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     Bismuth Facet-J 24 Hopper-D 37 A 
One of the original Crystal Gems, now serving under Asteria Diamond's court.
  • The Atoner: Seems to have developed this attitude toward Steven out of guilt for her (and by extension, the other Crystal Gem's) treatment of him in the past.
  • The Blacksmith: She continues to work as a blacksmith, though with Peridot's help she seems to be branching into engineering and technological expertise as well.
  • Gentle Giant: Boisterous Bruiser tendencies aside, she's very gentle with her friends and most of the humans she interacts with.
  • Hero of Another Story: A Shrouded in Myth figure during Eras 1 and 2 on the level of Rose Quartz, a Crystal Gem war hero as well as the first polymath of Gem society.
  • Humanity Is Infectious: In a darker application of this trope, Bismuth gets the idea of the Breaking Point by witnessing the human concept and process of death.
  • Immortals Fear Death: Hoped to invoke this with the Breaking Point and other weapons like it, believing that introducing mortal consequences to the war would break the stalemate they had fallen into.
  • The Medic: As an experienced combatant with technological expertise, she is able to serve as one to Gems since they're are essentially Hard Light AI.
  • Secret Art: Developed a process to destroy the data and programming inside a Gem's, well, gem, creating the closest thing the Gem race could have to true death.
  • Secret-Keeper: Seems to serve as one to Steven to a certain extent. In Like A Word, A Sound, A Song, Lion automatically goes to her when Steven has a medical emergency, and she in turn knows to keep it under wraps and involve as few Gems as possible. Steven also displays a level of vulnerability with her that he refuses to show to Garnet, Amethyst, or Pearl, and trusts her not to disclose such moments with the three.

     Euhedral Riband Jasper Facet-B 81 Kite- 815 
Formerly a decorated Quartz soldier, now living in a state of semi-retirement on Earth, occasionally doing tasks for Steven.
  • Anguished Declaration of Love: Though declaration isn't necessarily romantic, Jasper doesn't take it well when Steven leaves Beach City to be The Drifter post-SU:F, and tears into his seeming rejection of her loyalty after he returns.
  • Accidental Misnaming: Has a habit of misnaming or over-generalizing organic creatures, such as calling flowers "dogs".
  • Admiring the Abomination: After hearing of how Steven could lift Spinel's injector while dying, she internally expresses hope that she'll be able to see his full power in person someday.
  • Betty and Veronica: Played with. Jasper can be said to be the Veronica to Connie's Betty and Steven's Archie, being the exotic, edgy one with the icy personality. However, there's no negative tension between the two, and Steven very obviously loves them both, just in slightly different, reciprocated ways.
  • Bash Brothers: With Steven.
  • Character Tics: Has a minor habit of scratching at her horns and corruption scars.
  • Deadpan Snarker: Her dialogue swerves between Brutal Honesty and getting verbal hits whatever chance she gets.
  • Does This Remind You of Anything?: Invoked Trope by the author. Steven and Jasper's relationship is rough, physical, intimate, and private, based on a shared need. The author specifically framed the surface dynamic of their relationship to resemble a love affair. The part of the series specifically dedicated to their relationship is even called A Love Affair, But Exit Left. It stops being mere subtext when they start being actual queerplatonic partners.
  • Everyone Has Standards: She likes fighting with Steven, for the virtues of having a mutually indestructible punching bag, and just having a quality brawl, but she very quickly draws the line at Steven possibly using her as a vehicle to hurt himself.
  • Hidden Depths:
    • In Diamond Drop she proves to be very pragmatic, able to judge the soundness of Steven's choices for the diplomatic team while offering sound advice.
    • She doesn't seem to genuinely appreciate her physical superiority over other Gems the way she acts to, being rather ambivalent about it as well as other Gems' reactions to it.
    • When thinking about Steven's strength, she appreciates his mental strength before noting his physical strength.
    • She only enjoys mutual fighting. If someone can't fight anymore, she stops.
    • She calls Steven "the first and only choice I made for myself", implying that while she acknowledges her past actions as selfish, she did not view her time as Malachite or the events surrounding her corruption as choices she really made for her own benefit.
  • Lady and Knight: Steven is the Lady to Jasper's Knight. Their exchange in Chapter 12 of A Love Affair, But Exit Left could even be said to be their exchange of vows.
  • Mirror Character: Aside from finding a rare physical equal, Steven and Jasper aren't so emotionally different. They both have the shared past of Broken Aces born into Pink Diamond's war, suffering the consequences of her deception. They also both resent their exalted status, and on a more sinister note, share a kind of repressed wrath over the mental/physical restraint they have to exercise on a daily basis because of their power.
  • Only Friend: Doesn't like to socialize and outright avoids interaction for the most part, with the sole exception of Steven.
  • Percussive Therapy: She and Steven engage in this. As a Diamond and a perfect cut Quartz respectively, they're pretty much the only Gems that they can freely vent at without destroying the other.
  • Strength Equals Worthiness: Her friendship with Steven began with him proving his strength to her. She admires his power for what it is, but more deeply appreciates that it makes him an equal, something she sorely lacks in other Gems.
  • Super-Soldier: She's a "euhedral" Gem, aka perfect cut- she's larger and stronger than any Quartz could hope to be.
  • Vitriolic Best Buds: Jasper and Steven fight- in every way. Which is exactly why they're friends.
  • Violently Protective Girlfriend: Or rather, violently protective QPP(queerplatonic partner).
    • She looms threatheningly beside Steven throughout the Asgard portion of Diamond Drop, giving Thor a Death Glare when he's about to be left alone with Steven.
    • Word of God also confirmed that the bodyguard who chased after Steven's failed assassin in Aliens Steal Cable was Jasper.
  • You're Not My Father: Refuses to acknowledge Steven as her Diamond, forgoing any of his titles or even his actual name, using Insults Of Endearment to refer to him instead. At least until Chapter 11, occurring post-SU:F, where Jasper starts referring to him as her Diamond, though she isn't above using the same petty names as before.

