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Recap / Teen Titans Go S 2 E 3 Pirates

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"You smell like fish!"
Aqualad asks Raven out on a date, which makes Beast Boy extremely jealous. Meanwhile, Cyborg tries to prove that Aqualad is really a pirate or not.

This episode includes examples of:

  • Bait-and-Switch: At first, Raven thinks Aqualad took her on a date to see a band of sea creatures perform, and isn’t impressed. However, it turns out he took her to see the aquatic band get ravaged by a group of sharks which is much more her style.
  • Buddy Cop Show: Aqualad’s partnership with his shrimp friend is portrayed like one of these.
  • Cock Fight: When Beast Boy and Aqualad start arguing about Raven, she tells them she doesn’t want them to fight over her…unless it’s to the death. Beast Boy is game, but Aqualad decides she isn’t worth it.
  • Crazy Jealous Guy: Beast Boy becomes this when Aqualad and Raven start showing interest in each other.
  • Crush Blush: Raven blushes when Aqualad gives her a fish bone to put in her hair.
  • Department of Redundancy Department: When Raven announces that she wants the boys to fight to the death for her, a card is shown that says “Ultimate Death Match to the Death…”
  • Floating in a Bubble: Raven and Aqualad use this method to travel to the bottom of the ocean for their date so they’re still able to breathe.
  • Gory Discretion Shot: The camera cuts away to Raven and Aqualad’s reactions during the shark feeding frenzy.
  • Hair Flip: Aqualad sees Raven do one in slow motion when Beast Boy pulls her hood down.
  • Innocent Innuendo: Cyborg asks Raven if Aqualad’s shown her “his pirate booty yet”, which causes her to blush.
  • "Kiss the Cook" Apron: Cyborg is wearing one at the beginning of the episode during their shrimp feast.
  • Lady Looks Like a Dude: Aqualad mistakes Raven for a boy at first when he sees her with her hood on.
    Aqualad: You mean the little dude with the hoodie?
  • Literal-Minded: Starfire thinks a pirate is a pie with a rat inside it.
  • Pirate: Cyborg and Starfire think Aqualad is a pirate just because he comes from the ocean.
  • Pirate Parrot: Still convinced Aqualad is a pirate, Cyborg gives him a parrot to put on his shoulder.
  • Poking Dead Things with a Stick: After Beast Boy attacks him, Aqualad passes out in a broken heap on the floor and Robin pokes him with his staff.
  • Ship Tease: Beast Boy becomes very jealous of Raven and Aqualad’s relationship and is even willing to literally kill him for it. Although he doesn’t end up getting to go on a date with her, at the end of the episode Raven kisses Beast Boy on the forehead after he passes out from trying too hard to be “intense”.
  • Stock Scream: The Howie Long Scream is heard while Starfire is thinking about the "pie-rat".
  • Talk Like a Pirate: Cyborg thinks they have to talk like this in order for Aqualad to be able to understand them.
    Cyborg: Argh! [Raven] be three doors down on ye starboard side, matey.
  • This Looks Like a Job for Aquaman: The Titans use Aqualad’s power of summoning sea creatures to have him bring an army of shrimp to their barbecue so they can eat them.
  • Your Head Asplode: Beast Boy’s head explodes in anger when Aqualad calls him a goblin.
