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When The Wolfbane Blooms is a Werewolf: The Apocalypse 20th Anniversary Edition campaign. It surrounds a group of troubled youths that are sent to college together as part of an outreach program, but found themselves caught up in a deadly conflict as they discover their true nature

This Work Contains Examples of:

  • Amazon Brigade: The Three Furies, although it’s down to just two of them by the time the game actually starts
  • Beware the Silly Ones:
    • Regan is pretty goofy by garou standards, but can be pretty damn terrifying when she gets pissed off
    • Klaus appears as a comic relief character most of the time, but he’s also a monstrously powerful warrior with decades of experience to back him. He certainly didn’t get the name Bonegrinder for no reason
  • Big Bad: Congressman Jim Janus
  • Body Horror: The fomori behind the string of maulings are described as emaciated humanoids with various wolf parts sticking out from their body
  • Brains and Brawn: Subverted with Sofia and Selena. At first, it seems like Selena is the brawn to Sofia’s brains, but Selena ends up being both, while Sofia is The Load
  • Dark and Troubled Past: Most of the players have pretty tough backgrounds. Syd’s anger issues ruined their chances at a normal life, Regan was accused of killing her mother, and Mercury actually killed their father. Narc, however, is doing pretty good.
  • Decapitation Presentation: The campaign opens with Narc and his father finding the skinned head of a wolf kinfolk stuck on a pike in the middle of the woods.
  • Department of Child Disservices: Mr. Williams, the social worker assigned to Regan, is portrayed as an uncaring asshole that sabotaged Regan’s chance at having a proper family
  • The Dog Was the Mastermind: The true villain was Jim Janus, a seemingly dim-witted reactionary politician who seemed only to exist to parody right-wing politics.
  • Greater-Scope Villain: As is the norm with Werewolf campaigns, the Wyrm is the true force behind everything bad happening, although it's puppets are the direct threat the players are dealing with
  • Hate Sink:
    • Several minor characters such as Tally’s stepfather, Professor Holden, and Mercury’s dad, but a standout is the unnamed Sept Alpha who tortured the garou beneath him, which ended up turning Joyce Dupree into the monster she is
  • Hero with Bad Publicity: All four players, being convicted criminals, qualify. Regan and Mercury in particular, as they are both alleged murderers.
  • Heteronormative Crusader: Local book-banning politician Jim Janus, who speaks exclusively in buzzwords and dogwhistles. His comrade, city councilman Dennis Chilton, isn’t quite as subtle.
  • Macguffin: The Umbral Flower that the players find in the greenhouse. If they allow the flower to bloom, they basically conquer of New Hampshire for Gaia, but protecting it until then proves to be difficult.
  • Mentor Archetype: Angela Priest takes it open herself to mentor the players and oversee their pack as they start off in the garou world
  • Mentor Occupational Hazard: Ms. Priest dies at the end of the second arc
  • Urban Fantasy: As is typical with any World of Darkness game


  • Alternate Character Interpretation: Is Kyle actually as noble as the other elders make him out to be, being a flawed man stuck in his ways but trying his best to keep Gaia alive? Is he just a whiny, bigoted grifter who’s only pretending to care so he can pretend to be a royal like his ancestors
  • Complete Monster:
    • James Leland Janus Jr., or simply Jim Janus, on the surface, is a bigoted politician who promotes hate towards the LGBT community in order to “protect children”. In truth, he is fomori and a white supremacist who wants to bring about the apocalypse to cleanse the world of those he sees as unworthy. In order to carry out his plans, he wreaks havoc on the ecosystem, oversees the torture of innocents, including children, and callously murders his own henchmen to save his own skin
    • Adam Dupree is a Black Spiral Dancer who along with his wife, Joyce, adopt children for the sole purpose of torturing them until their spirits are completely broken, so they’ll be ideal hosts for banes. While Joyce shows remorse for her actions, and is shown to be a deeply troubled person just repeating the horrible treatment she herself endured, Adam is just a disgusting man who takes an almost sexual delight in torturing his victims. He also seems to genuinely believe that his victims deserve their fates, and nothing he does is ever wrong
  • Ensemble Dark Horse:
    • Tally Hebert, for being an Adorkable and very useful ally to the players, with several interesting quirks
  • Jerks Are Worse Than Villains: Characters like Kyle Iorwerth and Sofia Diaz are almost universally disliked more than any of the campaign’s actual antagonists


