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Shogun Insurgency


  • The Ace: Pretty much a requisite for being a high ranked member of the Insurgency, The Committee. All of them are Vision wielders, so they are already stronger than most citizens in Teyvat.
  • The Beautiful Elite: Most of the members of the Committee are made up of playable characters from the original game. And most of the playable characters are very, very attractive. Also as mentioned above, they are the cream of the crop of the Insurgency.
  • Break the Haughty: When Lumine first meets the leaders of the Shogun's Insurgency, they are condescending and critical of Lumine and just generally unpleasant in their interactions with her due to the fact that she is the twin sister of the Chāoyuè Xīngchén. However in later chapters, after Lumine is completely done with their poor management of running the strongest group against her brother's reign and how they have treated her so far she decides to show them that she is Aether's sister and is not to be messed wit by holding Eula at sword point, her sword jabbed in the leader's throat which leaves a scar in later chapters.
  • Bullying a Dragon: Even though they know that Lumine is Aether’s twin sister and they have seen what he is capable of and what she is as well, they still choose to treat her in a condescending manner despite the fact that she approached and offered her help of her own free will.
  • Control Freak: They show shades of this when some of the members decide to try and assassinate Lumine despite everything she has done for them because she chooses to ignore them and no longer follow their orders. However, Lumine going completely rogue on them is completely their fault because they kept projecting their hatred and distrust of her brother on to her, never once giving her a chance to prove otherwise. Not that they seem capable of seeing that.
  • The Coup: Lumine performs one in Chapter 48, not only recruiting the majority of the Insurgency's soldiers right underneath its leader's noses but also recruiting civilians from Mondstadt and Liyue who have become more and more unhappy with how the Insurgency has started handling things.
  • Create Your Own Villain: While she isn't a villain, they have no one but themselves to blame for Lumine refusing to listen or obey their orders as her mental state declines the more she goes through traumatic experience after traumatic experience that isn't helped by the fact that most of them have already decided that she is just like Aether. Their lack of compassion, their constant distrust and not treating Lumine like her own person instead of as an extension of her brother results in her choosing to cut ties with almost all of them after she is rescued from her brother and deciding to fight against her brother by herself without any regards for their orders.
  • Drowning My Sorrows: Some of the members do this during the Liyue Ball. Played for Drama in that this kicks them in the ass when Aether uses the Ball as an opportunity to invade the city. Those who haven't left for Inazuma are completely caught off guard and therefore are ill-equipped to fight back against the invading force.
  • Genre Savvy: The Committee realizes that Malcolm is too dangerous to allow him to live and that it is only a matter of time before he breaks out of his imprisonment. They are in favour of killing him before he can break out.
  • Government in Exile: A number of members of the Insurgency used to be affiliated with the ruling groups of each nation. Jean, Eula, Kaeya, and Lisa were once apart of the Knights of Favonius. Ningguang and Keqing were the only members of the Liyue Qixing to escape, the other members beheaded like all those who were associated with each nation's government.
  • A House Divided: Many members of the Committee do not get along with each other at all as they all seem to have different ideas on how the Insurgency should be run. This often results in long meetings where essentially nothing gets done because people spent hours arguing with one another until someone else strong armed the rest of the group into going along with them.
  • Idiot Ball: Played for Drama.
    • The Insurgency seems to be holding this all the time. From ordering Lumine to pull back from a mission, to removing two powerful members from their ranks despite the fact that the group needed every person they could get to how they handled the Liyue Ball. Further screw ups cause civilians to be antagonistic towards them, going as far as to vandalize their current meeting.
    • Their latest idea is to make plans to assassinate Lumine because she refuses to listen to them anymore, something that is completely their fault because of how poorly they treated Lumine when she freely offered her help. Had they actually treated her as her own person, their current mess would have likely never happened. Some members of the group are planning to kill the only person who can stand up to the tyrant ruling over their homes because they can no longer control her and she refuses to obey them.
    • Ignoring the civilians concerns and narrowly focusing on their goal of killing Aether and thinking that eliminating him will solve all their problems bites them in the ass hard. The civilians lose more and more faith in them as well as their soldiers. It all accumulates into a majority of the Insurgency's forces leaving them for Lumine as well as a number of Mondstadt and Liyuen civilians joining as well.
  • Irony: when Lumine was taken to their headquarters the first time, she was essentially at their mercy when the members were divided between taking her hostage and using her against Aether or having her join their cause. When Lumine returns from Snezhnaya, they are essentially at HER mercy when she’s had enough of their poor choices and poor decision making.
  • Laser-Guided Karma:
    • After their less than stellar treatment of Lumine, once she has had enough of not only how they continue to treat her and their constant mistakes, she reminds them exactly who they are dealing with- Aether's sister.
    • In Chapter 48, after not only treating Lumine as an extension of her brother whose only purpose was to kill him, many of the civilians whose concerns and complaints they have failed to address have also turned against them and joined Lumine's own army in their fight against Aether, having lost faith in their leaders to accomplish anything.
  • Mirroring Factions: It has been brought up multiple times in the story by several individuals that Aether's reign and the Shogun Insurgency aren't all that different from each other. Kris accuses them of this, and later on Sucrose calls them out on this during an emergency meeting.
  • My Way or the Highway: They seem to have this mindset, implied through kicking out Kristina from the Committee when she argued against them and then all together tried to kick her out after she beat up Veer over his treatment of Sucrose during the disasterous meeting. Lampshaded by Lumine.
    Lumine: And all my ideas have been shut down, although they’ve all been perfectly good suggestions, just because of your overwheming and flawed desire to prove you’re not being controlled.
    • They take this to the extreme when Lumine refuses to follow their orders or commands any more and they realize that she finds them a hinderance to her own goals. They start plotting out ways to kill her, contemplating assassinating her because she refuses to go along with their ideas any more or acknowledge them at all.
  • Never My Fault:
    • Some members of the Committee are unable to see or refuse to acknowledge that it was their own behaviour and attitude towards Lumine that drove her off, leaving her unable to trust them and refusing to follow their orders later on.
    • When a majority of their forces have left them for Lumine's side, they refuse to acknowledge that their own failures and their inability to properly address the concerns of the common people have led up to this moment of their own soldiers abandoning them and throwing in their own lot with the girl who has stopped Aether twice.
  • Nice Job Breaking It, Hero:
    • The way they treat their own side, the way they have treated Lumine and the promises that they failed to uphold all bite them in the ass when the consequences come to roost. The people they have treated poorly such as Sucrose, Albedo, and Kris don't trust them any more and go behind their backs, Lumine goes AWOL and then threatens them once she comes back, even holding Eula at swordpoint, and the civilians have no trust or faith in their ability to protect them.
    • Projecting their dislike and distrust of Lumine because of their hatred for her twin brother has bitten them in the ass as she now sees them as people who are in the way of her goals rather than her allies. They have no one but themselves to blame and they refuse to reflect on the fact it was their own fault that she refuses to listen to them after constant failure.
    • Their own inability to address the civilians' concerns have finally accumulated into many of their soldiers and civilians losing complete faith in the Insurgency and choosing to abandon them for Lumine who has proven twice that she can match her twin brother.
  • Not in This for Your Revolution: Kris accuses the Committee of being this in regards to the people of Teyvat. That they care more about their personal agendas and hang ups and biases over the people that they claim to protect.
    Kris: Oh, don’t give me that patronizing shit. You don’t give a fuck about the people.
    • But before that, Sucrose also shouts that she and likely the other civilians like those who originally vandalized the original meeting room feel like the Insugency does not listen to them at all.
    Sucrose: All the depravity that Aether has going on, you’re all so quick to condemn, but then you turn around and do the exact same FUCKING thing to your own people! The people you promised to protect!
  • Not-So-Omniscient Council of Bickering: The Shogun's Insurgency is the most well-known group to be fighting and resisting against Aether's reign and are led by the strongest members of the organization known as The Committee. However, The Committee is a complete mess as their meetings according to one of their former members consist of them constantly arguing before ultimately bowing to the strongest opinion in the room out of the owner being very opinionated rather than the group coming to any form of concensus.
  • Only Sane Man: The members of the Insurgency who disagree with the more extreme and questionable actions of the Committee.
    • Kaeya, Sucrose, Albedo, Ajax, and Kris.
    • Eula seems to be this now that her fellow Committee members have decided to go along with Jules plan to create a third Siphoner specifically to utilize against Lumine. She can see the writing on the wall that his actions are going to end very badly for everyone involved.
  • Rebellious Rebel:
    • While none of the members who fall under this category have quit, they are very critical about how the Insurency has essentially managed things so far. Kris, Kaeya, Sucrose, Albedo, Ajax have no illusions about the incompetency of the organization.
    • Played straight in Chapter 48 when the Insurgency's actions come to a head when Lumine has decided she has had enough of their constant failures and their inability to fight effectively against Aether on top of their poor treatment of her. In a successful coup, she has essentially recruited more than half of their own soldiers to fight under her banner as well as recruited other Mondstadt and Liyuen civilians.
    • It is strongly implied that all the soldiers of the Insurgency who sided with Lumine lost faith in the leaders of the original group and have decided to throw in their lot with her.
  • The Resistance: They are currently the most well-known group against Aether's tyranny.
  • Sins of Our Fathers: Many members had this view towards Lumine due to the fact that she is the Chāoyuè Xīngchén's twin sister.
  • Sole Survivor: The group is made up of members who have lost many friends and fellow co-workers to Aether's execution. However Veer is a straight up example, being the only member of his family to have survived due to not being affiliated with Sumeru's government.
  • Then Let Me Be Evil: Their projection of their hatred and distrust of Aether on to Lumine has resulted in her choosing to accept the identity they forced onto her.
  • Too Dumb to Live: They cannot defeat Aether without Lumine. However rather than eagerly accept her into ranks, they treat her with mistrust and contempt, putting their own biases before the logic of having such a powerful individual fight for them. And when Lumine decides she has had enough of their treatment, rather than reflect on their own behaviour and stances they contemplate assassinating Lumine when she becomes a threat in their eyes because of her own Heroic Blue Screen of Death after a combination of trauma after trauma hitting her ever since she woke up in Teyvat,unable to see their own role in why she refuses to listen to them.
  • Ungrateful Bastard: Many members come off as this towards Lumine despite the fact that she has gained more victories against her brother's forces than any of them have combined. Twice she has already fought her brother and driven him off, especially in Mondstadt when Aether was just moments away from killing most of the leadership. Despite all she has done for them, most of the group's attitudes towards Lumine have never changed and eventually she gives up on trying to win their approval and does whatever they want with no regards to their opinions.
  • We ARE Struggling Together: What the entire group is down to the core. The Shogun's Insurgency is made up of people from all over Teyvat who have suffered under Aether's reign- which is the only thing holding them together. Otherwise, the group is pretty much divided. Kaeya, Kris, Ajax, Albedo, Sucrose, and Lumine absolutely have no faith in the group's chances of defeating Aether as splintered as they are with the former two having long lost any hope in them.
  • Well-Intentioned Extremist:
    • The path that they seem to veering towards. Though they want to topple Aether's tyranny, the way they treat people as well as their methods to get their are very questionable and leave many people distrustful of
  • What the Hell, Hero?: A lot of the Insurgency's actions so far leave a lot to be desired and many people who can see the flaws in their rulings have already chewed them out on their conduct so far.
  • World of Technicolor Hair: Lampshaded in the story. Many members of the Insurgency, particularly the Committee, are acknowledged in-universe to have very colourful hair. Such as purple, dark blue, red, ect. The hair colours often stand out in the eyes of the civilians who use it as an identifying feature of the members.
  • You Have Outlived Your Usefulness: Navya suggests that they neutralize (aka kill) Lumine when she stops listening to them, refusing to obey their orders due to how they treated her earlier. Ariel and several other members contemplate the idea while another member named Jules suggest creating a Siphoner to utilize against her.


