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Quotes / You Have Outlived Your Usefulness

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    Anime and Manga 
The Sternritters exist for the sake of His Majesty! His Majesty despises lies. There is not an ounce of falsity in the reason for your existence. Sternritters who are deemed unnecessary... become fodder for His Majesty's Auswählen!
Robert Accutorne moments before he is Stripped to the Bone, Bleach

"Give your lives to the cursed dragon!"
Aichi Sendou, Cardfight!! Vanguard

Sampson: Come on, Vincent, I did everything you said!
Vincent: Did you say your prayers?

"I have no more use for my old girlfriends, Alektra."
Embryo, Cross Ange

"Looks like you've reached the end of your usefulness. Too bad."
Emperor (to Catalina), Cyborg 009: Call of Justice

This has been a magnificent battle! It would be a shame to see it end over something so trivial as going out of bounds. From now on, we won't count that as a disqualifying factor - which means the ring has outlived its usefulness.
(vaporises the ring from low orbit)
Perfect Cell, Dragon Ball Z Kai

It's such a shame that your business with me is finished. I’m afraid I have no more use for you!
Babidi to Yamu and Spopovich, Dragon Ball Z

"We are finished using you."
Lust (to The Founder/Cornello), Fullmetal Alchemist, manga volume 1

"Kurumi, take a good look at him! This is the fate destined to those who aren't useful to Hakuron anymore!"
Reilan, Haou Airen

"You have served me well, little worm, but you have outlived your usefulness!"
Anubis (to Seto Kaiba), Yu-Gi-Oh! The Movie: Pyramid of Light

"Dares! You have outlived your usefulness! I should have killed you when the Tower of Darm fell!"
Darm (to Dares), Ys II OVA (English Dub)

"Now I'm telling you. You've outlived your usefulness. And I don't care to listen to your stupid nonsense anymore."
Calaveras (to Koan and Berthier), Sailor Moon (Viz dub of the 90s anime)

    Audio Plays 
The Other Doctor: Well, Doctor, what's that line about valor and discretion?
Nimrod: No, Doctor. As a member of the Forge's team, I'm ordering you to stand there and greet our visitors.
The Doctor: And when did he become expendable, Nimrod?

    Comic Books 
"You'll serve the Dark Egg Legion and the Eggman Empire until the day you die! Or I grow tired of you. Same thing in the end."
Eggman (to the Grandmasters), Sonic the Hedgehog (Archie Comics)

General Rasga: Darkhell, what are you doing ? We are allies!
Darkhell: You should have listened to the warrior Shaki... I have no ally. Just tools I throw away when they are of no more use to me.

Stuart: You know his henchmen retire after every job?
[Nemesis shoots him in the head]
Nemesis: Well, that's one way of putting it.

Vez: Is that a fucking android?!
Quain: This good man is Dengo, and he's no friend of the Robot Kingdom. He single-handedly disposed of their late Princess, and —
Vez: I don't care if he killed the King himself, Quain, my people are never negotiating with one of those death machines.
Quain: All due respect, madam, but you're not negotiating with him, you're negotiating with the Last Revolution.
Vez: A prospect my superiors and I find abhorrent, though tenable. But I assure you we would sooner scuttle this entire arrangement than do business while a souless object like that is involved.
Quain: ...So be it. Julep. I'm afraid Mister Dengo's services will no longer be needed.

Mr Tammuz, I'm afraid your work is here is done. Twelve pints of seed will be all I'll be needing. So I'm afraid your usefulness is now at an end. Children, if you please, dispose of your biological father.

Starfire: And what are you going to do with all that loot, Derek?
Derek: What else? Wine, women and song! Bright lights—
Starfire: That was the wrong answer, Derek— I can't have my plans ruined by someone who— while under the influence— might talk— and ruin my organization just as I'm getting started!

