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Characters / Breach: Archangel Series

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Here is a list of characters appearing in the interactive fiction game Breach: Archangel Series.

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Player Character and Mouse

"Your first job. Better not screw it up."
Player Character in Breach: The Archangel Job, codename Raphael. An orphan who found themselves knee deep in trouble early in their life accompanied by their best friend Mouse.
  • Action Survivor: Unlike nearly all the other Crew members, the Raphael is a small time criminal, vigilante, or cop from New York City with no special forces training.
  • Badass Bookworm: If they have high Strength/Agility and Intelligence/Tactics.
  • Badass Driver: If they have high Driving.
  • Battle Couple: With a romance, especially with an Archangel.
  • Brains and Brawn: The brawn to Mouse’s brains if muscular built.
  • Conflicting Loyalty: Applies if the Raphael turns Informant or is an Undercover Cop tasked to infiltrate the Archangel Crew.
  • Dead Sidekick: If Mouse dies during the FBI raid on the Mill.
  • Getaway Driver: Can be the getaway driver if the Raphael has high Driving Skills or is the Leadfoot.
  • Good Cop/Bad Cop: Can be played as either the Good Cop or Bad Cop, depending on if the Raphael is persuasive or intimidating.
  • Guns Akimbo: Applies if the Raphael duel wields certain weapons.
  • Lawful Neutral: Can be played this way if they’re as lawful as they can be.
  • Love-Interest Traitor: Becomes one if they become informant/stay with FBI at the end of Book One.
  • Love Triangle: Can potentially be involved in one with Raquel and Gabriel. Can be resolved if the Raphael romances either Gabriel or Raquel or they tell Gabriel about Raquel's feelings for him.
  • Naïve Newcomer: Defaults as this along with Mouse.
  • Near-Death Experience: Can happen throughout the Book if the Raphael nearly dies from their injuries from combat and can occur after their vehicle is hit with a garbage truck in the Chapter 4 during a car chase.
  • Parental Abandonment: Implied to be this.
  • Rewarded as a Traitor Deserves: Applies if the Raphael turns Informant on the crew and does not side with the Archangels during the FBI raid in Chapter 4. An Informant Raphael will wake up in a hospital and Director Arthur Callahan will question why you're not in a holding cell.
  • The Infiltration: Applies if you play as an Undercover Cop.
  • The Mole: If they act as an undercover cop or an informant to FBI.
  • The Power of Friendship: Can happen if the Raphael sided with the FBI as an Informant or was an Undercover Cop and has a high enough relationship with their Crew members.
  • The Quiet One: The Raphael can be played this way by choosing "don't say anything" whenever possible.
  • The Strategist: Applies if the Raphael has high tactics.
  • Undercover Cop Reveal: Applies if the Raphael's background is an Undercover Cop when Michael arrives at the Mill in Chapter 4, revealing the Raphael's identity with a bullet.
  • Unknown Relative: The Raphael is in the dark as to who their parents are.
  • What the Hell, Hero?: Occurs if the Raphael betrays the Archangels at the end of Book One.
  • You Can Barely Stand: Can happen throughout the Book if the Raphael accumulates enough injuries and/or blood loss and keeps moving despite it.

    Avelyne Sommerfell/Edwyn Carmichael 
Raphael's roommate who finds them various jobs with their contacts in the criminal underground. An expert hacker and gadgeteer, they have been friends with Raphael since high school.

