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Characters / Compass of Thy Soul

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The many and varied characters found during Warring Clans Era.

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Uchiha Heads

    Uchiha Kita 

Uchiha Kita, Head of the Toyotama lineage, former Head of Homeguard a.k.a. the Bijuu-Friend

  • Abdicate the Throne: Kita resigns from her nominal position as Head of Homeguard after Tajima dies.
  • Act of True Love: Her Mangekyou Sharingan awakened because Tobirama was about to be murdered, meaning she cared for him enough to undergo Traumatic Superpower Awakening.
  • Ambiguously Christian: Kita seems to practice some form of Christianity but nothing is actually mentioned In-Universe besides few vague mentions of God.
  • Beware the Quiet Ones: The thing with Uchiha is, they're all dramatic. The more sedate ones, such as Kita, are merely biding their time until they're sufficiently ticked off, and it tends to be spectacularly messy.
  • The Blacksmith: Downplayed example. Kita's father was a master wire-smith and Kita was taught by him to help in the forge. She even notes that if she had larger chakra reserves she would likely have been trained as his successor.
  • Boxing Lessons for Superman: Since sealing depends heavily on the master being able to understand and describe various concepts, Kita spends her time learning obscure kanji and the principles behind many natural phenomena.
  • Break Them by Talking: Managed to induce a two-days-long BSOD in Tobirama by making him realize he was killing Uchiha civilians.
  • Cheshire Cat Grin: When she knows she just got you good, Kita's smile is said to belong on a tiger's face.
  • Combat Pragmatist: Very much so. Part of her training for the Homeguard involved learning to always go for the kill, and to dispatch her opponents as fast as possible.
  • Cool Big Sis: The eldest of nine children and they all adore her.
  • Deadpan Snarker: A low-key one, most obviously in her narration.
  • Fairytale Motifs: Yes. Kita is from the Toyotama lineage, was called "a sealing spirit" before the clan found out her identity, was betrothed to and married an important nobleman, and can transform into an animal. All very much in line with tales of animal wives.
  • Fish out of Water: Downplayed, but there are moments when Kita trips over the differences between her various life. Especially when it comes to things that she considers a common knowledge.
  • Foil: To Uzumaki Mito:
    • Both were in an Arranged Marriage. Kita and Madara worked hard during their betrothal to make their eventual marriage work and are very much happily married, while Hashirama and Mito seem to be cordial with each other but no more.
    • Kita is several years younger than Madara, while Mito is older than Hashirama.
    • Kita works with Madara and has equal say in clan matters as him. Mito often has to work around her husband and Hashirama does not seem to value her opinions and experience.
    • Kita is a self-taught seal mistress of the Performer variety, while Mito had an extensive training and is distinctly Technician in style.
  • The Gadfly: She tends to subtly troll people. It includes gifting a Uchiha-made coat to Tobirama (unofficially acknowledging him as ally to the clan) or naming her latest-born son after him in a roundabout way.
  • Geometric Magic: A self-taught sealing master, she revolutionized the field by focusing on domestic and medical applications. Plus her stitches seals are completely unique to her style.
  • Going Native: Due to the specific nature of her reincarnation, Kita has fully assimilated into her new life while she was still a child.
  • Happily Married: To Madara.
  • Mama Bear: Before awakening her Mangekyou, she had to contend herself with throwing a Senju assassin to the pigs to be Eaten Alive. Now that she can shapeshift into a huge-as-balls sea dragon, she can do the eating by herself.
  • Manipulative Bitch: A mostly benign example but she does manipulate people for the Uchiha's benefit.
  • Marriage Before Romance: Downplayed. She talked maybe once with Madara before being betrothed to him.
  • Minored in Ass-Kicking: A necessity since as the wife of Uchiha Outguard Head she's a target for assassins.
  • Morality Chain: A downplayed, realistic version — she nudges Madara on the road to make peace by encouraging him to think about his actions and be mindful of others.
  • Mundane Utility: Kita really has a knack for applying this to her seals and ninjutsu. She made seals for boiling water, rout infection, prevent a baby from wandering too far and such.
  • Naginatas Are Feminine: She is taught to fight with one as a part of her training for marriage.
  • Nay-Theist: Zigzaged. Kita doesn't believe that kami have any claim on her soul and refuses to worship them or her ancestors. However, she does hold on some of her beliefs in God from her previous life.
  • Nothing Up My Sleeve: Kita carries a knife and her sealing supplies in special pockets within her kimono sleeves.
  • Parental Substitute: She becomes this for the newborn Benten in spite of being barely twelve years old. Later on, she adopts her baby sisters after their mother dies.
  • Past-Life Memories: Kita, though unusually her memories roughly parallel her current age note , excepting those about canon storyline.
  • Perfectly Arranged Marriage: How her betrothal with Madara turned to be. It helped they had 8 years to get to know each other.
  • Promotion to Parent: Following her mother's Death by Childbirth, she decides to raise her newborn twin sisters with Madara. She does so well that the girls call her "mama".
  • Puppet King: Was one to Ohabari during Tajima's lifetime. After his death, Kita outright resigned from her position in Homeguard and left the job to Ohabari.
  • Rags to Riches: Kita was member of a branch of minor lineage before being betrothed to Madara. Once her Mangekyou surfaces, she's named a Head in her own right.
  • Red Oni, Blue Oni: Blue to Madara's red.
  • Scaled Up: The Toyotama manifestation of the Mangekyou is a full-body shapeshift into a gigantic wani (a mythic beast akin to a crocodile or sea dragon).
  • Self-Insert: Uchiha Kita, by a way of Reincarnation.
  • Statuesque Stunner: Kita is very tall for a woman, with rather slim build.
  • Supernatural Sensitivity: Kita is noted to have minor sensory skills.
  • Sweet Polly Oliver: She did that whenever she had to leave the compound, until she grew too pretty for it to be effective.
  • Technician Versus Performer: The Performer to Mito and Tobirama's Technicians, Kita thinks with images and symbolism.
  • Textile Work Is Feminine: Kita was born into the Toyotama lineage, the one branch responsible for clothing the clan, so she's very well-versed into embroidery, sewing and such.
    • In fact, she's the current master coatmaker of the clan and responsible for the traditional patter scrolls.
  • Tiger Versus Dragon: Kita gives good advice, doesn't actively seek conflict, can shapeshift into a sea dragon and feels Hashirama's wilder personality is distasteful so fits the Dragon type.
  • Traumatic Superpower Awakening: Seeing her own clansmates about to kill a helpless Tobirama upset her to the point she underwent a full-body shapeshift into a wani to mangle the agressor.
  • Unexpected Successor: Becomes a Head of the Toyotama lineage after activating her Mangekyou despite being from a minor branch.
  • Wise Beyond Their Years: How she appears to her clan. She's cheating a bit as she can draw upon her former life's memories.
  • Yamato Nadeshiko: Kita is demure, gently natured and family-focused. And if she's disagreeing with someone, said someone will never make her bend to their opinion.

