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    Avatar: The Last Airbender / The Legend of Korra 
  • All of The Worst Foursome Ever. In order to have a baby that looks just like the two of them, Azula and Ty Lee ask Zuko to knock Ty Lee up. With Mai, Azula, and Mai and Zuko's baby present. Hilarity Ensues.
    • The first two lines:
      Azula: You're doing it wrong, Zuzu.
      Zuko: I am NOT doing it wrong!
  • Serious Business deals with Korra using the Avatar State to ask Aang about dating advice. Highlights include:
    • Aang's comment about the spirit world being rather boring for the previous Avatars.
    • Tenzin's apparent lack of tact when wooing Pema; apparently, he shouted his love poems to her when she was passing by.
    • "Do you want a cup of tea to go with your senseless violence?" "Yes."
    • Aang's horror when Korra asks how Katara would woo someone like Zuko.
    • The last line. Mentioning it would spoil the punchline.
  • This exchange from Two No More:
    Toph: Oh, stop worrying, Grumpy. We're just going to have some fun. I know that's a difficult concept for you...F-U-N.
    Zuko: Uh, okay, but Mai and I do have fun.
    Toph: I'm talking about outside the bedroom, Grumps.
    Zuko: We do it outside the bedroom. (realizes what he said, clamps a hand over his mouth and blushes)
    Toph: That's too much information.
    Zuko: I, uh, have a meeting to go to. *hurries out of the room*
  • From Chasing The Dragon, while trying to convince Azula to testify at Ozai's trial, she and Zuko engage in sibling bickering.
    Azula: I sometimes wonder; did mother ever have an affair with a flying lemur? Because I have no idea how I have such a half-wit for a brother!
    Zuko: At least I'm not insane.
    Azula: At least I'm not the one asking advice from a crazy person.
    Zuko: At least I have people who care about me.
    Azula: At least I'm not stupid, ugly, AND fat.
    Zuko: I'm not fat. And besides, I look just like you, so who's the stupid one now?
    Azula: Let me ask the voices in my head. Oh my, it's unanimous. First thing they've agreed on all year. You are! You're the stupid one!
    Zuko: You're insane!
    Azula: I know I am but what are you? Oh, that's right. Stupid. Fat. Ugly.
    Zuko: At least people still like me. You may be smart and pretty but you have nobody!
    Azula: Because you stole them all!
    Zuko: So what does that say about you?
    Dr. Du Yi: (loudly and slowly)
    Azula: (blank expression, imitating him) Yes.
    He crossed out unresponsive.
  • One chapter of the fic Like Father, Like Daughter has Azula requesting a Royal Harem for herself from Ozai. Their conversation and Ozai's thoughts on the matter are funny enough, but the last few lines are absolutely hilarious.
    Ozai: want seven, group-willing, submissive men from the Fire Nation, preferably non-benders and of high-class descent?
    Azula: Yes, sounds about right. (Beat) Wait. Did you say men?
    Ozai: Of course...
    Azula: I want women.
    Ozai's brain just about exploded.
    • In a later chapter, Azula and Ozai are imprisoned together sometime after Sozin's Comet, and we get these lines:
    Azula: You're the one who sired me. It's your fault that I'm here.
    Ozai: Well, then apologies for my seed being successful.

    Ozai: Seriously, Azula. We could break out of here. Father and daughter. Phoenix King and Fire Lord.
    Azula: I believe someone melted your chicken helmet for some copper pieces.
    Ozai: Chicken helmet?!
  • The +100 chapter short story collection The Ember Island Lighthouse has several:
    • In chapter 8, Zuko and Iroh talk about Zuko getting together with Mai, and at the very end, Iroh casually says, "You and the waterbender would have made handsome babies, though." It makes Zuko drop his teacup in surprise.
    • At the end of chapter 18, when it's revealed what Zuko was complaining about all chapter: Sokka convinced Iroh to make a giant cup of tea, Iroh fell in, and Zuko jumped in fully robed to save him.