A strange girl that has spent her entire life in foster care. Fianna Ragabash

  • Cloudcuckoolander: She’s very eccentric and spacy, and tends to get caught up in strange delusions. Downplayed when some of these delusions end up being real
  • Dark and Troubled Past: Regan lost her parents, spent years being passed from one foster family to the next, and when she finally found one that seemed stable, her mother figure was killed and it was blamed on her.
  • Happily Adopted: When she lived with Todd and Helen as a tween. Things changed when Helen died and Todd lost custody of Regan, but as an adult, she still views him as her father
  • Wrong Genre Savvy: She is completely convinced that the World of Darkness runs on superhero logic, and as such, treats none of the danger she faces with much gravity

A girl with a chronic short temper. Glass Walker Ahroun

  • Audience Surrogate: As the newcomer to garou society, Syd is on the same page with the new players when it comes to knowledge of her predicament
  • The Berserker: Syd is very quick to fly into a brutal rage, as the vampires unfortunate enough to pick her as their victim find out
  • The Generic Guy: As her player describes, she doesn’t have much of a life outside of werewolf stuff, and spends most of her free time alone, drinking coffee
  • Warm-Up Boss: Syd’s frenzied crinos form is the first fight of the campaign, which serves as an introduction to the basic mechanics of combat

     Mercury Blake 
A young garou looking for a fresh start after a horrible incident. Child of Gaia Galliard

  • Love Makes You Dumb: Mercury’s crush on Gabby blinds her to other character’s warnings about how dangerous she can be, which Mercury just sees as bigotry against metis
  • Self-Made Orphan: They killed their own father. Granted, it’s hard to hold it against them, as he was abusive and the murder was self-defense
  • Soapbox Sadie: Mercury holds very strong opinions, and she will not hesitate to let them be known, as Devante and the politicians quickly come to find out

     Narcissus Iorwerth 
The egocentric child of the sept beta. Silver Fang Ragabash

  • Royal Brat: Downplayed. He comes from Royal lineage, but despite his father’s insistence, they don’t really get anything from it
  • Royal Inbreeding: His parents are siblings, and he has infamously had with his brother

Forces of Gaia

Great Heron Elders

     Angela Priest 


The kindly sept alpha, and a professor at Mieville College

  • Asshole Victim: Downplayed. While she was a good mentor and mother figure to the players, her last moments paint her in a pretty negative light, and make her death a lot less tragic
  • Big Good: Priest is the leader of the majority of the local garou population and a mentor to the players
  • Black Boss Lady: She’s the sept alpha, placing her higher in rank than all of the other men in her circle, although she’s much more level-headed than the typical example of this trope.
  • Dark Secret: Gabby is her biological daughter, who she broke the litany by conceiving.
  • Hippie Teacher: Angela adopts an “aging hippie” aesthetic, and works as a professor in the environmental department
  • Mentor Archetype: She takes it open herself to mentor the players and oversee their pack as they start off in the garou world
  • Off with His Head!: She has her head bitten off by Gabby’s crinos form
  • Put on a Bus: During the second arc, she leaves the sept, leaving Kyle in charge while she goes to hunt down Mad Dog and his followers after their attack

     Kyle Iorwerth 


Narc’s father, the prideful sept beta

  • Jerkass: He’s generally an asshole who pushes a very nihilistic view of garou life and treats the Metis of the sept with thinly-veiled hatred
  • Jerk with a Heart of Gold: Kyle is one do the most irritating characters in the game, but it’s made clear that he’s still a good person who’s doing his best to protect everyone.
  • Expy: As a treacherous, white-haired Silver Fang sept beta, he has a lot in common with Buck Salvado from the Fera game
  • The Starscream: Kyle clearly has ambitions of being alpha, and has been seen scheming with the rest of his family to undermine Mrs. Priest’s authority

     Klaus Weber 


The sept’s gruff warder, and one of the oldest garou in Larceny

  • Death Seeker: Following his defeat and humiliation at the hands of Sweetheart, he becomes obsessed with dying an honorable death, and repeatedly try’s to challenge other garou to duels to the death
  • Even Evil Has Standards: Despite being one of the more villainous members of the sept, he’s still willing to call out Kyle for his disrespectful attitude during the discovery of Elvin’s body
  • Harmless Villain: He’s a violent, unhinged bigot who tries to kill the players during their initiation, but he’s goofy enough that he’s not really an actual threat to anyone
  • Politically Incorrect Hero: He treats kinfolk like objects and holds deeply sexist and homophobic ideals, but he’s still a relatively decent guy on the side of Gaia
  • What the Hell Is That Accent?: The voice for Klaus is a bad impression of Chrisoph Waltz

