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Characters with standards in Web Original.

  • In Achievement Hunter Minecraft Series, the boys have no qualms about murder, trickery, and even outright cheating — but if there's one thing that's agreed on, it's that Ryan's imprisonment of Edgar the cow is fucked up.
    • And in some of their Let's Plays of other games, they've had to censor certain answers to quiz questions because they cross the line that far — they still laugh at the audacity of them, but they refuse to put it out for their viewers to see.
  • The Angry Video Game Nerd is well known for his vulgar humor and foul language, but some things disgust even him:
    • During the Bible Games episode, the Nerd shows us one of his limits (though he had said the first sentence straight in an earlier review, so he was probably trying to make up for that).
      Nerd: You would rather listen to your own infant child puking to death. That is, choking on his own puke chunks... That's disgusting, I apologize.
    • He also apologizes for something he says in his Indiana Jones review. "I'd rather drink buffalo shizz! That's a combination of shit and jizz. Yeah, that's foul. I apologize."
    • In the Atari Porn episode, the Nerd is utterly revolted at the sight of an old witch shooting milk out of her breasts, calling it "fucking nasty, man!"
    • While reviewing the Sega Genesis version of Action 52, he was shocked to see a dog in the game Freeway being ran over by a car, in surprisingly graphic detail. He also demanded to know what was the deal with "dead cats" in another game on the same cart.
    • In his video response to The Nostalgia Critic decoding his secret message saying: "Lick my shit, Nostalgia Critic", the Nerd says that the message was actually "Lick my balls, you piece of shit Nostalgia Critic." James Rolfe then points out that licking one's shit/balls is way too gross for the Nerd.
    • The Nerd is infamous for making heavy jokes involving bodily fluids, but when he says the title of the game Seaman, he simply looks at the camera with a blank stare and shakes his head before saying "No, I'm not going there". Then the first line in the manual starts "You are free to enjoy Seaman..." and he just gives up and goes there anyway.
    • He's also disturbed upon seeing, what looks like a screenshot of an actual dead body, as the game over screen in Hong Kong '97.
      Nerd: (Looks in disbelief at the game over screen) No. Oh, please. I hope that's not a real dead body. There's.. no way they would have such bad tastes. That's gotta be an actor. (Looks unsure.) Or we're looking at some guy who died... on that date and time in 1992.
    • After discovering that modern Godzilla games are much better than the shitty ones he grew up with, the Nerd is so angry that he feels no curse word in existence is powerful enough to let him fully express his anger, so he has to come up with a brand new one on the spot that is apparently so obscene, even his show has to bleep it out.
      Nerd: Oh yeah! It's that bad!
  • Atop the Fourth Wall:
  • Bad Movie Beatdown:
    • Despite his dislike of Twilight and its fan base, Film Brain still thought Breaking Wind: Part 1's jabs at the the fandom were overly harsh.
    • In his review of Blade: Trinity calls Wesley Snipes laziness "Seagal-level bad", but also point out that at least Steven Seagal kept that level of laziness to his direct to video movies and not a theatrical movie.
  • Bogleech is a lover of all things scary and nauseating (His favorite Pokémon is a living pile of trash, for starters), but Nanimon, a shit-slinging Cephalothorax caricature of an alcoholic dad mixed with Randy Savage is too repulsive even for This Very Wiki’s resident Nightmare Fetishist.
  • In Brad Jones' Demo Reel, Henrietta is willing to do many things if it will get her a heroin fix, but not have dirty sex with a guy while she's wearing an E.T. costume.
  • Despite his love for explosions, mayhem, killing, and destruction, The Courier in Courier's Mind: Rise of New Vegas, still thinks The Boomers are out of their minds, and understandably feels that their plan to restore a pre-war bomber will either end in complete failure or a disaster for everyone else in The Mojave. Also, while The Courier enjoys killing and can even be sadistic a times, he is still disgusted by indiscriminate killing, and makes it a point to give The Legion a taste of its own medicine after seeing their overly cruel massacre of Nipton.
