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Fantozzi Family

    Ugo Fantozzi
Played by: Paolo Villaggio

The unlucky protagonist.

  • Abusive Parents: He's usually neglectful to Mariangela, is openly disgusted by her appearance, and in the fourth movie, he beats her to a pulp when he finds out she is pregnant. Later he becomes an abusive grandfather to Uga.
  • Author Avatar: Fantozzi's working life is based on Paolo Villaggio's former experience as an employee at the Italsider company. Inverted in that Villaggio's personality is nothing like Fantozzi's.
  • Berserk Button: He's cruelly bullied all the time and hardly ever reacts but never get between him and his football game. Riccardelli learned it the hard way.
  • Beware the Nice Ones: Nice is a stretch, but he's an Extreme Doormat most of the time, and yet he has two notable moments where he successfully stands up for himself. This never lasts long though.
  • Book Dumb: He makes many grammar mistakes when speaking... like pretty much everyone else, except for the narrator and Pina.
  • Born Unlucky: His entire life is a big Humiliation Conga and his bad luck is exaggerated to cartoonish and unbelievable levels.
  • Butt-Monkey: The punching bag of the entire world.
  • The Chew Toy: The most abused and unlucky character in history. In the Italian version of this wiki, The Chew Toy is named Il Fantozzi.
  • Classical Anti-Hero: Is he ever. He's a spineless Extreme Doormat, a lazy coward, and perfectly represents mediocrity.
  • Cowardly Lion: Usually the most spineless coward in the world, but he has two moments of dignity, where he proves to be braver than his co-workers and the only one who tries to stand up to his cruel bosses.
  • Crouching Moron, Hidden Badass: He's normally a clumsy, overweight, and pathetic Extreme Doormat, but has shown on rare occasions that he can hold his own in physical fights.
  • Did Not Get the Girl: A running gag between him and Miss Silvani, the "real love of his life". Although there's some Unrequited Love Switcheroo later on and finally sleeps with her before dying in the eigth movie.
  • The Dog Bites Back: At times he's pushed too far, enough for him to react... And utterly humiliate whoever pushed him.
  • Dogged Nice Guy: He loves Miss Silvani and keeps acting like a doormat to her, even if she's not interested and just likes to take advantage of him.
  • Everyone Has Standards: Has a long-running and obsessive crush on Miss Silvani. In one of the later movies, she starts hitting on him, but when he realizes she is only doing it out of desperation (because no other man wants her), he rejects her.
  • Extreme Doormat: A complete pushover around his bosses and co-workers who always treat him like shit. On the other hand, with his family, he's an overbearing Jerkass.
  • Fat Bastard: Mostly shows this side of him when he's at home with his family. Outside of his house, he's too much of a coward to be a bastard.
  • Fat Idiot: His weight becomes a problem sometimes. He's extremely dumb and ignorant, other than being pathetically awkward.
  • Genius Ditz: Despite being an unintelligent and untalented Failure Hero, he can play pool like a pro. Too bad he can't show off his skills, because he needs to lose a pool game to please his boss... until the boss pushes him too far.
  • Hidden Depths: While it's rarely shown, he's occasionally implied to be good at his job, even being hinted to be the company's best employee.
  • Hopeless Suitor: To Miss Silvani. He never had a chance with her.
  • Hypocrite: He has a crush on Miss Silvani, and he wouldn't mind cheating on his wife, if only Miss Silvani was interested. But he still gets angry at his wife when she falls in love with another man.
  • I Just Want to Be Loved: And not just by Miss Silvani. Despite being dimsissive of his wife Pina, he really needs her love as well, and is saddened by the fact that she's unable to tell him "I love you". When Pina falls in love with another man in the third movie, he tries to kill himself.