     Liz Tracy 
A homeless woman who lives outside the campus

  • Cool Old Lady: She’s one of the only elders who’s actually elderly, and considering that the other one is Klaus, definitely the cooler of the two.
  • Magical Homeless Person: Liz is homeless, and despite being a highly respected elder, still spends each night sleeping outside a grocery store in the New Hampshire cold
  • Trickster Mentor: She takes her role as a Ragabash very seriously, and that means pulling pranks, tricking people, and otherwise being very confusing

     Knox Hickson 


A blind metis elder

  • Eye Scream: He lacks eyelids, so his eyes are constantly exposed to the sun. They are constantly burnt and shriveled, described as looking like raisins. Worse, as because of his Healing Factor they are constantly growing back and burning again, keeping him in constant pain
  • Handy Feet: He has adapted to use his feet in place of anything he’d need hands for. He’s also flexible enough to do things like putting a cigarette in his mouth
  • Token Minority: He’s the only Metis to hold the position of Elder



The xenophobic and hateful lupus representative

  • The Friend Nobody Likes: The other elders seem to share the players’ dislike of him, but they need to maintain a good relationship with him, as he leads the lupus population in the area
  • Hate Sink: Rider is the least likable of the elders by a long shot, being an obnoxious, preachy brute who represents all the worst parts of garou society. To cement his hateablity, he also kills domestic dogs for being “traitors to their species”
  • Kill All Humans: Rider despises humans, viewing them as inferior, destructive beings that the world would be better off without
  • Sadist: He delights in terrorizing the players during his task, and smirks as he slashes Syd’s cheek

     Erin O’Connor 

Gaia’s Fist

Liam’s little sister, the young Elder

  • The Baby of the Bunch: Being only 17, she’s the youngest of the Elders, and the central cast of Npcs
  • Cute Bruiser: She’s just a typical, skinny redhead girl on the surface, but Erin is one of the most powerful garou in the game. As she proudly boasts, she’s slain five Black Spiral Dancers, and carved her way up to the position of elder before becoming a legal adult
  • Fighting Irish: She’s of Irish descent, as are all Fianna, and is one the sept’s best and most enthusiastic warriors

Garou of Larceny

     Gabby Duchamp 
A socially awkward metis girl that shares a room with Regan

  • Big Beautiful Woman: Gabby is overweight, but not portrayed as any less attractive than the rest of the cast, and is able to catch Mercury’s eye
  • Black and Nerdy: She’s black and deeply passionate about spirits and gifts
  • The Dreaded: Whatever happens when she frenzies, it’s bad enough that everyone at the sept is either afraid of her, or just thinks she should be outright killed
  • Hate Sink: Her frenzied state is easily one of the most hateable characters in the campaign. She’s a sadistic, petty woman who spends every spare moment taunting the players or wallowing in self pity.
  • Love Interest: She’s shaping up to be one for Mercury
  • Split Personality: The true nature of her frenzies is that they don’t just stop at one violent outburst. Instead, all of her negative traits are amplified to the point where she becomes nearly a completely different person
  • Utility Party Member: Her skill at handling spirits has become essential for the group

     Eli Alcott 
A gentle, feminine boy who helps watch over the sept

  • Dude Looks Like a Lady: Eli is easily mistaken for a woman when first introduced
  • Nice Guy: Eli is one of the most easygoing and kind members of the sept, giving up his own time to volunteer at his family’s animal shelter, and looking out for other members of the sept when he sees them getting overwhelmed

     Selena Diaz 
Half of the Black Furies duo. The more level-headed and patient of the sisters

  • Dead Person Impersonation: Downplayed. We learn that she’s been shaping her personality and appearance to be more like Maria, her older sister, because she thinks it’s the best way to keep her and her sister safe.
  • Foolish Sibling, Responsible Sibling: The responsible sibling to Sofia’s foolish sibling
  • Genius Bruiser: She’s a very sharp student with a deep interest in politics and feminist movements, while also being an absolute powerhouse who can easily destroy nearly anything in her path
  • Ms. Fanservice: She’s a tall, curvy woman with a large chest who tends to wear revealing clothing