Lumine - Her Luminescence

Lumine is the twin sister of Aether, Chāoyuè Xīngchén. After being forcefully sealed away by a woman who calls herself the Sustainer of Heavenly Principles, she wakes up and finds herself in a completely different world from when she last saw it. She also learns shortly after her awakening that her brother is not the same person that she knew.
  • Action Girl:
    • Oh so much. In the first chapter alone, she proceeds to kill three Constillion Guards while she is scoping out Mondstadt.
    • She does not let the time she was imprisoned hinder her against her fight against Annabelle when the others come to rescue her. She takes advantage of Apollo loosening his grip on her in her cell at Dragonspine to break out of his hold and tackle Annabelle just before they both teleport to where her third kidnapper, Malcolm, is fighting against her rescuers.
  • Badass Boast: Lumine gives Aether one during their first confrontation in Mondstadt.
    Lumine: I hereby claim this land in the name of Her Luminescence. See you on the battlefield.
  • Badass in Distress: Lumine is rendered powerless by Apollo and his allies before she is forcefully teleported out of Liyue to be held prisoner by them.
  • The Chosen One: Lumine is this towards her own people alongside her twin brother, Aether. However, people see her existence as a blight and view her as a fake while hailing her brother as the true Chosen One. This eventually accumulates into her own people trying to drain her of her powers and transfer them to Aether, which would have resulted in her death.
  • Cold-Blooded Torture: She does this to a traitorous merchant who had been using his job to pass information back and forth to Aether and the Constillion Guards in Chapter 31.
  • Combat Pragmatist: She shows this in the first chapter by using one of the Constillion Guards attacking her as a shield against his own allies. She also suggests poisoning the Constillion Guards posted in Liyue, but is forced to settle for drugging them when Xiao vetoes her idea.
  • The Dog Bites Back:
    • After having to deal with the Insurgency's barely hidden contempt and distrust for her due to the fact that she and Aether are twins, Lumine eventually gives them a metaphorical middle finger by leaving to go to Snezhnaya with Ajax and rescue his family against Eula's orders and when she comes back, she proceeds to override their orders of imprisoning Albedo and kicking out Kris and then dares them to argue against her, reminding them that she is her brother's twin. This is a complete turnabout compared to earlier chapters when she is at the mercy of the group, forced to bargain with them so that they don't use her as a hostage against Aether or possibly kill her.
    • After being imprisoned by Apollo, Annabelle, and Malcolm, Lumine makes damn certain to pay Annabelle back for her time in their care when she tackles the latter just as soon as they are teleported from where she was held captive. As they fight and Lumine's powers come back to her due to no longer being in Apollo's vicinity, she gleefully notes that Annabelle has burn marks that are going to leave a permanent scar.
  • Everyone Has Standards: Lumine loves the thrill of a good fight, but even she is horrified at Aether's tyranny and hold over Teyvat. Especially when she learns that he had Klee executed.
  • Exact Words: When she promised Mavey that she would not kill the traitor and any possible accomplices that sold out Liyue, she specified that she would not kill them. She did not, however, say that she would leave them unharmed.
  • False Reassurance: Lumine assures Mavey that she will not kill the Liyue spy they captured. What she doesn't tell him is that she has absolutely no plans to let him get away with his actions unscathed.
  • Good Is Not Nice: Lumine may be fighting for the side that wants to overthrow the Chāoyuè Xīngchén's reign, but that does not mean she is not willing to get her hands dirty of she needs to. She also threatens to slit Eula's throat after one too many failures that have cost so much in regards to the decisions that the Insurgency have made the entire Lumine has been with them. There was also her suggestion in earlier chapters to poison the Constillion Guards in Liyue to take them out rather than fighting them head on.
    • Lumine tortures the spy the Insurgency captured to get him to spill what he knows about Aether and if there were any more spies in Liyue.
  • Lady of War: She is absolutely not shy in letting others know that she has experience in combat, espionage, and tactics and that she is a very valuable asset in freeing Teyvat from her brother's rule.
  • Light Is Good: Lumine sides with the Insurgency to overthrow her brother and his tyrannic reign.
  • Not in This for Your Revolution: Lumine makes it clear that she's only interested in her brother and that taking him down and freeing Teyvat is merely a bonus. Deconstructed in that this does not endear her towards the other members of the Insurgency on top of their bias towards her due to being blood related to Aether. Jean brings this up as a concern, and Veer later utilizes this against her during a heated verbal smackdown between them during another meeting.
  • Red Baron: She calls herself the Luminscence to contrast her brother's title as His Transcendence.
  • Sanity Slippage: Lumine starts undergoing this during the Liyue Invasion. It starts with Chongyun's death and just gets compounded by Venti dying as a result of taking a fatal blow meant for her. It doesn't seem like it's going to get better any time soon.
  • Sex for Solace:
    • Sleeps with Ajax after the exhausting events of the Liyue Ball invasion, including the deaths of Chongyun and Venti.
    • She sleeps with Ajax a second time after being brought back from Liyue after the traumatizing event of being kidnapped by Apollo, Annabelle, and Malcolm, her own twin brother pushing her Trauma Button by trying to siphon her half of their powers and then just watching Lilith, the former Cryo Archon, die in her arms.
  • Then Let Me Be Evil: After all the traumatizing events she had gone through ever since she woke up in Teyvat, Lumine has given up on essentially trying to convince people to see her as someone separate from her own brother and has decided to embrace being 'Aether's Sister' and all the baggage that comes along with it.
  • Trauma Button: Lumine has a number of them.
    • Siphoning, which is the act of draining another person of their essence. Her trauma comes from the fact that she was nearly siphoned herself with the intent of giving her powers to Aether, who is considered the True Chosen One while Lumine is the unwanted spare. Is it any wonder that being forced to absorb Venti breaks her?.
    • Apollo, an individual in her past who shows up in her flashbacks. Unfortunately for her, he himself and two other individuals appear in person with the intent to kidnap Lumine for what is likely nefarious purposes.
    • Twice, she had to witness two Archons being killed. Venti died in her arms after he had used himself as a shield, and the Cryo Archon, Lilith, died after Scaramouche's protocol activated.
  • The Un Favourite: Not only does Lumine's mother despise her for being born and dividing the power of the Chosen One between her and her brother, but even her own people seem to despise her viewing her as The Usurper.
  • Ungrateful Bastard: Begins to see many of the members of the Insurgency and the rest of Teyvat as this after her huge blow up with Veer at one of the meetings.
  • The Usurper: Lumine is seen as this by her own people, including her own mother to her brother Aether. There was supposed to only be one chosen one, but Lumine's existence has resulted in their powers being divided between them.
  • We Cannot Go On Without You: Lumine. All parties that are interested in taking Aether down absolutely NEED Lumine if they want a chance in toppling his reign. She outright tells Jean, Mavey, and Xiao that no one in Teyvat can stand up to Aether and she is literally their only hope if they want to survive. The Council of Stars order her kidnapping because she increases their chances of disrupting whatever plans Aether has for them.


