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     Chaldea Staff 

Vy Duong

The last Master of Proper Human History and the protagonist of Passing Days. Being the last Master comes with a lot of pressure, but she tries to make things work to the best of her ability. Being unofficially "adopted" by a majority of the Chaldean staff and Servants wasn't expected, though.
  • All-Loving Heroine: Just like the original Fujimaru Ritsuka, Vy does her best to treat all the Servants and people around her with care and respect. The Undying Loyalty they give her in return speaks volume to their relationship.
    • It is because of Vy's desire of wanting to help the people around her, fighting for Proper Human History in Dr. Roman's memory, and even shouldering the memories of all the felled Lostbelts in spite of the inevitable Trauma Conga Line that causes Dantes in Day 47 to write her off as being his accomplice, because to an Avenger like him, she is too much like a flower in bloom to follow a path of vengeance like his. Instead, the Count of Monte Cristo makes a twisted promise to himself to never let her walk to her own death, actively calling her "little flower" instead (even if it's said disparagingly to her face).
  • Badass Normal: Despite showing how exhausting it is to be the Master to more than 100 Servants, Vy has since learned how to handle herself if the situation calls for it. By Part 2, she's able to stand before Mordred without flinching in spite of his holding Clarent to her throat, and in Day 31, she actively uses a boomerang and bo staff to fight alongside her Grailed Big Seven in taking down Wodime during Atlantis.
  • Beneath the Mask: Something that the story constantly explores through the perspectives of the Servants is how Vy tries to keep up the mask of "the perfect Chaldean Master" - even if it means she works herself into the ground. Confidently saving the world, giving out orders, and keeping up with any demands sent her way is the mask she wants to keep, but as each Servant grows to find out, the human she is underneath is just a scared, lonely little girl who misses her family and wants to see them again, taking on so much responsibility because there's no one else to fill the role. Ironically, Vy is capable of being The Ace all on her own if her many deeds in saving Humanity are any indication - from the resolution of the Incineration and the felling of so many Lostbelts, not to mention gaining the Undying Loyalty of the Servants she summoned - it's just a matter of self-confidence and sense of responsibility.
    • The person underneath the "Chaldean Master" mask is expanded upon with Days 46 (half of it taking place in the Ooku) and 74 (half of it in SERAPH), where Vy on separate occasions speaks out about her frustrations with the people she's supposed to save from Proper Human History. As much as she wants to help everyone, not everyone wants to be helped in return, sometimes even acting against her in her attempts to do the right thing, whether it's the Mages' Association who condemned Chaldea in the Part 2 prologue or Arnold Beckman who wanted control over everything, even who would cook dinner in a sinking oil rig - and the negative feelings are enough to make her break out into tears that the Servants have to patch up.
  • Broken Ace: A large theme of Passing Days as a whole and a deconstruction of Vy's signature kindness that lets her bond with the Servants. Because of bonding with so many, she doesn't take every death well, even if Chaldea wins to see another day, and the Chaldean Servants form their Family of Choice dynamic in part to make sure she doesn't have a giant breakdown over everything she's experienced through Parts 1, 1.5, and 2.
  • Can't Hold His Liquor: Side stories show that Vy is horrible with alcohol, refusing to drink it from a low tolerance she inherited from her father. It's also implied to be the reason why the Big Seven don't drink around her.
  • Character Development: In the beginning of Passing Days, Vy was shown to be a lot more fragile in handling the fate of the world, crying alone and trying to hide it, but by Part 2, she's made peace with her position as the last Master and often takes the situation in as much stride as possible so that she can help Mash and the other Servants. She also confides in the Servants and Mash more often, freely talking to them via Telepathy.
  • Chronic Hero Syndrome: A trait she shares with the original Fujimaru Ritsuka, it's hard for Vy to leave someone alone if they need help. Even if she's tired and unable to speak, as Proto-Arthur can attest to in his chapter, she's still going to reach out and ask if they need anything.
  • Combat Pragmatist: To a lesser extent than her Servants, but Vy still reaches for her boomerang or any kind of weapon to interrupt an enemy's monologue. Maybe even put in her own Armor-Piercing Question to throw them off. Not even the Chaldean in Atlantis is exempt from the boomerang treatment, as Vy immediately aims for his head before he can leave the Lostbelt in Day 31.
  • Elective Mute: Due to the constant mana exhaustion and the effort it takes to manage so many Servants, Vy often defaults to not verbally speaking during her "tired" days. It's thanks to Dr. Roman that she has a whiteboard to write to people if she needs to, but otherwise, she relies on Telepathy to communicate with her closest Servants or staying utterly silent to save energy.
  • Even the Loving Hero Has Hated Ones: As the story progresses, in spite of Vy's kindness, there are some she has grown to hold with absolute contempt. Standouts are BB, Christopher Columbus, and Wodime (the other Crypters having a lesser degree of hate), with BB and Wodime cited as her "worst enemies" for their actions in Parts 1.5 and 2, and Columbus in how supplementary notes have shown the Servants outright banning him from ever coming to Chaldea thanks to his role in Agartha. It is why in Day 58 that the shrunken-down Benkei is able to point out how serious the situation with Taira-no-Kagekiyo is when Vy calls on BB's own shadow to fight a changed Jeanne Alter and Jeanne Alter Santa Lily in an Offscreen Noodle Incident.
  • Exotic Eye Designs: Played with. Vy is described to have plain brown eyes to match her brown hair, but when she is particularly determined or emotional, the Servants have noted her irises to gain pointed bright stars as highlights. Which makes it all the more concerning when the stars, and consequently, the highlights, of her eyes disappear from view, because that means Vy is descending into a Heroic BSoD.
  • Gift of Song: The occasional chapter and side story revealed Vy having a habit of singing, with Tumblr giving the info that she inherited the habit from her father, who serenaded her mother with a love song during their wedding ceremony. Because of this habit, some of the songs she's sung have been for the Servants she feels strongly towards (whether it's love or gratitude, the intent is the same), including Robin and Caster Arturia. At the same time, Vy's singing is not on the level of Beautiful Singing Voice, because she still is shown to stumble over the occasional line and cough every now and then without enough practice.
  • Groin Attack: Often aims below the belt of her enemies when truly angered. Just ask Wodime, who got hit a total of three times by leg and bo staff through both Atlantis and Olympus.
  • Heroic RRoD: A majority of the Singularities, Lostbelts, and events result in Vy becoming so physically tired, she stays quiet and refuses to talk outside of Telepathy and the occasional noise, waddling around Chaldea like a penguin if she has to walk. Any Chaldean staff and Servant around has been taught that whenever she is found like this, she probably needs her daily nap.