    • Chapter 27 has Zuko thinking about all the girls he has kissed. His descriptions of what it was like with Mai and Toph are detailed and romantic, but he only has one thought about the last girl: 'Katara tasted like fish.'
    • Chapter 48: "Oh, glorious Agni in the sky above forbid I'm not in the exact right spot going into the fourth hour of this rehearsal!"
    • The entirety of Chapter 64, in which Azula, Ty Lee, and Mai tell a round-robin story at their sleepover. Their clashing personalities and storytelling styles are what make it hilarious.
    • These lines from Chapter 78:
    Young!Azula: Let's play [the game] where we shove Zuko to the ground! But you girls have to pay attention so that you learn properly.
    Young!Ty Lee: (excitedly hopping up and down) YAY I'M GONNA BE SMART!
    Azula and Mai traded glances, but held their tongues.
    Young!Ozai: (after they're spotted) Tactical retreat, Zhao. Tactical retreat. Negative jing at its finest.
  • From Field of Innocence, a young Lu Ten somehow managed to light Iroh's (metal) tsungi horn on fire by accident. Even he doesn't know how it happened.
  • In Morality Chain, Zuko recounting what happened during the Siege of the North, to Azula's complete confusion.
    Zuko: Uncle didn't betray anyone - he had the Fire Nation's best interests at heart, and now it's all come crashing down for him. This is even worse than exile - he's a fugitive, and he's alone. I mean, I know he told me he'd be fine, but he's old and alone. Uncle was right to protect the koi fish!
    Azula: The...koi fish.
    Zuko: Well, the moon spirit or whatever. The point is that Zhao shouldn't have tried to kill the moon.
    Azula: ...Kill the moon.
    Zuko: Yes! And then the Avatar wouldn't have merged with the ocean and created the giant koi fish and destroyed our navy! And the ocean wouldn't have grabbed Zhao and killed him.
    Azula: ...Zuko.
    Zuko: Yes.
    Azula: Has the Avatar mastered earthbending yet?
    Zuko: Uh, not since the last time I saw him. Why?
    Azula: Because something obviously hit you on the head rather hard, and I'm wondering if it was a boulder.
  • In Blood of the Dragon, Zuko tries to make a Call-Back to the show before teaching Azula the Dancing Dragon.
    Zuko: (grinning, takes Azula's hand) Azula, I need you to dance with me.
  • In The Beacon, when Korra and Asami tell everyone that they are now dating, everyone reacts differently, but "the best reaction by far was Grandma Yin's. When the whole gang gathered at the Sato mansion to welcome the two young women home, she got a little too tipsy on rice wine."
    Grandma Yin: See, Mako, this is what happens when you let go of nice girls like Korra and Asami. They'll just end up dating each other. Not that I'm unfamiliar with love between the ladies, you understand? You should have seen me in my prime. Before I met your grandfather, I had quite the fling with one of the Earth Queen's handmaidens. And what a hand maiden she was! I couldn't walk right for days after a night with her!
    Mako: Grandma Yin!
    Tenzin: (Face Palm)
    • It's a Funny Moment in-story, too: it makes Korra cry laughing.
  • In Reluctant Hero, Fire soldier Shen decides to don Water Tribe clothes in order to infiltrate the North Pole and learn Zuko's whereabouts. The thing is, the crew found female clothes. Which means Shen has to play the pretty girl and use feminine wiles on a waterbender master to manage to see his prince.
  • In When It's All Over, Zuko and Aang's conversation after Katara gives Zuko a platonic kiss on the cheek is hilarious.
    Aang: I know what it's like between you two. I trust you both.
    Zuko: That's a relief. I would not want to fight you now.
    Aang: You think that would put me into the Avatar State?
    Zuko: Wouldn't it?
    Aang: If anyone ever hurt Katara, that would do it. But if you two ever… got together… Mai is the one who would kill you, not me. I'd just… crawl into a hole.

