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Characters / Cyanide And Happiness Episodes 16 To 30

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Characters appearing in episodes 16-30

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    Old lady
A nice old lady
A nice old lady feeding a pigeon
  • Butt-Monkey: She sees a pigeon getting brutally killed in front of her and then has her pigeon food stolen. No wonder she looks miserable at the end of the short.
  • Heroic BSoD: She looks miserable as she witnesses the pigeon she was feeding be killed right before her own eyes.
  • Nice Guy: She's a sweet old woman giving breadcrumbs to a pigeon.


Repulsel, repulsel, let down your hair
A man trying to rescue Repulsel
  • Heroic BSoD: He has this when realising where the hair he'd been climbing came from. He looks rightfully horrified.
  • No Good Deed Goes Unpunished: His attempt to rescue Repulsel ends up likely scarring him for life.
  • Screw This, I'm Outta Here: After realising he'd climbed up Repulsel's pubic hair, he nopes out of there in a heartbeat.

A women with long hair.
  • Artistic License – Biology: Pubic hair usually stops growing after a certain length, meaning it'd be impossible for her to have it at such a length unless she had some sort of medical abnormality.
  • Exact Words: When the suitor asked her to let down her hair, she did. Just not the hair he expected.
  • Hairy Girl: She doesn't have a bush, she has a forest.

Sad Larry and sad, sad Larry

    Sad Larry
He's sad
A sad man. There's nothing funny about his misery.
  • Amusing Injuries: He tries to hang himself, breaks the fan he's hanging from, and gets crushed by a fat man in a bathtub. All of these would kill him in anything but Cyanide and happiness, but even excruciating pain isn't a gateway to a merciful death for him.
    • In the christmas special, he gets run over by a snow plow.
  • Bandaged Face: After a fat guy in a bathtub lands on him while he's trying to hang himself.
  • Brain Bleach: One of his suicide attempts is interrupted by watching his parents have sex in front of him.
  • Breakout Character: He was beloved by fans, and has appeared many times, even more miserable than before.
  • Butt-Monkey: Nothing ever goes right for him. It's no wonder he's called Sad Larry.
  • The Chew Toy: Expect people to be awful to him whenever he appears. Doubly so if they're friends or family.
  • Cosmic Plaything: The world hates him, as does everyone in it. The poor guy exists to be miserable.
  • Death Seeker: He just wants to die, as living has become a burden for him. Considering how terrible his life is, it's not hard to understand why he feels that way.
  • Downer Ending: Every episode he is in has such a dire conclusion that it makes requiem for a dream look optimistic.
  • Earn Your Happy Ending: "Planet Silly" ends with Sad Larry not only saving the day, but also gaining true happiness for the first time through clown magic. While his therapist berates him over such a ridiculous notion, the short ends with Sad Larry proudly leaving the therapist's office, still smiling.
  • The Eeyore: He has severe depression, and speaks in a gloomy monotone.
  • Hated by All: Nobody likes Larry, which sucks as he doesn't seem like that bad of a guy. It's almost a Running Gag just how unpopular he is.
  • Hope Spot: In the christmas episode, Larry's dad calls him to tell him that he blames him for everything. His dad then dies.
  • Interrupted Suicide: His suicide attempts never work, mainly so he can continue to be miserable.
  • Knight of Cerebus: While his first skit is rather funny in a bleak way, later appearances of his are meant to be as soul-crushing and hopeless as possible, cyanide without any happiness put in, with only the blackest of Black Comedy slipping through the cracks.
  • Loser Protagonist: While he's one of the most frequent regulars in the series, he's also a lightning rod for misfortune and a social pariah, so it's a given he's this.
  • Misery Poker: With Harry the Handsome Butcher, after he'd lost his job, his looks and was forced to become a circus freak and live in a cage he yelled "Am I the saddest man in the world?" To which Larry from the next cage over replied "No I am.", having a sign signifying himself as just that.
  • Nice Guy: He's peaceful and makes an effort to help others despite his myriad of struggles, though this doesn't stop everyone from hating his guts.
  • Once an Episode: His heartbreaking cries of anguish happen at least once every short he appears in.
  • Only Sane Man: He's more subdued and realistic in his behavior than most other characters, though he's too depressed to benefit from this in any way.
  • Prone to Tears: He cries a lot, though considering how awful his life is, it comes as no surprise that he does this.
  • The Quiet One: He doesn't talk much unless spoken to and the most sound he makes is when he cries.
  • Single-Episode Handicap: His injuries don't tend to last, mainly so something worse can happen to him later on. If they do carry over, they're severely lessened so that he has enough to lose when his body is maimed again.
  • Truth in Television: Larry is actually a very realistic depiction of depression. He's withdrawn, lacks interest or motivation, and feels empty and hopeless. He speaks in a monotone due to lacking energy because of his depression. It's even more surprising considering how cartoonish and exaggurated everything in C&H usually is.
  • Unexplained Recovery: He tends to recover from his injuries with no explanation, though this is one of the only examples where this makes things worse for him, as it takes away any sympathy others could have for him.

