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Nightmare Fuel / Mashin Sentai Kiramager

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     Episode ZERO 
  • Oradin getting beaten to death, while screaming in agony, onscreen.

     Episode 6: Suddenly Turning Five Years Old 
  • Sayo being the only one to fight the MOTW, when she still has the mentality of a five year old. Thank god she managed to get enough willpower in time.
  • Cloud Hildon sucking up all the energy of the people trapped in there. It's pretty clear that if Sayo didn't make it in time; the people in there would've probably died.

     Episode 7: Training For You 
  • Garza tricking Freezer Jamen into taking a Psycho Serum which damages his body and then outright killing him to create enough energy for the Cold Hot Dagames. It's hard to disagree with Carantula calling him scary after that. Even scarier is the speech he told Freezer Jamen before his destruction:
    It's natural that the weak one becomes a sacrificial pawn. My hate is not for older brothers. I despise all weaklings.
  • The Mashins cracking due to the rapid heating and cooling process Cold Hot Dagames subjected them to.
  • Juru collapsing in the middle of the mecha fight. If it wasn't for the vision of Mashin Express...

     Episode 8: Express Lighting 
  • We already know that Galza is a bastard through and through, but he ups the ante by being fully prepared to kill Mabushina and Juru on the spot. Note that these two are minors.
  • Garza releasing a massive wave of what Carantula dubs "Jamental" near the end of the episode. If this guy wasn't already scary enough...

     Episode 9: This Is My Youthful Path Of Karuta 
  • Hyakunin Isshu Jamen's karuta cards revealed to be exploding ones. The implications are already terrifying enough.
  • Galza releasing another wave of Jamental to burn a whole room. Worse, when he's called a coward (or some other variant), it only gets stronger. To top it off, it apparently gives him joy.

     Episode 10: The Girl Who Chases After Shiguru 
  • Galza willing to use his Jamental against Carantula after the latter makes fun of him. Evil Is Petty indeed.
  • Galza breaking apart King Express with his newly-found control over Jamental. It's enough to knock Mashin Express off the battlefield.
  • While it's mostly Played for Laughs, the hyper-obsessive stalker Iyo could sometimes come off more creepy than funny. Especially whenever she enters her Yodonhime persona.

     Episode 11: Time Is Looping 
  • The "Groundhog Day" Loop in general. While it starts out innocently enough, it quickly amps up the Nightmare Fuel by quickly revealing that there's no way for Tametomo to get out of it because of Reset Button Jamen having full control over the loop.
    • This also meant that Reset Button Jamen couldn't be defeated in the usual fashion. Every time he was close to defeated, he hits the reset button and starts it all over again.
  • Tametomo subjecting Reset Button Jamen to the same loop by blasting the button over and over again. While it's Black Comedy at its finest, you gotta admit that what Tametomo did was pretty cruel (if not necessary).
  • Galza straight up destroying Reset Button Jamen when the Jamenshi gives up on fighting. Harsh much?

     Episode 12: Wonder Drill Boy 
  • Fridge Horror comes in play when it's revealed that Meteorite Jamen was going to destroy CARAT's satellite in order to hide the fact that there was going to be a large meteor headed for Earth.
  • The concept of the Monstone: an erratic sentient Kiramai stone that only moves on instinct, having the ability to combine with any lifeform in order to cause mass destruction.
    • Worse it nearly selected Sayo as it's host (Takamichi already hosting one) before deciding on the Jamen instead. Sayo who couldn't walk and would have been helpless to escape from it. And with Crystalia conquered there would be no way to implant a Kiramei stone to save her.
  • Meteorite Jamen combining with the Monstone, enhancing his abilities to new heights. So, not only does he still retain his meteor summoning abilities, he now has a lava head that can melt things on contact.

     Episode 13: Great Underground War 
  • The Cold Open has Haejigoku Shellga going up to an unknown woman with its mouth open. Then the next shot has her screaming and her bag being thrown to the side. No points for guessing what happened to the woman.
  • It's revealed that the Monstone can truly combine with anybody, which is what happened to poor Takamichi. Worse, he was close to death when it combined with him, leading to Oradin taking him away and turning him half-Crystalian.
  • Fridge Horror settles in once again with Haejigoku Shellga taking people with its vines to god-knows-where.

