeing.
  • Occult Blue Eyes: Izel gained blueish teal eyes representing the underworld after attempting to commit suicide, thus tainting himself with its energy.
  • Rage Breaking Point: Izel does this several times over the course of his quest.
    • K'in mocking his sister's sacrifice and saying that she died to get away from Izel leads to Izel lashing out in anger and accidentally breaking Yun's leg, nearly killing him.
    • He also does this when Mictecacíhuatl sends her monsters after Izel and the group which ends up killing the village they were taking shelter. Izel after witnessing the carnage nearly threw his life away attempting to kill them.
  • Refusal of the Call: He runs away when Yaotl first appears and closes the first gate more or less by accident. It's only when he gets the idea to ask the gods to resurrect Nelli that he joins Yaotl.
  • Screw Destiny: At the end of season 1, he summons Quetzalcoatl and Tezcatlipoca and tells them both to fuck off, and that he's done playing games for their amusement. He decides instead to find a way to ensure the gods can't keep screwing with humanity for kicks.
  • Textile Work Is Feminine: Played with. He's a boy and he's also a skilled weaver, but it's only because his sister was the only family he had to teach him.
  • Took a Level in Badass: Starts the series as a weak, suicidal slave boy. By the end of the first season, he's killed multiple monsters, fought two gods, and told off his quest givers, before beginning his quest to fight the gods themselves to save humanity.
  • Troubled Teen: He consistently shows signs of suicidal ideation, has trouble dealing with his grief over his sister and anger towards his friends, and cannot deal with guilt without defaulting to shutting down or lashing.
  • You Can't Go Home Again: While his city is still intact by the end of the first season, by the end of the second episode he's driven out of his home by the terrified locals, who see his teal eyes as a sign that he's cursed.
  • Young and in Charge: He's the youngest of the group, but he eventually becomes the leader.

Voiced by: Alejandro Vargas-Lugo (English and Latin American Spanish)
An emmisary of Tezcatlipoca, ordered by his god to escort Izel along his journey.
  • Amnesiac Dissonance: His previous self was kind, dutiful, and loving. Pretty much the only part that survived to the beginning of the series is the "dutiful" part, although he slowly regains those qualities.
  • Blind Obedience: This is the reason why Tezcatlipoca chose him to keep an eye on Quetzalcoatl's champion. Quetzalcoatl changes this by revealing to him that he once was human and never bothered to ask.
  • Catchphrase: "No questions", to Izel and the others whenever they try to learn more about their quest. He slowly drops this as he comes to care about them.
  • Cats Are Mean: He isn't above berating and mocking Izel at every opportunity.
  • Curb-Stomp Battle: To pretty much everything that comes in his way, as he is a powerful divine entity. This is balanced by the fact that the most dangerous monsters are the gate guardians found in the Olmec temples, which he cannot enter.
  • Defrosting Ice King: Spends most of the first season slowly warming up to the group. Compare the Yaotl of the beginning trying to force Izel through the trials to Yaotl of the final episode gently hugging him and telling him how proud he is before sending them off, having defied his master for their sake.
  • Everyone Has Standards: As unpleasant as Yaotl is, he asks in a rather sincere tone if Izel cares enough about his people to save them and appears to be briefly taken aback when he replies that he doesn't.
  • Hair-Trigger Temper: Yaotl has a very short fuse and is usually ready to growl at others for not following orders.
  • Hyper-Competent Sidekick: He's supposed to just guide Izel and make sure Quetzalcoatl doesn't cheat on the bet, but the rest of the party is too fragmented or untrained to be of any use until the latter half of episode 4, so Yaotl more often than not is responsible for most of the killing, and eliminates any danger from a monster immediately.
  • Identity Amnesia: When he became an emissary of Tezcatlipoca, he forgot everything about his life as a human, including his love affair with Mictecacihuatl.
  • Jerkass: While respectful of his master Tezcatlipoca, he's dismissive and not particularly sympathetic or understanding of Izel's trauma and towards the other human characters.
