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Spoilers for all Dragon Ball works preceding it will be left unmarked. You Have Been Warned!

  • Ultimate Lifeform:
    • After fully copying Goku, Goku Black considers himself one, possessing Goku's innate power, but at a level no mortal can ever reach.
    • Merged Zamasu sees himself as the supreme god of the multiverse since he possesses both Complete Immortality from Future Zamasu and Black's constantly growing power, on top of being immensely strong to begin with. It's heavily implied that Merged Zamasu was Black and Future Zamasu's end goal once Black manages to reach the pinnacle of his power. However, it turns out merging two separate beings that are both mortal and immortal was a really bad idea. Granted it did make him stronger, but his immortality was compromised in the process, making him vulnerable to attacks and throwing his regeneration completely out of whack.
  • Uncle Pennybags:
    • Mr. Satan develops into this, going as far as building Videl and Gohan a house on top of giving Goku one-hundred million zenny.
    • Bulma has shades of this, being the heiress to the Capsule Corporation. She spares no expense at her birthday party, providing the best food and entertainment available and offering lavish games prizes such as a full-sized castle and the seven Dragon Balls. She regularly feeds Beerus and Whis at the finest restaurants at great expense (though this is largely to keep them from destroying the earth), allows the Pilaf Gang to mooch off her hospitality for unclear reasons, and when the cast are arguing over who gets a wish from the Dragon, she gets most of them to rescind their claims by just buying what they want.
  • Underestimating Badassery:
    • The alien warrior in Episode 2 whom Whis tries to take dinosaur meat from ends up in a fight with Beerus. If he had any idea who they were, he'd have known that he stood no chance.
    • Goku badly underestimates Beerus despite King Kai warning him that he stands no chance. He truly believes Super Saiyan 1 and 2 would be more than enough to handle Beerus and going Super Saiyan 3 is overkill. This is justified to an extent, as God ki is imperceptible to mortals and Goku thus has no way to gauge Beerus' power. Since Goku knows he's already stronger than all the gods he knows personally, he had no way of knowing just how much more powerful Beerus is.
    • Buu thinks he can bully Beerus after he eats all the pudding in front of him. He gets a far more vicious beatdown from Beerus than anyone so far. And then he keeps on trying.
    • Beerus wins in the end, but he underestimates Goku several times during their match, especially during the final leg where Goku loses his god form. It takes Goku burning through all his energy reserves before he goes down. Beerus even says that he held back his full power out of pride, but changed his mind since he wanted to beat Goku up. He also says for a moment he regrets seeking a fight with a Super Saiyan God and freaks out when Goku returns for one final round.
    • Tagoma questions if Frieza is really as dreaded or as powerful as Sorbet makes him out to be. Although Frieza is far from being the strongest in the universe anymore, he is still much stronger than anyone in Frieza's army. There is also a very good reason why he's feared by both his army and enemies.
    • Frieza zigzags this trope. When the Earth's fighters show that they can easily beat Frieza's army, he is not surprised, commenting that these are all second-rate soldiers. He, however, badly underestimates Krillin, still seeing him as that runt he blew up. He also becomes quite annoyed when his men can't defeat a single one of Earth's fighters. He also manages to underestimate Goku since he is shocked that Goku can fight him in his base form and resorts to attacking his friends to land hits. As Golden Frieza, Frieza has the advantage and is able to beat Super Saiyan Blue Goku senseless, but he underestimates Goku's endurance while overestimating his own, having failed to train his new form, which costs him the fight. However, Frieza did have a backup plan just in case Goku did somehow beat him: have Sorbet shoot him when he drops his guard. Still, he completely underestimates Vegeta, thinking he was still the same person he killed with ease on Namek. He didn't even know Vegeta could become a Super Saiyan, much less Blue.
    • Ginyu badly underestimates Vegeta. He doesn't realize his mistake until Vegeta destroys him.
    • Champa thinks Goku and Vegeta are pushovers since they are so slow and sluggish. He is unaware that they are wearing super heavy suits.
    • Frost handles Piccolo with kid's gloves since he sees him as an easy win. He nearly loses after Piccolo manipulates him and he is nearly ringed-out by a Special Beam Cannon. He also thinks he will have an easy time with Vegeta since he is allowed to use his poison needle trick and kill Vegeta during their match. He obviously never considers that Vegeta can transform like Goku and he goes down with one punch.
    • Vegeta thinks Magetta will be a pushover since he fits the definition of big and slow. He ends up badly mistaken after Magetta speeds up, becomes more powerful, and is immune to his attacks. Magetta also nearly ring outs Vegeta twice. The second time he is only saved by the rules, which really pisses Vegeta off.
    • Although Vegeta knows that Hit will be tough, he is taken completely off-guard when he can't even land a single blow and Hit can do heavy attacks on top of his lighter blows. In turn, Hit underestimates Goku, calling him young and naive when Goku tells him that he won't transform until he can counter Hit's time freezing technique. Hit is shocked when Goku not only blocks his attacks, but manages to kick him.
    • Gowasu and Zamasu, both Supreme Kais, severely underestimate Goku, who, in their eyes, is a mere mortal. Gowasu actually thinks about using Goku to test Zamasu's restraint when fighting humans until Beerus tells Zamasu in no uncertain terms not to hold back, or he'll be killed.
    • Goku and Vegeta badly underestimate Goku Black since they were told that he was only as strong as Super Saiyan 3 Goku at his maximum power. They didn't expect Black to become strong enough to beat back a Super Saiyan Blue, have his own Super Saiyan form, or to have an energy sword that could pierce though Vegeta like he's made of cardboard. Goku also underestimates Future Zamasu since the last time they fought, he was far weaker than Goku and wasn't an immortal.
    • After easily handling Vegeta twice, Goku Black gets a nasty surprise when Vegeta starts kicking his butt thanks to spending six months in the Hyperbolic Time Chamber.
    • Future Zamasu doesn't take Future Trunks seriously, thinking he's just a bug. Then, he gets trapped in the Evil Containment Wave and sealed. The only reason he is able to escape is because they forgot to bring the talisman to complete the seal.
    • Basil during the Zeno Exhibition Tournament dismisses Buu and laughs at his easy victory, not knowing that Buu has a ton of stamina, can regenerate, and is a powerhouse.
    • Happened to Goku when he fought Bergamo, given how he likes to hold back and fight at a level where he's more evenly matched with his opponent.
    • Gohan manages to do this with Krillin of all people. Gohan may be much stronger than Krillin, but he has little experience fighting in a tournament setting. This screws him up since Krillin defeats by ringing him out after blinding him with an upgraded Solar Flare.
    • Played With. When Frieza returns in the Universal Survival Saga, Goku and he have a brief sparring match. He thinks he can kill Goku, assuming Goku underestimates him since he has gotten stronger since the Resurrection 'F' Saga. He's shocked to learn that he's only even with Super Saiyan Blue Goku when he was once superior. And he doesn't know Goku can stack the Kaioken on his god form.
    • Given how Goku, Vegeta, Frieza, and likely Gohan, are on a whole other level compared to the other U7 fighters, they get hit by this a bit, especially since they try to fight conservatively until about half the time allotted for the tournament had passed. One of the clearest example was when Vegeta unleashed his full power against Ribrianne and nearly caused her to have a Heroic BSoD when she realized their difference in power.
  • Understatement: When Future Zeno finally notices that Zamasu has become a universe-spanning Eldritch Abomination, his only response is to call him "annoying". Goku agrees.
  • Undying Loyalty: Ginyu to Frieza. He waited patiently in a frog's body for almost twenty years just so he can return to his lord's service.
  • Uneven Hybrid: Pan is one-fourth Saiyan, having a full human mother and half-Saiyan father. Oddly enough, she's considered a Saiyan despite having more human blood. She also developed faster than the half-Saiyans since she's barely a year old and can fly.
  • Unfazed Everyman:
    • Despite not having any superpowers or martial arts, almost nothing fazes Bulma. An out of control God of Destruction crashes her birthday party and is fighting over pudding, she slaps him. Frieza returns with one-thousand men, she's right on the front line, assuming that the battlefield would be the safest location (which turns out to be correct). There's an evil version of her childhood friend wrecking Future Trunks' timeline, nothing strange about that. Whis using his powers to pop out Baby Bulla and put the newborn in her arms, wow no labor pains! About the only thing that truly shocked her were Future Bulma's death and learning who Black was.
    • The Pilaf Gang has long since grown numb to the strangest elements to the series, which includes Baby Pan blowing up the Pilaf Machine despite being a year old and all the time-traveling in the Future Trunks Saga. Pilaf even lampshades how they're used to this when Present Trunks' tutor was having a meltdown.
    • The humans of Future Trunks' Earth are all this. After spending nearly two decades being assaulted by two teenage punks and eating by another android, there is little left in the universe that can baffle them. They were stunned upon seeing Goku, since he looks exactly like Black, but quickly get over it and never question why they look alike. They also readily accept that they are being attacked by two crazy gods and those gods later merged together to create one being.
  • The Unfettered:
    • Goku Black absolutely won't stop on his mission to annihilate humanity and chases Future Trunks across time itself to kill him. When he fails to kill Trunks, he destroys his time machine, trapping Trunks in the past, giving him free reign in the future. Even more disturbing, he kills Goku's family without any remorse and rubs their deaths in Goku's face.
    • Once Zamasu gets into his head that mortals must be eliminate to bring peace to the universe, nothing stands in his way, not even his teachings as a Supreme Kai. Without any hesitation, Present Zamasu tries to kill Gowasu to gain access to the Time Ring so he can use the Super Dragon Balls and Future Zamasu immediately joins Goku Black's side after he murders his master in cold blood and helps him kill the rest of the gods in the universes.
  • The Unfought: Despite the Tournament Arc being called the Champa Saga, Champa never fights the heroes. This is mostly because Champa has no personal dislike towards Goku and the others, and Champa is so far above them that he can easily defeat them, much like Beerus in the Battle of Gods Saga.
  • Ungrateful Bastard:
    • This is one of Frieza's defining character traits:
      • You would think Frieza would be a little more grateful to his men for reviving him and saving him from more years in Hell. Instead, he demeans them and tortures one of them for speaking out against his Revenge Before Reason. Yeah, keep it classy, Frieza.