    • Although his lust for revenge against Benny is unwavering, The Courier is still willing to help end the stand off between The NCR and The Great Khans who aided Benny peacefully, reasoning that they were just hired guns, so it was nothing personal. note  Afterwards, The Courier actually scolds an NCR officer, after the latter received orders to move in and kill The Khans hostages or not, convincing him to disobey a direct order and allowing The Khans to leave safely.
    • Though The Courier has no problem with killing raiders for money and hacking off the limbs of fallen Legionaries to make a point, even he's off put, when the NCR officer in charge of the bounties asks that he bring him their heads as proof.
    • Despite not being particularly found of children, The Courier makes it clear that anyone who seriously tries to hurt them will be immediately introduced to his gun.
    • Despite being a hardened Cold Sniper with a burning hatred for The Legion, even Boone refuses to take part with The Courier in mutilating dead Legionaries.
    The Courier: (After killing a Legion officer) Boone you want the right testicle or the left one.
    Boone: You sick son of a bitch.
    The Courier: Fine! have them both, you greedy prick!
  • Critical Role: Ashton Greymoore is a rude, vulgar criminal-for-hire who is proud of their pickpocketing and breaking and entering skills, and loves fighting way too much. However, Ashton categorically refuses to rob people in extreme poverty (since he grew up in a situation like that), illustrated best when he prevents Fearne from stealing a handful of copper from a drunk guy in an alley.
    Ashton: You just never take copper. That's kicking someone while they're down. You take silver if they're an asshole, and you take gold regardless, but taking copper... That's just sad.
  • Decker Shado:
  • In Final Fantasy VII: Machinabridged President Shinra is a Corrupt Corporate Executive who's willing to kill hundreds of innocent people and waste a large amount of resources just to get rid of AVALANCHE, whose membership is about six people plus a child of one member. When he hears Palmer, head of the space technology department has been literally burning one billion gil thinking that it will let him buy parts of outer space (and has done this ten times), Shinra removes his budgeting privileges.
  • The Final Minutes: The Path, one of the post-apocalyptic survivor groups in Zombie Plague, makes their stance on child predators very clear.
    "Children are inviolable. Sexual interference is not tolerated. You will be executed."
  • Hat Films typically style themselves as morally grey, if not outright villainous. However, Ross commits genocide against villagers because their Speaking Simlish annoys him in Hat Pack. This unnerves the other two, although Trott mentions he's both horrified and aroused. The trio have also become known for forcing one another through horrible challenges on their birthday, but ruled out making Ross eat mayonnaise because Smith felt he couldn't bring himself to do it.
  • The Fire Never Dies:
    • As much as Winston Churchill oppose the Socialists of America as a matter of principle, he opposes Falangism just as if not much more, and greatly regretted not noticing and do more to stop its rise in Britain until it was too late due to being too distracted by the Red Scare.
    • Even the Ku Klux Klan has a moment, taking the American Flu very seriously (while President Wilson doesn't) and using their resources to enforce quarantines and recruit nurses in White territory. Of course, they don't care about helping any black victims...
  • While FU DW was made with the intention of chronicling D.W. Read's awful behaviour, host Matt will admit when she does something noble or funny, including:
    • Her trolling Arthur when he spies on her in "D.W.'s Very Bad Mood".
    Got 'em!
    • Her saving a little boy from being hit by a car in "D.W. Blows the Whistle".
    • Her calling the mayor to discuss equal pay for everyone in "More!".
  • In DarkMatter2525's If Muhammad Replaced Trump:
    • The Right-Wing is willing to support Trump (or rather, Muhammad disguised as Trump) when he displays barbaric sexism, misogyny, antisemitism, hatred towards outside religions, and support of torture. But when Muhammad-disguised-as-Trump claims he will bring back Black Slavery, the voices on the Right-Wing start to die down.
