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Characters / Super Marjo Bros

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    Main Characters 


  • Big Damn Heroes: Torches Big Jertha right as she's about to eat Luiji.
  • Car Fu: He kills Dark Jeach by running her over with Jonkey Jong's car.
  • Kill It with Fire: Marjo really enjoys setting things on fire with his flamethrower. When that doesn't work, Marjo busts out his heat vision.
  • Refusal of the Call: Initially refuses to help Luiji stop Dark Jeach. He eventually agrees, on the condition that he never has to save the world again.
  • Sensitive Guy and Manly Man: The Manly Man to Luiji's sensitive guy.
  • Super Mode: Juper Jega Marjo Jime!
  • Pet the Dog:
    • For all of his sociopathy Marjo does seem to get along well with Luiji. An early comic even has him stealing Joad's spine to give to Luiji when his brother tells him he doesn't have one.
    • He also gives Jowser and his children all Christmas presents in one of the later strips.
  • Villain Protagonist: Most of his actions are to cause harm other characters. In Chapter 5 he crosses into Anti-Hero after Hosalina compels him to go stop Dark Jeach.


  • Domestic Abuse: Luiji exploits this against Jonkey Jong by using a puppet of Pimp Jiddy G to beat him into submission.
    • He's on the receiving end of this in an earlier comic when Jaisy gives him a black eye.
  • Sensitive Guy and Manly Man: The sensitive guy to Marjo's manly man.
  • Villain Protagonist: To a lesser extent than Marjo but he still isn't really a hero. The first comic has him tearing off a Jhy Guy's face.

Jeach / Dark Jeach


    Secondary Characters 


  • The Main Characters Do Everything: He shows up at the end of Chapter 5 to announce that he and Jaluigi didn't do shit in the chapter.
  • The Sociopath: Tore off a Jhy Guy's face to prove there was blood behind it. He later cuts Marjo's and Jaluigi's bungie cords while the three are bungie jumping.
  • Red Oni, Blue Oni: The impulsive, sociopathic red to Jaluigi's slightly more rational blue.


  • Red Oni, Blue Oni: The blue given he's slightly more rational than Warjo's sociopathic red.



  • Big Good: Of Chapter 5, as she's the one who compels the Marjo brothers to fight Dark Jeach.
  • Kissing Under the Influence: Tries to make out with Marjo while drunk. Marjo ignores her...


Big Jertha

  • Arc Villain: Of Chapter 3, where she tries to eat everybody.
  • Big Eater: Eats almost every character.
  • Pint-Sized Powerhouse: She isn't very big, ironically, but that doesn't stop her from eating most of the main cast.

Jawk Hawk

    Minor Characters 


  • Butt-Monkey: Whenever Marjo needs an organ he steals one of Joad's.
  • Killed Off for Real: Joadette crushes his skull when he tries to confess his love to her.
  • Skull for a Head: Marjo steals his face to use for a mask, leaving only his skull.

Jonkey Jong

  • Domestic Abuse: He apparently suffered abuse at the hands of Pimp Jiddy G. Luiji exploits this by using a puppet of Jiddy to defeat him.

Jammer Bro

  • Rhymes on a Dime: Rhymes everything he says. His jams even compel others to rhyme.

    Characters who only appear for a few comic strips 


Medically Insane Jario

  • Mad Doctor: His name is very fitting. After Marjo gets high off of Joad's spine Jario recommends Luiji shove a drill down his throat.

Shadow Marjo

  • Dark Is Evil: He has a dark color scheme, though the only really evil-ish thing he does is sue Marjo for letting Luiji and Jaisy have sex in public.
  • Evil Twin: Appears to be one to Marjo.
  • Fat Bastard: He noticeably a lot fatter than Marjo.

Fal ol' Jig The Cat in a Hat