    The Lion King 
  • A version of "Be Prepared" where everything is literally said
    Banzai: (after falling into antelope skeletons and getting them stuck on his (and the other two) head) So we're dead?
    Scar: From that fall you should be
    Banzai: I climb really fast!
    Scar: None of you will be skeletons anymore, after I drop you.
    Banzai: Wow, we're really good at surviving falls!
    Banzai and Shenzi: Disney Plot Armor, la lala lala la!
    Scar: Idiots! Plot armor is for main characters!
    Banzai: But Mufasa.
    Scar: He's a DISNEY PARENT!
    • Hilarious in Hindsight because Scar dies, and the Hyenas survive.

    The Loud House 
  • Denial: Not Just A River in Royal Woods features Ronnie Anne and Lincoln imitating their respective older siblings being overly sappy.
  • While Pride in Her Chest is mostly a sweet piece about Lori being a Cool Big Sis and helping Lynn feel better about her flat chest, it does have an amusing moment of Luna being very annoyed with Lori mentioning that the rocker hasn't needed a new bra since she was 12, to both of her sisters' clear amusement.
    • And before that, Lynn mentions a classmate who has breasts the size of Lori's and the text informs us that if Lori had been drinking, a Spit Take would have ensued.
  • In Ab-Ject Humiliation, Lynn has a nightmare about Lucy being ripped and stealing Francisco away. The funniest part is when dream!Lucy picks Francisco up like a toddler.
  • In Lucy's Secret, Lucy is trying to get Lynn to fall back asleep in a weird way. It actually works.
    Lucy: (whispering) "What do you mean? I'm not here."
    Lynn: "You're not?"
    Lucy: "No. I'm on the moon, training to become the King of Nebraska and cheese puffs."
    Lynn: "What?"
    Lucy: (takes off her PJ pants and arranges them so she appears to have three legs) "Yes, Lynn. You remember: you won the skleep ball tournament with your team... consisting of Peyton Manning, Jeff Gordon, Babe Ruth, and Michael Jordon, your team won, and the winner got to choose one person to go to the moon and train to become the... King of something."
    Lynn: "King of something?"
    Lucy: (swaying sideways) "Yes... ki-i-ing of so-o-omethi-i-ing."
  • Of Flowers and Bees is about Lynn Sr. trying to give Lincoln The Talk and tells him to imagine himself as a bee and Ronnie Anne as a flower. Lincoln then wonders what kind of flower Ronnie Anne is.
    Lynn Sr.: "Well, um... I don't know. What kind of flower do you think she is?"
    Lincoln: (pauses to think) "Poison ivy."
    Lynn Sr.: "That's... that won't work, Lincoln."
    Lincoln: "Then maybe a rose?"
    Lynn Sr.: "Aw, how romantic!"
    Lincoln: "No, Dad. I mean because of the thorns. Actually, I rather see Ronnie Anne as a bee than a flower."
    Lynn Sr.: "What? (shakes his head) But Ronnie Anne can't be the bee!"
    Lincoln: "Why not?"
    Lynn Sr.: "Because... because the bee stings."
    Lincoln: (shrugging) "So does Ronnie Anne."
  • The whole premise of Art of the Mess is that Lana can't fathom why Lola likes painting, as she's such a Neat Freak and painting is so messy.
  • A Problematic Day is a funny story about the whole Loud family, with the exception of Rita and Lori (who were away), plus three of the pets, having terrible luck, with most of it being due to Luna having a cold and startling her sisters (Lincoln was shopping and having unrelated bad luck of his own) by sneezing:
    • Leni spills some nail polish on herself, cleans it off with nail polish remover, but then spills the nail polish remover, slips on that, and wraps herself up in her scarf.
    • Luan accidentally sprays herself in the face with whipped cream, and at the same time, Lynn accidentally gets hot sauce in her eyes, and Lucy accidentally throws her fake blood into the air, sticking the three of them together since the fake blood contained molasses.
