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Trivia / Alpha and Omega

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  • Acting for Two: Kate Higgins provides the voices of Kate, Lilly, and Stinky (the former two in the sequels only). Unknown voice actor Blackie Rose fills in for Garth and voices the Big Bad King.
  • Cowboy BeBop at His Computer:The Facebook page posted a photo captioned: "Happy #WolfWednesday! Could we interest you in this beautiful white wolf pup?" The image they posted showed an arctic fox.
  • Creator Backlash: Ben Diskin who played Humphrey in the sequels is not particularly fond of the franchise.
  • The Danza: Kate Higgins as Kate in the rest of the franchise.
  • The Other Darrin: None of the voice actors (and in Dennis Hopper's case, couldn't) came back to reprise their roles for the second film onward.
  • Science Marches On: It's now known that, while dominance of and submission to other members plays an important role in the structure of a wolf pack, there isn't a strict "rank" system. Most wild wolf packs are actually just extended families (with one mated pair essentially being dominant because they're the parents, not because of any particular ranking), and the terms "alpha", "beta", and "omega" aren't used anymore.
  • What Could Have Been: The idea for this film dates as far back as 2002. After the failure of The Trumpet of the Swan, Richard Rich wanted to try something else. His original vision was going to be traditionally animated, and have a darker and more dramatic, emotional tone - similar to the eighties Don Bluth films - along with more Character Development. However, after traditional animation began to die off and be replaced by CGI, Rich decided to make it CG, but keep the general story tone. Eventually, after taking his idea to a new animation studio, it ended up being retooled into the silly, bizarre wolf film we know today. One wonders if the film would be better received had they stuck to the original idea.