  • Heroic Self-Deprecation: By the volumes. Even with support from Dr. Roman and the other Servants, she's more likely to put herself down than take a compliment when one is given. It's gotten to the point that in the side story Recommended Treatment, Asclepius finds that it's apparently starting to eat away at her mana levels, not to mention all of her other mental baggage that's happened before and after joining Chaldea, appearing like a tumor that's infecting her own soul.
  • Humble Hero: Even in the midst of the Lostbelts, having resolved all of Part 1 and 1.5 previously, Vy still passes off her part in a majority of her accomplishments when someone brings them up, opting to lay praise towards Mash and the other Servants instead. In her eyes, she was only able to do so much because they all answered her call for help, something that, while sweet, adds to her own Heroic Self-Deprecation.
  • I Am X, Son of Y: The following example is not the first time Vy proclaims her own Badass Boast before a fight, but Vy notably says the following while adding in her own rendition of My Name Is Inigo Montoya before the implied fight with Kiara in Day 38; thanks to her rage at what Kiara did to EMIYA Alter, not to mention the insults lobbied at Robin in her attempts at being The Corrupter:
    Vy: "I'm Vy Duong, granddaughter to Phuc Van Duong and Lan Thi Nguyen, daughter of Hiep and Nga Duong. To you, Beast of Pleasure who spits on my family legacy of Buddhism while trying to dethrone my May King's honor, allow me the opportunity to end your pitiful life."
  • I Choose to Stay: In many chapters taking place during Part 2, Vy actively states to many of the Servants her desire to stay with them, even if it continues to hurt fighting for Chaldea. No matter the pain, Vy insists on staying with the Servants and keeping up the good fight, even in the face of her own darkness as illustrated in Day 46. All because the Servants helped her out for so long, she couldn't help but love each and every one of them in return. And they love her just as much back.
  • If It's You, It's Okay: A subversion of sorts. Tumblr's rendition of Robin receiving his second Bond Chalice after achieving Bond 11 shows that, in spite of Vy's sex-repulsed nature in her proclaimed asexuality and her personal Trauma Button, Vy is still okay with trying to give her first time to him in the near future. She's still scared of actually doing the deed, mind, but with Robin, she's willing to try.
  • I Just Want to Be Normal: Unlike other Masters in other Fate media, Vy's only wish when going through the Grand Order storyline is to be with her family again. Meeting Mash and befriending the other Servants has this wish be extended to helping them as well in achieving happiness.
  • Important Hair Accessory: She has two as shown in Day 30 - (1) a green ribbon that was keeping Robin's box of silver coins together for his first Valentine's Day gift in Part 1, and (2) the lotus ribbon hair clip that Robin gives to her as his second Valentine's Day gift in Part 2. It's notable that a lot of chapters taking place after Day 30 in Part 2 show Vy wearing either the ribbon or the lotus clip to keep her long hair back - the lotus in particular being something many new Servant arrivals notice about her first.
  • Inept Mage: Aside from the occasional Gandr spell and forcing herself to run close to Servant speed with her Magic Circuits, supplementary materials on Tumblr have revealed that the only reasons Vy was recruited to Chaldea stemmed from her luck and physical stamina. Otherwise, she shares the lack of skill in magic with the original Fujimaru Ritsuka which simply endears her to her Servants more.
  • Mundane Luxury: With all the chaos that comes with saving Proper Human History, a lot of Vy's destressing activities go back to simple things such as cooking and helping the child Servants with any "homework" that Chiron assigns during breaks. The side story "Of Gladness and Love" even shows Vy breaking out into Tender Tears over her closest Servants reserving the Dining Hall for a surprise celebration of her birthday, because all the fighting made her forget what day her birthday was. The flashback to Salem in Day 13 reinforces the concept of Vy enjoying the smallest things, because she can't even turn down eating a watered-down bowl of gruel made by Robin, because it was made by him and is itself a luxury compared to the poverty her parents grew up in back in Vietnam.
  • Not So Above It All: Despite being Chaldea's last Master, Vy can have her mix of silly moments, such as going all Squee over meeting Robin in America in Day 74 and even talking with a mini-Nobu in Day 72 in its own legible Pokémon Speak.
  • Official Couple: With Robin Hood as of Day 30 and Extra Day 6.
  • Past Experience Nightmare: Day 8 with Waver revealed that when Vy's fatigue reaches a certain point, she becomes more susceptible to nightmares about past events, whether it's Mash's death at the Temple of Time or the previous Lostbelts. Holding her hand before she can thrash around any further has been shown to help with the nightmares, thankfully.
  • Please, Don't Leave Me: It's never outright said, but the latter half of Day 40 implies the forced Unsummoning of Chaldea's Servant roster hit Vy hard. It comes to the point where, only a day after the Servants are brought back via the summoning system in the Wandering Sea of Novum Chaldea, the newest nightmare Vy has off-screen causes her to run to the first Servant she finds in the Dining Hall - Robin - and tackle him just to confirm that the summoning was successful. Mash's narration of the chapter all but spells out how much Vy grew to love the Servants as people, and the Mages' Association unsummoning them before the start of Part 2 played into her deepest insecurities and fears.
  • Positive Friend Influence: Vy's relationship with the Servants in a nutshell, especially when it comes to her Grailed Servants. Almost all of the Character Development that occurs on the Servants' part happens because Vy both intentionally and unintentionally encourages their softer, kinder sides with her own kindness.
  • Stepford Smiler: Day 13 and onwards reveals that Vy often forces a smile onto her face whenever she doesn't want to worry the people around her, whether it's Mash, the Servants, or even Dr. Roman. Even then, her constant mana exhaustion makes this fall away after a while, and part of the story's ongoing conflict is the Servants trying to encourage her to be more honest about her weakness with them.
  • Sweet Tooth: The story and some supplementary materials on Tumblr reveals that Vy loves sweets, and her baking skill comes from making them for her family and loved ones. She won over Skadi with sea-salt ice cream, and Extra Day 5 shows Robin enjoying her chocolate chip muffins.
  • Trauma Button: The story hints at Vy being massively uncomfortable with sex at best, and Agartha didn't help much. Later chapters hint at the development of more traumas, including her infamous freezing up at seeing Penthesilea try to attack Achilles in Day 29. Side material on Tumblr has confirmed Kiara has become a button of sorts as well, no thanks to her actions as the Big Bad in the SE.RA.PH. event.
  • Workaholic: One of Vy's biggest strengths and weaknesses, Passing Days establishes that she has to work as hard as she can merely to keep up the effort in fighting against Goetia and the Crypters throughout the story. Farming for materials, keeping up good relations with all the Servants, and even fetching supplies for the staff are all on her daily agenda, which has been shown constantly to be exhausting for just one person. Considering supplementary material and short stories on Tumblr imply Vy's already had a bad habit of overworking herself before coming to Chaldea, the efforts to save Humanity only worsened the problem.