  • Iron Butt Monkey: He is subjected to all kinds of cartoonish abuse (even some that would be pretty horrific if these films weren't Black Comedy), but he's more or less indestructible, again like a cartoon character. He seemingly can't even die, being either reincarnated, cloned or sent back to Earth since Heaven was full.
  • Jerk with a Heart of Gold: Most of the time, he doesn't seem to care much about his family. He loves another woman more than his own wife (it's not even clear why he married Pina in the first place), he's an uncaring father to Mariangela, and later an even worse grandfather to Uga... But at the end of the day, he does have a heart. He has one Pet the Dog moment in almost every movie. A notable example is when he comforts his daughter after she was insulted by his Jerkass co-workers in the first movie. Then there are all his Aw, Look! They Really Do Love Each Other moments with Pina.
  • Last-Name Basis: To everyone except his family.
  • Lazy Husband: You have to wonder how Pina always puts up with him.
  • Made of Iron: How Fantozzi manages to survive with all the horribly painful things that happen to him. At some point he's even literally used as a human lightning rod. He eventually dies in the eighth movie.
  • Malaproper: He often uses incorrect verb forms, like everyone in the saga.
  • Nervous Wreck: Due to his lack of self-confidence, he often stutters and gets awkwardly nervous when he's talking to his bosses or... pretty much everyone else, including his wife at times.
  • Sensitive Guy and Manly Man: Sensitive Guy to Calboni's Manly Man. He's an overly meek and shy Extreme Doormat, while Calboni is an overconfident womanizer.
  • Shrinking Violet: Which makes him an easy target for abuse, since he's too subservient and shy to stand up for himself. To the point he even agrees with the people who insulted him before.
  • The Stoic: He rarely reacts to all the humiliations and Amusing Injuries he gets, mainly because he's used to them as part of his life, and usually appears to be an apathetic Extreme Doormat. However, he also shows emotions from time to time, especially embarrassment and frustration, and there are moments where he screams in pain.
  • This Loser Is You: Fantozzi is a parody of the Italian salaryman of the 70s. And he is huge Association Football fan like the Italian audience.
  • Took a Level in Jerkass:
    • He starts to show a nastier side in the fourth movie Fantozzi Subisce Ancora, where he beats up his pregnant daughter, beats up and kills a nun (this one was self-defense but still Disproportionate Retribution), and bullies a co-worker who is even more pathetic than him.
    • He's nice to Mariangela in the first movie, but later on he's shown to be a neglectful father and grandfather. Compare the first movie where he's protective of Mariangela, and the sixth movie where he doesn't even try to defend her when some thugs wanted to rape her in front of him (it doesn't happen just because she's so ugly that the rapists change their minds).
  • Throw the Dog a Bone:
    • He has a few successful moments, notably defeating his boss in a biliard match. Or standing up to another abusive boss in front of everyone and receiving much applause by his colleagues.
    • The seventh movie, Fantozzi alla riscossa, ends on a relatively positive note for him (he and Pina getting back together and holding hands), in contrast to the Downer Ending of all the other movies.
    • He finally bangs Miss Silvani in his last days before dying. And she loved it.
  • Unsympathetic Comedy Protagonist: Kind of. His abuse and misfortunes are Played for Laughs, and has his Jerkass moments when has a chance.
  • Would Hit a Girl: He has used physical violence against his daughter, a widow at a funeral, and a nun. In fairness, the widow and the nun really had it coming and it was self-defence.