Black Widow: Don't get too excited, darling. The only reason you're still alive is because you look like you might be smart enough to deactivate this stupid super weapon of yours. Tell me I'm right, eh?
Alien mook: You stupid human cow! Do you really think my life is important in this ancient struggle between my people and our enemies? They have driven us back to the fringes of the Western Spiral Arm, for God's sake! I'd watch this world die a thousand times before I see it fall to those walking cancer cells!
Black Widow: Wrong answer, idiot. (and kills him)

"Now, what do I do with you? Technically, your usefulness is over. And to simply execute you now would be a tragic waste of such a pretty frame..."
Harry Hokum, The Killers of Krypton

"Well, you see, Rodney— Now that you've done your job, I have no further use for you— and I cannot let you roam free— Too many people saw you at the Salon! And you'd lead them to me!

    Fan Works 
Gendo: Each Child has one use and only one. The Second will soon be useless when everything is finished.
Fuyutsuki: You mean...she'll be killed.
Gendo: You know she's the only one capable of giving birth. And that's one of the reasons she has been designated as the Second Child. Her death is only a detail. I'm sure she'll be proud of her role in humankind's evolution.
The Child of Love, chapter 5

She might have to watch out for him, as well. If she were viewed as a tool, he might intend to simply use her and destroy her once the job was finished. How could she guard against that?

...He betrayed me. I don't know why, and I demanded to know, but...he simply bid me away as if I was nothing more than a tool for him to what he always saw me as I suppose.
Arturia Pendragon, A Knight's Tale as Inquisitor

"The Kree are very functionalistic. You're only good to them until they can get somebody better. Once they do, or they think they do, they'll see you as nothing but meat for the grinder. And somebody else will be using you as a hamburger."

"There grows such a greed in her. Moving into the spaces I made vacant, mopping up the blood I spilled without even realizing what she was doing. She served her purpose well enough, for a time, but now her only value is as a ticket to be redeemed for my ultimate prize."
Jeremy Human, about Nisha Marigold, Roommates: Memoirs of the Hairless Ape

    Film — Animated 
Aladdin: What are you doing?!
Jafar: Giving you your reward! Your eternal reward...

Helga: You said we were in this together! You promised me a percentage!
Rourke: Next time, get it in writing. [throws Helga off the ledge to her impending doom]
Helga: [as she falls] ROUUUUUURKE!!
Rourke: Nothing Personal!

Medical books aren't written about losers!
Thrax as he burns his thugs, Osmosis Jones

Get with the program! I used you! It's kinda what I do...
The Storm King to Tempest Shadow, My Little Pony: The Movie (2017)

    Film — Live Action 

"He put her on an airplane with a bomb in her suitcase. If the security hadn't found it she would have gone up with everything else. The song says there must be 50 Ways To Leave Your Lover — make that 51."
Jack Shaw, The Assignment (1997)

"Thank you for your hospitality, friend Powell... (to Dropkick) He's all yours."
Shatter, Bumblebee

"Well, John, it's been fun, but I gotta go. I have a date with six-year-old boy... and you have a date with death!"
Chucky, Child's Play

Grumpy: Where's the alarm guy?
Happy: Boss told me, when the guy was done, I should take him out. One less share, right?
Grumpy: Funny, he told me somethin' similar. (shoots Happy)

Bane: [to Stryver] Leave us.
Dagget: No! You stay here. I'm in charge!
[Bane gently places his hand on Dagget's shoulder]
Bane: Do you feel in charge?
Dagget: [slowly realizing just how screwed he is] ...I've paid you a small fortune.
Bane: [disapprovingly] And this gives you power over me?
Dagget: ...What is this?
Bane: Your money and infrastructure have been important. Till now.

"You've been a good and faithful servant, Severus, but only I can live forever."

"Your services are no longer required."
Obadiah Stane to Pepper Pots, Iron Man

"Now that you're dead, your usefulness to me has ended!"
The Lightning Bug, J-Men Forever

"Don't you ever tell me what what I can or can't do! Bent law can be tolerated for as long as they're lubricating, but you have become definitely parched. If I was you, I'd run for cover and close the hatch, 'cause you're gonna wind up on one of those meat hooks, my son."