     Episode 16: Marshmallow Royale 
  • It's revealed that Marshmallow Jamen is turning women into marshmallows to not only generate dark energy - but also food for Carantula.
  • Carantula staying on the credible side by creating another Hassha Ligany - without the button. This way, it can fire as much as it can without the Kiramagers blasting it to bits first. It's scarily effective, as seen by the amount of rubble it produces with just a few missiles.

     Episode 17: The Mansion's Rare Stone 
  • Here we get introduced to the Stunner Bechat: a specialized Bechat that can stun people on contact once its goo reaches the person. It works pretty damn fast too, paralyzing both Tametomo and Shovellow in a matter of minutes. Luckily it can be overcome with the help of the Kiramai Changer's healing function.
  • Galza putting a dark mass of energy into Takamichi. While he's completely fine now, Episode 18 shows that things do not bone well for Kiramai Silver.
  • The Cliffhanger ending has Takamichi revealing that Mabushina is at risk of being cursed by a "great darkness". Whatever that is, it's enough for Takamichi to push her away and try desperately find the Kanaema Stones for her own safety.

     Episode 18: Darkness 
  • Here we get the reason behind the Queen's death: apparently Oradin was cursed by Yodonheim's Witch of the Stagnant Sea Numajo that directly affected the Queen, and the results were not pretty. Within seven days after the Witch's brand appeared on her, she became petrified and crumbled into dust. Even with Oradin's death, there's no exact way to know if the curse won't appear on Mabushina, which means she's at risk of falling into the same exact fate.
  • Everything regarding Galza and his Jamentality:
    • Galza put some of his Jamentality into the Monstone in Takamichi to make him fall into evil. Not only does Takamichi fall into evil, he's completely aware of what's happening and asks the others to fight him straight on to prevent any more damage.
    • Galza infuses the broken Monstone with his Jamentality to revive it, making it even more of a monster to deal with.
    • Galza instantly disassembles King Express with Jamentality, before ominously stating that he'll smother everything with darkness.
  • The city being struck into chaos by Takamichi's hand. Sure he was Brainwashed and Crazy during it, but still... yikes.

     Episode 21: Fishing, Sometimes A Master 
  • If Numajo's curse wasn't enough for you, she also has a poison that can instantly rust Kiramai Stones, which is what unfortunately what happened to Aqua Kiramai Stone.
  • Motorboat Basra, an absolute monster with both speed and strength on its side. It quickly takes down Kiramazin no problem and instantly starts stomping on it the moment it goes down. And it doesn't stop.
  • The Reveal that Galza manipulated Takamichi to get the Kanaema Stones by himself, leading to him driving away Mabushina and leaving Crystallia. It's heavily implied that if Takamichi was there, Crystallia may have not fallen to Yodonheim.

     Episode 22: Are You Prepared? The Witch Is There! 

     Episode 25: That Cute Shrine Maiden 
  • Yodonna by far stands out as the creepiest and most dangerous villain the Kiramagers face, which is saying a lot. Coming out of completely nowhere disguised as a shrine maiden, she completely bypasses the team, manipulates them into thinking that she's an ally, and then utterly crushes them when she reveals herself. For a general who was not advertised at all, she definitely makes quite the debut.
  • Yodonna's plan is to open up a tunnel between Earth and Yodonheim to allow the Yodon Empire wreck havoc. Her method of doing it? Blowing up the mountain region around the shrine due to its immense power.
  • The fact that Yodonna comes out of nowhere for both the Kiramagers and Yodonheim. She has to spell it out to Carantula that she's his superior and therefore her orders (which come directly from Emperor Yodon) overpower his judgement, shocking him out of sheer displacement. Unlike Leje, her lightning blasts are completely her own and are played entirely seriously in this episode.
  • A minor one when Takamichi accidentally lets a Monstone absorb Energia, making it grow to giant size. Nice going Takamichi.
  • Apparently due to Energia's immense power, there is no chance that GigantDriller can defeat the powered-up Monstone. Keep in mind, GigantDriller is one of the strongest mecha in the show to date.