Mash Kyrielight

Demi-Servant, Shielder, and assistant to Vy's adventures in Chaldea.
  • A Friend in Need: Mash herself serves as a giant motivator as to why Vy works as hard as she does; one wish Vy has is to take Mash onto hikes and road trips to see the world like she did when she was little with her family. So a lot of Vy's actions in all of Passing Days can usually have Mash listed as a huge reason behind them.
  • Not So Above It All: Despite looking the most put-together in Chaldea, Mash is found in Day 34 to be commentating on an udon-eating competition between Arturia, Berserker Musashi, and Saber Musashi.
  • Rose-Haired Sweetie: Just like in Canon. It is why Vy at times is shown to refer to Mash as "beautiful" and "fluffy kouhai", thanks to Cuteness Proximity.
  • Tears of Joy: The few times Mash has been shown to cry in the story, it's from something making her happy enough she can't express it any other way. Notable moments include the group hug she and the Servants shared with Vy after the end of the Chinese Lostbelt in Day 40 and just after hearing Vy's little speech during their "Kouhai-versary" in Day 57.
  • What Is This Thing You Call "Love"?: Day 40 is all about Mash trying to figure out what the concept of "love" is from Vy after remembering her experiences with Beryl before the events of Fuyuki. The end of the chapter sees her joining a group hug with the Servants in comforting a crying Vy after the end of the Chinese Lostbelt, finding her answer and place in the Chaldea Family of Choice.

Dr. Romani Archaman

Head of the Chaldea Medical Division and Director of Chaldea in Part 1.
  • Fatherly Scientist: Much like canon, he takes on a fatherly role for both Mash and Vy, to the point of Vy seeing him as a Parental Substitute for her own father thanks to the Incineration wiping out her family. Day 68 even shows how he started coming into the role during Fuyuki, telling off Olga for bringing Vy to tears over summoning more Servants and even going as far as guiding Vy in the summoning chant.
  • Missing Mission Control: A lot of Passing Days shows the consequences of his decision to take out Goetia at the end of Part 1, as without him, Vy becomes a lot more vulnerable.
  • Nice Job Breaking It, Hero: His spotlight chapter in Day 26 establishes his coming to a realization that, much to his horror, his asking Vy to take on the mantle of last Master in the beginning of Part 1 means he worsened Vy's Workaholic tendencies to the point of nearly rendering her emotionally comatose on her worst days and an Elective Mute on her best days.
  • Team Dad: As a counterpart to Caster Da Vinci's role as Team Mom in Part 1. Even in the chapters taking place in Parts 1.5 and 2, his absence clearly showcases what could happen when Vy is left to fend for herself.

