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Felony Misdemeanor / Webcomics

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  • The Adventures of Dr. McNinja: King Radical is subverting our country's rich history for his own devious purposes!
  • Type 3 from Skin Horse: Sweetheart's idea of a "rampage" is spilling coffee next to a "no littering" sign. The Chimeric Anti-Defamation League hears about it and tries to revoke her membership. You know things are bad when Unity is the voice of sanity—her reaction is, "Who called you, and how could they tell it was a rampage?"
  • In a User Friendly arc, Erwin the computer dreams of being Mercy Killed for having an incurable case of Windows NT and then being brought before the Judgement of the Dead. When his personal List of Transgressions is examined, installing NT turns out to have been the greatest sin on the list, ranking above nearly starting a border war in Africa.
  • In an Eerie Cuties arc, the evil spirit of a mirror steals Nina's body to unleash her evil on the world. However, seeing as it's Nina she's in, all she can manage are lame practical jokes. And one accidental murder, but that was retconned.
  • Edmund Finney's Quest quadruply does not subvert this here. (The "fake bomb threat" was part of a Four Yorkshiremen argument and was neither a fake bomb threat nor a real one.)
  • Downplayed example in El Goonish Shive: Elliot and Tedd broke into a government facility and through shenanigans, created an opposite-sex clone of Elliot. Elliot's dad is furious... that he lied about having a sleepover with Tedd. The actual felony doesn't register with him at all.
  • Schlock Mercenary - Subverted in the case of Manual Operation Under the Influence carrying the death penalty. As the footnote points out, MOUI is considerably more involved than the single bad decision of DUI: it involves first defeating a number of safety systems that the average person would have trouble bypassing while sober, then switching the vehicle over to manual mode (which may require installing a manual mode). Only then is it possible to commit MOUI.
  • Freefall:
  • In Scandinavia and the World, England freaks out when he briefly touches Sister Denmark, accusing himself in despair of being a rapist. She barely notices. According to Word of God, English people are really sensitive to touching strangers, if just a little; fearing they might offend them.
  • In Penny Arcade, Gabe is reading his son the new Berenstain Bears book, and is horrified when the father turns off the Internet except for an hour a day.
    Gabe: Son, what Papa Bear is doing is child abuse. Brother and Sister Bear need to call the...Bear Police.
  • In Perfection Engine, the Eidolons —angelic beings prevalent in the story— strive for a perfect society of perfect order and morality. As such, all citizens are subject to "corrective measures" should they show any flaw whatsoever, including inner or outer expressions of negativity. One is literally not allowed to experience negative emotions or thoughts towards themselves or others, lest they undergo said corrective measures if caught.
  • Paranatural: As the Vice Principal is telling Hijack various ways he could end up taken to the principal's office (wearing normal clothes on pajama day, injuring a fellow student), she is horrified to realize that she's just giving him ideas.
    Vice Principal: I swear to various lesser demons, if you wear normal clothes on pajama day I will hunt you down.
  • Two Guys and Guy has the Running Gag of Guy hospitalizing Wayne for misusing the word "literally".
