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Characters / Mass Effect 2 Late Party Members

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This page is for listing the tropes related to party members who first appeared in the second Mass Effect game. Specifically, the late half of the game.

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Party Members

Find peace in the embrace of the goddess.
"I feel like Samara could shoot me in a very tranquil way, which doesn't make me feel any better about it."
Joker's description

Voiced by: Maggie Baird

A member of an ancient cult of asari warrior monks who give up all personal property and spend their lives righting wrongs. They rarely leave asari space, but Samara is found on Illium, on the scent of a murderer she's spent centuries hunting.

  • Action Mom: She has three daughters and had to imprison two and hunt down the third because they're all Ardat-Yakshi — basically asari succubi.
  • All Crimes Are Equal: Although she has been shown to offer alternatives other than death to criminals, she states, "If a justicar is involved, a peaceful solution has long passed." In other words, if she's coming after you in the first place, that fact alone means you've probably already done something worthy of death. Just don't resist arrest.
  • Ancient Astronauts: In Dummied Out content from her Shadow Broker dossier, she was a crewmember of an asari ship that crashed on Earth in the Elizabethan era, was possibly responsible for the destruction of the Spanish Armada, and inspired none other than William Shakespeare to write three romantic sonnets about her, being the famed "Dark Lady".
  • Anti-Hero: The code basically requires her to kill anyone who gets in her way and does not remove themselves promptly. She once says that many asari admire her, but she would kill them all if she had to.
  • The Atoner: She feels personally responsible for giving birth to her succubus serial killer daughter Morinth and became a justicar to rectify her error.
  • Barrier Warrior: The third game redesigned her iconic Reave power, turning Samara into one of these.
  • Big Damn Heroes: If Shepard doesn't have enough Paragon/Renegade points to resist Morinth, Samara comes in to save them.
  • Black-and-White Morality: And a lethal one too, in a universe of Grey-and-Grey Morality.
  • Boldly Coming: While she never has sex anymore, she has been attracted to humans for a long time and even served as an inspiration for William Shakespeare when she visited pre-spaceflight Earth in her Maiden years and had sex with him (specifically Sonnets 127, 130, and 141), although the parts of her dossier in the Shadow Broker's base revealing this were Dummied Out.
  • Break His Heart to Save Him: She turns down Shepard's advances to spare them both from pain.
  • Broken Bird: Conversations with Samara will reveal that the entire reason she became a Justicar is because she's one.
    Samara: (after killing Morinth) Shepard, what do you think I will say? What can I say? I just killed the bravest and smartest of my daughters. There are no words. I will try another time. For now, show mercy on a broken old warrior and let us leave.
  • Brutal Honesty: One thing you can say about Samara — there's absolutely no mincing of words when it comes to her. If she likes you, she tells you. If she intends to kill you, you already know.
  • Bullying a Dragon:
    • Anyone brave or foolish enough to get in her way.
    • Paragon Shepard in 3, if an Interrupt is taken, intervenes in Samara's attempt to off herself to protect her remaining daughter Falere from being killed according to the Justicar Code. Samara's reaction shows that she is barely managing to hold back from retaliating violently.
      Samara: [restrained anger] Let. Go.
      Shepard: [firmly] No.
  • Can't Kill You, Still Need You: She doesn't use this exact phrase but if Shepard has a morality score that is majority Renegade, when they meet on the Citadel after Thessia falls in 3, she says that the reason she won't kill Shepard is because the galaxy needs them to rally behind in their Darkest Hour. Were it not for the Reaper invasion, Shepard likely would have faced the same ruthlessness that Samara brought down on Morinth in 2.
  • Celibate Hero: After becoming a justicar, she puts her mission before everything else. Her Code does not forbid romance or sexual relations, but she remains celibate due to her personal choice. The fact that all three of her daughters are Ardat-Yakshi, with two of them Locked Away in a Monastery and the other operating much like a Serial Killer may have something to do with it. If Shepard tries to pursue a romance with Samara in both 2 and 3 without being locked into any of the "official" romance options, then during the Citadel DLC, they shared an intimate hug and a kiss but nothing further.
  • Code of Honour: The Justicar Code, the strict set of regulations governing nearly every aspect of an Asari Justicar's life. Samara defines what is just as "that which is true to the Code" and what is unjust as "that which is not true to the Code." However, she immediately says she doesn't pretend it is a simple matter, and accepts that many find fault with a code so harsh and uncompromising. In fairness to her, while she shows casual disregard for other's lives while following the Code, she does not exclude herself from this either, accepting that following the Code will bring her much physical hardship and in all likelihood lead to her own death.
  • Combat Stilettos: She puts them to good use in her opening scene snapping an Eclipse merc's neck after being denied information related to her mission.
  • Covert Pervert: If Shepard brings up the topic of romancing her, she smiles and admits that she's flattered by the idea. She also admits in Citadel that she's had lots of carefree sex — which is standard for Asari during their Maiden years. According to Dummied Out content in 2, one such tryst was with the William Shakespeare and which lead to her being the direct inspiration of some of his Sonnets.
  • Death Before Dishonor: In the third game, Samara is sent to an Ardat-Yakshii monastery in order to prevent the Reapers from converting the inmates into Banshees... and by sheer bad luck, it's the one where her daughters were imprisoned. In the aftermath, her youngest daughter Falere has survived, but the monastery has been ruined - and Ardat-Yakshii cannot be allowed to roam free. Faced with a choice between breaking the Code of the Justicar or killing her last surviving daughter, Samara opts to shoot herself instead, and will go through with it if you don't stop her in time. Thankfully, Falere is able to resolve the situation by pointing out that she could have left the monastery at any time, but instead chooses to remain behind and rebuild her home rather than escape.
  • Death Seeker: A mild example but she outright states that she has no plans for retirement and expects to die in battle. Additionally, that training to become a Justicar is usually fatal was possibly a feature, not a bug, to her.
    Samara: I will fight and struggle all my life. That is my fate. When I die, it will not be in bed. I am at peace with that.
  • Defrosting Ice Queen: Paragon Shepard can convince her to lighten up and get along with others. In the Citadel DLC, she enjoys Shepard's party by dancing and interacting with the crew.
  • Dirty Old Woman: If Shepard asks about the idea of romance with her, she fantasizes about being with Shepard. She also proudly admits her huge sex life when bonding with the team.
