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Recap / Peeking Through The Fourth Wall Episode 20

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Lincoln has all ten of his sisters and they talk about how they've reached episode twenty. Some of the sisters complain about various fanfic elements, and Luan makes another umbrella building gag. They are going to be reading Fury of Lincoln Loud, which Lucy likes the sound of.

It begins with a narrator who's saying that nobody, under any circumstances, should compare this story to Regular Show. The story proper begins with Lincoln exiting his parents' bedroom to find all of his sisters angry with him. He asks if they solved their conflict, and they reply that he's the cause of their problems, which causes the real Loud kids to joke about Lincoln being Satan, then point out that while Lincoln has screwed up before, so have the girls.

We're shown a list of times Lincoln screwed up (referencing canon episodes), which Lucy fast-forwards through. Fanfic Lincoln becomes angry and goes to walk away, making Lynn angry too and so he yells at her. Fanfic Rita and Lynn Sr. chastise Lincoln for yelling at his sisters. The real Lori and Lisa point out that they're either singling him out on purpose or are deaf to girls' meanness, as the girls get off scott free. The parents tell Lincoln to not interact with his sisters lest he lash out at them.

Fanfic Luna, as is typical of fanfic portrayals of Luna, is the first one to realise they're being bad. Fanfic Lincoln just berates her for not catching on sooner. The parents decide to make Lincoln's insulting Luna count as a "strike", and if he insults his sisters twice more, he's in big trouble.

Fanfic Lincoln goes off to Clyde's to try to be less angry. The real Lincoln asks Lisa why she's not correcting the grammar, and she explains that she's responding to viewers who have critiqued her corrections as being too "nettlesome". It hasn't been easy though— in fact, she blows something up to let off steam.

Fanfic Clyde suggests Lincoln try going for a walk or counting to ten. He starts to feel happy again, only to get angry upon finding Vanzilla scratched up and his sisters claim he did it. He tries counting to ten but it doesn't work and he yells anyway. The parents come down and, also thinking he's scratched up the van, declare that he's struck out.

In the story, Bobby and Ronnie Anne come over to visit, with the latter suggesting Lincoln to try counting again, but this time more than ten. They go to the park while counting (and the sisters act all matchmaker-y like they do whenever Ronnie Anne is involved). Counting works, but unfortunately he gets angry yet again. This time, it's because Lynn and the twins are dressing as him and mocking him by behaving like him, so he goes upstairs to his room. Fanfic Lola claims Lincoln picks his nose, which strikes up a conversation between the real Loud kids about nose-picking.

The sisters are curious about why fanfic Lincoln is counting, while Ronnie Anne is mad at Lynn and the twins. Fanfic Lincoln considers running away but Ronnie Anne convinces him not to, so he tries cooling down in the bathroom but it doesn't work. Fanfic Rita then sees the TV broken and assumes Lincoln did it. Lincoln points out that his fanfic counterpart didn't necessarily break the TV, and Lisa points out some hot button topics that the fanfic parents could also blame him for, but is put in time out.

Fanfic Lincoln, now "seeing bloody red" as the narrator puts it, yells very loudly, and Ronnie Anne chews the sisters out. The sisters wonder why he's been suppressing his emotions and fanfic Lisa suggests that the parents told him to and considers allowing him to yell as much as he wants to remedy the situation. The real Lisa then comes down, her timeout being over.

We get a list of the sisters' wrongdoings, another umbrella building joke, then fanfic Lincoln rips some of his hair out and bursts out yelling, much to the annoyance of the real Lincoln and intimidation of the real sisters. Then, fanfic Lincoln apologises and we get a flood of tears and apologies. Lynn reveals that she was the one who scratched Vanzilla and broke the TV.

The real Lincoln comes back and fanfic Ronnie Anne is thanked for her support. Then, it's revealed how fanfic Lynn did the damage: she got dirt on Vanzilla and scratched it using the wrong side of the sponge, then fell on the TV several times. Fanfic Lincoln goes to therapy and Mr. Grouse takes Lynn's football, the end.

Lincoln apologises for being annoyed earlier, but the sisters tell him he has no need to apologise. Lincoln adds that when stories paint them wrong, they should never question themselves. The Loud kids then add that the story did a lot of things wrong, like the non-Lincoln characters' meanness and stupidity and the park plot hole, but at least it had a sweet ending, good jokes, and sweet moments with Ronnie Anne. The girls then act affectionately towards Lincoln.

