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Nightmare Fuel / Who Framed Roger Rabbit

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Who Framed Roger Rabbit is a subtle deconstruction of cartoon antics and the idea of toons and humans living with each other, even as it popularized the latter idea, so there's quite a bit in the film that's just a bit uncomfortable, even when it's also funny. And that's when it wasn't going for horror outright, with one of the most terrifying and brutal villains in cinema being the main source of all these horrors...

WARNING: Spoilers are unmarked.

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    Judge Doom 

    Toons in General 
  • Many scenes in Toontown, demonstrating how actually dangerous and insane the seemingly perpetually fun and happy place that doesn't obey the natural laws of physics actually is for normal people, where everything is alive/can potentially come to life at any moment to potentially endanger you with their insane antics.
    • The sequence where Eddie meets Tweety Bird, Bugs Bunny, and Mickey Mouse (while falling from a skyscraper. They're less than helpful, even though Mickey felt sorry for Eddie. And Bugs did warn Eddie he wouldn't want the "spare").
    • The singing trees, even with their genial natures and goofy faces they're a little too happy and almost human-like.
    • Lena Hyena. Starting off as a seeming carbon copy of Jessica, she quickly morphs to her true Gonk self that's a pure Yandere causing Eddie to flee in horror from this loved-crazed loony that's bent on taking him for her own desires.
      • Add to that the implications of what would have happened had Lena actually managed to keep a hold on him. Eddie managed to escape because of luck and quick thinking using his experience of toon Genre Savvy to bend the rules of Toontown in his favor. It’s pretty clear from the implications that Lena had way more plans for Eddie than just kissing him, likely ending in an unhappy marriage against his will enabling her to force herself upon him.
      • In a squicky example, albeit in a very darkly humorous way, we see that Lena before charging at Eddie was sickeningly licking her lips and adjusting her saggy breasts. Talk about Dirty Old Woman. Eddie is very lucky to have just been kissed and nothing more.
      • On top of all of that, Lena’s still out there. What happens the next time some poor schmuck runs into her and doesn’t have Eddie’s luck or quick wit? Are those wedding bells or a funeral march?
  • Roger's reactions to shots of strong alcohol (rocketing into the air while shrieking like a steam whistle, shattering everything breakable in Maroon's office and later the bar).
  • The opening cartoon. It plays out exactly like a slapstick cartoon from the Golden Age... except that it's highlighted with horrifying, tense music and dramatic, dizzying camera angles. The whole thing is just nerve-wracking.
  • The piano duel between Donald and Daffy. It's on the funny moments page, too, and for good reason, but there's an edge to it that leaves it feeling uncomfortable. For one, it's a knock-on, drag-out fight far more vicious than anything the two normally got up to in their respective cartoons, Amusing Injuries or no, and there's nothing to suggest that any of it is an act: they really do just hate working togethernote . Similar to the opening cartoon, the violence is underlined by the music and cinematography, set to a manic piano piece, and shot with a variety of disorienting quick cuts and fast sweeps. The fight then ends with a cartoon cannon putting a very real hole in one of the pianos, proving the danger real, at least for the non-Nigh-Invulnerable. Replace the cartoon characters with flesh and blood people and the scene would basically be the nightclub setting up a Bar Brawl between the staff for entertainment, a low-key Blood Sport... and everyone laughs at it. Given the Fantastic Racism that's implied in the film, and the basis of the club on the Cotton Club (which did not feature fights but was certainly exploitative, being compared by one of its few black patrons to a zoo), the Mood Dissonance between the uncomfortably half-cartoon half-real brawl and its laughing audience likely was intentional.
  • Roger chewing out Eddie over the idea of finding a new girl after seeing the Patty Cake pictures is kind of creepy.
    R.K. Maroon: Roger, I know this seems pretty painful now, but you'll find someone new. [to Eddie] Won't he, Mr. Valiant?
    Eddie: Good-looking guy like that? Heh. Dames will be breakin' his doors down.