"Parents of Angel Grove, you have completed my Ecto-morphicons! But frankly, I'm sick of your ugly faces and your dull personalities. You will return to the construction site and leap to your doom!"

Shiver my timbers, shiver my sails
Dead men tell no tales.
—The end of Shiver My Timbers, Muppet Treasure Island

"Your son, Mr. Thorn. The Son of the Devil. He will kill the unborn child. Then he will kill your wife. And then, when he is certain to inherit all that is yours, then, Mr. Thorn... he will kill you."
Father Brennan (referring to Damien), The Omen (1976)

Holmes: Whatever Reordan was working on, he clearly succeeded.
Watson: How so?
Holmes: Otherwise, he'd still be alive.

Knuckles: Wait! That wasn't the deal!
Dr. Robotnik: Oh, you poor naïve creature. It's not your fault. A more advanced intellect would have seen this move coming a mile away. Or 1.6 kilometers.
Knuckles: But I trusted you! You were my friend!
Dr. Robotnik: (laughs mockingly) I'm sorry, that just hit me funny. Let this be my final lesson to you, you dimwitted celestial skin tag. Friends are open, honest and vulnerable with each other, which means X squared times the hypotenuse of Y squared divided by the absolute value of friendship equals… DOOKIE!

Dr. Victor Frankenstein: Good God... I would kill myself before helping in such a task.
Dracula: Feel free. I don't actually need you anymore, Victor.

"We are born, we are given just so much food as will keep the breath in our bodies, and those of us who are capable of it are forced to work to the last atom of our strength; and the very instant that our usefulness has come to an end we are slaughtered with hideous cruelty."
Old Major, Animal Farm, about the evils of Man.

Turnball's smile never wavered, and he kept it bright by promising himself that he would dispose of this fool the second he was no longer of any use.
Artemis Fowl: The Atlantis Complex, "Chapter 5: Onward and Outward"

"Our alliance has failed. You have shown yourselves to be lacking in judgement and weak in faith. You are a danger to your own nation, to the future of your own races. For this, Lord Indrath has deemed it necessary to eliminate this sanctuary and all that reside within."

Forthwith they hastened to him from within, and some he bid descend to Umuiyan and bind him and cast him from the rocks 'on the northern side where they fall most sheer, for he is of no use more to me,' he said, 'for his age has robbed him of his sureness of foot'; and Tinúviel quaked to hear the ruthlessness of this beast.

Commander Barsina: My lady, I don't know what you think you know, but—
Scribe: Everything. I know everything there is to know about you, Barsina. I know the name you had before you disfigured your sister in Satus for marrying the man you wanted. I know whose horse you stole to make your way to Ater. I know the amount and provenance of every bribe you’ve taken since you began patrolling these streets. I know what rivals you had beaten and by whom to get to the post you hold. This was allowed, because you served as a counterweight for the two commanders owned by the Truebloods. It seems, however, that you have finally folded to the pressure.
Barsina: How dare you!
Scribe: You are of no more use to us. Captain Jarad. Congratulations, you are now a commander of the Ater city guard.
Jarad: *salutes nervously* What is to happen to Comm— former Commander Barsina?
Scribe: I know of no such individual.
*a guard takes the hint and kills Barsina*

"They are only cheap weapons," Fedorenko sneered. "They are insects, lice on the face of my dream. After Hydra, they must die, or else they will betray me—us, our country. You hear my words? Liquidate all of them."

"And after the first step...well, you know, it will be easy. In fighting those who serve devils one always has this on one's side; their masters hate them as much as they hate us. The moment we disable the human pawns enough to make them useless to Hell, their own masters finish the work for us. They break their tools."
The Director, That Hideous Strength

"Hurry up, man," said Holman. "I'm thinking that fucker is gonna leave us out here."
"No, he won't," said Kaz. "He don't dare leave us here, 'cause we know he ran this whole operation. Plus which, even if he did try to leave, Rebar'd shoot him."
Kaz had no way of knowing that, at that exact moment, a bullet was passing through Rebar's brain, Rebar having served his purpose as far as Tark was concerned.