  • Disco Dan: Samara, and all Justicars, follow a philosophy that's seen as outdated and dangerous, even by fellow asari. The unfettered pursuit of justice and retribution brings them into conflict with more conventional law enforcement, which has changed drastically in the thousands of years since the Justicar Code was the norm. It's one of the main reasons Justicars rarely leave asari space - a Justicar that so much as sets foot in a place under non-asari jurisdiction is a major diplomatic incident just waiting to happen.
  • Disproportionate Retribution: Justicars go after the worst criminals, but they are equally ruthless to anyone they perceive to be hindering them in any way - such as Samara casually remarking she will have to kill the Asari detective if she tries to detain her.
  • Dissonant Serenity: Samara discusses horrific kills, contemplates her own death, and even crushes her own daughter's head with a super-powered biotic punch, all while talking in a calm, peaceful tone like she's lying on a beach. Lampshaded:
    Anaya: It's a great honor to have a justicar here, but I could do without the honor of having her kill me.
    Samara: I would like to avoid killing you, detective. Unfortunately, the moment my code dictates that I must, I will. There is only the Code.
    Anaya: She says this kind of thing like she's talking about what to eat for dinner.
  • Don't You Dare Pity Me!: "I do not want your pity, Shepard. I do not accept it."
  • The Dreaded:
    • Like all Asari Justicars. Her simple presence on Illium puts the police forces on the edge.
    • Samara recalls an event in which pirates who were about to attack the ship she was travelling on swiftly called off the attack and retreated when they found out she was onboard — then rendered all due assistance if she required any.
  • Driven to Suicide: Potentially in 3, rather than kill her one remaining daughter, Falere, and break her code, but you have a Paragon interrupt that can be used to stop her, giving Falere time to present an alternative that allows both her and Samara to live.
  • Earn Your Happy Ending: Should Shephard convince her to live, she is seen with her remaining daughter, Falere, in an asari city.
  • Emotionless Girl: She appears stoic and unfeeling at all times.
  • End of an Age: Samara notes that the Justicar order may not survive the war, given their numbers were never high in the first place. She flat-out states in the Citadel DLC that "my way of life is dying."
  • Establishing Character Moment: Dispatches a small squad of Eclipse mercs, coldly executing the last one with a stomp and a blessing.
    Samara: Find peace in the embrace of the goddess. [steps on the merc's throat]
  • Even Evil Has Loved Ones: One of the reasons Samara refuses to hear the details of the quest is that knowing too much can hamper her work. For example, if she's hunting down and killing a murderer, does she need to know he's also a loving father?
  • Everyone Has Standards: Samara notes that in her youth she had no qualms about some of the seedier aspects of working as a mercenary... until she discovered her merc band had been hired to transport slaves to the Collectors. When she found out, Samara refused to have any part of the deal, slaughtered all of her comrades when they refused to call it off and helped the slaves escape to the Citadel.
  • Famed In-Story: In the Citadel DLC, Shepard finds a magazine that celebrates Justicars, with an article talking about one of Samara's more famous exploits. Samara sheepishly says the mag has been known to exaggerate, but it's implied the article was dead-on.
  • First Kiss: If you stay utterly committed to her throughout Mass Effect 2 and Mass Effect 3 and invite her to your apartment in the Citadel DLC, she is finally persuaded to live for the moment surrounded by so much loss and hardship, and she and Shepard will kiss if the right dialogue option is taken. Shepard even gives the aforementioned line a callback.
  • Foreshadowing: Introduced displaying an impressive amount of biotic power without breaking a sweat. Like Jack, this hints at her being one of the "good" choices to maintain the biotic bubble for the "Long Walk" section of the Suicide Mission.
  • Former Teen Rebel: Her current life is hardly mild, but it is extremely disciplined and solitary. She'd happily drag Paragon Shepard to the floor if she were still a maiden.
    Samara: I sometimes miss my younger days. Centuries and centuries of carefree sex.
    Garrus: And now we know something about Samara we didn't know a minute ago.
  • Form-Fitting Wardrobe: Seems to be the preferred armor of the Justicar order.
  • Glowing Eyes: Sometimes her eyes glow white when she uses her biotics. See here for an example.
  • Good Is Not Soft: An extreme case given how justicars work.
  • Gory Discretion Shot: We don't get a direct view when she kills the Eclipse merc when you first meet her, nor when she crushes Morinth's head with one biotic punch (if you side with her over Morinth).
  • I Work Alone: Downplayed.
    • The strictness of the Justicar code necessitates that Samara largely operate alone, but she's not averse to working with others, something enabled by the Third Oath. She deems it "a refreshing change of pace" to be working with Shepard's team and even comments later on that she's enjoyed the company.
    • In 3, she notes that all of the Justicars are chipping in to the war effort, and are working together for the first time in centuries, if not millennia.
  • Implacable Woman: Various cutscenes show her pursuing criminals, like the Eclipse merc during her recruitment mission or a Blue Sun merc in one of the Shadow Broker's vids. She virtually never runs in any of them but calmly follows her terrified marks at walking pace, often while wreathed in a fiery biotic aura. She also plays the rest of the trope completely straight - no matter what you throw at her, where you try to hide, how you attempt to escape, she will find and kill you. Just ask Morinth.
  • Intrigued by Humanity:
    • Since the last time she left asari space humanity had not yet emerged onto the galactic scene. When Shepard asks what her impression of humanity is, she admits she finds them fascinating for their sheer individualism and ability to hold a dozen opinions, sometimes conflicting, on a singular topic.
      Samara: You are more individualistic than any other species I have encountered. If three humans are in a room, there will be six opinions. I like your species. I am curious to see what you will do.
    • This quirk is likely the reason for her good working relationship with (and potential attraction to) Paragon Shepard, who frequently manages to reconcile various disparate problems into a single solution that benefits all parties. This can even prevent her from taking her own life in 3, when Shepard stalls her from killing herself til Falere points out a loophole in the Justicar Code that would allow her to keep Falere alive.
  • Irony: Despite her firm believe in Black-and-White Morality she is probably the most grey squadmate in the entire trilogy.
  • Knight Templar: Subverted: the Justicar Code is strict, usually merciless and Justicars have a reputation for being ruthless in pursuit of justice, so Illium's police fears that Samara will go on a killing spree on account of how nearly everyone on the planet is corrupt.note  However, Samara turns out to be skilled at interpreting the Code to avoid needless bloodshed. Samara considers the closest human equivalent to her role to be a Knight Errant or a Samurai.
  • Lady of Black Magic: A sci-fi version, being a dignified, elegant warrior monk with extremely powerful biotic powers.
