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Characters / The Many Dates of Danny Fenton: Allies and Friends

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Allies and Friends


    Tucker Foley 
"I don't know! I told her about my charm, good looks and charisma as well as a full description of my ideal woman to be as fine as me." Tucker's answer when Danny asks why Bonnie thought he faked his profile.

Danny's best friend, and the one who wanted him to join the dating service with him so that he doesn't go alone.

  • Abhorrent Admirer: In Danny Chooses Alex, he tries to hit on Clover. She doesn't hide how annoying she finds him.
  • Butt-Monkey: He continuously gets humiliated on dates and in many spin-offs, it doesn't get better. He gets into "fights" with Ron Stoppable and is mocked for still using a PDA despite smartphones becoming capable of everything they were and more.
  • Casanova Wannabe: His lame attempts at flirting annoy and ward off the few girls who give him a chance.
  • Everyone Has Standards:
    • He's not so desperate to accept Meg Griffin, who was extremely clingy towards him.
    • When he found out about Cree Lincoln attacking children, he didn't hesitate to stand her up on their blind date.
    • Tucker finally stops going along with Sam's blatant jealousy and refuses to help her when she continues outright stalking Danny and his dates.
    • Dash accuses Tucker of hacking into the dating website to set him up with bad dates, being unwilling to accept it as his own fault that his dates dislike him. Tucker can't believe he was accused of something like that—for as much as he doesn't like Dash (or Dash's friends), Tucker would never resort to something that petty.
  • Insult to Rocks: In Danny and Kim, he says calling Bueno Nacho "junk food" is unfair to junk.
  • Irony: He wanted Danny to join the program with him, but he got the worst dates despite being the one who wanted it the most while Danny, who only agreed reluctantly, had most of the best dates.
  • Never My Fault: He refused to believe his online description, which was clearly exaggerated and didn't describe what he was really like, was the reason he kept getting bad dates and rejections.
  • Once Done, Never Forgotten: His online description of himself caused many girls to think he was a creep trying to lure in girls, even those he didn't go out with. It ends up being a thing he's having difficulty shaking off in stories set afterwards. Thankfully for Tucker, his profile was never linked to him, and all the girls that choose Danny accept him as Danny's best friend.
  • Shipper on Deck: He quickly became supportive of Danny and Jen Masterson after Danny tells him they pranked Dash Baxter together.
  • Turned Off By The Jerkass: Tucker, despite his poor track record with girls, is appalled to learn that Cree is a child abuser and actually refuses to date her when Danny warns him about her.
  • Unwitting Instigator of Doom: By making Danny take the dating service, he unknowingly led him to the clutches of Katie Kaboom.
  • You Were Trying Too Hard: Once Danny beats it into his head that the reason he's getting so many bad dates is because he's not the guy said dates were expecting to see, he makes his profile more honest and gets a good date with Velma.

    Jack Fenton 
Danny's ghost-obsessed father.
  • Doting Grandparent: In each alternate ending they appear in, he and Maddie become very loving grandparents to Danny's child(ren).
  • Everyone Has Standards: Despite Jack's obsessive hatred for ghosts and his suspicious nature, he still has morals:
    • In each timeline where Vlad reveals his villainous nature and Jack finds out that he hates him (and how Vlad has both been pining for Maddie and threatening his kids), Jack, while hurt by his betrayal, accepts that his former friend is now an irredeemable monster and cuts ties with him.
    • In Danny and Kitty, it's shown that he is not a bigot, as he had no problem with Danny dating the mutant Kitty and even expressed disgust when Vlad tried to vilify her because of her mutation.
    • In the Christmas chapter of Danny and Felicia, even he is unnerved by Deadpool and considers him a madman.
  • Fantastic Racism: Kara, as Supergirl, calls him out for it in Danny and Kara by reminding him that she and Superman aren't human either, and he should be fair to Danny Phantom.
  • Good Parents: He is very much the big, ghost obsessed goofball that he was in the series but he is still very supportive of Danny and even helped him pick his chosen girl with some legitimately good advice.
  • Obnoxious In-Laws: He and his sister-in-law hate each other. To the point where Jack will pretend to take back what he says around Maddie, only to whisper to his kids, "we hate her".
  • Papa Wolf: Never mess with his kids. All three of them.
  • Shipper on Deck: Has been vocal in the stories involving Danny dating either Kim or Kara. Both of them had him whisper for his son to marry his girlfriend.
    • He seems to become one to most of his son's girlfriends, depending on the timeline. For example in Danny and Felicia, after being impressed by both Felicia's beauty and her intelligence (she fixed one of his inventions), he flat out tells Danny to marry her while she is in earshot, much to his son's embarrassment.
  • We Used to Be Friends: In Danny and Kim, once he finds out Vlad is evil and wants to kill him, Jack destroys all traces of his and Vlad's former friendship from their home.

    Maddie Fenton 
Danny's ghost-obsessed mother and the unwitting object of Vlad's desire.
  • Doting Grandparent: In each alternate ending they appear in, she and Jack become very loving grandparents to Danny's child(ren).
  • Everyone Has Standards: Like her husband, Maddie has an obsessive hatred for ghosts but she still has morals:
    • In Danny and Kitty, it's shown that she is not a bigot, as she had no problem with Danny dating the mutant Kitty and even expressed disgust when Vlad tried to vilify her because of her mutation.
    • In the Christmas chapter of Danny and Felicia, she is unnerved by Deadpool and considers him a madman.
  • Fantastic Racism: Like her husband, she is called out for it by Supergirl.
  • Hidden Disdain Reveal: In Danny and Kim, she admits that she never actually liked Vlad and only put up with him because Jack was his friend. Needless to say, Vlad didn't take this well.
  • Mama Bear: Never mess with her kids. All three of them.

    Jazz Fenton 
Danny's older sister.
  • Beta Couple: She becomes involved with Antonio, the Gold Samurai Ranger not long after she joined the dating service.
  • Big Sister Instinct: She was quickly on the defensive when it was clear Danny wanted nothing to do with Katie Kaboom.
  • Cool Big Sis: To both Danny and Danielle. They both care about and appreciate her.
  • Shipper on Deck: She quickly becomes supportive of her brother's relationships. Even becoming friendly with his chosen girl in most timelines.

    Valerie Gray 
A former love interest of Danny's and a ghost hunter.

