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Trivia / Kaeloo

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  • Acting for Two:
    • Kaeloo, Stumpy and Quack Quack are all voiced by Doug Rand in the English dub.
    • In the French dub, Stumpy, Quack Quack and Eugly are all voiced by the show's creator, Rémi Chapotot. The French dub also has Stumpy's seven younger sisters voiced by the same actress.
    • In the Serbian dub, Kaeloo and Mr. Cat are both voiced by Marko Mrđenović, while Stumpy and Quack Quack are both voiced by Milan Tubić.
  • Cross-Dressing Voices: Kaeloo is voiced by a male in every dub except for the Polish dub, in which her voice actress (Dominika Kluźniak) shares the same gender as her character. Eugly is also voiced by a man (the show's creator) in French.
  • Dawson Casting: All the characters are children and preteens, but they're all voiced by adults.
  • Descended Creator: The show's creator, Remi Chapotot, voices Stumpy, Quack Quack and Eugly in the French dub.
  • Development Gag: Stumpy's name is a reference of how he didn't have arms in the original concept.
  • Dueling Dubs: The series has two official English dubs, one produced by Tabb Productions, which aired in Australia on television, and one made by Miam! Animation, which is available online on Vimeo. The name of the place the characters live in is "Smileyland" in the Tabb dub and "Super Cute Land" in the Miam! Dubnote .
  • Fandom Nod: In Episode 135, the main four make their own TV show and it's clearly a parody of the actual show. Stumpy asks them whether the characters based on Kaeloo and Mr. Cat will end up as a couple or not, which is a reference to the multitude of fans on the Facebook page who bombard all the posts' comment sections with questions about whether Kaeloo and Mr. Cat will ever admit their feelings for one another or not.
  • Milestone Celebration: Episodes 99 and 100 are a two-parter, likely to celebrate 100 episodes.
  • No Export for You: Only the first season was ever dubbed in English, so we hope you have a decent understanding of French if you'd like to watch anything beyond that without fansubs.
  • Out of Order: The episode "Let's Play Hot-Cold" had Stumpy tell his friends that it's his first time meeting Ursula, but five episodes before this in "Let's Play Astronauts" he celebrates his two-week anniversary with Ursula.
  • Shrug of God: The creators say that they themselves do not know what Mr. Cat's sexuality is.
  • Unfinished Dub: The English dub covers only the first season.
  • What Could Have Been: Stumpy/Moignon was originally going to actually have no arms, hence his name. He was also originally intended to have blue eyes, but in the show his eyes were changed to red.
  • Working Title: The show was originally going to be named "Kaelou", but it was changed to "Kaeloo".