    • Lana accidentally creates a flood from a broken pipe in the bathroom, then washes herself out into the hallway (which she even finds kind of fun).
    • Lola spills tea on herself, making her mascara run, and then wraps herself up in her ribbon.
    • And finally, Lisa accidentally put too much of one liquid into another, causing the liquids to explode, resulting in her, Lily, Charles, Cliff, and Walt being covered in a substance that makes them all very itchy.
  • Dairy Dairy Quite Contrary, which documents the first time Lincoln and his older sisters went to Dairyland, when they were seven, six, five, four, three, and one years old:
    • Luan apparently once tried to seduce Benny by putting Whoopee Cushions in her bra.
    • When the kids go to the hall of mirrors, baby Lincoln is scared of one mirror that gives him and the girls cow heads. Lynn calls whoever designed the mirror a "boogerhead", and Luan replies, "Lynn, language!" Later on in the story, a man says, "son of a b—-" and is cut off by a Sound-Effect Bleep, but later, baby Lincoln learns the word and asks his parents what it means. In the present, Lana asks what the word is that baby Lincoln learned, and Lynn pretends it was "boogerhead". Leni gives the same response as past Luan.
    • The story provides an explanation for how Lincoln got his rabbit plush Bun-Bun — it was a prize for a carnival game run by Flip, but he was rigging it so that the third bottle couldn't be knocked over. So three-year-old Lynn threw her ball at Flip's nose, making him drop Bun-Bun into baby Lincoln's lap.
    • Little Lynn really wanted to ride a rollercoaster with Lincoln, but they were too short, and in fact their older sisters all were too. Both of them manage to sneak on due to the oblivious guy running it, then the older sisters run after them. This results in all five girls grabbing each other in a chain, hanging off the side of the rollercoaster, with baby Lincoln anchoring them.
  • Room for Eleven, which documents all the Loud siblings sharing a room after an accident makes most of their rooms unavailable, has a lot of hilarious moments:
    • Lola snores, so Lynn pulls her sleeping mask back and slaps her in the face with it.
    • Luna sings in her sleep, Lisa gets so annoyed she wishes Luna had laryngitis, then Luan sings, "Little Bunny Foo-Foo", invoking Crashing Dreams to wake Luna up.
    • Lynn gives Lola a Dutch oven, leading to a brawl, and eventually, Lola being tied up.
    • Both Lincoln and Lisa try to use flashlights (the former to read comics and the latter to take notes) and are told off.
    • Leni begins saying the names of ridiculous clothes in her sleep, the last one being "Kilt without underwear".
    • When Lynn breaks Luna's drums, she tries to hit Lynn with Lily's bassinet. Lily is angry, so she grabs Luna's leg and bites her. Leni then says that her siblings are "being dumb" with their fight, making them even angrier because Leni of all people called them dumb.

    Miraculous Ladybug 
  • So much of Squares, triangles and other shapes, to be expected given part of its summary, "Secret identities make fake dating...complicated.":
    • The story opens with Chat Noir accidentally telling Ladybug that he has a girlfriend after responding to a conversation he had tuned out of. When he realises his mistake and tries to avoid telling Ladybug his girlfriend's name, he asks if she's jealous of her, leading Ladybug to claim she has a boyfriend. He then tries to fix it by offering to tell her if she tells him, which Ladybug unexpectedly agrees to. After counting to three, Chat, scrambling to think of the name of a girl who he knows, likes, and could actually fake-date, answers "Marinette," while Ladybug answers "Adrien." Both Ladybug and Chat are appropriately shocked by this, being Marinette and Adrien respectively. In short, both are lying, both know that the other is lying for some reason, but neither knows that the other knows they're lying.