  • Jerkass Has a Point: While insulting Izel for being weak, Yaotl does have a point when he says that Izel is completely co-dependent on Nelli, given how he utterly broke down with her death.
  • Jerkass to One: Inverted. He's mean and demanding to every human seen thus far but he seems to be highly respectful to the gods. He's deferential to Tezcatlipoca as expected but also very polite to Quetzalcoatl despite the latter being his master's main rival.
  • Jerk with a Heart of Gold: He eventually becomes this for Izel and the rest of the group. While he was originally stern towards the group he merely was worried about the fate of humanity himself, and he eventually became much more protective over Izel whenever he was in danger. He finally realizes how much he cares about the group at the end of season one, admitting that Izel and the others have grown on him.
  • Kryptonite Factor: Olmec obsidian, which damages divine flesh. All other divine entities are vulnerable to it, but it's more noticeable in Yaotl as he is part of the main party and thus unable to help when the group has to go into the Olmec temples to close the gates, as they are all made of this.
  • Meaningful Rename: When he became the emissary of Tezcatlipoca, he was renamed Yaotl after the gods' epithet Nacoc Yaotl ("Enemy of Both Sides"). His original name is never revealed.
  • Mr. Fanservice: Yaotl in his original form is very muscular with long hair, only wears a loincloth when he wears anything at all, is first seen at an orgy with both men and women, and even gets a full-frontal shot in his first scene.
  • No Social Skills: He's a great fighter and the most mature of the group, but he's got the emotional intelligence of a brick. He tries to drag Izel to the first gate and is dismissive of his recent suicide attempt, thinking that if he insults him enough he'll just toughen up and get to work, and is so abrasive that Izel spends several episodes refusing to summon him out of fear that he'll just eat him for failure. When he starts to care about Izel, he's so confused by it that he can only express it through anger at first.
  • No Sympathy: Izel has just lost the only person who loves him, is trapped as a slave in a society where he has little chance of escaping this, and he's now going through suicidal ideation as a result? Yaotl doesn't care, and calls him pathetic for trying to escape the destiny shoved on him by the gods.
  • Panthera Awesome: He's a huge jaguar with glowing eyes.
  • Papa Wolf: While he was initially abrasive towards Izel and the rest of the group, he slowly comes to care about them, and shows no hesitation in putting himself between a god and Izel.
  • Semi-Divine: He's not a god, but a god emissary; however he's vastly more powerful than pretty much everything in the setting short of other gods, their emissaries, and the Olmec god repelling obsidian affects him.
  • Team Dad: He starts to develop into one, much to his own disgruntlement.
  • Token Adult: He's the only adult in the group. He even complains almost like a babysitter in charge of a group of kids.
  • Was Once a Man: He was once a human warrior, chosen to be sacrificed at the end of a year to become an emissary of Tezcatlipoca. Mictecacíhuatl fell in love with him while he was still human.
  • You Can't Fight Fate: He's very insistent on Izel to achieve his mission as champion so he can succeed in his mission as emissary.

Voiced by: Carolina Ravassa (English), Alessia Becerril (Latin American Spanish)
A survivor of the attack on Dani Baán, and the team's main warrior.
  • Action Girl: Shown to be very skilled in both close quarters and with weapons. She even holds her own against Yaotl when he attacks her.
  • Big Damn Heroes: With Meque's help, she escapes from the Underworld and arrives just in time to help Izel and the rest of the group to escape from Mictecacihuatl's monsters.
  • The Big Guy: After Yaotl she's the tallest, strongest and the best fighter amongst the group.
  • Braids of Action: Ties her hair in twin braids, and she's a very competent fighter.
  • Dual Wielding: Her weapons of choice are twin blades.
  • Early-Bird Cameo: Is the star of the introductory scene.