     Lapis Lazuli 
The Crystal Gem Lapis Lazuli, formerly an elite of Blue Diamond's court.
  • Bratty Teenage Daughter: Downplayed Trope. Though not really a brat, she still has the aloof, lazy personality associated with the trope, as well as the temper. Steven also acts very parental towards her.
  • Hair-Trigger Temper: Lapis still has problems with temper, especially where Jasper is involved, but she makes an effort to restrain her anger nontheless.
  • Working with the Ex: Jasper isn't necessarily a Crystal Gem, being devoted to Steven specifically. That being said, the fact that Jasper is so close to Steven means that they'll have to cross paths eventually, which happens in Tax Benefits when both Lapis and Jasper are invited to Steven and Connie's wedding.

The Maheswarans

     Kahaani "Connie" Maheswaran 
A Crystal Gem, as well as wife/first knight to Asteria Diamond.Tropes for the canon version of this character are found here.
  • Action Girlfriend: And later Action Wife. Her strength and skill in combat is explicitly stated to be part of why Steven is attracted to her.
  • Audience Surrogate: Serves as the primary one for Like A Word, A Sound, A Song, which specifically focuses on Connie's interactions with the alien aspects of Steven and other Gems.
  • Battle Couple: With Steven, both seperately and as Stevonnie.
  • Bifauxnen: In Diamond Drop, Thor describes her as very tall and handsome, as well as dressed like a prince.
  • Betty and Veronica: Played with. Connie is the Betty to Jasper's Veronica and Steven's Archie, being the (relatively) more gentle and supportive Childhood Friend. Their dynamic lacks the classic negative tension, though, and Steven very obviously loves them both, albeit in slightly different ways.
  • Blade Enthusiast: Mostly Played for Laughs. She has a collection of human and alien knives, and apparently frequently carries one. Not to mention the sword.
  • Bollywood Nerd: She graduates high school as a valedictorian, and is accepted into Columbia and NYU, both high-profile universities.
  • Boring, but Practical: Her reason for marrying Steven so young? Not out of love, per se (though love him she does), but to game the FAFSA tax calculation system so she can get better financial aid for college.
  • Charles Atlas Superpower: While technically not enhanced by any means, Steven's healing powers allowed her to push her body far beyond a normal human could have, allowing her to build up her muscle/bone strength in a very short period of time.
  • Covered in Scars: Pearl's training, combined with the instantaneous nature of Steven's healing, has driven her body to this, with her hands being described as "calluses on calluses".
  • Ditzy Genius: Her curiosity makes her impulsive. Case in point, in Like A Word, A Sound, A Song she sticks her hand into Steven's mouth after seeing his semi-retractable fangs.
  • Divine Date: Considering how Diamonds are revered as the progenitors and borderline gods of the Gem race, her relationship with Steven can be seen as this.
  • Interspecies Romance: Eventually marries Steven, a half-Diamond.
    • This turns out to be a manifestation of her PTSD.
  • The Maiden Name Debate: Connie keeps her maiden name after marrying Steven.
  • Meaningful Name: Her name on Gem documents, "Kahaani Maheswaran". Kahaani means story/fable in Hindi, and Maheswaran is a Tamil name meaning Lord of the Universe, one of the epithets of Shiva. So all together, her name can be rendered as Story of the Lord of the Universe.
  • My Nayme Is: On human documents, she's Connie Maheswaran, but on Gem documents she's Kahaani Maheswaran.
  • Shell-Shocked Veteran: She's shown to suffer from PTSD in Godspeed You Stargirl, and seeing a therapist for it.
  • Statuesque Stunner: Grows up to be around Thor's height by Diamond Drop(Chris Hemsworth is 6'3", mind you).
  • Tiny Guy, Huge Girl: Downplayed Trope, since Steven isn't exactly short by human standards, but Connie is still stated to be taller than him.
  • Too Much for Man to Handle: Discussed Trope. Stevonnie possesses Steven's alien anatomy and senses, but Connie retains very little sense memory of it once she unfuses, due to her human mind physically being unable to process it.
  • Touched by Vorlons: It's not yet shown to what extent Steven's healing has modified her, but at the very least she has now become totally immune to the high/low frequency effects of gemsong, and she can interface with Gem technology to some extent.
  • Wacky Marriage Proposal: She proposes to Steven in a rather unromantic way, spouting off a Wall of Text about FAFSA tax calculations and joint income while he's half drunk at her eighteenth birthday/Christmas party. This ends rather predictably, with Steven fainting from the combined shock of alcohol/emotional stress, and her parents panicking about the earliness of the proposal.

