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Heartwarming / No Sympathies

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Turns out, there is some heart in Hell.

Unmarked spoilers ahead

  • Pug's Establishing Character Moment may be Black Comedy with him torturing a guy while talking with him about things, but it also shows how overall, he's less interested in hurting people and more meeting them and making friends. We even learn from Mephistopheles later that he tried sanctioning time for the tormentors to chat with their victims.
    • Pug in general is a heartwarming character with his All-Loving Hero and Blithe Spirit qualities. The whole reason he wants to become a tempter is not just because it's a job of high prestige, but also so that he may get to see the world.

  • While it's born from her seeing Pug as property, Alichino does declare that because he is hers, she will protect her with all she has, violently attacking and/or threatening anyone who dares harm him. All while calling him "her little Pug".
    • The first time she helps him after chasing him, by threatening Moloch, she takes his hand, and they leave Wrath humming a little tune together.
    • The next major moment is when she saves Pug from Duke Valac's stomach in Gluttony, stating that she missed him so much that she stalked him. While slightly unnerved by this, it makes Pug wonder if actual love is involved.

  • Pug meeting Matilda in Lust. Unlike with Alichino, their friendship has a much more wholesome beginning, with the imp completely disarming her gloominess with this exchange:
    Matilda: There's no real pleasure to be had here. Just lighter shades of misery.
    Pug: Well, that can't be true! Maybe it's just because you're focusing on the physical. Why not have a nice conversation instead?
    Matilda: Do you really think there's anyone to have a nice conversation with down here?
    • From there, Matilda is instantly supportive of Pug's quest, even if she can tell that he's doing it against the rules.

  • Just about everything that isn't sad about the romance between Matilda and her human husband. We learn from the chapter, "The Devil's Date", that she met him when she was in a bind, she was way behind, and she was willing to make a deal. After trying and failing with her old tricks on the mortal, he actually tried to get to know her, and was willing to give an actual relationship with her a chance after seeing how sad she was about the general plight of demons. Thus, he made it so that they BOTH sealed a deal, a soul for a soul and love for love. And sure enough, they made it work. Even after being forced to separate from him due to him belonging in Heaven, Matilda speaks of him with nothing but fondness and longing.
    • Really, the entire chapter dedicated to their first meeting. They agree to take things slow, and finalize this deal after a couple of days. And Matilda for her part is positively floored by how unexpectedly sincere and caring this man is, after who knows how many years of tempting similar folks. When she finally takes her sunglasses off to reveal her demonic eyes to him, he simply states that she's beautiful. Love Redeems, indeed.
    The mortal: I want to know you. I want to see who you are.
    Matilda: This is...the biggest thing you could request.
    The mortal: Isn't love always?
    • During their walk through Gluttony, Matilda tells Pug how the biggest thing she misses about her husband was actually his complaining, mainly because it stemmed from how much they both ended up caring about each other's problems.
      • From that detail, Pug deduces that love is wanting to hear about other people's problems, and comes to the conclusion that he loves everybody.

  • In the otherwise horrifying chapter with Beelzebub tormenting an exorcist, he plainly admits to the man that despite being cast of Heaven by God, he refuses to believe that the Creator hates him and his kind, and there's still a small part of him who has a bit of love for Him.

  • After Alichino begrudgingly admits to Matilda that she could have never gotten through all of the steps through Greed's bureaucracy herself, the succubus says that she couldn't tear Duke Valac in half. This causes the marquise to go from bitter to cheerful in an instant.

  • In Sloth, Alichino and Matilda instantly come to Pug's defense when Verrine and Gemory deride his dream of being a tempter. After things get physical and the two demons are left packing with their tails in between their legs, Pug praises both for being such great friends, prompting Alichino to give them all a big hug before going to Sheol.

  • Lilith and Samael being Star-Crossed Lovers in the past. At least, until Lucifer ruined it.
    • For what it's worth, Paimon gave Moloch a savage beating according to her when tried proposing to Lilith. Becomes a Mama Bear situation when it's revealed how close the demon general is to the princess.

  • Samael saving Moloch from the first Intruder out of the goodness in his heart. It not only puts the two on decent terms, but also implies a way that the horrible beasts can be killed for real: through virtue (though this isn't taken advantage of until much later).

  • The heavy implication that Asmodeus and Beelzebub were an item in the past. In the present, they get along rather nicely when they have to team up to warn Lucifer about the Intruders.

  • During Pug's Rousing Speech, he asks his friends to stop wallowing in self-pity and remember what demons have to be proud of. He also makes note that he could have never been the first imp to rise above his own circle without their help, which is what causes them to wholeheartedly accept the mission to get to Heaven and stop the Intruders.

  • When Mammon is crying over the loss of his treasure and his beloved city, Mulciber appears beside him, revealing his Undying Loyalty and raising the Archdemon's spirits significantly. He even allows Mammon to have one of his own bracelets as a consolation gift.

  • Alichino giving Pug a Big Damn Kiss on the cheek after he saves her from an Intruder.

  • Azrael wishing our heroes good luck in Purgatory, sincerely stating that she wishes she could help them up.

  • For a brief moment, Lucifer seems to be really happy to have Asmodeus and Beelzebub by his side against the Intruders, and they feel that camaraderie coming back too...until he makes it all about himself again in front of the other demons.

  • Archangel Raphael helping the demons ascend Purgatory with words of encouragement. In particular is her words to Alichino, which motivates the wrathful demon to tearfully apologize for her Might Makes Right mindset, and how it hurt Pug and everyone else.