  • Lady of War: She's very refined, reserved, honorable, and uses biotics for a more graceful style of fighting. Even in the midst of battle she is very lady-like, maintaining grace and serenity while snapping people's necks.
  • Lantern Jaw of Justice: A rare female example.
  • Lawful Stupid: Zigzagged. Samara is thoroughly devoted to the Code and will not waver from it, even when encountering a morally gray situation. The Code dictates that anyone who hinders her pursuit of a criminal must also be killed. Samara openly admits this could lead to the needless deaths of innocents as well as her own death, but nevertheless she will follow whatever the Code says she should do. On the other hand, she's smart enough to use every loophole in the Code to get around these problems.
  • Life Drain: Reave, which restores your health if it hits an unprotected organic enemy (it damages armor and barriers too, but without the health boost).
  • Loophole Abuse: Samara uses Loophole Abuse quite often from the moment Shepard meets her. While she is devoted to the Justicar Code above all else, she also has memorized the code so thoroughly that she is aware of every single loophole she can possibly take in most situations to get what she wants or avoid excessive violence.
  • Lotus Position: Her free time on the Normandy is spent meditating, radiating a biotic aura while doing so.
  • Maligned Mixed Marriage: Inverted. Before she was a Justicar, Samara was married to another asari. They found out why such relationships are discouraged.
  • Mama Bear: The Code demands that she forsake all ties to her family. When the Ardat-Yakshi monastery is attacked by the Reapers, however, she immediately goes there in search of her daughters with the full intent of slaughtering anything and anyone who gets in her way. Once Falere is rescued, she is even willing to protect her from the Code by choosing to kill herself rather than Falere. If Falere convinces her that she's not leaving the monastery even in its wrecked state, Samara accepts this, then states: "Once this war is over, and if I am able, I will visit. As a Justicar should", which is her way of apologizing for not visiting her and Rila more often. In the Extended Cut, if both are alive, they will be relaxing together on Thessia.
  • Married to the Job: She is so into her role as a justicar that she rebukes any possibility of romance, even when she's sure she would find nothing but happiness with a Paragon Shepard. When she committed to becoming a justicar, she also had to give up all ties to her family, and has not spoken to two of her daughters since.
  • Mayfly–December Romance: She's at least a thousand years old, and may develop romantic feelings for a Paragon Shepard, who is only in their 30's.
  • Meaningful Name: Samara is Hebrew/Arabic and means "guardian (protected by God)."
  • Mind over Matter: She is an extremely powerful biotic and — aside from perhaps Jack's escape from Purgatory — performs the most spectacular onscreen feats, from slowing falls, to smashing people's heads, to wrenching an escaping skycar out of the air. And all without losing her lady-like poise and gracefulness.
  • Ms. Fanservice: She wears an extremely form-fitting Spy Catsuit, complete with a Navel-Deep Neckline. Her introductory scene has her strut like a supermodel as she dispatches some enemy mercs, with the camera lingering on her figure.
  • Murder Is the Best Solution: A rare heroic example; thanks to her Code, anyone who opposes her is a criminal, and therefore should not be allowed to live.
  • Mutually Exclusive Party Members: Although it is possible to recruit Morinth, you can only do so after Samara's death at the hands of her daughter.
  • My Master, Right or Wrong:
    • It's left deliberately ambiguous whether she takes certain actions because she wants to, or because she has to. Some dialogue indicates it's highly likely that she takes no pleasure in a lot of things she has to do as a justicar, but the rules and the code are more important than her personal feelings. In fact, she may have sworn the code to get as far away from her personal feelings as possible.
    • Mass Effect 3 shows one thing that she flat-out refuses to do: killing her last living daughter. She'll commit suicide unless you stop her, giving Falere enough time to reason with Samara in a way that both spares Falere's life and satisfies the Code.
  • Navel-Deep Neckline: Her suit is kept partially unzipped to expose her breasts and navel.
  • Near Kiss: "Another time, another life."
  • Never Mess with Granny: She's nearly 1000 years old, and most asari would have settled down by her age.
  • The Not-Love Interest: She'll actively reject any attempt at romance. The interest is quite welcome, however.
  • Not So Above It All: She acts cold and stoic, but she bonds with the team and admits having an interest in Shepard.
  • Not So Stoic: According to Kasumi, if Shepard tries romancing her, she saw Samara crying privately afterwards.
  • Odd Friendship: With both Paragon and Renegade Shepard.
    • Paragon Shepard can express opposition to the ruthlessness of Samara's Code, although Samara herself acknowledges that the Code can be dispassionate to the point of seeming callousness. Samara admires Paragon Shepard's heroism and commitment to protecting the innocent.
    • Samara will call Renegade Shepard a friend, but also notes if it weren't for the Code, she'd be compelled to attack them. That said, she's much less open toward Renegade Shepard than toward a Paragon.
  • Offing the Offspring: Her primary goal as a justicar is to put down one of her daughters, due to being an Ardat-Yakshi.
  • Optional Party Member: None of the post-Horizon squadmates are necessary to finish the game.
  • Outliving One's Offspring:
    • If you succeed in her loyalty mission and side with her, she kills her daughter Morinth.
    • In her sidequest in Mass Effect 3, her daughter Rila blows herself up along with several Reaper Banshees, predeceasing Samara in the process.
  • The Paladin: A religious warrior who lives to serve her code and dispense justice.
  • Pre-Mortem One-Liner: "Find peace in the embrace of the Goddess." Usually followed by a sick, splattering CRUNCH.
  • Principles Zealot:
    • No one else keeps their feelings and their actions as separate as her.
      Captain Anaya: She would die defending an honest cop, but would fight an army of corrupt ones to her death.
    • Except in the case of her two law-abiding daughters, Falere and Rila. She considers suicide preferable to killing them.
  • Red Oni, Blue Oni: The blue to Paragon Shepard's red. While both are members of elite organisations dedicated to dispensing justice throughout the galaxy, they have radically different approaches to accomplishing their goals. Paragon Shepard is a warm-hearted hero who inspires the denizens of the galaxy, while Samara is a ruthless warrior monk who kills the wicked without mercy.
  • Really 700 Years Old: She's over 1000, old even for an asari, and she really doesn't look it.
  • Rules Lawyer: To become an asari justicar, one must first memorise every single line of The Code. While Samara will always follow the Code, it is flexible enough to allow multiple precedents that permit her to temporarily stay her hand in exacting justice, or even allow her to find a reasonable compromise that still adheres to the tenets of The Code. In addition, if she's under someone else's command, she has to give an oath to follow their orders even if they conflict with the Code. However, she reminds Shepard that one day her oath to them will end, and warns them that if they make her commit dishonorable acts while she is oath-bound, she will exact fatal revenge once she is free again.