Goredolf Musik

Self-appointed third Director of Chaldea in Part 2.
  • Fantastic Racism: Downplayed like in canon, because while Goredolf doesn't outright disrespect the Servants, he still considers them akin to familiars or tools. He even outright calls Achilles "Vy's Rider familiar" when talking about his armor to Lostbelt!Hephaestus, which does nothing to endear himself to the Rider or any of Vy's Big Seven.
  • The Friend Nobody Likes: In the few speaking roles Goredolf has had in Passing Days, all Servant reactions and even Vy's own formal mannerisms towards him suggests they don't appreciate his Upper-Class Twit attitude nor his role in the downfall of Chaldea. Day 28 even show Arturia, Achilles, and Robin all glaring at his hologram from Vy's communicator when he decides to put in his five cents during a conversation with Lostbelt!Hephaestus.
  • Spared, but Not Forgiven: Implied. As much as Vy does consider him a part of the group she wants to help in restoring Proper Human History, the rest of her Servant lineup beg to differ when it comes to interacting with him. Considering he was a patsy in letting Koyanskaya and the rest of the Foreign God's forces invade and destroy the original Chaldea, this is justified. Vy's entire motivation for summoning back Caster Da Vinci even comes back to these feelings, because she was in Tranquil Fury the entire time Goredolf was speaking ill of Da Vinci's death to Mash during the Shadow Border's escape. Day 28 even implies through their actions that Achilles, Arturia, and Robin would be alright leaving him behind to the Foreign God's mercy if he decided to mess something else up.

Olga-Marie Animusphere

The first Director of Chaldea in Part 1.
  • Day in the Limelight: Day 68 of the story has her first on-screen appearance, and it's not exactly a pretty one with the re-exploration of Fuyuki.
  • The Friend Nobody Likes: Her one main appearance in Passing Days through Day 68 shows that even the Servants summoned in Fuyuki - d'Eon, Caster Cu, Medea, and even Diarmuid - all grow to dislike her from her constant berating of Vy. Cu even sums up her character in one sentence, despite later agreeing she did not deserve the death she received from Lev/Flauros:
    Cu: "Olga had too much bark for her little amount of bite."
  • Inferiority Superiority Complex: Just like in canon, Olga's main appearance in Day 68 shows how she constantly berates Vy for not being a better Master to make up for her lack of potential in becoming one herself. Sadly, this berating is implied through Caster Cu's narration to be the start of Vy's own Workaholic tendencies and continuing insecurities that stick even to Part 2, because Olga's untimely death at Lev's hands means Vy is constantly trying to pick up the slack.
  • Jerkass: It takes both Dr. Roman and Mash to make Olga stop pressuring Vy into summoning more Servants in Fuyuki in Day 68, and even when Cu puts a silencing spell on her to not panic Vy further, it's still shown in the background she's protesting the entire time.
  • Nice Job Breaking It, Hero: As her spotlight chapter in Day 68 and a later chapter to Dr. Roman in Day 70 reveals, her constant berating of Vy during Fuyuki actually worsened Vy's Heroic Self-Deprecation at best and fueled Vy's Workaholic tendencies to make up for Olga's absence at worst. Unfortunately, because of Olga's passing in Fuyuki at Lev's hands off-screen, she has no way of knowing this course of action would come to pass.

     The Big Seven 

Arturia Pendragon

The Series Mascot of Fate/Grand Order, one of the protagonists from Fate/stay night, and the Saber Servant of Vy's Grailed "Big Seven."
  • Affectionate Nickname: Vy calls her "Art-san" and she calls her "Princess" in return; a Mythology Gag to Fate/Zero in how Arturia called Irisviel "Princess" in Episode 3 of the anime.
    • Arturia's nickname for Vy also crosses with Meaningful Name in Day 76 when re-exploring the Accel/Zero Order event in Fuyuki. During the event, Vy shows her a Sentimental Homemade Toy in the form of a medallion she's been carrying on every mission because of it being one of the last things given to her by her father, with the words, "You Are My Princess," engraved on it. Arturia coincidentally calling Vy "Princess" moments before inevitably keeps the memory of her family alive, and once finding out the significance of it, Arturia is more than happy to keep up the habit if it means it helps Vy be happy.
  • The Ace: Even when facing Mordred in a No-Holds-Barred Beatdown, Arturia was able to hold her own. She also dealt the final blow against Wodime in Day 31.
  • Inconsistent Spelling: The main story goes with "Arturia" while most of the side stories in Other Days go with "Artoria."
  • Master Swordswoman: As expected of King Arthur and just like in the original Fate/stay night if not more thanks to being powered by Chaldea, Day 76 shows her taking on a mentor role to Vy back in Part 1 in regards to her bo-staff training, actively encouraging a spar (also helped by Lancer Diarmuid recommending the idea).
  • My God, What Have I Done?: Arturia is put through the wringer when fighting Mordred, realizing her indifference and lack of action in life unintentionally hurt her homunculus son when he came out to her about their familial relationship. Vy's presence is what helps Arturia fight through and start speaking up for herself to let an understanding come about.
  • My Name Is Inigo Montoya: To match Caenis' own introduction in the tailend of Day 44, Arturia introduces herself with the following while adding in her own Badass Boast:
    Arturia: "Remember my name as well then, Caenis. I am the one Britain looked for when searching for a new beginning. I am the one child born from Uther Pendragon with a dragon's heart and the last King of Britain, slain by the son she never acknowledged until after the end. And all that I do now is also for my contracted Master, my Princess! I am Arturia Pendragon, the King of Knights! The Grailed Saber Servant of Chaldea, chosen by my only Princess, Vy Duong! HAVE AT YOU!"
  • Not So Stoic: Normally, Arturia conducts herself rather formally, focusing on the goal at hand. But when she was summoned by Vy, she starts opening up more, even going as far to smile more often around the other Servants and bickering with Assassin Shiki over what is the best color in an Uno deck.
  • Vitriolic Best Buds: With Achilles and Robin. Whenever the three are together in a scene, they often banter amongst each other.