    Pina Fantozzi
Liù Bosisio as Pina
Milena Vukotic as Pina
Played by: Liù Bosisio (movies 1,2,5) and Milena Vukotic (movies 3,4,6-10)

Fantozzi's plain-looking and long-suffering wife.

  • All Girls Want Bad Boys: Implied with her attraction to obnoxious pervert Cecco and slobby hitchhiker Franchino.
  • Ascended Extra: A minor character in the first two movies, because the story focuses more on Fantozzi's life at his workplace. After the actress change, she has a more active role in the plot and in later movies she pretty much becomes the Deuteragonist.
  • Beware the Nice Ones: She snaps a couple of times in later movies. We see her getting angry at her husband, Mariangela, and Uga in different scenes and always for good reasons.
  • Break the Cutie: Many times. In the third movie, she's cruelly humiliated and left heartbroken by Cecco, a man she genuinely liked. It also happens regularly in later movies, where we see all her suffering and sacrifices in her marriage with Ugo, and it's never Played for Laughs.
  • Catchphrase: "I appreciate you very much" to her husband, because she's unable to tell him "I love you". She says this at least once a movie (only when she's played by Milena Vukotic).
  • Characterization Marches On: In the first two films, Pina, as portrayed by Liù Bosisio, was an awkward, sweet, and submissive wife who genuinely loved her husband. When Milena Vukotic takes over the role (at least in the third and fourth films), she's more apathetic towards Fantozzi and even willing to flirt with other men. From the sixth film onwards, Pina is a rather sweet and loyal wife, although still more independent and assertive than Bosisio's Pina.
  • Everyone Has Standards: While she's occasionally attracted to gross and unattractive Kavorka Man types like Cecco and Franchino, even she was disgusted by sleazy, creepy serial seducer Loris Batacchi.
  • Extreme Doormat: In an inversion of Henpecked Husband, she's always being bossed around by her husband and doing everything for him. Ironically, as her husband is an Extreme Doormat to everyone else.
  • Housewife: The only purpose of her life, apparently.
  • I Want My Beloved to Be Happy: When she learns about her husband's imminent death, she secretly pays Miss Silvani to spend one night with him. While she doesn't like her (understandably), Pina knows Miss Silvani is the only one who can make Ugo really happy.
  • Nice Girl: The nicest character in the saga. Well, the only nice character. In a Crapsack World, most of the heartwarming moments happen thanks to her.
  • Only Sane Woman: She becomes this in later movies, to her bumbling husband and her bratty daughter and granddaughter.
  • Took a Level in Jerkass: Starts off as a loving and devoted wife, but after her actress change in the third and fourth movies, she becomes apathetic and unfaithful. She Took a Level in Kindness again in later movies, where, despite being still unable to say "I love you" to her husband, she has shown many times that she cares about him.
  • Undying Loyalty: Except in the 3rd and 4th movies, she's an incredibly devoted and self-sacrificing wife and mother.

    Mariangela Fantozzi
Played by: Plinio Fernando (movies 1-8) and Maria Cristina Maccà (movie 9)

Fantozzi's hideous daughter.

  • Animal Motifs: Monkeys. She is compared to/mistaken for a monkey in all of her appearances.
  • Break the Cutie: The Christmas scene in the first movie. Yes, she's too ugly to be The Cutie but seeing an innocent child being bullied for her appearance and driven to tears by cruel adults is heartbreaking. It's the only scene where the Mariangela abuse is not Played for Laughs.
  • Butt-Monkey: Literally. She's treated like a monkey by almost everyone. Her mother is the only one who loves her and treats her like a human being.
  • Cross-Cast Role: Played by a man, except in the last two movies.
  • Dumb Blonde: She goes blonde in later movies, and her intelligence has always been very low.
  • Expository Hairstyle Change: Brunette as a child, blonde as an adult. She looks horrible either way.
  • Flanderization: Initially, she is an ugly but sweet child with her own sensitivity, and her abuse is portrayed sympathetically, as seen in Break the Cutie. In later movies, she's a caricature of an ugly person with no depth at all, and her abuse is Played for Laughs.
  • Gonk: Everyone, except her mother, is disgusted by her ugliness.
  • Interspecies Romance: Fittingly, she ends marrying a gorilla named Bongo.
  • Satellite Character: She's mostly Out of Focus except for a few gags about her ugliness.
  • Took a Level in Jerkass: In the eight movie, when she locks her parents out of their own house. Even Doting Parent Pina tells her off and insults her for the first time.
  • Used to Be a Sweet Kid: Was a harmless, nice girl as a child. As an adult, she was ok...until the eight movie.