  • Easily Forgiven: Zigzagged. Xanastaku and Izel are very understanding about her betraying the group- Izel has already lost the person he loves and understands the lengths that people will go to save the ones they love, and Xanastaku is implied to have committed her own fair share of crime. However, Yun and K'in aren't so quick to forgive, and it takes a fight with a shark monster for them to even tolerate her being around them.
  • Empowered Badass Normal: She was already the best fighter among the humans, but her ability to transform either partially or completely into a monster puts her beyond even that.
  • Heroic Sacrifice: Using her powers, she holds back Mictlantecuhtli to allow Xanastaku to rescue Izel, ending up trapped at the Underworld. Happens a second time in the finale, when she uses her obsidian amulet to save Xanastaku's life, destroying it and trapping herself in her monstrous form.
  • Involuntary Shapeshifting: Mictlantecuhtli forcefully gave her the power to turn into a sort of lizard monster, and tries to keep the transformation in check using a piece of obsidian.
  • Lady Swears-a-Lot: After K'in, she's the most prone to cussing.
  • Lovable Lizard: Mictlantecuhtli gave her the power to turn into a lizard monster, and she tries to use her power for good.
  • The Mole: She was this for Mictlantecuhtli to lure Izel into the last gate of Dani Baán in order to save her people. Once he betrayed their deal Zyanya went back to their side.
  • The Needs of the Many: Tries to convince Izel to leave K'in and Yun behind in order to save more people, but Izel refuses to.
  • This Means War Paint: Ever since she lost her city, she has taken to painting her forehead yellow. It hides Mictlantecuhtli's Slave Brand on her forehead.
  • Tomboy and Girly Girl: She's the tomboy to Xanastaku's girly girl.
  • Tragic Keepsake: Zyanya's axe originally belonged to her friend who died in the fall of Dani Baán.

     Yun and K'in
Voiced in English by: Patrick Pedrazza (Yun) and Juan Arturo Maldonado (K'in)
Voiced in Latin American Spanish by: Alberto Bernal (Yun) and Luis Navarro (K'in)
Twin Ulama players who end up bonded to an artifact that can lead the group to the gates of the Underworld.
  • Ascended Fanboy: They idolize the Hero Twins and wind up bonding to their artifact.
  • Big Brother Bully: They're Maak's adoptive sons, and they sure like giving Izel a hard time.
  • Big Brother Instinct: They quickly develop this for Izel, sharing their food with him and giving him a proper outfit to wear. It doesn't stop their teasing, but they don't take kindly to any threats towards him either.
  • Clingy MacGuffin: They accidentally bonded themselves to the artifact of Oxte'tun, the Magic Compass needed to guide Izel to the gateways. Yaotl has to recruit them for the quest, much to his displeasure.
  • Cosmic Motifs: They're named after the sun and moon, with K'in as the more abrasive and extroverted "sun" personality and Yun as the more emotional and reflective "moon" personality. Their heroes and inspirations are the Hero Twins, who were transformed into the sun and moon at the end of their tale. Their artifact uses astronomy to calculate the direction of the gates, and Xanastaku helps them learn to control it by having them meditate on the stars.
  • Did You Just Flip Off Cthulhu?: They occasionally take shots at Yaotl, a giant Semi-Divine magical panther who's made quite clear that he'd happily kill them both if he thought it would help.
  • The Heart: Although it isn't apparent at first, Yun usually serves as the emotional center of the group. Discussed between him and Xanastaku, where she reassures him that just because he cares for others' emotions doesn't mean that he has to deny his own.
  • Identical Twin ID Tag: As identical twins, the two look completely alike however they both have some identifiers to differentiate one another. Yun has long hair while K'in has short hair. Each twin also wears clothing that leans to one side that's opposite to the other. Yun wears a right arm guard and right knee guard, and ties his belt sash to the right. Meanwhile, K'in wears a left arm guard and left knee guard, and ties his belt sash to the left.
  • Implied Love Interest: Yun for Izel, since they constantly blush around each other and are pretty much the only source of non-familial intimacy in the show.