The Archangels

  • Action Girlfriend: Applies to all female crew members & if you romance one!
  • Badass in a Nice Suit: The Archangels signature look is a black two piece suit with a blue tie and gloves.
  • Battle Couple: If Raphael romances a crew member and remains loyal to the Crew.
  • Casual Danger Dialogue: Happens notably during the Vam Corp heist and throughout the book.
  • Cool Mask: Every member of the Archangel Crew dons a custom made hockey mask to protect their identity.
  • Despair Event Horizon: Can happen to the romance options and Mouse when it's revealed that the Raphael is an Informant or Undercover Cop and the latter if Mouse was not told beforehand.
  • Mugging the Monster: They're not in it for the glory or the gold. They're in it because sometimes it takes a monster to deal with another monster which in Book One is the Chicago Outfit.
  • Never Hurt an Innocent: The Archangels have a strict code against hurting innocents.
  • No One Gets Left Behind: The crew are loyal to their fellow Associates, Angels, and Archangels as per their code. In chapter four part one, the other Angels and Associates perform a rescue, saving the Raphael and their crew from certain death at the hands of the Outfit and FBI.
  • Outlaw Couple: Applies if the Raphael romances someone and remains loyal to the Archangel Crew by the end of Book One.
  • Pay Evil unto Evil: The Archangels crews in the USA have this leitmotif. As quoted by Michael and Rook at several points, they used to kill people like the Don for fun. Now they're doing it because either the world is better off without them or because they're being paid, respectively.
  • Ragtag Bunch of Misfits: Downplayed. Some of the Raphael's crew members has training of some kind such as Hayne. Otherwise applied because the Archangels recruited them and others from all walks of life.
  • Screw the Rules, I'm Doing What's Right!: Essentially the crew's leitmotif. Since the Chicago PD has been bought by Don Lavadechi, the crew resorts to robbery and other crimes to dismantle his grip on Chicago.
  • Treachery Is a Special Kind of Evil: The Archangel Crew doesn't look kindly on betrayal within its ranks.
  • Underestimating Badassery: Happens in Chapter Four Part 2 when Michael, Gabriel, and the Raphael go to meet with Don Lavadechi who says that he underestimated them.
  • A Lighter Shade of Grey: The Archangel Crew resorts to criminal activities to liberate New York City and Chicago such as robbery, kidnapping, and torture.

    The Main Trio
Clockwise from top-left: Gabriel, Michael, Raquel

"Give someone a mask, and they'll show you who they really are." - Chapter 3, Book One

When in doubt, C4.
  • Aloof Big Brother: To Gabriel, with whom he shares a brotherly bond, naturally with him being the incorrigible older brother.
  • Animal Lover: Likes all animals with a preference for dogs.
  • Anti-Villain: Can be this as well as an Arch-Enemy depending on the player’s perspective and which faction they side with.
  • Blue-and-Orange Morality: Albeit he’s driven by the Archangels’ goal and his personal principles, he doesn’t necessarily stick to a strict code of conduct and regards pre-existing notions of good and evil solely as reference points. See the entry for Übermensch.
  • Bait-and-Switch Gunshot: Slight subversion. Happens to Michael if you start a fight between him and Gabriel in the first game. No one dies because the safety is on.
  • Cold Equation: Considers the advantages, disadvantages, and the possible lasting consequences of an action but not so much whether it is right or wrong, or its immediate effect on people. Meaning, if sacrificing 100 people can prevent a larger number of people from suffering worse fates, he will proceed with that course of action rather than trying and possibly failing to save everyone.
  • Combat Pragmatist: Will not hesitate to use any means to have the advantage during a fight.
  • Consummate Professional: He is unquestionably dedicated to his mission, and his efficiency often comes at the cost of the human element.
  • Covered with Scars: Concentrated mostly around his back and not his face, thanks to his diligence in wearing his armoured mask as early as it was in its prototype stage. He is later revealed to have a scar over his heart, revealed in Book 2.
  • Cultured Badass: He's an avid reader and appreciates the audiovisual arts. Listens to classical music as well as rock and country.
  • Dark and Troubled Past: As having been declared legally dead as a Ghost, he left his old life and loved ones behind to completely dedicate himself to the Archangels’ mission as a man stuck in purgatory.
  • Death Glare: Delivers several to various characters throughout the Book, including Kaiden, Gabriel, and the Raphael to name a few. It's pretty much his thing.
  • Genius Bruiser: More perceptive and adept at deductive reasoning than he looks. With methodical, detached analysis he can tell a lot about a person’s characteristics and lifestyle simply by looking at them, although there is always a margin for error as first impressions can mislead however accurate they may be.
  • Hobbes Was Right: As a result of his past experiences, he has reached the conclusion that people are ultimately impelled by selfishness and personal gain rather than true, uncomplicated goodwill towards fellow humans. He doesn’t put it against them, though, and sees it simply as the reality of being human. Since it is the perspective that has worked for him for the majority of his life and allowed him to be the competent leader that he is now because it helps him accurately predict the actions of others, who is to say that he is wrong?
  • Icy Gray Eyes: More specifically grayish-hazel, often enhanced with a Death Glare.
  • Jerk with a Heart of Gold: He's certainly not the kindest member of the Archangels nor the most amicable, but his motivation is truly to right the wrongs of those who abused their power and to bring justice to where all other attempts to do so have failed. Despite the sacrifices he had to make along the way, he is doing what he does simply because it's the right thing to do.
  • Large and in Charge: The leader of the Archangels stands at 188 cm (6'2).
  • Magnificent Bastard: Personified.
  • Meaningful Name: The entire hierarchy of the Archangels are based around the leaders of the respective branch (Michael) leading their soldiers (the Angels), lieutenants (named Archangels such as Ramiel, Sariel, Uriel, etc.) and generals (Raphael) into battle against the forces of Satan.
  • Morality Pet: He would never outright admit to it, but Gabriel. And possibly Raphael.
  • Nice Job Breaking It, Hero: To Gabriel, Raphael and also to himself if he shoots Mouse.
  • No-Nonsense Nemesis: From the perspective of the FBI/Independent Path. Say what you want about him, but even as a villain he is nothing if not methodical and straightforward in his intentions.
  • Not So Stoic: Possibly.
  • Perpetual Frowner: As remarked by Raphael, he has a permanent frown on his otherwise blank expression.
  • Red Oni, Blue Oni: The Red to Gabriel’s Blue.
  • Shoot the Dog: Michael will do whatever it takes either because he needs to or because someone else can't. Notable examples include Megan, Raphael, and Mouse in the FBI path with only the latter causing genuine reprehension.
  • Sliding Scale of Idealism Versus Cynicism: Leaning towards the latter. Him and Gabriel are at the opposite sides of the scale. See the entry for Hobbes Was Right.
  • Terror Hero: His go-to tactic to get what he wants is intimidation. While he is more than capable of all-out combat, he sees it as a waste of time when more often than not all it really takes to break somebody is to say the right words at the right time in the right manner. In hindsight, this approach is not so different from that of Gabriel, but he prefers to evoke fear and dread as opposed to ease and comfort.
  • The Dreaded: Closely related to Terror Hero, where he lets his reputation do most of the work before he steps in. People are not wary of him because he’s the leader of the Archangels, they’re wary of him because he is Michael.
  • The Stoic: He is not incapable of emotions, yet he has so few emotional attachments that no setback, including those that affect the lives of other people, can faze him unless his actions have directly caused unwarranted harm.
  • The Spock: The logic-driven counterpart to Gabriel's McCoy and to Raphael's Captain Kirk.
  • Well-Intentioned Extremist: Played with. His detachment from others allows him to go to lengths most others would not be able to for the purpose of his team's goal, making extremely efficient to the point of ruthlessness. However, he despises tyrants, despots and those who insist on dehumanizing others to use for pointless personal gain. That and he has lines that he will not cross and will feel genuine remorse over should he unintentionally cross them.
  • What the Hell, Hero?: Receives one from Gabriel if Raphael fails to prevent him from shooting Megan.
  • Übermensch: Michael as a Ghost is the physical embodiment of what the Archangels represent. He exists outside of the conventional moral alignment as a result of having shed his mortal identity, in effect disregarding the concepts of good and evil often to the disagreement of Gabriel, who believes in strengthening the ties with the rest of society rather than cutting them.