This episode provides examples of

  • Adaptational Jerkass:
    • The fanfic sisters blame Lincoln for all their problems.
    • The fanfic parents tell Lincoln off but not his sisters even though what they did was worse.
  • Adaptation Relationship Overhaul: The Loud family is a lot more antagonistic towards one another than in canon, and Luna is said to be closer than the others to Lincoln whereas canon Lincoln loves all his sisters equally.
  • Arson, Murder, and Jaywalking: The Loud sisters joke about Lincoln causing the world's problems, including stockmarket crashes, Trump's presidency, Chick-fil-A's anti-LGBT views, and 7 Eleven's overpriced Slurpees.
  • Big "SHUT UP!":
    • Fanfic Ronnie Anne shouts, "QUIET!" to the sisters.
    • Luan's siblings shout, "ZIP IT!" at the umbrella building joke.
  • Blatant Lies: Fanfic Lincoln claims he's fine while still wearing his angry expression.
  • Blowing a Raspberry: Lily blows a raspberry at the screen at the idea that the parents don't allow the kids to yell.
  • Continuity Nod:
    • Lori and Leni remember the time they fought over a dress in "Brawl in the Family".
    • Lincoln tells Leni and Lola not to call him cute again. They called him cute back in Episode 8.
    • Lola remembers Episode 7, where they read another fanfic about a scary Lincoln.
  • Copycat Mockery:
    • Lori mimics fanfic Rita to tease her for apparently thinking boys are inferior to girls.
    • Fanfic Lynn and the twins mock Lincoln by dressing as him and behaving as him.
    • The sisters mockingly parrot Lincoln's assertion that Ronnie Anne is not his girlfriend.
  • Death Glare:
    • Lisa gives Lincoln a death glare for not allowing her to point out that all days end in -y.
    • Fanfic Lincoln glares at Luna for not realising she's being a bad sister earlier.
    • Fanfic Ronnie Anne glares at Luan for saying she hopes Lincoln doesn't clog the toilet.
    • Lola glares at Lincoln for pointing out her brattiness.
  • Does Not Like Men: Discussed when the Louds wonder if the fanfic versions of the Loud ladies are acting so hostile towards Lincoln because they hate boys and men.
  • Double Standard: The fanfic parents punish Lincoln for yelling at his sisters, but not the sisters for saying he's always to blame for their problems.
  • Face Palm: Lincoln facepalms at his sisters being all matchmaker like with him and Ronnie Anne.
  • Grounded Forever: Discussed when the fanfic parents tell Lincoln that they'll ground him for life if he doesn't yell at his sisters.
  • Hates Being Called Cute: Downplayed for Lincoln, who gets annoyed when his sisters call him cute and tell them to wait until later.
  • Heartbreak and Ice Cream: Leni mentions that if Lori and Bobby broke up, they'd need chocolate ice cream to cheer Lori up.
  • Inexplicably Awesome: Lisa somehow manages to see the story from timeout.
  • Karma Houdini: The fanfic sisters don't get in trouble for claiming Lincoln causes all their problems, but Lincoln gets in trouble for yelling at them.
  • Lame Pun Reaction: Luan's siblings groan when she makes a bowling pun.
  • Mirthless Laughter: Lola giggles nervously when lying that she doesn't watch soap operas.
  • Narrating the Obvious: The narrator specifies that Rita is the mother and Lynn Sr. is the father.
  • Nose Nuggets: Fanfic Lola claims that Lincoln picks his nose more than Lana. The real Lincoln claims he's never picked his nose, but Luna says she's seen him do it. Lynn says she can pick her nose with her big toe, which impresses Lana and grosses out the rest.
  • Obviously Not Fine: In the story, Lincoln claims to be fine despite scowling.
  • Plot Hole: Lincoln and Ronnie Anne's fanfic selves somehow go to the park in only eighty-two seconds.
  • Pun:
    • Luan makes a bowling joke when the fanfic parents mention strikes.
    • Fanfic Luan refers to the scratches on Vanzilla as "van-dalism".
    • When the fanfic mentions an absence of solid proof, the real Luan jokes, "What about liquid proof?". Moments later, when he's "seeing bloody red", she jokingly asks for cheese to go with the whine.
  • Out of Character:
    • All the fanfic Louds are uncharacteristically mean to Lincoln.
    • Fanfic Lincoln himself can't tell his sisters' voices apart.
    • Fanfic Lynn doesn't know which side of the sponge to use, even though the real Lynn has the dishes as her chore.
  • "The Reason You Suck" Speech: Fanfic Lincoln goes on a massive tangent chewing out his sisters for not helping him.
  • Ron the Death Eater: Pointed out In-Universe when Lori points out that many fanfics portray her in a bad light.
  • Shout-Out:
    • The Louds have Humdrum Program, their version of Regular Show.
    • Leni says that some Tasmanian devils spin around, which is a reference to Looney Tunes, that features a spinning Tazmanian devil named Taz.
  • Silly Prayer: Lucy apparently prays to Satan.
  • Speak in Unison:
    • The fanfic sisters say, "Yeah" in unison, allowing Lincoln to yell at them, then again when they're saying that Ronnie Anne was indeed helpful.
    • The fanfic parents threaten to ground Lincoln for life if he doesn't yell at them.
  • Toilet Humour:
    • Lily thinks that Lincoln makes a funny face when he changes her diaper.
    • Luna points out that Lynn often clogs the toilet.
  • Twitchy Eye: Again, the emotional rather than insane variant; Lisa's eyes twitch in annoyance when she's trying to avoid correcting the grammar.
  • Volatile Tasmanian Devil: Leni point out that some of them have "the attitude of a Tasmanian devil", so their parents should expect fights.