  • Improbable Weapon User: They use the Hero Twins' ball in fights, which is a piece of Olmec tech and can be telekinetically enhanced to hit a lot harder than you'd expect.
  • Incest Subtext: Implied. When Yun and K'in find out that their adoptive father had two other (not blood-related) kids, the latter says that 'they've could've had a sister' in a non-platonic tone. The former, disgusted, tells his brother not to go there.
  • Jerk Jock: Believe that they are the best ball players, despite their games having been rigged and them not having experience playing a real game before. They also enjoy picking on poor Izel due to his lack of confidence and physical prowess.
  • Jerk with a Heart of Gold: Both of them, but it fits K'in far more. K'in can be belligerent, rash and distrustful, but truly cares about the safety of the group.
  • The Lancer: K'in takes this role very easily, being the first one to question Izel while trying to keep everyone else safe.
  • Lovable Jock: Yun shows signs of this, being a lot kinder and more caring towards others than his twin. However, it certainly doesn't stop him from picking on Izel with his brother. K'in develops into one.
  • Motherly Side Plait: Yun styles his long hair like this, and fittingly, he tries to be the closest thing the kids' have to a peacekeeper.
  • An Offer You Can't Refuse: Yaotl makes them one; either they help him and Izel to save the world, or he eats them. Unsurprisingly, they agree.
  • Single-Minded Twins: Downplayed. Though K'in and Yun do tend to act this way at times, K'in generally acts slightly more abrasive and snarky whilst Yun is the more caring and compassionate of the two, especially when it comes to Izel.
  • Sir Swears-a-Lot: They say 'shit' and 'fuck' a hell of a lot more than the other characters do. Especially K'in.
  • Skilled, but Naive: They both are very good at Ulama Ball which makes them compatible with what they can do with the ball in their former profession. However, they both tend to be easily distracted and if one of them loses focus they would not be able to use the ball's abilities as well as they would be able to.
  • Stellar Name: Their names derive from the Yucatec Maya words for "sun" (K'in) and "moon" (Yun).
  • Solar and Lunar: "K'in" means sun and "Yun" moon in Yucatec Maya, and they certainly have the personalities to match (hot-tempered and calm respectively). This might be an allusion to the Maya Hero Twins, which do become the sun and moon at the end of their adventures.
  • Twin Telepathy: Downplayed in that they don't demonstrate it often, but as twins they're believed to share a soul. Yun notes that he feels K'in's absence when they're separated, and they have to coordinate with each other to use the artifact.
  • Weaponized Ball: The Hero Twins' ball, which they gradually get better at controlling. By the end of the season, they can punch it straight through a tzizimitl.

Voiced by: Kimberly Woods (English)
A priestess from Tajín, Xanastaku joins the party to escape her Dark and Troubled Past.
  • Abusive Parents: Her caretaker Akapun was abusive towards her (being a victim of abuse himself), which is why she wanted to flee from Tajin despite knowing the consequences.
  • Beware the Nice Ones: She is by far the kindest and gentlest of the group and the most concerned with keeping everyone together. And when her abusive guardian refused to let her escape, she killed him.
  • Broke Your Arm Punching Out Cthulhu: She uses her energy manipulation powers to drain Mictecacihuatl from a great deal of her power, almost dying in the process.
  • Dark Secret: Her wings are red, which Yaotl reveals means she's committed some sort of crime. It's heavily implied, but never outright confirmed, that she killed her abusive caretaker.
  • Healing Hands: Not exactly healing, but she can transfer energy using her hands, which can be used to cure wounds. It's a case of Equivalent Exchange though, so she's reluctant to use it.
  • Hidden Depths: She's actually pretty good with the Ulama ball.
  • Power Gives You Wings: Using her power she can give herself wings, although she doesn't like using them.
  • The Smart Girl: She has studied Olmec, Mayan and other scriptures for a long time, and her knowledge comes very useful to the group.