    • Parodied near the end of the clip, when everyone finds out that "Trump" is actually Muhammad in disguise. At that the point, the Left-Wing, who was disgusted at Trump's intolerance were suddenly afraid that this made them Islamophobic, whereas the Right-Wing, who went with nearly everything Trump said, was horrified at the fact they were supporting Muhammad.
  • Immersion Breakers:
    • The Rogue is willing to cross many lines, but is horrified to learn that the shady artificier they bought their amulets of nondetection from is a strikebreaker.
  • Amir of Jake and Amir is a selfish, manipulative, idiotic, obsessive narcissist with No Social Skills, incredibly bad hygiene, virtually no empathy for anyone, and a penchant for doing insane (and often illegal) things. In "Gay Marriage," he assumes that people are against marriage equality because if it becomes a reality, everyone in the United States will be forced to marry someone of the same sex. When Jake explains that this isn't the case and that "some people just don't believe that same-sex couples should be allowed to marry," Amir bursts into laughter, but upon learning that Jake isn't kidding, remarks, "Jesus. That's fucked up." When Amir thinks something is bad, you know it's awful.
  • Jobby the Hong:
    • Even with his many Distracted by the Sexy jokes, he expresses distaste (and even subverts one of his other Running Gags) over Figma Mami having sculpted panties on a figure of a fourteen year-old.
    • This line from the "FansToys Rouge (Not Arcee)" review, when he complains about the tastelessness of alternate chest pieces that outright show nippled breasts for the robot.
      Jobby, after preempting accusations of hypocrisy: Bruh! Y'all know that I have no problem being horny, but if you're gonna be horny (shows ad for the very voluptuous take on Arcee, the EX-01 Nicee) do it right!
    • The review of Masterpiece Beast Wars Megatron sees David Kaye refuse to say "putitinmyass".
  • Jrose11 has made his YouTube career in doing the most ridiculous challenges in the Pokémon games, including Solo Character Runs with exceedingly weak Pokemon, beating the games with the absolute minimum number of battles, and even a run where he took no damage at allnote  so when he discovered a video asking if it was even possible to beat the notoriously glitchy Generation I without ever encountering a single glitch, he preemptively refused, because if he didn't, people would demand it of him, which just shows how difficult, nay, impossible, such a challenge would be.
  • The Key of Awesome has this in their video "Modern Monster Mash", where Frankenstein's monster tries to update his party by inviting modern movie monsters such as Freddy Krueger and Hannibal Lecter, only to be disgusted by how violent they are.
  • The Music Video Show had the host get angry when R. Kelly for pulling a gun out on a female couple. This is the same host who makes jokes about child abuse, child murder and abuse towards women.
    • An earlier example is in Episode 25, when the music video shown is so bad, the host drops all jokes and states that this episode was supposed to be shown earlier but he couldn't go through with it so soon.
  • The My Little Pony: The Mentally Advanced Series versions of Rarity and Twilight (especially the former) are racist to non-unicorns ponies, but they still seem to at least try keeping racism away from the children, as shown when Rarity was happy her little sister Sweetie Belle had made friends and doesn't even bring up the fact that they are not unicorns.
  • Mystery Incorporated (2022): Daphne allows herself to be pressured into an Alpha Bitch role by her mother and friend group, and she and her rival Alpha Bitch, Ophelia, actively antagonize each other. Daphne is also appalled when she finds out her boyfriend and his friends plan to spike Ophelia's drink so they can frame her for drug use and get her expelled. As it's about to happen, Daphne rushes over and smacks the other girl's cup away. Unfortunately, due to their rivalry, Ophelia thinks Daphne's just being a jerk and throws a drink in her face, completely unaware that Daphne had just saved her.
    • Shaggy is a drug dealer but episode 1 makes it clear he wants to get out of the game, and he's otherwise portrayed as an OK guy.
  • The Mysterious Mr. Enter has reviewed some of the most disgusting, mean spirited, and just downright horrible animations in his Animated Atrocities series, Where the Dead Go to Die was just too horrible to qualify as an atrocity or be reviewed by him in general.