      • Frieza refuses to have his father revived, calling him bossy, despite his dad going out of his way to save him from certain death after Namek exploded on him.
      • Sorbet views Tagoma as this after he demeans him for being soft and taking his place as Frieza's number two.
      • Instead of being grateful that Goku spared his life several times, Frieza becomes upset at anything that even remotely reminds him of that moment.
    • The gods, especially the Gods of Destruction, come off as this towards Goku since it's stated that Zeno was going to destroy the eight universes with the lowest mortal ranking. Goku reminded Zeno of the tournament he promised back in the Champa Saga and the prize for the winning universe is that they won't be destroyed. So Goku indirectly saved at least one universe. Despite knowing this and Vados actually saying that they should be grateful towards Goku, they despise him for his arrogance and his friendship with Zeno.
  • Uniqueness Decay:
    • In the beginning, there was only one set of Dragon Balls that could grant a single wish, before being upgraded to three wishes. Dragon Ball Z introduced the Namekian Dragon Balls that were supposed to be the original set which could grant three wishes, were more powerful than the Earth's Dragon Balls, and were later upgraded to revive multiple people with a single wish. Super introduced the Super Dragon Balls, the real original set that was used to create the Namekian Dragon Balls. Unlike the others, the Super Dragon Balls can only grant a single wish, but it can grant any wish the summoner's desires without any limits.
    • Zigzagged with Super Saiyan transformations. The original Super Saiyan form falls into further decay after Cabba from U6 manages to become one after some prompting from Vegeta and he teaches other U6 Saiyans how to do it. At the same time, Super Saiyan God is only ever achieved by Goku (if you count the manga Vegeta gets it, too) and only Goku and Vegeta have access to Super Saiyan Blue. Gotenks is also the only one who still uses Super Saiyan 3, while Goku Black has his own Super Saiyan form, Super Saiyan Rosé. Future Trunks even gets his own Super Saiyan form, Super Saiyan Rage.
  • Unknown Rival:
    • Vegeta has made it his mission to kill Black after he went after and tormented his family. Black, however, returns none of these feelings and just sees Vegeta as a Warm-Up Boss.
    • After losing to Goku in their sparring match, Zamasu builds a strong dislike towards Goku, seeing him as an arrogant, stupid mortal who doesn't know his place. His dislike soon turns to hate when he realizes that Goku has access to god energy upon seeing the Goku vs. Hit fight on Godtube. Goku, for his part, is unaware of any of this, seeing Zamasu as a good Kai who has no connection with Goku Black other than having similar energy. However, Zamasu's hated towards Goku eventually reaches the point where he uses the Super Dragon Balls to steal Goku's body to become Goku Black and uses it to murder Goku when he's trapped in his old body and is nearly helpless, and he kills Chi-Chi and Goten out of spite. When Goku learns what Zamasu did, they become bitter arch-enemies to each other.
  • Unskilled, but Strong:
    • Gohan is the least technical fighter during the battle against Frieza and can only become a Super Saiyan for a short time. He is able to take out Frieza's strongest men without much issue because he's that much stronger than them despite being rusty. His inexperience is shown again when he loses to Krillin in a tournament style sparring match because he underestimated Krillin's skill set and he had a poor understanding of tournament rules. He then gets manhandled by Piccolo even as a Super Saiyan 2 because Piccolo has a better understanding of battle tactics and knows how to exploit Gohan's weaknesses.
    • Frieza was naturally very strong and never had to train for his power, yet was still one of the strongest beings in the universe at the time. He decides to subvert this after being resurrected and told just how powerful Goku has grown in the interim, believing that with his unlocked latent power he'd be truly invincible. At first, he seemed to have succeeded. He finally gains perfect control over his true form and has even gained the ability to sense energy including god energy. Unlike his movie counterpart, he also has a degree of control over his golden form's power output since didn't reveal his 'true' power until Goku powered up to his maximum. Then, he runs headfirst into this trope when it turns out his golden form burns through his energy at an alarming rate. He went from dominating Goku for most of the fight to being out of breath and more worn out than Goku, who was used as a punching for several minutes. What's worse, he didn't even notice until it was pointed out to him.
    • Botamo is a unique mixture of this and Stone Wall. He is more than capable of taking Goku's attacks with no trouble, but Goku far outclassed him in combat. His strategy is to No-Sell his opponents attacks while they run out of stamina and push them out of the ring, but he didn't think about being defeated by a ring out, and couldn't do anything about being thrown out of the ring. Goku specifically notes that Botamo didn't keep up with his training, becoming too depending on his Stone Wall ability. By the Tournament of Power, he's gotten marginally better, but he is still easily disabled by Vegeta and would have been eliminated if not for Magetta interrupting.
    • Frost is a skilled fighter, but has poor control of his true form. He killed someone by accident because he couldn't control his full power. Given Frost's true nature, it's questionable how true this is.
    • Magetta zigzags. He is a giant robot-like creature who starts the fight with Vegeta quite slow, but strong and he also can't fly, something that has become a standard technique in Z. At the same time, he knows how to use his abilities like heating up the battlefield to give himself the Home Field Advantage and can easily tank all of Vegeta's attacks, including a Galick Gun and the Final Flash. He also becomes much faster as the fight progressive and makes very good use of his ability to harden magma, turning it into a bat and nearly ring out Vegeta.
    • Hit thinks Goku is this after Goku reveals his plan about not transforming until he can counter Hit's Time-Skipping ability. He is quickly proven wrong.
    • Played With with Goku Black. While he's very well-trained thanks to his preparation for becoming a Supreme Kai and Goku's strong body gives him immense power, Black is still learning how to properly use his body and access its full potential, which is why he experiences such rapid growth from fighting.
    • Future Zamasu is a strange mixed of this along with being Weak, but Skilled. Although he is well-trained and can hold his own against Super Saiyan Blue Goku, he heavily relies on his immortality to the point of not dodging or blocking attacks, hence the unskilled part of his character. Instead, he chooses to be a meat shield for Goku Black or use combination attacks instead of fighting on his own. This gets him in trouble more than once where he gets sucker punched and nearly trapped by the Evil Containment Wave.
  • Unstoppable Rage:
    • After reaching his Rage Breaking Point and ascending to Super Saiyan, Cabba unleashes his fury on Vegeta, landing several powerful blows on him. He only calms down once Vegeta reveals that he purposely made Cabba mad so he can become a Super Saiyan, just like he wanted.
    • Future Trunks finally loses his temper after he hears one too many of Goku Black's gloats. He still get his ass-kicked with ease.
    • Goku hearing that Goku Black killed his entire family in the process of stealing his body transforms him into an utterly terrifying Papa Wolf.
  • Unwitting Instigator of Doom:
    • Pilaf and his gang were searching for the Dragon Balls for their own ends. By the time they collected them all, Sorbet and Tagoma appeared and forced them to summon Shenron so they could revived Frieza.
    • There are several from the Future Trunks Saga since the story arc runs on a Stable Time Loop:
      • Future Trunks going back to the past for help allows Goku Black to follow him using the Time Ring, where he meets Goku, Beerus, and Whis. The latter becomes interested in Black because of his Time Ring, which eventually leads to Goku meeting Zamasu.
      • Goku's meeting and subsequent sparring match with Zamasu ends up triggering his Start of Darkness. After seeing how Goku, a mere mortal, could become powerful enough to challenge the gods, Zamasu begins a downward spiral, going from simply distrusting mortals and seeing them as foolish to a full-blown Jerkass God who seeks to wipe out all mortal life.
      • Beerus and Whis investigating Goku Black leads them to U10 where they asked about the Time Rings, something that Zamasu didn't know existed until that moment. They also bring Goku, who is obsessed with fighting Zamasu since he heard that he's a fighting prodigy among the Kais and he may be Goku Black, leading to the above events.
      • Several for Gowasu: He is the one who tells Zamasu to fight Goku so he can learn more about mortals and eased his distrust for them. This backfires since Goku ends up being more powerful than he thought and the encounter only solidifies Zamasu's hatred and makes him obsessed with Goku. He then takes Zamasu to Babari so he can observe the primitive life there and see if they will become more civil after a thousands years and he also teaches Zamasu how to use the Time Rings. They didn't, which only gives Zamasu further proof that mortals are too stupid and dangerous to live. Finally, he gives the means for Zamasu to begin his plan to kill off mortals by watching the U6 and U7 tournament on Godtube and telling Zamasu about the Super Dragon Balls.
      • It's Zuno giving information to Zamasu about the Super Dragon Balls and Goku that kick-starts the major events of the saga and leads to the creation of the Stable Time Loop.
    • Goku reminds Zeno of the multiversal tournament promise he made back in the Champa Saga. Zen's decides that the losing universes will be destroyed, putting the multiverse in danger of destruction. This is reverse later, however, when it's revealed that Zeno was going to destroy eight universes with the lowest mortal level even before the tournament. Goku actually gave one universe the chance to save itself.
  • Use Your Head:
    • During his fight against Beerus, Goku headbutts him several times. The move hurts Goku almost as much as Beerus.
    • In the first universal tournament, Goku finds that his opponent Botamo can No-Sell all his attacks. Vegeta shouts for him to use his head, so he tries a headbutt, which predictably doesn't work either. He then actually uses his head and figures out Botamo's weakness.
  • The Usurper: Zamasu's rebelling is him wanting to become the 'supreme god' so he can bring forward his version of justice, which is to wipe out all the mortals. To that end, he kills all his fellow gods in the future timeline and teams up with his future counterpart who becomes an immortal through the Super Dragon Balls. Once the two Zamasus fused and lose their physical body to Future Trunks, he becomes one with the multiverse and murders everyone in it except Goku, Vegeta, Future Trunks, Future Mai, Bulma, and the Supreme Kais. It takes Future Zeno, the true Top God of the multiverse, to stop him. By utterly destroying the timeline.
  • Utopia Justifies the Means:
    • Goku Black wants to rid the universe of all mortals, who he sees as failure of the gods, to make a perfect paradise. To that end, he murders his master, take the Time Ring, uses a wish from the Super Dragon Balls to steal Goku's body, murders him and his entire family, kills Future Gowasu, teams up with Future Zamasu, and murder all the gods in the universes.
    • Zamasu genuinely believes that he will be doing good by wiping out the mortals he considers evil. He even says having the power to punish evil and doing nothing is a sin.