  • EVERYTHING about Heaven. It really is the paradise mortals think of it as. And Pug gets a nice tour of some of its features by Archangel Gabriel. First is the Garden of Eden, which is filled with a menagerie of animals who went there simply because their instincts didn't allow for a distinction between good and evil. The more notable inhabitants include many peaceful crocodiles, including a mother who got reunited with her hatchlings, and the famous pair of the lion and the lamb together in harmony.
    • After that is the sprawling city of Heaven, which combines all of the best elements of urban living across generations and then some. Those who enjoyed working and living get to do so in total contentment, including a helpful clothes salesman who gives Matilda and later Pug new looks they love, and Matilda's husband.

  • On that note, the reunion of Matilda and the mortal she loves. It starts out appropriately awkward, then Matilda laments that something as hideous as her has no place somewhere as beautiful as Heaven. Her husband lets her know that he doesn't see it that way at all, and that she's beautiful no matter what she looks like.

  • Asmodeus and Beelzebub catching Lucifer when he falls from the shock of watching Lilith and Paimon getting taken from him by the Intruders. They tell him that they've lost demons they care about to the monsters too, and aren't about to let that slow them down.

  • Pug telling Matilda how, while touring Heaven, he got a nice suit from the clothes man, ate great food, and even joining in on a song and dance number with a crowd of people.

  • GOD. In stark contrast to how He's portrayed by the demons, He is in fact a loving and patient being who wants salvation for all creatures, be they mortals, angels, or demons. To Him, everyone's ultimate destination is Heaven, and Hell is just another step of the way they seem to choose. One of the first things he says to Pug is that he is a lot greater than he gives himself credit for, as are the rest of his companions.
    • When Matilda and Alichino question why God would have made them to sin, He earnestly questions if they hate themselves enough to want to be undone instead of who they are. This prompts Pug to once again whip out a Rousing Speech, praising Mephistopheles for his cunning and amazing ability as a boss, Matilda for her kindness and generosity, and Alichino for her strength and friendliness, altogether telling them that they're more than just their faults, and they have the drive to be better. God is suitably impressed.
    • And on top of that, God accepts the request for help, but only if Lucifer allows it. Seeing how the angelic army is assembled already, the Creator knew his former angel would.

  • When the Princes are facing their Darkest Hour within the main Intruder, it actually brings out the best in them, on top of giving them the strength to keep fighting.
    • Abaddon remembers his daughters and those who fought for him, using Gabriel's sword to slice through everything and save them.
    • Mammon and Sheol, after the latter viciously calls the former out on his hypocrisy, agree that they have had Skewed Priorities, and Mammon is quick to encourage his huge friend that they can make it if they work together.
    • Beelzebub and Asmodeus end up bonding via telling each other the worst part of their demonic livelihoods and the people who give them pleasure. Asmodeus enjoys his harem, remembering each and every one of their names and quirks, while Beelzebub has nothing but respect for his Dukes (excepct Valac). It motivates Asmodeus to go find those he loves, with Beelzebub following to help him.
    • Lucifer repents for all of his sins by praying to God that He spares Lilith, Paimon, and everyone else for their sake, causing Heaven to shine on him and give him his power back.
    • The Princes all reunite in the same area, and there's not a single drop of bad blood between any of them. Abaddon even laughs at a joke he makes at his own expense. Sheol also appears having rescued a lot of demons with his mouth. They soon decide to rescue the rest with their newfound vigor. Lucifer even says that he suggests it, not commands, for the Princes are his friends and always have been.
    • The lesser demons still in the main Intruder follow their masters' example and start rescuing each other. Keryon even rescues Azazel despite him beating him up in the past. The Princes then go to find their own loved ones, with Lucifer specifically encouraging Mammon to go find Mulciber.
    • While heading towards the main Intruder, Lucifer and Sheol talk about the latter's ex-wife, Forneus. Lucifer encourages Sheol to try it again with her not as a command, but as a friendly request.
    • Lucifer and Lilith find one another, and there's no spite at all in their interaction this time. Instead, Lilith asks him to take care of an unconscious Paimon, stating that she knew she was her mother this whole time. Lucifer agrees, apologizing to Paimon for putting her through all of this.
    • Michael showing up and healing Paimon instantly. After the fight is over and the battle is won, she tells her former comrade to, above all else, stop punishing himself. She explains that she and the other angels have missed him, and want him to come back, which appropriately stuns him.

  • Pug's friends and even Mephistopheles telling everyone that it was Pug who ensured the victory over the Intruders, with Alichino giving a big speech about how brave and inspiring he was. Lucifer is very impressed, and pats Pug on the head while promising to praise him and his friends.

  • Pug and his friends sharing a group hug after declaring that they'll stay to help make things better in Hell, with Matilda knowing that her husband can wait in Heaven.

  • In Gehena where all of the demons are gathered, Samael and Moloch are getting along, Azazel is giving Keryon a much deserved apology, and even Verrine and Gemory have a sweet moment with their tearful reunion.

  • Lucifer declaring to all that Hell will no longer be a place of total suffering, but a means of helping everyone get to Heaven, pointing to Pug and his companions as inspiration. A true happy ending for all.

  • The epilogue, which takes place after the War in Heaven, has God reassure His angels that they need not cry for their brothers for much longer, as they will heal, and while the fallen have a long way to go, they will find their way back. As the ending of the story proves, He had every right to believe this.
    Time marched on, the world formed, and mortal life began its journey just as the Heavenly host and the damned did before it. God watched as the entirety of creation finally came to fruition. God saw the conflicts, the wars, and the falls. God saw growth, forgiveness, repentance, and salvation. God saw angels, mortals, and demons alike, all traveling on different paths, and all making their way to the same end. God saw creation in every aspect, and God knew that it was good.