     Episode 26: Make It An Arrow Weapon 
  • It turns out the power-up Yodonna gave to the Bechats ended up overloading their bodies to the point that they melt from the strain. Making it worse is that not only did Yodonna know this would happen, but she doesn't care at all, giving a cold "Soldiers are expendable.".
  • It also turns out that the Monstone empowered with Energia ended up overloading himself as well. Despite this, Yodonna poses such a massive threat that the Kiramagers consider using Energia's power on themselves, knowing full well that the strain might kill them all. Thankfully, Juru vetoes this, and manages to create a power-up weapon that doesn't kill any of them.
  • Crossing over with Tear Jerker, the Kiramagers (minus Juru) getting the floor wiped with them by the Bomb Jamen clones. None of them stand a snowball's chance in Hades, and Sayo even asks Mabushina to tell Juru that they said goodbye if they don't make it, driving the poor girl to tears.

     Episode 28: Crying Shiguru 
  • Here we get introduced to the Gomuryu-type Jamen Beast, a Jamen Beast that was said to assist in the destruction of Crystalia. Add in its flight capabilities and its camouflage abilities (that is, until Yodonna's tablet was destroyed) and it is a beast to work with.

     Episode 29: The Illusionary Atamald 
  • While Atamald looks to be a utopia, its doors are a different story. Enter in the wrong one and you get greeted with a gloomy version of the world and a version of yourself that's completely the opposite. Worst? You get trapped in there and there's no way to get out of it.

     Episode 32: There's Something About Sayo 
  • This episode reveals the Yodon Ivy, a flower that's said to be able to corrupt entire landforms just through its pollen. And what does Yodonna want to do with it? Let the ivy bloom and then let its pollen corrupt all of the Earth, making the world another Yodonheim.
  • Just when you think that one Jamen Beast is enough, Carantula sends three all at once at the city, ensuring that the Kiramagers' mecha are stretched to their limits by the time they deal with the threats.
  • Galza's back and he's badder than ever. Having taken the time to go to the "valley of corruption", he not only corrupts Hakobu, but he's able to infiltrate Atamald to imprison Oradin.

     Episode 34: Blue & Yellow Passion 
  • Numajo's poison has terrifying effects on Shiguru. His pallor is deathly pale, his fighting skills are not up to par, and he often seizes up due to the effects of the poison. Despite it working out in the end, Shiguru being this close to dying is horrific in it of itself.
  • Galza was not playing around this episode. Using his newly refined Jamental, he not only corrupts King Express, but also subjects GigantDriller and Grateful Phoenix to a Curb-Stomp Battle, nearly winning if it was for Yodon commanding him to rescue Yodonna.
  • When Yodonna lashes out, we see her eyes glow red with a silhouette of what looks like to be Emperor Yodon.
  • We only get at most three minutes with Yodon, but he's already established to be enough of a threat that even Galza has to obey. Whatever he has up his sleeve, it is definitely not good.

     Episode 37: Sena 1/5 
  • Yodonna's transformation into Emperor Yodon: it starts off with her walking as though she's in a trance, before suddenly sporting her Maniac Tongue expression... which then turns into a mask that opens out to reveal the Emperor's real face. Her body then proceeds to dissolve into black goo that gushes out and reforms into his real body.
  • The first thing the Emperor does on his debut reveal? Level a whole city block.
    Emperor Yodon: This world's seas will be tainted, its land will run rotten, becoming a colony for Yodonheim.

     Episode 38: Watching My Uncle's Moon 
  • The effects of Illusia are Fridge Horror incarnate. Trapping one in a Lotus-Eater Machine based on their previous regrets, the one affected will stop at nothing to achieve their goals, even if it means death in the process. Worse? They will mistake anything and everything as a threat until something snaps them out of it.
  • Takamichi's soulless eyes under the Illusia's influence.