    Uchiha Madara 

Uchiha Madara, Head of the Amaterasu lineage, Head of Outguard

  • Big Brother Instinct: Towards Izuna, Tobirama and his Yatagarasu cousins.
  • Devoted to You: He's so completely in love with Kita it's a mite silly, really.
  • Do Not Call Me Sir: He's pissed off when the Water Daimyo's court gives him the "Hokage" title, as it implies he is the true ruler of the Fire Country rather than the Abe lineage.
  • The Dreaded: Not as much as Hashirama but Madara does have a reputation across Elemental Nation as both a warrior and a politician.
  • The Dutiful Son: Madara is dedicated to taking care of the clan and leading them responsibly.
  • Good Is Not Soft: Madara tends to make examples of people who deliberately target children or engage in bloodline theft.
  • Happily Married: To Kita.
  • Heroic Safe Mode: Enters one following Hashirama's death.
  • Hidden Depths: Enjoys drawing and painting, especially painting pottery, and is a decent cook.
  • Just the First Citizen: Right after creating Konohagakure, Madara refuses to give the village a ruling position and is very happy to stay Head of the Outguard in the Uchiha clan. However, he's the one reporting to the daimyo about the village, is from noble extraction and vested with the authority to raise an army of shinobi if needed, so for all matters and purposes is the Hokage.
  • Manipulative Bastard: He arranged a coup against the Daimyo of Earth without using his chakra, and he made the court believe it was their idea. Tobirama's reaction was one of horrified awe.
  • Marriage Before Romance: Downplayed. He didn't even know Kita's name when Tajima summarily betrothed her to him. In spite of his panic and dismay, he decided to make an effort to know her and be a good husband.
  • My God, What Have I Done?: Madara is noted to be in deep shock after Hashirama's death, which lasts for several days.
  • Nay-Theist: Madara stopped worshipping kami and ancestral spirits sometime during his early twenties.
  • Papa Wolf: Oh yes. Though he didn't get a chance to show it, since Kita caught them first.
    • Kita notes he has this attitude towards the younger members of Outguard.
    • Hashirama putting a target on the village with his plan to entrap the bijuu enraged Madara enough to try to kill him.
  • Perfectly Arranged Marriage: With Kita. Helped by 8 years of betrothal beforehand.
  • Persona Non Grata: In Earth Country after his coup.
  • Red Oni, Blue Oni: Red to Kita's blue. Also, Blue one to Hashirama and Izuna's Reds.
  • Slasher Smile: Described to be like an open grave. Charming.
  • Uptown Girl: The Heir to the clan, betrothed to a girl from the less prestigious branch.
  • We Used to Be Friends: Downplayed. Madara still loves and cares for Hashirama as his first friend, but he knows Hashirama will never reciprocate to the same depths of feeling so he emotionally distanciated himself from the Senju.

    Uchiha Tajima 

Uchiha Tajima, former Head of the Amaterasu lineage, former Head of Outguard

  • Abusive Parents: Of the emotional kind, being extremelly manipulative and controlling.
  • Ambition Is Evil: Tajima seemed to be motivated by his personal vision for the clan and pursuit of more power.
  • Awful Wedded Life: Downplayed and mostly implied, but Madara notes that his parents never really talked to each other unless it involved their duties. Tajima also considered Hitomi to be too soft.
  • Cain and Abel: Very much the Cain to his siblings' Abels.
  • Control Freak: He had a very specific vision for the Uchiha, wanting for power to be used as he decided, when he decided. Even his siblings and uncle weren't spared his wrath for disobeying.
  • Even Evil Can Be Loved: For all his faults, Tajima was genuinely loved by his sons who deeply mourned his passing.
  • Evil Uncle: He felt no qualms orphaning his nephews when he killed his own brother.
  • Giver of Lame Names: Madara's name is written with kanji for "spotted". Nuff said.
  • Killed Off for Real: Dies in the first story, during a battle with the Senju.
  • Manipulative Bastard: Very much so. He played lineage heads against each other to keep them divided, tried to pressure Kita into making combat seals and regularly interacts with court nobles.
  • Mutual Kill: With Senju Butsuma.
  • Obnoxious In-Laws: He tried to force Kita to follow his warlike vision for the clan, only for her to flatly refuse him no matter how much he pressured her.
  • Outliving One's Offspring: Three of his sons died in childhood, one to mission injuries and two to assassinations.
  • Papa Wolf: Showed it in a rather unusual way, but the reason he took Madara and Izuna so young onto the battlefield was to keep them where he could see them. After all, his younger sons were assassinated within the Compound... and away from him.
  • Sadistic Choice: Either he could keep his surviving sons in the proved unsafe compound, or he could put them on the battlefield. Tajima picked the latter, reasoning this way he would see danger come.
  • The Social Expert: Tajima is very good at figuring out people's motivations and ambitions, and using that to his own ends.
  • Stern Teacher: Regarding politics, he was this to Kita. She found him very intimidating.
  • Well-Intentioned Extremist: He personally wasn't that much of a nice or decent person, but his primary drive has always been to safeguard the Uchiha clan.
  • Worthy Opponent: He's hinted to actually enjoy Kita's willfulness and spirit, and Kita admits she misses having someone to verbally spar with.

    Uchiha Ohabari 

Uchiha Ohabari of the Amaterasu lineage, former Head of Homeguard

  • Abdicate the Throne: Ohabari retires from her position in Homeguard once her son Minakata is of age, leaving the Headship to him.
  • Cain and Abel: Abel to Tajima's Cain. Though she does outlive him.
  • Happily Married: To Tsuyoshi, one of her brother's warriors. At least before he died.
  • Mama Bear: Yes. She outright says that if anything happens to her children because of Madara's plotting, she will kill him and make Hikaku the Outguard Head.
  • The Man Behind the Man: She ostensibly was instructing Kita on her duties as Head of Homeguard as long as Tajima was alive. Once he bit the dust, Kita immediately gave her the position.
  • Marry for Love: Married Tsuyoshi because she genuinely liked him, instead of having an arranged match.
  • Minored in Ass-Kicking: Implied, since she's from a main line, Head of Homeguard and oversaw Kita's training.
  • Sole Survivor: The only one of her siblings to live to the peace treaty signing.
  • Uptown Girl: Married a man of no known lineage, which is why she's still listed as an Amaterasu.
  • Yamato Nadeshiko: Very much so. She even gave lessons to Kita to prepare her for her marriage.