     Sofia Diaz 
The other half of the Furies duo. The rash and short-tempered sister

  • Foolish Sibling, Responsible Sibling: The foolish sibling to Selena’s responsible sibling
  • Jerkass: Sofia is generally a bit of a difficult person, and has a habit of spouting out nasty remarks, particularly towards Reagan
  • The Load: While Selena is both the brains and the brawn of the team, Sofia doesn’t really excel in any area, and her presence usually ends up hindering others more than helping them

     Elvin Lombard 
A powerful Glass Walker programmer

  • Decoy Protagonist: His first few appearances suggest he’ll be a major supporting character. He ends up being abruptly killed off at the end of the third session
  • Shout-Out: He his sweater and voice are not-so-subtle nods to Chris Chan
  • Straw Loser: Subverted. He’s at first depicted as a typical “neckbeard” character described as very ugly, and given an annoying, nasally voice, but he ends up being a pretty good guy.
  • Techno Wizard: As one of the sept’s only Glass Walkers, this area of magic is his speciality.

     Devante Sanderson 
An arrogant and uptight warrior who’s a rank above be the players

  • Career-Ending Injury: Mad Dog stabs him the spine with a silver blade, leaving him paralyzed from the waist down and ending his role as the sept’s frontline defender
  • Jerkass Has a Point: As assholish as Devante is about his dislike of Gabby, it’s not hard to see why he sees her as such a liability of a sept, considering how dangerous she has been implied to be
  • Small Name, Big Ego: Did you know that he’s Rank 2? That’s a whole rank above you guys!!! A whole rank! He’s your superior??? Did you know that??

Fera and Kinfolk of Larceny

     Liam O’Connor 
A kind-hearted but somewhat dull kinfolk frat boy

  • Fratbro: While he’s definitely nicer than the stereotypical frat boy, he still falls into a lot of the cliches
  • The Generic Guy: A repeated joke is how Liam’s favorite media and general aesthetic and painfully generic for a college boy

     Taliesin Hebert 
An eccentric corax boy with a passion for metalworking

  • Adorkable: Tally has a very quirky and awkward demeanor, and his passion for his craft can be quite cute
  • The Blacksmith: His main utility for the sept is crafting weapons, particularly knifes and guns, which he is an expert and in making.
  • Cute Clumsy Boy: He has a habit of accidentally cutting his knives while he’s showing them off, but because of his healing abilities, it doesn’t cause much lasting damage, so it’s treated more as a gag or cute quirk.
  • Motor Mouth: He often starts rambling on about inane details in the middle of conversations for long periods of time without noticing
  • Nightmare Fetishist: He seems to have a bizarre fetish for stabbing women with his knives, but at the very least he asks for consent first

Broken Arrow Sept

An enigmatic lupus that often assists the Great Heron garou

  • Awesome McCoolname: Walks-With-Ghosts is definitely one of the more impressive deed names out there

Keene Faction

     Keegan O’Connor 
The alpha of the Keene sept, Liam and Erin’s estranged father

  • Affectionate Nickname: “Mitsy” for his best friend, Mitsuru
  • Dirty Old Man: He has a habit of creeping on college girls, despite the fact that his daughter is around the same age
  • The Hedonist: Keegan seems to pay little to his responsibilities as a Sept Alpha or father, and instead prefers to pass his time with sex, drugs, and alcohol
  • Not-So-Well-Intentioned Extremist: It’s pretty obvious that his plan to purify the people of New Hampshire from the Wyrm’s influence is more just another attempt to get his name on the map rather than a genuine noble goal

     Kevin Brandt 
Keegan’s assistant

  • Number Two: He serves this role to Keegan, following him around and backing up everything he says
  • Two Aliases, One Character: The players had actually met him several times prior to his official introduction…as Sweetheart

     Mitsuru Yamioka 
A Japanese tech company CEO with a troubled past

  • '90s Anti-Hero: Mitsuru is a nod to these sort or characters, who would be common staples of any 90s Wo D campaign
  • Silver Fox: He’s an older man that’s still quite popular with the ladies, including Syd

     Maiko Yamioka 
Mitsuru’s eccentric daughter who’s afflicted with a tragic fate

  • Genki Girl: She’s very cheerful and constantly on the move, rarely staying focused on one thing for very long
  • Your Days Are Numbered: Due to a curse among the women in her family, Maiko is destined to die young. She tries not to let it bring her down too much

Forces of the Wyrm

     Jim Janus 
A far-right politician serving on the House of Representatives, secretly carrying out the will of the Wyrm

