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Recap / Paradise PDS 03 E 10 Fetal Attraction

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Karen and Randall get their first look at their upcoming baby through an x-ray and the fetus immediately has it out for Randall. However, Randall is the only one who seems to notice. Meanwhile, Agent Clappers devises an evil plan to make Gerald Fitzgerald pee in Pee-Wee Herman's mouth.

  • Call-Back: This episode reveals that Dusty successfully ate Bullet's tail after getting high and thinking he was food.
  • Continuity Nod: Gina talks about how she enjoys LARPing with Kevin and his friends.
  • Evil Plan: Agent Clappers comes up with the most nonsensical evil plan the series has to offer: Clovis will call up Pee-Wee Herman's agent and convince the latter to come down to Paradise to shoot a commercial, where he'll sing the alphabet in a motel room. When he does, Gerald Fitzgerald will get called down to that same motel room, after someone makes a false distress call, directing him to that exact place. When Fitz comes into the room, a bunch of robot arms will grab him by the arms and legs, immobilizing him and another robot arm will unzip his pants. Then, one of the robot arms will put Fitz's hand in a bowl of warm water, causing him to pee, while Pee-Wee Herman still sings the alphabet. Just as Pee-Wee Herman hits the letter "O", Fitz's stream of pee will go right into his mouth and the entire world will watch as Fitz pees in the mouth of a beloved childhood icon, which will make Fitz a social pariah. Simple, right?
  • Fetus Terrible: The baby fetus turns out to be a brutal abuser, who beats the living shit out of Randall and nearly kills him by hanging him from his umbilical cord.
  • Groin Attack: Gina violently grabs Kevin by the testicles.
  • Misplaced Retribution: The fetus tries to kill Randall for destroying Spermtropolis (referring to when he got shot in the testicles) but as Randall explains to him, it was actually Kevin who shot him in the balls, so he's going after the wrong guy.
  • Paper-Thin Disguise: This goes to ridiculous extremes when Agent Clappers wears two of these disguises in the same place.
    Clappers: [wearing a fake mustache] Hi, I'm Officer Clippers of Bullshitsberg, North Dakota.
    Randall: Ha! Nice try. There's no such town as Bullshitsberg, North Dakota.
    [Agent Clappers leaves and immediately comes back with a different fake mustache]
    Clappers: Hi, I'm Officer Cloppers for Bullshitsberg, South Dakota.
    Randall: Welcome aboard!
  • Parental Marriage Veto: Kevin runs into this, when asking Gina's parents for their blessing to date their daughter.
  • Prisons Are Gymnasiums: Karen's womb serves as a substitute for a prison cell. The fetus does pushups in Karen's womb, awaiting the day he's finally gunna get out and get revenge on Kevin Crawford.
  • Put on a Bus: Nanook and Atenarjuat leave the show when Kevin accidentally has them deported back to Canada.
  • Same Race Means Related: Randall puts Officer Cloppers and Gerald Fitzgerald on the same team because they're both black. Although initially offended by Randall's assumption that "they might have a lot in common", Fitz and Cloppers quickly hit it off, when they find out they share common interests in 80's basketball, video games, and obscure music.
  • Stating the Simple Solution: After Kevin fails to get past obstacles outside the Jabowski household, Gina walks past him and says he could've just walk around them.
  • Tap on the Head: Mr. Jabowski uses the karate chop to the neck version to knock out Kevin, and later Gina.
  • Willing Suspension of Disbelief: Agent Clappers calls out Clovis, when he points out a bunch of plotholes in his evil plan to trick Fitz into peeing in Pee Wee Herman's mouth.
    Clovis: Uh, yeah. Quick question. How do you know Pee-Wee Herman's agent? How are we gunna convince him to come to a podunk town to do a commercial? How will we afford robot arms? How are we gunna broadcast a live commercial around the world?
    [Agent Clappers slaps Clovis across the face to shut him up]
    Clappers: We're in a cartoon, motherfucker!
