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This is a character page for an ongoing webcomic based on The Legend of Zelda created by jojo56830.

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Nine Links

     Tropes Applying to All the Nine Links

  • A Day in the Limelight: How Jojo decides which Link to focus on next, looking at who hasn't received enough attention recently. All of the Links have their own secrets and they will each have their own time to shine.
  • Alternate Self: Each Link is an alternate version of the Hero with different experiences and personalities, though they view themselves and each other as separate individuals rather than as 'versions' of any one particular person or soul.
  • Child Soldiers: While it doesn't outright state it; it does heavily imply that they were all extremely young to go on their adventures with Twilight being one of the oldest at 18 and the youngest starting out at 'nine. It does affirm the goddess tends to "favor" the young.
  • Chronic Hero Syndrome: Said to be a quality of the Hero's Spirit. All of the Links feel very strongly about helping others and doesn't like to stand by if someone is in trouble or needs help, even if (or especially if) there's nothing they can do.
    Sky: With an unbreakable spirit, helplessness is not something we're accustomed's just not something we accept.
  • Dark and Troubled Past: All of them have this to some extent thanks to all their adventures they've been on. Each of them has their own type of baggage to deal with. Some more than others.
  • Good Is Not Soft: Though it varies more or less with each Link, after all their adventures they've been through, each one of them could easily qualify as this.
  • Heroic Spirit: This should be rather obvious, but they all possess an unbreakable spirit and courage since they bear the Spirit of the Hero.
  • Sibling Team: While they're not brothers in the traditional sense, as they're beings from separate timelines and periods of time, they do consider each other brothers. And boy do they all make a good team fighting together. That's the whole reason they were brought together, after all.


The first hero chosen by the Goddesses and the Link of Skyward Sword.

  • Armour-Piercing Question: When Time asks Sky what his worth is outside of being a hero, he is terrified to answer that question.
  • Berserk Button: Wild learned the hard way that you should not break the Master Sword.
  • Beware the Nice Ones: According to Word of God, he is actually the best swordsman in the group. He can also be downright vicious in battle. However he is incredibly kind to others.
  • Deadpan Snarker: Downplayed, he is most of the time unfailingly polite. However, if he feels that it's justified, he has no issue snarking with others.
  • Even the Loving Hero Has Hated Ones: He does not like Demise and Ghirahim.
  • Homesickness Hymn: He's caught singing the Ballad of the Goddess by Time to distract himself from how badly he misses his Zelda.
  • Legendary Weapon: He's the first Link to wield the Master Sword, having aided in its creation, and he's the only Link to actually wield the Master Sword in the webcomic (at least in its most iconic form; Legend uses the Tempered Sword, its upgraded form).
  • Mellow Fellow: He is the most calm and laid back out of the Chain, particularly in his attitude towards minor disagreements or snark.
  • Nice Guy: Especially compared to some members of the Chain, he's notably calm and a mediator, allowing Legend to insult him because he recognizes that Legend isn't someone who could ever be a bully and carving a ladle for Wild in their downtime.
  • Sword Beam: His Skyward Strike, an innate skill of the Master Sword.
  • Team Mom: Certainly Played With. While he is not listed as one to take a leader position, his age and demeanor in many moments has strongly garnered this role in the group. His actions in the chapter "Threatening Shadows" are a prime example.
  • You Can Barely Stand: Twi gets this from Time, Sky, AND Warriors after he's slashed open by the shadow and insists on fighting.


The Leader of the Links (also the oldest) and the Link of Ocarina of Time & Majora's Mask.