  • Vague Age: A lot of the characters that should have aged noticeably are depicted as unnaturally youthful. Examples include Bulma's older sister Tights, Future Bulma and the entirety of Penguin Village. The Pilaf gang are a possible case as they're implied to have gained youth sometime before the Androids saga (which was at minimum 12 years before Super), yet appear to be no older than Trunks and Goten, so unless they turned into babies they should have hit puberty by the time they reappeared.
  • Vacation Episode: Episode 2, where Vegeta goes on vacation with Trunks and Bulma.
  • Values Dissonance: An In-Universe example. When talking to Cabba about what happened to U7's Planet Sadal, Vegeta casually mentions that they took over another planet after they destroyed the old one. Cabba is horrified and Vegeta says that it's natural since the Saiyans are a warrior race. Cabba then retorts that being a warrior race is precisely why you shouldn't steal planets.
  • Vanity Project: It's clear that "Great Saiyaman vs. Mr. Satan" is one of these for Barry Kahn. He acts like a Prima Donna Director to his film crew, tries to make the assistant director rename the movie to "Barry Kahn in Great Saiyaman vs. Mr. Satan", cast a famous idol as his character's love interest, only chose to play the Great Saiyaman because he thought there'd be an interesting contrast between a famous star like him to play a washed-up has-been, and he doesn't actually respect his costar, only approaching Mr. Satan to ride off of his popularity.
  • Verbal Backpedaling: When Trunks and Goten ask Pilaf what he's doing in the area, he starts to say he's looking for the Dragon Balls until his minions shush him, and he changes it to say he's filming a drama.
  • Victory by Endurance:
    • Though Goku puts up a good and valiant fight against Beerus, he ultimately uses up all his energy in the fight and faints by the end of it. Beerus could have won outright, of course.
    • Goku turns this around against Golden Frieza, having surmised that Frieza in his new form would have the same stamina problems he had the last time they fought. He holds back his full power, letting Frieza go all out until he's exhausted.
    • How Basil lost to Buu. He simply couldn't bypass Buu's outstanding endurance and regeneration along with his power.
  • Viewers Are Geniuses: A subtle example. While most of the characters actions are explained by someone during their fights, Vegeta's fight with Hit and Goku Black has him quietly take a position with his arms down, which is never explained and can look silly. He is actually taking a relaxed position, a common boxing strategy, where the boxer makes sure to relax his muscles, which is a lesson Whis has been giving to Vegeta since the start of their training about him giving too much pressure to his body.
  • Villainous Breakdown:
    • Frieza slowly has one as he fights Goku. He first gets ticked off when Goku matches him comfortably without going Super Saiyan, made worse as he's also not taking Frieza very seriously and doesn't give a rat's ass about Frieza's suffering after his defeat on Namek. That being said he doesn't really lose it and quickly regains his composure after he starts winning against Goku using his new golden form. He does start losing it when he realizes that his new form has the same stamina issues as his original 100% form. Although he is calmer about it compared to the movie, he hits the ground like a spoiled child when Goku tells him bluntly why he failed. Even with all the above, his true breakdown happens after Vegeta reveals that he can become a Super Saiyan Blue too and beats the crap out of him. By the time he loses his golden form, Frieza is on his knees and close to crying. His final breakdown happens after he's sent to Hell and welcomed back by the stuffed toys and fairies. He can only scream.
    • Future Zamasu freaks out after being sealed with the Evil Containment Wave by Future Trunks. He's so shaken by the experience, that he no longer see mortals as mere insects and tells Goku Black that playtime is over, causing them to fuse.
    • Averted by Goku Black who ends his tenure as an individual character by being one of the very few Dragon Ball villains to never lose their composure. His exit by means of fusing with Future Zamasu note  was done solely to show that he was done screwing around, rather than out of desperation. From beginning to end, Black was one cool customer and that's worth major props in this particular franchise.
    • Merged Zamasu does not take it well when Vegeta and Future Trunks throw his Sphere of Destruction back in his face, becoming a screaming, flailing mess and trying to kill Future Trunks and Goku in an Unstoppable Rage. And it only goes further downhill for him, especially after Goku melts half of his face and breaks his halo.
    • Barry Kahn has a massive tantrum when Videl catches on about his Frame-Up attempt on Gohan, thumping his car and yelling to himself about how much of a big deal he is. This ultimately culminates in him kidnapping Pan and challenging Gohan to a fight after he is taken over by Watagash.
    • Quitela, Universe 4's cocky God of Destruction, has a considerable breakdown when his fighters are all eliminated and his universe is about to be erased. This is especially notable because he's been a Smug Snake up until that very moment.
  • Villainous Friendship:
    • At first, Ginyu and Frieza seems to have this. Frieza is genuinely happy to have Ginyu back, saying that he thought he died on Namek. Then this becomes subverted after Vegeta kills Ginyu. Instead of being sadden by the death of his most loyal servant, Frieza laughs.
    • Although Future Zamasu doesn't see Goku Black as his 'comrade', they get along very well. When they're not out killing mortals, they live together in a house outside the city and have tea together. After learning that Goku Black is a version of Zamasu, their relationship makes a lot more sense. He basically his own best friend.
  • Villain Cred: While Frieza is mostly after Goku for revenge, he does take a moment to point out that he can't be taken seriously if he is afraid to fight some filthy monkey on a backwater planet.
  • Villain Corner: For the most part, Zamasu is portrayed as a young, inexperienced Kai who truly wants to make the universe a better place, and sees mortals as not worth the gods' protection since they keep repeating the same mistakes. It is not until he meets and fights Goku and visits Babari that he begins to believe that mortals are inherently evil and dangerous, and should be destroyed for the good of the universe. He also comes to believe that the Kais just watching is a sin since they're allowing evil to flourish. Him seeing Goku cloaked in god energy from watching the Hit vs. Goku fight on Godtube only pushes him further over the edge. Episode 56 shows that he will eventually leave the corner.
  • Villain Has a Point: When Future Zamasu fights Future Trunks for the first time, he gives a rant about how mortals used their god-giving gifts to kill themselves, showing how foolish mortals are. Although Trunks has every right to tell him to shut up, he does have a point. In Trunks' timeline, the Earth was devastated for almost two decades by the androids, killing machines created by one man who misused his god-giving brilliant to get revenge on Goku who was dead by the time he activated them. Those same creations also killed him upon their activation.
  • Villains Out Shopping: Goku Black and Future Zamasu are seen chilling out in what looks to be a summer house located in a beautiful field drinking tea and admiring the view outside the city.
  • Villain Decay: Pilaf was originally a somewhat serious enemy early in Dragon Ball, has been reduced to a comical Harmless Villain thanks to a combination of his inability to remotely keep up with the power level of the rest of the cast and his accidentally becoming a child due to a poorly-worded wish. His role in the show consists of bumbling about in the background with his flunkies Mai and Shu, trying futilely to accomplish some villainy, and then being given a bone and sent home. His greatest impact on the plot is to gather the Dragon Balls offscreen during a time-skip, only to have them immediately taken off him by Sorbet, one of Frieza's last faithful lieutenants.
  • Villain Pedigree: In this series, Goku and his gang have moved on from fighting super-powerful aliens and man-made perfect weapons to battling the gods themselves. Even mortal villains like Frieza or some of the U6 team are above Super Saiyan God Goku. We then have Goku Black, who is a rogue God of Creation who teams up with Future Zamasu to bring an end to humanity and killed all the other gods in Future Trunks' timeline. He even fuses to create what he calls 'the Supreme God'.
  • Villain Respect:
    • Beerus comes to greatly respect Goku to the point he spares the Earth from destruction for the time being.
    • Frieza gives subtle ones to Goku. When Sorbet tells him that Goku has gotten much stronger, Frieza isn't surprised and expects it to be the case. When told the extent of Goku's growth, he's both surprised and impressed. When Frieza realises what a Super Saiyan Blue is and what it implies for Goku, he takes a sincere bow in respect to Goku for having achieved godhood. Of course he follows it up with an insult about how the God of Saiyans is still a Saiyan, but the sentiment was genuine.
    • It seems a tiny piece of Frieza does sees Goku as a Worthy Opponent. When he loses to Goku again, Frieza is very upset, but came up with a backup in case it happened. This shows that Frieza acknowledges that he can lose to Goku. This is compared to the major Villainous Breakdown he has when Vegeta beats him, making him come close to tears.
    • Goku Black has nothing but praise towards Goku, seeing him as a Worthy Opponent and refers to Goku as the beautiful peak to aspire towards. His general respect towards Goku does take on a creepy and more disturbing tone after learning that he is Zamasu who used the Super Dragon Balls to steal Goku's body. He also praises the Super Saiyan Blue form, saying how it's magnificent to see a warrior race garbed in godly energy. He does note, however, that Saiyans are still just mortals even with godly energy.
  • Villain with Good Publicity: Frost is not Frieza's Good Counterpart after all, just read the Evil Overlord List counterpart. See, it's easier to engender lasting loyalty from others around you, strong warriors included, when you manipulate war to make yourself into a paragon than when you use fear and destruction to bully your way to power.
  • Villains Want Mercy: Ginyu tries to plea for his life just before Vegeta utterly vaporizes him.
  • Virtue Is Weakness:
    • Frieza has nothing but contempt for Gohan after he realizes that he's purposely holding back to keep from killing his men. He also mocks Goku for trying to spare him, yet again, which leads him to be shot in the back.
    • Tagoma adapts the same attitude after his Training from Hell. He calls Sorbet soft for caring about Shisami and his unwillingness to be ruthless.
  • Visionary Villain:
    • Zamasu believes that he is right that mortals are Always Chaotic Evil and nothing his master tells him can convince him otherwise. All of Gowasu's attempts at showing Zamasu that mortals are not all bad backfires, like making him fight Goku and taking him to Babari to see the primitive life there. When he learns about the Super Dragon Balls, Zamasu is ready to commit murder to fulfill his dream of a mortal-free paradise and gain immortality. Future Zamasu is so far off the deep end that he believes that he's a 'true god'.
    • It was Goku Black who recruited Future Zamasu in his quest to destroy all the mortals after he took Goku's body and murdered him and his entire family. They then go on to murder all the gods in Future Trunks' timeline so they would become the 'supreme gods' and execute their form of justice.