    Uchiha Hikaku 

Uchiha Hikaku, Head of the Yatagarasu lineage, formerly of the Amaterasu lineage

  • Big Brother Instinct: For his younger brothers and little sister.
  • The Dutiful Son: Dedicated to taking care of his siblings and helping with running the clan.
  • Happily Married: To Uchiha Yori.
  • Irrational Hatred: Towards the Senju for the murder of his baby sister Toku. Luckily, he grows out of it eventually.
  • Lineage Comes from the Father: Subverted. Yes, he got Yatagarasu from his father but Niniji-sama would have inherited it from his own mother.
  • Marry for Love: Him and Yori were very much in love before deciding to marry.
  • Promotion to Parent: After his parents' deaths, he helps with caring for his younger siblings.
  • The Reliable One: Hikaku is Madara's most trusted and level-headed subordinate, which is why the man is the second-in-command of Outguard and was send as a hostage to the Senju.
  • Unexpected Successor: To the Yatagarasu lineage since he was born to the Amaterasu lineage and become the Head after getting his Mangekyou.

    Uchiha Taka 

Uchiha Taka, former Head of the Yomotsu-shikone lineage

  • Action Girl: An experienced member of the Outguard.
  • Died in Your Arms Tonight: For her nephew Oshiki.
  • Good Stepmother: By all accounts, she was this to her almost-stepson Teruhito, once he was adopted in the clan.
  • Implacable Man: What her Mangekyou manifestation allows her to do — she will not stop until her target dies, no matter what.
  • Killed Off for Real: Dies during the conflict with the Senju.
  • Lack of Empathy: Implied. Kita notes Taka's behaviour has changed after her Mangekyou awakened and she lost her ability to empathize with other people.
  • Master of Illusion: Taka is noted as a exceptional genjutsu user even within her clan.
  • Scarily Competent Tracker: Her Mangekyou allows her to chase down her target regardless of the distance or obstacles between them.
  • Traumatic Superpower Awakening: Taka awakened her Mangekyou when her civilian lover was murdered before her eyes by a Senju patrol.
  • Unexpected Successor: Taka is this for her lineage, due to becoming a Head by activating her Mangekyou.
  • Uptown Girl: Taka is noblewoman, even if only a minor one, while her lover was a civilian craftsman.

    Uchiha Sakurajima 

Uchiha Sakurajima, Head of the Futsunushi lineage

  • Action Girl: An active member of the Outguard and, if necessary, Kita's bodyguard.
  • Happily Married: To Kakuzu of Waterfall. Yes, really.
  • Hero-Worshipper: She deeply admires the former Head of the Outguard, Uchiha Biei-Fuji. Madara feels really concerned about that, as Biei-Fuji was rather scandalous in her lifestyle choices.
  • Hidden Depths: Very knowledgeable about her clan's history, especially concerning her idol.
  • History Repeats: Actually invoked and Played for Laughs; since her idol decided to marry a war prisoner, Sakurajima went and seduced Kakuzu of Waterfall while he was enjoying the Uchiha gaols.
  • In Love with Your Carnage: Her reaction when Kakuzu slaughtered the Elders of Waterfall and brought their kinjutsu back to her as a wedding gift? She was overjoyed by such a passionate declaration of commitment.
  • Lima Syndrome: She met her future husband right after he was imprisoned by the Uchiha for attempting to murder Hashirama.
  • Lineage Comes from the Father: Averted. Her children will be her heirs and her husband takes her name and lineage, too.
  • Marry for Love: Sakurajima married Kakuzu because she actually liked him.
  • Rags to Riches: Goes from one of many orphans of no importance to Head of her own lineage.
  • Spontaneous Weapon Creation: Her Mangekyou allows her to turn anything she's holding into a sword.
  • Tomboy and Girly Girl: Sakurajima doesn't feel comfortable in a dress and happily bodyguards the more traditionally feminine Kita.
  • Unexpected Successor: Her lineage was considered mythical and extinct before her Mangekyou awakened.
  • Uptown Girl: Sakurajima is Head to her lineage, while her husband is a clanless shinobi who was thrown out from the Waterfall for failing a mission.

    Uchiha Sahoro 

Uchiha Sahoro, Head of the Mizuhame lineage

  • The Blacksmith: His background — specifically, his lineage maintains and repairs the clan's armors.
  • The Dutiful Son: Sahoro joined the Outguard to be able to better provide for his younger siblings.
  • Hidden Depths: Very knowledgeable about his clan's history.
  • Lineage Comes from the Father: Zigzaged. While nothing is certain, Sahoro nominating his maternal grandfather as an elder for his lineage implies that he gets his Mangekyou from his mother's family.
  • Rags to Riches: While his family was reasonably well-off as the clan's armourers, Sahoro's instatement significantly elevated his standing within the Uchiha.
  • Unexpected Successor: His lineage was considered extinct before he activated his Mangekyou.

    Uchiha Kagutsuchi 

Uchiha Kagutsuchi, Head of the Koujin lineage

    Uchiha Yari 

Uchiha Yari, Head of the Raiden lineage

Uchiha Clan Members

    Uchiha Izuna 

Uchiha Izuna of the Amaterasu lineage

  • Amazon Chaser: He grew attracted to E because of her unbending determination to regain her skills and lethality in spite of her maiming.
  • Annoying Younger Sibling: He has moments in which he's teasing Madara for being stupid or a sap.
  • A Day in the Limelight: The omake in Compass of thy Soul is from his perspective.
    • As is the Interlude in Direct thee to Peace.
  • Happily Married: To Uchiha E of the Konjin lineage. They have couple of children together.
  • Irrational Hatred: Towards all the Senju for killing his younger brothers when Izuna himself was a child barely able to understand war. He eventually grows out of it, in part due to the hostage exchange.
  • Marry for Love: He married E because he genuinely was in love with her.
  • Red Oni, Blue Oni: Red to Madara's Blue.
  • Screw This, I'm Outta Here:
    • He moves out of the Clan Hall when it becomes clear that the Uchiha will be hosting Tobirama for half a year.
    • He opts for a tactical retreat away from Kita, Tobirama and Mito when the three of them start to experiment with fuinjutsu.
  • The Social Expert: He's surprisingly at ease in the Daimyo's court, playing at politics.
  • Spared by the Adaptation: Survives his canon injury.
  • Supernatural Sensitivity: Izuna has minor sensory skills and a range of about 30 metres.