    Live-Action TV 
"Your use-ful-ness has en-ded."
A Dalek dropping the servant façade in The Power of the Daleks

Rose: You didn't need to kill him!
Dalek Caan: Nei-ther did we need him a-live.
Doctor Who, "Doomsday"

The Doctor: I saw the Adiposian instructions. They know it's a crime, breeding on Earth. So what's the one thing they want to get rid of? Their accomplice.
Ms. Foster: I'm far more than that. I'm nanny to all these children.
The Doctor: Exactly! Mum and Dad have got the kids now. They don't need the nanny anymore.
[The tractor beam holding Ms. Foster mid-air suddenly shuts down, and Ms. Foster only has a second to process her shock before she falls to her death.]
Doctor Who, "Partners in Crime"

"Blimey. What do you do to the ones who mess up?"
The Doctor, Victory of the Daleks

"Nathan Ingram outlived his usefulness. And he was dealt with accordingly. You might consider him a cautionary tale."
Control, Person of Interest, "RAM"

"Hello, doctor! So good to see you again. No, no, quite the contrary, really: my cooling apparatus is just as functional as the day you installed it. Eternal thanks. Oh, I am so sorry to disturb the sterility of your theatre, but... you no longer serve a purpose!"

"Who was born in a house full of pain?
Who was trained not to spit in the fan?
Who was told what to do by the Man?
Who was picked out by trained personnel?
Who was fitted with collar and chain?
Who was given a pat on the back?
Who was breaking away from the pack?
Who was only a stranger at home?
Who was ground down in the end?
Who was found dead by the phone?
Who was dragged down by the stone?"
Pink Floyd, "Dogs"

    Professional Wrestling 
"Your services in the World Wrestling Federation are no longer required."
Vince McMahon, to Dude Love as he fires him, WWF Raw is War

    Tabletop Games 
You look at people the way mortals study a goldfish: with detached interest. You've already decided how to kill them; it isn't a matter of whether someone should live or die, but when you plan to dispose of them. It all depends on how long they prove useful to you. Your mindset is no psychotic fantasy, however, but a pure, analytical observation. You are a scientist at heart: practical, thorough, and detached.
—Roleplaying notes for Sascha Vykos, Vampire: The Masquerade - Children Of The Night

Baba Yaga is sly. She can see how these others, the Black Spiral Dancers, want to lay waste to the land. That is not her goal; the Hag wants the people prepared for her ultimate goal, not destroyed or contaminated by whatever it is that has tainted the land in her absence. She will use them until they cannot be used anymore. Then they will be destroyed.
Werewolf: The Apocalypse - Rage Across Russia

    Video Games 

"Wait up, kid. Remember how the old contractor had his head pop off? That wasn't a coincidence. It popped off the moment he stopped being useful to me. And guess who else just became obsolete. That's right. You.
"Now that that possessed outhouse isn't bothering me anymore, and all those contracts of yours are tidied away, I don't need you around."
The Snatcher, A Hat in Time, to Hat Kid just before his Boss Battle

"Have you ever asked yourself where the Marines source their weapons? We're old friends, the Corps and I. In fact, you might say I own it. That means I own you. And when a corporate asset is no longer of use, I dispose of it. Deal with him."
Karl Bishop Weyland, Aliens vs. Predator (2010)

No. When assets are no longer needed, I remove them. Like your government did with you.
Conrad Marburg, Alpha Protocol

"Alright. Aim for the Legion."
Yoseph Calvert, Astral Chain

Penguin: [blows up a bridge] See, I told you it would work. Blow up the bridges and cut off the clown's forces. Easy.
Thug: But, Mr. Cobblepot, we're stuck too!
Penguin: So?
Thug: We can't get back!
Penguin: And your point is?
Thug: Well, it's just... You've left us over here with the Joker's crew!
Penguin: Try and take some of 'em down before ya die, son! [laughs, then disconnects]

Commissioner Loeb: What's this all about, Sionis? Haven't I always come through for you?
Black Mask: You may have, Gillian. But things have changed. We're starting with a clean slate. And you're not on it.
Commissioner Loeb: What are you talking about? I'm not on it?! After all I've done for you! You can't do this! I'm the Police Commissioner, dammit!