  • Visual Pun:
    • In the second episode, Vegeta, Trunks, and Bulma are on a train. Remember Vegeta's usual activity?
    • After flying through a forest, Vegeta gets two fruits stuck in his hair. The fruits are a durian fruit and a zabon, the Japanese name for pomelo. These are the name puns for Zarbon and Dodoria.
    • As Vegeta prepares to crack an egg and cook a delicious meal for Whis, some ingredients have already been lined up on the table. In order, they are creamer (Recoom), yogurt (Guldo), milk (Ginyu), cheese (Jeice), and butter (Burter), all references to the name puns of the Ginyu Force members.
    • Goku and Piccolo have a lettuce picking contest in the episode Goku Black debuts. Turles, the original Evil Twin for Goku in a non-canon movie, is named from a pun on lettuce since his name in Japan is spelled as Tullece. There are also radishes in the foreground, an obvious nod to Goku's brother, Raditz.
  • Vitriolic Best Buds: After many trials, Goku and Vegeta's relationship has evolved into this. Goku treats Vegeta like one of his best friends and enjoys teasing him and treating their once tense rivalry like a game. Vegeta is more often than not annoyed by Goku's childishness and he still begrudges the fact that he's stronger than him, but he also sees Goku as a comrade and can actually live with him in the Hyperbolic Time Chamber for three years, when before they couldn't even be in the same room without Vegeta throwing death threats. He also willingly saves Goku from Frieza, while his movie counterpart was more than happy to let Frieza kill him for being an idiot for dropping his guard.
  • Vocal Dissonance: Goku Black is a sadistic, mass-murderer who is voiced by Masako Nozawa, Japanese voice of Goku and almost all of his family members, who gives him a soft, feminine voice. Also, unlike with Bardock and Turles, Nozawa doesn't deepen Goku Black's voice. It is Goku's voice, except he doesn't have a hick accent, he speaks in a lower tone, and he uses formal Japanese.
  • Vocal Evolution: On the flipside of Nozawa, Sean Schemmel's Goku Black is also different from not only his Goku, but hers. While he doesn't exactly speak softly like she does, and his Goku doesn't talk like a hick in the English dub, his take on the character also speaks in a lower register than his Goku normally does, has a bit of a rasp similar to Super Saiyan 3, and is influenced by Zamasu's voice actor, James Marsters', performance. He's said he'll also affect a slight-British accent over time to match him more. It's a significant improvement on the voices he originally used for the character in Xenoverse 2; them being an even more rough version of his Super Saiyan 4 voice (that was originally supposed to match Nozawa's performance, but didn't quite fit) for base Goku Black and a strong British accent (which was felt as better, but was too jarring next to the gruff voice) for Super Saiyan Rosé. Overall, the fandom is liking the more nuanced performance thus far.
  • Voices Are Mental:
    • As in Z, Captain Ginyu uses his own voice when controlling another's body (in this case, Tagoma's).
    • Averted with Goku Black, who speaks in Goku's voice while actually being Zamasu. In a flashback, Goku also speaks in Zamasu's voice at the time when they changed bodies.
  • Voice of the Legion: Rather than having Goku Black and Future Zamasu' voice actors, he simply has an echo to his voice.
  • Void Between the Worlds: The Tournament of Power takes place in the World of Void, a space between the universes devoid of matter, energy, and time. The Grand Priest uses his powers to construct a stage there.


  • Wag the Director: Invoked routinely by Barry Kahn. He uses his fame to bully film crews and directors to make stupid and dangerous alterations to productions to better inflate his self-image. However, when faced with a director with genuine force of will, he will hastily back off.
  • Wake-Up Call Boss:
    • Magetta is the first opponent to truly challenge the Saiyans during the first Universal Tournament. Even as a Super Saiyan, Vegeta can't physically harm him and is nearly ringed out, twice. Vegeta is forced to destroy part of the stage Magetta is standing on in order to win.
    • Despite giving Goku some trouble, Toppo isn't the strongest fighter in his universe. That honor goes to Jiren.
  • Walking Spoiler:
    • Monaka's true nature after Beerus builds him up as the strongest mortal fighter in U7 who gave him a tougher fight than Super Saiyan God Goku. In truth, Monaka is really weak and is just there to act as motivation for Goku and Vegeta.
    • Who Frost really is after he's been billed as a Good Counterpart to Frieza and a hero to U6. Frost is an underhanded cheater and planet broker who start wars so he can buy planets on the cheap. All his heroics are just to cover up his operation.
    • Although Zamasu turning evil isn't a surprise, given all the heavy hints within the show, him turning out not to be Goku Black is the real shocker. Him being an immortal was also quite a twist. It becomes more confusing when it does turn out that Zamasu is Goku Black, but another version of him since the characters and the audience are led to believe that Future Zamasu and Present Zamasu are the same person, when in truth Goku Black is a version of Present Zamasu, while Future Zamasu is the Zamasu of Future Trunks' timeline.
    • Who and what Black is, is one of the major plot points of the Future Trunks Saga. So the revelation that Black is a version of Present Zamasu inside an alternative version of Goku's body is a big surprise, even for people who thought Black was Zamasu (the common theory was that Black was Future Goku's corpse being possessed).
    • Merged Zamasu's very existence is a spoiler since Goku Black working with Future Zamasu is a plot twist along with both of them being Zamasu.
  • Warm-Up Boss:
    • Frost is this to Goku since he can beat back Goku's base form just using his third transformation. However, he gets utterly curb stomped by Super Saiyan Goku. To make it worse, Goku even refers to him as a warm-up. Frost only wins by poisoning Goku and he later gets one-hit KO'd by Vegeta. His victory over Goku is also negated since Beerus finds the poison wound on Goku's palm, which allows him back into the tournament.
    • Goku Black calls Vegeta a warm-up after he impales him on his energy sword and he's ready for the main course, Son Goku. Even after Vegeta overpowers him during their third fight, Black still calls Vegeta an appetizer.
  • Wasteful Wishing:
    • Played With. After Frieza is revived, Sorbet and Tagoma still have two wishes from the Eternal Dragon. Before they could make it, Shu asks for a million zenny and Mai asks for ice cream. Both wishes are wasteful, especially given Pilaf's original intentions to use a wish for world domination, but it does keep Sorbet from resurrecting King Cold.
    • The initial wish that revived Frieza is a waste: it was meant to bring Frieza back to get his empire under control. Instead, he focused on revenge and sacrificed what remains of his army for it. Ultimately, it amounts to nothing and the trade empire is completely wiped out.
    • Subverted in Episode 41. Beerus claims he wished for the Dragon God to give him a more comfy bed, which Bulma points out even she could do without the need for any wishes. In fact, he wished for the Earth of Universe 6 to be restored.
  • Wax On, Wax Off:
    • Averted for comedic effect. When Goku and Vegeta have finished changing Beerus' bedsheets while the god is sleeping, Goku assumes that these chores are part of the training — he's done this trope before many, many times, and changing the bedsheets alone was extremely dangerous. Vegeta informs him that this is merely ordinary housework, and actually has nothing to do with training.
    • Goku calls harvesting his farm training since it's similar to the training Krillin and he did under Master Roshi. Piccolo doesn't believe this and thinks Goku called him over for free labor. Piccolo quickly changes his mind once he realizes how tough it is to harvest while having a race with Goku. He later applies this mindset after Bulma orders Krillin and him to clean up the yard after Goku and Black's battle.
    • After Goku's tractor bites it, he plows the fields using control energy blasts.
  • We Are Not Going Through That Again: After the Tournament of Power, both Zenos thank Goku for such a fun event and ask him if he has any more fun ideas for them. Beerus overhears them and quickly rushes over, covering Goku's mouth before he can answer and dragging him away, not wanting for Goku to accidentally give them another excuse to nearly erase their universe again like he did by reminding them about the multiverse tournament.
  • We Have Become Complacent: A recurring problem for most of the characters other than Goku and Vegeta:
    • Gohan has slacked off to the extent that he's lost his Ultimate power-up and can barely maintain the basic Super Saiyan state. This bites him in the ass big-time during the Resurrection 'F' Saga, when Frieza tortures him to near-death, kills Piccolo, and blows up the Earth. At this, Gohan finally realizes how far he's fallen and he can't depend on his father forever; once Piccolo is revived, Gohan goes to him for retraining.
    • After defeating the Androids, Cell, Babidi, and Dabura, Future Trunks relaxed and thought that Super Saiyan 2 was the peak of his power; thus, when Goku Black shows up to wipe out humanity, he's completely outmatched. When he sees how strong Goku and Vegeta have become, Trunks initially plans to relax and let them handle Black, but Vegeta scolds him for this, saying he should always strive to surpass his limits no matter the situation. Trunks takes this to heart and resolves to constantly train.
    • Having retired from fighting after the Cell Saga, Krillin has become so weak that, when working as a police officer, he has difficulty capturing ordinary criminals and ends up being injured by an ordinary bullet. When Android 18 ridicules him for it, stating that the weakling he's become is not the man she fell in love with, Krillin goes along with Goku to retrain himself.
  • We Hardly Knew Ye: Future Dabura and Babidi are killed off in minutes upon their very brief flashback appearance.
  • We Help the Helpless:
    • Like all Universe 6 Saiyans, Cabba isn't a planet thief, he is a hero who saves other people from evil. He is shocked when he learns that the Saiyans in Universe 7 were Space Pirates.
    • Frost pretends to be this, but he's really a space broker and pirate like Frieza and the U7 Saiyans. Cabba is heartbroken to learn this.
    • The Pride Troopers from Universe 11 are a team of superheroes who fight evil. Kahseral even ignores an order from Toppo so he can save a cat.
  • Weak, but Skilled: In general, Super has many examples of how power alone does not win one a fight, and there are plenty of times where a comparatively weaker fighter manages to defeat or hold his own against a stronger one, using unique skills or greater experience:
    • The Tournament of Power was structured in such a way that it really helped showcase characters with proficiency in things other than raw strength. The banning of ki-based flight plus the requirement of ringing-out opponents without killing them meant that it would take much more than power alone to be a top contender. As a result, fighters with an arsenal of varied skills like Roshi and Piccolo, or extreme amounts of stamina like the Androids, ended up being very effective alongside the power-reliant Saiyan characters.