The Rider Servant of Vy's Grailed "Big Seven" and front-line Rider in general for Vy.
  • Affectionate Nickname: Vy calls him "Achi" and he happily calls her "Princess" in return after he was Grailed.
  • The Ace: Achilles doesn't even flinch when his chariot comes under gunfire by Lostbelt!Dan Blackmore in Day 15, deflecting as many bullets as possible with Arturia to make sure Vy is safe. He is also one of the few who struck a lasting blow against Wodime in Day 31.
  • Bash Brothers: With Robin and Arturia. All three showed up when Vy was held at swordpoint by Mordred in Day 16, and they stood up again when Penthesilea was summoned in Day 29. When Arturia was having her duel with Mordred, it was Achilles who noticed how Arturia was holding back and pointed it out to Robin.
  • Cool Horse: Xanthus (spelled "Xanthos" in the story), the most talkative of his three horses, has had the occasional cameo, notably chewing on the Prince of Lan Ling's hair in the end of Day 9 as if to express Achilles' own distrust of the Saber after Lostbelt 3 when it came to caring for Vy.
  • Innocently Insensitive: Somewhat averted. While Day 29 still establishes his strained relationship with Penthesilea/the Berserker of El Dorado, he's also Took a Level in Kindness thanks to his relationship with Vy and the other Grailed Servants, being careful of Vy's needs and knowing when to pull back so that she'd be okay.
  • I Want My Beloved to Be Happy: Subverted. In Day 28, Achilles has a talk with his other self on the Shadow Border during Atlantis, outright admitting that he loves Vy, but choosing not to pursue it since his Resummoning after Lostbelt 3, all because of her unwillingly being the last Master of Proper Human History and destroying the Lostbelts to bring back the world - recognizing she needs a hero to help her more than a lover. Witnessing how Robin started to fall for her first and Vy's affection for the Archer is also implied to be a reason why Achilles doesn't go any further.
  • Odd Friendship: Shares an interesting friendship with Marie Antoinette since Day 1, occasionally singing "Vive la France" together with her and often standing by her side in the background of some chapters. The relationship started from how both have served as Vy's front-line Riders, and has continued since with their shared experience of looking after Vy.
  • Vitriolic Best Buds: With Robin. Many chapters show the two bickering with each other, and he's not privy to leaving Arturia out either.

Robin Hood

The Archer Servant of Vy's Grailed "Big Seven" and, in Vy's opinion, her best and favorite Archer.
  • Affectionate Nickname: Vy calls him "Big Robin" and he calls her "little sparrow."
  • Arm Cannon: The Yew Bow, his main weapon of choice and main Noble Phantasm. In the few fighting scenes Robin's had in the story, he's used it to devasting effect.
  • Bash Brothers: With Achilles and Arturia. Robin specifically asked for Arturia to accompany him in picking up Vy for her daily nap in Day 33, implied to only trust her and Achilles for help when it came to Kama.
  • Becoming the Mask: Some of Robin's narration in his chapters imply he started looking after Vy because it would be what any good Servant would do, not because he was Vy's childhood hero, but as time went on and she continued to love him, it's all but stated his calling her "little sparrow" and overall more affectionate behavior has had him unconsciously accept his role as one of Vy's best Servants and her Lovable Rogue.
  • Bodyguard Crush: It's implied that Robin's start to loving Vy stemmed from a variation of this trope, where he initially wanted to look out for her as a Servant should, but as they spent more time together and he realized she wanted to stay with him because she saw him as her Robin Hood in spite of his being only one of many, he fell hook, line, and sinker.
  • Brooding Boy, Gentle Girl: Is the Brooding Boy to Vy's Gentle Girl, often making the hard decisions but reigning himself back when Vy is around.
  • The Cynic: Compared to Arturia and Achilles, his other Grailed peers before the "Big Seven" became a group, he's a lot more realistic and down-to-earth, pointing out Lostbelt!Dan Blackmore's plan in Day 15 first.
  • Deadpan Snarker: Is often the one to quip something about the absurdity in Chaldea. Doesn't stop him from softening when Vy is around.
  • Good Smoking, Evil Smoking: Extra Day 5 is one of the few chapters that shows Robin with a cigarette, and he immediately put it out once he noticed Vy's presence and her growing discomfort with the smell. Later chapters and other side stories reveal that he's taken up to chewing mint around her instead, but will still pull out a cigarette and his lighter when she's not around and he's adequately stressed.
  • Hiding Behind Your Bangs: Just like in canon, his hair covers one eye and not the other. In some scenes, Vy is shown brushing it out of his face when making a point towards him.
  • Invisibility Cloak: His green cloak and one of his Noble Phantasms, the No Face May King. Some chapters taking place in Part 1 showed Robin sneaking up on Vy thanks to it, and because of unintentionally scaring her to the point of screaming, he's used it for stealth around her less often. Instead, it's served as a comfort blanket of sorts towards her, with Day 44 showing how it helped get her to sleep for her first daily nap under Medea's careful watch. Tumblr later revealed that Robin had a replica of the No Face May King made by Da Vinci specifically for Vy's comfort before Part 2 started, and Day 29 shows Vy using it while receiving Fuzz Therapy from Atalante Alter.
  • Just Like Robin Hood: He is Robin Hood, after all, even when he insists on being only one of many of them. It doesn't stop Vy from loving him any less, though.
  • Ladykiller in Love: Day 30 has Robin mention in passing his experiences with various village women from his time alive, yet even he is caught off guard by Vy refusing to sell the coins he gave her for extra currency just because it was a gift from him. The unintentional Cuteness Proximity on her end towards him didn't help much.
  • Morality Chain: To Vy. Much to his own surprise (and to the enemies that Chaldea faces throughout the story), it's found that one of the big reasons Vy can continue to be The Determinator and The Heart as Humanity's last Master is, in her words, "you told me when I was little that kindness mattered." Not even Kama's reach as one half of Beast III can fully corrupt Vy, because her mind and heart constantly think of Robin first. It's because of Vy reading so many storybooks related to Robin Hood that Robin the Heroic Spirit is successfully able to snap her out of her Tranquil Fury against Abigail at the end of Salem in Day 77, pulling her back from the brink and allowing the mission to succeed.
  • The Nicknamer: Is notable for being one of the first Servants in Passing Days to call Vy by a nickname in-story, that name being his famous "little sparrow." Extra Day 5 expands on this, where he called her the name out of worry and genuine affection, nearly backing out of it from embarrassment via his mantle until Vy stops him and returns the favor by calling him "Big Robin."
  • Not as You Know Them: Some of their earliest interactions in Part 1 show Robin pointing out to Vy how he's not the first Robin Hood, only a man who took up the name and died rather ungracefully as a result, yet Vy kept insisting to keep him around anyways, much to his embarrassment and later gratitude.
  • Official Couple: With Vy as of Day 30 and Extra Day 6.
  • Parrot Pet Position: The mysterious blue bird from his third and final Ascension cards has been shown to follow him around on occasion, with Day 24 showing it wander away from him to find Vy, who's happy to carry the small animal around on her shoulder throughout Novum Chaldea. Vy even calls the bird things like "sweetheart" and "cute birdie."
  • Poisoned Weapons: His arrows are coated with yew tree toxin, and serve as the killing blow for many enemies, the Lostbelt version of Dan Blackmore included in Day 15.
  • "Pop!" Goes the Human: How Robin takes out both his alternate self and the Lostbelt version of Dan Blackmore in Day 15. The story does a Discretion Shot with both.
  • Understanding Boyfriend: After his Relationship Upgrade with Vy, it's been shown time and time again that he's aware of her needs and fears. Extra Day 6 is a prime example of this, where he stopped himself from kissing her to hear her out on her fears of sex, and he's okay with it.


