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Tropers / Flake

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A quiet troper who is just here to edit and isn't really active in any forums or discussions.

They used to be known as BountyBeast, a name they came up with when they were like twelve years old and have since grown out of. They became a troper in 2014, but reset their account in 2022 because they wanted a different username.

The article that first drew them into TV Tropes was Lovely Assistant, which they found via random Googling.

They are a fan of NomnomNami and have made efforts to promote Nami's games on this very website. They have contributed extensively to the pages for Lonely Wolf Treat, and created the articles for drowning, drowning, First Kiss at a Spooky Soiree, and Sex Advice Succubus, as well as the character pages for Syrup and the Ultimate Sweet and BAD END THEATER (some under their old username).

They are responsible for launching the Perfection Is Addictive and Spitty Speaker tropes. In the former case, they were still rather new to the Launch Pad and were likely too hasty in its launching, with rather poor results.

Tropes applying to them:

  • Battle Cry: This is only hypothetical because they've never been in a situation that would warrant a battle cry, but they would probably say "Have at it!" or some variation thereof.
  • The Blacksmith: They've studied metalwork and machinery. They haven't learned any forging, but they've made a few toy weapons via 3D printing.
  • Creature of Habit: Having a predictable routine means they will never be caught unprepared, which is one of the worst things that can happen to them. Plus, if one does the exact same thing ten thousand times, one will eventually become good at it.
  • The Cynic: Well... have you seen the world you're living in? They have little reason to believe things will get better and are currently just trying to enjoy it while it lasts.
  • Eyes Always Averted: For them, the "it's rude to stare at people" rule takes precedence over the "it's polite to make eye contact" rule. Or maybe that's just their excuse for why they are not comfortable with eye contact.
  • For Want Of A Nail: The first step to their LGBT Awakening was when they discovered one night, hot springs on Google Play. The second step was when they learned that an updated version of the series was released on, went to check it out, and was drawn to the cute thumbnails of the Lonely Wolf Treat games.
  • Happy Rain: They enjoy rainy days for quite a few reasons. They find rain to be refreshing now that global warming has resulted in unbearably hot summers, they find grey cloudy skies to be easier on the eyes than bright sunny days, and the air is so much fresher after it rains, like the whole world just came out of a refreshing shower.
  • Hates Being Touched: If they weren't afraid of being in close proximity to other people before, they sure as hell became so after the pandemic happened.
  • Hates Small Talk: They really don't see the point of it. Why talk when there is nothing to say?
  • Instant Waking Skills: By leaving their alarm clock on the other side of their bedroom, they have trained themself to jump out of bed and onto their feet on reflex. This doesn't necessarily mean they will stay awake afterwards...
  • LGBT Awakening:
    • They discovered they were aromantic when they played through one night, hot springs and its sequels and found themself relating to the feelings of the character Manami.
    • It was through the Lonely Wolf Treat series that they learned about the existence of nonbinary gender identities, which led to them discovering that they themself were agender. This is because the Treat series has characters who are overtly and explicitly nonbinary, unlike characters such as Kris and Najimi, whose gender identities are never really elaborated on.
  • Meaningful Rename: Changed their username into Flake, partly to reflect their gender identity, and partly because they felt their old name was childish.
  • No Social Skills: They suck at communicating, and find it very annoying that they were born into a world where communication is important.
  • Old Shame: Unfortunately, they are guilty of having written Zero-Context Examples and plagiarized work descriptions in the past. They have learned to do better since then, but the guilt never truly goes away.
  • Picky Eater: They have quite specific tastes in food. The fact that they didn't eat enough vegetables growing up (and still don't) is probably why they're currently in such fragile health.
  • The Quiet One: They are very asocial note  and prefer not to talk. And when they do talk, they never raise their voice unless they absolutely have to.
  • Terrified of Germs: You might think they take COVID countermeasures too seriously. They think nobody else takes them seriously enough.
  • Terse Talker: When talking, they like to keep their answers short. In writing, they are a bit more well-spoken.
  • Third-Person Person: For reasons that are difficult to explain, they don't like using pronoun tags. They write about themself in third person to get around this problem.
  • What Is This Feeling?: They have some trouble recognizing the feeling of anxiety, often mistaking it for some physical illness. This is a problem, because their own health is the primary source of anxiety for them.