    • Although Jaco didn't fight like in the movie, he is able to see Goku and Frieza's battle, something only Gohan is able to do. He was also the first to see that Goku was unharmed from Frieza's energy blast. He also catches Frost cheating when no one else did.
    • When Goku drops his guard, it makes even his powerful body vulnerable to light attacks. Sorbet manages to pierce his heart with a common ray gun after attacking Goku In the Back.
    • Vegeta effortlessly overpowers the drained Frieza and knocks him out of his golden form, but still loses when Frieza blows up the planet as Frieza can survive in the vacuum of space, while Vegeta can't.
    • Piccolo is this to almost everyone at the Universal tournament. This nearly costs Frost his match since he could have easily put Piccolo away. Piccolo nearly beats him using smart tactics and his own quick thinking. He only loses because Frost poisons him.
    • Master Roshi was one of the strongest people on the planet, but he fell badly behind before the end of the original Dragon Ball. He's still, however, a highly skilled and trained martial artist. He manages to take down Frieza's army thanks to his greater experience and he teaches Goku the Evil Containment Wave. In the Universal Survival Saga, he is chosen to be on U7's team over Goten and Trunks because of his greater experience and moveset.
    • Magetta can't fly and doesn't use Ki Manipulation, but his ability to heat up the battlefield gives him the Home Field Advantage, especially since Vados creates a second barrier to hold in Magetta's heat. This gives Vegeta a lot of trouble even as a Super Saiyan. After the match, Whis also points out that Vegeta could have beaten the mentally fragile Magetta very easily if he had just insulted him.
    • Hit is anything but weak, but he falls behind Goku and Vegeta in terms of pure power. Still, he defeats Super Saiyan Blue Vegeta with ease, despite only using a low amount of power. He can do this because he can jump 0.1 seconds ahead in time and aim for his vital spots, which Vegeta can't figure out since to him it looks like Hit is moving so fast that he seemingly disappears. When Goku successfully figures out how to counter Hit's fighting style, he fares better against Hit in his base form than Vegeta did even at full power. However, Hit shows that he can improve his Time-Leaping technique, by taking it up to 0.2 seconds and then 0.5. When he has his rematch with Goku, he actually kills Goku thanks to his assassin technique and keeps Goku on the ropes with his other abilities, despite Goku out-powering him by a noticeable amount.
    • A trait among every version of Zamasu, barring Black. While he's by no means "weak", his power falls behind Goku, Vegeta, later Future Trunks, the angels, and Gods of Destruction. However, being a Supreme Kai, he posses abilities that are exclusive to his race. He also knows Instant Movement. His future counterpart adds Complete Immortality to that list, and it effectively means he can tank anything Goku or Vegeta dish out and still come out unscathed.
    • Krillin actually manages to defeat Gohan and stand his ground against Goku in tournament-ruled sparring bouts. Krillin's vast arsenal of techniques such as the Solar Flare X100 and the remote-controlled Destructo Discs definitely give him a solid chance.
    • Ultra Instinct is this as a Power-Up. Ultra Instinct isn't a racial trait or even a technique, per se, but a state of mind; it boosts the user to a state of physical Ludicrous Precision (with maybe a touch of Hyper-Awareness), making even vast chasms of difference in Power Level almost a non-issue.
  • Weaksauce Weakness: Magetta is extremely durable and could even withstand Vegeta's Final Flash without any damage, but he's quite sensitive. Vegeta calling him a piece of metal junk made him lose the will to fight.
  • Wealthy Ever After: The Son family. In the beginning of the Super series, Mr. Satan meets with Goku and Goten while they're working to stave off the poverty Chi-Chi had mentioned they were facing back during the Buu Saga, giving them the insane windfall of one hundred million Zeni. While this is in part due to Mr. Satan being happy about winning the "World Peace Prize", it's mostly in due recognition for Goku actually saving the Earth. Goku, being Goku, refuses at first, but eventually accepts so that he may train as he likes and get away from his boring farming job. Of course, this being Dragon Ball, this doesn't last, as soon enough Chi-Chi somehow spends all the money in the wake of the battle with Beerus, which means that Goku is again stuck with doing farm work. However, it turns out Chi-Chi lied about spending all the money and they've been rich since the end of Episode 1. She lied so Goku would work at a respectable job instead of training.
  • Weirdness Censor:
    • Averted when normal people freak out upon seeing the main characters flying around.
    • The news press is also weirded out when they first see Majin Buu (all memory of Buu had been wished away). Mr. Satan passes him off as an alien from another planet who came to Earth to be trained by him. They buy this.
    • When a large crowd is knocked down by Vegeta's Battle Aura and he flies away angry, they're left speechless.
    • In general, the people of Earth seem more self aware about the strangeness happening around them, like the shockwaves that are harming people and the strange weather patterns. The arrival of aliens and being told that a god nearly destroyed the world only made the people of Earth mildly surprised. They call Mr. Satan the moment things get too weird.
    • Future Trunks stands outside of the university waiting for Gohan to come out of his conference, with his tattered clothing and sword. No one stops and pay any attention to him. Even Gohan passes Trunks by until he did a double take.
    • Since the humans in that Future Trunks' timeline survived the android massacre for almost twenty years, almost nothing fazes them anymore. Trunks using time-travel to save everyone is a common fact and after getting over their shock at seeing Goku, since he looks exactly like Black, they never ask any further questions. They are also quick to accept that their world is being assaulted by gods.
  • "Well Done, Son" Guy: Not to an unhealthy degree, but Gohan is married and has a kid of his own yet still really enjoys getting his father and Piccolo's approval.
  • Well-Intentioned Extremist:
    • Goku Black is a black-hearted villain who has caused mass-genocide to countless planets before he even arrived on Earth. At the same time, he truly believes that he's carrying out the gods' will by getting rid of all the mortals, who are the sole failure of the gods. He even mourns the mass destruction on Earth, saying how sad the planet looks.
    • Having observed numerous civilizations, Zamasu saw humanity repeat the same cycle of violence, believing that The Gods Must Be Lazy for letting this go on for so long. His problem is that he believes mortals are inherently evil with no middle ground.
  • Wet Blanket Wife: Chi-Chi is fairly dead set against Goku training, demanding that he get a job and work, wanting him to become someone respectable for his grandchild. Though when Goku outright ignores her to go train with Whis (in a surprising display of nerve), she more-or-less admits this was inevitable and is a good sport about it, hinting she was trying to make it stick as much as it could, regarding Goku.
  • Wham Episode:
    • Episode 40 ends with the arrival of Zeno, the King of All, who's appearance shocks both Beerus and Champa!
    • In Episode 41, Zeno enjoyed the tournament between U6 and U7 so much that he wants to hold one of his own with all 12 universes. Beerus also uses his wish to restore U6's Earth.
    • Episode 47 begins with Future Trunks's timeline in peril from Goku Black, starting with the death of Future Bulma and seemingly Future Mai.
    • Episode 56's second half is one big wham moment. Goku Black has his own Super Saiyan transformation, Super Saiyan Rosé, even despite his un-transformed state being able to fight on par with Super Saiyan Blue Vegeta. Black then uses an energy sword to stab Vegeta, severely wounding him at least. Finally, Zamasu and Black are not the same person, but different individuals working together, and Zamasu wants to finish off Goku personally.
    • Episode 57 has Zamasu No-Sell being stabbed, then grabs Goku and Future Trunks, holding them in place while Black fires a Kamehameha that handily defeats them... that Zamasu also no-sells, point-blank. Only with the help of the badly-wounded Vegeta, Future Mai, Yajirobe, and Earth's Resistance do they make it out of there alive. The three wounded warriors and then sent back to the present in the Time Machine, having soundly lost this round in two episodes flat. In the present, Zamasu learns about the Super Dragon Balls, and goes straight to Zuno to learn more about that.
    • Episode 60, we finally learn who Black is. He is a Zamasu who used the Super Dragon Balls to switch minds with a version of Goku. So Goku Black is Goku's body with all his strengths and abilities, but it is Zamasu's mind controlling it. Even more, he kills the Goku who took over his original body.
    • Episode 61 continues with the whams. First, we find out that the Zamasu who took Goku's body is an alternative version of Present Zamasu who successfully killed Gowasu without Beerus stopping him. We also find out that after getting immortality for Future Zamasu that they destroyed the Super Dragon Balls and killed all the gods across the multiverse, leaving them alone as the supreme authority. If that isn't enough, Goku Black and Future Zamasu brags about how Black murdered Chi-Chi and Goten after killing the Goku who was trapped in Zamasu's old body and the reason why they chose Future Trunks' timeline to attack was because of Trunks' time traveling, since they see it as the ultimate sin of a mortal. The episode ends with Trunks reaching his Rage Breaking Point and going through a new, unknown transformation.
    • Episode 67, the finale of the Future Trunks Saga. Merged Zamasu's body is destroyed, but his soul lives on since he's an immortal. He fuses with the multiverse where he processes to kill all survivors, including everyone on Earth except Goku, Vegeta, Future Trunks, Future Mai, Bulma, and the Supreme Kais. Merged Zamasu not only threatened the multiverse, but all timelines! The only way to stop him is to have Future Zeno destroy Future Trunks' timeline, wiping Merged Zamasu out and destroying the souls of everyone in that timeline rendering them Deader than Dead. Now, Future Trunks and Mai must live in another timeline similar to their own except Whis warns Future Beerus about Zamasu so he can stop him. Talk about Bittersweet Ending.
    • Episode 92. Buu is asleep and won't wake up for at least two months. Even putting him in the Hyperbolic Time Chamber won't work since there isn't enough time life and Vegeta blew it up, again. Beerus tears into the group for only having fighters from one planet despite how huge the universe is. He also blames them for destroying the Frieza Force, which had the most powerful fighters in Universe 7. This gives Goku the idea of recruiting Frieza as the tenth member. Also, Dragon Ball finally gets its first official female Super Saiyan in Caulifla.
  • Wham Line:
    • Episode 39 has a long build-up as Goku reveals he has a hidden ability and prepares to use it. Only after a lot of powering up and drama does he pronounce the name of his "new" technique: Kaioken, which reaches unsurpassed levels of power in combination with Super Saiyan Blue.
