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Funny / Garfield Specials

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Jon Arbuckle, the King of Dance!

Here Comes Garfield

  • Apparently the Pleasure Motors commercial is on every channel.
    Announcer: You know Pleasure Motors- *click* You know Pleasure Motors is conveniently located right here in Downtown- *click* Of course, if you can't make it to our Downtown location, we have new locations under construction up in Midtown- *click* Uptown- *click* and in the Loop! *click* At Pleasure Motors, your business is our pleasure! *click* Our pleasure is your business! *click* Our pleasure is none of your business! *click*
  • Moments before that, when Jon asks where Odie is, Garfied mimes the entire scene from before (how they harassed a grumpy old man who calls the dogcatcher, who then takes away Odie).
    Jon: You got fleas, or something?
    Garfield: (grabs Jon's face) What we have here is a failure to communicate.
    [Garfield pats Jon's cheeks, then slaps him]
  • Garfield waking Jon up... First pulling his blanket off him, then opening up one eye, then tap-dancing on his head, and when none of these works, he grabs Jon by the cheeks and shakes him until he wakes up.
    Jon: STOP!
    Garfield: Good morning, sunshine! And welcome to another fun-filled day with your favorite pet!
    Jon: I supposed you want breakfast.
    Garfield: That'd be great! [runs off]
    Jon: I'm so happy to own a cat.
  • This dialogue at the beginning:
    Jon: What would you like for breakfast, Garfield?
    Garfield: Oh, a cup of coffee, Danish, morning paper.
    Jon: OK, one bowl of catfood coming right up.
    Garfield: Nobody listens anymore.
  • Quite a few bits were taken directly from the early strips. For example, when Jon hears a loud banging...
    Jon: Uh oh, Garfield wants in.
    (Jon begins to walk, then runs, and reaches the door just as it comes crashing off its hinges onto him, with Garfield on the other side)
    Garfield: When I want in, I want in now!

Garfield in the Rough

  • Garfield's reaction to finding out they're going camping:
    Garfield: Don't get me wrong, camping isn't all that bad. Aside from the inconvenience, dampness, filth, second rate food, insects and cold nights, it's kind of fun.

Garfield's Halloween Adventure/Garfield in Disguise

  • "All that candycandycandycandy...Steady yourself, Garfield." Jim Davis said that this was his favorite line in all of the specials.
  • "We be at the mercy of the sea, matey! Topside, topside, batten the hatches! Trim the mains, slip the sheets! FLIBBER THE JIBBETS! I WANT MY MOMMY!!!"
  • The best (or worst) alarm clock ever:
    Garfield: *catapults awake* DWAHH!!!
  • This bit by Binky:
    Binky: Remember, kids: if you don't exercise with Binky, you're gonna to grow up to be worthleeeess!
    Garfield: I hate you, Binky! Where's my remote control?
  • After zapping away Binky just after Binky mentioned this is the night you can "get a lot of candy", Garfield realizes what he just said and tries to find the channel again.
    Garfield: Wait a minute, did he say we could get a lot of candy tonight?! Binky, come back to me old buddy!!
  • One more bit by Binky, after Garfield learns about this being the night to get candy:
    Binky: That's right, kids! Tonight is Halloween night! And we want to be in great shape to trick-or-treat for all that CANDY! Don't weeeeee?
    Garfield: (ecstatic) Yes, we dooooooo!!!
  • "But the one thing I'm not is a scaredy cat. (Beat) AAAAAAGGGHHHH!!!! AAAAAAGGGHHHH!!!!"
    Backup singers: (quickly) "The one thing he's not is a scaredy cat!"
  • Garfield threatening the woman who only gave him and Odie a single piece of candy, complete with pirate voice. It works and they both get a big pile. Even funnier in that Garfield doesn't really talk, yet he succeeds anyway.
    Garfield: Me thinks you be a might stingy with your candy, miss. If you don't reconsider your contribution I'll give your living room drapes a taste of me broadsword.
  • For some reason, Odie decided to wear four peg legs as part of his pirate costume. He can barely walk in them.
    Garfield: I be Orangebeard the Pirate, cap'n, and this be my first mate, Odie-The-Stupid!
    [Odie walks in with four peg legs and promptly falls over]
    Garfield: You be having a mite too many peg-legs there, matey...
  • Garfield decides to kick down the front door to the Old, Dark House so he and Odie can get inside. Doesn't work.