    Uga "Ughina" Fantozzi
Played by: Plinio Fernando (movies 6-8), Maria Cristina Maccà (movie 9), and Dodi Conti (movie 10)

Mariangela's equally hideous daughter and Fantozzi's granddaughter.

Notable Co-workers

Played by: Gigi Reder

Fantozzi's co-worker who always organizes trips, parties, and any kind of special event.

  • Ascended Extra: The books mention a co-worker named Filini, but he wasn't important. The movies made him Fantozzi's main sidekick.
  • Beware the Silly Ones: He has somehow access to an armored car residuate from World War II, live munitions for said armored car's cannon, and dynamite, and no common sense to tell him why using the armored car in place of a camper or replacing the baton of a relay race with a dynamite stick would be a bad idea.
  • Blind Without 'Em: He can't see anything without his glasses.
  • Butt-Monkey: Downplayed. In many scenes of the early movies, he shares the butt monkey role with Fantozzi (the boat scene, the Angry Guard Dog scene, the taxi scene, etc.) but he's still much luckier than his friend, and he's often just a bystander to all horrible things that happen to Fantozzi.
  • Composite Character: Of two characters from the original Fantozzi book: a generic co-worker and minor character named Filini and Fantozzi's friend/sidekick named Fracchia. The latter is Adapted Out in the movie and is replaced by Filini.
  • Heavy Sleeper: In Fantozzi Contro Tutti, the narrator describes him as a "world-class sleeper". In the same scene, he starts snoring immediately after turning off the light.
  • Jerkass Ball: Most of the time, he's neutral/friendly towards Fantozzi. But he can be unnecessarily mean to him at times, like in the train scene from Fantozzi Contro Tutti or the first sequence from Fantozzi Subisce Ancora, where he bullies him along with Calboni and other co-workers.
  • Last-Name Basis: We hear his first name only twice...and it was inconsistent.
  • Only Friend: The closest thing Fantozzi has to a friend.
  • The Pollyanna: He's cheerful and energetic, in contrast to Fantozzi's apathetic demeanor.
  • Satellite Character: Only exists to give Fantozzi someone to hang out with. We don't know anything about his life outside of work and it's not even clear if he's married or not. Even in the movie where Fantozzi fights with Pina and temporarily moves in with him, his house is not actually seen.
  • Sidekick: On a lot of Fantozzi's adventures. Inverted in-universe, Filini is the one who comes up with all the ideas, while Fantozzi himself is his reluctant follower.
  • Sudden Name Change: Renzo Filini in the first movie, Silvio Filini in the third movie.
  • Unwitting Instigator of Doom: Many of Fantozzi's humiliations and catastrophic situations happen during the events and trips organized by Filini. Pretty much all of his ideas result in Fantozzi getting hurt in some way.
  • With Friends Like These...: While he is Fantozzi's only "friend" and usually hangs out with him, there are a few times when he joins in the other co-workers on picking on him. And even if they spend a lot of time together, there's no real friendship between them, as they speak to each other formally like old co-workers and nothing else.

    Miss Silvani
Played by: Anna Mazzamauro

Fantozzi's crush. Apparently the only woman in the company.