      Goku: Now I'll show you the Kaioken!
      Goku: Times ten! Kaioken times ten!
    • Once it is revealed that Black looks exactly like Goku, he grins down at Trunks:
      Black: It's about time, Saiyan. You've been running around making messes for too long, and now I'm going to choke the life from you. I can't wait to watch you die.
    • Episode 54 ends with a line that freaks out Whis:
      Zeno: Well, I'd like to see Goku.
    • Episode 56 ends with a big line that changed the course of many fan theories:
      Zamasu: That's enough. I will not allow you to act on your own any further. I thought we had an agreement; wasn't I supposed to be the one who gets the honor of destroying [Goku]?
    • Episode 57 continues the shocks when Zamaus feels no pain from being stabbed, and the wound closes itself, followed by these lines:
      Zamasu: Divinity made perfect, with a body that befits a Kai, one that is invincible.
      Zamasu: (to Zuno) Tell me everything you know about the Super Dragon Balls!
    • Episode 60 gives the mother of all plot twists. Black is Zamasu. His wish was to exchange bodies with Goku.
      Black: This is Goku's actual body, down to the last battle scar; the perfect war machine, once I learned how to control it. But the mind that's inside belongs to me... the Supreme Kai, Zamasu.
      Goku: So you took over my body?! And then what!?
      Black: Can't you guess? Then I killed you. *makes a fist, showing off the Time Ring* Death by your own fist.
    • The end of Episode 92, when the Tournament of Power team is suddenly down a member, and Beerus complains that all of Universe 7's most powerful fighters are from the same planet:
      Goku: Lord Beerus is right! Frieza! There's Frieza! Let's make him the tenth person!
  • Wham Shot:
    • Episode 47 ends with the reveal of Black, who's been cast in shadow the entire episode. He looks exactly like Goku and he's wearing a single green Kai earring.
    • In Episode 50 after Black destroys Future Trunks' time machine, Bulma runs out of the house with the time machine Cell came in from the Android/Cell Saga.
    • Episode 56, SSJR Black stabbing SSJB Vegeta with an energy sword, and Zamasu descending from the heavens, wanting to kill Goku personally.
    • The end of Episode 57, where Present Zamasu goes to see Zuno, in his pursuit of the Super Dragon Balls.
    • For Episode 61, Goku Black murdering Goten and Chi-Chi in cold blood. Then Future Trunks gaining a new form from his Rage Breaking Point, with a double aura that seems to partly involve godly energy, and pure white Prophet Eyes.
    • Near the end of Episode 66, every living thing on Earth takes on a white glow as Trunks desperately battles Merged Zamasu. This energy then gathers above their heads in seconds, forming one of the ultimate godly techniques: the Spirit Bomb... one Goku didn't make.
    • A meta one in the trailer for the Universe Survival Saga: a young, timid-looking girl abruptly transforming into what appears to be the Legendary Super Saiyan.
    • The preview for Episode 104: Goku has taken on the transformation of Super Saiyan God.
  • What Happened to the Mouse?: We don't see what happened to Tagoma after Ginyu stole his body. The same was true of Ginyu's frog form in Z, and Tagoma doesn't have the body-changing technique, so he's not likely to get out of the situation.
  • What the Hell, Hero?:
    • King Kai asks exactly what Goku was thinking challenging Beerus.
    • Piccolo gets on Goku for being careless with his Kamehameha after he achieved godhood. Goku was so giddy about his new power that he forgot that his friends were there.
    • Bulma gets on Goku and Vegeta for thinking that the tournament is more important than keeping the Super Dragon Balls away from Beerus.
    • Beerus smacks Goku for sucker punching Monaka in the face when they first meet.
    • Cabba has this reaction when Vegeta nonchalantly reveals that the Saiyans in U7 stole a planet when they destroyed their original homeworld during in-fighting. When Vegeta says it's normal since they're a warrior race, Cabba shoots back that is exactly why they shouldn't be stealing planets. He has another one after he finds out that Frost has been cheating by poisoning his opponents. He then learns that this is Frost's true character.
    • Nearly everyone calls Vegeta out when he interrupts the fight between Goku and Copy-Vegeta, wondering whose side he's supposed to be on since he doesn't want to lose to Goku, even if it is a copy, but he doesn't want to die either. The entire situation is Played for Laughs.
    • Vegeta lays into Future Trunks for seemingly abandoning his world to Goku Black and turning his back on an enemy. He will hear none of it when Trunks tries to defend himself and only backs off when Bulma tells him that Trunks didn't abandon his world, he came back to get help.
    • When Zamasu suggests killing the newly born mortals on Planet Babari, Gowasu yells at him, saying that is the talk of a God of Destruction. He also lectures Zamasu when he kills one of the inhabitants of Babari, saying that one individual could have changed his race's future. He has another one after Zamasu attempted to kill him, steal the Time Ring, wish for immortality on the Super Dragon Balls, and begin his quest to kill all the mortals.
    • Although he's far from a hero by this point, Gowasu lectures both Goku Black and Future Zamasu about their crimes against mortals and the gods. He then begs them to used the Super Dragon Balls to undo all the damage they did. Black scoffs at him and tells his old master that he destroyed the Super Dragon Balls. He then tries to kill Gowasu, for the third time.
    • Beerus tears into Goku for endangering the multiverse after he asked Zeno about the tournament he promised. The rules of the tournament states that the loser gets their universe destroyed. Gohan also isn't happy when he learns about this rule and yells at his father for not having a plan if their universe ends up on the chopping block.
    • When it's revealed that Universe 7 is the second worst universe, he calls out the Supreme Kai for deciding to take a back seat and let the mortals of that universe grow stronger on their own, which is what the Supreme Kais are supposed to do. The Supreme Kai rightfully shoots back that Beerus is at fault too since all he does is sleep.
    • No one is happy when they learn that Goku lied about there being prize money for the winner of the Tournament of Power. Krillin is especially hurt since his best friend lied to him.
    • Beerus blames Goku and his group for being short one member for the Tournament of Power since they only recruited from one planet. He then chews them out for destroying the Frieza Force, which had the most powerful warriors in the universe.
  • What's Up, King Dude?: Goku tends to act very informally around the various deities he meets, which makes others around him deathly afraid for fear of the Gods becoming hostile after taking offence to Goku's behaviour. This comes back to bite Goku when he treats Zamasu this way when they first meet and challenges him to a sparring match: being addressed by a mortal without the appropriate respect and then humiliated by said mortal as well contributes to Zamasu's Start of Darkness and the birth of Goku Black.
  • Where's the Fun in That?: As Black tells Future Zamasu, this is the reason why he didn't use the Super Dragon Balls to wish for immortality. He'll eventually get rusty and fights won't be as fun.
  • Why Won't You Die?:
    • Merged Zamasu becomes increasingly frustrated that the heroes just won't die already. Particularly when Trunks re-enters the battle after Vegito defuses.
      Merged Zamasu: You again, Trunks?!
    • Goku has this reaction when he sees Merged Zamasu's spirit spreading across the sky like a plague, covering the Earth in darkness:
      Goku: What a stubborn god.
  • Wicked Cultured: Because he's trained to be a Supreme Kai, Zamasu is quite formal and polite, at least if you're a fellow god. On his downtime, Future Zamasu enjoys drinking tea, much like his former master.
  • With Great Power Comes Great Insanity: After Goku manages to melt half of Merged Zamasu's face, he uses his Light of Justice to power himself up, mutating into a hideous monster and growing more mentally and emotionally unstable as the fight between him, Vegito, and Future Trunks wears on. It all comes to a head after Future Trunks cuts him in half and he becomes a disembodied Eldritch Abomination, where his power grows to universe-ending levels and he's reduced to a mindless, Laughing Mad engine of destruction.
  • Words Can Break My Bones: Beerus completely annihilates Present Zamasu by merely saying the word "Destroy", without raising a Battle Aura or any other signs of his power level. As a God of Destruction, he can presumably use this method on practically anything, but prefers using his ki to blast things.
  • The Worf Barrage: In the Tournament of Power, Goku uses the Spirit Bomb against Jiren. In this case, not only does his opponent survive, but actually pushes the attack back to Goku so that he suffers the effects.
  • The Worf Effect:
    • Like in the movie Battle of Gods, Super Saiyan 3 Goku gets taken down in two hits by Beerus. To take it even further, Beerus blocks Goku's Kamehameha with one finger.
    • Everyone who faced Beerus in episode 7. They actually performed worse than in Battle of Gods. Gotenks gets his arm smacked until it's swollen and red, Piccolo, Android 18, and Tien are taken out by Beerus' aura, Gohan is smacked aside by Beerus using Buu as a club, and Buu's multiple attempts end in abject failure and it's only his near endless endurance and recovery that allowed him to keep getting back up.
    • Despite getting a major power-up from Beerus smacking Bulma, Vegeta is knocked out of Super Saiyan 2 form with a flick of Beerus' finger. Even then, an enraged Vegeta only manages to make Beerus use a tenth of his power.
    • Shisami is built up as being the strongest soldier in Frieza's army and manages to grab Gohan after deflecting several of his blasts. Although, despite having Gohan in his grip and trying to break his spine, Gohan shows no signs of discomfort despite not even being powered up. Shisami is then shot from behind by Tagoma to show how much more powerful and ruthless Tagoma has become.
    • To further show how strong Tagoma is, he No Sells an attack from Piccolo and then rips his arm off with little effort. He also takes a point-blank energy blast from Gohan without taking any noticeable damage. And just as he is bragging about his body being harder than steel, he goes down in one hit by Gotenks. Although, Gotenks did head-butt him below the belt, which would hurt any man.
    • After Ginyu takes over Tagoma's body, he has an easy time dealing with the Earth's fighters. Gohan tries to fight him one-on-one, but Ginyu bats him aside. Then Gohan goes Super Saiyan and takes Ginyu down in two hits.
    • Despite easily taking down Ginyu as a Super Saiyan, Gohan is helpless before Frieza and is shot up to the point that he can't move anymore. He also kills Piccolo with a single Death Beam.
    • To one up even Gohan, Vegeta destroys Ginyu with a single energy blast, without going Super Saiyan.
    • Goku brushes aside Frieza's Death Beam like it was an insect. Keep in mind, that same beam killed Piccolo and put a holes through Super Saiyan Gohan.