  • In Njal Gets Burned, killing people in open combat is one thing, but several people balk at house-burnings.
    • Gizur and Geir refuse to burn Hlidarendi during Gunnar's last stand, although they do pull the roof off (it doesn't achieve much).
    • Although Earl Hakon is known as the Bad, he still thinks burning Hallvard in his house is a bit much.
  • In Noob the reason Omega Zell hates Gaea is multi-layered. On the surface, he's a misogynist and Gaea happens to be a woman. Just under this, he and Gaea are Too Much Alike. Careful study of his rants reveal berating of the fact that Gaea is an immoral Dirty Coward, Manipulative Bastard and greedy penny-pincher, which suggests that he'd be holding these things against her even if she were male.
  • The Nostalgia Critic:
    • The Critic tried to review Sesame Street Presents: Follow That Bird, but no matter how silly or dumb the movie was, Critic couldn't make himself do it. He got Chester to do it instead. He loved it, of course.
    • Chester notes that even a bum wouldn't forget to put on a coat while hiking in the mountains, unlike Bella from Twilight.
    • Even he felt dirty after touching a Chick-Fil-A cup.
    • Doug Walker has always called every film a little miracle regardless of quality, but just can't bring himself to think this about Breaking Dawn Part One or The Garbage Pail Kids Movie. He got pretty heartbroken over it. He brings up the "people can like what they like and shouldn't have to defend themselves" philosophy again in "Transformers 4", but really can't understand what substance it could give anyone and doesn't really want to.
    • In his review of Food Fight, the Twist Ending is so bad even M. Night Shyamalan has a "No. Just… No" Reaction when he sees it.
      • Similarily, in his review of Pixels he has Fuck-Up Lord Shyamalan appear and use his Talentbending in order to Shyamalize Peter Dinklage in reverse (as in, instead making something not funny, funny, he makes something funny, not funny. Dinklage says an incredibly lame joke and there's a long pause supposed to be filled with audience laughter. After a while he had enough.
    Lord Shyamalan: "Okay, that does it, this is too awkward, even for me. AND I'M SHYAMALAN!"
  • SF Debris was noting a particularly sexist scene in a Star Trek episode, and said he was offended, even though he thinks porn should be on the food pyramid.
  • Roboshi, the infamous fav'ing machine of the Ponibooru Crufavers, has notoriously low standards, but there are still images so poor in quality or distasteful that he will never fav. There's even a tag called "No favorite from Roboshi" on Derpibooru. It currently has about 180 images.
    "No fav for you, goo man chu!"
  • Hilariously lampshaded by Mexican mock-newspaper (like The Onion) El Deforma: When Enrique Peña Nieto was featured on the cover of Time Magazine with the caption "saving Mexico", Mexicans were outraged at what they perceived was a propaganda stunt. El Deforma then issued a statement that said that "there was a fine limit to the jokes" a newspaper can publish and that Time Magazine had taken it too far by "mocking our President with such a sarcastic cover" and that even they "would never have the courage to come up with such a controversial title that would cause anger to the Mexican people".

    Triples as Hypocritical Humor and Hilarious in Hindsight because El Deforma had done exactly just that a couple of weeks before when they published that the Mexican National Anthem's copyright had expired and therefore had no official owner because "the Secretary of Interior had forgotten to renew the contract", setting off many Mexicans' anger to the point that even serious newspapers thought the story was real.note 
  • In Todd in the Shadows' One Hit Wonderland episode on "Beds Are Burning", Todd says that Midnight Oil is so political that even Rage Against the Machine would tell them to talk about something else.
  • SCP Foundation: The Grey-and-Gray Morality present across the SCP universe means that a lot of this tends to show up.