  • The Social Expert: While Yun is a more typical heart to the group, Xanastaku is the most emotionally intelligent. She tags everyone's dynamic in the group early, advises Yun when she sees that he's becoming too invested in his role holding up others' emotions, and tells off Yaotl for snapping at Izel, saying that he needs his emotional support as well as physical.
  • Tomboy and Girly Girl: The girly girl to Zyanya's tomboy.

Voiced by: Sofia Alexander
A small axolotl given to the group by an enigmatic healer. More than he seems.
  • All Animals Are Dogs: Shows a lot of dog-like traits, like being cheerful and friendly, licking his paws, coming when called, and being loyal. Justified, in that he's the dog god Xolotl in another form.
  • Forced Transformation: Quetzalcoatl turned his brother Xolotl into an axolotl so he could subconsciously keep an eye on Izel and Mictecacihuatl.
  • Mythology Gag: Literally. In mythology, one of the forms Xolotl took while in hiding was an axolotl, and he also transformed into a stalk of maize, which is what's left behind whenever he teleports himself and others.
  • Non-Human Sidekick: It's a magical axolotl that can teleport those around him at will.
  • Punny Name: Axolotl is just one letter more than Xolotl.
  • Teleportation with Drawbacks: Can teleport himself and others wherever he wants as long as he has the energy, leaving a corncob behind.

Voiced by: Sofia Alexander
A small dagger Izel finds in the ruins of the first gate, K'i'ik serves as his adorably bloodthirsty weapon.
  • Cute and Psycho: It constantly hungers for blood and will attack its master to get it. However, more often than not that blood is given willingly, and if not K'i'ik will just squeak ineffectively about how hungry it is.
  • Hungry Weapon: K'i'ik grows into a much larger and stronger weapon whenever it drinks blood.
  • Non-Human Sidekick: Alongside Meque the axolotl, he serves as this for Izel's group, although besides Izel they appear oblivious to the fact that is a weapon with a mind of its own.
  • Pokémon Speak: The only sound it makes is "K'i'ik!", Maya for blood.
  • Sentient Weapon: It's a dagger with a mind of its own that Izel found at the first gate.
  • Super Mode: It has two forms that allow it to grow larger from absorbing blood.
    • Its first enhanced form becomes a large curved short sword that has red fangs on the first edge of the blade.
    • After absorbing the blood of Mictecacihuatl, it grows into a much stronger weapon similar to a Macuahuitl, that is capable of shredding monsters to pieces.


Voiced by: Cástulo Guerra (English), Andrés García (Latin American Spanish)
The god of death, the Underworld, and ruler of Mictlan. He instigates the conflict with the other gods by dragging cities into the Underworld.
  • Big Bad: His actions spur the plot, and stopping him by sealing the gates is why Izel was chosen. He ends up as a Big Bad Wannabe and Greater-Scope Villain when he gets decapitated in episode 8 and his wife reveals herself as the true antagonist.
  • Big Red Devil: While he's not really a devil, he's huge, red, and demonic-looking.
  • Cool Crown: Has an impressive and very elaborate crown to signify his rule over the Underworld.
  • Dark Lord on Life Support: Downplayed. After he pulled Danibaan to the underworld, he is later seen laying on his back in a clearly exhausted state, presumably due to the long blood drought leaving him weakened.
  • Everybody Hates Hades: Is the Aztec god of the Underworld and one of the main antagonists. While the mythological Mictantecuhtli could be an ass, he was still one of the most beloved and worshipped of the Mexica gods. Granted, his motivations here are somewhat sympathetic.
  • Evil Is Bigger: When he manifests in the first episode, he towers over the other gods that were summoned to defend Danibaan.
  • Humanoid Abomination: His default form is a tall, skeletal humanoid made of black mass and multiple tentacled arms. His One-Winged Angel form is gigantic, with an elaborate golden crown, even more arms and a blood red body.
  • Multi-Armed and Dangerous: He can manifest several arms to attack at will.
  • Noble Demon: He appeared to genuinely want to honor his deal with Zyanya about giving back her city in exchange for Izel, but the closing of the gate meant he no longer had the power to do so.
