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Characters / One Piece: Land of Wano Arc

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  • Straw Hat Pirates: "Iron Man" Franky, "Soul King" Brook, "First Son of the Sea" Jimbei and their ship the Thousand Sunny
  • World Government: The Five Elder Stars, Saint Roswald, Saint Charlos, Saint Mjosgard
    • Marines: Vice-Admiral Garp "The Fist", Captain Koby
      • Marine Admirals: Kuzan, Former Fleet Admiral Sengoku "The Buddha", Fleet Admiral Sakazuki, Admiral Kizaru "The Yellow Monkey", Admiral Fujitora "The Wisteria Tiger", Admiral Ryokugyu "The Green Bull"
    • Cipher Pol: CP-0 (Guernica, Joseph, Gismonda, Maha, "Queen of the Pleasure District" Stussy, Spandam, Rob Lucci, Kaku)
  • Seven Warlords of the Sea: Gecko Moriah, "Whitebeard Jr." Edward Weevil
    • Dracule Mihawk
    • Kuja: Boa Sandersonia and Boa Marigold, Marguerite, Aphelandra, Sweetpea, Ran, Daisy, Cosmos, Rindo), Kuja Islanders ("Elder Nyon" Gloriosa, Kikyo, Belladonna, Nerine)
  • Four Emperors: "Red-Haired" Shanks, Edward Newgate — "Whitebeard"
    • Whitebeard Pirates: Marco "The Phoenix", Izo
    • Animal Kingdom Pirates: Headliners (Tobi Roppo (Who's-Who "of the Droplets", Black Maria, "Overflowing" Sasaki, Ulti, Page One), Babanuki, Daifugo, Solitaire, Dobon, Sheepshead, Holdem, Speed, Bao Huang, Ginrummy, Briscola, Fourtricks, Hamlet, Poker, Mizerka), Gifters (Batman, Gazelleman, Sarahebi, Alpacaman, Madilloman), Numbers (Inbi, Fuga, Zanki, Jaki, Goki, Rokki, Nangi, Haccha, Kunyun, Juki), Other Crew Members ("Iron Boy" Scotch, Pleasures, Waiters)
    • Big Mom Pirates: Charlotte Perospero, Charlotte Daifuku, Charlotte Oven, "Mad Moiselle" Charlotte Amande
    • Blackbeard Pirates: The Ten Titanic Captains ("Champion" Jesus Burgess, Shiryu "of the Rain", "Supersonic" Van Augur, "Corrupt King" Avalo Pizarro, "Demon Sheriff" Laffitte, "Crescent Moon Huntress" Catarina Devon, "Colossal Battleship" Sanjuan Wolf, "Heavy Drinker" Vasco Shot, "Death God" Doc Q, Stronger), Subordinate Crews and Allies (Peachbeard)
  • Blue Seas
  • Fish-Man Island: Neptune Family (King Neptune, "Mermaid Princess" Shirahoshi, Fukaboshi, Ryuboshi and Manboshi), Joy Boy
  • New World: Mink Tribe (Zunesha, Rulers (Duke Dogstorm, Boss Cat Viper), Musketeers ("Full Power" Shishilian, Concelot, Giovanni, Wanda, Carrot, Yomo)
    • Wano: Kurozumi Clan and supporters (Kurozumi Higurashi, Kurozumi Semimaru, "Napping" Kyoshiro, "Hitokiri" Kamazo, Mimawarigumi, Orochi Oniwabanshu (Fukurokuju, Hanzo, Daikoku, Chome, Jigoku Benten, Raijin and Fuujin, Bishamon, Kazekage, Yazaemon, Sarutobi)) Wano Inhabitants (Hyogoro "the Flower", Yakuza Bosses, Yamato, Yasu "the Hedgehog", Toko, Tama, Tenguyama Hitetsu, Tsuru, Urashima, Gyukimaru), Creatures (The Mountain God)
      • Kurozumi Orochi
      • Kozuki Clan: Clan Members (Kozuki Sukiyaki, Kozuki Toki, Kozuki Momonosuke, Kozuki Hiyori), Akazaya Nine ("Foxfire" Kin'emon, "Evening Shower" Kanjuro, Raizo "of the Mist", Kikunojo "of the Fallen Snow", Ashura Doji, Kawamatsu "the Kappa", Denjiro), Other Retainers and Allies (Shinobu)
      • Kozuki Oden
  • Revolutionary Army: Leaders (Dragon "The Revolutionary", Sabo), Commanders ("Okama King" Emporio Ivankov, Morley, Belo Betty, Lindbergh, Karasu)
  • Eleven Supernovas: Kid Pirates ("Murder Machine" Killer, Heat, Wire), Hawkins Pirates ("Magician" Basil Hawkins, Faust), Drake Pirates ("Red Flag" X. Drake), Heart Pirates (Bepo, Jean Bart), On Air Pirates ("Roar of the Sea" Scratchmen Apoo)
  • Others: Roger Pirates ("The Pirate King" Gol D. Roger, "Dark King" Silvers Rayleigh, Scopper Gaban, Crocus), Rocks Pirates (Rocks D. Xebec, Buckingham Stussy)