"The delusions are all yours, Gortash. You controlled me only for as long as I allowed you to. You have played your part. The next order to be given is mine, and it is this - die."
The Netherbrain, Baldurs Gate 3

"Dragovich's men are rounding up everyone on the island... Those no longer essential to his plans are being executed! You must hurry, before they kill me too!"

"Thank you, Commander, for so thoroughly and brutally dispatching my enemies. But now I'm afraid, you have outlived your usefulness. You know just enough to be a threat to me, and with that, the future of the Soviet Republic. I will not say do svidaniya, commander, for I can assure you... we will never meet... again!"
Premier Anatoly Cherdenko (to the player), Command & Conquer: Red Alert 3

"Suffer not the lame horse... nor the broken man."
"Slumped shoulders, wild eyes, and a stumbling gait - this one is no more good to us."
"Send this one to journey elsewhere, for we have need of sterner stock."
The Ancestor, Darkest Dungeon, upon dismissing a hero from the roster.

"Kyne was right about the Hive Mind. The Marker would contain it...but that doesn't matter now, does it? I have the Marker, and this entire system can go to hell. For what it's worth, you did a great job, Isaac. See you around...Or maybe not."
Kendra Daniels, Dead Space

Babidi: Oh my, this is completely full of energy. Well done, you two. This brings us closer to reviving Majin Buu. And it also means I have no more use for you. Pui Pui!
Pui Pui: Yes, sir!
[Pui Pui kills Spopovich and Yamu with a ki blast]

King Carnelian: You have served me well, Hendrik.
Hendrik: Your Majesty? What is the meaning of this?
[Later in the new timeline during the Luminary's quest to save Veronica and prevent Mordegon's rise to power]
Mordegon: You have been a serviceable puppet over the years, Hendrik. But it is time you joined your wretched hell!
Hendrik: My... You mean... It was you!? You who...massacred my people...?

"For your meritorious deed, you have been honored to be selected as the target of the last EOS test. Congratulations! After your death, you will advance two classes and be awarded a serious declaration. Glory with the Moon. Mercy on the Earth."
Hyperion, Einhänder

"Why don't you leave, Jihl? Or rather, take your leave? Humans have no business here."
Galenth Dysley/Barthandelus, Final Fantasy XIII

"Well then, there is nothing more you can do for me, and I have never been in the habit... of keeping that which has no value."
Sombron to Veyle when she refuses to give him the Emblem Rings, Fire Emblem Engage

Tartarus: A bloody fate awaits you and the rest of your incompetent race. And I, Tartarus, Chieftain of the Brutes, will send you to it.
Arbiter: When the Prophets learn of this, they will take your head.
Tartarus: When they learn? (Evil Laugh) Fool, they ordered me to do it.
Halo 2

Palutena: Medusa? But we defeated you. Why are you helping us?
Medusa: Hades keeps reviving me, but I won't play the puppet anymore!
Hades: I am your master, Medusa, and I will revive you as many times as I desire. But you've worn out your usefulness!

"The Keyhole is now complete, you have served your purpose. But now it's over."
Ansem, Kingdom Hearts

"Pitiful, Taranza... I have no use for a fool who cannot follow orders."
Queen Sectonia, Kirby: Triple Deluxe

Kain: And now, Moebius, it is time!
Moebius: To kill me? Again? Your only solution for every problem - kill-
Kain: This is not a debate. You see, this time, you have nothing that I want.