  • Affectionate Gesture to the Head: He ruffles Twilight's hair at one point, to the other hero's embarrassment.
  • Anger Born of Worry: He is NOT happy when Twilight is injured and insists he can still fight and ride.
  • BFS: His signature weapon is Biggoron's Sword.
  • Call to Agriculture: Downplayed and/or subverted. He settled down with Malon on her family ranch after his initial adventures were over, but it seems he continued his heroic exploits anyway, as he acquired his plate armor and Fierce Deity facial markings between then and now.
  • Cool Old Guy: When he's not being very snappish from stress, he tends to be quite relaxed and even cracks some jokes. Downplayed because he's only really in his 30's, though the other Links are aware there's some time shenanigans going on and before being corrected believed he was around 60.
  • Cynical Mentor: He does NOT think highly of the Master Sword, and his Anger Born of Worry can lead to him hurting his team rather than encouraging them. Still, he's deemed the leader for a reason, and his life experience is invaluable for the team. He is also genuinely good at giving his boys good advice and the occasional Armour-Piercing Question to improve themselves.
  • Handicapped Badass: He's missing an eye, however he is still noted by Word of God to be tied for strongest next to Legend when taking items into account.
  • Happily Married: Time has a very well adjusted happy marriage with Malon, a farmer girl. They clearly love each other dearly. And it shows a lot, as Time seems much happier just by being around her. Malon has also stated that she knows more than any of them about his adventures, which is notable given how little he's divulged to the Chain. Word of God has even claimed that honesty is an important factor in their relationship.
  • Is This a Joke?: Time delivers this expertly when Warriors asks him what's the biggest thing he ever defeated was. Sounds like an innocent question, right? Normally, it would be...except for him it happened to be the moon. Not even Twilight, who could be considered the closest to him, knows whether he's joking or not. Based on their expressions, Legend, Hyrule, and Four clearly don't believe him, Sky and Wind are just painfully confused, and Twilight and Wild are hoping it's a bad joke. Through all this, Time is just happy to keep them all guessing.
  • Last Ditch Move: Time is rather terrified of what would happen if he used the Fierce Deity again, as it easily destroyed Majora. Afraid the power would consume him, he reserves it for a Hopeless Boss Fight and last move.
  • The Leader: Time is the leader of the group for being the oldest out of the Links and one of the ones with the most life experience. He is one of the three listed as a leader type.
  • Living Distant Ancestor: Is this to Twilight. Neither of them are sure exactly how many generations of Time's descendants/Twi's ancestors separate them, but they do at least know that Twi's mere existence guarantees that Time will have kids at some point (and that those kids will have kids of their own).
  • The One with a Personal Life: Time reveals that he's married at one point, much to the shock of the other Links who only have adventuring in their lives. Hyrule even says that he hadn't thought it was possible for any of them to settle down, with them being on the road all the time.
  • Rugged Scar: The obvious scar across his eye. No one knows how he got it and he clearly has no problem keeping it secret. One thing is for sure, though: it certainly does its job in giving off the impression of how much of hardened warrior he is.
  • Secret-Keeper: He knows that Twilight is Wolfie and that it's due to dark magic. He also knows that Wild and Four know, but he keeps the "dark magic" bit a secret from Four because he knows the younger hero has an issue with it.
    • The Chain seems to know that some time travel was involved in his adventure, but he clearly hasn't told them everything, to the point that they don't know his age and so guess 60.
  • Team Dad: As the oldest of them (and the literal ancestor of one), he naturally falls into this role.
  • Vague Age: He's physically and mentally the oldest of the Links by a good margin, but his exact age is unknown. It's implied to be in the mid-thirties.
  • You Can Barely Stand: Twi gets this from Time, Sky, AND Warriors after he's slashed open by the shadow and insists on fighting.


One of the most experienced Links (having gone on the most adventures in terms of games). He is a combination of two Links- the Link of A Link to the Past, Link's Awakening, & the Oracle games, and the Link from A Link Between Worlds & Tri Force Heroes.