  • All Girls Want Bad Boys: She picked The Casanova Calboni over Extreme Doormat Fantozzi.
  • Bitch in Sheep's Clothing: Acts polite in early movies, often to manipulate Fantozzi for her own ends.
  • Characterization Marches On: While always an unlikable character, in early movies Miss Silvani acts more like a classy, elegant, and polite Bitch in Sheep's Clothing, very different from the vulgar, foul-mouthed, and obnoxious woman she reveals to be in later movies.
  • Expository Hairstyle Change: She's a brunette in early movies when she's a Proper Lady. In later movies, she becomes a loud and obnoxious Fiery Redhead.
  • Femme Fatale: She knows about Fantozzi's crush on her and can manipulate him into doing anything.
  • Fiery Redhead: Not in early movies where she was a brunette. But in later movies she has red hair, and is also much more bad-tempered.
  • Flanderization: From an average co-worker with subtle bitchy tendencies to a shrill Jerkass who is rude all the time.
  • Hate Sink: Not that she's exactly evil and that her co-workers are particularly sympathetic, but she's quite the obnoxious, rude, unpleasant and selfish Bitch in Sheep's Clothing who's definitely not above manipulating others for her own ends.
  • Informed Attractiveness: An intentional example. Miss Silvani is not supposed to be pretty and the book explicitly states she is not, but since she's the only woman in the office, she has her male co-workers (mainly Fantozzi and Calboni) fighting over her.
  • I Was Quite a Looker: She starts the story as a classy and confident Dude Magnet. As she gets older, she becomes a trashy and washed-up loser rejected by everyone.
  • Jerkass: There's nothing likable about her. Which makes Fantozzi's crush even more pathetic.
  • Karma Houdini Warranty: Considering the way she has always treated Fantozzi, nobody feels sorry for her when the later movies turn her into an even bigger loser than Fantozzi himself (Fantozzi has a devoted wife, while she's completely alone).
  • The Lad-ette: Her personality in later movies, which is the complete opposite of how proper and feminine she was initially.
  • Last-Name Basis: Just Miss Silvani. Her first name, Silvana, is only mentioned in the tenth and final film.
  • Light Feminine and Dark Feminine: Dark to Pina's Light, especially when they start to interact in later movies. Pina is an unpopular, sweet-natured and humble housewife who is married to Fantozzi, despite him being dismissive of her. Miss Silvani is a popular (initially), bitchy, vain, and egotistical career woman who is eternally loved by Fantozzi, despite her being dismissive of him. Ultimately, Pina is regularly shown to be the only real woman in Ugo's life, while Miss Silvani is quite a Hate Sink destined to be alone.
  • Took a Level in Jerkass: As the story goes on, she becomes more and more rude and obnoxious.
  • Unrequited Love Switcheroo: She has rejected Fantozzi all her life but in later movies, she's desperate enough to beg Fantozzi to be her lover. On her knees.

Played by: Giuseppe Anatrelli (movies 1-3) and Riccardo Garrone (movie 4).

Fantozzi's Jerkass co-worker and his rival for Miss Silvani's affection.