"All units be advised, this is Gold Eagle. I am executing directive one-one-six-bravo. If you're still inside, your service will be honored. Shepherd out."
General Shepherd, Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2

Trusting him's a big mistake
One that you don't want to make
He might reward you; this is true
By cooking you into a stew!
Jack Skellington warning Lock, Shock, and Barrel about Oogie Boogie, The Nightmare Before Christmas: Oogie's Revenge

"You are a flawed device, and we need you no longer."
Mr. Blonde (to NSA director Trent Easton), Perfect Dark

The Hermit: You were useful to me, Void Walker, but not anymore. You see, I was one of them a long time ago, but I was betrayed and thrown away... now I have all their powers at my disposal, and I won't tolerate your stupidity anymore. You served your purpose and now you will die.
Putrefaction: Void Walker

Spiritia Rosenberg: But why the Count? He was your father!
Iris Sepperin: Oh, you mean Mister Martyr there? I take no credit for his throwing himself into the role of a dark and brooding cliche. He was kind of useless- make no mistake- but he was entertaining nonetheless.

"Thanks for the assistance, Commander. You're no longer useful to me. Sorry to leave you hanging."

"First come, first serve they say, and you served me too well for your own good."'
Dr. Robotnik, Sonic Adventure

"Mortal, you have served your purpose. Now face your End."
The End, Sonic Frontiers

"You've served your purpose. It's time for you to die."
Zasalamel (to Siegfried or Nightmare), Soul Calibur III

"You have served me well, but your usefulness is at an end."
Darth Vader (to Galen Marek), Star Wars: The Force Unleashed

"Count Bleck! You look so tattered and pathetic, I nearly forgot about you. I'll squeeze the life out of you later. Just wait over in that dimension, OK? Great."

Mars: Ohhh... The Ancient King Dhaos is free. O mighty Dhaos, Ancient King... Heed my command. I am Mars... Mars Uldole...
Dhaos: Heh heh... Fool! Do you not realize it is fate that controls you?
Mars: What are you talking about? I broke the spell that imprisoned you. I am your master!
Dhaos: I shall kill those who imprisoned me. As for the key that freed me... was I who made you steal it. Shall I remind you? You recall what happened three months ago when you visited me?
Mars: How d-dare you!!!
Dhaos: (starts gathering energy)
Morrison: Uh-oh! Look out!!!
Dhaos: (kills both of Mars' soldiers)
Mars: What the!?
Dhaos: I have no further use for you.
Mars: No... Nooooooooo!!!
Dhaos: (kills Mars with an energy wave)

"Victoria, are you prepared to give Mr. Garret his... compensation?"
Constantine, Thief: The Dark Project

"A simple job, I was told. Silence a big mouth. Get a big payout. And no one was going to be the wiser. Tidy. Except for one loose end. Me.
I would have kept my mouth shut. Professional integrity, it's called. Unfortunately not something my employers believed in.
They raised a toast to a job well done. I drank and next thing I know I'm on this stinking crate bound for exile."

"You have outlived your usefulness, Messenger."

Chinese Supercomputer: You have done well again, human.
Russian Supercomputer: With the Ego under our control, we can now dominate AM.
Chinese Supercomputer: Now we no longer have a need for you.
Russian Supercomputer: We will let our fallen brother choose a suitable reward...

I was to be Sofia Lamb's greatest achievement: a living composite of all Rapture's genius in the body of a single man, unfettered by self-interest. Now, I am nothing more to her than a failed experiment. My scores on tests of intelligence and moral reasoning are still noteworthy... but declining sharply. She has abandoned me, and I do not have long before psychosis takes me.
Gilbert Alexander, Bioshock 2

If you had just died, this would've all gone according to plan.
Robert Baxter, Time Crisis 5: True Mastermind Edition

Maybe when Inbeda has used up his usefulness, we'll slice him down for bacon, but until then, I just pat him on the head and say, "That'll do, demon. That'll do."
Kirsten Geary, The Secret World

"The game is over, puppet! Time to cut your strings!"
Sadoul, Vay, right before he kills Emperor Jeal.

"So, Mr. Hannay, for your role in this, I commend you. For your part in this, I applaud you. And for your help in this, I grant you a gift..." [Flash Steps forward] "...A quick death."

"Takuma is a Kyokugen-Karate master. We can use him to get rid of Bogard and then dispose of him later. Simple."
Geese Howard, Art of Fighting (SNES port)

"Wow. And I thought you were smart. Do you really think he's [Le Paradox] going to just let you go? He owns you now. You're his puppet... and when you've served your purpose, he's going to cut your strings."