Eula - The Leader of the Insurgency

Eula used to be a knight Captain of the now defunct Knights of Favonius prior to Aether's ruthless takeover.

  • Bad Boss: While Eula is not evil or cruel by any means she also shows signs that she isn't exactly leader material either by how she has already handled several situations in the story so far. Though she seems to be getting better in later chapters.
    • Calls back the group that traveled to Liyue back to handle a situation that is happening back in Mondstadt despite the fact that the group originally traveled there to figure out a way to weaken Aether's rule
    • Mishandled Albedo twice. When they imprisoned him the first time, he easily escapes and when he comes back they try to imprison him again despite the fact that he has already proven there first method very ineffective.
    • After one too many infractions from one of the Insurgency members, Kris, calling them out on how they have handled several situations so far Eula coldly states that she will be removing Kris not only from power but from the entire Insurgency as well despite the fact that none of them could afford to lose the man power or someone as skilled as Kris.
    • Kris lampshades this by pointing out that Eula has not acted as a leader at all, that meetings only conclude when the loudest most opinionated person wins out because everyone else is too tired to argue.
  • Character Development: After a heart to heart talk with Barbara and in the face of Lumine initiating a coup that has resulted in her walking off with more than half of the Insurgency's and the other members conspiring against Lumine, Eula has finally decided that enough was enough and it was time for her to make her own decisions. Her first course of action? Recruiting Kris who she has been constantly at odds with and then recruiting Xiao.
  • Everyone Has Standards:
    • Calls an emergency meeting when she comes across the Liyuen spy stewing in their vomit and waste. She makes it clear she is not pleased at the state she found him in and wants to know who tortured the spy. She also called in Barbara to heal him, despite the fact that he and his compatriots are the reason that Liyue was invaded.
    • Completely disagrees with the plan to create a Siphoner specifically to utilize against Lumine. She already realizes that this is a bad idea, but knows that there is no point in bringing it up with the others as they would completely disregard her opinion due to the fact that while officially she's the leader of the Insurgency, she's well aware that she's a figurehead ruler even within the Committee. So rather than talking to them, she speaks to the one member of the Insurgency who has been constantly criticizing them, Kris, and asks her to help her out with an idea formulating in her head that involves Xiao.
  • Heroic BSoD: Eula just breaks when Xiao returns to Liyue with a critically injured Kaeya in his arms. After being rebuked by the Yaksha, all her insecurities of her role as being the leader of the Insurgency come out as she's hit by failure after failure and things just going wrong in general.
  • It's All My Fault: Eula has adopted this view in the light of everything going wrong for the Insurgency so far. From the fall of Mondstadt to the Liyue invasion to the people of Liyue showing their displeasure towards the Insurgency, after Xiao questions what she's doing she collapses onto the ground and starts breaking down.
    Eula spat out a bitter laugh. “What hope, Lisa? Are you sure you aren’t mistaking hope with mere delusions?”
    She waved a hand towards the door. “The Committee is a mess. The people of Liyue are rioting. Kris is gone, Kaeya is very well dead, we’ve utterly failed Lumine. What’s even the point of it, anymore? We came together to rebel against Aether’s rule, but look at us! LOOK AT US!”
    The last part she screamed, her voice tearing as she shot Lisa an insanely wild look, clutching Lisa’s shoulders, shaking her. “We’re worse than him! Can’t you see? Everything I try to do blows up in my face. Nothing I say matters! It’s a fucking farce! I can’t lead anyone, unless I’m leading them down the road to death. I’m killing everyone, Lisa.”
  • Jerkass Has a Point: While trying to kick out a member for being critical of how she runs things is considered petty, the member she tried to strip of her ranking DID assault another member of the Insurgency to the point that they were sent to the infirmary. The member, Kris, has also shown insubordination in the past.
  • Reasonable Authority Figure: Shows shades of this when she is telling Navya why punishing the vandals of their former meeting room is a bad idea. In the face of souring relations between them and the civilians, making a harsh example of others would only reinforce that the Insurgency is the enemy in their eyes.
  • Scars Are Forever: The spot where Lumine stabbed her in the throat has left a permanent scar that sometimes aches when she remembers her failures.
  • Take a Third Option: In the face of Lumine performing a coup and taking more than half of the Insurgency soldiers and the other Committee members going along with Jules plan to create a third Siphoner, Eula decides to take a third option by recruiting Kris and Xiao for an idea she has brewing in her head.
  • What the Hell, Hero?: Eula is on the receiving end of this a couple of times.
    • Lumine tears into her during the Liyue invasion, holding the Lawrence at sword point and lightly embedding the tip of her blade into her throat that both draws blood and leaves a very visible scar in later chapters.
    • Xiao calls her out on not only failing the people she was supposed to protect but also Lumine who was in a very weakened state when they found her.
    • The third time, Kris calls Eula out on how she’s been leading the Insurgency so far, pointing out her flaws and questioning whether she actually listens to the people she and the Insurgency claim to be fighting for.
  • The Woobie: Not only is Eula in charge of the Insurgency that seems to have a lot of internal problems, but she also lost her best friend Amber in the executions. Not to mention that she failed to protect Mondstadt and was completely powerless as Aether took over.


Kaeya Alberich - Member of the Insurgency Committee, former Calvary Captain of the Knights of Favonius

Kaeya is a member of the Insurgency Committee, and is the first member to greet Lumine and test her to decide whether to allow her into the Insurgency.
  • Cruel to Be Kind: Is essentially this to Mavey in Chapter 32. Kaeya calls Mavey out on his actions that go against his moral code during the duel between Lumine and Aether in Liyue. However, rather than it just being Kaeya calling out Mavey for being a hypocrite, it's more along the lines of making sure that Mavey doesn't become dangerous later on with his abilities.
  • Hypocrisy Nod: Is not afraid to admit that he is this to Jean and Mavey. He also calls out the Insurgency for also being hypocrites.
  • Pet the Dog: After Lumine's confrontation with Aether as Mondstadt burns and crumbles around them, he catches her when she collapses and reassures her as she breaks down over the fact that she rejected what her brother has become.
  • Reasonable Authority Figure:
    • Was the only one actually trying to conduct a proper investigation on Sucrose whereas Veer was taking out his frustration on the former captive by victim blaming her while Kokomi was resigned to silence.
    • Admits to Mavey and Jean that how they have treated Lumine up to this point was wrong and that rather treat her like a threat, they should have treated her like her own person separate from her brother. Also refuses to tell the rest of the Committee that Lumine was the one who tortured the spy because they would just make a mess of things again based off past experience.
      Kaeya: Informing and relying on the bloody Committee is what got us into this mess in the first place. Walk me through this, Jean. We tell the Committee. They ask Lumine what the fuck she was thinking. Do you know what happens after? We get another damn Kristina situation. We get that disastrous Sucrose interrogation. We need to stop approaching Lumine as though she were a problem, and address her as a person who needs to be respected.
  • What the Hell, Hero?:
    • Kaeya calls out the Insurgency and himself for not performing as well as the group could. He himself is not exempt from this as he acknowledges Jean's words that he himself has failed the Insurgency in many ways.
    • Calls out Mavey in Chapter 32 for being hypocritical about keeping secrets. When Lumine is keeping secrets, she has to be upfront about it. When Mavey is keeping secrets, he has a right to secrecy?


Jean - Insurgency Committee Member and former Acting Head of the Knights of Favonius

Prior to Aether's takeover of Teyvat, Jean was Acting Head of the Knights of Favonius before she was forced on the run. One of Lumine's babysitters when the former first joined the Insurgency, and the Older sister of Barbara.

  • Drowning My Sorrows: Jean does this during the Liyue Ball when all the memories of what Aether has done to Mondstadt come rushing back. Played for Drama in that Jean being drunk leaves her completely unprepared to deal with Aether's invading forces.
  • Heroic BSoD: While a lot of people seem to be going through one from what Lumine has observed, it seems more noticeable with Jean when Lumine lay out her ideas on how she planned to drive Aether's forces away from the continent that Mondstadt and Liyue share because her eyes seem to light up with hope.
    • Jean has another one when she learns that Albedo is destroying Mondstadt. She immediately gives up without even attempting to try and stop him.
    • When Kaeya comes back to Liyue horribly injured in Xiao's arms, she breaks down in front of Diluc when he tries to go to his brother's side out of fear of losing another loved one. Considering just how much she lost when Aether took over, Kaeya dying with his fate left up into the air is just too much for her.
  • Hope Spot: She has one when Lumine outlines how she's going to drive Aether's forces out of Mondstadt and Liyue. Her eyes seem to light up at the idea of Lumine's plans.
  • Team Mom: One of the more reasonable members of the Insurgency so far. According to Kaeya, she is the one with a nurturing side and always the one to take care of others.
    • Comforted Mavey when Lumine made him cry and in Chapter 32 she is the one to run after the Natlan native when he storms off after Kaeya provokes him.