    Roger: Dames? What dames?! [angrily grabs Eddie by the lapels] Jessica's the only one for me! You'll see! We'll rise above this piddling peccadillo! We're gonna be happy again! You got that?! HAPPY! Capital H-A-P-P-I!!! [runs through window]
    Eddie: At least he took it well.
  • Doom draws Roger out of hiding by repeatedly rapping the first part of "Shave and a Haircut," as toons have an irrepressible instinct to finish it. Roger desperately tries to resist in what's basically the old "Try not to cough while the killer's looking for you" times a thousand while he twitches and his eyes swirl in an unsettling manner from trying to suppress a primal urge built into his system. The implications that a toon is physically compelled to act on Rule of Funny even if it's against their genuine interest of self-preservation is unsettling in its own right.
  • The Singing Sword with Frank Sinatra's vocals. Even if he's not dangerous, there's something creepy about how almost humanlike his features are while have exaggerated features like enlarged ears and a dead look in his eyes with a perpetually dissonant expression of happiness. Eddie was genuinely (and justifiably) horrified when he realized he had pulled this out and not just because it was useless against Doom.
  • The Pistol Packin' Possum. Even without physically appearing, his sole poster in Maroon's studio paints an image of a possum wearing dark gangster style clothing wielding a pistol, and giving a Slasher Smile — indicating a very violent character that deals in Black Comedy. A rather dark piece in the otherwise colorful collection of Roger Rabbit posters. It's not helped by the fact that his gun reflection blends with Doom's own before the latter shoots down Maroon. And there's the fact that on close inspection, he has red irises in his white sclera eyes....kinda like Doom's own true horrifying toon eyes.
    • There's some subtle foreshadowing in the film that might be an explanation: in Maroon's office is a poster for a cartoon called The Pistol Packin' Possum, and the poster shows that the possum has the same red eyes as Doom, and uses the same gun Doom uses to kill Maroon. Additionally, in the first scene where Valiant talks to Maroon about taking on the snoop job, behind Maroon are posters of cartoons on a rotating wall. The one on the right is a poster of the "Pistol Packin' Possum". When Valiant and Maroon walk over to the desk to discuss more business, the rotating wall is closed and the poster (along with the gun the possum is holding) is always pointed towards Maroon with his back turned to it. We never see the character himself, but its possible he was fired and went on this rampage as revenge, as the film, and even Roger, reveals that Toons aren't treated as equals to humans.
  • The Toon Patrol's deaths. They had it coming, but it's still disconcerting to see them dying of prolonged laughter. Especially since they not only continue to laugh after Stupid and Wheezy die, but Smart Ass' death makes Greasy and Psycho laugh even harder. So hard in fact it that it proves to be the tipping point for both, killing them. Greasy just from the cackle, Psycho from laughing all the way down into the machine, flattening him.
    • When Wheezy is dying, his angelic soul floats out of him. Coughing, he desperately reaches out for it, but it flies away and he dies.
      • He doesn't just reach out for it, he outright grabs it and makes repeated attempts to pull it back into his body, all while his laughter becomes more like frantic panicked gasping. If you watch closely, you can even see the "angel" (which still has its lower half in Wheezy's chest) actually kick itself free as Wheezy finally gives up the ghost.
    • The straitjacketed weasel Psycho is practically a Nightmare Fuel Station Attendant. Just listen to him coo, "Time to kill the raaaab-biiiiit..." He even turns the Dip on Jessica and Roger AFTER HE'S DEAD. His ghost was that invested in killing them.
    • Though he's far more deserving of it than the innocent cartoon shoe, Smart Ass dying from Dip is still highly disturbing. The other weasels at least got to fly away as ghosts, but Smart Ass doesn't implying he's completely ceased to exist.
    • When Psycho topples off the machine due to his insane laughter, there's a prominent shot of his open cutthroat razor flying into the air and falling after him. Sure, we don't see anything but the implications of what ultimately killed him are pretty horrifying to think about, especially since it's later established thanks to Doom that merely being flattened on the roller wouldn't be enough to do the deed on its own...

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