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Tropers / Antonio Calavera

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I am Antonio Calavera, Filipino TV Tropes addict and English teacher extraordinaire! I've been lurking on the wiki for years and have been immensely pleased with its growth and friendly, sensible attitude towards fiction and its parallels in Real Life.

I am a single, geeky, bespectacled lecturer of English literature at a major Jesuit university in Quezon City. I have been a licensed pilot since my college years and am a great fan of graphic novels and Science Fiction. I play more Video Games than are good for me, fly my family's souped-up Cessna 152 on weekends whenever possible, and procrastinate way too much when checking my students' papers.

I also enjoy Scuba diving, flying with Dad, and pestering my students, whom I love dearly despite their perpetual grammar problems. After a hiatus of five years, I'm back to writing fan fiction as well.

In addition to providing hours of entertainment, TV Tropes has greatly influenced me in the way I think about literature and media, and my students have reaped the benefits. After years of lurking, I've decided to get known and become a Contributor so that I can give something back.

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