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Playing With / Nerds Are Pervs

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Basic Trope: Nerdy characters are depicted as sex-obsessed, lecherous, or having deviant sexual preferences.

  • Straight: Melvin takes nude photos of Cheryl the cheerleader and tries to steal her underwear.
  • Exaggerated:
  • Downplayed: Melvin has a crush on Cheryl, but his eyes always linger in the wrong places when he watches her practice.
  • Justified: Nearly everyone Melvin's age has some form of sex drive. Why should he be an exception?
  • Subverted: Melvin takes nude photos of Cheryl and tries to steal her underwear... because if he doesn't, Barbaric Bully Jerk Jock Dash Yeong is going to put him in the hospital.
  • Double Subverted: Before Melvin brings the photographs to Dash, he uploads them to his online Porn Stash.
  • Inverted:
  • Gender Inverted: Every morning Melanie helps herself to anime beefcake.
  • Parodied:
    • Melvin takes on so much extra homework that it's portrayed like a fetish — whenever he gets another textbook added to the pile, his glasses fog up, and he begins to drool with a Luminescent Blush.
    • Melvin is often turned down by many of his peers despite his cute Pretty Boy-esque overall appearance. Even if someone decides to give him some pity sex, Melvin's invariably taking the bottom role.
  • Averted: Melvin is no more or less perverted than anybody else at Troperton High School.
  • Defied:
    • Melvin is expelled or arrested.
    • Lovable Jock Chad Brannigan kicks the crap out of Melvin.
    • Melvin resolves to treat women with basic respect and not be a pervert.
    • The school's nerd clique doesn't tolerate this behavior and kicks Melvin out
  • Zig-Zagged: Melvin's libido tends to oscillate.
  • Enforced: "We have some real creeps in our fandom. Let's call them out."
  • Lampshaded: ???
  • Discussed: ???
  • Conversed: ???
  • Invoked: ???
  • Exploited: The Vamp shows up dressed as a Ms. Fanservice character from Melvin's favorite show in order to manipulate him.
  • Played for Laughs:
    • There's a Running Gag where Melvin can manage to find a perverted meaning in anything, no matter how innocuous, through a combination of technical jargon and good old Insane Troll Logic.
    • Melvin is this, but he's instead trying to creep on boys like Chad and Dash. Depending on their orientation, they might either do two things: If they're straight, beat Melvin up for being an overall creep trying to essentially rape them. If they're gay, give Melvin a little bit of pity sex and try to satiate his lustful tendencies.
  • Played for Drama: Melvin sinks into a deep depression because his high sex drive and general unpopularity among his peers means he's not going to be hooking up anytime soon.
  • Played for Horror: The nerds attempt to gang-rape Cheryl.
  • Implied: Melvin can't stop himself from laughing when he overhears an Innocent Innuendo, much to the confusion of everyone else in the room.
