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Recap / Star Wars: Visions "I Am Your Mother"

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It has been some time after the New Republic defeated the Empire. Now, Rebel pilot Wedge Antilles has founded a flight academy, one which a Twi'lek intends to join, to her clingy mother's dismay. When both are pulled into a race, the two must work together if they are to see it through.


  • Abusive Parents: Julan's mother is quick to insult her daughter the minute it looks like they might lose, also roughly shoving her out of the way to grab the controls.
  • Adaptation Personality Change: The normally mild Wedge Antilles seems much more eager to capitalize on his image than in any previous showings.
  • Aliens of London: As opposed to the usual French accents given to Twi'leks, the Kalfus mother and daughter have Oop North accents.
  • All There in the Manual: The mother's name, Kalina, is given in the Behind the Scenes featurette.
  • Amazingly Embarrassing Parents: Anni believes so, not wanting to join the Hanna City family race due to her mother being loud, clumsy, and poor compared to the Van Reeples. She is then mortified when her mother lands their spacetug ship (and home) on the race starting line, dropping their laundry everywhere.
  • Breather Episode: After three very dark and serious episodes, this one is a lighthearted story about a mother and daughter bonding.
  • The Bully: Julan Van Reeple is this to Anni, teasing her for being working-class and the ship she uses.
  • Chekhov's Skill: The prologue with little Anni and her mother shows them practicing the “Ryloth Roll” in their ship. Anni uses this in the race to flip the ship over the Van Reeples and catch them by surprise.
  • Cool Starship:
  • Crossover Cameo: The Cooker robot and a miniature rocket from the Wallace & Gromit short A Grand Day Out make an appearance in the background of some scenes.
  • Freeze-Frame Bonus: The behind-the-scenes extra reveals that one of the stalls briefly seen at the marketplace is selling items that Luke Skywalker had touched, including—among other things—what appears to be his severed hand.
  • Hold Your Hippogriffs:
    Kalina: Ah-ah-ah! Hold your equinoids!
  • Insistent Terminology: Wedge claims all the profits from his merchandise go to “the pilot-specific veteran support fund.”
  • Lighter and Softer: Compared to the rest of the Star Wars canon, and especially some of the other shorts in the series, this is a much lighter and safer story with an overall comedic feel.
  • Mythology Gag:
    • Anni's bedside posters feature Hera Syndulla and Star Waver.
    • While repairing Z-1, Kalina wears a welding mask that looks just like Din Djarin’s Mandalorian helmet.
    • Before the race, one of the racers taunts another, a family of Wookies. The baby of the family then proceeds to angrily tear off the arms of the doll it's playing with, reminding the other racer why they might want to "let the Wookie win".
    • Anni’s lunch includes inflatable polystarch portion bread, which Rey was seen making in The Force Awakens.
    • The Van Reeples’s hair resembles the shape of Darth Vader’s helmet.
    • Ryloth is named in the Kalfus family’s signature maneuver, the homeworld of their species the Twi'leks.
    • The Kalfus’s laundry rains as Kalina lands her ship on the racetrack, one of her bras landing on the starter’s face. Turns out, contrary to what George Lucas told Carrie Fisher, there really are bras in space.
    • The market stall "Touched by Luke Skywalker" features many of his old possessions, including his rifle, his binoculars, his lightsaber, and his severed hand. A Jawa tries to steal the lightsaber, but an orange hand snatches it first, alluding to how it came into the possession of Maz Kanata by the time of Episode VII.
  • Pardon My Klingon: Doubling with Curse Cut Short, after Julan insults Anni in front of her friends.
    Friend 1: Why'd you let her talk to you like that? She's a total—
    Friend 2: [Shyriiwook roar]
    Friend 1: Exactly.
  • Robot Dog: Z-1, the R2 unit, is much more dog-like than most astromech droids.
  • Second Place Is for Losers: Dorota Van Reeple seems to think so, saying second place is last place.
  • Shout-Out: Although Anni knows already who her mother is, the Luke, I Am Your Father trope is invoked in a Gender Flip variant, with the title, "I Am Your Mother", referring to the iconic Luke, I Am Your Father scene in The Empire Strikes Back, and the character name "Anni" of this short film to Anakin Skywalker/Darth Vader's childhood nickname of "Anni", which he is called by his mother and by Padme, his secret wife, in the Prequel films.
  • Snobs Versus Slobs: Ultimately the race comes down to the rich Van Reeples in their black, shiny starship versus Anni and her mother flying a rickety old cargo tug.
  • Title Drop: The short ends with one.
    Anni: I should've told you about the race. Even if you can be a bit embarrassing.
    Anni's Mother: Of course I'm embarrassing! I am your mother.
    [they hug, cue Iris Out]
  • Wave-Motion Gun: Hilariously, the Van Reeple's ship uses a miniature Death Star to fire at opponents.
  • What a Piece of Junk: Anni and her mother live in and end up racing with their spacetug ship; a rusty double-decker block of a ship that Julan Van Reeple calls a "porta-potty." It ends up winning anyway by being strong, and through good piloting.