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  • Cold-Blooded Torture: Very good at this. Letting her torture Andrew in Chapter 3 is a very good way to loosen his lips.
  • Combat Medic: She's the one who patches up Gabriel and the MC during the VAM Corp heist. Makes sense considering that she was a vet before joining the life of crime.
  • Coveredwith Scars: Confirmed via word of god.
  • Dark and Troubled Past: Alluded to.
  • Death Glare: Delivers several to various characters throughout the Book, including the Raphael and Gabriel.
  • Florence Nightingale Effect: Getting yourself injured during the VAM Corp heist and letting her patch you up is a very effective method to improve your relationship and possibly leading to a romance.
  • Hand Signals: Uses hand signals to communicate to her team mates. The Raphael can decipher her sign language at one point if they have high enough Tactics.
  • Introverted Cat Person: Loves cat, and would prefer it if people remain silent with her.
  • Kindhearted Cat Lover: Her house has so many cats that it's difficult to walk inside it, and though ruthless, she can be affectionate to those she cares about, most notably to the MC if they romance her.
  • Love Triangle: Caught in one with Gabriel and the Raphael. Can be resolved if the Raphael romances either Gabriel or Raquel or they tell Gabriel about Raquel's feelings for him.
  • Normally, I Would Be Dead Now: Confirmed via Word of God and related to the above, Raquel had to suture up her own neck in the middle of a battle from a shrapnel injury.
  • Sugar-and-Ice Personality: Cold and abrasive, yet can be very affectionate to a romanced MC.
  • Team Mom: While she isn't the oldest of the main trio, she's responsible for patching up the others and often reining in Gabriel's more reckless tendency.
  • The Speechless: Raquel rarely talks throughout the book. For a good reason. Her throat was damaged due to the shrapnels of a grenade, making it excrutiatingly painful to speak. She doesn't vocalise unless there's a damn good reason for it.