    • Without even going Super Saiyan, Goku easily fights off Frieza's final form. Remember, Frieza killed Piccolo and nearly killed Gohan when he was only in his first form, and he wasn't even trying.
    • Just like last time, Frieza's stamina issues cause his new golden form to lose its edge in under a minute of fighting at full power, rendering the whole thing an Anti-Climax.
    • Frost is stronger than Frieza, not including an ultimate form, and is able to overwhelm Goku's base form with just his third transformation. However, he gets stomps into the ground by Super Saiyan Goku in his true form and only wins by cheating. When he fights Super Saiyan Vegeta, he gets taking out with one punch. He also gets one-shotted, again, when Hit catches him trying to steal Champa's prize money and cube ship.
    • In the Tournament Arc the very barrier that holds in the air is subject to this trope. It was built to be very durable, and survived a blast from Champa with no damage (though he wasn't seriously trying to break it), but gets broken during three consecutive matches. When Vegeta destroys a second similar barrier during his fight with Magetta, Champa then demands why Vados created such an easily-breakable barrier, and she cites his reasoning as basically 'he didn't care how strong it was; just create it', implying she intentionally chose to make a weak field (perhaps in both cases) just to mess with him. The barrier is completely destroyed in the final match, as are the smaller fields around the spectator areas, though given the power levels of the combatants, it's not the least bit surprising.
    • After taking down three of Champa's fighters with only Magetta given him trouble, Hit defeats Vegeta without Vegeta being able to land a single blow on him, due to his Time-Leap ability permitting him to hit Vegeta before the latter can at every opportunity.
    • Despite being one of the most powerful characters in the series who nearly kills Super Buu, Super Saiyan 3 Gotenks can't even hurt Copy-Vegeta, who has all the power of Vegeta in his base form. This highlights how powerful Goku and Vegeta have become since the beginning of Super.
    • Future Trunks is the hero of his world who destroyed the Androids, who killed all the other heroes, and Imperfect Cell. He also defeated Dabura and Babidi in his time when they tried to release Majin Buu. He is completely helpless before Goku Black who has hunted him for over a year. Even Trunks going Super Saiyan does nothing to slow him down. Him being weakened by hunger doesn't help matters, especially since Trunks can go up to a Super Saiyan 2.
    • Despite fighting as a Super Saiyan Blue, Vegeta can't hurt Goku Black, and that is before he transformed into his Super Saiyan Rosé. Not long after Goku Black transforms, he impales Vegeta with an energy sword.
    • As in the Champa Saga, the stage used in the Tournament of Power is supposed to be nigh-indestructible, but is quickly trashed over the course of the tournament. It was also wrecked by the Gods of Destruction of the four highest-ranked universes sparring, but as they're among the strongest beings in the multiverse, this isn't surprising.
  • Worf Had the Flu:
    • After Goku and Frieza transform into their respective strongest Super Mode, Goku admits Frieza could possibly defeat him in an instant if he wanted to and the fact Frieza smacks him around with ease when they fight with the same amount of effort seems to confirm this. Since Frieza is hell-bent on making Goku suffer, however, he toys around with Goku for too long and passes over several opportunities to kill him, all for the intent of making his death more painful. Which drains his stamina, causing him to lose for the same reason he lost on Namek.
    • Vegeta's easy loss to Hit could be chalked up to the fact he had no idea just what he was fighting.
    • The battle between Goku and Hit is something in between this and repeated offenses of I Am Not Left-Handed. Both Goku and Hit have some factors preventing them from fully going all out (Beerus and Champa wasting valuable time for Goku, not being allowed to use killing moves for Hit, which means there is no real way to see if Goku's loss would have been the real outcome of the fight.
    • Although very powerful and he can fight evenly with Super Saiyan 2 Goku, Goku Black can't fight all out since he keeps being pulled towards the time portal, allowing Goku to land several solid hits on him. Eventually, his time in the past runs out and he forced back into Future Trunks' world before he can fight seriously. When we finally see him fight semi-seriously, he takes down Super Saiyan Blue Vegeta effortlessly with his Super Saiyan Rosé form.
  • World of Badass: While the general population of Earth is laughably weak compared to the rest of the universe, all of U7's strongest fighters (outside of the gods) also live on the planet. During the tournament between U6 and U7, four of the five team members are Earthlings with Monaka being the only outsider. And in Monaka's case he was only brought along as a Motivational Lie since he's really weak.
  • World's Best Warrior:
    • The Gods of Destruction are considered to be the best warriors in their respective universe since they are trained by the angels (who are the best martial artists in the series) to do their job. Beerus specifically is extremely well trained and can disable his opponent without killing them or doing permanent damage using pressure points.
    • Played With. Overall, the angels are the best fighters in the series since they personally train the Gods of Destruction and their successors. At the same time, none of them personally fight outside of training.
    • Among the mortals of Universe 7, Goku is considered the best warrior. With skill and fast thinking, Goku was able to beat Hit during their rematch, who is a technically superior fighter.
    • Hit from Universe 6 is the best fighter of that universe. His skills are so sharp that he had no one challenge him until he met Goku during the Champa Saga. During his rematch with Goku it's easy to see why. He can kill an opponent instantly with one well-placed invisible energy shock to the heart.
    • Noticeably Subverted with Zeno. Beerus makes it a point to say that Zen's isn't a fighter, but he has no equal in the multiverse since he can erase anything.
    • Goku Black fits this for not only being strong, but being well-trained to the point of being able to critically injure someone with only a few attacks. In term of pure skill, he's about equal to Goku who he fought to a standstill when they first fought.
    • Each team chosen for the Tournament of Power consists of its universe's strongest warriors, with a team captain who is either the very strongest fighter or the best strategist.
  • A World Half Full: Despite the Dragon World being a Crapsaccharine World with aliens and gods willing to destroy planets willy-nilly, the show overall present things in an optimistic light. Even the most evil or morally questionable being can eventually become good under the right conditions, and mortals and gods can eventually find common ground if the motive is there. Even the overall depressing ending of the Future Trunks Saga ends on a hopeful note of Future Trunks and Mai rebuilding in a new timeline untainted by Zamasu and Trunks having the power to prevent such a tragedy from happening again.
  • World's Strongest Man: This title is passed around a lot since there is a dividing point between mortals, gods, and different universes:
    • Beerus officially holds the title as the strongest in Universe 7. He easily demolishes Super Saiyan 3 Goku with two hits, makes a punching bag out of Mr. Buu, spanks Gotenks, and takes down Ultimate Gohan in one hit. Goku also notes that merging with Vegeta won't be enough to beat Beerus, despite Vegito being the same person who made the strongest form of Buu look like a weakling. Even after Goku ascends to godhood and gives Beerus a good battle that nearly destroys the universe, Goku still loses and Beerus didn't even use his full power. As of now, Beerus remains completely undefeated. That said, the 'true' strongest in the universe belongs to Beerus' assistance Whis who is also Beerus' teacher and is now training Goku and Vegeta.
    • From Universe 6 there is Champa, Beerus' twin brother. He may be a little weaker than Beerus due to being overweight and lazy, but he is still a God of Destruction and any fight with Beerus risks both of their universes, which is why they can't fight each other directly. Like Beerus, Champa's assistance Vados is way stronger than him. She may even be stronger than Whis, making her the strongest in both Universes 6 and 7.
    • Overall, the Gods of Destruction are the strongest beings in their respective universe since this is one of the requirements to become a God of Destruction with few exceptions. However, the 'true' title of the strongest goes to the angels who serve their respective God of Destruction.
    • Then we have the Zeno, the King of All the Universes, who is able to wipe out all twelve universes in an instant and strikes fear into Champa and Beerus. According to Beerus, there is nothing stronger than Zeno in any universe making him the true strongest man in the Dragon World.
    • On planet Earth, Goku is the strongest of all the Z-Fighters with Vegeta not being too far behind thanks to training with Whis. With the revelation that Monaka is not the great fighter Beerus claims he is, Goku is officially the strongest mortal fighter in Universe 7. He further solidifies this by revealing that he can now combine Super Saiyan Blue with the Kaioken, taking him beyond Vegeta, which pisses the former off.
    • After Frieza becomes Golden Frieza, he briefly becomes the strongest mortal in the universe once again. He overpowers Goku even after he ascends past godhood and he did it with only four months of intense training. He only fails to kill Goku because he never mastered his new transformation, which has the same stamina issues as his original 100% form and burns himself out after fighting for a short time. He is then shortly killed again.
    • Beerus claims that Monaka is the strongest mortal in Universe 7 since he gave him a better fight than Super Saiyan God Goku. He forces Monaka to fight last at the tournament since he is The Ace. This is a lie Beerus created to give Goku and Vegeta motivation to keep growing stronger and to win him the tournament.
    • Hit is said to be the strongest mortal fighter from Universe 6, hand chosen by Champa to win him the entire tournament. Hit is feared in his universe for being a legendary assassin who never fails to kill his target. He more than lives up to his hype given that he destroys Super Saiyan Blue Vegeta using only a series of light hits with one heavy attack. His ability to freeze time for 0.1 seconds also gives him a major edge since he also have Super-Speed. Even Beerus fears his technique. Hit also shows that he can adapt and improve during a fight like a Saiyan taking his Time-Leaping technique from 0.1 seconds to 0.5, and increases it even more as he fights Goku.
    • According to Atsushi Kido (Super's producer), Goku Black is the strongest fighter after Beerus, not counting the fusions, during the Future Trunks Saga.
    • Bergamo from U9 is implied to be the strongest mortal of his universe. Not only is he fairly strong on his own to the point of giving base form Goku some trouble, he has an Energy Absorption ability that allows him to grow stronger the more his opponent hits him. He's even tough enough once he's powered up to briefly match against Goku's Super Saiyan Blue/Kaioken combo. Keyword here being "briefly".
    • Jiren from U11 is called the strongest in his universe by Toppo, someone who was vetted to become the next God of Destruction. We get to see why exactly, as he nearly killed Goku with his own Spirit Bomb with his minimal effort, a feat which even Kid Buu failed to achieve during his Last Stand, is stronger than his Universe's own God of Destruction, making him the de-facto leader of Universe 11, and gave a Curb-Stomp Battle to both Ultra Instinct Goku (at this point close to Beerus himself) and Hit, ringing him out.