    Sam Manson 
  • Adaptational Jerkass: Her negative qualities from the show are given more emphasis. Although this may be justified given she came home from a vacation she never wanted to be a part of and finds the boy she likes is now involved with another girl.
  • Cannot Spit It Out: Played for Drama. Sam's inability to confess her crush on Danny means he doesn't find out until he's already moved on. This also strains their friendship at first because Sam tries stalking Danny's dates to find a reason for him and his chosen girl to break up rather than acknowledging and working through her feelings.
  • Deconstructed Character Archetype: Of her role from the series as the Clingy Jealous Girl. Her stalking of whoever Danny dates is treated as the out of line, illegal behavior it would be in real life; Kara and Kim even say it's only because of Sam's friendship with Danny that neither of them reported her to the authorities. In many stories, her being very unfriendly and aggressive to any girl Danny becomes involved with leads to a huge strain on her friendships with him, Tucker and Jazz. Thanks to Clockwork's intervention, she's not this in Danny and Kitty.
  • Everyone Has Standards:
    • Even Sam isn't jealous enough to wish physical harm on Kara.
    • Despite Sam's jealousy and flaws, Tucker believes that, even at her worst, she would never give up Kara's secret.
    • When Vlad offers to work with Sam to get rid of Kara, she reacts in disgust and outrage, saying that even if she can't stand Kara, she wouldn't stoop low to hurt her or Danny.
    • Sam is normally against Danny using his powers to get revenge on people, but after hearing how horrible Vicky was to both Tucker and Danny and that she bullies kids, she makes an exception for this one.
    • Sam greatly dislikes Alex for dating Danny. However, during the So Totally the Drama arc in TMDDF: Danny Chooses Alex After the Many Dates, when Alex got a Little Diablos doll, Sam was worried for her safety and called Danny to warn her.
    • Sam greatly dislikes Felicia Hardy, both for dating her crush Danny and for being a rich, popular, and beautiful girl, judging her as a Spoiled Brat and Brainless Beauty. However, when Sam tells Felicia that she does not believe that someone like her can be smart, Felicia is outraged and proclaims she can be whatever she wants to be, demanding an apology — she's a beautiful girl at the top of her class, and there is no rule against that. Felicia uses Dr. Vivian F. Porter as an example; a beautiful scientist who is an authority in robotics research. Still, no one would take her seriously because of how she dressed and acted. It was only recently that Vivian started working at the Middleton Space Center. While still disliking Felicia, Sam concedes her point by begrudgingly admitting she's more than what people want her to be.
  • Foil: Sam is a childhood friend with a crush on Danny she's afraid to admit, contrasting each of his other dates, being a new girl who bonds with Danny very fast. Each story with a different girl will also highlight differences in personalities.
  • Hypocrite: Unlike in the original series, she's called out massively for it. To name some examples:
    • In Danny and Kim, Kim angrily argues that Sam's just as shallow (if not shallower) than the jerks she claims to hate, especially since she refuses to see Kim as anything more than "just a cheerleader."
    • In Danny and Kara, Chapter 16 has everyone calling her out. Sam is upset Danny didn't trust her with Kara's secret, to which Kara calls her out on her inability to trust others. She tries to expose Kara's powers, prompting Jazz and Tucker to bring up how Sam is also a "unique" person and is violating someone else's secrecy to protect Danny's. She is also finally called out for her hypocrisy with her spying when she previously got angry at Danny for spying on her and Gregor, and when Sam claims it's not the same thing, Jazz flatly tells her that it is.
    • In Danny and Gwen, she's called out massively for spying on Gwen despite her previously mentioned issues with Gregor, as well as thinking Danny and Gwen have little in common when the same thing is addressed with her. Sam also protests having her privacy invaded when the Plumbers start keeping an eye on her to make sure she won't blab about Gwen or Ben's powers. As Max unsympathetically points out, she should have thought of that before invading Gwen's privacy by trying to expose her powers.
  • Inferiority Superiority Complex: Sam hides a rather insecure opinion of herself as a love interest with her more aggressive and uncompromising behavior.
  • Insecure Love Interest: Underneath all of her jealousy and resentment, she's revealed to be very insecure. Sam admits to Kara that part of the reason she's so jealous of her is because Danny found such an amazing person compared to Sam, and outright admits that she feared that Danny would forget about her in favor of Kara.
  • I Want My Beloved to Be Happy: In every timeline, Sam ultimately realizes that, even if Danny doesn't return her feelings, she just wants him to be happy with whomever he chooses as his girlfriend—and even in the timelines where she has a falling out with Danny, they eventually patch things up and become friends again.
  • Jerkass Has a Point:
    • As Sam points out in Danny and Phantasma, even if the Fenton Anti-Creep Stick is "just a bat with the word 'Fenton' on it," she still can hurt people with it.
    • In Danny and Kara, while she's almost entirely motivated by jealousy, her suspicions about Kara do make sense in an Entertainingly Wrong type of way as she doesn't know that Danny is aware of Kara's secret. Even Tucker agrees with Sam about something being up and Danny, after thinking over his prior dating history, concedes she wasn't completely wrong to be concerned.
  • Jerkass Realization:
    • In Danny and Kim. After her outburst from "Phantom Planet" is rebuked by Kim, Sam storms off and encounters her new love interest, Chris. Without giving away much, she mentions a friend who seems to be giving up something that makes him special. Chris tells her that he used to have a friend who was so good at basketball and Chris egged him on. One day, he lost a game and Chris's urging for him to improve actually made him give up. Sam points out Chris was trying to help his friend, but he counters that he neglected his friend's feelings and didn't see the enormous pressure he was dealing with. Sam realizes she neglected Danny's feelings during her outburst.
    • In Danny and Kara. During their heart to heart, Sam realizes her perception of Kara was off. Kara vents about issues she has that are far more serious than Sam's and her love for Danny came from him seeing her as more than just the Girl of Steel. When Sam asks her why she never shared that before, Kara points out that Sam never gave her a chance.
  • Never My Fault:
    • In Danny and Kara, she attempted to pass the blame on Kara for not telling her she's Supergirl. However, Sam's subconscious reminds her she tried to pick a fight with Kara at every opportunity and gave her no reason to trust her. She then tried to blame Tucker, only for her to be reminded he didn't make Danny fall in love and Danny made that choice on his own.
    • In Danny and Gwen, Sam refuses to accept blame for Gwen's powers being discovered by the Guys in White, even though she was the reason why they found out because she had recorded a video of Gwen using them in an attempt to expose her to Danny (not knowing he already knew about them) and claims that Danny should have told her about Gwen's powers from the start. Jazz brutally reprimands her for this because Danny was respecting Gwen's wish to keep her powers a secret by not telling anybody else unless she gave him permission to do so. Jazz proceeds to point out that Sam NEVER takes responsibility for her actions.
  • Put on a Bus: Sam's said to be off on a trip with her parents in Europe, so she doesn't know about Danny joining the dating service. Given her reaction to him dating Valerie in the show, this might be a good thing.
  • Unlucky Childhood Friend: She has known Danny since they were little kids and harbored a longtime crush on him, but he never noticed and only saw her as his best friend.
  • What Does She See in Him?: In a somewhat insensitive manner, she questions why other girls would ever like a normal person like Danny Fenton—as far as she knew, they didn't know about his powers. She was baffled that Kim, who didn't know until later, admitted to falling for Danny before learning about his powers.

    Danielle "Dani" Fenton/Phantom 
Danny's clone.
  • Berserk Button: Abusive families, to the point where she calls out both Trudy and Suga Mama for their poor treatment of Oscar.
  • Big Brother Worship: Looks up to Danny and is in general the most loyal and closest to him.
  • Big Eater: Prominent in Danny and Kim, where she keeps hoping for some place to eat while on Spring Break with Danny, Kim and Ron. Later, during a slumber party and a game of "truth or dare", she's given the dare of eating a whole pizza and states she does that every Sunday. Jazz jokingly theorized the DNA Dani was made from involved an unused Jack Fenton gene that mutated and makes her want to eat as much as she should've eaten by now if she were born naturally.
  • Daddy's Girl: Following her adoption into the Fentons, she becomes closer with Jack as a father than she ever did with Vlad.
  • Happily Adopted: As Hartman himself once admitted was the plan for her, Jack and Maddie end up adopting her as their daughter, making her Jazz and Danny's sister.
  • Kid Sidekick: Becomes Danny's sidekick in After Many Dates: Danny and Kim after being adopted.
  • Opposite-Sex Clone: Danny's clone, but as a girl and 2 years younger than him.
  • Shipper on Deck: In After Many Dates: Danny and Kim, she is quickly supportive of Kim to the point where she mistakenly thought Danny's good news was that he and Kim are getting married.
  • What the Hell, Hero?: She delivers one to Trudy and Suga Mama when calling them out on their poor treatment of Oscar.

The master of time.
  • And I Must Scream: In Danny and Kim, he spent two years trapped in a battery Dark Danny used to power his armor to become Thanatos. Once freed, he lets Danny and Kim defeat him and get him erased from existence, then destroys his armor, as payback.
  • Berserk Button: Mentioning he was trapped in one timeline for 2 years. He wasn't fond of that.
  • Exact Words: In Danny and Kim, Clockwork says it's the timeline where Vlad is most likely to win. As Vlad is told upon being defeated, that didn't necessarily mean he would actually end up winning.