    Uchiha E 

Uchiha E of the Amaterasu lineage, formerly of the Konjin lineage

  • Action Girl: E was part of the Outguard.
  • An Arm and a Leg: Both of her hands were cut off by Tobirama during a fight.
  • Determinator: After losing her hands, she relearned to use her jutsu without any handseals, learned to write with a brush in her mouth and mastered chakra strings to use on her new puppet prostheses.
  • Geometric Magic: One of Kita's apprentices and a seal master in her own right.
  • Handicapped Badass: Losing both of her hands only slowed her down for a moment.
  • Happily Married: To Uchiha Izuna.
  • Mama Bear: Implied. Izuna notes E used some impressive sealwork to protect their children and house.
  • Marry for Love: She married Izuna because she was genuinely in love with her future husband.
  • Meaningful Name: The kanji çµµ (e) means picture or illustration and she is a sealing master.
  • Oblivious to Love: It took her some time to realise Izuna was interested in and actively trying to court her.

    Uchiha Yori 

Uchiha Yori of the Yatagarasu lineage, formerly of the Inari lineage

  • Break Them by Talking: She induces a minor Heroic BSoD in Tobirama by revealing him just how his and Hashirama's attempts to be "merciful" on the battlefield only created more suffering and violence.
  • Geometric Magic: Kita taught her all her medical seals, especially the embroidered ones.
  • Happily Married: To Uchiha Hikaku.
  • Marry for Love: Hikaku and she were genuinely in love with each other before their marriage.
  • The Medic: She's the best healer in the clan and spearheads the research into medical chakra techniques. In particular the Yin-chakra healing jutsu is her creation.
  • Motor Mouth: She talks a lot.
  • Sweet Polly Oliver: Yori dresses as a man whenever she's near the frontlines retrieving injured since the enemies don't need more reasons to kill her.
  • Textile Work Is Feminine: She learns to embroider as part of her sealing specialization training.
  • Yamato Nadeshiko: She can play the part when dealing with her duties as wife of Yatagarasu Head, but she prefers not to bother during her day-to-day activities.

    Uchiha Hijiri 

Uchiha Hijiri of the Yatagarasu lineage, formerly of the Amaterasu lineage

  • Animal Motifs: Crows. He's designated as a summoner for the birds, and belongs to the Yatagarasu lineage — Yatagarasu is the Japanese name for the three-legged crow.
  • The Beastmaster: Hijiri gets to sign the Crow Summoning Contract.
  • Improbable Infant Survival: When Senju assassins managed to break into the Uchiha compound, killing Tajima's youngest sons and two-year-old niece, Hijiri barely escaped when Kita happened on the scene and screamed loud enough to bring help.
  • Outliving One's Offspring: One of his children died shortly after birth.
  • Shotgun Wedding: Hijiri marries his girlfriend Naka-mochi because she was expecting his child.
  • Spare to the Throne: Defied. He wasn't made Hikaku's heir because he already had an Amaterasu training and the two approaches were rather conflicting.
  • Unexpected Successor: To the summoning contract, since nobody expected him to be a Yatagarasu and the contract needs to stay in the main line.

    Uchiha Hidaka 

Uchiha Hidaka of the Yatagarasu lineage, formerly of the Amaterasu lineage

  • Amazon Chaser: Possible, since his wife is a part of Outguard.
  • Da Chief: Madara gives him the job of creating and running Konoha Military Police. By all accounts, he did it very well.
  • Happily Married: With Uchiha Hideo.
  • Spare to the Throne: For his brother Hikaku as the Yatagarasu Heir and chosen over Hijiri since his older brothers were already trained as Amaterasu.
    • One of the reasons for Madara giving him the task of organising a militia was because he was abruptly put aside in favour of his 2-years-old nephew.
  • Strong Family Resemblance: With his sister Benten - they have identical faces and chakra signatures. Tobirama notes that even after knowing them both for thirteen years he still can barely tell them apart.

    Uchiha Benten 

Uchiha Benten of the Yatagarasu lineage, formerly of the Amaterasu lineage

  • Action Girl: Joins the Outguard once she's of age.
  • Happily Adopted: Kita practically raised Benten and the girl loves her like a mother. She even refers to Kita as her mother.
  • Improbable Infant Survival: Her family was very surprised when the premature Benten lived through winter, courtesy of Kita wrapping her in seals for health and warmth.
  • Manipulative Bitch: Implied. She's very interested in diplomatic work and politics, and Kita taught her all she knew about negotiating. Madara even took her on diplomatic mission to Earth Country.
  • Naginatas Are Feminine: Benten was taught to wield a naginata as a child and presumably kept her skills in Outguard.
  • Strong Family Resemblance: With her brother Hidaka - they have identical faces and chakra signatures. Tobirama notes that even after knowing them both for thirteen years he still can barely tell them apart.

    Uchiha Kakuzu 

Uchiha Kakuzu of the Futsunushi lineage, formerly of the Waterfall

  • The Dog Bites Back: He repaid his clan exiling him in absentia by slaughtering his former elders and stealing their prized kinjutsu.
  • Going Native: After his exile and the subsequent marriage, Kakuzu fully integrates into the Uchiha to the point of becoming a valued member of their trade branch.
  • Good with Numbers: Very good at math and finances, to the point of being an important member of Uchiha's trading group.
  • Happily Married: To Uchiha Sakurajima.
  • Heroic BSoD: There was very alarming screaming and several days of depression when he was informed his clan had thrown him away for failing his mission.
  • History Repeats: Actually invoked and Played for Laughs — his future wife Sakurajima developed an interest in him precisely because her idol Biei-Fuji married a war prisoner, just like Kakuzu was a political prisoner.
  • Meaningful Appearance: After realising that yes, he's that Kakuzu who would have become an Akatsuki member, Kita makes a brief comment on the fact he's not a Tattooed Crook in this timeline.
  • Mistreatment-Induced Betrayal: His clan elders have disavowed his actions and exiled him in absentia, leaving him at the Uchiha's mercy. He repays them by killing them all and stealing their priceless kinjutsu.
  • Papa Wolf: He very much disapproves people trash-talking his infant son for not inheriting the Sharingan. Apparently, his retribution was so brutal that Madara had to intervene and tell him to tone it down.
  • Stockholm Syndrome: Kakuzu was left heavily traumatized by his clan suddenly cutting him off, so was left vulnerable to his captors offering him a place to belong. He eventually married into the Uchiha.
  • You Have Outlived Your Usefulness: Waterfall's answer to him failing to assassinate Hashirama was to exile him without his input.