"You are nothing more than my programmed puppet. You've served me well. But you've outlived your usefulness. Good work, your majesty. I always erase my unwanted programs so that they don't come back and cause me trouble later. Bye-bye now."

Will Turner: There it is. The skull of Teoxuacata. […] It's beautiful.
Stubb: Aye, 'tis. I expect I'll see a handsome price for it.
Jack Sparrow: Are we having pronoun issues?
[Stubb and one of his men knock Jack and Will unconscious]
Stubb: Thanks for all your help, gentlemen. But we won't be needing ya any further.

Chandor: GRYAAGGHH! How could I be defeated! Lord Mandler! I implore you, save me with your terrible Power of Void!
Mandler: Fool. Have you forgotten the iron code of Mega Zofer?
Chandor: L-Lord Mandler?
Mandler: Your death shall also serve as precious data for my evolution. Chandor! Perish and become the foundation of my being!
Chandor: No, wait! Lord Mandler! Please, have MERCYYYYYY!

"Bomberman, you've worked out better than I expected. Thanks for helping me regain my power. With my power back, I have nothing to fear. It was worth telling you all those corny lies, and helping you out. You've outlived your usefulness, you're starting to annoy me. Get ready to be destroyed along with Planet Bomber."
Sirius, Bomberman 64

Construct-A-Con: We did it, huh, Lord Megatron? But Barricade...and the others...
Megatron: If they were truly Decepticons, they would've survived. Weakness is a rust that must be stripped away...JUST LIKE YOU.
Construct-A-Con: Wha—but...I helped save you...
Megatron: Yes, but now that you are heavily damaged...
Construct-A-Con: But...could be...repaired...?
(Megatron executes Construct-A-Con with a ground pound)
Megatron: A waste of resources. The weak only serve to benefit the strong.
Transformers: Decepticons, "Final Showdown"

"Your services are no longer required."
Lord Vortech to X-PO, LEGO Dimensions

    Visual Novels 
"As such, I no longer need you. Henceforth, the stage shall belong to the Goddess - actors with their roles finished ought to relinquish the stage."
Mercurius, Dies Irae

"I have no more use for this history. There's only one thing left to do..."
Delta, just after forcing Eric to shoot Sean and Sigma and before forcing Eric to shoot himself, Zero Time Dilemma

    Web Comics 
"But my point is: Another one of [the Scarecrows] came back and he wasn't able to use any of his powers. Do you know what we did to him? He was killed. Permanently. Because he wasn't of any use to us."

"Kevin... you're a prat."
Lola Lamb, Genocide Man, just before opening fire

Thrym: Is that all I am to you? A resource to be used in your scheme?
Hel: Yes! And I explicitly told you that from the start!
Thrym: Yeah, but I didn't think you meant it.

"To a villain, other people are just... things. They get used, manipulated, exploited, and when they're no longer needed, they just get thrown away."
Jane, Everyday Heroes

    Web Original 
"You've all done your work. Now it's time to feast!"
Clarota betraying Vox Machina, Critical Role

"I mean, there really doesn't have to be two of us at this point though, does there?"
Ryan Haywood, Let's Play Grand Theft Auto V "(Geoff's) Heist"

    Western Animation 
Vilgax: Only this timeline will be left intact, while all others will cease to exist. So every Ben Tennyson not from this timeline will be destroyed!
Eon: But I am an alternate Ben Tennyson not from this timeline! Wha-What happens to me?
Vilgax: Thank you for your help, Eon. Your assistance is no longer required.
Ben 10: Omniverse, And Then There Were None

Slade: You are merely the portal, an insignificant pawn in Trigon's game.
Raven: Then I guess we have that in common. And once he gets what he wants, you'll be insignificant, too.
(Cut to the scene with Slade and Trigon)
Slade: The portal approaches. The hour is near. It's time for my payment.
Trigon: Payment? For what? The gem returns of her own free will. You did not deliver her. I did.
Slade: We had a deal. I held up my part of the bargain.
Teen Titans, "The End, Part 1"