    Ron Stoppable 
Kim's best friend who encouraged her to join the dating service.
  • Berserk Button: He quickly got into a "fight" with Tucker when he and Sam disrespected Bueno Nacho to his face.
  • Beta Couple: Becomes involved with Yori in Danny and Kim and they eventually have a son named Ron Stoppable Junior (more commonly called "RJ" for short).
  • Broken Pedestal: He was initially a big fan of Wizard Kelly, the basketball player-turned-entrepreneur from The Proud Family. But after meeting the guy in person and discovering just how much of a conceited jerk he actually is, any respect and admiration Ron has for him is instantly gone.
  • Comically Missing the Point: Danny decides to reveal his identity to Ron, causing Ron to think Danny Phantom had replaced Danny Fenton, only for Kim to tell him that they are the same person.
  • Green-Eyed Epiphany: Realizes he has feelings for Kim due to her falling in love with Danny in Danny and Kim.
  • Hopeless Suitor: While a well-meaning guy, Ron's immaturity and loyalty to the otherwise unpopular Bueno Nacho did not win the hearts of his dates.
  • Irony: Took the dating program to meet someone. Not only does he not meet anyone, he realizes too late he was in love with his best friend, who ended up falling for her first date.
  • I Want My Beloved to Be Happy: Ultimately, despite a brief falling out, Ron encouraged Kim to forgive Danny and reaffirm their relationship for her own happiness.
  • Platonic Life-Partners:
    • How his relationship with Kim goes if she becomes involved with Danny.
    • He's also seen hanging with Danielle during Spring Break and missions, usually for food-related reasons.
  • Trademark Favorite Food: Anything from Bueno Nacho, much to the dismay of everyone not from Middleton.
  • Undying Loyalty: Even in a timeline where he and Kim don't become romantically involved, Ron's loyalty towards her in unflinching, still allowing him to awaken his monkey power to save her.

    Dr. James Timothy Possible 
Kim's overprotective father.
  • Actually Pretty Funny: He warns Danny that if he does anything to Kim, he'll be in deep trouble... black hole deep. Danny, though nervous, muses he'll at least get to see space. James actually laughs at that.
  • Amazingly Embarrassing Parents: Once he caught Danny and Kim making out, and his wife invited Danny to have dinner with the family, he asked his daughter's boyfriend to keep her tongue out of his mouth.
  • Best Friend: In Danny and Kim, he and Jack Fenton become close friends.
  • Boyfriend-Blocking Dad: Is ready to hate any boys his daughter is willing to date.
  • Character Catchphrase: Like in canon, "Anything is possible for a Possible." Even if his granddaughter's last name is Fenton.
  • Died Happily Ever After: In the final chapter of Danny and Kim, Kim asks Danny if her father's ghost is in the Ghost Zone, only for Danny to state that James, along with her Nana, uncle, and his own father, died in peace and have nothing that could make them want to remain and become ghosts. Kim accepts that her father passed away peacefully.
  • Doting Grandparent: Made his granddaughter Annie a flying car and boasted his catchphrase of "Anything is possible for a Possible", even though her last name is Fenton.
  • Irony: Was ready to hate Kim's potential boyfriend but ends up meeting and befriending Danny before either learns of the other's connection to her.
  • Papa Wolf: Not afraid to carry a weapon to protect his daughter.
  • Verbal Backspace: Once learning the situation Dani is in because of Vlad making ecto-dejecto work the way it was originally intended to, he says Vlad should get props before he then notices people glaring at him for praising Vlad and says "problem".

    Anne Possible 
Kim's mother.
  • Actually Pretty Funny: In Christmas Tales for Danny and Kim, unlike her husband, she found their granddaughter wrongly attributing the sounds of her parents having sex with sparring rather hilarious.
  • Affectionate Nickname: Annie, her granddaughter via Kim with Danny, has taken to calling her "Anne-Ma."
  • Good Parents: Unlike her husband, she was open to Kim dating and is the one who gave her advice to figure out how to pick her match. She's also much more open to Danny than her husband was.

    Jim and Tim Possible 
Kim's younger twin brothers.

Kim's tech savvy friend.

A ninja girl that Ron knows.
  • Babies Ever After: In the timeline where Kim chooses to be with Danny instead of Ron, he ultimately ends up with Yori—they end up getting married as adults and even have kids.
  • Second Love: After Ron realized he had feelings for Kim but chose not to act on them for her sake, Yori grows closer to him than in canon.


  • Adaptational Jerkass: She's ruder and more vocal about disliking nerds than she is in canon.
  • Everyone Has Standards
    • It's implied that Clover was dating Dash just for his looks and status as a football player. However when Dash told her that he does not plan to be a famous football player when he grows up and instead will probably work for some nerd, she was disappointed. Clover later becomes disgusted when Dash and Kwan refuse to believe that Samantha plans to become a journalist and does her own homework because to them, pretty girls aren't smart. Clover and Samantha angrily dump them after that.
    • Despite Clover's dislike of Tucker, when Dash blames him for him and Kwan being caught trying to attack Danny because Clover and Samantha broke up with them, Clover is annoyed with Dash and wonders if he's obsessed with blaming other people for his problems.
    • When Paulina thought that Alex was only dating Danny so she can humiliate him later with a prank at prom, Clover believed that it's too immature to go out of their way for such a prank. "Just ignore the losers and tell them to take a hike".
    • Clover was disgusted along with her friends when she saw Dash bully Danny and helped Danny up when Dash pushed him down. When Dash protested Clover and her friends helping Danny and attempted to flirt with them, Clover turned him down, telling him, "Normally, I'd maybe consider going out with a guy like you, but I don't date jerks. Especially loud mouth jerks who pick on people." Clover may be into buff jocks, but she would never date a bully. She's no saint herself, but she can at least act professionally around people.
  • Good Is Not Nice: She makes no bones about how pathetic she thought Tucker was trying to appease her.
  • Unknown Rival: Like Alex, she has a dislike of Kim Possible, who didn't really know them at first.
  • Valley Girl: Like in canon, to emphasize her being from Beverly Hills.

  • One-Steve Limit: In Danny Chooses Alex After Many Dates, he calls her Samantha to not confuse her with his friend.
  • Unknown Rival: Like her friends, she's not crazy for Kim Possible.

  • Benevolent Boss: He is the head of WOOHP and the girls' boss and despite differences of opinion, he cares about them greatly.
  • Berserk Button: Just like Sam, Clover and Alex, he's not too crazy about Kim Possible, since she's (technically) an amateur who has been able to outdo the girls more than once.

Another WOOHP agent and a friend of the girls.


    Ben Tennyson
The wielder of the Omnitrix and Gwen's cousin.
  • All Love Is Unrequited: For the dating service, he had chosen Kim Possible as his match, who chose Danny Fenton, who might or might not choose her depending on timeline. He's somewhat oblivious to how interested Ami Mizuno was in him after their date, although it's shown he does have some attraction to her.
  • Amazon Chaser: The date he chose as his match was Kim Possible. Aside from her, he would find out in one timeline Ami Mizuno is Sailor Mercury, though he was attracted to her prior to that.
  • Dramatic Irony: During Danny and Makoto, he's shown to have some lingering trauma over what happened involving Malware, not even thinking his death is enough to help him feel better. His appearance so far is set before Omniverse, so he is still under the belief he's dead.
  • Give Geeks a Chance: A Gender-Inverted example. Ben Tennyson, an average but fairly popular guy even before becoming a known superhero, has a mutual attraction to Ami Mizuno, an otherwise not as popular but still nice girl who is known for hitting the books and taking her studies seriously. And this was before learning she's Sailor Mercury.
  • Heterosexual Life-Partners: Becomes one of Danny's closest "friends from work" in several timelines.
  • Hopeless Suitor: He went out on a date with Kim Possible and chose her as his match. She chose Danny.
  • I Hate Past Me: During his blind date with Ami, he brings up how he was a bit of a punk as a kid. While he thinks he was a good kid at heart, he admits to Ami that he's not proud of how bratty he was.
  • Innocently Insensitive: He didn't mean to hurt Ami's feelings by not choosing her.
  • Nice Guy: Ego aside, Ben is a good enough to become friends with Danny even if he didn't choose Gwen as his match.
  • O.O.C. Is Serious Business: In Danny and Makoto, being hit with a fear dust that made him mistake everyone for Malware and hurting Ami caused him to snap and turn into Way Big, pounding Skulker into the ground with his fists. Not used to seeing this side of him, and terrified of how he's acting, Ami begs him to stop.
  • Related in the Adaptation: In the future of Danny and Makoto, he fathers Ami's daughter, named Amy Jennifer but nicknamed "Ami Jr".
  • Second Love: After choosing not to pursue a relationship with Ryo Urawa for her duties as Sailor Mercury, Ben is the second person Ami has shown an interest in.
  • Shipper on Deck: Supported Gwen's choice in Danny as her ideal match.
  • Superman Stays Out of Gotham: Despite being a world-saving hero and becoming friends with Danny, their commitments to fighting different kinds of unnatural threats in their respective cities limits how often they work together.
  • Trauma Button: Mentioning the words "Feedback" and "Malware" around him, given what those words mean to him in canon during the first 20 episodes of Omniverse. Ami unknowingly made him uncomfortable around her when she said those words.