  • Off with His Head!: When the gate of the underworld closes while he tries to cross it, he gets his head cut off. The Stinger of the final episode reveals his head is still alive, but not for long now that he's at mercy of his wife.
  • Pet the Dog: When he took the infant Mictecacihuatl, he gave her starving village the food they desperately needed in return. He also reassures her grief-stricken mother that she won't be harmed.
  • Skull for a Head: When he's not wearing his crown, his head is actually a black skull.
  • Well-Intentioned Extremist: Claims to care about balance above all else, which the Celestial gods keep upsetting in their desire for more sacrifices. This is why at the suggestion of his wife, he continues to drag cities into the Underworld.
  • Wife Husbandry: Kidnapped Mictecacihuatl as a baby to make her his bride, and raised her himself. Downplayed in that he clearly only wanted a wife for ceremonial purposes, and never did anything sexual with her.

Voiced by: Zeus Mendoza (English), Humberto Solórzano (Latin American Spanish)
The god of arts, the winds, merchants, the planet Venus, and knowledge, rival to Tezcatlipoca, protector of humanity, and twin brother to Xolotl. He issues the bet with Tezcatlipoca and chooses Izel as his champion.
  • Big Good: For a given value of "good", since he's the god that actually gives humanity a chance to prove themselves worthy, even if he was no problem fatally possessing a child.
  • Body Horror: Besides what he puts his possessed bodies through, when Yaotl summons him in episode 4, some of his organs are visible.
  • Brought Down to Badass: Even after losing most of his powers due to losing the bet with Tezcatlipoca, he can still transform into his Feathered Serpent form.
  • The Chessmaster: He's playing all of the gods against each other to win his bet. Even when Tezcatlipoca takes his sacrifices, he's unsurprised, suggesting that he planned for this and might have even wanted it. He also states that he has plans for Izel beyond his bet.
  • Cool Mask: When Yaotl summons him in episode 4, his vessel has a jade mask.
  • Enemy Mine: At the end of the first season he decides to work with Mictecacihuatl to stop Tezcatlipoca from destroying humanity and restoring Yaotl.
  • Feathered Serpent: He's the Feathered Serpent. Not only he can transform into one at will, his vessels eventually start showing scales and feathers whenever he's possessing a human body.
  • Pretty Boy: In his true godly form, he has fine, soft facial features and a slender but still athletic build.
  • Significant White Hair, Dark Skin: True to myths, his human form has white hair but his skin remains dark.
  • Token Good Teammate: True to myths, Quetzalcoatl is the god most sympathetic towards humanity, making his bet with Tezcatlipoca to give them a chance to prove their worth. He only gets angry at Izel when he calls him out and threatens his brother Meque, and even then, his anger subsides rather quickly.

Voiced by: Arin Hanson (English), Jose Arenas (Latin American Spanish)
The god of the night sky, jaguars, hurricanes, discord, war, and sorcery, and rival to Quetzalcoatl.
  • Animal Motifs: Just like in the myths, he's associated with jaguars. He even used jaguars to eat the people of the first sun.
  • Ax-Crazy: He is mainly subdued for the most part until Quetzalcoatl loses the bet and hands over most of his blood sacrifices towards Tezcatlipoca, the first thing he does is go on a mass-murdering spree covered in the blood of the innocents he slaughtered with a small grin.
  • Big Bad: Seems to be set up for this at the end of season 1. Mictecacihuatl, the previous Big Bad has no reason to remain in that position any longer as the final gate remains open, while Tezcatlipoca intends to follow through with his promise of destroying humanity.
  • Body Horror: When he manifests in episode 7, he uses the corpses of several jaguars to make a vessel. It's as gross as it sounds.
  • Faux Affably Evil: Don't let the calm tone of voice deceive you, he's vengeful, ruthless, and can be quite petty towards those that defy him. When talking to those he considers his inferiors, he's rather condescending and dismissive, even if they're other gods.