The first person to try and cheer Sad Larry up
A guy who tries to cheer Larry up
  • Bitch in Sheep's Clothing: He becomes nasty and unsympathetic to Larry after his initial attempts to cheer him up don't work.
  • Epic Fail: His attempt to cheer Larry up is so embarrassing it hurts. Obviously, Larry's mood isn't improved one bit.
  • Given Name Reveal: "Sad Larry Buys Happiness" reveals that the man's name his Ty, after the tie that he wears constantly.
  • Jerkass: If his attempt at cheering Larry up doesn't work in under a minute, he loses all cool and snaps at him.
    Damn it, Larry. This is exactly why nobody loves you!
  • Kick the Dog: He cusses Larry out and kicks his lunch tray in his face after he doesn't make Larry feel better.
  • Precision F-Strike: He lets out a few swears after his feeble attempts to cheer Larry up don't work.
    I'm sick of your shit, Larry. Fucking asshole.
  • Take That!: To people who don't understand how to deal with people with depression. His attitude only makes Larry more miserable.

    The Delberry dismemberer
Not a Nice Guy
a crazed Serial Killer who dismembers people.

Speed Racist

    Speed racist
Go speed racist
A racist racer.
  • Amusing Injuries: He's in horrible agony after crashing his car. It's played for laughs due to what a bastard he is.
  • Asshole Victim: It's hard to feel sorry for him when he's in agony due to him being a massive racist.
  • Establishing Character Moment: Even before spouting racist abuse at an innocent black man, he's shown getting into a car with a swastika helmet. It's obvious he's not a fan of the Hindu meaning, and more attracted to the nazi elements of the symbol.
  • Everyone Has Standards: Racist he may be, he tries to save his pet monkey. It doesn't work.
  • Eye Scream: His eyes melt out due to his injuries.
  • Hate Sink: He's not that evil, but boy if he isn't a massive douchebag who attracts little sympathy when he becomes an Asshole Victim. While he does become a bit more sympathetic later on, he doesn't do enough to subvert this trope.
  • Heel Realisation: He sees the error of his ways as he's dying in agony.
  • Hope Spot: His car doors still work, though the car explodes as soon as he leaves it.
  • Jerkass: He introduces himself harrassing an innocent black man.
  • Laser-Guided Karma: His skin is seared black after crashing his car, an ironic fate for a man who hates black people.
  • Last-Second Word Swap: nnnnnngobacktoafrica. Considering he was a racist talking to a black man, it's obvious what he was originally going to say.
  • Man on Fire: He get set alight after crashing his car.
  • Unfortunate Names: He's literally named speed racist, so is it any reason he turned out how he did?