    Max Tennyson 
Gwen's grandfather and semi-retired Plumber.
  • Cool Old Guy: Age does not dull his skill when he confronts Skulker.
  • Cordon Bleugh Chef: He serves a silkworm and scorpion lasagna for dinner. Danny is able to avoid eating it by letting Max think he has allergies.
  • Papa Wolf: Protects his son's family from a ghost and an alien at the same time. He's also not pleased when Sam attempting to expose Gwen's powers ultimately put her life in danger.
  • Shipper on Deck: He's pretty accepting of Danny after he has dinner with the family.

    Kevin Levin 
Gwen's teammate and former enemy, who's clearly into her and doesn't like Danny being around.
  • Betty and Veronica: Despite that he's technically the Betty (an old friend) and Danny's the Veronica (the new guy), their personalities are the opposite. Danny is more of the Betty as he is a Nice Guy, while Kevin is more of a bad boy and the Veronica.
  • Everyone Has Standards: Does not like Danny...but likes bullies even less.

Ben's time traveling ally who would frequently show up to lend a hand.
  • Doctor Whomage: Well, duh.
  • Everyone Has Standards: Deadpool's insanity and fourth wall breaking abilities are the one mystery he's not interested in solving.
  • Foil: To Clockwork. Both are masters of time, though Clockwork is a ghost who prefers to only be involved if needed, Paradox is an empowered human who goes around and gets involved in person when he can.
  • Shipper on Deck: In the timeline of Danny and Gwen, he leaves a flower for them to find at the zoo so Danny could give it to Gwen in a romantic gesture.


  • Oblivious to Love: He's completely unaware of Emma's feelings for him. This led her in one alternate ending to give up and just become a couple with Danny.


    Martin Mystery 
Diana's stepbrother and an obsessive paranormal investigator.
  • Abhorrent Admirer: He's gone out with Kim and Gwen. They both found him obnoxious.
  • Shipper on Deck: In the timeline where Danny chose Diana and she found out his secret, Martin would have been the one to talk to Diana to accept Danny, since he was still a good guy who uses his powers for good.


    Salem the Cat 
Sabrina's feline companion and a former warlock turned into a cat as punishment for attempted world domination.
  • Interspecies Friendship: Has this with Tabitha "Tabbi" Fenton, Danny's daughter in the timeline where he chooses Sabrina. In fact, it's largely because of Salem that Tabbi became such a big cat lover.
  • Shipper on Deck: Quickly became supportive of Danny and Sabrina. In After Many Dates: Danny and Kim, he even made a light joke about her being jealous that he chose someone else.
  • Snarky Non-Human Sidekick: Formerly a warlock who looked human, but still very snarky.


    Clark Kent a.k.a. Superman 
Kara's/Supergirl's cousin and the iconic hero that Danny idolizes.
  • Amicable Exes: In some stories, it's stated that he and Wonder Woman dated at some point, but they eventually decided they were Better as Friends.
  • Big Brother Instinct: If Kara is any way in danger, he's not going to sit idly by.
  • The Cape: It wouldn't be Superman if he didn't wear a cape or wasn't the most respected superhero in the world.
  • Clark Kenting: Danny doesn't figure out they're the same person until he sees "Superman" putting on "Clark's" glasses.
  • Good Is Not Soft: In Danny and Kara, he didn't take kindly to Sam being rude to Kara. Him being Superman is the only reason Sam did not press on further.
  • Greater-Scope Paragon: Danny considers him the king of superheroes.
  • Shipper on Deck: Ultimately has a good opinion of Danny after getting to meet the boy.

    Jimmy Olsen 
The photographer of the Daily Planet with a hidden crush on Kara.
  • Why Can't I Hate You?: When he meets Danny, he's silently disappointed he wasn't a jerk, since it would give him an excuse to be rude to him.


    Sheldon Lee 
Jenny's geek friend who has an obsessive crush on her.

    Nora Wakeman 
Jenny's creator and mother.
  • Mama Bear: Jenny's injuries from Thanatos brought out a very violent side of her.


     Dash Parr 
Violet's little brother, who is a speedster.


One of Jen's best friends. She is always looking for "the one".
  • Pair the Spares: She and Jude get together in Danny and Kim.
  • Shipper on Deck: In Danny and Jen, she had her doubts due to Danny being younger, but seeing how far he went to be with Jen and her agreeing to a relationship with him made Caitlin cry tears of joy.

One of Jen's best friends who's also her stepbrother. A self-proclaimed "ladies' man."
  • Abhorrent Admirer: Out of all of the girls he went out with in the dating service, the ones he wanted most were Kim Possible and Felicia Hardy. Both chose Danny Fenton.
  • Casanova Wannabe: Just like in the series, he thinks he is more popular with girls than he actually is.

One of Jen's best friends. He is the most laid back of the group.

One of Jen's best friends. She is the snarkiest of the group.

One of Jen's best friends. He is the musician of the group.


    The Phantom 
Phantasma's foul-tempered, overprotective father. He is against Phanty dating and will attack any boy who gets near her.
  • Adaptational Villainy: He is much more aggressive and confrontational than he was in Scooby Doo And The Ghoul School.
  • Boyfriend-Blocking Dad: Phanty's father attacks Danny after he catches the two of them together on their blind date.
  • Crazy Jealous Guy: According to his ex-wife Lady Christine, he would throw a jealous fit whenever she would so much as talk to another man. This, combined with his Hair-Trigger Temper, is why their marriage didn't work out.
  • Doting Grandparent: In the ending where Danny chooses Phantasma and they have a son named Eidolonius "Eddie" Phantom, Phantasma's father, The Phantom, makes it clear that he hates Danny yet he adores his grandson, "Little Eddie", having a very playful and affectionate relationship with him.
  • The Dreaded: Upon meeting Danny and Phantasma, Johnny 13 and his girlfriend leave in fear of what'll happen to them if they're around by the time the Phantom appears.
  • Not So Above It All: He's got a soft spot for Elvis despite how menacing he makes himself appear.
  • Obnoxious In-Laws: In the alternate ending where Danny chooses Phantasma and later marries her, he would have this kind of relationship with Phanty's father, one of mutual and utter contempt.
  • Parental Marriage Veto: In the alternate ending where Danny marries Phantasma, The Phantom was against their relationship and Danny and Phanty married against his wishes.
  • Would Hurt a Child: He has no qualms about murdering or attacking Danny (a 14-year-old) to “protect” his daughter.

