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Characters / FADIAMT Diamond Authority

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The creator gods of Gemkind and their current rulers.

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     In General 

  • Arc Symbol: Diamond shapes are present throughout Gem uniforms and art, as well as the colors of the Diamonds.
  • Authority Equals Asskicking: The Diamonds are the strongest caste out of all Gemkind, both in strength and ability, and it's all but fact that no one can take down a Diamond at full power.
  • Benevolent Boss: The Diamond Authority have become more analogous to parental figures to their citizens as of Era 3 and are shown to engage in research and public works projects to make life better for them.
  • Bizarre Alien Psychology: All Gems have this to an extent, but the Diamonds even more so as the "prototype" model of Gems. They're blatantly territorial and possessive, equating things/people they care for as things they own. Of course, they treat their "possessions" with the highest care, but they do not take it well when their ownership is contested, even by another Diamond.
  • Fantastic Medicinal Bodily Product: The Diamond caste naturally generates a substance referred to as ichor. Ichor can then be processed into various byproducts.
    • When diluted and mixed, it becomes ambrosia- which can either be used for medical purposes or as a Fantastic Drug on Gems and Jets alike.
    • When passed through light, it generates the crystalline fiber chroma. Chroma is then used as the basis for most alloys and construction materials, or as a textile.
    • When all four strains are combined, it can create Gems, but individual strains can also be used on flora and fauna to create hybridized lifeforms.
  • Gender Rarity Value: The Diamonds are the reproductive caste of Gemkind- and there's also only five of them in existence.
  • Good Costume Switch: Some time before Tax Benefits, the Diamonds made the decision to literally downsize themselves as a way to be more approachable and mutually relatable with Gems.
  • Large and in Charge: The Diamonds remain the largest (natural and non-fusion) Gems even after sizing down to a more approachable height, with even Asteria and Sunrose being very large and bulky.
  • Names to Run Away from Really Fast: The Diamonds have their own unique and extensive titles, but their shared one? Suneater.
  • Monster Progenitor: The Diamonds are confirmed to be the first Gems in existence, who then went on to create the entire Gem race together.
  • Reasonable Authority Figure: Despite previous behavior in the earlier Eras, the Diamonds were ultimately willing to hear out that their regime was flawed and correct themselves accordingly for the greater good of both themselves and their Gems. In their appearances throughout the series they've been reasonable and even loving authority figures, a far cry from their Era 1 and 2 behavior.
  • Star Killing: While Gems are made from planets, the creation of even a single Diamond requires the absorption of a star.
  • Strong Family Resemblance: The Diamonds all have diamond shaped pupils, tall frames, almond shaped eyes, and hair curls that frame their face. Asteria and Sunrose are even occasionally shaded to have the same full lips the others do in official art.
    • They also share a lot of mannerisms, body language, and speech in common.
  • Time Abyss: Even the youngest Diamonds can date their gem back billions of years.
  • Universally Beloved Leader: Gems (as well as Jets) dearly love their Diamonds to a borderline religious level, a devotion that's only become more severe in Era 3 now that the Diamonds have begun to act more benevolently. This is discussed more than once as the series goes on, and it's mentioned that those under the Diamonds' power seem to generate this reverential behavior on their own with no instruction from the Diamonds themselves.

     White Diamond 

Her Brilliance, White Diamond, First of the Eons, Song of Mind, Birth of Eras, Suneater.

  • Endearingly Dorky: Outside of her duties, she proves to be very awkward and nervous, frequently asking the other Diamonds for their opinions on things she becomes anxious about.
  • Eldritch Abomination: Apparently White Diamond just... started existing one day, with no clear cause or origin.
  • Femme Fatalons: In this continuity, her long nails are a frightening specimen of Gem claws, though Steven notes that they aren't as sharp as they used to be back when he first met her.
  • Gentle Giant: Is far more careful with her imposing strength and stature than she used to be, making a deliberate effort to be gentle and non-threatening, especially with Steven.
  • I Just Want to Have Friends: One Aliens Steal Cable chapter implies that she originally made the other Diamonds out of loneliness.
  • Mama Bear: Implied Trope. In Diamond Drop, Steven keeps the events of Thor under wraps in fear that the Diamond's might react too strongly out of overprotective zeal.
  • Monster Progenitor: The Diamonds are the first Gems, but the first Diamond was White Diamond herself.
  • Time Abyss: White Diamond's birth year is hyperbolically referred to as "the year negative a billion", and later clarified to be around 10 billion years before present.