Ted Bear

    Ted Bear
Try to keep up
A survival "expert" with amazing luck.
  • Artistic Licence – Physics: He's so badass he can swim up a waterfall.
  • Awesome Aussie: He's Australian and a survival expert, even if he is amazingly lucky. He can fight monsters, if his stills are to be believed.
  • Bear Trap: He falls on one and "dies." It was at the top of a mountain for some reason.
  • Berserk Button: Raisin muffins. They're one of the few things that make him lose his cool.
  • Big Eater: He has an unquenchable appetite. It leads to his "death."
  • Born Lucky: Everything goes right for him in his first outing. Even death turns out to be a minor setback.
  • Breakout Character: He was beloved by fans and got a sequel and an April fools episode, despite dying.
  • Catchphrase: "Try to keep up."
  • Cruel and Unusual Death: He falls onto a beartrap after passing out. Luckily for him, it was only his fat suit that perished.
  • Death by Gluttony: He falls onto a beartrap after getting too fat to stay standing. This is retconned, though his fat suit never recovers from its injuries.
  • Dumbass Has a Point: The only advice he gives in the first short that is actually true is that salt water cannot be consumed unless filtered. Though, there's a pineapple crab-fish hybrid nearby to help him with the task, something that doesn't exist in real life.
  • The Fat Episode: His first outing no less. It leads to the "death" of his fat suit.
  • In Memoriam: In universe. After "dying," he gets a memorial, which just shows him getting fatter and fatter while his cameraman starves.
  • No Celebrities Were Harmed: His name is a parody on Bear Grylls and they're both survival experts with television shows. Ted Bear's habit of stumbling across fortunate sources of food is a reference to a criticism directed at Bear Grylls that he's misrepresenting the situations he films himself in by being Crazy-Prepared beforehand. His Australian accent and love of animals may also be a reference to Steve Irwin.
  • Not Quite Dead: His fat suit got skewered by a beartrap, but he didn't.
  • Refuge in Audacity: His advice is nonsensical and his actions moreso, yet he succeeds with flying colors, pulling off outlandish and counterintuitive feats with astounding success. Only Ted Bear could swim up a waterfall and swordfight a monster, and have those be insignificant enough to only be stills.
  • Retcon: He didn't die after all, he just lost a fat suit.
  • Too Dumb to Live: As a survival expert, he should have been aware of how bad of an idea it is to overexert yourself in the wilderness, especially if you're morbidly obese.
  • Unreliable Narrator: His stills show him doing feats that range from unrealistic to impossible. Though considering stranger things have happened in the world of Cyanide and Happiness, he could be telling the truth.

The race

Damn it!
Two racers.

Waiting for the bus 1 and 2

    50mph man
Fastest man alive
An extremely fast man just waiting for the bus
  • The Alcoholic: He becomes one after losing his first race.
  • Beard of Sorrow: Grows one during his fall from grace.
  • Cruel and Unusual Death: He runs into a wall at an extreme speed and dies during flashbacks to happier times in his life.
  • Death by Irony: His death is rather symbollic. He races at full speed into a wall, with the impact being catastrophic.
  • Defeating the Undefeatable: He falls from grace hard after losing the indy 500. He's the 50 mile per hour man, not the 250 mile per hour man after all.
  • How the Mighty Have Fallen: Gets hit with this hard for the second half of the short.
  • Manly Tears: Has these when winning his first race. Of course, it's referred to as him crying like a little bitch.
  • Super-Speed: His skill. He's faster than any person. Just not racecars.
  • Villainous Breakdown: A sympathetic example. He becomes hysterical during a conjucal visit with his wife, having to be restrained by guards. While pitiful, he did rob a liquor store at gunpoint, hence why he's in jail.

    Bus driver
A bus driver
A bus driver
  • Cruel and Unusual Death: His bus explodes after slowing down.
  • Hero of Another Story: He apparently spent decades driving a bus at 50mph due to a bomb being on it. How he managed this amazing feat is never revealed.
  • Nice Guy: He gives the blue shirt guy (before he became the 50mph man) a pep talk even when he's in a life or death situation due to there being a bomb on his bus. It makes you wonder how friendly he must be when not in grave danger.
  • Noodle Incident: Why there's a bomb on the bus in the first place is never explored, just being treated as an understandable explaination as to why the bus can't slow down.
  • Shout-Out: His situation is a reference to Speed, where a bomb was also placed on a bus to make sure it would explode if it went slower than a certain speed.
  • Unwitting Instigator of Doom: He encourages 50mph man to pursue his potential, leading to the man's downward spiral and both of their deaths years later.

Birthday boy

Worst dad ever
A dad celebrating his son's birthday.
  • Abusive Parents: He forces his son to kill a pony to get the xbocks hidden inside it's stomach, claiming that if he doesn't, he'll die from poison.
  • Bad People Abuse Animals: He forces his son to slaughter a pony.
  • Evil Has a Bad Sense of Humor: His birthday present comes with a sick, sadistic joke.
  • Faux Affably Evil: He initially seems like a goofy and out of touch dad. Turns out he's also a cruel sadist and abusive father.
  • Insane Troll Logic: It's still unclear exactly what lesson he was trying to teach his son.
  • Mood Whiplash: After forcing his son to make a Sadistic Choice, he cheerfully wishes him a happy birthday once he finds the Xbocks in the pony's stomach.
  • Sadist: He seems to enjoy inflicting misery on people, his own son included.
  • Sadistic Choice: He gives his own son one. Kill a pony to get the antidote or don't and die from poison.