The daughter of Dracula, who is goes to Ms. Grimwood's school. She is one of Phanty's best friends.
  • Honorary Aunt: In the timeline where Danny chooses Phanty, she becomes to the godmother to their oldest son, Eidolonius ("Eddie" for short) and he calls her "Aunt" Sibella.
  • Hopeless Suitor: She does not have a shot at Danny, since she always meets him after he's become romantically involved with someone else.
  • Related in the Adaptation: Sibella (who's from the Scooby-Doo franchise) and Draculaura (who's from the Monster High-franchise) are cousins—after Danny meets Draculaura and questions if she knows Sibella, Draculaura explains that her father, Vladimir Dracula, and Sibella's dad, Bela Dracula, are brothers.
  • Smitten Teenage Girl: She is attracted to Danny and hits on him when they cross paths.


    Dipper Pines
The male of the of the Pines twins. He has a crush on Wendy and tends to get obsessively jealous when other boys are around.
  • Ascended Fanboy: In Danny and Kim, he's a fan of Danny Phantom. Then he finds out Wendy's almost-friend is that same superhero.
  • Babies Ever After: In one timeline, he and Pacifica have twins named after his great uncles Stanford and Stanley, although the boys' personalities are the opposite of their namesakes.
  • Improperly Paranoid: He's right that there's something odd about Danny, but is wrong about what Danny may be (when they meet, he makes Danny undergo tests for types of monsters other than half-ghost (vampire was his strongest assumption)) and he believes that he wants to hurt Wendy (although that definitely is the envy talking).
  • Likes Clark Kent, Hates Superman: Inverted. Dipper is super jealous at Danny Fenton for getting a date with Wendy, but is a fan of Danny Phantom.
  • Pair the Spares: In the realities where Danny is with Kim and Wendy, Dipper has become involved with Pacifica Northwest.
    Mabel Pines
The female of the of the Pines twins.


    Nigel Thornberry 
Debbie's father.


The eldest of the Ninja Turtles.
  • Everyone Has Standards: Like his brothers, he disapproves of Donnie watching over April during her blind date.

The smartest of the Ninja Turtles.
  • Crazy Jealous Guy: He has a crush on April and gets jealous while she is on her blind date with Danny.

The toughest of the Ninja Turtles.
  • Everyone Has Standards: Like his brothers, he disapproves of Donnie watching over April during her blind date.

The youngest of the Ninja Turtles.
  • Dumbass Has a Point: While Leo and Raph wanted to expose Donnie for stalking and spying on April, Mikey suggested they punish him by making him due their chores for 2 weeks, since it would be such a rare opportunity for them. They agree.
  • Everyone Has Standards: Like his brothers, he disapproves of Donnie watching over April during her blind date.
  • Fanboy: He is a fan of Danny Phantom.

TDI Gwen's

    Gwen's Brother 
Gwen's little brother, who dared her to take part of the dating service in the first place.
  • Small Role, Big Impact: He was the one who dared Gwen to take part of the dating service, which would lead her to meeting Danny.
  • Unseen Character: He doesn't appear in the main story, but he's mentioned by his sister.


    Tommy Pickles 
Angelica's cousin and Dill's older brother.

    Dill Pickles 
Angelica's cousin and Tommy's little brother

    Chuckie Finster 
Tommy's best friend and the shy one of the group.

    Phil Deville 
Tommy's other best friend and the slob one of the group.

    Savannah Shane 
Angelica's "friend" and the most popular girl at their school.


One of the members of the X-Men and a friend of Kitty's.

    Prof. Charles Xavier 
The telepathic mutant and founder of the Xavier Institute of Gifted Youngsters. He is the mentor of Kitty and the other mutants.
  • Adaptational Nice Guy: A recurring aspect of adaptations of Charles Xavier is that his more manipulative and unheroic moments are excised.
  • Benevolent Boss: He is the leader of the X-Men, principal of the school and he does his best to help his students master their powers.

    Bobby Drake/Ice-Man 
A member of the X-Men and a friend of Kitty's, as well as Katie's potential Love Interest.
  • Adaptational Sexuality: In the mainstream comics, he has recently come out of the closet but in "Many Dates" and its spin-offs, he is still straight. He seems interested in Katie Kaboom and even marries her in some endings.
  • Adaptational Jerkass: In the Danny and Katie timeline, Danny and Katie got together in part because Bobby didn't stop flirting with other girls even after getting together with her. Something that, thankfully, the rest of his counterparts avoid.
  • All Love Is Unrequited: He has a crush on Katie, but she's still fawning over Danny, who is both scared of and resents her. However, Katie does eventually get over Danny and end up with Bobby.
  • The Casanova: He tends to flirt with every pretty girl he sees, at least until he meets Katie and develops a genuine crush on her.
  • Foil: To Danny, both are nice-guy superheroes that have romantic history with Katie Kaboom. Except...
    • Danny was born an ordinary human and gained ghost powers through an accident while Bobby was born a mutant with ice powers that didn't manifest until puberty.
    • Bobby is very confident and flirts with a lot of girls, while Danny is very shy around girls.
    • Danny met Katie before coming to Xavier's and became terrified of her because of her anger issues and powers, whereas Bobby met her after coming to Xavier's when she realized she needed to change and became calmer.
      • While Danny knows that Katie has changed but still fears (and to an extent hates) her, Bobby is very interested in Katie and concerned for her when Danny continues to reject her.
  • Pair the Spares: In most alternate endings, he and Katie end up together after she gives up on Danny.
  • Nice Guy: He's very kind to Katie.
  • Second Love: Most alternate endings have him end up with Katie once she gets over Danny.

     Sooraya Qadir/Dust 
A member of the X-Men, a friend of Kitty's and the roommate of Katie Kaboom.
  • All Muslims Are Arab: She's a mutant who has the ability to turn into a living sandstorm and is from Afghanistan.
  • Beware the Nice Ones: She wanted to smack Danny when she found out what he thought of her friend Katie.
  • Dishing Out Dirt: She can transform into a living dust storm. This is actually the reason she was paired as Katie’s roommate, since it means Katie can’t hurt Sooraya even if she wanted to.
  • Heterosexual Life-Partners: She quickly becomes friends with Katie.
  • It's All My Fault: In chapter 56 of Danny and Kitty, she tells Spider-Man that she blames herself for everything bad that’s happened recently due to not noticing the signs sooner.
  • Irony: She dislikes Danny for what he thinks about Katie, but she enters a relationship with Spider-Man, who is similar to him.
  • Pair the Spares: She gets together with Peter Parker/Spider-Man.
  • Somebody Doesn't Love Raymond: Usually in these fics, even when Danny is with his chosen girl, he still attracts a number of others, not excluding some of said girl's friends (unless they are already in a relationship, usually). Sooraya never sees Danny as anything but Kitty’s boyfriend and an occasional ally, and later she comes to dislike him for his treatment of Katie. This is lampshaded by Peter:
    You don’t like Danny? I hear he’s pretty popular with the ladies.
  • You Are Better Than You Think You Are: She helps reassure Katie when her guilt and self-loathing get to her.


    Usagi Tsukino 
The leader of the Sailor Guardians, the titular Sailor Moon and Makoto's best friend.
  • Adaptational Intelligence: In order to be able to speak with Danny, she's much better with English than she was in the manga or 90's anime.
  • Age-Gap Romance: Though not as extreme as most examples, Danny and Ben are both startled to learn she has a boyfriend who is 18 years old.
  • Big Eater: Danny is quite surprised by how much she eats.
  • Hair of Gold, Heart of Gold: She's blonde and, although ditzy, a good person deep down.
  • Nice Girl: Just like in canon, she is a nice person and Makoto mentions that Usagi befriended her despite the rumors being made about Makoto.
  • Shipper on Deck: In Danny and Makoto:
    • She find Danny's otherwise poorly done poem he wrote out of his desire to maintain his relationship with Makoto rather touching and gets the rest of their friends to leave so they can keep talking. This continues when Danny comes to visit and she shows nothing but support for them.
    • Like Danny, she's supportive of the budding relationship Ami has with Ben Tennyson, to the point of teasing Ami like Danny does with Ben.