     Yellow Diamond 

Her Luminance, Yellow Diamond, Sword of the Worlds, Song of Penance, Mother of Works, Suneater.

  • The Ghost: The Diamonds, while mentioned, don't appear in person until For The Tax Benefits, Also I Love You, the eighth part of the series.
  • Covered with Scars: In Prodigal Suns it's revealed that her gloves and sleeves cover very extensive lightning scars.
  • Coordinated Clothes: Blue and Yellow have the tips of their claws in each other's colors.
  • Happily Married: Blue and Yellow Diamond are apparently married, first confirmed in the Asteria Diamond live AMA. Their behavior in subsequent in-person appearances certainly supports this.
  • Lady of War: Even in times of peace she remains the most obviously military minded of the Diamonds.
  • Mentor Archetype: Occasionally gives practical encouragement and advise to Az and Connor, especially about uncomfortable subjects and choices.
  • Sugar-and-Ice Personality: Acts formal and professional at all times, even during moments of emotional sincerity.

     Blue Diamond 

Her Lustrance, Blue Diamond, Eyes of the Rains, Song of Passion, Mother of Joys, Suneater.

  • Coordinated Clothes: Blue and Yellow have the tips of their claws in each other's colors.
  • Doting Parent: Blue comes across as this, acting like an enthusiastic, supportive mom.
  • Happily Married: Steven mentions offhandedly in his AMA that Blue and Yellow Diamond are married. Their behavior in subsequent in-person appearances certainly supports this.
  • Took a Level in Cheerfulness: She's mellowed out considerably by the time of her appearance, being affable, enthusiastic, and encouraging.
  • Your Makeup Is Running: Her eye markings look like tears, and it's later mentioned that she has subtle blue tear tracks going down her neck and around her gem.

     Asteria Diamond 

His Radiance, Asteria Diamond, Son of the Rose, Song of Mercy, End of Eras, Suneater.

Steven Universe

The "half-human" son of Pink Diamond, the first and only fusion of a Gem and an organic being.