  • Always Someone Better: He's exactly what Fantozzi will never be: confident, cunning, charismatic, Born Lucky, and liked by Miss Silvani.
  • Arch-Enemy: To closest thing to a recurring antagonist, since the current Bad Boss changes all the time. Although Calboni is not a boss, just a co-worker at Fantozzi's level, he's his most notable enemy in the first three movies. In the first two, they compete to win Miss Silvani's heart, but he still antagonizes Fantozzi in the third movie where Miss Silvani is absent.
  • The Casanova: Miss Silvani uses this exact word to describes him and he's actually quite good at seducing women. In the second movie he's married to Miss Silvani, but they eventually break up because of his cheating.
  • Chuck Cunningham Syndrome: In later movies, but there's a reason. The original actor passed away after the airing of the third film and they hired another actor for the fourth one. Since he wasn't memorable like the original, the character is completely eliminated in the other sequels.
  • Consummate Liar: Lampshaded in the first movie. He blatantly lies to make himself look better. When he farts in the train (third movie), he makes everyone believe that Fantozzi was the one who farted.
  • Friendly Enemy: He is Fantozzi's rival and a total jerk to him, but they occasionally hang out outside of work, along with Filini or other co-workers.
  • Gasshole: Has a farting problem in the third movie. He blames it on Fantozzi, but later proves fatal as he's leading a climbing session on a high cliff.
  • Jerkass: Always makes fun of Fantozzi and is an overall smug, slimy asshole.
  • Jerkass to One: Usually a Professional Butt-Kisser towards his bosses, and pretends to be polite in front of Miss Silvani (despite cheating on her), but he's very much a bullying jerk to Fantozzi and sometimes even Filini.
  • Karma Houdini: He usually gets away with all the crap he does, while letting Fantozzi getting punished for Calboni's own misdeeds. In the second movie, even his wife eventually forgives him for his womanizing ways. The wedding doesn't last in later movies, but their break-up was off-screen and he seems perfectly okay with his life after that.
  • Last-Name Basis: Like everyone in the company, he's always referred to as this.
  • Out of Focus: He serves as Fantozzi's Foil and nemesis in the first three movies. In the fourth one, he's played by another actor and his role is significantly reduced, before disappearing in the other sequels.
  • Professional Butt-Kisser: To his bosses. Everyone in the company acts like this but he's such a blatant kiss-ass that it's funny to watch.
  • Sensitive Guy and Manly Man: Manly Man to Fantozzi's Sensitive Guy. He's an overconfident womanizer, while Fantozzi is an overly meek and shy Extreme Doormat.
  • Small Name, Big Ego: Other than confidence and charisma, he has nothing. In the mountain trip he says everyone knows him, but when he starts greeting people, they just ignore him. He pretends to be a high class man, but he has no money and forces Fantozzi to pay for him.
  • Token Evil Teammate: To an extent, being a Manipulative Bastard who occasionally hangs out with the hopelessly naive Fantozzi and Filini. And unlike them, he has no redeeming qualities.



Fantozzi has many different bosses over the years. Here are tropes shared by all or many of them.