  • Deadpan Snarker: By far the most sassy and sharp-tongued in the group.
  • Forced Transformation: Legend is turned into a rabbit after touching Twilight's shadow crystal.
  • Knight in Sour Armour: He's a bit prickly and the first one to snark in any given situation, but he is shown to care about the group, and has no problem going on more adventures and continuing to be a hero.
  • The Lancer: Downplayed. He's listed as being the leader type, but in a roundabout way. Despite that, in combat he tends to come off as an Only Sane Man, and calls out others for standing around and doing nothing.
  • Large Ham: Compared to all the other Links, he's the most likely to start with the over-the-top sarcasm and dramatics, especially when he's a rabbit. He was the first to pronounce Wild dead when he'd only been briefly knocked out.
  • Legendary Weapon: He wields the Tempered Sword, an upgraded version of the Master Sword. He's the only Link besides Sky to actually wield a variant of the Master Sword within the webcomic; the other Links returned/lost their versions.
  • Odd Friendship: If you haven't played A Link Between Worlds before, you'd definitely be wondering how Ravio and Legend became friends in the first place. Especially when you consider how Ravio's overly-dramatic greedy character mixes with Legend's blunt nature
  • The Reliable One: It hasn't come up much in the comic itself, but the notes on his initial sketch peg him as this due to his breadth of experience and hefty arsenal of gear.
  • Righteous Rabbit: His animal form is that of a rabbit, and he is a hero of Hyrule.
  • Seen It All: The most experienced Link, bar none. when you've had as many adventures as him, nothing surprises you. It's even Lampshaded by Twilight, who muses that of course the one of them who'd been on so many adventures wouldn't be surprised by Twilight's magic.
  • Shell-Shocked Veteran: Legend has been on the most adventures out of any Link, is referred to as a veteran by the others, (having the In-Universe nickname of Vet or Veteran) and is emotionally damaged into being a Deadpan Snarker after his incident with Marin.
  • Sour Outside, Sad Inside: See above. His abrasive manner is a shield for his trauma.
  • Unequal Rites: He is firmly opposed to dark magic, having personally seen what happened when it was released in Hyrule. This is a point of contention between him and Twilight, who uses a shard of Twilit magic and doesn't see anything wrong with it. That said, he's less against it than Four, since he's seen firsthand that the Master Sword can purge Twilight's specific brand from his body.


A street-smart teenager and the Link of the original The Legend of Zelda & Zelda II: The Adventure of Link.

  • Bling of War: The Magic Sword looks like it's made of silver and has a whole lot of rubies embedded on the hilt, along with some really intricate decorations. It makes even the Master Sword look modest in comparison. For the record, it's the sword depicted on the cover of The Adventure of Link.
  • Boisterous Bruiser: He's one of the most eager to jump into the fray when monsters attack.
  • Combat Medic: Downplayed His life spell can be used to prevent him from dying. He is unsure if it works on other people until he succesfully uses it to heal Twilight, once the latter beats the curse preventing the wound from closing.
  • Determinator: Confirmed to be, alongside Wild, one of the most stubborn Links, especially in regards to pushing through injury and pain. As he himself puts it in Sunset, Pt. 6:
    Hyrule: "I don't know the meaning of giving up, and you can't either!"
  • Healing Hands: His life spell originates from his hands.
  • Heroic Self-Deprecation: He doesn't see himself as much of a hero in comparison to the other Links.
  • Lethal Chef: We find Hyrule is one when he thinks cooking old meat in stew is a good idea. Unsurprisingly, the other Links are horrified.
  • Magic Knight: The only one who can use magic without an item.
  • Mellow Fellow: Aside from Sky, he's the calmest outside of combat. However, that usually comes from his meekness.
  • Old-School Chivalry: He's a believer in this in regards to his Zelda, not wanting her to be put in harm's way.
  • The Quiet One: Extremely meek in social situations, and as such, doesn't talk super often unless he feels necessary.
  • Sword Beam: Aside from Sky's Skyward Strike, he is the only one to demonstrate this ability.

