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Tropers / Fivepence

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A 40-year-old troper stupid enough to forget her old password, but bullheaded enough to continue editing.

Fivepence is a fan of this media:


Voltron: Fivepence's first baby blanket anime. She clearly remembers being about two or three and insisting that Pidge was a girl. Thirty two years later...

Castle in the Sky: She wasn't particularly impressed with anything save Mark Hamill's performance and the haunting main theme.

Project A-ko: Fivepence and her sister aiguille are a pair of Polar Opposite Twins. Fivepence is a bit brash and emotional, while aiguille is cool headed, poised, and intellectual. They fight constantly.

Bubblegum Crisis: Saw the first OAV. Konya wa hurricane!

Robot Carnival: Starlight Angel is Fivepence's favorite segment.

AKIRA: Fivepence's second anime. When Fivepence was five, Dad got tipsy, went to the video store, and brought home a lifelong mental scar.

Dragon Ball Z Abridged Dragon Ball Z is Fivepence's dad's favorite anime. The Abridged Version got Fivepence up to speed for Super.

Kiki's Delivery Service: A perfect representation of the life of a preteen girl.


Aliens As a kid, Fivepence identified with Newt.

Back to the Future: The third movie is Fivepence's Favorite. Her least favorite is the second.

Care Bears: Fivepence's favorite was The Care Bears: Adventure in Wonderland.

Creepshow: Has seen the first movie, and the series.

Ernest Saves Christmas: God Bless Val Bettin.

Fright Night: Loves the original and the remake.

Ghostbusters: Fivepence likes the first two movies and the cartoons, but was underwhelmed by what little she saw of the edited version of Answer the Call. While appreciative of a female fronted team (Holtzmann is, indeed, best girl) she dislikes the turn to high Camp and reliance on flimsy cameos to buoy a thin retread— but this time, with women! (Who Sony execs won't even deign to contact for cameos in ''Afterlife,'' the ungrateful bastards...)

Hellraiser: The Hellbound Heart was the only book Fivepence and aigulle were forbidden to read as children. We could watch the first two movies, though.

Indiana Jones: Fivepence's favorite character is Marion Ravenwood.

Revenge Of The Nerds: Fivepence's problematic fave.

Annie (1982): You're never fully dressed without a smile!

The Last Unicorn: "In the shadow of the forest, though she may be old and worn, they will stare, unbelieving, at the last unicorn...

The Secret Of NIMH: Fivepence misses her mother.

A Christmas Story: Another problematic fave, it reminds Fivepence of her mother and uncle.

Gremlins: Fivepence related to Gizmo more than Billy.

The Neverending Story: ''Moon Child!"

Labyrinth One of Fivepence's and aiguille's favorite movies.

Little Shop Of Horrors: Baby's First Horror Movie. The Plant Sang!

Highlander: A favorite of Fivepence's parents, particularly because of Queen and Clancy Brown.

The Princess Bride: "As you wish."