Venti - The Anemo Archon, Lord Barbatos

Venti is the Anemo Archon, Lord Barbatos who rules over the wind. He is now on the run ever since the city he had watched over for thousands of years was overtaken by Chāoyuè Xīngchén's forces.

  • Big Damn Heroes:
    • Venti summons a gust of wind and gives Lumine and Paimon an opportunity to get away from the Constillion Guards that cornered them in the first chapter.
    • Venti does it again during the invasion of Liyue. However, the results this time are much more fatal.
  • Broken Bird: A male variant. After the fall of Mondstadt, Venti is just... out of it. Though it was a long time in the making as he failed to protect his people when the Constillion Guard took over, the Knights of Favonius were utterly annihilated and their remains desecrated. His people and the city he used to protect are no longer there and there was nothing he could do to prevent the atrocities committed on his lands, can you blame him for being broken?
  • Disappointed in You: Expresses this to the Insurgency after what happens to Sucrose and when he had to separate Veer and Kris during a fight.
  • Drowning My Sorrows: He does this after the destruction of Mondstadt and a meeting gone sideways. It was the last straw in how he feels he failed Mondstadt from being unable to save the knights who were executed to many more of his people dying when Mondstadt fell.
  • Heroic BSoD: Venti enters this when Mondstadt is destroyed. He has always been on the edge after Mondstadt was taken by Aether's forces and the remaining knights who weren't able to escape in time were beheaded, but Mondstadt's fall just pushes him completely into this territory.
  • Heroic Sacrifice: Venti sacrifices his life by taking a fatal blow meant for her as well as passing on his powers to her for her to siphon and help her in her battle against Aether.
  • Rage Breaking Point: Venti reaches his after watching Sucrose being subjected to a brutal three-way interrogation and then having to separate both Veer and Kris who were rolling on the ground and fighting like kids in a playground
  • Shoo Out the Clowns: A once comedic character whose main identifying feature was getting drunk, Venti is killed off during the Liyue invasion.
  • Stepford Smiler: Paimon points out to Lumine in an aside that Venti's upbeat attitude is forced. After all, there is no way the God of Freedom would actually be happy about the current state of the world where everything goes against what he stands for and the fact that he failed his citizens and many of them think he abandoned them.
  • What the Hell, Hero?: After separating Veer and Kris during a fight, he calls out everyone in the room on their inability to save Mondstadt and how if they are incapable of saving a single city, there is no way they can save the rest of Teyvat


Keqing - Insurgency Committee Member and former member of the Qixing

Keqing was one of the two Qixing members to have escaped being rounded up and executed by the Constillion Guard when Aether started his take over of Teyvat. She is one of the Committee members.
  • The Ace: While being The Ace is a requirement of being a Committee member, Keqing already held this title when she was still a part of the Liyue Qixing.
  • All for Nothing: Keqing's dream was for Liyue to be able to prosper without the Gods in a new age where it would be humanity who would take the helm. Instead, however, Liyue like the rest of Teyvat finds itself in the iron grasp of a powerful immortal who is slowly suffocating the people of Teyvat under his tyranny.
  • Cat Girl: Lumine refers to her as this when the Outlander first learns her name.
  • Fallen Princess: Keqing, formerly of the Liyue Qixing. A former well-respected government official from a prestigious family who worked very hard for the sake of the nation she loved, she was forced to flee alongside the other surviving member of the Qixing, Ningguang, when Aether came for Liyue to avoid being executed. As of the present, she is now a high ranking Insurgency member who is a wanted fugitive trying to take back her home and who does not carry the same respect as she did in the past when the Liyue Qixing were still in power.
  • Reasonable Authority Figure: Keqing can be considered one of the more reasonable members of the group. And it shows in the way she conducts herself in one of the chapters.
    • When Navya first suggested harshly punishing the people involved in trashing their original meeting room, she is outraged at the idea.
    • Listens to Kendrick's story despite the fact that he had played a part in vandalizing the meeting room of the Insurgency.
    • Holds back Xinqiu from mauling the culprit of the vandalization.
  • Riches to Rags: From one of the most powerful people in the prosperous city of Liyue to a high ranked fugitive who is part of the local resistance movement, the Insurgency. When Aether came to power, she lost almost everything.
  • Sole Survivor: She and Ningguang were the only members of the Liyue Qixing to escape Liyue alive. The other members were rounded up and executed at the Terrace, the plaza where Rex Lapis' Ascension Ceremony is held every year.
  • World of Technicolor Hair: How she is identified as being one of the high ranked members of the Committee when she goes and confronts one of the people involved in the vandalism of the Insurgency Meeting room.


Mavey- Insurgency Committee Member

Mavey is introduced during Lumine's initiation to the Insurgency. Was one of two traveling companions to Lumine who is also meant to watch over her. Dendro Vision user and a native of Natlan.
  • Beware the Nice Ones: Mavey has proven himself to be an reasonable person who does not hold Lumine's relation to Aether against her and is quick to get angry at Veer when he brings his personal baggage into his vitriol attitude towards Lumine. Also as someone who came from Natlan and is the scion of one of the most powerful warrior tribes in the nation, it goes without saying that he is a very brutal fighter. He is also very capable of bringing everyone to their knees as shown in chapter 44.
  • Easily Forgiven: Often has this attitude towards Veer due to knowing Veer's tragic backstory of losing his entire family to Aether's regime but eventually reaches his limit when Veer's typical attitude and behaviour start being too much even for him. Especially after the way that Veer interrogated Sucrose in front of the entire committee.
  • Everyone Has Standards: Is horrified at Veer's interrogation of Sucrose and when Kris starts beating him up, he feels that the former deserves it. In the past, Mavey used to defend his lover's Jerkass moments but after what happened to Sucrose, he feels that Veer deserved everything that happened to him. He also tells Veer that while he understands the source of his Jerkass behaviour, the event with Sucrose has become far too much for him to handle.
  • Mind Rape: Mavey seems to have this ability as when the entire Committee started arguing, he managed to nearly kill all of them with his special ability.
  • Gentle Giant: He may be from Natlan, but he has shown to prefer calming down fights rather than starting one.
  • Morality Pet: He is this to Veer. Deconstructed in that because he is the only one Veer is ever nice to, he is never believed by the others when Mavey tries to defend his lover because they are often on the receiving end of Veer's temper. As a result, eventually he gets tired of Veer's behaviour and tells him that if he doesn't clean up his behaviour, Mavey doesn't think he can be with him any more.
  • No Sympathy: Mavey cannot bring himself to feel at all sorry for his lover, Veer, getting the crap beaten out of him at the hands of the Civilian Forces Commander, Kris, after Veer starts screaming and blaming Sucrose for the events of Mondstadt.
  • Reasonable Authority Figure: Shows no bias towards Lumine, unlike the rest of the Insurgency, just because she is Aether's twin sister.
    • When Lumine and Veer are about to exchange blows during a meeting, he immediately slaps Veer and gives him a dressing down before turning to apologize to Lumine. Prior to the fight breaking out, he understood that Lumine's real issue was with Veer rather than him when she unintentionally insulted him when she retaliated to his boyfriend's remark.
  • Tender Tears: Mavey is a male variant of this. He is easily prone to tears as shown when:
    • When Lumine angrily tells him off for blowing their cover and getting a civilian involved, he turns around to cry even though he was the one to tell Lumine to get her anger off her chest.
    • He storms off in tears after Veer asks in shock why he is siding with Lumine over him
    • He breaks down crying when he admits that he was indirectly the reason the spy was tortured, because he told Lumine and Ajax where the spy was being held.
  • What Does She See in Him?: Faces this a lot from other people when they wonder why he and Veer are dating, due to the latter being rude and abrasive to everyone else not named Mavey. Deconstructed in that while he does defend his lover when people ask him this question, he soon finds himself unable to come up with any more excuses to defend Veer and Mavey soon finds himself questioning himself regarding this as well.
  • What the Hell, Hero?: Gives this to Veer for him constantly making snide remarks at Lumine and provoking her at
every turn. He acknowledges that his boyfriend is in pain, but tells him that gives him no right to minimize Lumine's own emotional turmoil at having to deal with her brother turning into a tyrant.