    • The Foundation may be exeptionally ruthless in their goal of containing anomalies, but they will generally try to keep those anomalies safe (and in decent psychologcial condition if they're sentient), and they won't try to destroy them unless absolutely necessary. They have an ethics committee, and despite most people's expectations, said committee does have considerable power and take its job seriously.
    • The various Groups of Interest have wildly varying moral codes and mission statements but most of them do have an unspoken rule of dropping off any truly dangerous anomaly off with the Foundation. The Serpent's Hand wants to free anomalies, but they've made an exception for 953 (who is a kumiho, an Always Chaotic Evil Korean fox spirit). Marshall, Carter, & Dark trade in anomalies and usually don't care about what their customers get up to with them, but they refused to sell a claw with infinite range and strength (recognizing it as an apocalypse waiting to happen) and dropped it off with the Foundation, where it became SCP-2501.
  • Incredibly infamous artist Shadman is known for making all sorts of vulgar and controversial porn images to get a rise out of people. Despite this he actually refused to take a comission from Murrlogic1, another internet personality, infamous for having payed thousands of dollars comissioning drawings of rich white women buying Wonder Bread.
  • Sgt Ducky: Ducky may have a raunchy sense of humor and a vulgar dialect to match but he draws a line at causing genuine physical and emotional damage.
    • Despite his unflattering portrayal of "Turncoat Tony", he did save the latter's life with his friends when Tony overdosed on cocaine during a house party.
    • While talking about his old friend/classmate John, he explained how he figured out that the boy was gay because of a moment where John awkwardly made a comment about the hottest girl in school. The fact that John came out on his 21st shows that Ducky kept this discovery to himself until John came out when he was ready. What makes this more important is that homosexuality was criminalised in Ireland until 1993, making it quite heartwarming that Ducky would keep this sort of secret to himself until John was ready.
  • SMPLive: Blackmail? Fine. Physical threats? Yep, all good. Stealing diamonds? Now that's just too far. That's wrong, Schlatt & Co. would never stoop that low.
  • Kirito in Sword Art Online Abridged is at best a Jerkass and at worst is The Sociopath, and once killed someone who was all but incapable of harming him because she made the mistake of slamming several of his Berserk Buttons. But in Episode 6, he explodes with an outraged "The Reason You Suck" Speech when he learns that the Villain of the Week murdered his wife because she once spent an evening planning a raid with her guildmates instead of making him dinner.
  • r/ReactGirls might be a subreddit to appreciate the female cast of React, but their very second rule is "Any kind of inappropriate or suggestive content regarding minors will be removed."
  • is equally disgusted about Carbombya from The Transformers episode "Thief in the Night" as the late Casey Kasem. Likewise, the site features a Preemptive "Shut Up" about Hiroshima Prime and is of the opinion after seeing the design for Thunderblast that the animators of GONZO need a cold shower and to see their wives.
  • Played for Laughs in the Abridged Series Ultra Fast Pony, who's creator is known for relishing in indecent lowest common denominator humor, purposely poking fun at very controversial issues, throwing in sexual innuendos, and playing his own poor/lazy editing and lip syncing for laughs, but even he adamantly refuses to have uncensored swearing in his show.
    • Despite being far from a good pony herself, Twilight is still marginally better than the rest of The Mane Six, as while they are more or less indifferent about anything that does not directly concern them she at least tries to be a hero if she has to. Also, she is possibly the only pony in Ponyville who is not racist. Or the very least, willing offer non-ponies friendship.
    • Though he is usually too much of a push over to stand up to his "mother" and will often just go with what ever she wants of him, Spike will sometimes try to call out Twilight for some of her actions, like when she made Sunset Shimmer cry at the end of The Movie.
    • Applejack, despite being an amoral Jerkass on the best of days, she finds making fun of Rainbow Dash's illiteracy a little too low.
    • Rainbow Dash herself is an unrepentant jerk that never thinks of anyone but herself, but she was also the only one who tried to call out Twilight, when she killed the real Pinkie Pie and just replaced her with one of the clones.
    • Discord of all people finds Fluttershy's utter lack of logic annoying.
