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Literature / No Sympathies

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"But who prays for Satan? Who, in eighteen centuries, has had the common humanity to pray for the one sinner that needed it most?"

No Sympathies: A Tale of Those Who Trespass Against Us is a supernatural horror/comedy novel and the first work of William David Cope, who would later go on to write The Atomic Time of Monsters and Wizarding School Mysteries.

The setting is a re-imagining of both the realms of Hell and Heaven, the former taking many cues from The Bible, The Divine Comedy, and the general pop culture regarding both realms. In this interpretation, the Princes of Hell have ruled over their respective seven circles for eons after their failed coup in Heaven, known as the Fall. But beneath all of this, something is happening. A puny and ambitious yet Affably Evil imp named Pug has big dreams of graduating from simple tormentor to tempter in the mortal realm. Against the wishes of his master Mephistopheles, he decides to rise up to the mortal realm himself, going through all seven circles of Hell in the process. Along the way, he allies with Alichino, a Marquise of the Malebranche who takes an unhealthy shining to him, and Matilda, a former temptress of a succubus who lost her job after ending up In Love with the Mark.

However, unbeknownst to all of Hell, something has gone wrong in the mortal realm, and soon Pug will be way in over his head when a great calamity befalls the realm. It'll take the efforts of both our unlikely heroes and the long overdue reunion of the Princes in order to face an evil the likes of which no realm has ever seen before.

In Cope's words, it's a story about "the plight of the damned, the virtue of sinners, and what it would take to make the devil himself repent."


  • 24-Hour Armor: Lucifer is always seen in his impressive-looking armor. He takes his helmet off at the very end, though.
  • A Chat with Satan: Actually, a chat with Beelzebub, but an exorcist ends up hearing a lot about the demonic plight from the Lord of the Flies, who gladly toys with the man's mind while telling him as it is.
  • Affably Evil: Some of the denizens of Hell are, despite being demons, actually quite cordial. None more so than Pug, who's Establishing Character Moment is him trying to start a good conversation with the agonized soul he's tormenting.
  • After the End: Mankind is all gone in the mortal realm, with nothing to show for it except the amalgamations of sin known as the Intruders. How they all went to Heaven/Hell is not known.
  • All for Nothing: Pug's quest to become a tempter was doomed to failure even without Mephistopheles' intervention, as there are no more humans left living in the mortal realm.
    • Mammon's great city of Pandaemonium, designed to show something could be made in Hell, is reduced to rubble by both the Intruders and Sheol coming down and crushing eons worth of work.
    • Lucifer's entire plan to retake Heaven was pointless, as it was perfectly willing to forgive him and the other Princes at any time.
  • All-Loving Hero: Pug, despite being an imp in the very bottom of Hell, is a very nice if somewhat naive demon who loves to make friends and chat with others.
    • God is very much the same, seeing beauty in all of His creations.
  • Amazon Brigade: The entire angelic Choir, with recognizable names like Michael and Gabriel, is composed of female Archangels.
  • Archangel Azrael: Appears as The Grim Reaper, a psychopomp who leads the dead to the afterlife in Limbo.
  • Archangel Gabriel: One of the nicest angels in the Choir, and, as many interpretations are keen to do, has a horn to rally the others.
  • Archangel Michael: The leader of God's heavenly Choir of angels, and the one who fought her former brother-in-arms, Lucifel, and won.
  • Archangel Raphael: She appears as the one who helps our heroes climb up the mountain of Purgatory, encouraging them to face their sins.
  • Arson, Murder, and Jaywalking: Pug's reason for wanting to be a tempter include revealing universal truths, making pacts, seeing the world, and pranking the Pope.
  • Asmodeus: Like the original myth, he's the Prince of Lust, and appears as a three-headed monster. He's also a former Cherub here, and is a major hedonist who engages in sex and drugs all the time. Though he only does it in excess to compensate for how shriveled his manhood truly is behind that huge codpiece.
  • Benevolent Boss: Turns out, the Princes are not too bad around the demons who work directly for them. They're a lot more hostile to demons outside their circles, though.
  • Beelzebub: The Lord of the Flies himself appears as a draconic monster fly with a face looking like a human's skull. He rules as the Prince of Gluttony, and often possessed humans in the past just to feel the sensation of taste again.