     Episode 40: Aching Person 
  • Ah yes, Episode 40: a fairly innocent-looking episode that features Juru getting art advice from an artist named Saburo... that quickly reveals itself to be a Psychological Horror-influenced episode.
    • Just what exactly what is Calorie? Saburo believes wholeheartedly that Calorie is a very real person, even though he looks much younger than him. However, there are heavy implications that Calorie is a figment of his imagination that spiraled out of control the more he isolated himself from the world. This is implied to be the reason why Wire Jamen was able to manipulate him so easily.
    • Wire Jamen's ability is full of this. Imagine your friend that you deeply care about is revealed to be a flawless imposter out to get you for your Dark Energy. While Played for Laughs when he impersonates Shiguru, it's taken far more seriously when he reveals him to be Calorie; pushing Saburo way over the Despair Event Horizon.
    • The vicious comments that Saburo gets over his artwork right he gets rejected from the contest is what really sets up his downfall, which is played rather realistically. Add in Wire Jamen's Calorie impersonation, and you have a perfect storm.
    • Saburo becoming Jishiki Shellga. There was a good chance that if the Kiramagers didn't know that Saburo was in there, he could've died.
    • The ending is Mind Screw fuel. Saburo's house is gone without a single trace of his presence from the day before. The only thing that remains is a poster of his manga, assumed to be published. While Juru believes that the day ended on a happy note, Tametomo and Sena are still left unsure if Saburo was actually real or not.

     Episode 42: The Battle Without Honor 
  • The black smog that Galza creates essentially corrupts anybody who breathes it in to behave like Bechats, as Juru unfortunately sees with his classmates.
  • Galza becoming the new Big Bad.
    • And how does he do this? He straight-up kills Yodon's consciousness, taking over his body as his own. Then his body transforms... revealing Galza's new form as "Lord Galza", a form so magnificent and so terrifying that lets him destroy anything in his way with utter ease.
  • When Oradin releases his secret technique, it seems to work against Galza... only for him to destroy it and reveal his own technique: Tornado Screw Crash, the same technique that Juru saw in his dream.
  • Galza in general has reached a whole new level of terrifying this episode. Juru initially believes that the kid that he saw in his dream was Oradin, but it's revealed by the end to be Galza the whole time; corrupted by an unknown force that warped his whole personality into the wayside. From there he became the worst traitor that Crystalia has ever seen, going from a loyal soldier to Yodonheim's new emperor. One really has to wonder what had happened to him back then.

     Episode 43: The Dirty Hero 
  • We see Galza — as a childgetting Mind Raped on-screen by Emperor Yodon.
  • After apparently destroying Galza, Emperor Yodon declared to Juru that he will join the former as he fires at him. Juru gets knocked out of transformation, then falls down a crevice to his teammates and Oradin's horror, leaving only behind the ticket that Kakihara gave him for their date. Emperor Yodon then declared that his aspirations for domination are nigh with his newfound information.

     Episode 44: Rest in Peace, My Friend 
  • As if Yodon wasn't terrifying enough last episode, this episode undoubtably proves that he's one of the most terrifying Big Bads Sentai has ever presented, which is saying a lot.
    • Yodon, sealed in his Yodonna form, decides to kill her to break out of Oradin's seal, making it clear that when it comes to either her or himself, he will always choose the latter. This drives the villainess to tears as the emperor laughs at her death, believing that her death will be in service to him. Bad Boss much there Yodon?
    • Despite the team giving everything they got, Yodon quickly proves to overwhelm them with his sheer power, knocking them with ease with his blasts. Then he creates a gargantuan blast that will instantly incinerate them, as Takamichi claims, coming dangerously close to actually blowing the team to pieces if it wasn't for Juru coming in time...

Movies and spin-offs

     Kiramager vs. Ryusoulger 
  • Upon learning of Kleon's ability to produce Minosaurs, Yodonna brutally stomps on them in order to get more slime out of them, with the splatter reminiscent of blood.

  • In the city there is a maid café that handles in harvesting organs from their costumers and it is neither run by Yodonheim or any other supernatural forces, but rather regular human criminals. Yodonna is so shocked by this that she points out there are humans worse than even the Emperor Yodom.
    • The maids operating on the unfortunate victims is nothing short of slasher horror: they keep the cutesy act, calling their tools "Love-Love Drill" and "Adoration Scalpel", and laughing in utter glee as they harvest their organs.
  • Yodonna's fighting style actually frightens some of the goons, because of how cruel she is and how hard she hits. Breaking legs, arms, dislocating joints, busting someone's guts, all with sadistic joy. And the worse of all is that bystanders are seeing Mizuki do all this instead of Yodonna, suddenly a schoolgirl managed to mop the floor with a bunch of yakuza goons.