    • And of course, every single character in the show will lampoon any and all possible Unfortunate Implications, that may be found in the shows writing and morals.
    Applejack: The important thing is, no matter what someone does, you should forgive them if they say they're sorry.
    Applebloom: That sounds like great advice for either a beautiful relationship or an abusive one.
  • Title Pending: In the post-commentary Cameron is not amused with Bayden's "black and normal" joke even if Caleb who've brought the topic up found it hilarious.
  • Vinesauce:
  • In Welcome to Night Vale, Cecil's horrified reaction to the blood-and-guts covered recording booth in Desert Bluffs really gives perspective to how horrible it must be, since he is used to calmly reporting on awful situations and gruesome deaths (including but not limited to: ritual sacrifice, vaporization, and being eaten by dinosaurs).
  • While pretty much every character is an Adaptational Jerkass in Yu-Gi-Oh! The Abridged Series, that doesn't mean they're not without standards:
    • While not exactly the All-Loving Hero he was in the original, Yugi was still the only who had a problem with Yami's willingness to kill Kaiba. He also repeatedly criticizes his friends for trying to keep people as slaves and at end of Battle City, tried to convince Yami to go easy on Joey in their duel, not that Joey needed any help.
    • Joey repeatedly tries to politely tell Yami to stop making sex related jabs at Mai, while she's in a coma. Joey is also not pleased with Tristan and Duke's attraction to his underage (but surprisingly developed) sister, despite not being nearly as great an older brother he was in the original series.
    • All of the guys, even Yami were shocked, when Mai pretended to have died for good, just to mess with them.
    • By the time of their second match, Yami has had it with Raphael's hypocrisy and double standards towards them sacrificing monsters, and tells him off for taking his personal issues out him and the rest of the world. He also wasn't found of Kaiba being... Kaiba while they were meeting with the military.
  • The Last Podcast on the Left:
    • The hosts are not typically ones to shy away from going into the nitty-gritty of the depravities of serial killers. They'll often discuss the specifics of a murder in graphic detail. One notable exception to this is Pee-Wee Gaskins. The main source of the man's misdeeds is the man himself, and the hosts note that he really likes to exaggerate how far he went in certain acts in ways that are impossible to confirm. Partly for this reason, the third episode of their series on him features the hosts deliberately shying away from describing the process of a murder Gaskins talks about. The farthest Marcus Parks will go is to say to imagine the "worst scene" in A Serbian Film taking place in the back of a hearse and realize it might have taken place in real life.
    • They're also much more somber when discussing the victims of a heavy hitter's crimes in-depth. For all the Black Comedy Rape thrown around making jokes about how the Children of Gods' founder, David Berg, was an incestuous Dirty Old Man pedophile, they're more serious in the fourth part of the series, focused on describing the life and death of a young man raised within the church and sexually abused growing up.
    • In Last Podcast on the Left: Live in Chicago, the hosts express amazement that not only was it very briefly considered to pair up two people acquitted of murder despite significant evidence of guilt, O.J. Simpson and Casey Anthony, in a reality show, but that the idea was rejected for being too classless. It is not, however, too classless for Last Podcast on the Left. Cue Marcus creating a mockup of such a show, with O.J. and Anthony standing back to back next to the title "The Didn't Do-Its" while the theme of Perfect Strangers plays in the background.
  • Joe Rogan was the host of Fear Factor, a show where contestants were often challenged to eat disgusting things like buffalo testicles or rat stew. In 2007, Rogan made a 2 Girls, 1 Cup reaction video and had to turn away several times. Let that sink in.
  • In The Tim Tebow CFL Chronicles, the people of Nova Scotia are so desperate for a football team of their own, they launch a massive naval offensive as a gambit to get a team. Leland Melvin tries to reward their assistance by pulling some strings to have an existing football team move to Halifax: the Browns. The Nova Scotians reply that they may be desperate for a team, but they're not that desperate—and they hold out until Melvin offers them the Titans instead.