    • Following this conversation, Ladybug runs home and changes back to Marinette just in time for Chat Noir to visit her on the balcony. He explains what's happened and begs her to back up his story if Ladybug happens to ask her. Marinette grudgingly agrees, "but only because it’s kind of hilarious to see how much you fucked up and I kind of want to see the outcome of this." Early the next morning, Marinette visits Adrien as Ladybug, awkwardly explains her side of the mess she and Chat created, and asks him to fake-date her. Adrien, who actually is in love with Ladybug, agrees with absolutely no hesitation. After she leaves:
      Plagg: Good going, Romeo. You’re fake dating two people at once.
      Adrien: I was having a good morning, way to ruin it.
      Plagg: Good? You’re fake dating the girl you want to actually date.
      Adrien: It’s better than nothing.
      Plagg: It’s pathetic.
    • And if this wasn't messed up enough, Ladybug gets photographed on Adrien's windowsill, revealing their "relationship" on the Ladyblog. And, just a day later, the same happens to Marinette and Chat Noir.
  • In Adrien's Last Resort: Clothes of Revenge, Adrien finds a new way to get back at his father for his overbearing parenting ways: put on incredibly tacky clothes.
    “Adrien go change! Are you trying to kill your father?!”
  • Pretty much anything written by quicksilversquared:
    • Sleepy Supervillainry (written before Hawk Moth's identity was revealed as Gabriel) features our supervillain getting so low on sleep he accidentally Akumatizes someone angry at him.
    • Headcan(n)on has Hawk Moth on his job while Nooroo was in a hornery mood and Akumatize a fanwriter who was sad because her ideas had been called implausible... And couldn't spell headcanon properly. Hilarity Ensues.
      A kilometer away, the latest akuma was enveloped in a cloud of billowing purple smoke. When it cleared, it revealed what was arguably the strangest akuma that Paris had seen to date.
      Because while the body was relatively normal- a simple black fitted suit, with a gloved hand clutching the notebook- the head was not.
      In place of a head was a stereotypical cannon, like what might be seen in a pirate movie, complete with fizzling fuse. Headcannon was written in elegant silver script along the side. She stumbled as she stood, slightly unbalanced by the weight where her head had been.
    • How to Fake a Marriage (started before Hawk Moth was revealed as Gabriel) is a post-series fic where Adrien, trying to get out of his father's control, goes to London to study while under a set of rules that forbid him, among other things, to date... And upon finding Marinette there he decides to set up a fake wedding with her. Good thing Natalie is on their side...
      • Then, the two get an identity reveal... after Marinette falls asleep at Adrien's place and wakes up with Plagg in her face.
      • Then, the two start a Secret Relationship. The only person outside London who knows about it is Alix... because during a video call with Marinette, she saw Adrien straight out of the shower in the background. The excuses Marinette tried to come up with... Even more hilariously, Alya and Nino are trying to play matchmaker between the two, and Adrien's efforts to pretend he's oblivious to their hint must be seen to be believed. Then the two come back to Paris engaged...
      • The sequel, How to Announce a Pregnancy, has the now married Adrien and Marinette discover she's four months pregnant but not showing it due to Marinette's powerful superhero abdominal muscles pushing the baby bump down, and announcing it to friends and family... But having to deal with Gabriel's antics preventing them from meeting him and telling him, to the point people start thinking he'll find out only after the birth. He does, and immediately thinks is a prank like the fake marriage.
      • How it happens that he finds out late: they had finally secured a dinner with him when Marinette suddenly went into labor, and when they tried to go to tell him and then go to the hospital traffic got them at Gabriel's house so late that Adrien just shouted they had to go to the hospital.
      • Natalie asking Alix for a copy of the pictures she took of Gabriel finding out.
    • In Fashion Disaster, a paper runs a piece about how bad the Akuma villains' outfits are...And when Hawk Moth gets offended, everyone in Paris gets on it.
      A week later, fliers showed up around the city announcing a fund to send Hawkmoth to take a few design classes at the local university.