  • Sadistic Choice:
    • The Code requires that she kill any Ardat-Yakshi not confined to a monastery. Her daughter is an Ardat-Yakshi, and the monastery had just been levelled. She cannot allow an Ardat-Yakshi to run around alive while she lives. Guess what she does to to satisfy the Code if you don't stop her. Fortunately, Falere will stay in the ruins to help rebuild, and if Samara hears about this, then the Code will be satisfied, but to make sure that she doesn't get any ideas about escaping, Samara will visit her when she can to keep an eye on her. Just like a justicar should. That is the only reason.
    • In 2, Nihlus gets a post-mortem backstory where Samara once encountered him killing a civilian. She chased after him until he cornered her into choosing whether to continue hunting him or to save the lives of other civilians he put at risk in the process. She reluctantly decided to let him go, but not without acknowledging his brilliance as an opponent.
  • Second Love: The fate of her former asari bondmate is never revealed - whatever the circumstance, it is crystal clear is that the relationship is long over and done with by the time of trilogy's storyline. She may subsequently develop feelings for a Paragon Shepard of either sex, but given how much she's suffered over her very long lifespan, she refuses to act on those feelings unless Shepard is really persistent.
  • Senseless Sacrifice: Shepard, at their most pointlessly cruel, can make her suicide a pointless one.
  • Shadow Archetype:
  • Ship Tease: This is her entire romance with Shepard. She also gets a moment with Zaeed.
  • Silver Vixen: For 1000 years old she sure can fit a Spy Catsuit with a Navel-Deep Neckline.
  • Single Woman Seeks Good Man: Although she denies it, she develops feelings for Paragon Shepard. Deep down she wants to be with them, but she turns Shepard down out of fear.
  • Slave Liberation: If talked to enough, she tells Shepard about her time as a mercenary. When she found out that her band was selling a cargo of slaves to the Collectors, she "disagreed" to the point of having to kill all of them, at which point she freed the slaves, lectured them on the values of self-defense, distributed the band's arms and money among them, and released them on the Citadel.
  • So Proud of You:
    • She doesn't say it to Morinth's face, but she is proud that she refuses to accept her role. She may have to die at her hands, but Morinth is still her smartest and bravest daughter.
    • Similarly, Samara praises Falere for understanding her own code as an Ardat-Yakshi celibate better than Samara did. She adds it gave her more reverence for her own Justicar code as a result.
  • Squishy Wizard: Like most of the Adept class, her durability isn't extremely high, but she can put out a lot of damage very quickly (she's also the only biotic teammate able to use assault rifles). Becomes less squishy when her loyalty power, Reave, is unlocked, granting her health regeneration any time she uses it on an organic enemy.
  • Standard Female Grab Area: How Shepard subdues the opponent of whoever they choose to recruit at the end of Samara's loyalty mission. Somewhat appropriate, in that arm and hand movements are needed to use biotics in an offensive capacity. In addition, the hold Shepard uses is effective against anyone; locking the elbow and holding the arm backwards will immobilize anyone without them having to twist themselves around. That, and Shepard is an ally of Samara's, so she wasn't going to immediately retaliate anyway.
  • Star-Crossed Lovers: If Shepard presses for romance, this is probably the best that the two could be called, as Samara isn't opposed to the idea, but doesn't seem to be able to combine it with her way of life.
  • The Stoic: The only time she shows emotion is when her daughters are involved.
  • Statuesque Stunner: She is quite tall with very chiseled features.
  • Strong Family Resemblance: With psychotic sex-vampire daughter Morinth.
  • Sesquipedalian Loquaciousness: Her speech tends to be this.
    Shepard: You're not going to lock her up?
    Samara: Any attempt to put me in a passive restraint system will be viewed as a hostile action and I will be forced to attack.
    Anaya: Yeah, that.
  • Supermodel Strut: Her very introduction scene has the camera panning up her legs as she sways them from side to side while gracefully striding towards a terrified merc that she cornered after having wiped out the latter's entire squad. Does a great job at demonstrating the grace and beauty her species is so famous for during her Establishing Character Moment. But in actual gameplay, she only has the standard walking/running animations.
  • Take a Third Option:
    • Her occasional way of working around her code. In fact, her primary reason for joining Shepard in the fight against the Collectors was so she wouldn't be forced to kill innocents.
    • In ME3, when forced to make a, for her, impossible choice between her innocent daughter's life and the demands of her code, she chooses the third option — suicide. Shepard can intervene and allow her daughter to give her a fourth option.
  • Training from Hell: The Path of the Justicar is, by her own admission, a difficult one. Many fail to survive training.
  • Unresolved Sexual Tension: Her dialogue with Shepard in 3 has shades of this: she wants to be with Shepard, but is too afraid.
  • Vague Age: More vaguely contradictory age. She says that she's nearly a thousand, but later states that she still has centuries to live, and the description of one of her abilities from the second game mention that she isn't in the matriarch life stage yet.
  • Warrior Monk: Though it's noted that other cultures would see her as a vigilante.
  • What Beautiful Eyes!: She has very striking eyes - her page image should give you an idea, and that's actually much less impressive than how they look in-game. It gets cranked up to epic levels whenever she uses her biotics, as well as in the cutscene in which she swears fealty to Shepard.
  • What Happened to the Mouse?: Samara was married to another asari before becoming a Justicar, but her bondmate's fate, reaction to their daughters' condition, and thoughts on Samara's career choice is never explored. The mention of a memorial sphere in Samara's bequeathed belongings implies that Samara's bond-mate died at some point beforehand.
  • When She Smiles: Pulls a mischievous grin when Shepard asks about a romance with her.
  • When You Coming Home, Dad?: Some Shadow Broken dossiers in 2 hava Falere angrily scolding her for never coming to visit them at the monastery — the only thing she and Rila really want.
  • World's Strongest Woman: Among Shepard's squad, anyway. Chris Priestly confirmed that she is the overall most powerful member of Shepard's followers. Justified, since she has by far the most experience out of all of them, except for perhaps Urdnot Wrex, and is an incredibly powerful Biotic with an Assault Rifle to boot.
  • Worthy Opponent: According to her, Nihlus. After seeing him kill an unarmed civilian, she spent a fortnight tracking him through the wilderness. He escaped by forcing her to choose between going after him or letting more innocents die.
  • You Have Outlived Your Usefulness: If the player chooses Morinth over her. Shepard even says "Morinth is more useful." Which can be interpreted as either ruthless practicality or simple self-preservation. Morinth, after all, is a known quantity by this point and only an idiot would die at her... hands.
  • Zen Survivor: She's an asari Matriarch who is an ascetic warrior-monk hunting down her mass-murderer daughter.