  • In Trapped In The Birdcage when the team goes to the bakery where young Strix works Everyone but Wil is very concerned that the children who work there might be being exploited.
  • Terrible Writing Advice:
    • The whole point of the series is JP Beaubien giving terrible writing advice, but even in-character, he refuses to endorse copying HP Lovecraft's unapologetic racism.
    • Also, in his video on writing jokes, he refuses to give any advice for how to tell racist jokes except "good luck".
  • Screen Rant Pitch Meetings is a series about a screenwriter who pitches scripts full of plot holes, Unfortunate Implications or other problems, and a producer who will greenlight the scripts after making only a token effort to point out the problems. That said, the two men have at least a few standards.
    • The Producer is usually very willing to accommodate the Screenwriter, even the more insane and nonsensical idea. In It (2017) Pitch Meeting, however, when the Screenwriter talks about putting a scene of child-orgy, the Producer looks absolutely livid and Screenwriter wisely chooses to leave it out of the movie. In the same video, when the Screenwriter explains that in the book, the kids are able to escape Pennywise easily because "they're under the protection of a magic turtle-god that vomited out the Universe", both he and the Producer immediately agree that this is best left out of the movie.
    • While the Screenwriter's the source of all those terrible ideas, even he questions whether it's a good idea to reboot Spider-Man again in the video about Spider-Man leaving the MCU.
    • The Screenwriter is usually enamoured with his own terrible ideas, but in the Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides Pitch Meeting, he admits that he isn't really invested in the romantic subplot he wrote and only included it because they needed a young couple for marketing purposes.
    • In the pitch meeting for Space Jam, The Producer is disturbed by The Screenwriter's obsession with sexualizing a cartoon rabbit. He does begrudgingly agree to let The Screenwriter go through with it, but adds, "only if you promise never to come near my kids". The Producer also really didn't want to see the Screenwriter's ideas for how human-bee mating would work in the Bee Movie pitch meeting, and insists that he burn the drawings as soon as possible.
    • Even though he did green-light it, The Producer couldn't pretend to have particularly high expectations for The Star Wars Holiday Special. He bluntly tells the Screenwriter that, after it's released, they will likely spend decades trying to pretend like it never existed.
    • In the pitch meeting for The Happening, when The Screenwriter mentions a scene where the characters "outrun the wind", The Producer's only response is "You're an idiot."
    • Zig-zagged in the pitch meeting for Breaking Dawn. The Producer is made deeply uncomfortable by hearing the Screenwriter describe the plot of the book, and he twice seriously considers backing out of the project, first when he hears about Jacob "imprinting" on Bella's new-born child, then again when the Screenwriter tells him that the climactic battle will turn out to be All Just a Dream. However, both times, the Screenwriter manages to convince him by telling him to think about how much money they'll make.
  • In Sanity Not Included Season 5, The Religion Guy sings about leaving "religion" as he treats it as an old fad with God "not being hip", and he joins Scientology, pretentiously singing praises of how great it is while having wild sex, which is no different then what he's done in "religion". However he drew the line at their Holocaust Denial, which caused him to go back to religion and smite them. The credits had a reprise where he insults Scientology.
  • In Farce of the Three Kingdoms, Zhuge Liang appears to have no morals whatsoever. However, in the campaign against the Mang, he finally finds something he won't do: Blackface. He also refuses to offer human sacrifices, but that's because, if his calculations are correct, it would put him just over the Moral Event Horizon, coming right after the genocide of the Wugo.
  • Magic, Metahumans, Martians and Mushroom Clouds: An Alternate Cold War:
    • Even many of Subhas Bose's Hindutva supporters start to be wary of his madness when he suggests enacting a Final Solution against Muslims.
    • Eisenhower makes it clear to President Nixon that if he continues the US's experiments with a zombie virus, he'll resign his cabinet position in protest.
