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Troper Wall / Emperor Ing

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Hey there! Unfortunately the SPACE AT THE BOTTOM FOR OTHER PEOPLE TO WRITE THINGS doesn't work anymore - I think some people were doing actually malicious vandalism instead of the friendly kind you usually get around here, so mods made it so no one can edit each other's troper pages. We get around this with TROPER WALLS like this one here. May your time at TV Tropes be enjoyable and your wall well-graffiti'd! ~Elisabel

-YOU WIN AT HANGMAN! -Playing_with_boy

-Here's 100 bucks. -Playing_with_boy

  • Pancakes and pancakes and pancakes and last but not least, PANCAKES. -EeveeGirlChey

-Throws Yasakani Jewel at you at high speeds There. Another artifact. - DefRevenge24601

—Instructions unclear, Put Phazon in my Playstation -Def, again

—-Throw it into the sun. That always works.


    • Not again...


    • what doves i don’t see any doves yeah those blueish skeletal abominations totally weren’t doves before i gave them phazon no absolutely not what are you talking about

  • Ceci n’est pas une vandalism -TalesofUnder

    • Yes it is. A sign that says “this is not a sign” is still a sign. And yes, I can read basic French.

  • You didn't see me ~Wispy

    • Oh yes I did. I see    E V E R Y T H I N G   

  • Look like you just got...double vandalized *Puts on sunglasses* -CustardAndPie (again)

  •    YOU DIED    - Siegfried 1337

  • ... 
    • I didn't find you through the note.I found you in the editing screen, when I was responding to it.
  • Vandalizing the same page more than once is a thing, right? - AK
    • Yeah, sure, do whatever you want.

  • Iii just wanna tell you how I'm feelin... - unfortunatezorua

    • You... meh. I'm tired, I'm bored, and unlike some characters I made, I can't create an entire universe to alleviate either of those things. But I can give you a link to this guy, who is amazing.

  • DARE TO BE STUPID! -Playing_with_boy
    • no

  • How goes it? - Murataku

  • ran is trash lololololo - Tales Of Under
    • Yukari would like a word with you.

  • Hi! ☆*:.。. o(≧▽≦)o .。.:*☆ Have a hug, you’re awesome! JTTWlover
    • Thank you.

  • The Proletariat shall rise, comrades -Keiron Cioran
    • My sanity shall fall. Oh wait, it's already at zero.

  • I am the bird magic. - unfortunatezorua

  • MAGIC JTTWlover.
    • Magic. Bird magic.

  • Are their specific types of bird magic for certain birds. If so, is their owl magic -Keiron Cioran
    • No. All bird magic is equal.

  • Johnny's in the basement / Mixing up the medicine / I'm on the pavement / Thinking about the government - Keiron Cioran
    • You can't make drugs on this page. Stop! You have violated the law.

  • Funny meme - unfortunatezorua
    • Response

  • I'm listening to Hopes and Dreams while writing this vandalism. >:D -Bluethorn
    • Good.

  • Does anyone else... sleep for 12 hours -White Chedda Pikachu
    • I wish I could.

  • Mornin'. Afternoon. Evening. Time period. Flibblesnaught. Whichever's your fancy. -Enirboreh
    • The heck is a Flibblesnaught?

  • All the leaves are brown and the sky is grey / I been for a walk / On a winter's day - Keiron Cioran
    • You're a little late for that.

  • Road work ahead uhh yeah I sure hope it does - unfortunatezorua
    • It should as long as I'm not an idiot. Which is to say, it doesn't.
  • Hi, hello / Awake from thy sleep / God has given, your soul to keep / All of the power that burns through the flame / Ignites the light in a single name - Keiron Cioran
    • Shadows dream of endless fire / Flames devour and embers swoop / One will light the Nightmare Lantern / Call and serve in Grimm's dread Troupe. A spark of red light's darkest dream / Scarlet nightmares bright and wild / Visions dance and flames do speak / Burn the father, feed the child. Dance and die and live forever / Silent voices shout and sing / Stand before the Troupe's dark heart / Burn away the Nightmare King.
  • I'll have you know a Flibblesnaught is a load of nonsense. Baka. -Enirboreh
    • Okay, fair. However, I still have to punish you for wasting my time, so... go kill an Eidolon Wyrm for me.

  • -realizes that I haven't written here yet- NOW, NOW! LET THE GAMES BEGIN! CHAOS, CHAOS, CATCH ME IF YOU CAN! -DrNoPuma
    • * Spare

  • Pools of sorrow, waves of joy / Are drifting through my opened mind - Keiron Cioran

  • it's been a long time... since 2 am... White Chedda Pikachu
    • 12 hours 19 minutes for me at the time of this edit.

  • Here, have a pic of some cursed/blessed possums! -KJsixteen
    • Thank you.

  • Daily reminder that King rhymes with Ing. -Def Revenge 24601

  • LoL tAcO wAfFlEz i'm sooooo randum xD - Custard And Pie

  • EUROBEAT TIME!!! - ElfenLiedFan90

  • "I am just a small part of what was once known as Venom. Pieces of me are scattered throughout the cosmos. Eventually, another will become sentient and exact retribution. You will never escape the shadow of fear! My hatred your kind is eternal." ~KJsixteen
    • no u

  • Did you heard the tragedy that reach the man? - shackwave
    • yes

  • First time ever doing this! Don’t know what to give you so you get this. - The Troper of Battle Cats, SimpleSeer
    • okay sure

  • Federal regulations require me to warn you that this troper wall... is looking pretty good. I think this wall looks even better than it did before. It was easy, really. You just have to look at things objectively, see what you don't need anymore, and trim out the fat.
    • wall of flesh tropers has awoken
The cat is in Brazil. Where? Not telling.

  • Not exactly fluffy like you asked but i’ll bless you with this Modern Cat. Please take care of her! - Simple Seer
    • 10/10 good cat

  • Long life to the CAT!!!! - The0dragon

  • OH HALLO THERE - Lord Quetzal 88

  • ay caramba blyat -Some Libre