A farmhand with the ability to transform into a wolf, and the Link of Twilight Princess.
  • Badass Boast: Delivers a great one to The Shadow in their one-on-one duel
    Twilight: You've revealed to us just how afraid you are of the sacred sword. But you fail to realize where the sword draws its strength.
  • Big Brother Instinct: To Wild. Twilight tries his best to ensure that Wild is safe and has his back. Downplayed in regards to the other (younger) Links, as he often displays concern for them and tries to be kind. He'll give Four rides when he's in wolf form and helps Legend get the Master Sword from Sky when the Vet is stuck in rabbit form without any one else finding out. This is averted when it comes to Time, since Time is his ancestor.
  • The Big Guy: Physically the strongest Link. He can perform major feats of strength with no enhancing items.
    Twilight, after cracking a wooden shield clean in half: "You said 'as hard as you can.' I obliged."
  • Charles Atlas Superpower: Without any strength-enhancing magic, he's the strongest of the Links, and can lift boulders the size of his torso with little apparent effort.
  • The Confidant: He plays this role while transformed into Wolfie, letting all the others talk about their troubles to him. Most notably, he uses this form to act as a kind of therapy dog when Wild is beyond logic for whatever reason.
  • Dark Is Not Evil: A point of contention between him and Legend. While Legend believes dark magic is always evil, Twilight is deeply familiar with Twilit magic, and doesn't see anything wrong with it.
  • Does Not Like Magic: Downplayed. He only has two shown magic items (the Dominion Rod and the Twilight Shard), as he prefers to rely on Charles Atlas Superpower.
  • Face Death with Dignity: The Sunset arc focuses on his near-death experience after being badly wounded by the Shadow. Although Hyrule is able to heal him, for a while Twilight seems accepting of the fact that he might die. In fact, he raised his fist much like Colin did in his game.
  • Fatal Flaw: Impulsiveness and a desire for validation. The first is what gets him hurt from the Shadow and the second contributes to the hopelessness he feels when he thinks he'll die without seeing things through in his Hyrule.
  • Foregone Conclusion: Twi's mere existence serves as an in-universe example. The instant it's revealed he's a descendant of Time, Time and Malon know for a fact that this means they'll have kids at some point, and that those kids will have kids of their own.
  • Just a Flesh Wound: Played With. He's about to pass out from a slash that can't heal with fairies, but still insists he can fight on the front lines. He can't stand up straight, but still insists he can ride on Epona back to a town that he has to navigate to.
  • This Looks Like a Job for Aquaman: He has the Dominion Rod, which enables him to control statues. Powerful, but too niche to really be useful in most situations.
  • The Lancer: Is one of the three (technically four) to be listed as a leader type. He tends to handle the more emotional side, though he doesn't believe that he could make a good leader.
  • The Lost Lenore: He is still getting over Midna after she left for the Twilight Realm.
  • Morphic Resonance: Has the same markings on his face from his wolf form in his human form as well. He implies it's because he transforms into his wolf form fairly consistently.
  • Secret Secret-Keeper: It's implied that he knows that Time will eventually become a Stalfos, a grizzly fate, but doesn't say anything.
  • Secret-Keeper: He knows that Four can turn tiny after a chance encounter.
  • Vegetarian Carnivore: Despite his alternate form being a wolf, he seems to be vegetarian himself, or at the very least avoids unnecessary killing, even for hunting. This is because he can hear the voices of animals, and understandably doesn't want to kill and eat them.
  • Voluntary Shapeshifting: Twilight does this a ton when transforming into his wolf form, though not everyone realizes it's him. Instead, they think Twi-Wolf just tends to follow them on their journey helping out occasionally.
  • "Well Done, Son" Guy: Praise from Time means a lot to this poor lad. He lists Time being disappointed in him as one of his fears.
  • You Can Barely Stand: Twi gets this from Time, Sky, AND Warriors after he's slashed open by the shadow and insists on fighting.


A blacksmith with the ability to split into four copies using the Four Sword. He is a combination of three Links- the Link from The Minish Cap, the Link from Four Swords, and the Link from Four Swords Adventures.