  • les aventures de ladybird et chat noire features Lila as the holder of the Ladybug Miraculous and Marinette as the holder of the Black Cat... And Hilarity Ensues:
    • Lila's reaction to first meeting Tikki:
      “Okay, I’ve seen enough mahoushoujo to know where this is going.”
    • When she gets the ring, Marinette freaks out as in canon... But this time she's dealing with Plagg. Who objects at being called a "bug-mouse".
    • Marinette screws up with the extensible staff too and gets tied up to Lila. What does Lila do? She flirts with her.
  • Misunderstandings. That is, the fic where Alya finds all the necessary evidence to realize Marinette is a superhero... And guesses the wrong one.
  • In The Girl Who Cried Wolf Lila obtains the Wolf Miraculous, whose power allows her to see and identify allies in red and enemies in blue... Because she's from Rome, and red and yellow are the colors of her hometown and sky blue and white are the colors of the Lazio, the traditional villains of Italian Association Football.
  • In Fashion Upgrade, there is a school assignment where each class must work on a project given to them by another class. So, Marinette's class (sorry, former class; she was transferred to Madame Mendeleiev's) is told to make a comic play... so they make one about Mayura writing in her diary about how hard it is, working for a loser like Hawk Moth. We only see a couple of scenes, but they are certainly worth it. Not to mention the description of Gabriel almost having a stroke as he watches it being broadcast.
  • The entirety of Teenage Rebellion because of the premise: Adrien decides to rebel against his dad while Marinette and Nino try to kill him and Nathalie via Adrien's rebellion. Highlights include:
    • Marinette having to drag Adrien away from the piercing salon when she helps him with his new look.
    • As soon as Adrien gets a debit card, he goes straight to McDonalds.
    • When Adrien first turns up in his new punk outfit, Nino thinks that it was because his dad died and starts planning a party that ends in a conga line over Gabriel's grave.
    • When Nino states that Adrien will be taking his boyfriend to a big gala coming up, Juleka (who quite likes Adrien's new look) offers up Luka as said boyfriend (since Adrien doesn't actually have one). Adrien considers the idea.
      • Before that, Nino says that he can just borrow Marinette's. Marinette quickly shoots that one down.
    • Marinette questioning if it's her Adrien is trying to hurt when he wants to dye his hair.
    • Nino's handpicked boyfriend for Adrien, Jace, realizes that he now can no longer fail with helping kill Gabriel and Nathalie because his sister and her best friend love MDC designs and Marinette promised that she would design dresses for both for free if it went well.
    • What finally does both in (or at least causes them to faint)? Adrien and Jace dancing and kissing.
  • The entirety of A Bun in the Oven???, where a now 17 Ladybug doesn't drink at a party because she's underage and mentions she's eating as if she had to eat for two and she has a bun of bread in the oven...And everyone thinks she's pregnant. And somehow Marinette manages to repeatedly miss she's the only one who means a literal bun in the oven. Even when Lila flat-out mentions Ladybug being pregnant in her presence (she thinks it's another of her lies) and Hawk Moth announces a nine-month truce (she thinks it's another of his mind games). There's also this from the narrator:
    Ladybug frowned. What did that even mean, bun in the oven....
    then she remembered the bread she had started to make at the beginning of this story, a convenient plot device that you, dear reader may have forgotten about, but I didn't. I created that loaf of now most likely burnt bread for the express purpose of causing panic.
  • In the A Convoluted Matter by Neeko96 (of the Phantom Titan fame), Nathalie gives Adrien a list of activities approved by Gabriel for him and his future girlfriend:
    Adrien: "Let's see… Sightseeing, ice skating, casual strolling between the hours of 8 am and midnight, protected se- What!?"
  • Chaotic Chat where everything is the same...only Adrien is a Deadpan Snarker problem child who basically does whatever he wants whenever he wants.

    My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic 
  • Certain Advantages has Princess Celestia and Princess Luna entering the Sisterhooves Social obstacle race and... Hilarity Ensues. Every damn line. Highlights include:
    • Celestia "sealing" her magic to be fair to the other racers.