The Caster Servant of Vy's Grailed "Big Seven" and former Lostbelt King of Scandinavia.
  • Affectionate Nickname: Unlike the other Servants, Vy merely uses "Skadi-san" out of respect for her power, but Skadi switches between "little one" and "child" when it comes to calling for her Master.
  • Alternate Self: This Skadi is a Sole Survivor and The Resenter of the Crypters in contrast to her canon counterpart, thanks to coming from a timeline where Chaldea never arrived to her Lostbelt and Surtr destroyed everything.
  • Instant Runes: Can carve runes without hesitation, using some to power up Mash and Achilles in her debut chapter against Kadoc and Anastasia.
  • Last of Her Kind: Just like her canon counterpart, she is the last god to survive Ragnarök, but also is the last inhabitant from her Lostbelt, implied to have been summoned by Vy before Surtr destroyed her.
  • Like a Son to Me: Skadi sees Vy as another daughter to make up for the loss of her world, being fiercely protective of her as a result.
  • Magic Wand: Is seen wielding her wand to devasting effect against Kadoc and Anastasia at the end of the Russian Lostbelt.
  • Trademark Favorite Food: Like her canon counterpart, she loves ice cream, and one of many reasons that she grew to love Vy is because Vy made sea-salt ice cream for her before the Lostbelts.


The Lancer Servant of Vy's Grailed "Big Seven", Underworld Goddess, and notable first 5-star Lancer in Vy's roster of Servants.
  • Affectionate Nickname: Vy calls her "Ere-chan" and in return, Ereshkigal used "little grape" until she was given a Grail after the Indian Lostbelt. After being Grailed, Ereshkigal started using "little flower."
  • Dark Is Not Evil: In a side story that showed the aftermath of the Saber Wars 2 event, Ereshkigal was very cold when it came to answering Mash's questions behind Ishtar's possible involvement in Vy's kidnapping. In spite of this, she still warms up once Vy comes back into the picture, calling her "my flower" and being a great support when Vy needed the hugs to come home. She even lowers her guard around her other Grailed Servants in various other chapters of the story, outright pouting when Robin and Achilles tease her and quietly going along with Arturia calling her "Rin."
  • Don't Fear the Reaper: She doesn't reap, but she does still guide souls to cages and explain options as to how to proceed further. It doesn't prepare her for seeing the occasional presence at Vy's side during her Bond 10 story, though, but she gets used to it quickly.
  • Friendless Background: Just like in canon, before Chaldea, Ereshkigal was often alone tending to the souls in her Underworld. It is why she still looks back at her initial summoning with surprise in her Bond 10 story, because she was not expecting someone like Vy to summon her. She also wasn't expecting to be able to converse with the souls of Vy's family in passing when Vy isn't around after being Grailed. Making True Companions out of her fellow Grailed Servants also didn't seem to be on her agenda until it happened.
  • God in Human Form: As like in canon, Ereshkigal uses the body of Rin Tohsaka to manifest in Chaldea as a Servant. It makes some Mythology Gags on its own, with Archer EMIYA being familiar with her and Saber Arturia actively calling her "Rin" in the finale of Day 19.
  • Tender Tears: In the chapter that saw Ereshkigal get Grailed, Ereshkigal actually starts crying when Vy calls her "her best Lancer", shedding her goddess persona to hug her Master and start calling her "little flower."