  • Big Bad: Jim Janus has been coordinating Chilton, the Duprees, and the rest of the Wyrm’s agents who have been terrorizing Larceny. This makes him the direct antagonist of the entire campaign
  • Hate Sink: Janus is a smarmy, bigoted politician who’s made to get on your nerves from the start. It’s increased tenfold when he’s revealed as a white supremacist, the one who killed Regan’s mother, and the mastermind behind all of the Wyrm activity in Larceny
  • Heteronormative Crusader: He’s working towards banning books containing any sort of LGBT representation from schools under the guise of protecting children from being “indoctrinated” by “groomers”
  • Mundane Utility: Why is Jim Janus trying to destroy society? He’s a white supremacist who wants an apocalypse to purge the ”lesser people” from society and allow the white race to gain control again. He isn’t actually devoted to the Wyrm at all, he’s basically just using it for his worldly ambitions

     Wanda Kirkman 
A cruel tenured psychology professor at Mieville college, and a central member of the conspiracy

  • Crazy Cat Lady: She keeps several cats which she obsessively photographs, and often carries around an urn with the ashes of one of her deceased ones.
  • The Dragon: To Janus
  • Not-So-Well-Intentioned Extremist: On the surface, wanting to improve the lives of autistic people doesn’t seem like a such a bad goal, but the way she actually treats them and talks about them makes it clear that she sees them as nuisances and burdens to society that should be made “normal” for the sake of everyone else.
  • Smug Snake: Kirkman sees herself as a misunderstood genius surrounded by a world of idiots, and isn’t quiet about expressing it.

     Dennis Chilton 
A homophonic city councilman by day, flamboyant, murderous gay vampire by night

  • Armored Closet Gay: Subverted. At first, it seems like his obsessive hate of gay people comes from an insecurity about his own sexuality, but that’s not the case. Chilton is totally comfortable as a gay man, and it’s likely his real interest in spreading homophobia is to further isolate young gay men, his favored prey
  • Depraved Homosexual: He’s a vampire that lures in and kills young men that he finds attractive
  • Flunky Boss: Most of his boss fight is spent dealing with his ghoul henchmen while he sneaks around attacking from the shadows.
  • The Load: He ends up being a pretty horrible ally to the masterminds, as his brutal murders alert the players that something is going on, and he sells out the Duprees when he’s caught
  • Off with His Head!: He has his head torn off by Mad Dog, who then feeds it to Sweetheart
  • Red Herring: He’s presented as a possible identity for the politician who killed Helen, but nothing ends up coming of this
  • Starter Villain: Chilton is the first agent of the Wyrm fought by the players

     The Bagmen 
A group of fomori with bags over their heads, used as Janus’s personal enforcers

  • Elite Mooks: They’re much more advanced and powerful than the average fomori.

Black Spiral Dancers

     Mad Dog 
The alpha of the Black Spiral Dancers in New Hampshire

  • Big Bad Wannabe: It’s pretty clear from the get-go that as much as he wants to be, Mad Dog is not the real villain
  • Karmic Death: He’s killed by a silver bullet through the eye, courtesy of Devante, the boy he crippled with silver
  • Kick the Dog: When he defeats Devante, he leaves him alive, but permanently cripples him with a silver blade
  • Laughably Evil: Despite his high status Mad Dog acts like such a buffoon that it’s hard for the players to fully take him seriously. It doesn’t help that of his threats sound like something and angry middle-schooler on Xbox live would say

Mad Dog’s deranged servant

  • Compulsive Liar: He lies constantly, and almost always has a different story and personality whenever the players encounter him. Most egregiously, he takes advantage of the fact that no one has seen him in human form to claim he’s actually a little girl the first time he gets caught
  • Manipulative Bastard: He is able to briefly turn Narc and Mercury against each other, and eventually trick Kyle into bringing Gabby to the sept, leading to her frenzy.
  • Obfuscating Insanity: Sweetheart is clearly much smarter than he lets on, only acting insane so that people see him as a troubled man being exploited and take pity on him,
  • Sex Slave: He acted as one to Mad Dog. However, it’s pretty clear that Sweetheart was the one in control the whole time

     Joyce and Adam Dupree 
A husband-wife spiral duo responsible for the creation of the fomori that have been plaguing the town