    • Everyone learning the proper meaning of "bunghole." It's a part of a barrel, like the one Celestia is stuck in for most of the story.
    • "Meanwhile, back at the fjord, things had taken a turn for the theological."
    • The crew of Diamond Dogs the Royal Sisters keep tormenting by accident. Only not really.
    • Twilight crying and teleporting all over the place.
    • Rainbow Dash failing to understand the meaning of "sardonic."
    • "...and Scootaloo."
    • Rainbow Dash being so stunned by the Sisters' performance that that she distorts space and time until she and everything around her are frozen in place.
    Spike: Whoa, that's freaky.
    • Granny's Smith's team of masseuses.
    • The "little favor" Celestia asks of the pie chef.
    • “Oh dear,” she said, “I seem to have some difficulty with my bunghole.”
    • Pretty much every time bunghole is used in a sentence.
  • What Rarity Needs has Pinkie Pie learning to express disappointment.
    Pinkie: Oh no. That's bad. How do we express disappointment? I know, a party! No! Bad Pinkie Pie! Parties are only for good things. This is a Bad Thing. How do ponies express bad things? I know! Cursing!
    Rarity: Darling, wha-?
    Rarity: Pinkie Pie, dear, don't be vulgar! ...Especially when you're so bad at it...
  • Changeling:
    • Celestia matter-of-factly explaining that everyone except her, Luna, Twilight Sparkle, and two others are actually changelings.
    • The fact none of the changeling hives know about the others, leading to a flock of wolves all desperately pretending to be sheep.
    • Cadence and Shining Armor don't know each other is a changeling.
    • The reveal of who the other two true unicorns are that Twilight will have to have foals with, Trixie and Prince Blueblood.
  • When moving into his new home in Retired to Equestria, former Evil Overlord Damien opens the door to find a surprise party waiting for him, despite the fact he has both of the only keys for the house that was locked until he got there. And he only bought the house half an hour prior. Eventually he decides to chalk it up to Pinkie Pie lest he be driven mad.
  • Magical Girl Sunny has Sunset Shimmer as a hammy magical girl. The human world's Sunset Shimmer, who shares quite a few character traits with Pinkie Pie. And ours can't make any sense of it...
  • Untitled Celestia Fic has Celestia play the role of the goose from the Untitled Goose Game.
  • In Good Trooper Gilda, Gilda trying to keep Cadance and the Ducal Council from making her Duchess of Trottingham by, among other things, threatening to sell their grandparents to the Parrots.
    • The Council almost made Gilda Duchess because she didn't want the job, reasoning that "Nogriff that doesn't want the job that aggressively could possibly be that bad at it". But instead they choose the one person who wants the job even less: Cadance. Who had suggested Gilda precisely to keep them from giving her the coronet.
  • In Changelings, Changelings Everywhere the mane cast discovers that Rainbow Dash was a changeling all along, then that Pinkie Pie was another changeling sent to find her... the escalation doesn't really stop until it's revealed that Celestia is literally the only pony who isn't secretly a changeling. Several ponies who were replaced with changelings turned out to be changelings in the first place. The story ends with two of the changelings going to get lunch while Twilight breaks out her graph paper so she and the faction leaders can sort out who's on what side.
    "Is anyone here actually a pony? Are ponies even a real thing?"
  • From the AU Another Side of Friendship: Pony Tails:
    • Twilight's attempts at getting a job with this AU's Mane Six:
      • First try is at the bookshop Moondancer works at. It starts well enough... For all of five minutes before she spontaneously decides to reorganize everything, making enough of a mess to give the owner a heart attack. Literally.
      • Second attempt, tutoring at the School for Gifted Unicorns with Starlight Glimmer. She tries to impose her terrifying study habits on the student she was supposed to tutor, making him drop out.