Ryougi Shiki

The Assassin Servant of Vy's Grailed "Big Seven" and user of the Mystic Eyes of Death Perception.
  • Cool Big Sis: In the majority of appearances she's had in Passing Days, Shiki's acted as a big sister figure to Vy, giving advice when needed and also engaging in polite conversation with the other Big Seven. Lost Day 4 has Vy outright confirm Shiki's status as an honorary big sister in Chaldea during her tirade against Archer Jeanne.
  • Deadpan Snarker: Every now and then, Shiki says the occasional statement that results in witty banter with her Grailed peers.
  • Dissonant Serenity: A carry-over from her source material. Even when threatening Kadoc with her knife in Day 63, she's smiling calmly the entire time, which only serves to scare Kadoc further.
  • Everyone Has Standards: Just like in The Garden of Sinners, Shiki may still enjoy killing, but even she draws a line at the Lostbelts and what Vy has been made to do just to resolve them. It is why she makes it clear to Anastasia and even Kadoc in Day 63 that she hasn't forgiven the Crypters at all for their part in the Bleaching of Proper Human History, and therefore denounces Kadoc as a Master candidate as a whole for his actions.
  • Glowing Eyes of Doom: Super Orion seeing her eyes glow in Day 31 clues him in on how dangerous she is against Wodime with her knife.
  • Magical Eye: A carry-over from The Garden of Sinners, her Mystic Eyes of Death Perception haven't lost their edge in the story, the sight of them immediately cluing Kadoc into the imminent danger he was facing in Day 63 thanks to their being Rainbow-class Mystic Eyes.
  • Not So Above It All: In Day 24, Shiki is the one to suggest Vy is similar to a Disney Princess with her All-Loving Heroine status and Robin's bluebird following her around, much to Fujino and Vy's laughter.
  • Odd Friendship: It's not really a "friendship", but in Day 24, Shiki is seen sitting in the same room as Asagami Fujino, not putting up a fight and merely cleaning her knife like it was an everyday occurrence.
  • You Remind Me of X: During her Tumblr-exclusive Bond 10 story and passing dialogue, it's shown that Shiki takes care of Vy partially because Vy reminds her of Mikiya.

Miyamoto Musashi

Normally a Saber, her Berserker self serves as the Berserker Servant of Vy's Grailed "Big Seven", joining the group after the Las Vegas Summer event.
  • Affectionate Nickname: Vy calls her "Shii-chan." During her Bond 10 story, Musashi adopts her Saber self's nickname of "little riceball" for Vy in return.
  • Alternate Self: To her Saber counterpart. Day 35 has Da Vinci even acknowledge in passing how Berserker Musashi and Saber Musashi are two separate people thanks to Vy having invested Grails in one and not the other. It's implied this split happened through the ending of the Las Vegas event, where Berserker Musashi stayed, Saber Musashi moved on to another part of her journey.
  • Dimensional Traveler: Averted; supplementary material on Tumblr revealed Vy summoning Musashi in this form allowed her to stay at Novum Chaldea just like any other Servant, hence being Grailed and going with her to Atlantis.
  • Killed Off for Real: Averted in Olympus due to Vy using Holy Grails on her.
  • Master Swordsman: Not even a class change affected her swordsplay. Her Bond 10 story even implies she's willing to duel her Saber self if it meant helping Vy feel better about Olympus.
  • Spared by the Adaptation: Unlike the game's canon, where it was implied both Saber and Berserker Musashi had their data lost after facing Chaos in Olympus, Day 34 mentions in passing how Berserker Musashi was able to stay at Novum Chaldea as a full Servant thanks to the Grails used on her and her bond with Vy. Saber Musashi took a bit longer, though, in coming back.
  • What Is This Thing You Call "Love"?: In her debut chapter taking place during the Las Vegas Summer event, Musashi grapples with her emotions when trying to take care of Vy after a stray bullet cuts off some of her hair. From admiring how cute she looks with a bun to the smoothness of her neck, Musashi inwardly panics, much to Vy's obliviousness.

     Other Servants 

Marie Antoinette

Queen of France and Vy's first front-line Rider Servant before Achilles arrived.
  • Dance Battler: Even though Marie hasn't been seen in battle during the story, passing remarks with Achilles reveal Marie keeping this up from her canon counterpart, to the point of supporting Vy as her first front-line Rider long before Achilles was summoned.
  • Stepford Smiler: Tumblr side stories and Day 12 establish that Marie seems to put up a smile whenever Vy is around, dropping it only when Vy is unable to see it or something really has happened that warrants Marie's concern.
  • The Pollyanna: Every appearance Marie has made in the story has shown her smiling in some capacity. Which says a lot when she doesn't smile, and it usually involves Vy.

Archer EMIYA

Counter Guardian and Vy's first Gold Archer.
  • Big Brother Instinct: Subverted. In his main point of view chapter of Day 22, he noticed how Vy's soul called for help when he was summoned in Part 1, and although he never put it to words, he couldn't help but protect her after hearing such an honest request. He even starts calling Vy by her childhood nickname "Be Vy", a name that he admits sounds odd coming out of his mouth, but he still does it because she's crying and needs a hug.
  • Big Brother Mentor: Is one of a few Servants who notably can and will call Vy by "Be Vy", a childhood nickname that was previously reserved for family.
  • Deadpan Snarker: Carried over from FGO canon and his time in Fate/stay night, even when faced with Vy, he can't stop himself from making a remark.
  • Jerk with a Heart of Gold: Another trait carried over from FGO canon, even if EMIYA is as abrasive as ever to his enemies, he can still take on a Papa Wolf persona for Vy should she ever need his assistance, even calling her "Be Vy" (a Vietnamese specific name from her childhood that, previously, only her family used) every now and then as a way to help her feel better about the fighting she has to do.
  • Meaningful Name: Crossed with Affectionate Nickname, Vy calling him "Shirou." Because as his chapter in Day 22 shows, her soul kept crying out how she needed a hero and his stepping up for the task has him all but admitting he's alright with being called by his original name as a human being.
  • Odd Friendship: Despite sharing his canonical dislike of Robin Hood and vice versa, Day 11 shows that he can easily put that aside and work well with the May King if it means it'll make Vy happy.
  • Protective Charm: Side stories reveal that EMIYA made a replica of Rin's necklace from Fate/stay night for Vy when she gave him his first Bond Chalice, both to serve as a good luck charm and a gift for being with him for so long.
  • Took a Level in Kindness: Even more than canon, because Day 70 puts him in the same vicinity as EMIYA Assassin when helping out Vy in Part 1. While Assassin stays as the Perpetual Frowner in calling out Vy's dreams and reasons behind saving Humanity, EMIYA Archer himself keeps up his role as her Big Brother Mentor in steering Vy elsewhere and even going on to mutter his own What the Hell, Hero? to his adoptive father (albeit under his breath) in not getting along with their shared Master.