  • Big Red Devil: Many devils here are a hue of red, including Lucifer, Abaddon, amongst others.
  • Blood Knight: As you might have guessed, all of the denizens of Wrath, from the great Prince Abaddon to his own personal army, are this, constantly craving bloodshed and war. Alichino is one of them, and she leaps at every opportunity to slaughter.
  • Body Horror: The Intruders are utterly vile in their appearances, looking like undead monstrosities made of randomized mouths, limbs, and tentacles.
  • Break the Haughty: Lucifer is completely broken by his loss against the Intruders. However, it is his pride being destroyed that enables him to feel Heaven's empowering light once more.
  • Broken Bird: Matilda. Once a skilled temptress, she lost her renown after falling in love with a mortal and losing him when he died, forcing her into a life of squalor in Dis.
  • Bubblegloop Swamp: The swamp of Scathatch in Gluttony is a huge mire full of literal feces covering everywhere, and just a general nauseating aesthetic throughout.
  • Cain and Abel: Both appear in a chapter fittingly about the first time a person committed evil and got sent to Hell. Here, Mephistopheles fed Cain's bruised ego so that he had the motivation to kill his brother. However, God states that he didn't need the demon's encouragement to do that anyway, robbing poor Mephistopheles of his accomplishment.
  • Circles of Hell: Seven of them, to be exact. More detail is in the Seven Deadly Sins trope below.
  • City of the Damned: The metropolis of Pandaemonium is supposed to be this, according to Mammon. But even after all these centuries, it's not even halfway past construction due to the Archdemon's greed.
  • Compensating for Something: Asmodeus' nether regions are so shrunken by the mutations brought upon by the Fall that he has to make up for it with a huge codpiece and constant drinking/drug use. He admits this while trapped by the main Intruder.
  • Cry for the Devil: As this is a story from the point of view of demons, the reader is invited to pity their plight to an extent. Most demons are frustrated that humans are seemingly favored over them by God, and the Princes, for all the horrible sin they indulge in, got some really raw deals with their transformations into monsters. And then there's the situation with demons like Pug and especially Matilda, who aren't bad people at all.
  • Delayed Reaction: Taken about as far as it can possibly go with Abbadon being impaled by Gabriel's sword - which, for context, happened near the beginning of creation during the fall of the rebellious angels. It isn't until the end of humanity itself, countless eons later, that he gets himself trapped in the main Intruder and finally realizes the sword was there this entire time. So THAT'S where the constant pain that drove him to take out his misery on everyone else came from...
  • Demonic Possession: Beelzebub takes over a human girl's body to feast in one chapter, and an exorcist tries to get him out. He leaves, but not before sending the girl's soul to the afterlife already and giving the exorcist a lecture on demonkind's views on humanity.
  • Deus ex Machina: Invoked. Lilith sends Pug and his companions (and Mephistopheles) to warn God about the Intruders. They do, and he sends his angels to help the demons destroy the vile sin-beasts once and for all.
  • Devil's Pitchfork: Almost every demon has a pitchfork for a weapon, even Pug.
  • Don't Fear the Reaper: Archangel Azrael is the skeleton-like psychopomp who guides souls to the afterlife, but she's a very cordial person, and even states how she'd like to help Pug and the others up Purgatory if she could.
  • Dragons Are Demonic: Several demons like Beelzebub, Mammon, and Duke Valac have draconic bodies.
  • Dumb Is Good: As revealed by Gabriel, creatures of low intelligence, like animals, go to Heaven instantly because they're just following their instincts. Likewise, Pug is so simple-minded that there's no room for genuine malice in his heart.
  • The Eeyore: Belphegor is never in a good mood, his face stuck in a perpetual frown and shut eyes as he shoots down everything others say that involves any sort of action.
  • Eldritch Abomination: The Intruders. Made entirely of concentrated sin with no living mortals to bind them, they are malformed, hideously mindless beasts that seek to devour all living things, especially the sinful, and make them a part of their own collective.
  • Embodiment of Vice: The Princes each correlate with the Seven Deadly Sins. The Intruders, meanwhile, are pure sin without mortal shells to keep them in anymore.
  • Epiphanic Prison: Hell turns out to be something like this. See Self-Inflicted Hell below for more.
  • "Eureka!" Moment: Mephistopheles had one when Sheol begged for Cain's damned soul, realizing that he could make a business of sending similar souls to Hell via Sheol's mouth portal.