    Thane Krios
An assassin is a weapon. A weapon doesn't decide who it kills. The one who wields it does.
"Thane seems like the strong, sensitive, murdering type. You know those are always great to have around. A real cuddler."
Joker's description

Voiced by: Keythe Farley

A drell assassin who is said to be the best in the galaxy. He used to take contracts for credits, but is spending his last days trying to right wrongs. He is a romance option for a female Shepard in Mass Effect 2.

  • Advertised Extra: The box art for Mass Effect 2 features a player party with him alongside Male Shepard and Miranda. Not only he becomes recruitable fairly late in the game, but not recruiting him at all hasn't any consequence on the plot.
  • Affectionate Nickname: If romanced, he calls female Shepard "siha". He will call female Shepard "siha" without the romance being initiated, but he drops it — and doesn't explain what it means — if she doesn't reciprocate.
  • All Love Is Unrequited: Is implied to develop romantic feelings for female Shepard no matter what, even if she doesn't pursue him.
  • Anti-Hero: He shows no hesitation to take down evil people like Nassana, but is very strict about his methods, shown in his absolute focus on protecting civilians and his disapproval towards Renegade Shepard's rough interrogation techniques.
  • The Atoner: Wishes to make the galaxy a better place before he dies and considers his assassinations of horrible people merely "removing the bad" rather than "making things better".
    Thane: The universe is a dark place. I'm trying to make it brighter before I die.
  • Back for the Dead: If he survives the suicide mission in Mass Effect 2, his only role in the third game is to save the Salarian Councilor from Kai Leng during Cerberus' attempted coup on the Citadel at the expense of his life.
  • Badass Bookworm: Aside from his work, all that interested him was his family and reading. He even quotes Hobbes regarding the fate of his homeworld.
  • Badass Longcoat: Well, waistcoat. In the Lair of the Shadow Broker DLC, his file reveals he wears the outfit not because Armor Is Useless, but because covering up his chest would worsen his illness.
  • Baritone of Strength: Actually hints at his illness. A good deal of the extra vibration in his voice is just drell physiology (judging from what we hear of Kolyat's voice), but anyone who's talked to a relative suffering from emphysema will recognize certain sounds in his voice.
  • Because I'm Good At It: After the Hanar released him from being an assassin to start a family, he still continued to work as one (now freelancing) because he had no other skills.
  • Bizarre Alien Biology:
    • Drell have perfect recall of anything they've ever done, though they can't always control it. Thane notes that with the ability to recall bad memories as well, this isn't always a good thing. And since the drell came from an arid world and are now living on a planet that's 90% ocean, they suffer from a degenerative illness that causes their lungs to eventually fail.
    • If he is romanced, Mordin tells FemShep that oral contact with drell skin can cause hallucinations in humans.
  • Blue-and-Orange Morality: Has some unusual beliefs about his career as an assassin, as shown by his picture caption.
  • Book Ends: Shepard meets him saying a prayer for the wicked — meant not for his victim, but for himself. In the third game, he dies after Shepard prays over him — a prayer that Kolyat reveals to be intended not for him, but for Shepard.
  • Child Soldiers: Trained as an assassin from the age of six and carried out his first hit at twelve.
  • *Click* Hello: Keep him alive for 3, and Kai Leng's assassination attempt on the salarian councilor doesn't quite go as planned.
  • Closet Key: For one of the salarian workers he saved on Illium, who sends Shepard an email saying that he has decided to quit his job and try to find some way to capture the grace and beauty he saw when Thane took out a merc who was threatening him.
  • Cold-Blooded Torture: While he is normally a clean and efficient killer, he notes that he took extra time with his wife's killers.
  • Cold Sniper: A highly trained sniper who rarely expresses emotion.
  • Cool Shades: His DLC outfit comes with these, along with piercings and chest armour.
  • Cradling Your Kill: When he takes down Nassana Dantius during his introduction. After shooting her at point-blank range, he calmly and gently places her body on her desk in a peaceful repose.
  • Crippling Overspecialization: Shredder Ammo, his Loyalty Power, gives him one of the most massive damage boosts in the game even at low levels. It's also considered one of the least useful ammo powers because it only applies to Health damage, meaning Thane can get over 60% power on unprotected enemies, but his ammo power is useless for penetrating enemy defenses compared to even the "basic" ammo enhancers. This is especially useless since an enemy that's stripped down to their health is considered to be almost dead anyway, making the damage boost irrelevant. On top of that, the damage boost only affects living targets, so geth and mechs are immune.
  • Crusading Widower: In his backstory. After his wife's murder, he spent the next few years hunting down her killers. Emphasis on hunting. Deconstructed as leaving for this as opposed to being there for their son when he most needed it drove a massive wedge between them and became Thane's greatest regret.
  • Cultured Badass: He quotes Thomas Hobbes when explaining the fate of the drell homeworld.
  • Dead Man Walking: In 2, he says that he'll "be fine for another eight to twelve months." In 3, which takes place half a year after 2, he states that one of his doctors gave him three months to live — nine months ago.
  • Dead Man Writing: If he's female Shepard's Love Interest, his Shadow Broker dossier includes a love letter intended to be delivered to her after his death, and is delivered in 3 when he dies.
  • Deadpan Snarker: Not to the level of, say, Garrus, but he gets his moments.
    Thane: [after Shepard offers to help him with his disease] Thank you, but if the best minds the hanar Illuminated Primacy have to offer can't fix my problem, I doubt your ship's medic can.
    Thane: [after Mouse is startled by both his own presence and that of the Back from the Dead Shepard] Be still, Mouse. You may change your pants in a moment.
  • Dead Person Conversation: At the end of the Citadel DLC, if you romanced him. It even makes Female Shepard cry.
  • Death Equals Redemption: Whether Thane dies in the suicide mission or against Kai Leng, his last moment was that of a hero, overshadowing decades of work as an assassin.
  • Death Seeker:
    Thane: I accepted the Dantius commission because I didn't know what else to do. Looking back, it's clear I resigned myself to death. I would have fulfilled my contract.
    Thane: A suicide mission... Yes. A suicide mission will do nicely.
  • Determinator: When you meet him in 3, he was given three months to live... nine months ago.
