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Recap / Work It Out Wombats S 1 E 7 Brother Day Cafe Chaos

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Airdate: February 14, 2023

"Brother Day": Malik and Zeke plan to spend a day playing together, but Malik only thinks about the things that he likes and doesn't consider what Zeke likes.

"Brother Day" contains the following tropes:

  • Annoying Younger Sibling: Zeke acts like one towards Malik at the start of the episode, jumping around and repeatedly asking to help Malik.
  • Cooldown Hug: Zeke tells Ellie that he's hurt on the inside, so Ellie hugs him, making him feel better.
  • Does Not Like Spam: It's revealed that Zeke doesn't like grapefruit juice, since it's too sour for him.
  • The Ground Is Lava: Zeke sees pillows laid out on the ground and wants to play The Floor is Lava, but the pillows were actually for reading.
  • Headphones Equal Isolation: When Malik is reading, he wears headphones, showing how he's not listening to Zeke and not really spending time with him.
  • It's All About Me: Malik's planned activities for Brother Day consist of only the things that he likes, and what not Zeke likes.
  • Handshake Substitute: Malik and Zeke fist bump when they agree on doing a brother day.
  • Loud Gulp: Zeke gulps loudly when Malik tries to take him zip lining.
  • My God, What Have I Done?: Malik when he realizes that he was being self-centered about Brother Day and that he hurt Zeke's feelings.
  • Open the Iris: Zeke's irises enlarge when Malik lets him play with a rubberband.
  • Overly Long Name: Zeke and Malik are planning a day where they do fun stuff together. Zeke wants to call it "Little brother gets to have all the fun and do whatever he wants because big brother spent all day making his car and ran out of time to hang out with little brother day."
  • Poor Communication Kills: Zeke does not enjoy himself on Brother Day because Malik didn't ask him what he wanted to do.
  • Post-Treatment Lollipop: Ellie overhears Zeke says the word 'hurt' and arrives with 'feel-better lollies.' Zeke clarifies that he's hurt on the inside.
  • Primal Fear: Zeke doesn't want to go zip lining because he's afraid of heights.
  • Show Within a Show: Malik shows a comic book called Kaylee Koala.
  • Wasn't That Fun?: When Malik is zip lining, he crashes into Mr. E and ends up taking Mr. E along with him. When they land, Malik says "But wasn't that fun?" It clearly was not fun for Mr. E.

"Cafe Chaos": Zeke and Louisa wait tables at the Eat N' Greet.

"Cafe Chaos" contains the following tropes:

  • Agony of the Feet: Duffy sprained her ankle, so she can't cook at the cafe, leaving Kaya to do the cooking and Zeke and Louisa to become waiters.
  • Alliterative Title: Cafe Chaos.
  • Easily Impressed: Zeke receives claps for not spilling water while rollerskating. Mr. E lampshades this, snarking that there's nothing impressive about not spilling water.
  • Improbable Age: Kaya briefly hires Zeke and Louisa as waiters, even though the both of them are only four years old. Justified, because there was no one else to do the job.
  • Laugh of Love: Mr. E chuckles after Ellie thanks him for inviting her to lunch.
  • Nervous Wreck: Mr. E gets nervous when Ellie arrives. Louisa takes note of this and asks why he's so nervous. Mr. E claims that he just wanted things perfect for a "special friend" like Ellie.
  • Rollerblade Good: Louisa decides to get things done faster by using roller-skates, and she teaches Zeke how to roller-skate as well.
  • Ship Tease: Mr. E invites Ellie, a 'special friend,' for a special luncheon. They have a good time together, and Ellie thanks Mr. E for inviting her. Mr. E shyly admits that he had a great time too, and he leaves with a huge smile on his face.