  • A Father to His Men: Literally. He freely refers to Imperial citizens as his children, and treats them accordingly. Even when he's upset at them he acts more like a disappointed father than a legal authority.
  • Ambiguous Gender: One of his halves is an unambiguously genderless construct of light, which calls his physical gender into question, not to mention his "human" half's questionable biology.
  • Character Tics: Despite being such a Perpetual Smiler he borders on The Stoic, he has a number of physical tells.
    • He'll switch between singular and plural person if his halves are rattled or contemplating something.
    • His eyes will "shutter" (dilate/undilate) like a camera lens when looking at things that interest him. This can be either a very good thing or a bad thing.
  • Compelling Voice: Implied to have this, and later seemingly confirmed in a Fictional Document mentioning that the "cerise Diamond line" (him and Connor) can invoke desire with their voices.
  • Dissonant Serenity: Steven post-SU:F grows up to become this (except around a select few people), apparently being a polite Perpetual Smiler who borders on The Stoic, able to suppress negative emotions at the drop of a hat.
  • The Dividual: The fusion of an Ambiguously Human scaffold and the former Pink Diamond's gem.
  • Epithet: Formally titled as Asteria Diamond.
  • Fantastic Honorifics: "My Diamond" is standard for Gems, but non-Gems are not permitted to address him as such, and must use alternate forms of address such as "Your Radiance".
  • Fertile Feet: His aura occasionally bleeds out by manifesting flowers/petals around himself or causing pre-existing plants to overgrow.
  • For the Love of Many: Steven is polyamorous like his mother, being in a humanly romantic relationship with Connie (and later Lars), and a more queerplatonic relationship with Jasper.
  • God King: Outright referred to as "an alien god king" by Agent Coulson.
  • Hellish Pupils: He has diamond pupils like the other Diamonds, but unlike them his eyes are so dark they border on black, which results in very creepy eyes.
  • High-School Sweethearts: Married to Connie around the time she finishes high school.
  • Humanoid Abomination: On the softer end of the spectrum, but still qualifies, considering the sheer scale of his powers and the creepy aspects of his physical form. Not to mention his status as a codependent symbiotic Dividual.
  • Interspecies Romance: Steven, a half-Diamond, dates and eventually marries Connie, a human.
  • Non-Human Non-Binary: The content tags of Godspeed You Stargirl reveal that he identifies as nonbinary, though he still uses male pronouns. Multiple narrative points of view have also referred to Steven as "she/her", "they/them", and even "it", none of which he makes any effort to correct. The author clarifies that he has no actual preference and allows people to refer to him whoever they wish.
  • The Nth Doctor: After Steven comes back from space in Country Warps, Take Me Home, he's drastically taller and broader, with a more Gem-like appearance. He explains it as Sten and Vendan's fusion of him becoming more balanced, giving him more Gem features.
  • Past-Life Memories: As of Like A Word, A Sound, A Song, he possesses Rose/Pink Diamond's memories, though it causes him to suffer Time Dissonance, and he has difficulty distinguishing between his and his mother's memories.
  • Pronoun Trouble: When talking about himself he may switch between we and I (used in both a singular and plural way), with unusual wording such as "I saw myself", similar to the Topaz fusion from the Wanted arc in the show proper. Even the narration itself switches between he and they when he mentally splits.
  • Shrouded in Myth: So shrouded, in fact, that the non-Gem public doesn't even know his true name.
  • Small Steps Hero: The actions of Asgard in Thor(an unmet foreign power trespassing on a Gem colony) are politically tense and borderline warlike. Steven's first concern, however, is for the New Mexico town that was ruined by The Destroyer, making sure to fully tend to the town before taking any action against Asgard, and the Aesir's seeming disregard for human life appears to be his chief complaint rather than their disrespect of his authority.
    • This appears again after the Battle Of New York when he personally oversees the cleanup and rebuilding of the city.
  • Superior Successor: Was able to end the Gem War and save the corrupted Gems. As well as being of equal or perhaps greater strength to White Diamond, he helps oversee the entire Gem Empire.
  • Time Abyss: Thanks to Pink Diamond, his memories apparently go back about four billion years.
  • Truly Single Parent: To the Watermelon Stevens, and later Casimir. Also one to Connor, depending on how you look at it.
  • Youthful Freckles: His form post-Country Warps, Take Me Home has varying colors of freckles. Averted Trope in spirit, however, when it's revealed that these freckles are actually scars from his corruption.

Sten and Vendan
Sten(right) and Vendan(left). They are brothers. Do not separate them.

The "human" and Gem halves of Steven's fusion.

  • Ambiguous Gender: They both use male pronouns, but fall into this category with the ambiguity of Sten's biology and Vendan's seeming lack of physical gender.
  • Ambiguously Human: Sten appears to be human, but requires symbiotic fusion with Vendan to survive, and physically manifests Steven's Bizarre Alien Biology. He is also never explicitly referred to as human by the narration, only euphemistically labelled a "scaffold". He also speaks in gemsong, which a normal human cannot do.
  • Can't Live Without You: Sten cannot survive without Vendan fused with him. Meanwhile, Vendan cannot function as a full person without the drive and stability that Sten provides, and additionally cannot exist as Steven without his half.
    • This is apparently starting to be averted as of Tax Benefits, when Sten notes that he may one day become strong enough to physically survive without Vendan as life support, though still neither of them can exactly thrive on their own.
  • Character Tics:
    • Sten's voice in gemsong is described as wavering, bordering on a Speech Impediment. This may be due to his individual physical frailty.
    • Vendan speaks in a condensed, formal way, which extends to how he addresses people (calling Greg "father" instead of "dad"). When fronting, Steven's emotional affect freezes or disappears entirely.
  • Creepy Good: Vendan is a singleminded, unstoppable Humanoid Abomination... who only wants to protect and cherish the people he loves.
  • Gallows Humor: Like A Word, A Sound, A Song implies Sten has a penchant for this, trying to reassure Greg by sneaking in a pun while half-delirious from the effects of a Gem weapon.
  • Humanoid Abomination: In Connie's own words, Vendan is a walking glitch, and Sten looks creepy with his Gem features.
  • Literal Split Personality: Physically and mentally make up of the halves of Steven.
  • The McCoy: Sten is this to Vendan's Spock. The more emotionally aware and empathetic of the halves, though when it comes to extreme emotions, he is actually the more composed and rational one.
  • Meaningful Name:
    • The name Sten means "stone". He's the physical, grounded part of Steven, and the foundation that allowed their powers to grow and change as Rose/Pink Diamond never could. Also fits with being half of a Gem fusion.
    • The name Vendan means "king". Fitting for a Diamond, the creators and highest authorities of Gemkind. He's also more authoritative and willful than Sten.
    • As the author points out in a tongue-in-cheek way- (Ste)n and (Ven)dan > (Ste)(Ven) > Steven.
    • They were also named by Connie.
  • Painting the Medium:
    • Sten's voice and thought text are rendered in italics.
    • Vendan's voice and thought text are rendered in bold font.
  • The Spock: Vendan is this to Sten's McCoy. Less empathetic to others, concerned with possibilities and future courses of action, as well as more outwardly stoic to anyone that isn't Sten. However, his realist thinking makes him more inclined to worry and melancholy, and he is the one that externalizes Steven's stronger, more negative emotions.
  • Talking to Themself: Sten and Vendan's conversations, seeing as they share the same body and mind.