  • Bad Boss: All of them are evil and tyrannical, and they treat their employees very badly.
  • Big Bad: Every boss is the main villain of his story arc.
  • Conspicuous Consumption: They keep multiple expensive ficus plants in their offices just to show off, to the point the Galactic Mega Director is said to have a hundred (turns out he shows off his wealth in other ways).
  • Corrupt Corporate Executive: They are perfectly willing to violate business or social ethics, as well as commit crimes to gain power and profit.
  • Disproportionate Retribution:
    • At times the bosses' horrible attitude is a retaliation... That is completely excessive for what the employees did. Most notable is the infamous Riccardelli, who originally hired Fantozzi because at the job interview he falsely claimed to be a fellow avant-garde cinema enthusiast and made him look like a fool in front of the other bosses when the truth came out, and for that has humiliated him back every week for twenty years straight.
    • Subverted with Cobram II, formerly accountant Fonelli: Fantozzi, having fortuitously missed his overnight promotion from lowest-ranked employee to boss, insults him in front of everyone, but Cobram II doesn't retaliate.
  • The Dreaded: All the employees are terrified of their current boss.
  • Faux Affably Evil: Nearly parodied. They often act friendly even when kicking the dog. The way Barambani talks to Fantozzi and Filini is nothing but fake Condescending Compassion:
    Barambani: Ah, dear Bambocci, dear Follini! I have got a boat and it's worth a billion, but I am also a democrat, and you poor fellows, you miserable fellows are my family! My dear inferiors, that's the right word for you, because as you know, I really love losers.
  • Hated by All: Whoever the boss is, he's universally hated by the workers. If a boss dies, the entire company celebrates his death.
  • Invincible Villain: Most of the time, they are simply too powerful to be defeated by their utterly pathetic and "inferior" employees, especially Fantozzi.
  • Jerkass: Apparently, the Benevolent Boss trope is something no one has ever heard of, in Fantozzi's universe. The most we get is the Brutal Honesty from Barambani in the seventh film, whose speech to the new hires underscores just how bad he is and that if the employee wants to be promoted they should be just as bad.
  • Jerkass Has a Point: At times the bosses' horrid attitude is a retaliation for something Fantozzi did:
    • Inspector Lobbiam only antagonizes Fantozzi when he has a point: the first time Fantozzi embarassed him in front of important authority figures, the second time he catches him at the circus when Fantozzi was claiming to be ill at home, and finally he mistakes him for having skipped job (it was actually everyone else and Fantozzi had covered for them before leaving for a few minutes, and that's when Lobbiam came to check on them).
    • Riccardelli was the one who originally hired Fantozzi, and only did so after Fantozzi at the interview falsely claimed to be a fellow avant-garde cinema enthusiast. Needless to say, he never got over finding out the truth.
  • Jerkass to One: While they are abusive to all the employees, all the bosses seem to be especially cruel to Fantozzi, unsurprisingly.
  • Karma Houdini: They always get away with everything they do. Castellani and Riccardelli are the only bosses who get a humiliating comeuppance, and the latter still gets back on top by the end of his story arc.
  • Laughably Evil: They are way too over the top, to Card-Carrying Villain levels. Their pure "evilness" is hilarious.
  • Legacy Character: Fantozzi's current boss changes all the time. At least twice a movie (the first four movies, at least).
  • Malaproper: They always mess up Fantozzi's name ("Fantocci!"), and even their pompous speeches have grammar mistakes.
  • Names to Run Away from Really Fast: Some of the bosses have unflattering long names or titles that emphasize how bad they are. up to eleven with Barambani, whose titles are "Gran mascalzon" (great villain), "lup. mann." (lupo mannaro = werewolf) and "pezz. di merd." (pezzo di merda = piece of shit).
  • Not So Invincible After All:
    • Once in a while some of the bosses do get defeated by the employees. Most notably, Riccardelli's Humiliation Conga - and while he eventually got back on top, his beloved personal copy of The Battleship Kotiomkin had been already burned and he couldn't replace it.
    • The bosses are invincible only during direct confrontations due their authority, whenever the employees get enough courage to try and outsmart them they usually succeed, with only Lobbiam (whose job is to hunt down absentees and had to deal with their tricks on a constant basis), Cobram (who started out as an employee himself), and the Galactic Mega Director managing to not be constantly outsmarted outsmarted.
  • Overly Long Name: Many of them have long names which are supposed to be pompous, like Mega-Director Clamorous Count-Duke Pier Carlo Engineer Semenzara.
  • Rank Up: It's possible for an employee to become a boss. Cobram is mentioned to have started as an employee, and Fonelli is first seen among the employees before his various plots get him promoted overnight.
  • Suspiciously Similar Substitute: And they don't try to hide it. Quite a few of the bosses even have similar names, like Cobram and Cobram II (the latter being Fonelli, who took the name upon being promoted). Both are obsessed with unpopular sports like cycling and athletics, both used to be mediocre athletes in their youth, and both used illegal methods to gain high positions.
  • Token Good Teammate: Lobbiam. The worst he's ever done is to go overboard when punishing Fantozzi for actual misdeeds, and he's only ever seen on the job that he does well and honestly... It just happens that his job is to catch and punish absentee employees, making him the employees' natural enemy.

    The Duke-Count Maria Rita Vittorio Balabam, Galactic Mega Director 

The boss of the Megaditta, to whom everyone else answers.