    Uchiha Tobirama 

Uchiha Tobirama of the Toyotama lineage, formerly of the Senju Clan, former Head of the Senju Clan

  • Arranged Marriage: To his cousin Uzumaki Chika, though he had some input in arranging it.
  • Affectionate Nickname: "Bira-oji" to the Uchiha children when he's taken hostage to their compound, later "Bira-sensei" when he starts teaching in Konohagakure.
  • Animal Motifs: Cats. Tobirama is often described with feline mannerisms and qualities, and he can summon snow leopards.
  • Badass Teacher: He's indisputably a badass and is the one responsible for most of new shinobi training.
  • The Beastmaster: Has the Snow Leopard Summoning Contract, which he inherited from his mother.
  • Beleaguered Assistant: Plays that role to Hashirama.
  • Boxing Lessons for Superman: He has a lot of knowledge of rocks and soil in relation to how water behaves in different situations.
  • Broken Ace: Oh so much. He gets better with time and care from Kita and Madara.
  • Broken Pedestal: An inversion. The Uchiha clan utterly dreaded him until he served as their hostage. It's kinda hard to irrationally fear someone who can sit through a toddler's tea party with a straight face.
  • Character Development: Deals with his prejudices and assumptions, slowly works through his traumas, thaws out and gets out of his brother's shadow as the story progresses.
  • Combat Medic: Just as good at healing as he is at combat. He even delivered Kita's baby!
  • Cute Little Fangs: Kita notes his molars are rather pointy and his canines frankly ridiculous. It's implied to be a combo of his Hatake genes and contract with the snow leopards.
  • Deadpan Snarker: Just a bit, especially in his narration. Apparently it's a Hatake trait.
  • Dude Where Is My Respect: Tobirama does not like the fact that Hashirama tends to ignore his contributions and help with managing the clan, or that he's volunteered for tasks without even asking him first.
  • The Dutiful Son: Tobirama will help his father and brother lead the Senju, even if he would rather do anything else.
  • Foolish Sibling, Responsible Sibling: The Responsible to Hashirama's Foolish, Tobirama is much more realist and well-behaved.
  • Friend to All Children: The Uchiha children quickly decided he was a fun guy to hang around, bestowing the Affectionate Nickname "Bira-oji" upon him.
  • Happily Adopted: Since Tobirama was important enough for Kita to awaken her Mangekyou when his life was threatened, he's considered as a member of her close family and treated as such by the Uchiha. Later on, he becomes this in truth after Kita formally adopts him into the clan.
  • He Cleans Up Nicely: Kita and Madara really enjoy clothing him with high-quality materials.
  • Heroic BSoD: Tobirama has an absolutely nasty one after he finds out the real circumstances of Hashirama's death.
  • House Husband: He's completely cool about raising his children by himself, and shows interest about developping jutsu for domestic chores such as laundry.
  • Kissing Cousins: His wife is also his first cousin by his father's sister.
  • Lineage Comes from the Father: Zigzagged. Tobirama was born a Senju and is proud of it, but his character, looks and skills are more in line with his maternal Hatake inheritance, which he's encouraged to explore.
  • Making a Splash: Tobirama can lift a river from its bed and made several domestic jutsu.
  • Meaningful Appearance: The stern yet surprisingly sweet Tobirama is mentioned to have gray eyes.
  • The Medic: That's not his primary specialization yet he's skilled enough to midwife Kita in a pinch.
  • My God, What Have I Done?: He just wanted to draw the fighting away from the clan compounds by assaulting the Uchiha allowed to leave, only to learn he was slaughtering civilians. It induces a two-days-long Heroic BSoD.
    • Then again when he realizes he personally killed his friend Kita's civilian father in an ambush.
  • Papa Wolf: To his students. They will not be send to the front lines, no matter what their parents want.
  • Red Oni, Blue Oni: Blue to Hashirama's Red.
  • Related in the Adaptation:
    • His mother was born Hatake Kikuno, making him half a Hatake and Hashirama's half-brother.
    • Epilogue shows he's Kinokawa Yoshino's maternal grandfather, making him Shikako and Shikamaru's great-grandfather.
  • Shell-Shocked Veteran: He repressed as much as possible the trauma of losing his younger brothers and the guilt of worsening the war, until he broke down and sobbed his eyes out in Kita's embrace.
  • Supernatural Sensitivity: Tobirama is great sensor, with range covering several kilometres if not more.
  • Stockholm Syndrome: He spends several weeks as a hostage to the Uchihas and grow to deeply care for them. It makes him more invested into establishing peace between the clans, as he doesn't want to be forced into fighting people he can't dehumanize anymore.
  • Strong Family Resemblance:
    • He inherited the Hatake looks from his mother to the point people need the Senju mon on his clothes to not misidentify his origins.
    • It's assumed to have one with Kita's son Minami but actually it's a case of Identical Stranger with some very distant relation thrown in.
  • Wild Child: Just a bit, since he was largely socialising with the snow leopards after his mother's death.

Historical Uchiha

    Uchiha Biei-Fuji 

Uchiha Biei-Fuji, former Head of the Amaterasu lineage, former Head of Outguard

  • Abduction Is Love: She outright stole Senju Kabema from the battlefield for heavily flirting with her and never let him go home.
  • Action Girl: A very successful military commander.
  • All Women Are Lustful: She had a husband and couple of male concubines, at the same time. Needless to say, the Elders were quite peeved by her lack of chastity.
  • The Beard: She sought male concubines because of the fact her lawfully wedded husband was more interested in bedding her own brother than her.
  • Famous Ancestor: For good and bad reasons — she's just as lauded for her military triumphs as she's decried for her scandalous lifestyle.
  • Kissing Cousins: Her official husband was her second cousin, Uchiha Izuna.
  • Pregnant Badass: Mentioned to keep fighting until six months along every time she conceived.
  • Really Gets Around: Two concubines. She had a total of 13 children in her life.