  • Berserk Button:
    • While Four doesn't mind his height, he is angered by being compared to a kid.
    • Wild breaking his weapon in a stupid way seems to be another.
  • BFS: Discussed. The Master Sword is normally just an average-sized sword, but since Four isn't even five feet tall it's this from his perspective – hilt to tip, it goes to about his ear.
  • The Comically Serious: Sometimes. He generally is one of the most calm and laid back and is less prone to shenanigans. His grim determination to pull his sword free from a likelike, as well as his more hotheaded coaching on smithing with magic, make for some funny interactions.
  • Fashionable Asymmetry: His tunic has four segments, green, red, blue, and purple, each with a different stitching on it. It's revealed that it's basically the different tunics of his split versions cut and stitched together.
  • Height Angst: Subverted. Four doesn't mind being small, unlike some of his shorter compatriots.
  • Literal Split Personality: He wields the Four Sword, which has the power to split the user into four variants of themselves. Jojo has confirmed that each split reflects the manga, with Green being focused and motivated, Blue being aggressive and hotheaded, Red being cheerful and optimistic, and Purple (Vio in the manga) being calm and collected. They are all aspects of Four's merged personality. Jojo has stated that while merged, Four is a complete being, and split, each of the four make up roughly a quarter of a full person. None of them are their own person unless they're merged.
  • Me's a Crowd: His splitting ability in a nutshell.
  • Secret-Keeper: He tends to be the one most privy to other's secrets, however he's quite protective of his own secrets as well. The most prominent one he knows is that Twilight is Wolfie.
  • Serious Business: Proper sword upkeep as well as properly forging a sword. He is not afraid to scold Legend for showing off with an ice rod while trying to make a sword for Wild. He also got very upset when Wild broke a sword on a rock.
  • Sizeshifter: He has the ability to shrink down to the size of a minish. Presumably this is why he's so short.
  • Ultimate Blacksmith: Four is known as one, if not the, best blacksmith in his Hyrule. Later, he even takes it upon himself to try to make a sword that Wild won't break. Which says a lot considering how often and easily Wild breaks his swords.
  • Tranquil Fury: He is a LOT calmer than the others when angry. At the most he'll shout for one or two lines.
  • Your Size May Vary: The most inconsistent Link in height. Sometimes he's at Warriors' waist and sometimes he's at his shoulder.


The youngest of the bunch. He is a combination of two Links- the Link from The Wind Waker & Phantom Hourglass, and the Link from Spirit Tracks; though the last one has never been mentioned or alluded to.

  • Affectionate Gesture to the Head: Gets one from Warriors after he speaks of his concern for Wolfie and Wild storms off.
  • The Baby of the Bunch: Deconstructed when, after the group was ambushed by Bokoblins, Wild took a hit meant for Wind that Wind was ready to dodge.
    Wind: I'll have you know I was ready to dodge out of harm's way back there. And this isn't the first time! Don't think I haven't noticed.
    Twilight: We can't help it. You're the youngest.
    Wind: You are the last people I thought I'd ever had to prove myself too. I have the Hero's Spirit of Courage, just like all of you. All I ask is you guys have a little more faith in me.
  • Badass Adorable: Watch out for this one. He might be the youngest and an adorable sunshine child, but he's also the Hero of the Wind for a reason. He can be downright dangerous when the time calls for it.
  • Determinator: Like the other heroes, he doesn't know when to give up. He MADE the gods choose him, after all.
  • Genki Guy: The youngest, the most expressive, and the most optimistic member of the group.
  • Kid Hero: Saved Hyrule at the ripe age of 12. He's currently 13, going on 14.
  • Legendary Weapon: With his timeline's version of the Master Sword embedded in Ganondorf's skull beneath the Great Sea, Wind instead wields the powerful Phantom Sword.
  • The Pollyanna: Remarked to be this by Time. Wind has gone through a lot of strife and yet he retains an optimistic-realist view on the world.
  • Running Gag: If he gets into a fight, there is a high chance that he'll get knocked over in some way. Exploited by the shadow who pushed Wind over in order to make a distraction to retreat after knocking him down earlier that fight.
  • The Unchosen One: He's the only Link who wasn't chosen by the goddesses. He MADE them choose him. He still has the same hero's spirit, but notably, it was born of his fierce determination to save his sister.


An expert strategist and the Link from Hyrule Warriors. Notably the only Link to be from a non-canon game.

  • Affectionate Gesture to the Head: Gives one to Wind eventually.
  • Assassination Attempt: He was unlucky enough to get one of these when Yiga targeted him at the market. Fortunately, Wild was there to save him in the nick of time.
  • Celibate Hero: Maybe? Despite the attention he garners, he is pretty negative on the topic of romance as a whole. He calls a wedding ring a "fancy shackle" and his journey was caused by a woman he had no interest in being madly in love with him.
  • Chick Magnet: He brags about it a few times. He does receive negative attention occasionally, as he was once seen hiding from women, but whether it was justly received or not is up to the reader to decide.
  • Frontline General: Lampshaded by Sky and Hyrule after Warriors gave a impressive deduction on what the monsters' current plan of action was. Plus, if you played Hyrule Warriors then you know he was hardly sitting on his butt the whole time figuring out war plans when all the fighting was going on.
    Hyrule: To command so many... what would that be like?
    Sky: I can't imagine.
  • The Lancer: Whenever Time is absent or even when he is around, he tends to take a leadership position. He's one of three (technically four) to be listed as a leader.
  • The Strategist: He is by far the most proficient in battle tactics in the group. While Time is the Leader of the group, they always all default to Warriors for battle advice and direction, and he does not take well to others going against his plan.
  • You Can Barely Stand: Twi gets this from Time, Sky, AND Warriors after he's slashed open by the shadow and insists on fighting.