     Priyanka Maheswaran 
A doctor at Beach County General Hospital, with connections to the Gem empire.
  • Badass Normal: She's nothing more or less than a baseline human, but navigates Gem related medical emergencies very well.
  • Blue Blood: Her family is of the brahmin caste. Downplayed Trope in that the caste system doesn't matter much in India anymore except for those families who belong to the "upper" castes, such as brahmin, with her family being one such conservative type.
  • Dating What Daddy Hates: In college, she dated someone from out of the brahmin caste, which horrified her conservative family to the point of nearly disowning her entirely.
  • Determined Doctor: When Bruce Banner mentions he's, well, Bruce Banner- renowned scientist currently wanted by the US government- she only raises her eyebrows and continues as normal. Even before he outs himself, she flat out says that he could be a wanted criminal, and she'd only treat him like any other patient.
  • I Have No Son!: Both ways. Her parents cut her off while she was studying in America for dating someone out of her caste, and in turn she kept very little contact with them until Connie got engaged.
  • Riches to Rags: Implied Trope. Her family was well off enough to send her to medical school in America, before they cut her off from the family.

     Doug Maheswaran 
Connie's dad, who works in private security.
  • Type Caste: Doug is avarna, either a person of the Dalit varna (the lowest of the low, who tend to be stuck with the societally "unclean" jobs), or someone born outside the varna system entirely. Which naturally means that his parental in-laws hate him.
  • Unfazed Everyman: He keeps a level head when Steven shows up affected by an Era 1 landmine, and marches into Little Homeworld on Lion's back without much hesitation.

     Adya Maheswaran 


     Thor Odinson 
Thor Odinson, God of Thunder, Chosen of Mjølnir, Heir to the Throne of Asgard.
  • The Alcoholic: Post-Thor 1, he's started to slip into this, a habit which he hides from his parents. The aftermath of Loki's (supposed) death, the increased stress of Asgard's political situation, and Odin's declining health have started to take its toll.
  • Ambiguously Gay: In his first series appearances he seemed to be Ambiguously Bi, but as the series went on this has been put into question. His on-screen involvement with women has all been platonic or fleeting at best, but his friends tease him about male crushes, his narration suggests attraction to multiple other male characters, and he's even implied to have frequented the Asgardian equivalent to gay clubs.
  • Arranged Marriage: He's been engaged to Sif since they were children, and their wedding happens late in Prodigal Suns before his coronation as Allfather.
  • Big Brother Instinct: For all his Big Brother Bully habits, Loki's seeming suicide hit him very hard, to the point where it's all but stated that the events of Thor 1 legitimately traumatized him.
  • Boisterous Bruiser: He challenges Steven to a holmgang over some information that Thor possesses, with them both agreeing that Thor was to lose the match. But Thor was so enthusiastic to find out that Steven could match his strength at every turn that it turned into a real duel anyway.
  • Hidden Depths:
    • This incarnation of Thor is willing to be more crafty and socially aware, since the looming political presence of Gemkind has motivated him to be more proactive.
    • He's fully aware that Odin uses him as a political pawn, but as of Diamond Drop has started to become increasingly uncomfortable with simply following orders without question.
  • Mayfly–December Romance: Thor's aesir concept of time puts unintentional strain on his relationship with Jane. For someone with an expected lifespan of thousands of years, a few months is barely a blink of an eye, but for a human, it's a very long time to be apart.
  • Parental Favoritism: Played for Drama. Odin may have groomed Thor to be the heir and primary enforcer of Asgard, but it does not spare him from his father's wrath or manipulation- it just makes him a bigger target for it, due to the high expectations that Odin places on him.
  • Posthumous Sibling: He vaguely remarks that Loki is not the first brother he's seen die, though this has yet to be elaborated on.
  • "Well Done, Son" Guy: Deconstructed Trope. Thor isn't a son overeager to please his father- it's heavily implied that he's actually terrified of Odin, and anxious to the point of paranoia that Odin may find out any actions he wouldn't approve of. When Steven asks if the two of them simply having a private conversation puts the prince in danger, Thor realizes he honestly doesn't know.