    Uchiha Naka and Aka 

Uchiha Naka and Aka, former Heads of the Amaterasu lineage, former Head of Outguard, former Head of Homeguard

  • Always Identical Twins: Literally the only thing that is certain about their identity.
  • Ambiguous Gender: Due to the lack on historical data, it's unknown of which gender they were.
  • Divine Intervention: Considered the Kyuubi leveling the capital to be this and a confirmation of them being correct in the argument with the Emperor.
  • Gender-Blender Name: Their names were considered unisex back in their time, so it's impossible to determine their gender.
  • Noodle Incident: The reasons behind their last falling out with the Emperor. The only thing known is that they considered themselves to be absolutely in the right.
  • Screw This, I'm Outta Here: They removed their entire clan and all their retainers from the imperial capital until the Emperor had time to calm down.

The Senju Clan

    Senju Hashirama 

Senju Hashirama, former Head of the Senju Clan a.k.a. Shinobi no Kami

  • The Ace: The most powerful shinobi around, bar none. Also very much deconstructed, as this lack of any real peers led to Hashirama being thoughtlessly selfish and unintentionally cruel to other people.
  • Arranged Marriage: His father arranged one to Uzumaki Mito.
  • Asskicking Leads to Leadership: A deconstruction — Hashirama is personally powerful, but it doesn't translate well in leadership ability.
  • Authority in Name Only: Officially, Hashirama became Head of the Senju Clan after his father's death. In practice, the governance is split between Tobirama, Mito and Touka, with several uncles and aunts helping as necessary, because Hashirama is that hopeless with anything concerning an actual management.
  • Beneath the Mask: It's repeatedly hinted that Hashirama has a nasty temper beneath all that cheer and he doesn't deal well with people disagreeing with him.
    • Tajima notes that Hashirama behaves very differently when Madara is around.
  • Big Brother Bully: He's just as dismissive and authoritative towards Tobirama as he is with other people. He doesn't seem to realize it, and that might be even worse.
  • Broken Pedestal: Becomes this to Tobirama, who is increasingly disillusioned with his brother's behaviour.
  • Deconstructed Character Archetype: How does the Stock Shōnen Hero fare when he's put within a more realistic setting? The answer is: not so good.
  • Determinator: Deconstructed. He doesn't have skills to make his plans work but is too stubborn to accept help or abandon them.
  • Didn't Think This Through: Hashirama often jumps into things without fully considering the consequences for his clan or family.
    • Ultimately, it leads to his death.
  • The Dreaded: Very much so. Especially considering his unintentional Cruel Mercy tendencies.
  • Drunk on the Dark Side: Implied. As Hashirama starts ranting about how easy it was to bind the Sanbi, Madara wonders if the toxic bijuu chakra combined with the Sage Mode had ultimately destroyed his friend's rationality.
  • Drunk with Power: Word of God is that Hashirama acquired taste for absolute power due to never having a true equal in his life.
  • Embarrassing Nickname: Izuna calls him "a humanoid kudzu" for being clingy and smothering, while the Uchiha children dub him "Kashima-oji" — kashima is Japanese for noisy, the inconsiderate kind.
  • Entitled Bastard: Hashirama gets into a shouting match before the school building because Madara didn't name his youngest son after him (he thought the boy was named after Tobirama).
  • Even Stubborn Fools Can Be Loved: For all his faults, Hashirama was genuinely loved by his family and liked by his friends. Even Mito and Madara are grieving for him and feel very guilty about how it all ended.
  • Fatal Flaw: Oh boy, let's start:
    • According to Tobirama, it's his inability to think things through before commiting to something and unwillingness to abandon an unworkable approach.
    • Hashirama also seems to never consider what other people are feeling or if they have valid reasons for disagreeing with him.
    • And finally, he ignores things, even important ones, if he doesn't want to deal with them or they contradict his outlook at life.
    • Hashirama is ultimately killed by combination of the first and second flaws, as he didn't think about how the people are likely to react to his plan to seal the bijuu - especially his wife, who did not appreciate the target it would have put on her children and clan.
  • Foolish Sibling, Responsible Sibling: Hashirama is reckless, immature and naive to the point many people would rather see his brother as Head instead of him.
  • Functional Addict: He's addicted to gambling. Several times Tobirama mentions the need to keep him away from clan finances and Izuna once won a significant amount of money and trinkets from him.
  • Gone Horribly Wrong: He attempted to reduce the human casualties by "lightly" maiming his opponents instead of killing them. Unfortunately, the Senju healing techniques are far ahead of anyone else in Elemental Nations, so his victims had to be mercy-killed and it led the Uchiha to escalate the violence.
  • Healing Factor: Has a pretty potent one to the point he can No-Sell lethal wounds and poisons.
    • Subverted, since no amount of chakra will metabolize a metallic poison. If he wasn't attacked in the village and immediately given medical attention, he would be dead within hours.
    • Ultimately, Mito gets around it by stabbing him with chakra chain and keeping the blade in the wound until he presumably bleeds out.
  • Inadequate Inheritor: To the Senju. Too bad he's too powerful to disinherit.
  • Innocently Insensitive: Basically his Fatal Flaw, Hashirama just can't understand why people react badly to his behaviour or words.
  • It's All About Me: He certainly gives that impression with his actions.
  • Hidden Depths: He enjoys cultivating bonsai and later on gets involved in growing spices and incense trees.
  • Killed Off for Real: Hashirama is killed by Mito, who wanted to prevent his plan of sealing the bijuu as it would put target on her children.
  • Lack of Empathy: Zigzagged. Hashirama actually can feel empathy, but he needs to be explained why people are distressed before.
    • It factors into his death, in the end.
  • Manchild: He tends to whine when things don't go his way and holds a very naive worldview. It's not portrayed as particularly attractive.
  • Manipulative Bastard: With the emphasis on "bastard". Hashirama is not above emotionally manipulating his brother and his supposed best friend if they disagree with him on something. Thankfully, both of them notice this and take steps to not get influenced.
  • Mundane Utility: Hashirama uses his mokuton to grow bonsai and create furniture. Later on, he starts growing spices and rare incense woods.
  • No Hero to His Valet: His inner circle has very few respect for him, because Hashirama is just too much of a goof.
  • No Social Skills: Actually, Hashirama knows how to politely behave in the pseudo-Japanese setting, but he tends to willfully disregard the social codes in favour of being smotheringly cheerful.
    • Though, he does miss subtext and implications.
    • Also, he has absolutely no idea what normal children do for fun besides training.
  • Oblivious Adoption: He's completely unaware that his father's second wife Hatake Kikuno was actually his stepmother, and nobody seems to be interested into telling him.
  • Parental Neglect: He's mentioned to not interact with his kids unless for training.
  • Red Oni, Blue Oni: Red to Madara, Mito and Tobirama's Blues.
  • Reckless Pacifist: Hashirama is extremely squeamish about killing on the battlefield so settled for "lightly" maiming his opponents... which resulted in horribly crippled casualties who often had to be mercy-killed.
    • He insists for Madara to immediately release the assassin who just tried to murder him, not realising other clans will send more assassins after Konoha's residents if examples aren't made.
  • Selective Obliviousness: Tobirama notes that his brother will ignore anything if he doesn't like what he's hearing - such as somebody correcting his assumptions.
  • Spoiled Brat: Kita's diagnosis of him. Since Hashirama was never really forced to interact with others according their terms as he was so powerful, he believes he can force everyone to act as he wishes.
  • Stealth Insult: His nickname is one. As Madara points out, the word "shinobi" is written with kanji for "suffering" and Hashirama sure causes a lot of it.
  • Stepford Smiler: It's heavily implied that Hashirama has a nasty temper under all that cheer.
  • Strong Family Resemblance: With time, Hashirama grew to be the spitting image of his father Butsuma.
  • Suicidal Pacifism: He protested when Madara imprisoned a Waterfall shinobi who just tried to murder him. To be fair, Hashirama is so powerful and well-trained assassins aren't really a threat to him.
  • Supernatural Sensitivity: Subverted. Hashirama's sensory skills are limited to things in vincity of trees or his mokuton constructs. Anywhere else and he cannot sense a thing.
  • Tiger Versus Dragon: Hashirama has a very forceful personality and tends to let his heart drive his actions when he should really sit down and think. He's also tangentially associated with a cat motif through his younger brother Tobirama, so he's very much a Tiger.
  • Unskilled, but Strong: Not unskilled per se, but Hashirama is so damn thoughtless that his monstrous chakra reserves are about the only reason he wasn't disinherited or killed yet. The man has absolutely no head for either strategy, politics or management, and it shows.
  • Wide-Eyed Idealist: He just wants to believe the best from everyone and thinks everything will be alright as long as he's stubborn enough to make people listen. Unfortunately, the world doesn't work this way.