    • Lilith gets the idea to consult Heaven about the Intruders when Pug absentmindedly states that the monsters could easily be taken out by them.
  • Even Evil Has Loved Ones: What motivates the Princes into escaping the giant Intruder after their initial attack fails. They remember all of the demons they hold dearest to them (Abaddon's daughters, Mammon's right-hand man, Asmodeus' harem, Lucifer's wife and daughter, etc.)
  • Even Evil Has Standards: It's stated that the Archdemons united very briefly to restrict tempting after humanity did something particularly appalling in the 20th century. It's heavily implied to be The Holocaust.
    • Asmodeus and Beelzebub are filled with worry and indignation when Lucifer twists their news about the Intruders into something that serves his narrative of taking back Heaven.
  • Extreme Omnisexual: Asmodeus will lay with anyone and anything in his circle, though he keeps his own personal harem closest.
  • Fallen Angel: All of the Princes and demons born before and during the Fall are this.
  • Fatal Flaw: The respective sins of the Princes, of course. Lucifer in particular is so mired in his Pride that he refuses to see the Intruders as anything but creatures either from or having just conquered Heaven. It's only when he lets go of it that there's any hope of stopping the giant Intruder.
  • Faux Affably Evil: Lucifer has a way of acting totally chill one moment, and utterly monstrous and cruel the next.
  • Female Angel, Male Demon: The Archangels are all female, while the Archdemons are all male.
  • Fire and Brimstone Hell: The only circle that's really like this is Wrath, complete with rivers of lava.
  • Garden of Eden: Gabriel takes Pug to this place in Heaven, where all of the animals and some content souls go when they die. Some residents of note are a mother crocodile and the famous pair of the lion and the lamb.
  • General Ripper: Abaddon commands the Malebolgian army with an iron fist, all of them battle-hungry savages like him.
  • Generic Doomsday Villain: Invoked with the Intruders, whom are horrible demon-eating monsters Made of Evil with nothing in the way of personality, which makes them stand out from the demons a lot more. Tellingly, Pug gets bored of them very quickly because of this.
  • Green-Eyed Monster: Sheol, fitting for the Prince of Envy, is covered in green eyes all over his body, and in the figurative sense, he's always whining about how much better Heaven is, and the unfairness of being stuck in Hell.
  • The Grim Reaper: Azrael has the job and especially the look, with her skeletal appearance and foreboding overall design, but she's a benevolent psychopomp.
  • God Is Good: The Creator is hated by demonkind, but in truth He's every bit as benevolent and fair as many would think Him to be. If anything, He WANTS the demons and the damned souls to come to Heaven, and is easily convinced to help them fight the Intruders.
  • Good Wings, Evil Wings: The angels all have divine bird wings (except for Azrael, who's still a good being), while the demons have bat/dragon wings.
  • The Heartless: The Intruders are revealed to be made from unbound sin running rampant after mankind's passing.
  • The Hedonist: Asmodeus, because what else would the Archdemon of Lust be? This applies to almost every other demon in that circle too, except Matilda of course.
  • Hell: The main setting, split into seven circles (Envy, Sloth, Greed, Gluttony, Lust, Wrath, and Pride), ruled by seven Princes, and where the souls of the damned are sent.
  • Heroic Second Wind: After being devoured alongside all other demons, the Princes one by one find the strength to keep going by rediscovering their virtue, especially from memories of those they hold dear.
  • Heel Realization: While climbing Purgatory, Alichino comes to grips with how vile her sin of wrath is, and apologizes while crying up a storm with Raphael comforting her.
    • On a much bigger note, Lucifer repents for his arrogance and pride after his assault on the main Intruder results in everyone getting eaten by it, thus allowing him to be blessed by the Heavens again and save them all.
  • Hellevator: One that goes from the circle of Greed to the one of Sloth.
  • Hero with Bad Publicity: God, of course, is seen as the Tyrant by Lucifer and the demons.
  • Hope Spot: At first, Sheol opens up the portal to the mortal realm for Pug, signifying that his quest is complete. Then Mephistopheles shows up with Moloch in tow to stop him. Then the Intruders show up to invalidate Pug's goal altogether.
  • Horned Humanoid: Almost every demon has horns, some with more pairs than others.