     Lady Sif and The Warriors Three 
Thor's closest Asgardian friends.
  • Bash Brothers: With Thor, obviously.
  • Blonde, Brunette, Redhead: Fandral, Hogun, and Volstagg are a male version of this.
  • Innocent Bigot: They have trouble wrapping their heads around the concept of genderless beings like Gems (first wondering if they're hermaphrodites, and later referring to Steven with "it" pronouns), but clearly have no malicious intent.
    • They also display some minor non-malicious misogyny and homophobic language, which is less indicative of their character, but rather Asgardian culture.
  • One of the Guys: Sif. She's just as abrasive and physical as the Three, maybe even more so.
  • Those Four Guys: Tend to appear together, talking over each other in a single conversation.
  • Shipper on Deck: In spite of their Innocent Bigot tendencies, they good-naturedly tease Thor about his interactions with Lars, albeit in a crass way, and later joke that Steven is courting him.
  • Token Minority: Hogun isn't actually aesir- he's a vanir that decided to stay on Asgard.
  • True Companions: Extremely loyal to Thor, willing to go against the Allfather to help or protect him.
  • Vitriolic Best Buds: Sif and The Three spend a lot of dialogue teasing at Thor.

     Odin Borson 
Odin Borson, Allfather, God of War and Wisdom, King of Asgard, Protector of the Nine Realms.
  • Big Sleep: The Odinsleep. Thor mentions that each successive one is becoming longer and longer, and fears the next may claim him for good.
  • Evil Parents Want Good Kids: Deconstructed Trope. He clearly wants Thor to be better than him, but the harsh strictness of his parenting has driven his son to be absolutely terrified of getting caught being or doing anything less than what Odin expects of the perfect son.
  • I Have No Son!: To Loki, to the point that it seems he's trying to erase Loki from Asgardian history the way he did Hela.
  • It's All About Me: Connie insinuates he has this kind of attitude after watching Steven and Odin negiotiate terms, noting that he's clearly used to people bending to his whims, which makes it difficult to properly cooperate with him.
  • Jerkass Has a Point: He does have a point, in that the Gems are a huge unknown wild card as far as the rest of the universe in concerned, and that they once ate up entire planets. But spurning such a powerful unknown could be incredibly dangerous, and Asgard was really lucky that the Diamond that confronted them was Steven.

The adoptive brother of Thor.


     The Dorm 
Connie's floor mates in her dorm.

Little Homeworld

     Prof. Oliver 
Robert Oliver Banner, aka Professor Hulk.
  • Brutal Honesty: Bruce's analytical mind and the Hulk's blunt attitude mean that Oliver picks up on pretty much everything and isn't afraid to call it out. Case in point, him bluntly calling Loki a crazy person right in front of Thor.
  • Deadpan Snarker: Lacking Bruce's anxious nature but not his cynicism, Oliver crosses into this a lot.
  • Genius Bruiser: All of Banner's intellect and all the Hulk's strength rolled into one.
  • Gentle Giant: Very affable and soft-spoken, at least externally.
  • I See Dead People: It's mentioned in The Professor that Bruce can see ghosts and astral forms, which contributed to his overall stress.
  • Split-Personality Merge: Is the product of Bruce Banner and the Hulk coming together as a cooperative fusion.
  • There Are No Therapists: Averted Trope. As part of treating his uncontrollable "hulk outs", Bruce underwent actual counseling, along with being prescribed medication for his anxiety.

Off Colors

     Laramie "Lars" Barriga 
Captain of the Off Colors, envoy to Asgard, one of Steven's friends who he occasionally does missions for.
  • I Hate Past Me: Discussed at length with Thor while intoxicated.
    Lars: I was a coward. Coward the day I was born 'till the day I died. Always scared, and scared of being scared. And that's how I died. A scared, dumb kid. But... he- he brought me back. He cried over me. Like I was someone worth it. And that became the rest of my life. Being someone who was worth it.