    Ami Mizuno 
One of the Sailor Guardians called Sailor Mercury.
  • Because You Were Nice to Me: Ami became rather infatuated with Ben because not only was he polite to her, he defended her from Cash and JT and outright called her his friend.
  • Blue Is Heroic: She has blue hair, blue eyes and different shades of blue are featured on her sailor suit.
  • Composite Character: Akin to Makoto, she incorporates her manga and 90's anime counterparts. Her backstory into when she became Sailor Mercury is from the manga, in that she was never accused of being with the Dark Kingdom and was hypnotized by a brainwashing program. Her temporary death with her friends at the end of their battles with them was also from the manga, rather than a sacrifice to defeat a group of monsters. However, like her 90's anime self, she's somewhat more interested in romance and was briefly interested in Ryo Urawa.
  • Covert Pervert: Upon seeing Ben in his boxers, Ami covers her eyes. However, she takes a quick peek before leaving. She's also the first to point out that Ben is technically naked whenever he transforms.
  • Dating What Daddy Hates: Gender inverted. Ami develops an interest in Ben after their blind date, and becomes much closer to him during the "Danny and Makoto" timeline. It's only after this does she learn her mother, Saeko Mizuno, who openly encouraged Ami to meet someone, openly despises Ben Tennyson. Thus, Ami has to keep her close relationship with him a secret.
  • Disapproving Look: In the timeline in which Makoto Kino marries Danny, which leads to her marrying Ben Tennyson, she's learned to adopt a look not unlike Kim Possible's towards her own children. However, Ami's involves wearing glasses that, when at the right angle, appear completely white, and she adopts a scowl with it. It manages to silence her kids from being rowdy.
  • Endearingly Dorky: In "Danny and Makoto", Ben seems to find it cute when she gets all enthusiastic and curious about his alien forms, asking questions and being all fascinated.
  • Foil: She's directly compared to Julie Yamamoto, one of Ben's canon love interests and current ex-girlfriend at the time when Danny brings her up. Both girls are smart, badass, have short hair, are of Japanese descent and don't mind Ben's alien powers. However, as Danny describes her, Ami is far more reserved, patient and sweet tempered with Ben compared to how Julie became more short-tempered and prone to jealousy. There's also the fact that Julie is a normal human with a Mechamorph for a dog that doubles as a sort of power suit, while Ami is a magical superheroine.
  • An Ice Person: While not like Danny's, she does have ice based powers.
  • Nerds Are Sexy: She's a very intelligent girl and Ben finds her attractive. Even before recognizing her when she was Sailor Mercury, he (as Brainstorm) referred to her as the cute one.
  • Nice Girl: Although disappointed and somewhat heartbroken Ben did not choose her, she bares no ill will towards him. She reasons he doesn't owe her anything and there was no guarantee they'd pick each other. While Makoto shows hostility towards him for it, Ami defends him.
  • Opposites Attract: She took a liking to Ben Tennyson. Ami is a smart, reserved and mature girl; Ben is an impulsive, emotional and immature boy.
  • Platonic Life-Partners: While Danny gets along with all of the Inner Guardians, Ami becomes his closest friend from the group. He became her confidant regarding her feelings for Ben, shared double dates with the two, and in the future of Many Kids, they are the godparents to each other's firstborn children.
  • Rescue Romance: Ben was forced to turn into Jetray to save her from the DNAliens. This played a role in her becoming interested in him.
  • Second Love: In the future of Danny and Kim, after his marriage with Julie goes south, Ben meets her again into their adulthood and her own marriage ended in divorce. After he and Julie part ways, he and Ami become involved.
  • Secret-Keeper: Until Ben's identity was revealed, she was the only member of the Sailor Guardians to know about the Omnitrix. She also promises not to tell anyone about Malware when he opens up.
  • Single Woman Seeks Good Man: While she's aware of how egotistical he can be, Ami developed feelings for Ben because of the good qualities that still stand out to her. Namely his friendly nature and overall drive to help others for its own sake.
  • Skewed Priorities: She's more concerned when Ben chokes that he might not be able to study and get good grades than him potentially dying. It's only when Ben calls that out does she realize that might also be a problem.
  • Teen Genius: She's the smartest of the Guardians, having been able to deduce Danny was hiding a secret since she found it impossible for him to have traveled to Japan so fast.
  • True Blue Femininity: Her clothes, eyes, and hair are shades of blue.

    Rei Hino 
One of the Sailor Guardians called Sailor Mars.
  • Bad Date: She was one of the girls who went out with Tucker. It isn't revealed what exactly happened, but it was clear neither of them really connected.
  • My Significance Sense Is Tingling: As a shrine maiden, she was able to sense a presence when around Danny, his powers. While she sensed no evil, she felt concerned. Fortunately, she learns he's not a threat.
  • Not So Above It All: Makoto describes as the mature one... most of the time. Considering she agreed to go on the dating service after expressing disinterest, this may be true.

    Minako Aino 
One of the Sailor Guardians called Sailor Venus.
  • Affectionate Nickname: Makoto mentions they like to call her Mina for short. She insists on Danny calling her that.
  • All Love Is Unrequited: In Danny and Makoto, she has a massive crush on Danny Phantom, only to be crushed to learn her has a girlfriend after spending the entire night flirting with him and trying to kiss him. Even more so, she finds both her crush and Makoto's boyfriend are one and the same. She did consider the idea of dating Ben, but doesn't go through with it after seeing how close he is with Ami.
  • Almost Kiss: In Danny and Makoto. Several times to Danny Phantom, but when he informs her he has a girlfriend, she stops trying.
  • Does He Have a Brother?: In Danny and Makoto, she frequently asks if Danny has an identical twin brother. When he reveals he has no male relatives his age, she's disappointed.
  • Foil: To Katie in Danny and Makoto. Both are blonde who are smitten with Danny. Katie was one of his dates, Minako wasn't. Katie is a girl with powers that makes her a hazard, Minako is a superhero. Katie means no harm, but her powers and short temper make her someone Danny is uncomfortable with; Minako is a hero and is otherwise harmless, as her being best friends with Makoto and unknowingly hitting on her boyfriend is what makes Danny uncomfortable. Katie, upon being harshly rejected by Danny, became miserable and obsessed with earning his love; Minako was let down far more gently and respects his loyalty to his girlfriend.
  • Hopeless Suitor: She stood no shot with Danny, Fenton or Phantom, because he's either involved with another girl or one of her best friends. Had she been his date instead of Makoto, she may have had a chance.
  • Malaproper: Like in the 90's anime, she has a frequent habit of misquoting sayings. At first, Danny thought she was bad at English before Usagi confirmed she gets them wrong in Japanese too.
    Minako: Oh… don't worry! I'll be sure to nurse you all back to health too! After all, beauty has no respect for being sick all the time! (Everyone gave her disappointed looks, much to her surprise) What is it?
    Artemis: It's "time has no respect for beauty…" That doesn't even have anything to do with being sick…
  • Single Woman Seeks Good Man: During two chapters in Danny and Makoto, before learning her crush and Makoto's boyfriend are one and the same, Minako becomes fonder of Danny Phantom after seeing him save a mother and son. She admits this, before learning his relationship status, is why she thinks he's an ideal boyfriend.
  • Smitten Teenage Girl: She takes a quick liking to Danny.

One of the cats who act as allies to the Sailor Guardians. She lives with Usagi.
  • Talking Animal: Danny's not that surprised, as he's already encountered Salem. Although, he does get surprised to learn that she and Artemis are (technically) aliens.

One of the cats who act as allies to the Sailor Guardians. He lives with Minako.
  • Berserk Button: When the Ultimatrix deems him and Luna as inferior lifeforms not worth scanning, he takes issue with it.


