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Recap / The Real Ghostbusters S 2 E 19 Ragnarok And Roll

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A man named Jeremy and his friend, a deformed man named Di Tillio, are in the snow near a temple. Jeremy pulls out a photo of a woman who apparently broke his heart, then casts a spell that makes him look more eerie and gives him a flute. The flute turns out to be magic and he claims it will be able to "end the world", but first he will go "home" to New York, where the "pain started".

Meanwhile, the Ghostbusters fail to trap some flying demons and Egon reveals that the PKE levels are rising all over the world, but especially in New York. Egon does some research and finds out the disturbances are coming from a particular house, and when they go there, they meet the woman from Jeremy's picture, whose name is Cindy. She reveals that he proposed, but she was too busy with work to settle down, and he went nuts after she said no, and that De Tillio is his companion who he saved from being hit by a car. She shows them a letter Jeremy gave her written in a strange language that Egon translates as "Ragnarok". He also scans the letter and it has such a strong PKE reading the detector explodes.

Jeremy plays his flute again, then Janine reports worldwide natural disasters. Egon determines that, if left unchecked, these disasters will result in the end of the world. The demons from before show up, but are immune to the proton packs. Egon explains that they respond to a different, indeterminable "frequency" as they're not ghosts, so the only hope is to stop Jeremy.

The Ghostbusters go to the building where Jeremy is, but the proton packs don't work on him, so Cindy tries to reason with him. Egon comes up with the idea to overload their proton packs and blow up the building and themselves. Then, Di Tillio, about to fall off the building, tells Jeremy off for being so evil. This convinces Jeremy to use his flute again to return everything to normal, and the Ghostbusters drive away the demon Jeremy almost summons.

This episode provides examples of

  • Accidental Truth: One guy says, "The end of the world is nigh!", but he's a fraud. However, this time the end of the world is nigh.
  • Con Man: One guy makes a living out of pretending it's the end of the world, so he decides to find a new job when the real end of the world threatens to raise its head.
  • Distressed Dude: Di Tillio almost falls off the edge of the building.
  • Dramatic Thunder: The spooky temple is introduced in the middle of a thunderstorm.
  • The End of the World as We Know It: Jeremy's magic flute has the power to end the world.
  • Explosive Instrumentation: When Egon tries to use the PKE Meter on the note Jeremy sent Cindy, it overloads and he is forced to throw it out the window before it violently explodes.
    Ray: Winston, do you realize the kind of power he must've been in contact with for a single sheet of exposed paper to do that?
    Winston: No, uh, do I want to?
    Ray: Only if you want nightmares for the rest of your life!
    Winston: I'll pass
  • Evil Wears Black: Jeremy wears a black cloak.
  • Fingore: Janine complains about injuring her fingers with the drawing pins.
  • Freudian Excuse Is No Excuse: Upon almost falling to his death, Di Tillo refuses Jeremy's help. He calls out how weak it is that Jeremy is willing to end the world just because Cindy broke his heart, pointing out Jeremy has everything he could need for a good life when Di Tillo himself had nothing and yet doesn't hold any resentment for the world. The shock of losing his Only Friend from his actions convinces Jeremy to stop.
  • Heel–Face Turn: Di Tillio eventually turns against Jeremy and berates him for being inhuman, causing Jeremy in turn to turn to.
  • Heroic Sacrifice: The Ghostbusters think they'll have to blow themselves, along with an entire building, up to save the world.
  • Heterosexual Life-Partners: Jeremy and Di Tillio are described as "lifelong companions", but it's clearly platonic as Jeremy still has the hots for Cindy.
  • Hurricane of Euphemisms: Cindy says, "[Jeremy] went a little..." and Peter says, "Nuts? Bonkers? Loopy? Loony? Crackers?".
  • Immediate Self-Contradiction: Cindy asks, "Is all your equipment this dangerous?" after the PKE meter explodes. Peter says, "No, no, no... well, actually yes."
  • Literal-Minded: When Jeremy says that Cindy "inscribed it on my heart on my soul", Di Tillio thinks he means literally and remembers a painful tattoo he got.
  • Magic Music: Jeremy's flute can cause dark magic when played.
  • Minion with an F in Evil: Di Tillio isn't so sure about Jeremy's evil plans.
  • No-Sell: The demons are immune to being shot with the proton packs as they're not ghosts (though Egon does believe that there is a frequency on the packs they would be vulnerable to; it would just take too long to find).
  • Oh, Crap!: Cindy gets a look of fear in her eyes when she realises Jeremy's trying to end the world.
  • Pun-Based Title: The episode title puns on "rock and roll".
  • Red Eyes, Take Warning: The bat demons have red eyes.
  • Sanity Slippage: Jeremy apparently lost his mind after Cindy said no to his proposal.
  • Skewed Priorities:
    • The conman is more concerned about finding a new job now that he can't pretend the end is nigh... when the end is nigh.
    • Ray is shocked that Ecto-1 was damaged, which Peter points out is bad priorities when the apocalypse is looming.
  • Suddenly Fluent in Gibberish: Egon is revealed to be able to read whatever language the Ragnarok letter was written in.
  • You No Take Candle: When Jeremy is weakened, he says sentences that begin with "Must" instead of the more grammatically correct "I must".
