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YMMV / Brigador

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  • Awesome Music: The atmospheric Synthwave soundtrack by Makeup and Vanity Set is a frequently praised aspect of the game, evoking classic Cyberpunk works and 1980's sci-fi films.
  • Demonic Spiders: There are certain units who can end your war criminal career more effectively.
    • The Bombucha is a formidable Action Bomb of the NPE Loyalists. Unlike other kamikaze units, its explosion deals massive damage due to it being a jury-rigged anti-spaceship torpedo. It's lethal enough to destroy most player units instantly except the the most heavily armored units. Fortunately Bombuchas are not so fast, but still extremely dangerous and hard to kill.
    • The enemy Buckmaster often gets the ire of players. It moves faster than most enemy mechs, is fitted with optical camouflage which makes it invisible when not engaging and can easily catch an incautious player by surprise, and its Zeus railgun is dangerous because it does hefty damage and is Hitscan, which means you can't evade once the railgun has fired. Freelance mode in the harder difficulties sometimes places a sheer amount of Buckmasters on the map, and you gonna have a tough time.
  • Fridge Horror:
    • Pilar Nabot's bio implies the NEP enlists Child Soldiers and what's more, it also implies the minimum age is below puberty. That means when you're fighting Loyalist infantry, you're quite possibly killing children.
    • Warlord Jorien Kanta's bio states that Spacers consider cloning a taboo. The fact that Spacers have taboos in the first place is surprising enough, considering their culture is okay with committing mass murder and torture just for idle amusement, but that also raises a lot of questions. Why is it taboo? It's possible that they simply find it cheap or unfashionable, but it's also possible there's something about cloning that's so horrific, even Spacers won't touch it.
      • Kanta has used cloning to cheat death and extend her lifespan to unnatural levels. She also cloned a rival warlord to torture him and use him as a plaything. While Spacers are a Proud Warrior Race and pride themselves in their cruelty, they consider clones unworthy of being considered human and purge them whenever they can. Katar Joutsen is an exception because of her cunning and constant Loophole Abuses to keep herself alive.
  • Nightmare Fuel:
    • There's a good few weapons that kill people in utterly horrifying ways. The Ploughman and Chuffer both melt away enemies with canisters of "Tubarão", a horrifically toxic and corrosive gas. The Black Hand emits a radiation pulse that is completely silent, can go through walls, and causes "liquefaction of the dermis and internal organs" at 25 feet even through armor plating. The Audio-Kinetic Pulse is a special device made for knocking down buildings that bursts civilians into a spray of Ludicrous Gibs. The descriptions for all of these make a strong point of mentioning that their use is a war crime. However, it's also noted that Brigadors are basically immune to war crimes charges, and the only people capable of enforcing war crimes proceedings against Spacers are other Spacers... or are governments and corporations who hire them regularly. As such they're either not going to enforce the claims of some dirt-eating vermin, are already too busy murdering each other for fun and profit to care, or are paying them to dole them out.
    • Some of the pilot mugshots can be disturbing, such in case of the Eyeless Face Oscar Allard, the mutated Kennedy Spits, or the oil-leaking Clotilde Aalto (doesn't help that her bio explains that she eat vat-grown Spacers as balut.
    • The backstory of Katar Joutsen mentions that she was created as, effectively, a vat-grown Sex Slave to be used in the Texas 7 recreational franchise... despite having a permanent mental age of six.
  • Play the Game, Skip the Story: While the various lore and backstory bits are generally seen as entertaining and well-written, the game's campaign, which consists of a barebones tutorial and single-district scenarios loosely strung together, is seen as fairly poor with the real meat of the game being in Freelance mode.
  • Spiritual Adaptation: Of isometric action games of the 1990's, particularly the Strike Series (and its spin-off, Future Cop: L.A.P.D.) in the game's tactical vehicular gameplay, along with Crusader and Syndicate in its dark Cyberpunk styling. There's also quite a few who consider it a pretty good MechWarrior game.