    • Nigrisshi of Universe 3 is described by his Supreme Kai as the universe's strongest modified warrior.
  • Worthy Opponent:
    • This is the dynamic of Goku and Vegeta's relationship in Super. Vegeta still wants to become the strongest in the universe, but also accepts for the time being that Goku is the better fighter and is the bar to surpass.
    • Goku surmises that this is why Beerus searched for so long for a Super Saiyan God. Being as powerful as he is, it must have been a long time since Beerus had anyone to really challenge him. Beerus confirms this by telling Goku that he isn't that opponent quite yet, until Goku is able to hold his own in a Beam-O-War and push Super Saiyan God to its maximum power. There, Beerus says that Goku had earned his respect. He spares the Earth in the end because he doesn't want to kill Goku anymore since he gave him such a good battle.
    • Subverted with Goku's relationship with Frieza. Goku says he is always happy to fight strong people, but he feels nothing but contempt and hatred towards Frieza. Also, unlike the movie where Goku shows more admiration towards Frieza for becoming so powerful in such a short time and a willingness to fight Frieza again once he mastered his new transformation, he berates Frieza more harshly for not completing his training and only spares him because he's simply not worth killing. When he does tell Frieza to come back when he mastered his golden form, it's done in a more, 'go away and come back when you're more interesting', dismissive sorta way, much like their first encounter.
    • It is very subtle, but Frieza does sees Goku as a worthy opponent in his own way. He isn't surprised that Goku has gotten stronger when informed by Sorbet, and does give Goku props for achieving godhood. He also tries not to underestimate Goku and comes up with a backup just in case he lost again. Which is why when he did lose to Goku his reaction is quite mild compared to the complete breakdown he has when Vegeta beats him.
    • Frost sees Goku as this since he won't die from him fighting all out. Goku feels the same way, until he finds out that Frost is a dirty cheat who uses poison to win when he's at a disadvantage and that he's an underground planet broker. He is very disappointed to know that even an alternative version of Frieza is still evil.
    • Hit comes to see Goku as this after he successfully counters his Time-Skipping ability and forces him to improve for the first time in his life, increasing the time of his time skip from 0.1 to 0.5 seconds. Goku feels the same and reveals a technique that he's been creating for his rematch against Beerus, his Kaioken/Super Saiyan Blue combination. The combo is extremely unstable with only a 10% success rate, but Goku feels Hit deserves nothing less, even calling it a disservice if he didn't use it. After Hit throws his match to Monaka, he tells Champa that he didn't want the space-cube (that can travel between universes) anymore. Seems he only wanted it so he can fight stronger people in other universes since he's the strongest Universe 6 outside of the gods. In Episode 71, when he's hired by a mysterious client to kill him, he offers Goku a chance to live if he goes into hiding, in contrast to his last target who was willing to offer any sort of reward in return for life with Hit coldly brushing him off before committing the deed.
    • Goku Black shows nothing but respect towards Goku, calling him the strongest of the Saiyans. He also considers it an honor to fight him so he can increase his own power. This goes so far that he still talks to Goku and praises him while he's fighting Vegeta.
    • Upon seeing Gohan fight Lavenda on equal footing (despite being blinded and poisoned), Bergamo notes that Gohan is "somebody worth fighting".
  • Would Hit a Girl:
    • Beerus has no problem slapping Bulma so hard that she nearly flew off the ship. Then again, given how powerful he is, Bulma's lucky not to be in pieces.
    • Goku Black shows that he means business in he debut by killing Future Bulma and Future Mai (though she's revealed to be unconsciousness later).
  • Would Hurt a Child:
    • Beerus also has no problem hurting children seeing what he did to Gotenks. But it's still mild since he only spanked his wrist and flicked his forehead.
    • Black cuts down Goten and Chi-Chi in cold-blood after offing Goku.
    • Watagashi only amplifies the evil within those he possesses; he doesn't create it. Barry Kahn's status as human-garbage is therefore confirmed when he kidnaps and holds baby Pan hostage as a final gesture of petty spite for Videl's rejection.
  • Wouldn't Hurt a Child: Initially, Goku refuses to fight Arale since she's a child, even if she's strong enough to knock base form Vegeta through a wall. It's not until he remembers her after she headbutts Vegeta over the horizon that he changes his mind and goes all out.
  • Would You Like to Hear How They Died?: Goku Black and Future Zamasu gleefully tell Goku how Black killed him when his body was switched with Zamasu's right before Chi-Chi and Goten's eyes, and then killed them too. Naturally, Goku is absolutely pissed.
  • Wowing Cthulhu: Goku lost in the end despite his best efforts, but he left a noticeable impression on Beerus, which gets him to spare the Earth.
  • Wrong Context Magic:
    • Whis manages to show why he's a god even by Dragon Ball standards by using a Godlike ability that doesn't amount to firing giant energy beams around or creating energy spheres the size of planets. Specifically, being able to reverse the flow of time itself.
    • Hit's Time-Skipping ability is also out there since he is only the third Time Master in the entire series. He completely destroys Vegeta with his ability.

  • Yandere
    • To say that Black has a complexed relationship with Goku is an understatement. From the moment Goku defeated him as Zamasu, he became utterly obsessed with Goku, especially after seeing him with god energy from watching his fight with Hit on Godtube. Once he learns about the Super Dragon Balls, he threatens Zuno's life to ascertain the location of the Super Dragon Balls for one reason: to take Goku's body as his own. Once he gains control of Goku's body, he slaughters the Son family and Goku who's trapped in his old body, before making his way into Trunks' timeline where henceforth calls himself 'Son Goku'. He openly adores and reveres Goku's body and power as being the ultimate form of existence for him. He also has a love/hate relationship with Goku as a person. On the one hand, he sees Goku as being everything wrong with mortals, despises him for challenging the gods, and takes his body as an eternal reminder of the gods' failure. At the same times, he respects and reverses Goku's for his strength and openly tries to get approval from him. Goku is also the only one he sees as a Worthy Opponent, dismissing Future Trunks and Vegeta even when they overpower him.
    • Kale is a Saiyan warrior from Universe 6. When trying to learn the Super Saiyan transformation, she initially fails at it. Only when she notices Cabba getting close to her beloved "Onee-sama" Caulifla does she transform out of pure jealousy and try to kill Cabba. What drives the trope home is that not only does Kale transform into a Super Saiyan, she transforms into something similar to the Legendary Super Saiyan Brolly. Yikes. She later goes ballistic when Goku enters the picture, with Caulifla enjoying her fight with him and all. Kale goes Super Saiyan at the thought of Caulifla rejecting her and attempts to outright murder Goku. She came close to almost killing Caulifla at one point had Jiren not stepped in and saved the day.
  • Yank the Dog's Chain: Future Trunks gets the short end the stick. After bringing Goku and Vegeta to future, they are stomped into the ground by Goku Black and Future Zamasu, forcing them to retreat. In round 2, they fare no better. Then Trunks gets a new transformation, Super Saiyan Rage, and is able to push Goku Black back...for all of five minutes before Goku Black powers up again and nearly overwhelms him. He then learns the Evil Containment Wave that he uses to seal Future Zamasu, but that fails because Goku and Master Roshi forgot the seal. This causes Goku Black and Future Zamasu to fuse into Merged Zamasu. Despite the odds though, he he slices Merged Zamasu in half by absorbing a Spirit Bomb into his sword. Just when the world appears to be saved, Merged Zamasu's spirit fuses with the multiverse and kills everyone in it except Goku, Vegeta, Bulma, Future Mai, and the Supreme Kais. And as an added bonus, Future Zeno destroys the multiverse to kill Merged Zamasu, rendering everyone in that timeline Deader than Dead. When all is said and done Trunks lost everything. It's a wonder how he can still function.
  • Year Inside, Hour Outside:
    • Whis warps Goku and Vegeta into a realm that is similar to the Hyperbolic Time Chamber so they can train quickly. Though it's not explicitly stated to have this effect, Goku and Vegeta speculate that time flows differently because the air feels similar. When they're finally brought out, they've gone through a large amount of pizza that Whis had stored in there.
    • In preparation for the tournament in the Champa arc, Goku and Vegeta spend three days (or three years from their point of view) in the new Hyperbolic Time Chamber back on Earth. Vegeta uses it twice after that, both times blowing it up on his way out. This annoys Popo, who threatens to ban him from using it.
  • You Are Better Than You Think You Are: After years of falling behind and realizing how much Goku surpassed him, Krillin has self-confidence issues while facing Frieza's men. It's not helped by the fact that Frieza killed him once before. After realizing how weak Frieza's men are, Master Roshi gives him a pep talk about how he's watched so many ridiculously powerful people fight that these weaklings are nothing by comparison.
  • You Are What You Hate:
    • In a very unusual way. Goku Black is a version of Zamasu who used the Super Dragon Balls to trade bodies with Goku before killing him. This is despite Goku being everything Zamasu hates about mortals like him hanging out with gods like he's their equal, fighting them in the battle, and being immature as well being extremely powerful. It was his entire meeting with Goku that sent him on his Start of Darkness. Yet, not only did he steal the body of the mortal he hates the most, but he takes several of Goku's character traits like his need to fight, grow stronger, and be challenged. He even takes Goku's name. Furthermore, after getting into his first fight with present-day Goku, his distinctly polite speech pattern begins to slowly devolve into informality similar to how Goku speaks (though he never loses his sinister tone or articulation). We later find out that this was on purpose.
    • Marged Zamasu tells Vegito that the reason he took Goku's body was to carry the sins of the gods' failure onto himself since, according to him, Goku is everything that is wrong and evil about mortals.
  • You Don't Look Like You: The anime once again uses Vegeta's child design from the Dragon Ball Z: Bardock - The Father of Goku special where he has bangs, in contrast to his Battle of Gods child design, which simply looks like Vegeta as he does now but smaller and younger.
  • You Have Failed Me: After the tournament has ended and Champa's team has lost, he threatens to kill them all for embarrassing him. The arrival of the god of the multiverse interrupts the attempt.
  • You Will Be Spared: In the Tournament of Power, the angels of the destroyed universes will continue existing, evidently because they are a separate class of beings from gods and mortals.