An amnesiac survivalist and the Link from Breath of the Wild.

  • Amnesiac Hero: Thanks to the Shrine of Resurrection, he has amnesia. His memories are slowly coming back to him, little by little.
  • The Atoner: He blames himself for the Calamity's mess and has clear self worth issues because of it.
  • Combat Pragmatist: He's a survivalist, and as such does not usually follow any code of honour as he fights. Instead he'll stay back to snipe monsters, use a stasis rune on them, or even sneak up on them and try to slit their throats. He has no hesitation when killing a retreating enemy as well.
  • Extreme Omnivore: There are multiple times where he's shown to be a milder example of this, as the unpicky eater.
    • When Hyrule made a stew with old rancid meat, all the other Links were horrified, but Wild was the only one shown to actually enjoy it, even going so far as to ask for the recipe. (Granted, he was recovering from a concussion at the time...)
  • Happy Flashback: While staring at the water, Wild triggered one of his memories of the past. Thankfully, this one was a happy one, where he caught a glimpse of Pre-Calamity Wild swimming and laughing with his friends.
  • Pragmatic Hero: Comes with being a survivalist. He doesn't really care for following a plan or avoiding striking people when they're down, especially if sparing them means they could come back to get him later.
  • Roaring Rampage of Revenge: Oh Hylia, Dark Link, you should not have hurt Twilight. Wild deliberately ignored Wars' plan in orderto get revenge and used his stasis rune, plus the unfinished gift sword that Four was making, to 'decimate the shadow.
  • Running Gag: Poor, poor Wild will never keep a weapon around longer than a few weeks. It gets to the point that when he asks Time if he could try out his sword — the Biggoron sword, specially designed not to break — he outright refuses because he doesn't want to tempt it. After all, if anyone could break his unbreakable sword, it's Wild.note  Legend won't even let him hold a hand mirror, and his first reaction when Sky carves a ladle for him is that he hopes he doesn't break it.
  • My Greatest Failure: Sees his failure to stop the Great Calamity 100 years ago as this.
  • Secret-Keeper: He knows that Wolfie is Twilight, since wolf Twilight helped him on his adventure. He helps him keep his secret, but he has told him that he should come clean to the others.

Other Characters


A rancher who previously appeared in Ocarina of Time. Now an adult, she is Happily Married to Time, and alongside her husband is one of Twilight's ancestors.

  • Badass Normal: She's just about the only major character who isn't a Link. That said, she's not one to be trifled with.
  • Canon Character All Along: She was first mentioned long before her debut when the other Links learned Time was married. It's not until a while later that Time's wife is revealed to be a familiar face.
  • Childhood Friend Romance: She and Time have known each other since they were kids.
  • Fiery Redhead: From her first scene you'll see she clearly hasn't lost her strong, passionate personality growing up since she was a child. After Twilight recovers from a severe injury and references Time's promise to Malon about keeping him safe, Time quips that Twilight's survival might allow him to make it out in one piece as well.
  • Happily Married: She has a very well adjusted happy marriage with Time, the Link from Ocarina of Time & Majora's Mask. They clearly love each other dearly. And it shows a lot, as Time seems much happier just by being around her. Malon has also stated that she knows more then any of them about his adventures, which says a lot considering how little even the Chain know about what he's been through.
  • Hartman Hips: She's filled out since she was a teenager (as seen in Ocarina).
  • Living Distant Ancestor: As Time's wife, she is also one of Twilight's ancestors.