  • Huge Girl, Tiny Guy: Alichino and Pug.
  • Humans Are Cthulhu: It was the purely human creation of sin that gave rise to the horde of eldritch abominations known as the Intruders. When there are no more living humans left, the beasts took form, and assaulted Hell.
  • Humans Are Flawed: Even God has to admit that it was in mankind's nature to sin, and that they didn't need a tempter like Mephistopheles to do that — it's especially telling that the Intruders' formation happened without the knowledge of any of the denizens of Hell. At the same time though, He believes that they are all allowed to come to Heaven if they are willing to face such a flaw.
  • I Choose to Stay: After all is said and done, the demons, even after being offered a chance to go to Heaven, all decide to stay in Hell so that they may turn it from a pit of pure torment to just another stepping stone for the mortals to go to the good place.
  • The Imp: In this Hell, imps are among the lowest-ranked caste of demons, serving as mostly tormentors and servants to the Princes. Pug, our main character, is one of these imps.
  • Impaled with Extreme Prejudice: Abaddon has a massive sword sticking through his chest, which aggravates him to no end, and which is mentioned at several points to have been owned by Gabriel; all she did was raise the sword in self-defense when he bum-rushed her and skewered himself on the blade. Amazingly, he doesn't seem to notice the sword's very presence until his Despair Event Horizon while he's trapped in the main Intruder.
  • In Love with the Mark: Matilda tried to bag herself a mortal soul one day, only to find that he was as kind as he was sincere. Love became marriage, though death separated them.
  • It's All About Me: All of the Princes have this problem to varying degrees, but none more so than Lucifer, who's so full of himself that he twists the Intruder invasion into a narrative involving Heaven, his old enemy.
  • Kaiju: Sheol is the biggest demon in all of Hell, enormous enough to be his own circle and a place for his followers to live.
  • Karmic Reform Hell: What God intended for Hell to be, a place where the damned souls could stay until they're ready to face their sins in Purgatory. Lucifer takes this approach after all is said and done, to every angel and demon's delight.
  • Lilith: Appears as the rebellious daughter of Lucifer and Paimon.
  • Lodged-Blade Recycling: Abaddon manages to pull Gabriel's sword out of his chest after all of the eons it was in there, and uses it to slice through the insides of the main Intruder he and the others are trapped in.
  • The Lost Lenore: The mortal that Matilda married is all the way up in Heaven, and she's stuck in Hell.
  • Luke, I Am Your Father: Paimon is actually Lilith's mother. Though the demon princess tells her father Lucifer that this was rather obvious.
  • Made of Evil: The Intruders are made from pure sin unbound by the lack of living mortals where they came from.
  • Mammon: Appears here as, appropriately, the Prince of Greed. Here, he's re-imagined as a furry lupine dragon-like demon covered in rings and jewels, with a massive treasury he regularly obsesses over. He's depicted as an opportunistic visionary who makes everyone else do all the work with little to no supervision, and with very few confidants to boot.
  • Mephistopheles: The original master of the Deal with the Devil himself appears as a major antagonist and later the Token Evil Teammate of Pug's group. As the greatest tempter, he's Pug's boss in Pride, and it was also him who got the fable of Cain and Abel started... or at least, let happen sooner than later as it would have happened anyway.
  • Might Makes Right: All of the demons of Wrath believe this, especially Abaddon. Both he and Alichino come to realize the folly of this from getting eaten by the main Intruder and climbing Purgatory respectively.
  • Monster Clown: Alichino, as befitting her name, is a demon who's body resembles an organic harlequin jester, complete with eyes replacing the bells at the end of her "hat" (actually horns and eye stalks).
  • Morton's Fork: Matilda was presented with the Sadistic Choice of either joining her husband in eternal Limbo, or letting him go to Heaven where he belongs while she remains humiliated in Hell. She chose the latter for his sake.
  • Mundane Made Awesome: Seeing Matilda effortlessly make her way through all the paperwork and loopholes of the circle of Greed's obstructive bureaucracy fills Pug with excitement and Alichino with bafflement.
  • My Name Is Inigo Montoya: Alichino has a habit of introducing herself as "Marquise Alichino of the Malebolge etc..." at all times.