Veer - Insurgency Committee Member

A member of the Insurgency Committee and a Hydro Vision user. He is an Archer. He makes it absolutely clear to Lumine that he hates both her and her brother and that they don't belong on Teyvat.
  • Break the Haughty: Oh boy, Veer gets put through this big time. When he is first introduced, he is antagonistic towards Lumine and isn't afraid to show off the amount of influence he has within the Insurgency to make her life as difficult as possible. However, when he reveals his reason for antagonizing Lumine she puts him in place by calling him a coward who is picking on someone he sees as an easier target because he can't take on the actual source of his anger, followed by Mavey slapping him and the strained relationship between them afterwards. Then after his brutal interrogation of Sucrose, Kris, someone who has always been antagonistic towards him proceeds to beat him up to the point that he has to spend time in the infirmary. His appearances afterwards show him as being quieter and not as angry as before.
  • Brutal Honesty:
    • Veer is unafraid of showing and telling Lumine how much he hates her and her brother.
    • He and Kris get into fights all the time because the both of them are this. Neither back down from showing how much they hate the other person.
    • Deconstructed in that Veer's brutal honesty makes him a very unpopular person within the Insurgency. Mavey tells him during their fight that he gets a lot of flak for being in a relationship with him and that people look at him like he's crazy when he tries to defend Veer.
  • Butt-Monkey: Though Veer often brings it on himself, he does get a lot of unfortunate events piled on him in short order.
    • When his snarkiness and unnecessary comments go too far, Lumine calls him out on his cowardice of projecting his anger onto her because he's too afraid to actually take up the real object of his hatred: her brother. She then ends it with saying that she'll be happy to reunite him and his family together in 'hell'.
    • He and Mavey have a falling out because of his poor treatment of Lumine, whose only 'crime' was to be related to Aether. Mavey slaps him and to put salt in the wound, 'sides with Lumine' in Veer's own words.
    • In taking out his anger and hurt from his fight with Mavey onto Sucrose, he earns the ire of Kris who is unafraid to get into a physical fight with him. The two of them start rolling around on the ground, fighting like children while hurling insults at each other as they do their best to hurt one another as much as they can.
    • Though it applies to everyone in the room, he gets called out on how poorly the Insurgency has conducted themselves in regards to the Mondstadt Massacre by Venti.
  • Combat Pragmatist: Suggests using Lumine against her brother.
  • Foreshadowing: Though Lumine being treated with disdain is expected due to her being Aether's twin, Veer's aggression towards her stands out. He is quite talkative when she first meets the Committee, doing everything in his power to make things difficult for her. He's snide and rude towards her at every opportunity he could get. The antagonism he shows towards Lumine foreshadows his hatred of her by association to Aether and how compared to others his hatred is very personal.
  • Family Man: Before they were executed, Veer was portrayed to be deeply devoted to his parents and his older sister and he loved them very much. Their brutal executions left him bitter, angry, and full of hate that extends to Lumine.
  • Freudian Excuse Is No Excuse: Veer is the only surviving member of his family after Aether killed them all. Understandably he hates Aether for this, but his hatred also extends to Lumine because not only are they kin, they look identical to each other. They also share similar personality traits as well. However Lumine, fed up with Veer's particularly vicious dislike of her, calls him out on projecting his anger and hate onto her.
  • The Friend Nobody Likes: Mavey points out that Veer is this to others when they are fighting. The former has had people constantly going up to him, asking what he even sees in Veer due to just how abrasive his boyfriend is towards others.
  • Good Is Not Nice: Veer is a part of an organization that is against Aether's tyranny, but he is not a good person at all. He even admits this to the one person he is close to.
  • Jerkass: Veer is not a good person. He knows this, but could care less about what other people think about him. During Lumine's first encounter with him, he makes it clear that he does not like her and continues to snark at her whenever he gets the chance.
  • Hypocrite:
  • Jerkass Has a Point: Veer may have been nothing but abrasive and antagonistic to Lumine, making snide remarks here and there whenever he could and making his dislike clear, but he is absolutely right that Lumine doesn't really care about the Teyvat, its people, and the Insurgency. The tells her point blank that the only person she cares about is Aether even though her brother is a tyrant who has essentially destroyed many lives in their world. On the other hand, Lumine hasn't had enough time to develop the bonds that allow her to care for the people and people like him have done nothing to endear her to Teyvat.
    • Again, he has a point that Sucrose being captured was what essentially kicked off Albedo rampaging in Mondstadt, ultimately destroying what was left of the city. But considering how he blames someone who has just escaped captivity at the hands of a tyrant, he comes off as victim blaming.
  • Jerkass to One: What he is to Lumine. Veer is described as being abrasive to everyone that is not Mavey, but he is particularly nasty to Lumine because her brother killed his entire family and so he extends his hate towards her as well because she is Aether's twin.
  • Kick the Dog: He engages in this a lot.
    • Calls Chongyun a traitor after the reveal for the sole purpose of hurting him.
    • After Lumine completely calls him out on him being snarky and snide towards her the entire time, calling him out on taking his anger out on an easier target because he is too scared to actually take it up with the real source of his anger he proceeds to call her a snake who betrayed her own brother; a choice that had hurt her deeply despite it being the right choice.
    • Victim blames Sucrose during a three person interrogation in front of an entire group. He blames her for the reason that Albedo destroyed Mondstadt. Even worse Sucrose hasn't fully recovered from her ordeal, so he is screaming at a still recovering and deeply traumatized girl who barely escaped captivity with her life.
  • Laser-Guided Karma: Veer gets this in spades in further chapters. First introduced as a high ranking Committee member who seems very determined to make Lumine's life within the Insurgency difficult. He is an unrepented Jerkass who is well aware that he is not a nice person and doesn't seem to care about what other people think and will purposely say things that he knows would hurt others for the sake of hurting them. He traded Stealth Insult with Lumine which eventually cumulates into him exploding on her, screaming his hatred at her due to the fact that Lumine's twin was the one who ordered the executions of his family leaving him as the Sole Survivor. However understandable his dislike of Lumine is through her relation to Aether, neither Lumine nor his lover Mavey are sympathetic to him due to the fact that his grudge is essentially misplaced and that Lumine does not condone his actions. Lumine tells him off for taking his anger out on her and Mavey slaps him across the face when he tries to go over to Lumine to beat her up for insulting his family. The aftermath causes a fallout between him and Mavey, which he later then takes out on Sucrose during an interrogation. The meeting ends in a disaster since Kris in her anger and disgust at how he treats Sucrose beats him up. In the end he is taken to the infirmary where he is bedridden.
  • Nepotism: His family planned on using their influence both within the political sphere and the military sphere through Veer to influence Sumeru.
  • No-Holds-Barred Beatdown: Is on the receiving end of this from another member of the Insurgency, Kris, when he takes out his anger on Sucrose after a fight with Mavey. The next time he's seen, he's resting in the infirmary. However, Kris doesn't leave the meeting room unscathed either.
  • No Sympathy For Grudge Holders: While Veer's hatred of Aether is very understandable, neither Lumine or Mavey are sympathetic towards how he treats the former due to her relationship to Aether. Lumine calls him a coward who takes out his anger on who sees as an easier target while Mavey does not tolerate his pain as an excuse to treat Lumine badly.
  • Serial Killer: Prior to joining the Insurgency, Veer had killed a lot of people. Constillion soldiers as well as many innocents.
  • Sole Survivor: Veer is revealed to be this. His entire family was slaughtered by Aether and as a result, he despises the Chāoyuè Xīngchén, and by extension his twin sister Lumine.
  • Trauma Button: Has this in regards to Lumine. He can't help but hate her not only because she is the beloved twin sister of the Chāoyuè Xīngchén, but also because she looks and acts similar to him.
  • Trauma Conga: Watched his family be brutally executed in front of the entirety of Sumeru, was used by a father and daughter duo for their own means and became a serial killer, was raped by the girl of said duo, was called out on his Freudian Excuse by his family murderer's twin sister, is called out on his horrible behaviour by his lover, gets beat up by another member of the Insurgency. As much of a jerk Veer is, he hasn't had a good time.
  • Would Hit a Girl: He's not afraid at all to hit girls if he doesn't like them.
    • When Lumine tells him she would gladly send him to hell so that he can reunite with his family, Veer attempts to make his way to her to no doubt start a fight.
    • In 'Interrogation' Veer yanks Kris to the ground and the two of them start fighting, neither of them holding back. He breaks her ribs, nicks her face, and 'punches' her in the face. To be fair to him, Kris was the one who started it.


Ariel - Committee Member

Ariel is an Original Character and one of the members of the Committee.
  • Brutal Honesty: Is not afraid to let others what is on her mind. Was upfront about using Lumine as a bargaining chip against Aether.
  • Fiery Redhead: Ariel is described as having red hair and she's not at all shy about snapping at people if they say something that rubs her wrong.
  • I Did What I Had to Do: Combined with War Is Hell, Ariel uses tries to justify Sucrose's interrogation as this when the alchemy apprentice calls them out on how poorly they managed everything so far.
  • I Have Your Wife: Wanted to use Lumine against Aether due to them being twins, however Lumine convinced them otherwise.
  • "It" Is Dehumanizing: She calls Scaramouche a 'Thing', to Sucrose's anger.
  • Pragmatic Hero: The one who suggests using Lumine as a hostage against Aether when the former first meets the Committee. Judging by what she says to Sucrose when she calls the Committee out on their conduct so far, she believes that sacrifices have to be made to achieve results.
  • Jerkass:
    • Dismissing someone who you publicly interrogated and humiliated as a necessary casualty of war and calling a sentient puppet 'it' does not make you a nice person.
    • Calling Lumine crazy when she and a good chunk of the Committee are the reason why she refuses to listen to them anymore- when they have done nothing but treat her with disdain and either ignoring or refusing to acknowledge their roles in it.
  • Never My Fault:
    • When Sucrose calls them out on how she was mishandled by her own side, Ariel tells her to shut up and completely brushes aside the fact that she was part of the Committee that subjected her to a three way interrogation that ended horribly.
    • Accuses Ajax for being the one to cause Lumine's Sanity Slippage, refusing to acknowledge her and the rest of the Committee's part in driving Lumine to the extremes of performing a coup.
  • War Is Hell: Uses this as an excuse to justify what she and the rest of the Committee put Sucrose through when they tried to interrogate her and the latter calls them out on it.
  • What Measure Is a Non-Human?: If the way she calls Scaramouche a thing is anything to go by, she has this view.