    Senju Touka 

Senju Touka

  • Action Girl: Very much so. Touka is right after Tobirama in the Senju hierarchy and was one of the people sent to reinforce the border during the conflict with Lighting Country.
  • Divine Date: She claims she fell pregnant from visiting a shrine to Inari.
  • Glamorous Single Mother: Is one to her son and has absolutely no intention to marry. Much to Hashirama's despair.
  • Naginatas Are Feminine: Implied, since she taught Benten some katas.
  • Not So Above It All: Helps Izuna fleece Hashirama in a gambling game during his stay with the Senju.
  • Related in the Adaptation: Epilogue shows she's Kinokawa Yoshino's paternal grandmother, which makes her an ancestress of Shikako and Shikamaru.

    Senju Mito 

Senju Mito, formerly of the Uzumaki Clan

  • Action Girl: Mito is skilled fighter and takes part in the hunt for pirates and blood thieves from Water Country.
  • Arranged Marriage: Her clan betrothed her to Hashirama.
  • The Beastmaster: She holds the Slug Summoning Contract that her grand-daughter Tsunade had in canon.
  • Foil: To Uchiha Kita:
    • Both were in an Arranged Marriage. Kita and Madara worked hard during their betrothal to make their eventual marriage work and are very much happily married, while Hashirama and Mito seem to be cordial with each other but no more.
    • Kita is several years younger than Madara, while Mito is older than Hashirama.
    • Kita works with Madara and has equal say in clan matters as him. Mito often has to work around her husband and Hashirama does not seem to value her opinions and experience.
    • Kita is a self-taught seal mistress of the Performer variety, while Mito had an extensive training and is distinctly Technician in style.
  • Geometric Magic: Mito was a sealing master years before her betrothal. Madara considers her seals to be something to avoid if at all possible.
  • Good Is Not Soft: Goes along with Madara's plan to burn down few of islands in Water Country to make an example of blood thieves.
    • Murders her husband because his plan endangered her children and clan.
  • Lady of War: Very elegant and very lethal.
  • Mama Bear: Mito does not appreciate people who endanger her children as Hashirama had a chance to find out.
  • Manipulative Bitch: She is one of few people who can contain and redirect Hashirama.
  • Odd Couple: Her arranged husband is cheerful and smothering, Mito is unemotive and subtle.
  • Silk Hiding Steel: Able to effortlessly manipulate her husband. Izuna thinks it terrifying.
  • The Stoic: Mito is consummately polite and doesn't let easily her feelings out.
  • Technician Versus Performer: She's very much a Technician, relying on complex calculations for creating devastating fuinjutsu, and is quite surprised by Kita's Performer approach to sealing.
  • Til Murder Do Us Part: She really did love Hashirama, but when his stubborness and foolishness almost threatened her children and clan's future, she had no hesitation and backstabbed him.

    Senju Butsuma 

Senju Butsuma, former Head of the Senju Clan

  • Abusive Parents: He forced his sons into shinobi training and combat at a very young age. He also seemed to be very emotionally distant from them to the point of neglect.
    • The fact that his only living daughter completely cut contact with him while still young is very telling.
  • Arranged Marriage: With Hatake Kikuno, his second wife.
  • Broken Pedestal: His surviving sons are dismayed and horrified to learn he ultimately was responsible for destroying Madara's and their own family.
  • Even Evil Can Be Loved: Butsuma was loved by his sons, who mourned his death even if not as strongly as would be expected from family members.
  • Killed Off for Real: Dies in the first story, during a battle with the Uchiha.
  • Laser-Guided Karma: Murdering Tajima's youngest sons unleashed a war which claimed his own youngest sons' lives.
  • The Mourning After: Definitely averted. He married Hatake Kikuno barely six months after Senju Kaika died.
  • Mutual Kill: With Uchiha Tajima.
  • Outliving One's Offspring: He outlived several of his children, most of whom died to battlefield injuries.
  • Would Hurt a Child: He immediately ruptured his alliance with the Hatake clan — which let him marry their daughter Kikuno with the caveat he Wouldn't Hurt a Child — after being widowed in order to murder Uchiha Tajima's youngest sons.