The rope

    Mountain climbers
Three climbers, a pianist, someone's mother, a teacher, three retarded kids, and a panda
A bunch of mountain climbers
  • Children Are Innocent: Even moreso since they're retarded. They don't seem to understand what is going on.
  • Cool Teacher: Idiocy aside, taking his students mountain climbing is a pretty cool field trip.
  • Cruel and Unusual Death: They all fall to their deaths, including one person being impaled with the cutting knife.
  • The Ditz: All of them. It's pretty obvious their plan was doomed from the start, especially since they brought a panda and pianist along with them for their climb.
  • Mama's Boy: Maybe why one of the climbers brought along his mom with him on the climb.
  • Mistaken for Pedophile: The teacher is accused of being one because he brought along three children. He did so because he's a teacher, not a pedo.
  • Oh, Crap!: They all freak out when they realise they'll have to cut the rope to save everyone else. It gets even worse when it's revealed who they'll be killing if they do so.
  • Precision F-Strike: The pianist starts cursing everyone out when they suggest cutting him off.
  • Too Dumb to Live: They brought a piano and a panda on their climb, for some reason. No wonder they couldn't hold themselves up.
    • The teacher is this especially, thinking three retarded children and a panda could cut a rope.
  • Unusually Uninteresting Sight: The panda on the climb is treated with apathy, despite being an endangered species which would be very hard for the average person to obtain.

Missing daughter

    Mr and Mrs. Phillips
Two parents searching for their daughter
  • Abusive Parents: Abandoning the search for their daughter after seeing what she looks like isn't exactly the mark of a good parent. Both of them do so.
  • Attractiveness Discrimination: They stop caring about their own daughter when they realise how ugly she would look.
  • Bitch in Sheep's Clothing: They abandon their own daughter when they see how ugly she is after being missing for so many years.
  • Jerkass: They are rather cruel about their missing daughter after seeing her photo, with their "thanks" to the detective being dismissive and empty.
  • "Shaggy Dog" Story: They quickly give up their search after seeing their daughter.

Fitness buff

    Gym members
All the gym members, plus their scrawny victim
Some ultra buff gym members
  • Ambiguously Gay: One of them uses the scrawny gym member to slap another gym member on the ass. They all laugh at this. Whether this is a locker room prank or playful sexual banter is not known, as characters in C&H tend to act strangely on a whim.
  • Jerk Jock: They're all super buff and uncaring of what they're inflicting weaker gym members to.
  • Lack of Empathy: They use a weaker gym member for their workout without any concern for the humiliation or pain they're subjecting him to.
  • Mr. Fanservice: They're all incredibly muscular. They even go shirtless in the locker room.
  • Super-Strength: Lifting weights isn't enough for them. They lift the weights machine as well, then lift the man lifting the weights machine.

Flight safety

All of the passengers
Some stupid passengers who would rather go on their phones than listen to safety instructions.
  • An Aesop: Listen to the instructions when flying. Or your plane will swerve into the ocean and you'll die.
  • Cruel and Unusual Death: They all drown while trapped in a plane.
  • Death by Irony: They die after ignoring the advice that would have saved their lives.
  • Death of a Child: A kid is one of the victims of the plane crash.
  • It's All About Me: They're all insanely selfish, and fight against each other in a feeble attempt to flee the sinking plane.
  • Take That!: To airplane passengers who ignore safety instructions and put others at risk by using their phones.
  • Too Dumb to Live: They ignore the safety warnings and pay the price. Their attempts to save themselves are also utterly idiotic.
  • Would Hit a Girl: One of the passengers punches a woman to steal her oxygen mask.

The flight attendant who is ignored by the rest of the passengers
  • The Bore: Nobody pays any attention to her instructions.
  • Only Sane Man: Along with the pilot, she's the only character who is not a total idiot.

An airline pilot
  • Face Death with Dignity: As the plane starts to sink, he sadly gives them a D- rank before dying alongside everyone else.
  • Only Sane Man: He shares this with Cindy, as the two of them aren't total idiots.


    Gespetto and Pinocchio
Not the disney version
A dollmaker and his doll.
  • Ass Shove: An interesting example. Pinocchio's anus is created by shoving a drill up there.
  • Be Careful What You Wish For: Pinocchio wants to be a real doll. Gespetto drills him an anus.
  • Break the Cutie: Having a drill jammed up his ass seems to sour Pinocchio's mood, to say the least.
  • Dirty Old Man: Gespetto seems to be this, considering what he does first in his attempt to make Pinocchio a real doll.
  • Does This Remind You of Anything?: The real doll process is rather suggestive, to say the very least.
  • Flat Character: The two of them have far less personality than most characters in the shorts.