  • Disappeared Dad: Left his son Kolyat to be raised by relatives after his wife died. In his personal mission, he attempts to stop him from following his footsteps.
  • Dying Moment of Awesome: After doctors judging that he'd die from his disease six months ago, he still manages to not only fight off, but humiliate Kai Leng. As he remarks on his deathbed, Leng should feel ashamed for the rest of his life for failing his mission because of a terminally ill drell.
  • Establishing Character Moment: Stealthily drops in from the ceiling and dispatches five mercenaries with his bare hands, before executing Nassana Dantius with a pistol, and then praying over her corpse.
  • Even the Guys Want Him: After his recruitment mission, you can receive a very admiring email from a salarian construction worker he saved while going after Nassana. Bonus points considering that salarians don't even have sex drives.
  • Evil Parents Want Good Kids: While he holds the hanar in esteem, he admits that he didn't know any better when they started training him. He's deeply concerned at the idea of Kolyat following the same path as him.
    Thane: Kolyat, I've taken many bad things out of the world. You're the only good thing I ever added to it.
  • Face Death with Dignity: He passes away from complications of late stage Kepral's Syndrome, abdominal trauma and blood loss. He dies having made peace with himself and his son, knowing that others consider him a hero. He says a final prayer not for himself but for Shepard.
  • Forgot About His Powers: A minor case. In gameplay, he's a biotic; in cutscenes, not so much. Finally averted in the third game, where he knocks down Kai Leng with a biotic punch.
    • Of course, until then he didn't seem to need them.
    • More accurately, his health is likely a factor as aside from only using the basic Throw and Warp instead of something flashier or enduring, he's one of the "bad" choices for the biotic bubble during the Suicide Mission even if loyal.
  • Green-Skinned Space Babe: He is a romance option for Fem-Shep, which makes him a Green Skinned Space Dude.
  • Good Cop/Bad Cop: During an interrogation, Thane can either gently rebuke Shepard for beating up the suspect and calmly try to reason with the criminal... or just sit there and not do very much while Shepard beats up the suspect.
  • A Good Way to Die: Thane considers a suicide mission as such.
  • Guns Akimbo: In the Blur trailer.
  • Hellbent For Leather: It seems to be a popular style among drell men.
  • Handicapped Badass:
    • His incurable Kepral's syndrome basically means that he's slowly drowning/suffocating because of the moisture that has built up in his lungs, meaning he is nowhere near as physically capable as he was. According to his Shadow Broker dossier, Thane's lungs were at less than half capacity throughout the second game. Despite this, he helps destroy the Collector base and goes toe to toe with Kai Leng preventing him from killing the Salarian councillor. Though he dies from wounds accumulated in the process.
    • This is also implied if chosen for the "Long Walk" section of the Suicide Mission as he's one of the "bad" choices to maintain the bubble even if loyal.
    • Also mentioned after his confrontation with Kai Leng. He may be dying, but he takes time to mock Cerberus's poster boy for being thwarted in his assassination attempt by a terminally ill alien.
  • Heroic Sacrifice: If he survived until the 3rd game, he gives his life to save the Salarian Councilor.
  • Hitman with a Heart: He joins you not for the money, but because he wants make the galaxy a better place before he dies.
  • Holding Hands: As part of the romance with female Shepard.
  • Impaled with Extreme Prejudice:
    • In 2, not upgrading the Normandy's weapons by default leads to him getting impaled by a bulkhead during the trip through the Omega-4 Relay.
    • In 3, he gets stabbed by Kai Leng during the Cerberus coup on the Citadel, which eventually leads to his death.
  • Incurable Cough of Death: He's got one of these in the third game, thanks to late-stage Kepral's Syndrome.
  • In Love with the Mark: Sort of. His late wife was not his target, but got his attention when she stood in his line of fire to protect his mark from him. A civilian with no training risking her life to protect a total stranger amazed him. He still killed the guy, just not on that day.
  • Killed Off for Real: Thane is the first unavoidable party member death in the series; by the end of the third game he will be dead regardless of what choices you made.
  • Kill It with Fire: One of the Shadow Broker's dossiers lists his favorite methods of assassinating various species. One of the options listed for krogan? "Bomb."
  • The Last Dance: After he learned about his terminal illness, he decided to devote the rest of his life to making the universe a better place. This reaches a climax when he shames Kai Leng, despite a severe handicap.
  • Lampshade Hanging: On his recruitment mission.
  • The Load: He is far and away the squadmate who contributes least to the party. Tali, Legion, and Kasumi can all hack their way through the vent shafts, Jack, Samara, and Morinth can protect you with a biotic bubble, Miranda, Jacob, and Garrus can all lead a secondary fireteam as a diversion, and Garrus, Grunt, and Zaeed can all Hold the Line on the Suicide Mission. In comparison, Thane cannot safely take any task, and Mordin at least makes up for his similar lack of martial skills by giving you the ability to deal with Seeker swarms back on Horizon. Though while Thane isn't a safe pick for any of these specific tasks, he's still far from useless due to his excellent fighting skills and is an ideal choice as party member for the final boss. He also makes up for this come the third game as he gets to help Shepard in a major way by saving the Salarian council member from Kai Leng, which also means Kirahe will be saved and Shepard won't lose any of those valuable war assets.
  • The Lost Lenore: The Citadel DLC can optionally turn Thane into this for a romanced female Shepard. During Kolyat's memorial service, the paragon options allow Shepard to say that there will never be another man in her life, and she will continue to love him until the end of her days.
  • Love Redeems: His wife made him realize that there was more to his life than assassination. Female Shepard makes him realize the same thing if that romance is pursued.
  • Mage Marksman: He makes use of powerful weapons and his bonus power enhances his ammunition, but can still use powers like Throw and Warp.
  • Manly Tears: Of frustration more than of the warm and fuzzy kind, but still.
  • Master of None: His Loyalty Power, Shredder Rounds is such a case of Crippling Overspecialization that it's completely worthless on higher difficulties instead of just situational. Then we can factor in the Suicide Mission he's merely another warm body as he isn't tech-savvy enough to hack, too much of a loner to lead a fire team and is one of the "bad" choices to do the biotic bubble for the "Long Walk" even if he's loyal.
  • Meaningful Funeral: Kolyat can be invited to Shepard's apartment in the Citadel DLC to hold a memorial service for Thane.