Tropes applying to both

  • Abusive Parents: Possibly the worst across any of the campaigns. They torture their foster children until their spirits are completely broken so that they’ll be perfect hosts to make fomori out of
  • Bait the Dog: When the children they adopt first arrive at their new home, they’re showered with love and kindness at first, only to make it even more painful for them when their “transformation” starts
  • Sickeningly Sweethearts: They seemingly can’t hold a conversation for more than a few seconds with stopping to talk about about how much they love each other

Tropes applying to Joyce

  • Arc Villain: She’s the one directly behind the appearance of the fomori that have been causing trouble around Larceny, making her the main villain of the second arc
  • Affably Evil: Joyce acts very respectful, even towards her enemies and victims. Unlike her husband, this seems to just be her nature
  • Fallen Hero: Moreso than most Spirals. She used to be on the said of Gaia, before being banished from her sept for being in a relationship with another garou. At that point, Adam was able to tempt her into switching sides
  • Freudian Excuse: We learn that she was viciously tortured by her sept alpha in a way similar to the abuse she inflicts on her foster children in order to shape her into mindless garou warrior before she was banished. As she seeks revenge against garou kind, she feels she must use the same methods they used on her to even the playing field
  • Villain Has a Point: She’s not entirely wrong when she says that what she does is similar to what garou elders do to their youth.

Tropes applying to Adam

  • Faux Affably Evil: Adam tries to put on the same cheery persona as his wife, but he’s such an awful person by nature that his attempts to seem nice just come across as forced and creepy
  • Gutted Like a Fish: Syd tears his stomach open with her spur claws, defeating him. He only lives long enough to throw one more pitiful attack before bleeding out
  • More Despicable Minion: Unlike his wife, who has some respectable qualities and genuine gripes against garou society, Adam is just a sadist who takes pleasure in torturing defenseless children, and even tries to claim that they deserve it
  • Satellite Character: He has very little characterization outside of his sadism and devotion to Joyce
  • Wake-Up Call Boss: Adam is the first seriously tough opponent that the players have to fight, with a pretty brutal Rage and Stamina score, and a nasty arsenal of gifts at his disposal


The totem spirit of the Larceny sept

  • Genius Loci: He serves as the embodiment of the Great Heron Sept

The pack’s totem spirit

  • Big Good: As the pack’s totem, he takes this role following Angela’s death, especially when it comes to the protection of the flower


Mieville College

     Mary-Ellen Corll 
The stern Dean of Mieville college

  • Dean Bitterman: Corll is openly rude and distrustful of the players, and makes sure they know that she’s going to kick them out the second they become more trouble then they’re worth
  • Punny Name: She is often addressed as “Dean Corll”, which is the name of a real-life serial killer

     Donald Grady 
A wacky biology professor and the founder of the campus Cryptozoology Club

  • Hero Antagonist: Dr. Grady isn’t doing anything wrong by setting up all the cameras around the outskirts of campus to get photos of Bigfoot, but it’s a massive threat to the secrecy of the local garou

     Other Professors 

Ronald Rhodes

A flamboyant and charismatic man who teaches theater and film

  • Cool Teacher: Rhodes is charismatic man who lets his students engage with the material hands-on

Charles Holden

A self absorbed writer who pushes his views on others

  • Terrible Artist: As much as he talks it up, what we see of Dr. Holden’s writing is pretentious, mean-spirited wish-fulfillment fantasy

Mia Shapiro

The kind and easygoing psychology professor


     Todd Mayhew 
Regan’s struggling former foster dad

  • Good Parents: Todd is an utterly miserable man who’s life is constantly on the verge of falling apart, but he still finds it in him to be loving, supportive father figure to Regan

     Helen Mayhew 
The former husband of Todd and foster mother of Regan

  • Posthumous Character: She was accidentally killed by a politician several years before the campaign began

     Marvin Williams 
Regan’s caseworker

  • Asshole Victim: After the reveal that he’s been sending Kirkman and the Duprees more children to victimize and forging documents to cover up their crimes, it’s hard to feel sorry for him when Janus forces him shoot himself
  • Obstructive Bureaucrat: He badgered Todd and Helen constantly to try to get Regan taken away from them, not seeing them fit as parents. He eventually succeeded after Helen’s death
  • Psychic-Assisted Suicide: How Janus gets rid of him

     The Reaper 
The unknown leader of the Hunters. He aims to protect humanity from supernatural creators at any cost

  • Van Helsing Hate Crimes: He will have his man kill any kind of supernatural entities on sight if he feels like their population in the area have become a threat to the people in the area