A Garfield Christmas

  • Garfield trying out some sausage gravy which, unbeknownst to him, was spiked by Jon's grandmother with chili powder. It turns Garfield into essentially a flamethrower.
    Garfield: Perfect!
  • Grandma's "eating for two" quip (she's sneaking food to Garfield under the table) and Dad's look of shock after nodding obliviously for a few seconds.
  • Grandma's first meeting with Garfield (taken straight from the comic strip).
    Grandma: *while holding Garfield* Why, I remember when all we had were wood-burning cats! My, what will they think of next?
    Garfield: *Aside Glance* Bizarre...
  • Another Grandma exchange taken straight from the strip:
    Grandma: Sometimes in this world, you have to be a little bit crazy.
    Garfield: You said it, Grandma.
    Grandma: Well, just look at me. I talk to cats. (laughs)
  • Dad reading Binky the Clown who Saved Christmas.
    Dad: Every time Binky saw children, he would say, "Hey, kids!"
    Jon: No-no-no-no-no, Dad. Read it with more emotion!
    Doc Boy: Yeah, yeah! And why don't you say it like Binky says it?
    Dad: Every time Binky saw children, he would say, "HEEEEEY, KIIIIIIDS!"
  • Doc Boy going from being initially reluctant to pray over Christmas Eve dinner (to where Grandma had to hit him over the head with a wooden spoon) to - after the family gets ready to grab their food thinking he was finished - delivering such a long-winded 2nd half of his prayer that Grandma had to hit him over the head with a wooden spoon again to get him to shut up ("Thanks, Lord. Let's eat.")

Garfield's Thanksgiving

  • The entire sequence where the talking scale mistakes Garfield for Orson Welles.
  • Jon trying to figure out what to wear for his date with Liz, which has him dressing up like a ballerina, a gorilla, and even Popeye. And then when he finally realizes that he should just dress like himself, he winds up forgetting to wear pants.
  • Jon preparing the turkey for Thanksgiving dinner. This involves him failing to put it out overnight to thaw, not bothering to make stuffing, misreading the direction to "Rub skin with butter" by rubbing butter on his own skin, and setting the oven on 500 degrees rather than the requested 325 degrees.
  • Jon driving out of control and repeatedly bumping into the sidewalk, due to Garfield panicking that they're going to the vet.
  • While at the vet, Liz instructs Jon about how Garfield must go on a diet and how she will not go out on a date with him. To this, Garfield starts yelling about what a quack she is along with protests of "Water is for birdbaths" and "Fiber is for sweaters" while Jon decides to hold his breath until she says yes. After he finally passes out, she then relents to come over for Thanksgiving dinner.
  • When Garfield tries to sneak some food from the various jars including the cookie jar, Odie proceeds to pop out from every jar with an accompanying whistle to tell on him to Jon that each has a different octave.
  • When Jon's grandma comes over to help Jon getting Thanksgiving dinner ready, she pulls out a chainsaw and somehow cuts through a frozen turkey to make cutlets. The noise does not go unnoticed by Jon or Liz and Jon tries to cover up the noise by claiming it's the dishwasher.

Garfield Gets a Life

  • When Lorenzo starts lecturing on wearing a smart wardrobe, Garfield panics at the realization that he is naked.
  • As Lorenzo shows off his wardrobe, Garfield remarks "Why do I suddenly feel like playing golf?"
  • At the dance club Jon does a rather silly dance that leaves him alone in the club.
    Angry man: Hey, jerk! Disco is dead!
    Jon: What?! When?! (turns to Garfield) Boy, you learn a dance and zango, 14 years later they change it.
    Garfield: Go figure.
  • Early in the special, Jon explains to Garfield how he has his socks organized... and as he realizes he needs a life, the following exchange occurs:
    Jon: There's more to life than socks!
    Garfield: There's underwear.