     Sunrose Diamond 

His Umbrance, Sunrose Diamond, Son of the Thorn, Song of Swords, Shadow of Stars, Suneater.


A clone of Steven generated by Steven's use of the Hourglass when he was a child, and is being raised to act as a Diamond.

  • Alternate Self: He's not a clone of the Steven we see now- he's actually one of another Asteria Diamond whose timeline now no longer exists, and he's not even the original clone, just another instance of it.
  • Always Second Best: It seems he views Az this way- first in a fearful way, but now in a respectful and admiring fashion. Asteria Diamond, in Connor's mind, is simply better than him, both in power and character- something Az is aware of and tends to discourage.
  • Berserk Button: Anything- places, objects, or people- that he associates with Rose/Pink Diamond or her behavior makes him irrationally angry and uncomfortable. It's something he recognizes and is working on but is still an ongoing problem for him.
  • Blade Enthusiast: Likes collecting and creating knives, and weapons in general. At one point he holed up in his house for a few days and made a literal pile of swords in that short time.
  • Clone Degeneration: Maybe. It's unclear how much of his (relative) frailty compared to the Steven is due to his previous history of injury or a defect in his creation.
  • Dark and Troubled Past: And how. He spent his first moments of existence watching copies of himself die around him and ran away from home, spending the next nine years in homelessness before... something found him and put him through experimentation before he was violently ripped from his own timeline altogether into a new one. And that's just what we know happened.
  • Jerk with a Heart of Gold: He comes across as surly, impulsive, and even selfish at times thanks to his trauma and mental damage, but at his best he's still a Steven- kind and caring and far too devoted for his own good.
  • The Dividual: He's a Steven, so he's a fusion- his human and Gem halves are Con and Thorn, respectively.
  • Manchild: Played tragically straight. The near decade he spent in isolation essentially locked his development physically and mentally, being for all intents and purposes a 12 year old when Az first met him, despite being chronologically the same age as his counterpart in his early 20s. Even though his body eventually caught up to his age, his mind hasn't developed as quickly- even though he's for the most part an adult, many times his mindset seems to fall back to a traumatized teenager. He's been shown outgrowing this as the series goes on, but it may be a long time before he fully shakes it off, if ever.
  • The Nicknamer: He nicknamed Loki "Locks", and Thor as "little prince", and is apparently the originator of Asteria being "Az."
  • One-Steve Limit: Asteria changed his name from Steven to Connor to avoid this, and in turn he calls Asteria "Az" instead of Steven.
  • Parental Substitute: Az has very clearly become some sort of parental figure to Connor, but Connor can't quite seem to go through with consistently admitting it and often berates himself for "mistakenly" thinking of or addressing Az as his dad.
  • Superior Successor: For all of Connor's flaws, Az apparently considers Connor to be better off then him, because he got to finish growing up in a safe environment and have good role models/mentors to help him work through his issues, as opposed to having to figure everything out himself like Az did.
  • The Watson: Since he never went through the same things that the "canon" Steven or Az did, and is being trained as a Diamond, he serves as a newcomer that previous unseen events or Gem knowledge must be explained to.