  • Hot-Blooded: He's quite hot-headed and temperamental when he shows his true colors.
  • Jerkass: By the time he appears in the flesh, it's clear that Tezcatlipoca is a deeply unpleasant person, so say the absolute least.
  • Jerkass Gods: Of all the gods seen, he's the most personally unpleasant and is pretty gun-ho at the idea of destroying humanity and starting all over again.
  • Jerkass Has a Point: While the way he goes about it is undeniably cruel, he is correct in saying that Yaotl made a contract to be bound to him. Yaotl reaped the benefits of being the chosen sacrifice for a year, and his insistence that his godly master would allow him to continue a romantic relationship with another god, complicating his loyalties, was pure wishful thinking.
  • Light Is Not Good: Is a celestial god and strongly associated with gold, yet to say he is a jerkass would be an enormous understatement.
  • Kick the Dog: Takes Yaotl from Mictecacihuatl and erases his memory of her, then gloats about how she can't do anything about it. There's no reason for him to do it besides the fact that he can.
  • Sibling Rivalry: There is one between him and Quetzalcoatl, which is why he only agreed on The Bet when Quetzalcoatl allowed him to send Yaotl as his emissary.
  • Smoking Is Cool: Smoke comes out of his nostrils all the time, in reference to his epithet, "smoking mirror". Interestingly, this manifiests in his hosts bodies, but not in his true divine form.

     Mictecacihuatl (Major spoilers) 
Voiced by: Fayna Sanchez (English)
The goddess of death and keeper of the bones of humanity. Much more important than she first appears.
  • Ambiguously Human: She is initially introduced as a mysterious healer or witch and her mysterious disposition and powers leaves ambiguous if she's human or a god in human form. Turns out she's a god, Mictecacihuatl, guardian of bones and wife of Mictlantecuhtli.
  • Bare Midriffs Are Feminine: She's the only goddess with a prominent role in the show, and she wears a midriff-baring outfit.
  • Big Bad: The true main antagonist of season 1, being the one who put in motion the entire Divine Conflict, and the final force of opposition against the closing of the gates. Seemingly sheds the role at the season finale, as Izel chooses not to close the final gate (and thus removing any reason for her to continue opposing them), while she and Quetzalcoatl ally with each other in opposition to Tezcatlipoca, who intends to destroy humanity.
  • Broken Bird: Taken as a newborn to serve as Mictlantecuhtli's queen, she spent thousands of years watching humanity from afar, only to fall in love with the human Yaotl. When he voluntarily sacrificed himself and became Tezcatlipoca's emissary, he forgot everything about her, leaving her vengeful and wanting to destroy all other gods, beginning with her husband and Tezcatlipoca.
  • Everybody Hates Hades: Same reasons as her husband above. Also the same technical excuses since she is an Anti-Villain.
  • Deity of Human Origin: She was a regular human newborn, offered as a sacrifice to Mictlantecuhtli, who took her and linked his power with her to make her his queen for ceremonial and sepulchral duties. Tezcalipoca's comment towards her implies she is not the only one of these.
  • Don't Fear the Reaper: She takes up the duty of presiding over mortals' funerary rites out of sympathy for them, saying that someone should watch over them as they mourn.
  • Early-Bird Cameo: She's briefly seen during the first episode in her healer identity before debuting in episode 5.
  • Flower Motifs: Her motif is the flower of cempasúchil (or Mexican marigold), which was associated with the dead and nowadays is used to celebrate Día de los Muertos. An early indicator she's the goddess of the underworld.
  • Klingon Promotion: She becomes the head deity of the underworld and takes over all of the power of Mictlantecuhtli when she gets him killed.
  • Light Is Not Good: Has a golden color scheme and even can heal, but she is the main antagonist.
  • Loophole Abuse:
    • Technically she can't help the heroes with their quest due to avoiding Tezcatlipoca's notice. However, Yun's leg was broken, and bones are her domain, so she was allowed to heal him. She also introduces the team to Meque.