  • Mind over Matter: Apart from using guns he also is a biotic.
  • Mr. Fanservice: Repentant assassin with a spiritual side? Check. Soft-spoken and eloquent? Check. Humanoid yet exotically handsome? Check. Kelly's not sure if she finds him scary or sexy. Best part: Reading the notes of the dev team as they tried to engineer him to have this reaction. It was, needless to say, a long and arduous process, and, ultimately, it seems a good deal of it relied on him being a Badass in a Nice Suit.
  • Neck Snap: He uses this on Nassana's bodyguards, notably doing it very quickly and with no mechanical leverage. The Shadow Broker's dossier indicates that this is in fact his preferred method of killing, although, if his target is krogan, he's equally willing to resort to explosives, though this is as much out of necessity as anything else, as krogan are very difficult to kill — not to mention have huge, muscular necks.
  • Never Bring a Knife to a Gun Fight: Inverted. His confrontation with Kai Leng in the third game sees him with a gun and Kai Leng with a sword. Thane's the one who dies, though to his credit he did do quite well and also kept Kai Leng from accomplishing his goals.
  • Never My Fault: Denies any responsibility for the lives he has taken, comparing himself to a gun, with his employees pulling the trigger.
  • Noodle Incident: Responsible for an incident known as the "One-Hour Massacre" on Omega.
  • One Last Job: His assassination of Nassana Dantius. Then he talks to Shepard and decides to do one more last job.
  • Optional Party Member: You don't have to recruit him. In fact, he's so optional that not recruiting him has no impact on the plot until the third game, where he sacrifices his life to prevent Kai Leng from assassinating the salarian Councilor. In 2, he's largely just another squad member option and potential love interest for female Shepard; he can't fulfill any of the roles in the Suicide Mission, his upgrade is entirely superfluous, and he doesn't advance the plot in any meaningful way.
  • Orbital Kiss: At the culmination of his romance.
  • Pay Evil unto Evil : A batarian slaver ring paid the Shadow Broker for Thane's identity after he killed their ringleaders. Too terrified to go after him, the slavers went after Thane's family, murdering his wife Irikah. After her funeral, Thane devoted a good portion of his life to hunting down his wife's killers, and by his own admission, made sure Irikah's murderers suffered before he finally killed them.
  • Pet the Dog: In his recruitment mission, he goes out of his way to save the salarian workers from Nassana's goons. No matter who you have in your party, one of them will note how unusual it is for a hitman to protect potential witnesses.
  • Photographic Memory: Drell can relive any memory they choose. Counts as Blessed with Suck for a hitman that has issues with his family.
  • Power Perversion Potential: Drell can remember any moment and effectively experience it again. Not so nice if you're remembering getting shot, but if you decided to dwell on, ahem, nicer experiences... points for the fact that Thane mentions it in-game.
  • Power Up Letdown: His loyalty power, Shredder Ammo, is widely considered to be the weakest loyalty power in the game. It provides a huge boost to damage for the weapon it's equipped on, but only to health (not to shields, barriers, or armor) and only to living targets.
  • Professional Killer: "You've spent too much time fighting thugs who think custom-painted armor makes them professionals."
  • Religious Bruiser: While not a bruiser per se, he's the galaxy's best assassin, and the only person to pray for his victims. And, of course, that scene:
    Thane: Amonkira. Lord of Hunters. Grant that my hands be steady, my aim be true, and my feet swift. And should the worst come to pass, grant me forgiveness.
  • Retired Badass: In the third game, he tells Shepard that it's his time to rest from conflict now that his life is almost over. Then the Cerberus coup attempt happens and he has one last rumble with Kai Leng, saving the salarian councilor at the cost of his own life. In the hospital, Thane quips that Leng should feel ashamed that a terminally-ill drell managed to stop him from reaching his target.
  • Reverse Arm-Fold: Appropriate for a calm, reflective martial artist and (sort of) soldier.
  • Roaring Rampage of Revenge: Went on one after his wife was murdered. He notes that while he usually kills swiftly, he took extra time with her killers. And while he usually justified his kills, saying it was his body, not soul, killing on the behalf of someone else, this he takes full responsibility, choosing to kill without anyone hiring him.
  • Romancing the Widower: If Shepard romances him.
  • Sacrificial Lion: His only role in Mass Effect 3, is to be the first playable character to die and also be the first unavoidable case of it in the game. He doesn't go out without a fight, though.
  • Say Your Prayers: He's not praying for himself, he's praying for Shepard.
    Thane: Kalahira, mistress of inscrutable depths, I ask forgiveness. Kalahira, whose waves wear down stone and sand. Kalahira, wash the sins from this one and set him on a distant shore of the infinite spirit. Kalahira, this one’s heart is pure, but beset by wickedness and contention. Guide this one to where the traveller never tires, the lover never leaves, the hungry never starve. Guide this one, Kalahira, and he/she will be a companion to you as he/she was to me.
  • Second Love: Female Shepard can become this to him.
  • Shadow Archetype: He's very similar to Samara. Both are a Religious Bruiser atoner type who have killed many evil people to make the galaxy a better place, are recruited on Illium, and have troubled relationships with their children. The big differences are that Thane is an assassin and Samara is a Warrior Monk paladin, so in effect they are on opposite sides of the law. Another difference besides weapon proficiencies is while they're both biotics, Samara's are a flashy yet effective hinting that she's one of the "good" choices for the "Long Walk" section of the Suicide Mission whereas you wouldn't even know his exact powers until he joins the squad, which is the basic Throw and Warp hinting that he's one of the "bad" choices for the same section.
    • He is also one to Zaeed, both being hired guns who take their work very seriously, experts at tracking down their targets, are both considered the best in the business. The difference between them being Thane always kills his target, while Zaeed can be contracted to bring them in alive; Thane goes out of his way to protect bystanders, Zaeed will kill anyone if it makes his job easier; Thane prefers to kill up close and with precision, Zaeed tends to blow things up; Thane feels sadness for the deaths he has caused, Zaeed is proud of his kill count; Thane is quiet and polite, Zaeed is loud and rude. Thane was groomed from childhood to be an assassin, while Zaeed was an adult, down on his luck, bought a cheap rifle, and started offering his services.