  • No OSHA Compliance: Pandaemonium, the main city in Greed, is ridiculously behind schedule in terms of construction,most areas are precarious catwalks, and it's built right in a place where a huge metropolis is Awesome, but Impractical at best. Mammon is too busy counting his riches to notice any of it.
  • Obstructive Bureaucrat: Greed is full of these kinds of demons, with ones like Melchom being the worst of the lot. It takes someone as savvy as Matilda to get past them.
  • O.O.C. Is Serious Business: Pug gets fired up at his friends when they suggest that the trip to Heaven to warn about the Intruders is a hopeless undertaking, but he also uses his anger to remind them of their strengths.
    • Just about all of the Archdemons go back on their sins, especially Lucifer, when they're faced with being stuck in the main Intruder forever.
  • Our Angels Are Different: The angels here come in a variety of forms like the Seraphs/Archangels, Powers, Cherubim with four heads, Ophanims/Thrones, etc. The Archangels resemble the classical winged humanoids, though they also have two extra pairs of wings and way more bird-like features, particularly the talons.
  • Our Demons Are Different: Many of the demons depicted take most of their inspiration from the many classical myths and legends associated with them, with either slight or major updates here and there. Almost all of them have reptilian/ungulate/dragon features of varying quantities.
  • Our Imps Are Different: They are the lower class of demons here, acting as either meager servants or simple tormentors with pitchforks.
  • Perpetual Frowner: Belphegor.
  • Punch-Clock Villain: Pug is a tormentor, sure, but he just wants to see new people and the world, kickstarting his rebellious crusade.
  • Punch! Punch! Punch! Uh Oh...: The first sign that the Intruders feed off sin is when Moloch attempts to beat the first one down, only to empower it with his wrath before Samael kills it thanks to his heroic intentions.
  • Rage Against the Heavens: What Lucifel and his followers tried to do during the War of Heaven. It didn't go so well, as now all Lucifer can do is wait until he's ready to try again.
  • Rays from Heaven: Lucifer gains his Heroic Second Wind from these after he repents for his awful ways within the main Intruder.
  • "The Reason You Suck" Speech: Belphegor is fond of giving these to the other Princes, in particular to Lucifer. He gives a rather biting one to him before the final battle deriding him for his pride, followed by Lilith doing the same.
  • Rebellious Princess: Lilith, who dates demons outside of her circle and kickstarts Pug and pals' journey to Heaven in order to stop the Intruders while her father pursues delusions of a second war with the other place.
  • Rescue Romance: Alichino saves Pug from being devoured by Valac, causing him to start having some strong feelings for the marquise.
  • Running Gag: The constant nods to how malleable time is in the afterlife.
    • Shell is spelt like sHell every time it is written.
  • Satan: In this story, it was Mephistopheles who adopted this moniker. But the usual connotation of this trope goes to Lucifer, who's the Big Red Devil lurking in Lake Cocytus after he led an unsuccessful rebellion in Heaven. He's a huge Archdemon with a serpent's torso, a body fully decked in armor, six wings, and he embodies the sin of Pride. He's also been looking forward to a rematch with Heaven for millennia.
  • Self-Inflicted Hell: As it turns out, this is what Hell really is. In God's words, everyone is welcome to Heaven, it's just that there are those who refuse to let go of their sins instead of just facing them in Purgatory. Even the Princes didn't realize this, as they were welcome to come back at any time. Upon realizing this, Lucifer decides to make more of an effort to help the damned souls on their way back up too.
  • Sense Loss Sadness: Poor Beelzebub lost his ability to taste after being turned into a demon, causing him to ruin his circle in anger, and then try to possess people to feel it again.
  • Seven Deadly Sins: The Princes and the Circles they inhabit reflect these:
    • Envy: Sheol is an obnoxiously whiny malcontent who desires what lies beyond out of his reach, and is therefore the closest to Heaven.
    • Sloth: Belphegor is a lazy do-nothing who is content to just sit on his throne even as his own body atrophies. His circle is a barren desert where nothing grows, and the sand is made out of the ashes of mortals lying on the ground.
    • Greed: Mammon is utterly obsessed with all that glitters and shines, decorating both himself and his city with gold and other precious items. His circle is full of unpleasant bureaucrats, unwinnable games designed to con demons out of their money, and above all, Mammon's avarice ensures that the city of Pandaemonium will never be finished.