Historical Senju

    Senju Kabema 

Senju Kabema

  • And Now You Must Marry Me: What Uchiha Biei-Fuji inflicted on him.
  • Chained to a Bed: Uchiha Biei-Fuji decided to abduct him on the battlefield and kept him chained to a wall for eighteen months until she bore a child by him. He made several escape attempts in the following years but was always brought back, and ultimately resigned himself to his fate.
  • Double Standard Rape: Female on Male: Averted. The Uchiha clan acknowledges Kabema was a prisoner of war.
  • Doting Parent: Even if he dubiously consented to conceiving them, Kabema still loved his children by Biei-Fuji and tried to take at least one of them when he wanted to escape.
  • Famous Ancestor: To quite many Uchiha, considering he fathered eight of Biei-Fuji's children. Madara notes his mother is descended from him several times over and the Amaterasu main line is also related to him.
  • Gone Horribly Right: He enjoyed flirting with Uchiha Biei-Fuji when they fought on the battlefield. It ultimately led her to abduct, imprison and rape him.
  • Stockholm Syndrome: A very protracted example — Kabema couldn't acclimate to his life as a male concubine for several years, and resigned himself to it only after failing many escape attempts.

The Fire Court

    The Fire Daimyo 

Kurahashi Hidekata of the Abe Clan, The Fire Daimyo

  • Everyone Calls Him "Barkeep": He's always referred as the daimyo, or the Fire Daimyo. We don't even learn his name until the end of the second story.
  • Good Is Not Soft: For a given value of good. Madara mentions the daimyo makes examples of people who break peace in his capital.
  • Happily Married: From what can be seen, his chief wife and he have a good marriage and work well with each other.
  • Killed Off for Real: He dies sometime after the conflict with the Lightning Country of an illness that Kita vaguely recognises as some type of cancer.
  • Life Will Kill You: He's ultimately done in by some illness strongly hinted to be cancer.
  • Manipulative Bastard: As the ruler to the Fire Country, the daimyo has majored in politics and it shows in his dealings with his subjects.
  • Reasonable Authority Figure: He's very happy to let the shinobi clans rule themselves as long as they are productive and benefit to the country.

    Hayashi Murasaki 

Hayashi Murasaki

  • Carrier Politician Cannot Comprehend Anything Else: When Kita promises her enough silk for a new kimono, she thought it was another "gift". Kita was actually very literal and had no ulterior motives there.
  • Condescending Compassion: She's genuinely nice and affable towards Kita, but the young girl is aware the lady considers her less as a friend and more as shining new entertainment.
  • The Fashionista: She was very happy when Kita weaved a brand new silk robe for her, launching a trend in the court.
  • The High Queen: She's the main wife to the Fire Daimyo.
  • Happily Married: From what can be seen her husband and she have a good relationship and seem to be happy with each other.
  • Shout-Out: Murasaki Shikibu obviously served as a basis for her.
  • Word of God: Her clan name was only confirmed on a family tree on author's page.


    The Sanbi 

Isobu a.k.a. Sanbi no Kappa, the Three-Tailed Turtle

  • Axe-Crazy: Madara's hypothesis, on the account of It Can Think assumption.
    • Turns out to be averted. He was just being angrish.
  • Chekhov's Gunman: Mentioned briefly during the briefing about Water Country political conflict, then shows up couple of chapters later to chase Madara, Mito and Hashirama.
  • The Dreaded: So much that people of Water Country will abandon islands if he decides to hole up nearby.
    • Madara and Mito immediately run when they see him awaken, with Hashirama following after them.
  • Hostile Terraforming: Downplayed, but Madara notes Isobu surrounded himself with an increasingly large coral reef that cannot be safely navigated by anyone other than shinobi.
  • Gentle Giant: Yes, truly. When he's not angered by people intruding on his territory, the Sanbi is quite shy and childish.
  • I Just Want to Have Friends: He asks Kita and Madara if they can become friends and expresses a desire to visit Konoha, after Madara confirms he didn't mean for him to get hit with that one pirate years before.
  • It Can Think: Madara notices that his tactics are too well prepared and executed for a simple animal, even a smart one. Ergo, it might be capable of sapient thought.
    • Confirmed when the bijuu actually seeks him in order to have a talk.
  • Kappa: Isobu is referred to and does look a little as classic depictions of one. Though, he lives in oceans and open seas, not a river's waters.
  • Making a Splash: Throws tsunami taller than small islands when annoyed.
    • His ability to move through waters that should be too shallow to hide him may also be expression of this power.
  • Master of Illusion: He can create mist which messes with people senses and makes them attack their allies. Madara thinks that there might be hallucinogens mixed in, too.
  • Non-Malicious Monster: He's quite content to wade into the ocean and sunbathe while ignoring humans. When he kills people, that's typically because they entered into his zone.
    • He leaves Mito and Madara once Hashirama dies. Possibly because he heard them protesting the plan to imprison the bijuu.
    • He later visits Madara to clarify why the Uchiha intruded on his territory and shows himself more shy than anything.
  • Stealthy Colossus: Isobu manages to take the Water Daimyo's party entirely by surprise when they go picnicing on the cliffs, in spite of the sea being too shallow there to effectively conceal his coming.
  • Vocal Dissonance: His "light, boyish" voice almost breaks Madara's brain, since it comes from a huge-as-three-cliffs turtle that previously tried to murder him.

    The Kyuubi 

Kurama a.k.a. Kyuubi no Kitsune, the Nine-Tailed Fox

  • Destroyer Deity: Actually a positive one in the Uchiha clan records, which call him "a destroyer of corruption and impurity".
  • Divine Intervention: How the Uchiha clan interpreted him annihilating the Imperial Court right after they had a violent row with the sovereign.
  • The Dreaded: Madara really, really hopes the beast is currently asleep and far away from Konohagakure.
  • The Ghost: He hadn't been seen for over two centuries, and Madara prays for this status quo to continue.
  • Offscreen Moment of Awesome: The way he utterly slaughtered the Imperial Court — he shattered the continental shelf and sunk half the country under the waves.
