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Quotes / Fox News Liberal

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I was once placed between two waxworks on a programme where one of the pair was solemnly identified as a 'liberal'; appropriately, he seemed to have been dead for some time, while the conservative had all the vivacity of someone on speed... On air, I identified the conservative as a liberal and vice versa. The conservative fell into the trap. 'No, no!' he hyperventilated. 'I'm the conservative!' It was the liberal who got the point; from beyond, as it were, the grave he moaned, 'He's putting us on.'

To be able to bray that 'as a liberal, I say bomb the shit out of them' is to have achieved that eye-catching, versatile marketability that is so beloved of editors and talk-show hosts. As a lifelong socialist, I say don't let's bomb the shit out of them. See what I mean? It lacks the sex appeal, somehow. Predictable as hell.

And now, speaking for the opposition, we have the angriest, dumbest person we could find.
Pundit, SMBC Comics

One of the first things I noticed was how similar all of the on-air personalities were. The men come in a variety of ages and weights, but are almost exclusively white, and almost all seem coated with a film of weary exasperation at the antics of the enemies of our nation. Shep Smith seems to be the exception to this. In contrast, he comes across as refreshingly candid and good-humored, and doesn’t indulge in the sort of winking innuendo that passes for news on much of the rest of the network. Within a few days of the commencement of my Fox project, I developed a fervent, Stockholm syndrome-style crush on Shep Smith.
John Haggerty, "My Personal Fox News Nightmare: Inside a Month of Self-Induced Torture"

The leitmotif of Brooks's career is claiming that he has a special understanding of and appreciation for the salt-of-the-earth types who don't actually know who David Brooks is. His first major work of this variety was his 2001 Atlantic column 'One Nation, Slightly Divided.' The column was all about the differences between the elitist, godless, self-important blue states and the hardy, honest, respectable red states. One of the most well-known sections of the article concerned a trip Brooks took to Franklin County, Pennsylvania in search of Red America. He wanted to demonstrate the simple life enjoyed by these noble savages...'One Nation, Slightly Divided' is perhaps one of Brooks's most reviled columns to date. It fell flat with many liberals, who thought (with good reason) that it was cliche-ridden and intellectually insulting. It's possible that Brooks intended it an olive branch to conservatives; however, they hated it too, viewing it (again, with good reason) as condescending and snobbish.
Rational Wiki on New York Times columnist David Brooks

Fox News is not a news channel, nor is it even really a propaganda channel. What it is is terrible professional wrestling. I mean, the black and white framing, with good guys and bad guys who you are telegraphed to cheer or boo depending on what faction they belong to. Moves that are so telegraphed, they can be used to call for mayday. Random taunting and trash talking of enemies. Random repeating of catchphrases and 'hit words of the day'. And let’s not even get started on the random “bikini babes” or the professional fembots. It’s like WWE’s slower, dumber cousin.

Rosie has thrown an “I QUIT THIS BITCH” at The View. It’s just not the Rosie we all thought it would be...I guess from now, The View will be nothing but Whoopi Goldberg spitting out some foolery as Nicole Wallace, Rosie Perez and Mario Cantone (because he’s ALWAYS there) nervously whistle while staring at the ceiling. I’ve watched The View every day since Rosie came back, because I have no love for myself, and have been waiting for her to lose her mind and unlock her jaw on those hos. She hasn’t. She mostly just slobbers on about a little independent movie called Frozen, because that tiny, unknown film needs all the attention it can get. She honestly didn’t seem that into that shit this time around and I’m highly disappointed that she never jumped the table and shredded tricks. I know I don’t pay for The View, but I still want my money back.

In every political community there are varying shades of political opinion. One of the shadiest of these is the liberals. An outspoken group on many subjects. Ten degrees to the left of center in good times. Ten degrees to the right of center if it affects them personally.
Phil Ochs, "Love Me, I'm a Liberal"

Even crazier than golf, though, is modern American politics, where, thanks to TV and for the convenience of TV, you can only be one of two kinds of human beings, either a liberal or a conservative."
Kurt Vonnegut, Cold Turkey

…[Meghan McCain] was an ignorant person, that’s why she was on [The View]. It got great ratings or whatever, that’s why. It didn’t get great ratings because she was such a great example of conservative intellectualism that she brought in a bunch of conservatives. Has anyone ever claimed that? That more conservatives watched the show because they just want to see her provide a vigorous defence of conservatism? No, she was brought on to give dumb points, a really stupid version of Republicanism, that doesn’t like Trump (which they appreciated) so that libs could watch it and watch her make a fool out of herself. That’s all it is, and look, to some extent I feel a little bit bad for her, but she’s being paid very well for it. That is what it was, she needs to accept that.
And wherever she’s being brought in, if it’s not to fill that role, it’s not gonna work. You can’t have her do a serious conservative show. Nobody wants that, there’s no market for that. It is just for her to get dunked on by Behar and by Whoopi and stuff like that. There was a market for that and she’s now opting out of it.
John Iadarola, The Damage Report

Jon Stewart: But the thing is that this — you're doing theater, when you should be doing debate, which would be great.
Paul Begala: We do...
Tucker Carlson: You had John Kerry on your show and you sniff his throne and you're accusing us of partisan hackery?
Stewart: Absolutely.
Carlson: You've got to be kidding me. He comes on and you...
Stewart: You're on CNN. The show that leads into me is puppets making crank phone calls. What is wrong with you?
Crossfire (October 15, 2004)

"If pundits want to spend their time assuring liberal readers that it’s the voters who are wrong about this economy, that’s their prerogative. But let’s not pretend this is much more than political messaging driven by election fears. In the meantime, there certainly are Americans out there telling themselves stories at odds with reality; they just happen to all be in the media."