    Jonathan Kaboom 
Katie's father, who like the rest of the family, is terrified by her temper.
  • Adults Are Useless: Katie's parents are helpless to stop her transformations. Later subverted, however, as they are trying to help her get control of her powers.
  • Aw, Look! They Really Do Love Each Other: As much as Katie's family fears her, after Danny yelled at her, they looked visibly concerned and tried to comfort her.
  • Calling the Old Man Out: Danny criticizes him for letting Katie get out of control. In Danny and Kitty, Katie resolves that while she loves her parents, them not telling her about her condition, let alone helping her with it at first, ultimately did more harm than good. For them, Danny, Tinker and herself.
  • Named by the Adaptation: He and his wife were never given names in Animaniacs. Here, his name is Johnathan.
  • Parents as People: They love their daughter unconditionally but their fear of her condition and not knowing how to handle it led to them making unwise choices.
  • Pushover Parents: Played for Drama as Danny notices to his shock, even Katie's parents are afraid of her.

    Margaret Kaboom 
Katie's mother, who like the rest of the family, is terrified by her temper.
  • Adults Are Useless: Katie's parents are helpless to stop her transformations. Later subverted, however, as they are trying to help her get control of her powers.
  • Aw, Look! They Really Do Love Each Other: As much as Katie's family fears her, after Danny yelled at her, they looked visibly concerned and tried to comfort her.
  • Named by the Adaptation: She and her husband were never given names in Animaniacs. Here, her name is Margaret.
  • Parents as People: They love their daughter unconditionally but their fear of her condition and not knowing how to handle it led to them making unwise choices.
  • Pushover Parents: Played for Drama as Danny notices to his shock, even Katie's parents are afraid of her.

    Tinker Kaboom 
Katie's little brother.
  • Aw, Look! They Really Do Love Each Other: As much as Katie's family fears her, after Danny yelled at her, they looked visibly concerned and tried to comfort her.
  • Pair the Spares: A downplayed, implied example in Katie's alternate ending. According to Katie, a college-aged Tinker would be dating a girl named "Mindy" which is presumably the Mindy from Button's shorts.


    Oscar Proud 
Penny's overprotective father, who is against her dating.
  • Boyfriend-Blocking Dad: He looks out for his daughter but goes a bit overboard, such as disapproving of her dating practically anyone. While he does come around to Danny dating Penny, Oscar made a very strict list of rules for Danny to follow.
  • Throw the Dog a Bone:
    • In Danny and Kim, he makes money selling Proud Snacks as a fuel source instead of food thanks to Danny and Kim's fathers using them as such.
    • Similarly, in the ending where Danny chooses Penny out of all the girls he met through the dating service, Oscar ends up making a fortune by turning his old formula for Proud Snacks into an eco-friendly pesticide.
    • He also stands up for himself when subjected to his wife's hypocrisy and tells his mother that he's not the loser of her two sons.

    Suga Mama 
Penny's grandmother.
  • Cool Old Lady: Unlike Oscar, Suga Mama was more supportive of Penny and Danny's relationship, largely because she senses Danny's basic decency. This gets a Double Subversion in Danny and Kim though, as Danielle calls her out on treating Oscar poorly despite her oldest son being a loser with no job or family. However, Suga Mama admits in private she does indeed love Oscar and promises to tell him more often.
  • O.O.C. Is Serious Business: In Danny And Kim, when Vlad is threatening the planet with the Disasteroid, she doesn't argue with Oscar when he offers to help her find Bobby.
  • Shipper on Deck: She seems to be rooting for Danny to be with her granddaughter Penny.

    LaCienega Boulevardez 
Penny's snobby classmate and rival.
  • Alpha Bitch: Just like in canon, she is stuck up and is quick to make catty remarks at Penny's expense.
  • Gold Digger: In the alternate ending featuring Penny, it is stated that she tried to hit on Danny once he became famous, only to be met by cold rejection. Afterwards, it's implied that she married some guy only for his money.

    Dijonnay Jones 
Penny's best friend who others don't like.
  • Lack of Empathy: She shows no concern for Danielle's disappearance or that she broke down into tears, which pissed Danny off.


    Courtney Grippling 
The most popular girl at Ginger's school, who is fascinated by Ginger.


    Frankie Stein 
The Daughter of Frankenstein and one of Spectra's friends from Monster High.

A female werewolf and one of Spectra's friends from Monster High.

The daughter of Dracula and one of Spectra's friends from Monster High.

    Lagoona Blue 
A female sea monster and one of Spectra's friends from Monster High.

    Cleo De Nile 
The mummy of an Egyptian Princess and one of Spectra's friends from Monster High.
  • Alpha Bitch: Just like in canon, she's extremely haughty and thinks lowly of others.
  • Cute Monster Girl
  • Fantastic Racism: Downplayed—while she may not be a fan of "normies" (humans), she does warm up to Danny, especially after he saves her and her friends from the Guys in White.
  • Lovable Alpha Bitch: Despite her haughtiness, she's a good person and genuinely loves and cares about her friends.
  • Shipper on Deck: She seems to be rooting for Danny and Spectra to be together.

A smart zombie and one of Spectra's friends from Monster High.


Musa's friend who lives on Earth.
  • Foil: To Minako as the friend of a date who likes Danny too. Minako took the program, Bloom didn't. Minako is also not involved in a relationship, Bloom is.
  • Smitten Teenage Girl: Even though she's in a relationship, she thinks Danny is cute and partially wishes she entered the dating service to meet him.


    Mrs. Hardy 
Felicia's mother

    Peter Parker 
A student at Horizon High and New York's own web-slinging super hero, Spider-Man.
  • Pungeon Master: He wouldn't be Spider-Man without his quips. Just as much as Danny.
    Anya Corazon 
A student at Horizon High, who is not fond of Felicia for her effortless, top academics.


    Jane Lane 
Daria's snarky best friend.

    Quinn Morgendorfer 
Daria's shallow younger sister
  • Bad Date: She was one of the girls who went out with Tucker. It isn't revealed what exactly happened, but it was clear neither of them really connected.


    Bruce Wayne a.k.a. Batman 
The Dark Knight of Gotham City.
  • Badass Normal: He doesn't have powers, yet is a founding member of the Justice League.
  • Greater-Scope Paragon: Gotham City's protector, Batgirl's mentor and stands next to Superman as one of the world's most recognized heroes.

    Commissioner James Gordon 
Barbara's father and the head of the Gotham City Police Department.
  • Papa Wolf: He is very protective of his daughter.

    Lieutenant Harvey Bullock 
A detective from Gothan who works under Commissioner Gordon.


Cleo's on-off boyfriend.
  • Nice Guy: Even though he and Cleo aren't dating anymore, he does still care about her.


Batman's former sidekick and leader of the Teen Titans. Also, Starfire's eventual boyfriend should she not end up with Danny.
  • Crazy Jealous Guy: Even when Starfire doesn't end up with Danny, he's notably irritable when it's mentioned Starfire went out with him.
  • Tempting Fate: In Danny and Starfire, it's revealed Robin only agreed to the dating service because he believed Starfire would never find any of her dates more interesting than him.

Other Friends

    Jake Long 
The American Dragon of New York and a later friend in Danny and Kim.
  • Babies Ever After: He ends up having a daughter named Alison "Sonny" Jade Long, who inherits her dad's dragon powers—and this happens whether he ends up with Rose (his canon love interest) or Sabrina.
  • Foil: To Danny. Danny lives with a family of ghost hunters, got his powers from a lab accident and uses his powers to protect humans from ghosts. Jake is descended from dragons on his mother's side of the family, inherited those abilities, and protects magical creatures from humans.
  • Has a Type: Both his canon love interest, Rose, and his love interest in some timelines, Sabrina Spellman, are blondes.
  • Heterosexual Life-Partners: Becomes a friend to Danny in every timeline they meet.
  • Let's You and Him Fight: Danny and Jake mistakenly think the other a threat and fight. Later, they have a more friendly sparring match and it is left ambiguous who won. Annie, Danny's daughter with Kim, implies that he won.
  • Were Dragon: He's a human who has the ability to turn into a dragon.

    Lilo Pelekai 
A Hawaiian girl with an alien dog who Kim has met before.