Navya - Committee Member

Navya is a member of the Committee.
  • Brutal Honesty: Does not try and sugarcoat how someone should be punished for a petty crime such as vandalism or how someone should be taken apart. The way they it is akin to reporting what the weather is like.
  • Disproportionate Retribution: What their suggestion of what to do to the people who vandalized the meeting room, much to the discomfort of other people.
  • Lack of Empathy:
    • Suggests making a hard example of the vandals who vandalized the original Committee Meeting room in Liyue. Doesn't seem to realize that their suggestion is likely to cause more problems than it would solve.
    • In another meeting, they suggest that the Insurgency dismantle Scaramouche to figure out how he works as well as try and find out what Aether's plans are using the former Harbinger much to the anger of Sucrose.
  • Make an Example of Them: Navya insists that the people who vandalized the meeting room should be harshly dealt with to discourage people from doing the same in the future.
  • What Measure Is a Non-Human?: Because Scaramouche is not human, Navya does not seem to see the problem with suggesting to dismantle the former Harbinger right to his face.


Jules- Committee Member

Jules is one of the high ranked Committee members. Did not have a speaking line until Chapter 44.
  • Bitch in Sheep's Clothing: In his first appearance, he comes off as being one of the saner members of the Insurgency. In chapter 47, he is the one who suggests creating a third Siphoner and utilizing Lumine's trauma against her. When he gets called out on it, he seems genuinely surprised that Kaeya is against the idea and says that it is fair game considering she has already used their fear of her brother against them already.
  • The Cameo: His name was mentioned in the earlier chapters when the Committee was being introduced to Lumine, but he didn't have a speaking line until Chapter 44.
  • Combat Pragmatist: Suggests creating a third Siphoner to use against Lumine to drain her of her abilities and neutralize her as well as using her own past traumas to keep her in check. Is genuinely surprised when Kaeya questions the morality of such an action and he excuses his idea by saying that she uses their fear of her brother against them, it's fair game.
  • O.O.C. Is Serious Business: Jules never usually speaks during the Committee Meetings, but as Sucrose, Albedo, and Kris start calling others out and the meeting starts devolving, he finally breaks his silence and calls for everyone to calm down.
  • Only Sane Man: Comes off as this during the Committee meeting in Chapter 44 as when the room was descending into one big call out session, he told the entire room that they needed to calm down and discuss things like adults.
  • Remember the New Guy?: His name was mentioned at the beginning, but it wasn't until nearly forty chapters later that he actually has a speaking line.


Albedo - The Chief Alchemist

Albedo was the former Chief Alchemist of the Knights of Favonius.
  • Artificial Human: As pointed out by Lumine, he does not bleed. That is because he is a homunculus who was made by Gold after the fall of Khaenri'ah.
  • The Atoner: He is this towards Lumine due to nearly killing her twice. He especially feels horrible about the second attempt.
  • Badass Bookworm: Alchemy is a difficult science to grasp, and he was the leading figure of the scientific art before Aether executed most of the knights.
    • He has also nearly killed Lumine. Twice. Though the first time she was already injured in her right with Ajax, there was no such handicap with their second fight. Had Xiao not gotten there in time with Sucrose, Lumine would have either died from blood loss or a fatal blow from Albedo himself.
    • He sent Apollo flying through a wall. Though Apollo may not have been a warrior, the people of the City of Stars are said to be stronger than humans. Not to mention Apollo's specific power that cancels out Visions.
  • Big Brother Instinct: Albedo held this towards Klee. Her execution devastated him.
  • Brutal Honesty: Has absolutely no problem calling the Insurgency incompetent when asked about it. And he's a member of the group whose sole purpose is to overthrow the Chāoyuè Xīngchén.
  • Everyone Has Standards: After escaping from the Insurgency the first time he was subdued, he followed Ajax and Lumine to Snezchnaya with the intention of assassinating the latter. However, he chose not to after witnessing her having a breakdown while she was with Ajax's family.
  • Green-Eyed Epiphany: Albedo finds himself dealing with this when Sucrose starts taking care of Scaramouche in Zhongli's house. Lumine has to spell it out loud to him right to his face that he is jealous of the fact that Sucrose is looking after a near catatonic Scaramouche.
  • Pet the Dog: Albedo initially considers Lumine an invasive being on Teyvat after Aether's dictatorship and tries to kill her during the Fall of Mondstadt. After escaping the Insurgency, he spots Lumine and Ajax traveling to Snezhnaya and follows them with the intention to kill her. However, after watching Lumine have an emotional breakdown, he chooses not to go through with his attempt to assassinate her.
  • Secret-Keeper: One of few people who knows that Scaramouche, Venti's unintentional killer, is being kept hidden in Zhongli's house.
  • Woobie, Destroyer of Worlds: Days after Sucrose's capture, he immediately starts attacking Mondstadt. But before that during the beginning of Aether's reign, Klee is murdered, brutally executed along the other Knights of Favonius.
  • Would Hit a Girl: Albedo has outright tried to kill Lumine twice. He nearly succeeds the second time.


Sucrose - Alchemist Assistant

Sucrose is the an alchemist and assistant to Albedo. She was captured by the Constillion Guards off-screen during the story but managed to escape from her captivity and make it all the way back to Liyue where she collapsed and was then taken back to the Insurgency Headquarters.
  • Grew a Spine: The shy and stuttering Sucrose of the past is barely recognizeable after she escaped from Aether. When Veer insults Albedo, her timidness vanishes and she gets up and slaps the hydro archer.
  • Kick the Dog: Gets a large dose of this. Not even a day after escaping from captivity is she brought to an Insurgency meeting when she's still injured, but from Mavey's point of view it is witnessed that Veer blames Sucrose for being the cause of Mondstad's destruction.
  • Morality Pet: Is this for Albedo. When she was initially captured by the Chāoyuè Xīngchén's forces, he went on a rampage that destroyed Mondstadt. The second time he rampages, it was because he heard that Sucrose was being subjected to a brutal interrogation.
  • Sympathy for the Devil: This is essentially how she feels about Scaramouche. While she acknowledges he did bad things, she still has compassion for him as he was the one who kept her grounded during captivity.
  • Took a Level in Badass:
    • Sucrose shoving Veer when he calls Albedo a murderer in Descensus Averno: Interrogation.
    • When she heard that Albedo was in the middle of a meeting to decide his fate, she had to be held back by two different healers. This is especially noteable considering that she herself had been but in a highly stressful situation where she was interrogated by three different people, one of them Veer who was using her as The Scape Goat after a vicious fight with Mavey. She was going back to a situation that had been highly stressful for her because she knew that the treatment her boss was going to be subjected to would be anything but kind.
    • Was firm in her decision to be part of the group who rescues Lumine from Apollo, Annabelle, and Malcolm.
    • In Chapter 31, she stands up to Lumine when the former tries to kill Scaramouche. Considering that seeing Lumine had given her a flashback of Aether the first time? Standing up to someone who unintentionally caused her trauma is a big thing. Especially if said person was pissed because Scaramouche had been the one to kill Venti.
    • Sucrose volunteering to rescue Lumine despite what had just happened to her. Especially when she volunteers to rescue her from Aether's stronghold, voluntarily going back to the very place that she was imprisoned in.
    • Sucrose calls out the entirety of the Committee for what they subjected her to shortly after her escape, stating that they are no different from the very man that they claim to be fighting against for the people and the greater good. She tells them that they retraumatized her and that the way they treated Lumine was wrong. She also starts screaming at Ariel and matches her word for word.
    • Sucrose defending Scaramouche from Lumine.
  • Trauma Button: Lumine was unintentionally this as a result of her time being coerced and threatened by Aether.
  • Unwitting Instigator of Doom: Sucrose being captured by the Constillion Guards is this. Had she not been captured, Albedo would not have rampaged in Mondstadt which would then attract Aether's attention. Albedo's rampage ended with casualties on many sides; Constillion Guards, Insurgency Soldiers, and Mondstadt's civilians who still lived in Mondstadt.