  • "Shut Up" Kiss: If he was romanced in Mass Effect 2, Shepard can give one of these to him during their one conversation in the third game.
  • So Happy Together: His romance ends this, expedited by Kai Leng.
  • So Proud of You: Although he doesn't say it, his expression speaks volumes when he learns his son Kolyat is studying with the drell priesthood.
  • Springtime for Hitler: He was going to his last mission to be killed in action, until Shepard showed up. Subverted because he decides that joining Shepard is a much better plan.
  • Stalker with a Crush: Subverted. After his future wife threw herself in front of his targeting laser to stop one of his missions, he became obsessed with finding her. Instead of going down the usual path of this trope, he fell on his knees in front of her and begged for forgiveness. Eventually, it worked.
  • Stealth Hi/Bye:
    • He does this during his loyalty mission, but, unlike most instances of this trope, he does this in plain sight in the middle of an open lobby. When two people walk in front of him.
      • Drell seem to have this as an innate ability - during the Shadow Broker DLC, the power blinks off in the ship for a half-second, and Feron is gone from his restraints in that time. Then again, the entire drell race was actually conceptualized around Thane in the first place.
    • One of the Shadow Broker's surveillance tapes shows another example: while walking down a corridor, he steps into the shadow cast by a column and doesn't step out again. He then reappears behind the mook he was approaching, snaps his target's neck, and shoots out the camera.
  • Super-Senses: Downplayed: Thane's eyes have been altered to detect ultraviolet radiation, to better let him communicate with hanar. He notes that this means losing vision at the other end of the spectrum: he can't differentiate between dark red and black.
    • Adds a bit of Fridge Brilliance. Thane's alternate costume is a dark red overcoat and pants. He probably thinks it's black like his normal outfit.
  • Super-Strength: Not to the extent of Shepard, Wrex, Grunt, or Legion, all of whom are capable of bench pressing a car, but definitely present. In the cinematic trailer/pre-game movie for the second game, he kills an armored man with two blows to the chest, and sends another armored man reeling with a full contact punch. In his introductory scene, he casually breaks a muscular man's neck without any mechanical leverage, and the files on the Shadow Broker's ship imply that this is his preferred way of dealing with humans. In the third game, he goes hand to hand with a cybernetically-enhanced assassin and holds his own pretty well, grappling with him on even ground and absorbing a couple punches to the face without going down.
    • The codex mentions that drell have slightly denser muscles than humans. Pair that with his intense training and possibly some gene mods for his career as an assassin, and it's not all that surprising that he's significantly stronger than any normal human.
  • There Was a Door: Silly troper, assassins never use doors. They drop from air ducts in the ceiling to kill their targets, with the target's own gun.
  • Token Religious Teammate:
    • Although his religion is like no real-life counterpart; he worships several deities and believes we go across an "ocean", presumably to some form of Elysian Fields, when we die.
    • Considering that the original drell homeworld, Rakhana, was a desert planet and their physiology cannot handle too much water moisture, it makes sense that the ocean came to be revered as a far off, unknowable thing and crossing it came to symbolise their passage into the afterlife.
      Thane: Consider. The ocean is full of life. Yet it is not life as you and I know it. To survive there, you must release your hold on land. Accept a new way of living. So it is with the death. The soul must accept its departure from the body. If it can't, it will be lost.
  • Troubled, but Cute: Carries a lot of baggage from his life as an assassin and very much a male Green-Skinned Space Babe.
  • Tyke-Bomb: Was trained to be an assassin since early childhood by the hanar. Killed his first target at the age of twelve. Mind, drell do live shorter lives — eighty years to humanity's hundred and fifty.
  • Vigilante Man: He prefers to take contracts on people that he feels deserve to die.
  • Walking Shirtless Scene: Trust BioWare to come up with a good way to justify this trope. (Covering his chest could cause moisture buildup in his lungs, worsening his illness.)
  • Wall Slump: In the third game, after being stabbed by Kai Leng. He doesn't die right away, but it's pretty clear that he's not going to last much longer.
  • Warrior Poet: Especially during flashback sequences, when he speaks almost in white rhyme.
  • When You Coming Home, Dad?: His relationship with his son, Kolyat, prior to his wife's death. This becomes a Whole-Plot Reference to the original song when Kolyat decides to follow in his father's footsteps and become an assassin. His loyalty achievement is even called "Cat's in the Cradle."
  • Worf Had the Flu: It seemed that Kai Leng was only able to beat him because he was already in poor physical condition at the time. Thane was suffering from the advanced stages of Kepral's Syndrome, which makes every breath painful, and is roughly 6 months past his best doctor's expected projections. Had Thane been at his peak, Leng would not have survived the fight, or at least would have ran with his tail between his legs much earlier. Plus, Kai Leng was trying to kill the salarian councilor, but because Thane interfered and distracted Kai Leng, the salarian councilor escaped with their life, so Thane succeeded in accomplishing his goal, while Kai Leng failed. Thane even notes that any self-respecting assassin should be ashamed of themselves for having trouble dealing with a terminally-ill drell.
  • You Are the Translated Foreign Word:
    • Used as part of the romance with female Shepard. It's a name for the warrior-angels of the protector-goddess Arashu.
      Shepard: I think my translator just glitched. What did you call me?
      Thane: "Siha." Someday I'll tell you what it means.
    • He will call a female Paragon Shepard "Siha" even without a romance being initiated.
  • You Are Worth Hell: The romance for female Shepard — the love scene starts with Thane's frustration that now that he has something to live for again, he's started to fear death once more. Additionally, his Shadow Broker dossier contains a romantic letter in which he expresses his wish to protect and be with her, even if it means he will die a slow, choking death on a hospital bed. The trope isn't directly invoked to its full extent, however.
  • You See, I'm Dying: His character arc is driven primarily by his terminal illness.
    Thane: This was to be my last job. I'm dying.

Secret Party Members

The two secret party members have gotten their own page. Don't go there unless you don't care about spoilers. To find it, go to this page.

Guest Party Member

    Dr. Amanda Kenson (Spoilers for "Arrival") 

Dr. Amanda Kenson