  • An Examination of Extra-Universal Systems of Government:
    • Chana (the Dimensional Traveler narrator) puts up with a lot of nonsense on his visits to the various nations of other realities, but one thing he will not tolerate is slavery. When he visits the People's Republic of the Antilles, he's clearly barely able to repress his disgust at the nation's existence, and also notes that the other communist states of that world all reject the Antilles as true communists due to still practicing slavery.
    • The official line in the Free German Reich is that in their timeline, Hitler only ordered the relocation of Jews and Slavs, and had nothing to do with the Holocaust, with his discovery of the death camps being what led to his fallout with Himmler. Other governments in this timeline dispute this, claiming that Hitler knew all about the Holocaust and only stopped it out of Pragmatic Villainy (to maintain a cheap workforce), with his division with Himmler coming over the latter's insane plan to nuke Poland.
    • Frederick Eaton is a Nazi who believes in racial purity and pure-white America. However, he is horrified by the futurist faction of the National Socialist States of North America for their apocalyptic warmongering, destruction of America's cultural heritage, and willingness to destroy American Christianity.
  • James Fridman is an infamous photoshop troll who follow people's photoshop requests quite literally for a laugh and to entertain people. However, he'll draw the line at causing genuine emotional damage and offers genuine words of support to people with self-esteem issues. For example, people with skin conditions asking him to remove it to look "normal" has him return the picture unedited and tell them that they are normal and should be proud of themselves.
  • This Pirend sketch features a naked man in public. When another man asks him to put some clothes on the naked man tells him its his choice not to wear them and equates them to not wearing a seat belt or drinking and driving. When the man asks why he's wearing a mask, the naked man says he's not a complete prick.
  • Kentucky Fried Politics: In 1967 in the middle of Colonel Sanders's presidency, John Y. Brown Jr. approaches the Sanders family with the news that he had distracted Ray Kroc with the idea of a political run and secretly purchased shares in McDonalds under the KFC Corporation name, effectively buying out their biggest competitor, a move technically approved by Sanders-appointed judges. Despite the potential windfall, and even if Kroc had done the same thing to the McDonald brothers, Sanders and his children conclude that the effective hostile takeover is far too underhanded, so they give the shares back to Kroc, declare a temporary truce with him, and fire Brown.
  • Really Freakin' Clever: In 64 Things Wrong with Mario Kart, Josh, who will go out of his way to criticize classic video games, refuses to say anything critical about Mario Kart DS. Its Mission Mode most likely had something to do with that, and Josh even admits as much.
  • Uncle Al: In "Donkey Kong Country Abridged", Diddy Kong may be sexually attracted to Donkey Kong, but he wouldn't think about getting it on in front of (or even with) a child.
  • 4chan is basically considered a Wretched Hive in internet form. Indeed, they relish on being as offensive and provocative as they can. That being said, they consider Yotsuba&! to be such Incorruptible Pure Pureness that they have developed a sort of Big Brother Instinct to her. God help you if you ask for porn of Yotsuba on their board...
  • In the Solid jj video Batman's Greatest Foes faces a Villain Team-Up of Polka-Dot Man, Calendar Man, The Eraser, Crazy Quilt, Condiment King, Kite Man, Danny DeVito Penguin, Big Wheel and the Bad Samaritan. Out of all these silly villains, the Bad Samaritan was the only one Batman doubted was real. Even with Big Wheel he just asked if he was a Marvel character.
  • Former NASA roboticist Randall Munroe runs the blog What If? (drawn in the style of xkcd) in which he uses real-world science to answer questions regarding bizarre hypothetical scenarios, many of which have apocalyptic outcomes. As willing as he normally is to entertain such questions, he'll occasionally field one that's too disturbing or potentially illegal. Sometimes, he then depicts himself alerting the proper authorities.
    Anonymous: How many houses are burned down in the United States every year? What would be the easiest way to increase that number by a significant amount (say, at least 15%)?
    Randall: Hello, police? I have this website where people submit questions...