Kristina - The Commander of the Civilian Forces

Kristina, her name shortened to Kris at times, is the Commander of the Civilian Troops. Was initially a member of the Committee until she was kicked out and demoted in rank.
  • Action Girl:
    • Formerly a member of the Committee and Apex Division before she was kicked out. Despite being demoted, she was made the Commander of the Civilian Forces. She shows off her skills during the battle for Watatsumi Island.
    • Though she may no longer be a member of the Committee or the Apex Division and was very close to being kicked out altogether, Kris proves that she is not just a strong and trained warrior, but a smart thinker in battle as seen when she completely and utterly incapacitates Malcolm by taking advantage of his and Annabelle's exhausted states. Though she is wounded in the fight she comes out as the victor of the battle by observing that he and Annabelle make up for each other's flaws and by observing the timing of how long it takes Annabelle to teleport him, she is eventually able to take him completely off guard by stabbing him in the stomach just before he is whisked away. Even more impressive is during the fight Apollo nullifies her Vision, cutting her off from her powerful wind abilities and forcing her to rely only on her natural skills as a fighter
    • In that same fight, when Apollo starts crushing her with his Power Nullifier abilities, Kris isn't phased for very long. She stops resisting and uses Apollo's surprise at her sudden lack of resistance to grab her sword from where it is embedded in Malcolm's stomach and throw it at his head. The result is a completely caught off Apollo freaking out and grabbing Annabelle who then teleports them out of the area, leaving Malcolm behind at the mercy of Kris and Dainsleif.
  • A Father to His Men: A female variant of this. She angrily calls out Eula on the loss of her soldiers in the middle of a meeting. When she talks to Zhongli in a later chapter, she laments that same loss, implying that Liyue will suffer the same fate.
  • Awesomeness by Analysis: This is how she defeats Malcolm, the muscle of the Three City of Stars kidnappers who imprisoned Lumine. She notices that Malcolm and Annabelle compensate for each other's weaknesses and uses their exhausted states against each other, timing it carefully until she's able to incapacitate Malcolm after Annabelle tries to teleport away.
  • Badass Boast: She does not let Apollo's powerful ability to nullify her own abilities to hinder her. She has some choice words to say to him while she grabs her sword embedded in Malcolm's stomach and chucks it at him.
    Kris: I am Kristina of Natlan. And I bow to no one.
  • Brought Down to Badass: When Kris and Dain finally caught up with Lumine's captors, Apollo's powers kicked in rendering her Vision useless and cutting off her ability to interact with the wind. However she does not let this stop her from fighting Malcolm and despite being handicapped, she defeats Malcolm by using the latter and his cousin's strategy against them and then manages to drive off the other two by using the same sword that she had impaled Malcolm with as a projectile to aim at Apollo's head, causing the man to panic and start screaming at Annabelle to teleport them out of the area. Despite the fact that Apollo focusing most of his ability on her after she stabbed Malcolm literally brought her to her knees.
  • Brutal Honesty:
    • Kris is unafraid of calling the Insurgency incompetent right to the faces of both Eula and the Insurgency as well as questioning their decisions. Nor does she hesitate to get into fights over it either. Deconstructed in that it gets her kicked out of the Committee and Apex Division the first time and demoted to Commander of the Civilian Forces. When she does it again in 'Interrogation', Eula states out right that for all her skill in power, Kris' Brutal Honesty is proving to be more trouble than it's worth from getting into fights with superiors, physical and verbal, to undermining and causing division in the group. In Chapter 26 she would have been kicked out of the group entirely had Lumine not intervened.
    • Despite working at a desk to recruit more soldiers for the Insurgency as well as being the Commander of the Civilian Forces in charge of those recruits, Kris outright tells Zhongli during the Recruitment Ball in Liyue that being a part of the Insurgency is overrated and that she has no issue with being disrespectful to them.
      Kris: It’s not demotion. It’s the just the good honest truth. People should know what they’re getting themselves into.
    • And when she is pressed further about what she means, she elaborates on it.
      Kris: They expect you to behave accordingly. They want you to parrot their beliefs. You have no say if you’re deemed not qualified, and they have no issues with using people to get what they desire. They got what they wanted, alright. Mondstadt and Liyue’s is theirs. But at my soldiers’ expense. And soon, Liyue’s expense as well.
    • Kris does not hold back her thoughts at all in Chapter 45 and criticizes the Committee during a meeting that she was summoned to. She questions Eula on whether they really are making the good decisions they think they are, brutally tears apart Eula's leadership skills so far, and then accuses Navya that the Committee could care less about the people they claim to be protecting.
  • Heroic BSoD: She has one upon learning that Xingqiu attempted to commit suicide and that she was the last one to see him hours before
  • Only Sane Man: Can be considered this in regards to the Insurgency. Compared to the more emotionally fueled members of the group, she and the others often come to verbal clashes over their views.
  • No-Holds-Barred Beatdown: Subjects Veer to this after his interrogation of Sucrose.
  • Reasonable Authority Figure: Like Mavey and Jean, she has shown none of the typical bias towards Lumine for being the twin sister of the Chāoyuè Xīngchén. Her first meeting with Lumine was when the latter woke up in the infirmary, greeting her in a friendly matter rather than displaying any of the typical hostility a lot of members of the Insurgency have shown her.
    • Was arguing with Eula during the meeting regarding Albedo's fate. Lumine notes that Kris was fighting Eula over the treatment of Albedo.
  • Reassigned to Antarctica: Kris was formerly a member of the Committee, but was demoted for going against the highest ranked members of the Insurgency. The last straw was when she subjected Veer to a brutal beatdown. She would have been kicked out of the organization entirely had Lumine not intervened.
  • Trauma Button: People who she either sees as suicidal or about to take their own lives. Xingqiu's attempt on his life back in Inazuma shook her greatly that when she sees Zhongli on the roof of his own house looking like he was about to jump off, she freaks out and tackles him off the roof.
  • What the Hell, Hero?:
    • Really lets Eula have it over how she and the rest of the Committee handled the Mondstadt Massacre, which resulted in the loss of Mondstadt citizens as well as the Civilian Forces. The latter which Kris was responsible for.
    • Follows after Sucrose and Albedo and in calling out the entirety of the Committee during the emergency meeting in Chapter 44. She questions whether they really care for the people they claim to be fighting for in the name of the Greater Good, criticizes Eula's leadership skills by pointing out how much of a waste of time the meetings of endless squabblings are and that she just essentially caves to the most opinionated individual, and then throwing back into Navya's face that for all their claims to be trying to calm down the people of Liyue, that they don't care for the people.
  • Throwing Your Sword Always Works: Kris throws her own weapon at Apollo as a last ditch effort to disrupt the use of his ability on her. While she doesn't hit him, she does manage to drive him and Annabelle away and release the hold he has on her and Dain's abilities.



Zhongli - The Geo Archon/Rex Lapis/Morax

Zhongli is the Geo Archon, the God who used to rule over the nation of Liyue. He allied himself with the Chāoyuè Xīngchén at the beginning of the story to bargain for Liyue's freedom.

  • Deal with the Devil: Made this with the Chāoyuè Xīngchén to protect his people and lands from his tyranny.
  • Mistaken for Suicidal: Kristina thinks he is this when she spots him standing on the roof of his house, looking down at the city. She then proceeds to tackle him off the roof.
  • Not So Stoic:
    • He turns pale when Sucrose tells him, Lumine, and Albedo that Aether has both the Raiden Shogun and the Tsaritsa captive for the sole purpose of draining their powers.
    • Is surprised to hear Kris demoting the Insurgency at the recruitment table, considering that she is part of the Insurgency and the one responsible for the recently recruited Civilian Forces.
    • After Venti's death, Zhongli's appearance is no longer as neat as it was in the past. The attack on Liyue and the loss of Venti hit hard. Though he attended Venti's funeral for a short time, he was unable to stay due to how painful it was to be reminded of the death of his oldest friend.
  • Reasonable Authority Figure: Does not judge Lumine for her relation to the Chāoyuè Xīngchén.
  • Sole Survivor: Zhongli is now the only surviving Archon from the Original Seven after Venti's death.

City of Stars


Apollo is a member of the council from the City of Stars. He was sent to Teyvat to find Lumine and Aether specifically. He and Lumine were friends in the past, but whether Apollo reciprocated that is completely debateable.