    • She hates her husband for stealing and imprisoning her, but can't actually harm him. So what does she do? Start a Divine Conflict to make him a target of the other gods. Then when the time comes, she lifts him up so that he's decapitated by the closing Underworld gate.
  • Multi-Armed and Dangerous: In her true form she has multiple, floating arms that she can extend at will.
  • My Species Doth Protest Too Much: She hates being a god as it's lead to life of misery and isolation for her, and finds the other gods cruel and uncaring. Losing her mortal lover was the last straw for her, and she began her plan to kill the other gods, starting with her husband.
  • Skull for a Head: In her true form her face is an actual skull, which inspired the legend of La Santa Muerte. Even in her more pleasant form, her face is still painted to look like a skull.
  • The Starscream: She was planning on using Izel and his friends to kill her husband so she could usurp him as ruler of the Underworld.
  • Walking Spoiler: Lots of major developments unveil as soon as she reveals herself.
  • Woobie, Destroyer of Worlds: Mictecacihuatl. She was stolen from her family as a newborn and shunted off to watch the bones by her uncaring husband, with Xolotl as her Only Friend. Eventually she took a chance and decided to visit the mortal world and became a benevolent death goddess, even falling in love with a mortal, only for Tezcatlipoca to take him and erase all his memories of her simply because he could. After all of that she engineers the Divine Conflict to try and get him back, only for him to reject her again because going back to her would mean abandoning the children he's grown to care for. Sure, she's the Big Bad and is willing to kill the heroes and humanity to preserve her power, but it's easy to see how her bitterness, isolation, and grief drove her to it.

Voiced by: SungWon Cho (English)
The eyeless dog of the sunset, lightning, and death, and the twin brother of Quetzalcoatl. He serves the gods of the Underworld, primarily Mictecacihuatl.
  • Chekhov's Gunman: Mentioned during the first episode, his role in the story is finally revealed in episode 11 and 12.
  • Heroic Dog: He's a dog god and similarly to his twin Quetzalcoatl, while not directly beneficial towards humanity, he's incredibly loyal and dutiful. He also seems to have a soft spot for humanity, as he chastises Quetzalcoatl for using humans as vessels.
  • Only Friend: He was the only friend Mictecacihuatl had in her long and lonely existence as Queen of the Underworld.
  • Undying Loyalty: More towards Mictecacihuatl than Miclantecuhtli. It's why Quetzalcoatl transformed him into Meque, to keep him from interfering.

     Pitao Cocijo and Pitao Xoo 
Voiced in English by: Octavio Solorio (Pitao Cocijo)
Two Zapotec deities summoned in the first episode to save Dani Baán.
  • Half the Man He Used to Be: Pitao Xoo is ripped in half by Mictlantecuhtli, and his godly blood is drained and drank.
  • Sacrificial Lion: Pitao Xoo is able to fight off some of Mictlantecuhtli's minions, but he's easily defeated and killed by the more powerful god.
  • Screw This, I'm Outta Here: Pitao Cocijo realizes the futility of fighting Mictlantecuhtli and flees.
  • Shock and Awe: Like his mythological counterpart Pitao Cocijo is a lightning god, though his blasts have a black inner side for some reason.

Other Characters

Voiced by: Sofia Alexander (English and Latin American Spanish)
  • Cool Big Sis: She was kind and supporting of her younger brother's talents.
  • Didn't Think This Through: Gave herself up as a sacrifice to save her brother, not realizing how Izel would react to her death. If Yaotl hadn't intervened, Izel would already have killed himself so he could rejoin her in the Underworld.
  • Heroic Sacrifice: Allowed herself to be sacrificed in order for her brother to be spared.
  • Living Emotional Crutch: She was all that Izel had in the world, and when she died, he tried to kill himself rather than live without her.
  • Parental Substitute: Took care of Izel ever since they were sold by Maak.
  • Reincarnation: The end of season 1 reveals that Quetzalcoatl reincarnated her into a heron.
