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Tropers / The Woman With No Name

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I prefer others not know my real name, so my troper name plays on Clint Eastwood's Man With No Name character. (Though I'm actually more like Sanjūrō in Akira Kurosawa's film Yojimbo - which "inspired" AKA: was totally ripped off by A Fistful of Dollars.)

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    Some Tropes That Describe Me 

    Favorite Films 

  • I LOVE B-Movies of the So Bad, It's Good variety. The Godzilla & Gamera movies are my favorites, but any MST3K-fodder is fair game. I’m fond of the 1950s radioactive monster movies. Special Effect Failure, Good Bad Translation, "Blind Idiot" Translation, It Runs on Nonsensoleum, Voodoo Shark, & not having a plot (or a really stupid plot) are my favorite types of Narm. These types of movies inspire multiple instances of the audience saying, “Wait, WHAT?!” & then laughing hysterically. Often becomes even funnier if you’re very tired or drunk while watching.
    • I consider Zardoz the winner of this category. Let us count the ways:
      1) Sean Connery in such a horrible role that he obviously owed someone a big favor, lost a bet, or was being blackmailed? Check.
      2) Ridiculous outfits & names? Double check.
      3) Their god is a giant, flying, spinning stone head that says things like, “The gun is good. The penis is evil.” It also pukes out loads of guns for population control. Oh, double check.
      4) Crazy dude with a ridiculously awesome swirly mustache drawn on with eye-liner? Damn, you get an asterisk for that one.
      5) Instantaneous aging with bad make-up? Check.
      6) Bunches of old people swarming Zed (Sean Connery), shouting, “KILL ME!” & being elated when he does? Double check.
      • Bonus Points given because I first saw it on late night TV & they cut so much out (almost half the movie), that the already bizarre plot made absolutely NO SENSE, whatsoever.
