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Recap / Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends S4E7 "Bus the Two of Us"

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Bloo decides to take the Foster's bus for a joyride with Mac while Wilt is forced to cover for them until they get back to Foster's.

The episode provides the following examples of:

  • Arson, Murder, and Jaywalking: Bloo takes Mac for a joyride in the Foster's bus without Frankie's knowlege, and they try to make it back as fast as possible without Frankie finding out. This being Bloo, both hilarity and major lawbreaking ensue, and Frankie ends up seeing the multiple police cars that followed them home. Over the end credits, she delivers her fury unto him (or rather, his clone who speaks Japanese) with the following list of all the crimes he committed in the day:
    "Driving without a license, lying on a job application, destruction of personal property, destruction of PUBLIC property, illegal use of toilet plungers, and calling me a heifer! I mean, really, Bloo, don't you have anything to say for yourself?!"
  • Bait-and-Switch: 4 examples of it actually.
    • 1. At first, Bloo saw the key in the buses ignition, and we see Bloo walking into Foster's avoiding temptation, but the bus drives off proving Bloo caved and took the bus for a joyride.
    • 2. While Mac was calling Foster's to explain, we see Frankie angry as Wilt answers the phone. Mac thought she figured out Bloo took the bus, but it turns out that George Mucus and another imaginary friend were wrestling after they were told not to, now she has to unstick them.
    • 3. Towards the end of the show, Mac and Bloo walk into Foster's, freeing Wilt for lying and covering for them, only to receive a phone call from Mac saying they need more time to get back. The Mac and Bloo Wilt saw were actually imaginary, as they were imagined by Goo when she learned that Mac and Bloo weren't at Foster's. The imaginary Mac has a purple tongue with orange polka dots while the imaginary Bloo spoke fluent Japanese.
    • 4. During the end credits, Frankie was giving Bloo an ear full of all the laws he broke during the episode, and it turns out that she was talking to the Bloo Goo imagined during the show while the real Bloo takes the Foster's bus again, much to Frankie's anger.
  • Bland-Name Product: Mama Joan's pizzeria is a spoof of Papa John's.
  • Cant Get Away With Nothing: As Mac, Bloo and Edwardo got back with the bus, an angry mob as well at the police surrounded Foster's, angering Frankie. This trope is partially subverted while during the end credits, Frankie is giving the fake Bloo an ear full about what has happened, unknown to her until the last minute, while the real Bloo takes the bus on a joyride again.
  • Disgusting Public Toilet: When Bloo stops at Mama Joan's Pizzaria to use the bathroom, he wears plungers from the gas station on his feet because "gas station bathrooms are disgusting" and he wants to keep from stepping in the germs.
    Mac: But it's not gross to wear...
  • Fun with Homophones: When Coco calls Goo to ask her to imagine a clone of Mr. Herriman, Goo instead imagines a hairy man.
  • Here We Go Again!: During The Stinger, Frankie is scolding Bloo is scolding for all the laws he broke after stealing the Foster's bus, unfortunately the Bloo is scolding is the Japanese speaking decoy Goo created, while the real Bloo steals the bus for a joy ride again, much to Frankie's frustration.
  • Hired on the Spot: At one point, Bloo and Mac stop at a pizzeria because Bloo needs to use the restroom. However, the only restroom available is exclusive to employees. As a result, Bloo takes a job as a pizza deliveryman for the restaurant in order to use the restroom. Quickly afterwards, Mac says that he needs to go now, the manager putting a company hat on Mac and welcoming him to the team as he enters the restroom.
  • Huge Rider, Tiny Mount: When Wilt gets Coco to pretend to be sick so Eduardo and Frankie won't find out that Bloo took the bus, Eduardo decides to go to the mattress store himself on his tricycle, which is much smaller than him.
  • Hypocritical Humor: When Bloo needed to use the bathroom and stopped at Mama Joan's to use its bathroom, Mac asks him why he didn't go at the gas station. Bloo says gas station bathrooms are disgusting, and yet he's using toilet plungers to reach the pedals of the bus.
  • Insane Proprietor: This episode features Crazy Larry's one-day-only mattress sale. Why are his prices so low? "Because he's loooooocoooooo!!"
  • Piggy Bank: Eduardo wants to go shopping at Crazy Larry's mattress store after seeing a commercial for his one-day-sale on television, but Wilt tries to keep him from finding out that Bloo took the Foster's bus for a joyride. One of the things Wilt does to stall Eduardo is break his piggy bank so he can tell him to count his money to ensure he has enough. In a later scene, Eduardo has his piggy bank taped up as he puts the last of his money in it.
  • Playing Sick: Wilt gets Coco to pretend to be sick to keep Frankie and Eduardo from finding out that Bloo took the bus. Coco plays along, and at one point, uses a lamp to heat up her thermometer to fool Frankie.
  • Potty Emergency: Bloo has one, and tries to use a bathroom at Mama Joan's Pizzeria, which is for employees only. When Mac asks him why he didn't go to the bathroom at the gas station, since they were there earlier to borrow plungers for him to use as stilts, Bloo tells Mac that gas station bathrooms are disgusting. Bloo says this as he is wearing the dirty plungers, which Mac points out. When Bloo is finished, Mac now has to use the bathroom.
  • Rage Breaking Point: When Wilt learned that the real Mac and Bloo are still out with the bus, the Mac and Bloo that walked into Foster's were imagined by Goo and Frankie is about to leave to help her friend Cathy in 2 minutes, Wilt lost his temper yelling at Mac saying that they have 2 minutes to get back and there is nothing he can do to stop Frankie, and after all the lies he had to tell to cover for them, he say they are on their own and slams the phone, only to pick it up and apologize to Mac for losing his temper.
  • Snowball Lie: Wilt, who by the way hates lying, had to resort to a series of lies to cover for Mac and Bloo, like getting Coco to pretend that she's sick; telling Mr. Herriman that Frankie forgot something and went back out, only to push Mr. Harriman down the stairs so he doesn't see Frankie; saying that Coco is delirious from fever when she accidentally translated what Wilt said, in charades that is; and when Goo was called to imagine a temporary Mr. Herriman.
  • Shout-Out:
    • This episode's title is a reference to the Bill Withers song, "Just the Two of Us".
    • When Mac plays with a toy bus, he tries to imitate it screeching, but his friend tells him "No, no, it would sound more like this.", and when he opens his mouth, his voice is drowned out by the sound of the Foster's bus screeching, a reference to Gerald McBoing-Boing, a boy who made strange noises instead of talking.
    • Bloo quotes from A New Hope when he tries to pay a tollbooth at full speed and misses. "Negative, it didn't go in. It just impacted on the surface."
    • The clones of Mr. Herriman that Goo imagines include lookalikes of Bugs Bunny and the Trix Rabbit.
    • The hitchhiker, who wears a bathrobe and holds a sign reading "Magrathea", is a reference to The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy.
  • Suspiciously Specific Denial: When Wilt tells Frankie that she didn't leave her purse in the bus, he assures her that the bus is where she left it and hasn't been taken by someone in the house.
  • Worth It: Despite getting busted at the end and even bringing back loads of police from speeding, Bloo is completely relaxed and matter-of-factly says "Best. Roadtrip. Ever.", and the first chance he gets carjacks the bus again after distracting Frankie with a decoy.
