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Webcomic / Dragnarok

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Dragnarok is a webcomic created by the duo KPJ and Magni, featuring the writing of the former and artwork of the latter.

In the world of Aradel, humans and dragons lived in harmony, ruled by the benevolent Dragnaroks, dragon gods. The first of the dragnaroks was Prius. He loved a mortal woman, and, to be with her, developed a spell that would let him take human shape, one that he taught to all his successors. Their descendants mingled with the humans of Aradel, each blessed with either great magic or the power to change shape into that of a dragon.

Under the benevolent rule of the dragnaroks, Aradel prospered for thousands of years. Until the reign of the sixth god. To prove his power and intellect, the sixth dragnarok recreated humanity, but his creation was corrupt from the very beginning. These beings, called the Cursed, spread throughout the land, corrupting all they touched. The sixth was put on trial and imprisoned for his vile deeds, but it was too late. The curse was already spreading.

The comic updates mondays on its own site.

Tropes found in Dragnarok

  • The Archmage: The Morgue is an exceptionally powerful mage born once a generation.
  • The Atoner: Downplayed. Quintus has no qualms about trying to wipe out humanity, but he seems to have learned his lesson.
  • Ambiguous Situation: With Quintus and Sektus imprisoned, and Prius and Kartus dead or dying, it's unclear which dragnarok succeeded them, if any.
  • Beware the Nice Ones: Do not mess with Bea.
  • Big Bad: The sixth dragnarok, Sektus. Aka Dorgaz, and he is joined by the Arbor Satus.
  • Big Bad Wannabe: Quintus tried to wipe out humanity, but was not quite as Ax-Crazy as his successor, and seems to have learned his lesson.
  • Botanical Abomination: The Arbor Satus, three glowing trees, grown into one, with myriads of human faces carved into it.
  • Cool Versus Awesome: Giant were-hedgehogs vs dragon.
  • Creepy Child: Bea starts acting a bit creepy after unlocking more of her powers.
  • Draconic Abomination: Of the dragnaroks, Sektus is the most obvious (a gargantuan red and black dragon), but all the dragnaroks skirt this line, considering their vast power (although most of them have given up or lost most of it). The ritual to become a dragnarok involves having ones heart ripped out and tossed into some kind of scrying pool.
  • Draconic Humanoid: The mysterious creatures tending to Prius.
  • Elemental Powers: Each dragnarok has a corresponding element: Energy for Prius, fire for Sekundus and Sektus, water for Tribus, ice for Kartus and earth for Quintus.
  • Even Evil Has Standards: There are clearly five dragons present at Sektus' trial, meaning that even Quintus judged him.
  • Eye Scream: Inflicted on Ime, courtesy of a Znichar Luckily, it doubles as a Traumatic Superpower Awakening.
  • Half-Human Hybrid: The descendants of dragnaroks, although most of them are Uneven Hybrid.
  • Heel–Face Turn: In Descendants, Quintus was a villain who hated humans. In the main series, he's gone through a turn and is on the heroes' side.
  • Holy Burns Evil: Not strictly holy, but the saplings of the Arbor Satus were kept in a cathedral-like building, and both znichars and cursed fear them.
  • Hypocrite: The Arbor Satus claims that it does everything it can to protect humanity. Everuthing it has done, from killing the Dragnaroks to witholding the cure for the znichars because part dragons came to collect it, has caued them harm.
  • No-Sell: Evel's attempts at seducing Anator results in him giving her a cloak and telling her to cover herself.
  • Our Dragons Are Different: The normal dragons aren't too unusual. The Dragnaroks are dragon gods with great power who each rule for a millenia, and draqens are humans who can take dragon shape.
  • Our Gods Are Different: Dragnaroks are Physical Gods that each rule for a millenia. Prius was still alive by the time of the fifth dragnarok, so it seems that immortality is part of the deal. New ones are elected from mortal dragons and given the power of their precursors.
  • Precocious Crush: Bea has one on Ime.
  • Red Herring: Dragnarok: Descendants makes it seem like Quintus will play a significant part in the creation of the Cursed, since he created the Znichars. His schemes matter very little in the grand scheme of things, and Sextus commits his attrocities on his own.
  • Voluntary Shapeshifting: Draqens like Ime can change their shape into that of a dragon.
  • Your Soul Is Mine!: According to Word of God, Sektus consumes the souls of the Cursed.