Caster Leonardo Da Vinci

The third Heroic Spirit to be summoned to Chaldea, temporary Acting Director in Part 1.5, and full-time Servant to Vy by Part 2.
  • Brainy Brunette: As expected of Leonardo Da Vinci. She's the creator of Vy's whiteboard on Dr. Roman's request in Day 26.
  • Crossing the Burnt Bridge: Implied towards Saber Musashi. Due to Caster Da Vinci being unable to go to the Atlantic Lostbelt, she only heard the story from her younger Rider incarnation. It's not helped by her witnessing Vy's Heroic BSoD that occurred from Musashi's Heroic Sacrifice to Chaos at the end of Olympus, so when Saber Musashi comes to her for advice on how to mend the issue of Vy's shakiness in Day 35, Da Vinci is uncharacteristically cold and to-the-point when giving her five cents.
  • Heartfelt Apology: Da Vinci apologizes to Vy in the middle of Day 34 for her Heroic Sacrifice in the Part 2 prologue, realizing that a huge reason Vy is so hell-bent on summoning Musashi back is because she misses her just as much as she did Da Vinci after her death.
  • Perpetual Smiler: It's hard to find a single moment when Da Vinci drops her smile. The only times she's done so in Passing Days is when she's been annoyed at Dr. Roman or in the presence of Vy.
  • Team Mom: Often can be found looking after Vy and giving advice whenever possible. Her resummoning into Novum Chaldea continues the trend.


One of the Sakura Five and later revealed to be the Grailed Alter Ego Servant out of Vy's roster in Chaldea.
  • Affectionate Nickname: Vy calls her "Melt-san", and after some time, Meltryllis returns the favor by calling her "Albrecht" like her SE.RA.PH. self once did.
  • Armed Legs: Just like in canon, touching her legs can be very deadly. Even Wodime in Day 44 is seen struggling when fighting against her.
  • Ballet: Even when speaking in Telepathy with Vy (who is known to take the unorthodox approach to fighting with her Servants compared to other Mages), her battle style is still heavily based on ballet. Vy even has Achilles pull out a music player to follow up on Melt's "dance routine" while she takes a supporting role in their "duet."
  • Combat Stilettos: Just like in canon, even if they're canonically stilts, they still deal a lot of damage.
  • Dance Battler
  • Defrosting Ice Queen: Her overall character arc. In the few chapters that has taken place in her perspective, thanks to meeting Vy, Meltryllis even acknowledges how her past self under BB would've been more callous compared to how she is in the present working with Chaldea. The implication that she started inheriting her SE.RA.PH. event self's memories through dreams has definitely helped.
  • Diving Kick: Her signature move from canon, and the final move that let her defeat Wodime in Day 44.
  • Grin of Audacity: It's one of the last things Wodime sees before Meltryllis unleashes her Noble Phantasm twice over in Day 44. With Skadi supporting her.
  • Icy Blue Eyes: To match her original Ice Queen persona.
  • Inconsistent Spelling: The main story goes with "Meltryllis" while the side stories in Other Days goes with "Meltlilith."
  • Smug Super: Just like her canon counterpart, Melt can't help but make a jab at BB when fighting Wodime, even outright comparing him to her mother in terms of how pathetic they are.
  • Took a Level in Kindness: Thanks to Vy, Day 44 shows Melt engaging in casual Telepathy with the other Grailed Servants during Olympus, even letting Arturia take on the final fight against Caenis despite acting somewhat Tsundere about it.

Space Ishtar/Astarte

The Primordial Goddess of the Servant Universe and later revealed to be the Grailed Avenger Servant out of Vy's roster in Chaldea.
  • Affectionate Nickname: Vy calls her "Ash."
  • The Atoner: Not outright said, but supplementary material from Tumblr has mentioned that a lot of Astarte's current actions as Vy's Grailed Avenger is to make up for being behind the whole mess that was the Saber Wars 2 event, as well as to gain the trust of the Chaldean Servant roster.
  • Even Evil Has Standards: Her main debut chapter of Day 47 focuses on how she calls out Dantes for his previous confrontation with Vy, even threatening him if he decides to cause more trouble. The call-outs continue in her appearance in Day 71, where she all but spells it out to Molay that the Foreigner's attempts in summoning her "Holy Mother of the Abyss" through Vy will have consequences that she has to deal with, just like her and everyone else who hurt Vy in the past.
  • I Have Many Names: In her starring chapter of Day 47, Dantes calls her both "Space Ishtar" and "Astarte."
  • Not So Stoic: The second half of Day 47 shows her comedically losing some of her composure when Dantes says a few choice words in regards to her actions in the Saber Wars II event.
  • Tsundere: Just like her canon counterpart. Despite the story showing "Ishtar Ashtart" as the prominent personality, both "Ashtart" and "Ishtarin" still speak up through her to Dantes in Day 47.