  • Ascended Fangirl: Lilo is a huge fan of Danny Phantom, and she not only gets to meet him, but becomes friends with him.

Experiment 626 and Lilo's dog/best friend.
  • Real After All: When Danny sees him for the first time, he assumed an injury to his head was causing him to hallucinate. Kim clarifies that Stitch is real, and Lilo informs Danny he's an alien.

    TJ Detwheiler 
A young boy who attends Third Street School who befriends Dani. He is also a fan of Danny Phantom.
  • Ascended Fanboy: He and his friends are huge fans of Danny Phantom, and he not only gets to meet him, but becomes friends with him and Dani.

    Vince La Salle 
One of TJ's best friend and the athlete of the group.

    Mikey Blumberg 
One of TJ's best friend and the poet of the group.

    Gretchen Grundler 
One of TJ's best friend and the smart one of the group.

One of TJ's best friend and the tough one of the group.

  • Jerk with a Heart of Gold: She gets huffy when Danielle questions why her parents named her "Spinelli" and informs her it's her last name and questions Danielle on her own parents. When Danielle admits she's an orphan, Spinelli apologizes.
  • Tomboy: Just like in canon.

    Gus Griswald 
One of TJ's best friend and the newest addition to the group.

"I'm Deadpool! You stupid fanfic author!"
The Merc with the mouth. He first appears in After Many Dates: Danny and Kim and makes fleeting appearances in stories besides the original.
  • Abhorrent Admirer: He's hit on Wonder Woman, Black Canary, Sailor Pluto, Supergirl and Batgirl (when the latter two came of age). None of them were flattered.
  • Adaptational Heroism: Like his film counterpart, he appears to only do battle with legitimately bad people.
  • Affectionate Nickname: Insists on being called "DP".
  • Amazon Chaser: Wonder Woman, Black Canary, Shego and Harley Quinn are among the women he's shown an interest in. All of them are powerful and/or skilled and only one of them has no desire to harm him...anymore.
  • Berserk Button:
    • He was notably irritated that the Warners used his "lazy writing" line in Danny and Kara and brought it up several times.
    • Disrespecting Betty White, or saying anything that could be perceived as disrespecting Betty White, will fill Deadpool with so much rage that he will ruin your life. Just ask Hank Hill.
  • Beware the Silly Ones: As jokey as he can be, he's still a mercenary and isn't quite as noble as the ghost boy he likes to hang around.
  • Breaking the Fourth Wall: Not only does he do his usual schtick of acknowledging his awareness of being a fictional character, he argues with the authors.
  • Deadpan Snarker: It's Deadpool, being snarky is a requirement.
  • Disproportionate Retribution: By his own admission, he still went through destroying Hank Hill's lawn and tricked him into saying "propane sucks" while being recorded because he didn't think Betty White was that important. Most people would consider these just annoying, but for Hank, Deadpool effectively tormented him and tricked him into committing blasphemy.
  • The Dreaded: He may be a goofball, but he's a mercenary for a reason. In his first appearance in these stories, Dementor was terrified at the idea of him showing up. His presence alone is enough to terrify Ed Wuncler I. Keep in mind that Wuncler was a man who could use his connections to manipulate even the president and never once showed an ounce of fear. The fact that he's so scared as to the point of begging and bribery only reminds why Deadpool is not someone you want after you.
  • Dumbass Has a Point: He may not entirely up there, but he raises some good points by telling Poison Ivy that her methods of making plant monsters and poisons generally cause more harm than good for the environment that she claims to love and care about so much.
  • Everyone Has Standards:
    • Although it's most for the aforementioned Betty White topic, Deadpool also expresses dislike of Hank for being an emotionally abusive father to Bobby.
    • While he is insane, even he believes that Poison Ivy's methods to "help nature" cause more harm than good and calls her out on it.
  • Foil: To the Warner Siblings. They can break the fourth wall and are much more cartoony than other characters. However, the siblings originated from a show aimed at children, while Deadpool is usually aimed for older audiences. The Warners ship Danny and Katie simply for a laugh, Deadpool is dedicated to shipping Danny and Kim even in other timelines where they don't get together. Even their roles are different, the Warners are trolls who like to mess with Danny, Deadpool is more heroic like his film counterpart and saves Danny from a villain. The Warners enjoy picking on Vlad because he's a villain and enjoy interfering with his plans, Deadpool becomes hellbent on ruining Hank Hill's life just because Hank said he didn't have much respect for Betty White. In fact, Danny's opinion on them contrast each other. Danny sees the Warner siblings as nuisances due their constant pestering and teasingly shipping him with Katie, who he fears. In regards to Deadpool, while Danny knows that he is insane and a mercenary, he eventually becomes one of the few people who tolerate him to an extent and treat him as a friend.
  • Fourth-Wall Observer: He can interact with the authors, while Danny and everyone else around him are clueless to who he is talking to.
  • The Friend Nobody Likes: He's not well-liked by most of the superhero or supervillain community, even amongst his allies. Danny's chosen girlfriends in timelines, mostly Kara and Kim, aren't fond of him either. Danny seems to like him enough though but that seems to be a mixture of Danny not being completely aware of everything Deadpool gets up to and the mercenary usually treating Danny nicely. Danny does admit he doesn't approve of what Deadpool does for a living, but accepts he only really devotes the dangerous stuff to the worst of the worst.
  • Iconic Sequel Character: A rare fanfiction example. Deadpool did not appear nor was he even mentioned in the original story, but after appearing for the first time in After Many Dates: Danny and Kim, he's become a recurring staple of the stories.
  • Jerkass to One: Unless he was hired to go after someone, he's usually very friendly, sometimes too friendly, to everyone. The only person he's shown so far to be genuinely angry and merciless with is Hank Hill, due to him not thinking highly of Betty White.
  • Lighter and Softer: Due to the fact that the story isn't M rated, he's unable to use profanity or butcher his opponents.
  • Medium Awareness: As usual, he's aware he's a fictional character and later bickers with the author even when the chapter ended.
  • Odd Friendship: The loud-mouthed, sometimes foul-mouthed, psychotic and violent mercenary Deadpool is friends with the otherwise Nice Guy Danny Phantom.
  • One-Steve Limit: While they share the same first name, there's no way anyone would confuse him for Kim Possible's tech-savvy friend.
  • O.O.C. Is Serious Business: His appearance in Christmas Tales chapter 7 starts with him less comical than usual before he starts getting back into his usual behavior. This chapter was released after the real life passing of Betty White, who Deadpool was a huge fan of as he visited her grave.
  • Pair the Spares: He becomes involved with Harley Quinn in Danny and Kim.
  • Pet the Dog: He might have bought Bob Belcher's business out from under him, but he genuinely compliments his cooking talents and only took over as his landlord because he knows the man has no business sense and helps him actually become a successful restauranteur.
  • Poke the Poodle: The closest to awful thing he does is remove Sparky the Fairy Dog's immortality. invokedThen again...
  • Shipper on Deck:
    • He wants to use the Infinity Gauntlet to de-age Carol Danvers a few years and return her to her Ms. Marvel outfit so that Spider-Man can have a shot at her.
    • He claims to be friends with the Bullseye from the 2003 film and is helping him be a thing with that version of Elektra, despite the obvious reason she'd reject him.
    • He lists off girls he wanted to have Danny be involved with in the main story: Daphne Blake, Mio Akiyama, Lapis Lazuli, Mami Tomoe, Fu Inubozaki, Princess Mandie, Abby Archer and Sunset Shimmer.
    • Despite the above, he does admit in Danny and Kim he ships them both. He had gotten close with them, mostly Danny, and grew fond of the two together. It's so prevalent that it even occurs in other timelines.
  • Stalker with a Crush: He has the hots for Wonder Woman to the point of breaking into the JL headquarters for her number, even though she can easily commit manslaughter if it weren't for his healing abilities.

Alternative Title(s): The Many Dates Of Danny Fenton Danny Fenton Alliesand Friends