    Anna Whelpley
I mostly do the engineering stuff. I can cut my way into safes quicker than you can spell my Welsh hometown's name.

Hailing from Llanfair, Wales, along with her younger brother Charlie, Anna is proficient when it comes to handling power tools and cracking safes at a faster rate but at the cost of being too loud and potentially alerting the cops quickly.

  • Big Brother Instinct: Big Sister technically. To Charlie, her little brother. In fact, separating the siblings when choosing your crew is a quick way to lower your approval from both.
  • Cool Big Sis:
  • Fiery Redhead:
  • Promotion to Parent:
  • Sibling Team: Subverted if the Raphael separates the two siblings when they pick their crew. They won't take it well if you do so.
  • Siblings in Crime: To her brother, Charlie.
  • Wrench Wench: Is in charge of handling the power tools in heists. In fact, when the crew is on a break from heists, she spends her time in the workshop or black-smithing as her part-time job. One way to get tons of approval from her is to buy a plasma cutter for her.
    Antonie Leifsson Kazton
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    Carline Guiseppe Serra
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A Belgian mechanic who knows how to tinker with vehicles, Carly may be slower than Charlie when behind the wheel but her mechanical expertise can help in many situations.

    Charlie Whelpley
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Anna's younger sibling who has a past experience of being a streetracer, Charlie is very good when it comes to quick getaways.

    Hayne Carlton Lyndell
"Don't get shot."
A former ETF operative from Toronto, Canada, Hayne is a markswoman who specializes in taking down targets from long ranges before they can react.
  • Abusive Parents: According to Hayne, her dad was abusive.
  • Big Brother Instinct: Big Sister to Happie.
  • Blood Knight: Is not afraid to throw down and uses violence as an outlet.
  • Butch Lesbian: Drinks a lot, swears like a sailor, and although bisexual, is much easier to befriend and romance if you're a girl.
  • Cowboy Cop: By her own admission, Hayne progressively got more brutal during her four month stint as a cop before she was discharged.
  • Dark and Troubled Past: Had an abusive dad before he was killed and was then sent to an orphanage before she ran away.
  • Dominatrix: The romance scene in Chapter 4 Part 2 has her (consensually) guiding you to the interrogation room and cuffing you on a chair.
Raphael: Are they going to be painful?
Hayne : Only if you resist.
  • Dirty Cop: Used to work with the ETF for the Toronto Police Service before being discharged for brutality.
  • Disappointing Older Sibling: Implied to be how Happie views her.
  • Drowning My Sorrows: Can happen if the Raphael offers her the bottle in her final hangout.
  • Hair-Trigger Temper: Best seen during one of her hangouts at the Ass Rocket with some Outfit thugs.
  • If You Kill Him, You Will Be Just Like Him!: Implied during a phone call with Happie during Hayne's third hangout.
  • Statuesque Stunner: She's 6'0 feet/183 cm tall.
  • The Alcoholic: Regularly drinks throughout her hangouts. As soon as the Raphael enters her home, they are hit with the pungent aroma of alcohol and empty bottles litter her living room.
  • The Sociopath: By her own admission but ultimately averted as evidenced by her feelings for her sister and the Raphael if they romance her.
  • Violently Protective Girlfriend: Not only applies if you date her, but Hayne goes to great lengths to protect those she cares about. In one of her hangouts and if the Raphael fails certain skill checks, Hayne will kill an Outfit thug who landed a hit on the Raphael with his own baseball bat.

    Justin Uemura
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  • Love Triangle: Is caught up in one with Kaz and Carly.
  • Straight Gay: Can only be romanced if you're playing a male Raphael, and shows no sign of his sexuality aside from hacking a shopping mall's TV to show gay porn one time.
  • The Cracker: He's skilled at anything computer-related, from manipulating CCTV footage to breaking open ATMs.
  • The Quiet One: Doesn't talk much.
Charlie: You're not very talkative, are you?
Justin: No.

    Kaidan Joy 


    Anthony Reville 

    Daniel Salazar 

    Megan House 

VAM Corp

    VAM Corp, aka The Corp
From the earth to the sky.
    Fitrah Aishya 

The Chicago Outfit

    The Don 


    Father Gregory 