  • Affably Evil: The closest we have to an actual nice guy among the bosses, as he's unfailingly polite and pleasant even as he commits his acts of evil.
  • A God Am I: Subtly claims to be immortal.
  • Evil Parents Want Good Kids: Averted. He wants all his sons to be evil, and when the youngest isn't he even clones the late Fantozzi to get help teaching him evil.
  • Gender-Blender Name: "Maria" and "Rita" are feminine names. While it's possible in Italy to have a name of the opposite gender in case of multiple names, the first one should always be of the correct one.
  • Genuine Human Hide: Has a chair made from the hide of a worker. Fantozzi can even identify him by touch.
  • Hated by All: Averted. the workers are too scared to hate him - assuming they even believe in his existence.
  • Manipulative Bastard: In his first appearance he meets a Fantozzi who has been indoctrinated into becoming a Communist and trying to vandalize the company and quickly talks him into becoming the most servile employee of all times.
  • Malaproper: Subverted: he speaks in correct grammar and doesn't mess up Fantozzi's name.
  • Pet the Dog: Torments Fantozzi far less than the other bosses when they run into each other, and in the second film even offers to rehire him (as a lightning rod) after he quits in a moment of romantic stupidity.
  • Pragmatic Villain: Differently from the other bosses he doesn't go around tormenting the workers for sake of showing off his power, but he's not above doing so for more practical reasons.
  • Shrouded in Myth: When he first appears, the narration reveals many workers don't believe he actually exists and consider him more an abstract personification of the company.
  • Simple, yet Opulent: For all that is said by the employees about the magnificence of his office, it turns out to be smaller than those of the lesser bosses, far less decorated, and with a simple table and leather chair, just completely white, the chair's leather being from the hide of a worker, and with the one painting hiding the acquarium where employees selected by lottery swim for his amusement.


Played by: Diego Abatantuono

A baker who attracts Pina's interest.

  • Adaptational Wimp: He beats up Fantozzi in the book. In the movie, he just humiliates him verbally and the most violent thing he does is throwing some bread dough at him.
  • Bitch in Sheep's Clothing: He acts rather cordial to Pina initially, despite all his Double Entendres. When Fantozzi goes to confront him, Cecco starts insulting Pina and the entire family.
  • Hypocrite: He belittles Pina for her ugly appearance, but he is far from being a handsome man. Even the snarky narrator describes him as "hideous".
  • Jerkass: He appears to be friendly (if obnoxious and vulgar) in his first scene. In his last appearance, he's also revealed to be a rude and mean-spirited bully.
  • Kavorka Man: An ugly, obnoxious pervert, but Pina falls in love with him, to the point that she wanted to leave her husband. She comes to her senses when she realizes that, for all of Ugo's flaws, he's still a better man than Cecco.
  • One-Shot Character: Only appears in "Fantozzi Contro Tutti".

Played by: Mario Pedone

A hitchhiker who attracts the interest of both Pina and Miss Silvani.

  • Fat Slob: He's obese, smelly, and has very long armpit hair.
  • Hidden Depths: He's much more cultured and well-read than his appearance suggests. And he actually respects Pina, unlike the horribly sexist Cecco from the previous movie.
  • Kavorka Man: A disgusting Fat Slob, but somehow Pina and Miss Silvani were attracted to him.
  • One-Shot Character: Only appears in "Fantozzi Subisce Ancora".
  • The Pig-Pen: Has a very questionable hygiene, his smell is terrible, and it's implied he lives in a rubbish dump.

    Loris Batacchi 
Played by: Andrea Roncato

Mariangela's co-worker who ends up seducing her. He is also Uga's real father.

  • Everyone Has Standards: Despite being highly promiscuous, he was reluctant to sleep with Mariangela because of the girl's ugliness. He only did it because of a bet with his friends.
  • Kavorka Man: He's sleazy, unattractive, and has slept with thousands of women.
  • One-Shot Character: He's only seen in "Fantozzi Subisce Ancora".
  • Really Gets Around: Besides Mariangela, he has slept with thousands of other women, or so he claims.
  • Serial Rapist: Implied. He talks about "6000 victims", including Mariangela. While the word "rape" is never used in the movie, there is no indication that his sex with Mariangela was consensual.
  • Small Role, Big Impact: Only appears in one scene, yet is the one who impregnates Mariangela, resulting in Uga's birth. Their daughter Uga is one of the main characters in later movies, but Loris himself is never mentioned again, as Ugo and Pina never told him about Mariangela's pregnancy.