"Thank you all for your dedication and a lifetime of service. But I now seem more suited to keep the exclusive company... of titans." *ZAP*

Megatron: CYLAS, you have earned your place at the table.
CYLAS: Lord Megatron, I am honored.
Megatron: Knock Out's dissection table!
Knock Out: Breakdown would be tickled.
CYLAS: No, Lord Megatron! Why?!
Megatron: Because Damocles was the best you had to offer, and it is no more. The human factor did indeed tip the scales... in favor of my enemies.
[Knock Out incapacitates CYLAS with his electro staff.]
Megatron: He will be a fascinating case for study.
Knock Out: I will leave no fiber or fiberoptic unexamined.
[CYLAS is dragged off by two Decepticons, unable to resist.]
CYLAS: No! No! Megatron, I'm here to serve you! No! No! No! No! NOOOOOO!
Transformers: Prime, "The Human Factor"

Discord: Soon there won't be a pegasus, earth pony, or unicorn who will be able to stand up against us.
Tirek: "Us"? Who said anything about us?
Discord: You did.
Tirek: (grabs Discord) You've helped me grow strong. You've provided the means by which I can obtain Princess Twilight's magic. And now you are no longer of any use to me.
(proceeds to drain Discord's magic)

Dreadbane: Welcome home, my Queen! I bow before your dark radiance! It has been too long! Far too long! (hands her over her necklace)
Necrafa: Yes, Dreadbane. Far too long. (shoots him)
Dreadbane: What are you doing?!
Necrafa: You should have freed me sooner.
Dreadbane: WAIT, NO! (Necrafa throws him in the portal) I LOVE YOU!
Necrafa: I love you... not.
Mysticons, All Hail Necrafa

"Thanks, Rick. I'll try to to remember to shut off the Brainalyzer. Actually, I think it shuts off automatically once your brain is liquid. Don't know, don't care."
Cornvelious Daniel, Rick and Morty, "The Rickshank Redemption"

"Bloom is my main witch now. As for you three... consider yourselves DUMPED."
Lord Darkar (to the Trix), Winx Club, episode 51 4Kids dub

Dr. Robotnik: Ah, excellent work, Fumfer. You're fired!
Fumfer: Fired? Why? I did my job perfectly!
Dr. Robotnik: Exactly! That's why...(reaches over the split-screen to point at him) I don't need you anymore!

Copy Number One: Quiet, Johnny-boy. Batman may not know it, but the battle's over. It's only a matter of time.
Batman: Did you hear that? It's only a matter of time.
Everywhere Man Clone: Before you're toast.
Batman: And before you've outlived your usefulness. What's copy number one gonna do with so many of you? Where could he hide a few hundred Marlowes? And how could he stand the competition? When the fighting's done, he'll recall each and every one of you. You'll all cease to exist.

    Real Life 
"Adolf is a swine. He will give us all away. He only associates with reactionaries now. His old friends aren't good enough for him. Getting matey with the East Prussian generals. They're his cronies now. Adolf is turning into a gentleman. He's got himself a tail-coat now."
Ernst Röhm

"To keep you is no benefit, to destroy you is no loss."

"[T]he useful idiots, the leftists who are idealistically believing in the beauty of the Soviet socialist or Communist or whatever system, when they get disillusioned, they become the worst enemies. That’s why my KGB instructors specifically made the point: never bother with leftists. Forget about these political prostitutes. Aim higher. [...] They serve a purpose only at the stage of destabilization of a nation. For example, your leftists in the United States: all these professors and all these beautiful civil rights defenders. They are instrumental in the process of the subversion only to destabilize a nation. When their job is completed, they are not needed any more. They know too much. Some of them, when they get disillusioned, when they see that Marxist-Leninists come to power—obviously they get offended—they think that they will come to power. That will never happen, of course. They will be lined up against the wall and shot."
Yuri Bezmenov, "Deception Was My Job"