    • Gluttony: Beelzebub is a perpetually hungry slob who rules over a swamp of excrement and filth where most of the demons are looking for a tasty morsel, be it mortal or demon.
    • Lust: Asmodeus will screw anything while forgoing all else. Because of this, his circle is full of brothels and pleasure houses (not so pleasurable for the damned), and is by far one of the most poorly maintained areas in Hell.
    • Wrath: Abaddon is in a seemingly endless state of pure anger and fury, as are the rest of his demonic kin. His circle is a traditional Fire and Brimstone Hell, complete with rivers of lava and the damned reaching out to destroy things.
    • Pride: Lucifer kickstarted the whole failed war in Heaven because humanity hurt his pride, and even now he sees himself as better and more righteous than all else. He's too prideful to notice that his wing gusts have frozen over his circle, as well as entrapped him in his tower where he keeps the worst frozen souls so that they may watch his future ascension, which will totally happen...
  • Ship Tease: Pug is all but stated to fall for Alichino after he's saved from Valac by her. Likewise, she obsesses over him in a way that's obsessive and creepy at first, but soon becomes more sincere.
    • A slightly more subtle example is between Asmodeus and Beelzebub.
  • Shout-Out: A lot of Matilda's backstory regarding meeting her husband takes details and outright mentions some from the classic country song "The Devil Went Down to Georgia", right down to Matilda being in a bind, because she was way behind, and she was willing to make a deal.
    • Lilith being Lucifer's daughter is an homage to the character of Satan's daughter in Paradise Lost, which also influenced the portrayal of Lucifer himself to some extent. Lucifer being stuck in a lake of ice, meanwhile, homages The Divine Comedy (the "Inferno" section especially) and how Satan in that novel was trapped in the same way.
    • The Intruders are nods to the horrors of H. P. Lovecraft and Junji Ito, though Word of God says that they're meant to be second-rate imitations to highlight their Generic Doomsday Villain nature.
  • Snakes Are Sinister: Several demons, including Lucifer and Lilith and Astaroth, have serpent bodies for a lower half.
  • Succubus: Many appear throughout Hell as the standard depiction (female demon, horns, wings, etc.), with Matilda being the most major example.
  • Star-Crossed Lovers: Matilda and her human husband.
    • Lilith of Pride and Samael of Envy.
  • Succubus in Love: Matilda ended up falling for the mortal she tried to tempt due to his kindness. It's a romance that lasts well beyond his passing.
  • Supervillain Lair: Lucifer's huge tower, Castle Helviti, located at the very center of Lake Cocytus, and by extent, Hell itself.
  • Sympathy for the Devil: What some people and even God Himself feel for the demons, mostly because they can understand how unfair they believe their situation is, and in God's case, He and the other angels just want Lucifer to stop convincing himself that he's beyond repentance.
  • Thinking Up Portals: Sheol is able to summon a portal between Heaven and Hell through his mouth.
  • Token Evil Teammate: Mephistopheles is tasked with joining Pug and his friends on their quest to alert Heaven to the intruders, much to his chagrin. He gets better upon learning from God that humans didn't need any outside assistance to fall into sin, rendering his self-imposed purpose nil.
  • Undying Loyalty: Many of the demons will gladly give their lives for the Princes they serve respectively.
    • Alichino goes from obsessing over owning Pug to actively fighting for him, instantly defending him from harm or criticism.
  • Villainous BSoD: The Princes all have one while stuck in the main Intruder before snapping out of it via rediscovering who they care about.
    • Mephistopheles breaks down completely when he's informed by God that the mortals didn't need the likes of him to sin at all.
  • Villainous Glutton: All of the demons of Gluttony are this, especially Beelzebub.
  • We Can Rule Together: During their fight, Lucifel proposed to Michael that she could be by his side as they take over Heaven. She passed on that hard. With her sword.
  • We Used to Be Friends: The seven Princes were once brothers in arms during Lucifer's rebellion, only to have a major falling out after being condemned to the pit, going their separate ways to rule their respective circles. The invasion of the Intruders rekindles that old camaraderie.
  • You Are Better Than You Think You Are: God and even Pug tell this to the latter's friends, praising them for their strengths and their will to be better than they were.
  • You Cannot Grasp the True Form: God is not described in any explicit way, just pure beauty in every way, shape, and form one can think of. When Lucifel tried to kill Him, he was blinded and burned by His true visage.