      • For the third attempt she goes at Trixie, who, knowing her strengths and weaknesses, makes her her manager, admits her career now depends on the purple mare's skills, and leaves her alone for five minutes to get a donut. That's all Twilight needs to pack her day's schedule with too many events. The moment Twilight gets distracted, Trixie drops a smoke bomb and runs away, leaving behind a note with which she fires Twilight.
      • After the previous failures Twilight decided to just go and become a thief with Tempest Shadow and Grubber. Knowing she's dealing with a beginner, Tempest brings her to the easiest marks in Canterlot, from which one could swipe their purses in front of them without being noticed (literally; when Twilight says she's exaggerating, Tempest has Grubber demonstrate), and points her at a particularly easy one. Twilight panics and gets everyone arrested.
      Tempest: “Word of advice, Twilight: next time you try to steal from somepony, don’t tell the pony your stealing from.”
      Twilight: “I’m sorry, I panicked! I’ve never stolen anything before!”
      Grubber: “Well, did you have to tell them where we were hiding, too?”
      • How Twilight Sparkle convinces the police pony at the holding cells to let them go: she handles all his paperwork and explains him how she did it.
      • The job Sunset Shimmer finds Twilight Sparkle, and that she actually holds: planning Princess Luna's schedule... That is, pretty much the same job she was supposed to do for Trixie. Thankfully, this time she doesn't go overboard to make a better impression.
    • Moon Dancer is sent to get the former dragon lord Belphegor to sleep somewhere else, but she has to wake him up first, so, given her rare ability to use moon magic, she's sent to wake him up from inside his own dreams. Hilarity Ensues:
      • To get in his dreams she first has to fall asleep... So Luna hits her with a baseball bat.
      • In the first dream she looks in, she finds Empress Ditzy Doo, her gigantic carriage pulled by the Mane Six and Luna.
      • In another dream, she somehow crosses dimensions and meets the perplexed human counterparts of the Mane Six.
      • Moon Dancer had been told Belphegor is incredibly lazy. How much? Well, when she finally finds his dreamscape she finds him dreaming of sleeping.
    • Because of Apple Bloom making a mess, in this AU the poison joke still strikes. Aside from Twilight's horn going limp, we have:
  • In The Trixie Clause, one of Trixie's magic tricks, one where she'd escape certain death, goes wrong and she gets killed by a device activated by Twilight Sparkle... And that's when the Black Comedy starts:
    • Turns out, Trixie was cursed. A long time ago, a wizard realized a great evil was coming and, to make sure the strongest unicorn in history would be there to defeat it, cursed himself to always speak in third person, call himself "The Great and Powerful", and always wear his hat and cape, and whoever killed him would inherit the curse, so the hat and cape would act as a marker for the strongest unicorn alive and, according to Starlight Glimmer, the other part of the curse would make them so irritating people would want to kill them, providing a continuous trial by fire. And now, Twilight is the Great and Powerful.
      • How Trixie got it: she ran over the previous cursed one in a wagon accident.
      • Twilight at first isn't too worried, as now she knows she's chosen to fight a great evil... That already came and was defeated three hundred years ago. Turns out, the original wizard forgot to add an expiration clause to the curse...
    • The Great and Powerful Twilight Sparkle dealing with a Yak ambassador.
    • The Great and Powerful Twilight Sparkle facing her daily life with the curse.
    • The curse means Twilight has to pick up Trixie's legacy. So, she takes a guess at something else it may involve:
      "It is. Twilight Sparkle is trying to figure out - if she has to pick up Trixie's legacy, does that mean Twilight is supposed to make out with you?"
      "...Get out of my bedroom."
      "So that's a no?"
      "Get out of my bedroom, Twilight."
    • After many failed attempts to get rid of the curse, including asking Celestia's help, The Great and Powerful Twilight Sparkle goes at Trixie's funeral and delivers the eulogy when Trixie comes out of the hat: it turns out it was all a prank, and Celestia was on it.