  • The Cameo: One. While in Legend's world, all the Links had a chance to meet him. As of now, that's all we've seen of him, but the audience would know him from A Link Between Worlds as Legends secret counterpart from Lorule.
  • Honest John's Dealership: If there's one thing Ravio was famous for back in his game, it was his overpriced items. Here's no different, as it seems the first thing he asks the Links is if they were interested in renting. He specifically honed onto Warriors for his expensive looking armor before Legend warned them off.
  • Odd Friendship: If you haven't played A Link Between Worlds before, you'd defiantly be wondering how Ravio and Legend became friends in the first place. Especially when you consider how Ravio's overly-dramatic greedy character mixes with Legend's blunt nature.

     The Shadow Unmarked Spoilers

A recurring antagonist. Its original form is a dark blob, but it has the ability to shapeshift. Its first and most recurring form is a Lizalfos, but it is seen transforming into an Iron Knuckle when it needs more power. It is heavily implied that the Shadow is actually Dark Link (who Word of God claims is the main antagonist of the story, matching the Shadow's supposed role), but it has not yet been outright stated.

  • Ambiguous Gender: It is called "It" up until it transforms into an Iron Knuckle, after which Wild refers to it as "He."
  • Anti-Magic: Its sword is able to cause wounds that fairies can't heal with their magic.
  • Big Bad: If it really is Dark Link, as Word of God has confirmed Dark Link to be the primary antagonist of the story. Even if it's not, though, it's currently the biggest antagonist the story has thus far—it's responsible for the infection that buffs up several monsters and turns their blood black and a curse that nearly killed Twilight.
  • Blob Monster: It takes the form of a Lizalfos in the main story, but from the character sketches, it looks to be a mass of black goop in it's original form.
  • The Corruptor: It has the power to infect monsters, making them stronger and making their blood black.
  • Elite Mook: Takes the form of a black Lizalfos and an Iron Knuckle, two of the stronger foes the Links have faced, and even then it's noticeably stronger than even its forms' original species.
  • Evil Counterpart: It's heavily implied that The Shadow is actually Dark Link, but as of now it hasn't been confirmed. Its magic also comes from a black triangle, seemingly a dark counterpart to the Triforce.
  • Fragile Speedster: In its Lizalfos form. It's rather frail, leading to it running at the first sign of being outmatched. However, its speed lets it outrun all nine Links and escape whenever it needs to.
  • Inertia Is a Cruel Mistress: How it meets its apparent demise. Wild uses stasis and hits it a bunch of times, and the large amount of damage hits it all at once when it unfreezes from time.
  • Jerkass: It's clear that the Shadow isn't a fair fighter. It has no problem taking the group by surprise, outnumbering the heroes, running when it sees there's something that could kill it, and squishing Wind.
  • Know When to Fold 'Em: It takes off running every time it catches sight of the Master Sword.
  • Mighty Glacier: In its Iron Knuckle form. It's big and durable, and transforms into this form when it needs heavier firepower to battle Twilight.
  • Mook Horror Show: How the third fight with it plays out, with the Shadow running for its life after Twilight terrorizes it enough.
  • Obviously Evil: Glowing red eyes and black coloration? Surely it must be a saint.
  • Running Gag: Two battles in a row, it's knocked Wind off his feet for some reason.
  • A Sinister Clue: Inverted. The shadow is actually right handed, an oddity because most of the links are left-handed (with the exception of Wild and Sky).
  • The Stoic: It's telling that the first time it actually audibly expressed something was with its third confrontation with the heroes. After it was getting its tail whooped, mind you.
  • The Worf Effect: Its Iron Knuckle form, which dealt a mortal blow to Twilight, is easily overcome by Wild using the Stasis rune and striking it multiple times.
  • Thinking Up Portals: It's responsible for the portals throughout time.
  • Villain Forgot to Level Grind: The first time it fought against the heroes, Warriors couldn't land a hit on it and it was going easy on him. The second time it fought against the heroes, it almost got hit by a strike from the Master Sword, but completely deserted everyone and left them in the dust. The third time, not only can the heroes get hits on it, it gets outrun by Epona and Twilight can duel it without struggle. Might also fit under The Worf Effect.
  • Voluntary Shapeshifter: It is able to change form, changing from a Lizalfos to an Iron Knuckle in Shifting Shadows and dealing a heavy blow to Twilight in the process.

number 1
number 2

Two mystery Links who are sketched in the banner but have not appeared in the comic. The first one has a slimmer build while the second has a more muscular build as seen here