  • Bad Boss: Dain describes Apollo treating his subordinates the same way he treats his enemies: without mercy or compassion.
    • Further proven when he forces Annabelle to teleport out of the area, leaving behind Malcolm who was injured by Kris and who also happens to be Annabelle's cousin.
  • Bitch in Sheep's Clothing: Pretended to be Lumine's friend until the moment he left her behind in the siphoning chamber to die.
  • But for Me, It Was Tuesday: Basically he saw his betrayal of Lumine in the past. When she brings it up during her captivity, he instantly dismisses the incident as something minor. Lumine is devastated by the dismissal considering how it impacts her life until now.
  • Dirty Coward: If the way he grabs Annabelle and has her teleport them away during the fight between them and Kris and Dainsleif is any indication after the former manages to move despite using his ability on her.
  • The Dreaded: Lumine and Dainsleif see him as this. Lumine because of their shared past and Dainsleif because of his abilities to shut down Visions and any other powers relating to the metaphysical.
  • Genre Savvy: Apollo brought along Malcolm and Annabelle with him to try and capture the twins because they were former failed chosen ones, and he figured that he would need their strength to be able to take on the current and true Chosen Ones, even with his ability to nullify the powers of others.
  • Not So Stoic: Apollo panics when Kris chucks a sword at his head and he immediately grabs Annabelle and has them teleport them out of the area, leaving their third companion behind as they make their get away.
  • Oh, Crap!: When Kris is still able to move around despite him using his ability on her, chucking her sword at his head.
  • Power Nullifier: This is his main ability that makes him so dangerous. He can shut down other people's abilities, such as abilities that are granted by Visions as well as anything metaphysical.
  • Squishy Wizard: He may not be much of a fighter, but his ability makes him very dangerous. In fact, he may be the most dangerous of his companions.
  • Smug Snake: Oh so much. Seems very confident in his skill to incapacitate his opponents but the minute his opponent was able to move despite using his ability on her, he freaks out.
  • Villainous Breakdown: Suffers a minor one when Kris chucks the very sword that she had used to impale Malcolm at his head. He grabs Annabelle and starts screaming at her to teleport them away, leaving Malcolm at Kris and Dain's mercies.
  • We Used to Be Friends: Lumine saw him as this in the past until he left her for dead and to be siphoned.


One of the two people who accompany Apollo to Teyvat to capture Lumine and Aether. She specializes in space time magic.

  • Beauty Is Never Tarnished: Defied. After Lumine grabs a hold of her when the others break into Dragonspine to rescue her, she finds herself being burned by Lumine's newly granted fire abilities. Lumine notes with twisted satisfaction that the burns will likely permanently leave their mark.
  • Break the Haughty:
    • Annabelle does not hide the fact that she hates Lumine for 'stealing Aether's destiny as the chosen one' and revels in any opportunity to cause her distress and misery. She taunts Lumine, mocking her during the former's captivity. However, when Lumine escapes from Apollo's grasp and teleports the two of them out from Lumine's cell area, she isn't so confident any more considering that Annabelle is a Squishy Wizard while Lumine is a born Lady of War despite how weakened she is. While Annabelle was teleporting them both, Lumine activated her pyro powers burning half of her body.
    • After Kris and Dain catch up with the fleeing star people and start fighting them, Annabelle is helpless when Kris takes advantage of her slower teleportation times to stab Malcolm and take him out of the fight. In a complete one eighty to her previous condescending and arrogant attitude, she throws herself at Dain screaming. To add salt to the wound, she is forced to leave Malcolm behind when Apollo starts screaming at her to teleport them away from the fight.
  • The Dog Bites Back: On the receiving end of this when Lumine tackles her just as soon as she starts teleporting out of the area the former was imprisoned in. Once Annabelle teleports them away from Apollo, her powers activate again and Annabelle not only receives burn marks that will now be permanent, she finds herself facing down a very pissed off Lumine who has every intent to pay her back for the treatment she received at her kidnappers hands. Annabelle is very much aware of just how much trouble she's in.
  • Even Evil Has Loved Ones: Annabelle and the other two she is with could care less about the people of Teyvat and hate Lumine for 'stealing' half the powers of the true chosen one, Aether. However, when Kris incapacitates Malcolm by taking advantage of her flagging strength, she completely loses it and attacks Dain.
  • Hoist by His Own Petard:
    • Annabelle's teleporting away while in the same proximity as Lumine gives the latter the opportunity to escape from Apollo's ability to nullify her powers. While they are between time and space, Lumine is not only able to activate her powers once again but is teleported to where her rescuers are fighting Malcolm.
    • It happens again when Kris notices that Malcolm and Annabelle cover the other's flaws. Noticing that Malcolm relies on Annabelle to cover for him when he messes up against his opponent, Kris takes advantage of Annabelle's flagging strength and slower teleportation times as well as Malcolm letting his guard down in that moment to take him down.
  • Kick the Dog: Does this to Lumine, completely disdainful of the girl due to seeing her as an usurper of the true chosen one. Also seems to show satisfaction at anything that causes Lumine distress.
  • Laser-Guided Karma:
  • Not So Stoic:
    • When Lumine tackles and grabs hold of her, she starts panicking. And once Lumine starts fighting her with Apollo no longer there to restrain Lumine's natural fighting abilities, she shows genuine fear at the fact that the girl she had taunted was now coming at her with a vengeance.
    • Completely loses it against Dainsleif and literally throws herself at him, fighting viciously, after Kris takes advantage of Annabelle and Malcolm's flagging strength to take down the latter.
  • Oh, Crap!: When Lumine decides to repay Annabelle for what she and the other two subjected her to when she was held captive, Annabelle isn't so smug any more and is panicking despite the fact she still tries to talk down Lumine.
  • The Poorly Chosen One: Was a former Chosen Candidate alongside Malcolm only to be tossed aside by the Council when she and Malcolm did not live up to the expectations of their status
  • Smug Snake: Just like Apollo and Malcolm, she seems to hold Lumine and the rest of Teyvat in contempt and looks down on them.
  • Squishy Wizard: Annabelle specializes in space time magic, but she is no physical fighter and it shows when she fights Lumine. Lumine overwhelms her for a time despite being malnourished from her imprisonment and the only reason that Annebelle gets the upperhand over her is because Lumine made the mistake of getting distracted.
  • Villainous Breakdown: Annabelle has one when Kris impales Malcolm, resulting her in completely losing it and throwing herself at Dain in angry fury.


One of the two accompanying Apollo to capture Lumine on Teyvat. He wields twin knife blades and is the warrior of the three City of Stars people.

  • Attack! Attack! Attack!: Malcolm seems to have this mindset when fighting against Kris. Something she takes advantage of to eventually take him down.
  • Badass in Distress: He maybe an antagonist, but there is no denying his fighting skill considering that he was able to take on five capable warriors at once. However during his second fight with Kris, he is impaled and then captured by Kris and Dainsleif. His unconscious body is taken back to Liyue, and he is imprisoned where Azdaha was once held.
  • Blood Knight: Malcolm absolutely revels in this, laughing when he's fighting five people to one. During his duel with Kris, he is still smiling when she elbows him so hard in the jaw that it leaves a bruise. Kris notes that he is the kind of person who comes alive during a fight.
  • The Brute: Malcolm is this to Annabelle and Apollo's Squishy Wizard. He is the muscle of the three kidnappers as
  • Cold-Blooded Torture: Lumine rips off his finger nails to get him to talk.
  • De-power: Lumine siphons his powers once she is finished getting the information she needs from him
  • Fate Worse than Death: Lumine forcefully siphons his powers after he tells her everything he knows, but before that she threatened him with siphoning, citing that forcefully taking someone's powers was even worse than outright killing someone.
  • Hero Killer: He was the one who killed Chongyun. He also killed several Insurgency Guards when he and Apollo and Annabelle were talking to Lingyun, the spy that sold out Liyue.
  • Hoist by His Own Petard: While Malcolm is an extremely capable warrior, Kris observes that whenever he slips up against a skilled opponent who can put up a fight, he relies on Annabelle to compensate for his mistake by teleporting him away before the opponent can use the mistake to their own advantage. Kris uses this observation and the observation that Annabelle and Malcolm are flagging in strength to incapacitate him, taking note that each teleportation is taking longer and longer the more they fight.
  • Impaled with Extreme Prejudice: Is on the other end of this thanks to Kris, who is pissed off at him after what happened to Kaeya.
  • Kill Him Already!: The Committee argues that he needs to be taken care of due to him being too powerful and too dangerous to allow to live after he murdered Chongyun and the Insurgency members who had been guarding the Liyuen Spy in earlier chapters.
  • Lack of Empathy: Seems to think very little of the people he kills and the whole of Teyvat in general.
  • Laser-Guided Karma: After killing Chongyun and many other Insurgency Soldiers, Malcolm is taken down when Kris outsmarted him during their fight and then taken captive and imprisoned by the enemy, just like he and Annabelle and Apollo did to Lumine. After Lumine interrogates him, she rips out his tongue and then proceeds to siphon his powers, weakening him permanently
  • Not So Stoic: He isn't smiling any more when Kris catches him off guard and proceeds to [stab him.
  • Oh, Crap!:
    • He realizes how screwed he is when Kris grabs him by his shirt before Annabelle teleports him away. The next time they appear, Kris had already impaled him on her sword
    • His arrogant facade breaks when Lumine threatens to siphon his powers when he refuses to cooperate with her when she tries to extract information from him
  • The Poorly Chosen One: Malcolm and his cousin Annabelle were previous Chosen Candidates, only to be tossed aside by the Council.
  • Smug Snake: Just like Apollo and Annabelle, he is this. Made even more apparent when he confronts Kris, extremely confident he can take her down.
  • Tongue Trauma: Lumine rips out his tongue in chapter 46 after she finishes interrogating him.
  • Too Powerful to Live: Members of the Committee argue that Malcolm is too dangerous to keep alive due to him already killing several of their members and being able to fight several of their strongest members at the same time and keep up with them. Lumine takes care of the issue.
  • You Have Outlived Your Usefulness: A non-lethal variation. After Lumine gets everything she needs from Malcolm, she then rips out his tongue before permanently siphoning his powers from him.
